Coach P, Just a little back ground, I have been on hold for the past 2 months due to a injury to my calf. Since my calf started feeling better about a month ago so I started my training back up to what I thought might be on the EN schedule. (It was my impression that I had to wait 2 full months before I could come off hold). My 70.3 race at St. George is May 4 and my first question is should I quit thinking I can do well and just focus on finishing? I am still trying to load the 1/2 iron focus training schedule to find out how far off I am. I will probably have to wait until tomorrow to see if I can load it when I have access to a different computer. Would you like me to send you a copy of my last week's training workouts to see how far off I am?
Just tried entering my running TT info in to get zones. Using the worksheet on the EN website gives different result from using the vdot calculator on Even when I type in the same vdot score into the EN worksheet it gives me different paces. Please advise.
Not sure if this belongs in the micro or macro (posted in both). Spent some time this morning reviewing the last month of my training results.
I am currently in week 12 of the intermediate OS. My last consistent week of training was March 5th (week 7 of the OS). Since that time I have been triaging, moving work outs around, and skipping work outs due to travel and a 1/2 marathon which I ran on March 17th.
As I was reviewing the last 30 days of my OS training this morning it was clear that I have not been able to progressively build my fitness up each week as the OS plan prescribes due to too many missed, changed, or triaged work outs.
I am slated to begin the intermediate half IM plan in 3 weeks for Racine 70.3.
Need your input on the action I should take based on above:
Should I continue with week 12 of the OS and triage the work outs as needed if my fitness isn't up to snuff? I feel like I should be in week 9 of the OS due to the changes I have had to make.
Should I go back to week 9 and move my exit date of the OS back by 3 weeks?
Should I bag the OS at this pt. and begin the HIM plan to prepare for Racine? I think that puts me in week 5 or 6 of the intermediate HIM plan.
I have but one question for you this week - it's week 4 of the IM Plan, which you've adjusted for me to accommodate the back issue, etc. So, my question is, do I have to test week? I don't think I should, that's my gut feeling. What's yours?
Thank you! I will keep you posted and follow the workouts as you say. I will also aggressively ice and stretch and I bought one of those night splint things to wear.
Hi Coach P…. So frustration has set in today. After the Tucson camp, this was how my week unfolded: Sunday – ran 10 miles in AZ then traveled home Monday – taught spinning class but did little to no work (basically a day off) Tuesday – swam 2500m Wednesday – 8 mile run with 3x1 mile Z4 Thursday – 8 mile tempo run (Z3 pacing) - still no bike Friday – 90 min cycle (on a spin bike since mine was in transit still from AZ) and swam 2500m Saturday – 2 hour ride on my bike on trainer (did main set from plan and some extra ABP/Z3) Sunday – OFF (Easter/family stuff) Monday – swam 2500m ….which brings me to today. I decided to get my long run in mid-day since I had basically two easy days in a row and haven’t run since last Thursday. So I planned for a 12 miler….and it went awful. Started out strong, ran 4 miles fairly steady, then it started going downhill. I grabbed a gel after 4 miles, hoping it was a fueling thing, and then headed out for the last 8 miles. I was 4 miles from home and just watched my pace and form go downhill. I made it through the 12 miles but felt like I was running through mud. Slow, legs felt weak, and it just blew my confidence. Where to go from here? I was planning this for the rest of the week: Wednesday – 80 min ride (ditching the 20 min brick run as I don’t think that will help right now) and swim Thursday – 60 min FTP run Friday – 30min run and long ride (outside mid-day, yay!) Saturday – 30 min run and ABP ride Sunday – swim only (remember that I treat Fri/Sat as the back-to-back Sat/Sun rides as that works better for me) Thoughts? I feel like maybe today was a fluke, but it was SERIOUSLY a bad run...roughly 30sec per mile slower than I usually do a long run in. Can that just happen without a good reason?? Thanks for any feedback and sorry this got so long. Kori
The nasty stomach bug has hit my house. I've yet to get a workout in since my little guys need to come first. I'm supposed to be testing this week. Once everyone is well, and assuming I don't get it, where should I pick back up? What is most important? Thanks! EB
Thanks! Good point re: nutrition for the long bike. Did gels, and lots of water, but no Electrolyte in the waters on the long bike. Maybe that was was sort of a draining feeling. Not leg cramps or soreness at all.
Your training adjustments all made perfect sense for this week...I was way off in my guess. Anyway, I have two other tweaks now to this week:
1. Last Night and this morning (Tue), has a really bad cough/sore throat. So skipped bike ABP/short brick today. Also,
2. I gave you the wrong data for the 15 mile race! It is actually on Sunday, not Saturday.
Thanks again! (Hope to be back on a plan then, except that 21 mile Big Sur run on Sun, April 28th. I dropped it from marathon to 21, and will run however you wish. Assume easy. Lotsa scenery pic taking.
@Daniel bummer on the hold…you can end that anytime…now you know! As for what's left, you really only have 2 weeks of real training. I would train your best, for sure, but you should still plan on executing given your fitness (not some crazy goals). The only time _that_ decision happens is with 6 miles to go in a HIM. I am happy to talk with your further, but let's get the plan into your account and see where you are!
@Delton, the all caps aren't for you, they are for everyone who might see this. PLEASE WATCH THE EXPLANATION MOVIE ABOUT YOUR ZONES BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY USE THE NUMBERS IN THE SHEET. That sheet is where you enter zones FROM attackpoint…then save/print so you can have it.
@Robert, this is an annoying coach voice moment, but of course I suggest you ask me some questions about your workouts, say 5 weeks ago. that said, we can move forward. We still want to capture your fitness NOW before you go into the race prep plan…so if you aren't sure of your numbers we need to work in tests (you can load a test week in your plan viewer) or, if you know the numbers, then we can make the transition starting on Monday (set plan to end on your race). If you don't have momentum, we might as well switch…the only caveat being that the Race Prep stuff is usually more time consuming than the OS plan you were just struggling on….please let me know if you need more help adjusting / tweaking it given your situation!
@Nicole…..No Test For You!!! Glad to hear we are on track…
@Kori….KORI…KORI!!!! Let's go back in time to the Saturday where I talked about taking some down time and you were like…let me just squeeze in an easy 10 miler cuz when I get back life will be crazy. Which led me to believe you were going to take time off cuz LIFE WOULD BE CRAZY. Imagine my surprise to find you took ZERO DAYS OFF. Instead you taught a spin class (so easy!), then swam, then took an easy day with 3x1 mile at TP, followed by a TEMPO RUN. I should smack you with Juan In His Recovery Boots!!! You need to recover…your day off came 6 days too late to make a difference, the pushback from your body is it saying COACH P WAS SOOO RIGHT AND HANDSOME AND SMART AND RIGHT AND FUNNY!! So here we go: Wednesday OFF. OFF KORI OFF. Thursday is OFF AGAIN (don't hate me, you brought this on yourself!). You should be going insane. Friday and Saturday as planned. Sunday is a short skill run of 30-45' with strides. Then back at in next week. I am so pointing the Coach P Drone to hover over your house…
@Greg…we don't drink water in race workouts inside EN. We drink sports drink. Seriously. You need minimum 250 cals an hour, most likely more….that's like a gel every 20 mins!! Think on it…good resources for you in the wiki, maybe write up what you did so Team can help you. As for this week, good call on resting in. If you feel good, just bump it all back a day and drop the Sunday long ride (so ABP tomorrow with short run, etc). If you still feel crappy tomorrow, another day off, then do Interval run Thurs / ABP on Fri / Sat off / Sunday Race. Good luck!
I was secretly hoping that you'd say I needed to add more calories or try running backwards for a day or something other than TWO DAYS OFF IN A ROW but I'm well aware that you are...cough, choke, sputter....RIGHT 99.9% of the time. (The other .1% when you're not right usually involves directions back to the starting point of a long, hilly ride.)
I have a tendency to push through fatigue and not listen to my body because I like to just get workouts done when life allows. But....I hear you. Loud and clear.
Standing down....
(Right after me and my rifle go outside to pick off your drone. :-))
Hi Patrick. Next couple of weeks ( weeks 10 and 11 beginner HIM plan) I am on call Monday nights. That means I can't do a workout Monday evening to Tuesday evening, so Tuesday's swim would have to be at something like 830 pm or later on tuesday night due to the schedule at my pool. Its not the end of the world, but not ideal.
Would there be any problem with doing Wednesday's bike/brick workout on Tuesday , and doing Tuesday's swim on Wednesday morning? Rest of the week would be ok as written?
I just moved my schedule from Jan OS to Half IM. I moved right into week 11 of the HIM. Holy Moley!! (I think I can, I think I can.) Little nervous but I'll do my best.
Ok, so here are my questions...
I haven't been swimming much. I see that Saturday is the Big Training Day. Gulp. I can do the swim but do I need to do a swim test first? Where do I find it?
The bike is fine. Not worried about it. The run in z2 is going to be tough for me as I haven't done a brick like this since last August. I guess I'll just do my best.
It's mental toughness time!! Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
The GF Interm Plan has a High Priority Run on Wed so moving a run from Tue to Thu is still back to back run days. I count 4 run per week in the plan so I think I have to drop one of the runs. Was thinking the Fri low priority run was the best candidate to drop.
Hi Coach. Newbie here, pardon my last post with lack of info. I'm learning. I'm 8 wks out from my first 70.3. I've been hitting my numbers at every workout, and have not had to miss any up until this week. Today is my 4th day in a row of not being able to do any training due to sick kiddos. I'm supposed to be testing this week. Would I just pick up with the plan? Double up on days? Make sure to get my long run/bike in and reschedule testing for later? Thanks!
Coach Patrick, Thanks for getting back to me on this. Yes unfortunately now I know I could have come back sooner. Anyway, I have loaded up the INT HIM schedule today and by what I see it is a mixed bag of being over training areas and under training in others. For example the EN schedule for the swim has you swimming a 2700 Monday, 2700 Wednesday and a 2800 on Friday. Whereas, Last week I swam a 2800 on Tuesday (am) and a 2700 on Thursday (am) and only an 1800 Friday (am) (straight tempo swim at Z2-Z3). For the run the EN schedule had 20’ brick Tuesday, 45’ minute run Wednesday, 60’ run Thursday and a 30’ run Sunday. Whereas I ran a 9 mile (75’) Tuesday (pm), 30’ brick run (pm), 7 miles (60’) Thursday (pm) and a 12 mile (100’) Sunday w/strides. For the bike the EN schedule has 75’ ride Tuesday, 180’ ride Saturday and a 120’ ride Sunday. Whereas on Monday I rode a 75’ (am) and a 105’ (pm) set of rides, Wednesday I rode a 70’ (am) and a 90’ (pm) set of rides and on Saturday I rode 60 miles (~235’ total door to door ride time and the ride included around 5K feet of climbing) (I was not really looking to ride hills we just have allot of hills in just about any direction was can go)). As you can see many of my training times don’t compare to the ones on this week’s EN schedule. I have noticed my average run time slipping, like on my run Sunday I averaged around 8:30/miles and on a similar route yesterday I was only able to average 8:40/miles, needless to say I felt blasted and my legs felt like jello. Also, I see my bike times slipping backward, I know something is not quite right. Where do I need to go from here? How can I get back on track?
I was wondering, on the workouts, are we only supposed to do the run and bike warmups when the workout calls for it or are we supposed to do them all the time. The reason I'm asking is that my bike workout called for a 60 minute workout, however when I added the workout time up it added up to 57 minutes not including the 25 minute bike warmup. I also noticed that my target heart rate didn't reach zone 4 until about 25 minutes into the workout.
I've just uploaded the HIM Beginner plan and am joining in on week 9 to complete it by my event. My job will have me on the road for several upcoming weeks M-F all over the place which will make it near impossible for me to complete the Wed bike workouts. My questions:
1. With there being long rides on both Sat and Sun, should I tailor/modify the rides to accomodate the work I'll be missing on the Wed bike?
2. If I'm able to sneak the Wed workout in early Mon before I depart and slide Mondays somewhere else, should I do that?
@Kori, you are soooo right about my directions. Now I know why you were willing to turn yourself inside out to ride my wheel home… But you had nothing to worry drone would have helped you out…. Keep me posted on the recovery!
@Satish, you can do the bike interval on Tuesday, but I would drop the run. Good luck!
@Anna, this is TIME, not effort (first week and big day as well!)…you can even do the swim friday afternoon if possible. There's a video in the Wiki / Self Coaching / Big Day page I just made about what to focus on….
@George…huh. I loaded the GF int plan and there was no run there (at least the week I was working off of). Hold on…MY BAD! I would swap the Thursday bike with the Wednesday run….and then drop the friday run as listed (Swim only that day) that should do it!!!
@Emily, arg…sick kids are the worst!! So sorry to hear it. I hope they get well soon. I say just get in the long run and weekend as best you can…we can work in another test later if need be!
@Daniel, I think you are "close" enough to the fitness you need to jump into the plan; you need the plan if only for it's structure and built in recovery. So I would make the switch to the right plan ASAP and then do the workouts for time (not intensity) for the first few days….then we can make the full commitment to the plan after 4-7 days of integration!
@Ted, if you can't do the warm up + main set b/c of your time limits, then you gotta modify the warm up…but I would plan to do it at the start of every session if possible. Don't worry about HR…look at it but more closely monitor speed / distance / PE over the first few minutes (until the HR catches up!).
@Mike, I hear you on the road warrior deal. Putting the bikes on Mondays would make for a sat/sun/monday bike hell. So I suggest doing the Sat/Sun workouts as listed (unless you need to modify for more family / home time, we can do that too). During the week is run and swim as you can. If you can't swim, then it's swim cords on the road and a better run focus. I would plan on Tues interval run, Wed easy run with strides (45' total), then Thursday long run. Mon/Fri are travel / swim optional days. Let me know what you think!
I have my run test coming up this Sat. I'll be wrapping up the 8 week Get Faster Advanced plan, and then jump into HIM plan next week. My plan is calling out the 5k time trial, can I or should I do a half marathon run instead? I'm much more interested in how my training has improved my ability to do 13.1 vs. 3.1.
Hi Coach, I need you help with my schedule. I am in the OS week 13. Next week 14 calls for a half marathon . I am scheduled to run the half of Saturday. (I will be running this at my zone 1-2 pace-because of other obligations) I would like to run my half marathon this (April 7) Sunday at the end of week 13 because I would like to run it for time. I want to pr and after training for 13 weeks I know it can be done.. Do you see a problem with making this change by running at the end of week 13 to achieve my pr in the half marathon? Thank you!
I have to park the run for a 3-4 weeks (not good as worlds long course is 8 weeks out) so wish to add an extra bike.
After scanning the forums and wiki, I have ascertained the recommended approach is to do the wed wko Tue and Thur.
Patrick please confirm.
I also will try eliptical to see what the discomfort level might be and try to get something of the run wko's done.
My injury is adductor related. The bike feels OK as long as I remain in aero (good thing). I cannot run in the water (bad thing) and can't kick during swim (good thing).
Just a quick update, my PT says I have Achilles Tendinitis. I am going to ice, take Aleve and try a short run (no more than 3) next Wednesday, which will make it a full 10 days since my last disastrous run.
Coach P, OK I will jump right on in and do a 60’ run today and continue on from there. Just a quick question, it is supposed to rain here all weekend and I would like at least have one dry ride over the weekend so can I just do the 120’ ride on the trainer if the weather really turns that bad around here?
Just moved to HIM Int from the JOS. Currently in week 11 of HIM Int. Also just coming off a week of walking pneumonia so missed 2 workout days last week (Wed and Thurs of week 12 JOS). Feel much better but havent been able to hit ANY of my run intervals faster than about zone 1.5 for the past 3 weeks. This morning did the 105 minute long run and was only able to average a 8:09 pace over 13 miles. My current Vdot is 50 so this is a bit concerning. Getting ready for a HIM "run test" last weekend in April. I am getting in all the frequency and durations but not hitting the intensity at all. I did not take any time off between JOS and HIM and my bikes have been strong (been doing longer bikes for the past 3 weekends with a roady group). Should I continue with the frequency and duration and let the intensity do what it does, or should I stand down rest for a few days. The high intensity runs are the only thing I see faltering.
Alrighty, 1 and 1/2 days of standing down over and prepping for tomorrow since I'm going bat-shit crazy.... Plan calls for a 3 hour ride. I think I'm braving the 43 degree weather and doing it outdoors. Question is: for the intervals that are listed, is the total Z4 time more important than the specified interval time or should I stick to the intervals? Meaning if I have like 15 "admin" miles to get to smoother sailing, is it OK to extend the warm-up, then hit the total time of Z4 in the main set (even if broken up differently)? I've never done an EN-specified workout with power outdoors since this is my first season with power and the only outdoor riding I did with it so far involved 2-3 hours of Z4 work trying to keep up with Trevor and you with occasional flat-tire-specified rest periods. Just need some general guidance so I'm not holy-confused when I go at it tomorrow. Hope this made sense....
Coach P - That sounds like a plan and very doable, thanks! I also greatly appreciate you guys kicking out the "transitioning to the road" info as it addressed several of my concerns of moving from riding in my cave for 1-1.5 hours to jumping to 3+ hour rides back outside. This may be macro thread creep, but in modifying these longer HIM weekend rides as required (I will absolutely try to stick with the plan as it may be the only riding I get in for several weeks, but I also know that angry wife=miserable life) how do you recommend going about that? Is that something that should be addressed week to week, or are there Main Sets/Absolutes I can't compromise on? Also...worst painful as it may be...can they be done inside?
And I was looking ahead to plan next week (again, going crazy here!), and you should take a look at HIM Advanced Week 17. Looks like the two different tests (power vs heart rate) are on two different days, leaving Wednesday "open" for power athletes? Unless I read that wrong.
Also, since I'm planning to retest once I get outdoors (not tomorrow though for a testing day), should I bother re-testing INdoors next week as the plan calls for?
@Jonas, you can do that, just know that you need to start backing off on Wednesday…so you can dial it back. So Thursday run with 4 x 3' at 10k pace (3'), Friday Off/Swim, Saturday short easy run with 6 x 30 seconds at 5k pace..then run 13.1 on Sunday!! You'll need 1-2 days to "bounce back" to take it easy when you load up the HIM plan!
@Yvette, no, perfect!! See the information above for Jonas…
@Tim, that's right. Adductor sucks…you should look into some ART stuff for that to see if they can help; it's a surprisingly tough SOB. Please keep me posted on your recovery.
@Steve, I say let the intensity come around. If you want it sooner, back off on those hard group rides. Seriously though, don't force it right now…you have time (for Tahoe as your A race).
@Kori, yes that's totally fine to make it work given your schedule / set up. Be safe out there (easy to be looking at dial but not the road)…and eat well!
@Mike, until 6 weeks out from HIM or 8 weeks out from IM the weekend rides are trainer-able. You can cut to main set only; for example if Sat is 3.5 hours with 2 x 15' @ Z4 and 2 x 30' @ Z3, then you can warm up 15', do those and be done in 2 hours. For Sunday do what you can on the ABP!
@Kori Part Deux, on it! Yes to no indoor testing…but do some serious intervals!!!
P, following yesterday's RR "alert" here is what my schedule looks for next week (for your review and advice!!!): Yesterday = RR ( as reported yesterday ) Today = REST (TGIF!!!!) Saturday = Swim RR OWS / Run 60' 2x1.5 mile Z4 Sunday = Swim 60' Then begin week 15 HIM ADV (remembering I have moved long rides to weekdays) Monday = Bike 60' (5x4') / Run 30' Tuesday = Run 120 Wednesday = Swim 60' / Run 45' Thursday = Run 30' / Bike 180' Friday = REST Saturday = Run test Sunday = Swim 60' Any thoughts? Tks.
Just a little back ground, I have been on hold for the past 2 months due to a injury to my calf. Since my calf started feeling better about a month ago so I started my training back up to what I thought might be on the EN schedule. (It was my impression that I had to wait 2 full months before I could come off hold). My 70.3 race at St. George is May 4 and my first question is should I quit thinking I can do well and just focus on finishing? I am still trying to load the 1/2 iron focus training schedule to find out how far off I am. I will probably have to wait until tomorrow to see if I can load it when I have access to a different computer. Would you like me to send you a copy of my last week's training workouts to see how far off I am?
Dan nelson
Just tried entering my running TT info in to get zones. Using the worksheet on the EN website gives different result from using the vdot calculator on Even when I type in the same vdot score into the EN worksheet it gives me different paces. Please advise.
Not sure if this belongs in the micro or macro (posted in both). Spent some time this morning reviewing the last month of my training results.
I am currently in week 12 of the intermediate OS. My last consistent week of training was March 5th (week 7 of the OS). Since that time I have been triaging, moving work outs around, and skipping work outs due to travel and a 1/2 marathon which I ran on March 17th.
As I was reviewing the last 30 days of my OS training this morning it was clear that I have not been able to progressively build my fitness up each week as the OS plan prescribes due to too many missed, changed, or triaged work outs.
I am slated to begin the intermediate half IM plan in 3 weeks for Racine 70.3.
Need your input on the action I should take based on above:
Hi Coach P,
I have but one question for you this week - it's week 4 of the IM Plan, which you've adjusted for me to accommodate the back issue, etc. So, my question is, do I have to test week? I don't think I should, that's my gut feeling. What's yours?
Thank you! I will keep you posted and follow the workouts as you say. I will also aggressively ice and stretch and I bought one of those night splint things to wear.
So frustration has set in today. After the Tucson camp, this was how my week unfolded:
Sunday – ran 10 miles in AZ then traveled home
Monday – taught spinning class but did little to no work (basically a day off)
Tuesday – swam 2500m
Wednesday – 8 mile run with 3x1 mile Z4
Thursday – 8 mile tempo run (Z3 pacing) - still no bike
Friday – 90 min cycle (on a spin bike since mine was in transit still from AZ) and swam 2500m
Saturday – 2 hour ride on my bike on trainer (did main set from plan and some extra ABP/Z3)
Sunday – OFF (Easter/family stuff)
Monday – swam 2500m
….which brings me to today. I decided to get my long run in mid-day since I had basically two easy days in a row and haven’t run since last Thursday. So I planned for a 12 miler….and it went awful. Started out strong, ran 4 miles fairly steady, then it started going downhill. I grabbed a gel after 4 miles, hoping it was a fueling thing, and then headed out for the last 8 miles. I was 4 miles from home and just watched my pace and form go downhill. I made it through the 12 miles but felt like I was running through mud. Slow, legs felt weak, and it just blew my confidence.
Where to go from here? I was planning this for the rest of the week:
Wednesday – 80 min ride (ditching the 20 min brick run as I don’t think that will help right now) and swim
Thursday – 60 min FTP run
Friday – 30min run and long ride (outside mid-day, yay!)
Saturday – 30 min run and ABP ride
Sunday – swim only
(remember that I treat Fri/Sat as the back-to-back Sat/Sun rides as that works better for me)
Thoughts? I feel like maybe today was a fluke, but it was SERIOUSLY a bad run...roughly 30sec per mile slower than I usually do a long run in. Can that just happen without a good reason??
Thanks for any feedback and sorry this got so long.
Coach P,
Thanks! Good point re: nutrition for the long bike. Did gels, and lots of water, but no Electrolyte in the waters on the long bike. Maybe that was was sort of a draining feeling. Not leg cramps or soreness at all.
Your training adjustments all made perfect sense for this week...I was way off in my guess.
Anyway, I have two other tweaks now to this week:
1. Last Night and this morning (Tue), has a really bad cough/sore throat. So skipped bike ABP/short brick today. Also,
2. I gave you the wrong data for the 15 mile race! It is actually on Sunday, not Saturday.
Thanks again! (Hope to be back on a plan then, except that 21 mile Big Sur run on Sun, April 28th. I dropped it from marathon to 21, and will run however you wish. Assume easy. Lotsa scenery pic taking.
@Delton, the all caps aren't for you, they are for everyone who might see this. PLEASE WATCH THE EXPLANATION MOVIE ABOUT YOUR ZONES BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY USE THE NUMBERS IN THE SHEET.
@Robert, this is an annoying coach voice moment, but of course I suggest you ask me some questions about your workouts, say 5 weeks ago.
@Nicole…..No Test For You!!!
@Joanna, good for you!!!
@Kori….KORI…KORI!!!! Let's go back in time to the Saturday where I talked about taking some down time and you were like…let me just squeeze in an easy 10 miler cuz when I get back life will be crazy. Which led me to believe you were going to take time off cuz LIFE WOULD BE CRAZY. Imagine my surprise to find you took ZERO DAYS OFF. Instead you taught a spin class (so easy!), then swam, then took an easy day with 3x1 mile at TP, followed by a TEMPO RUN. I should smack you with Juan In His Recovery Boots!!! You need to recover…your day off came 6 days too late to make a difference, the pushback from your body is it saying COACH P WAS SOOO RIGHT AND HANDSOME AND SMART AND RIGHT AND FUNNY!!
@Greg…we don't drink water in race workouts inside EN. We drink sports drink. Seriously. You need minimum 250 cals an hour, most likely more….that's like a gel every 20 mins!! Think on it…good resources for you in the wiki, maybe write up what you did so Team can help you. As for this week, good call on resting in. If you feel good, just bump it all back a day and drop the Sunday long ride (so ABP tomorrow with short run, etc). If you still feel crappy tomorrow, another day off, then do Interval run Thurs / ABP on Fri / Sat off / Sunday Race. Good luck!
I have a tendency to push through fatigue and not listen to my body because I like to just get workouts done when life allows. But....I hear you. Loud and clear.
Standing down....
(Right after me and my rifle go outside to pick off your drone. :-))
Would there be any problem with doing Wednesday's bike/brick workout on Tuesday , and doing Tuesday's swim on Wednesday morning? Rest of the week would be ok as written?
Hi Patrick,
I just moved my schedule from Jan OS to Half IM. I moved right into week 11 of the HIM. Holy Moley!! (I think I can, I think I can.) Little nervous but I'll do my best.
Ok, so here are my questions...
I haven't been swimming much. I see that Saturday is the Big Training Day. Gulp. I can do the swim but do I need to do a swim test first? Where do I find it?
The bike is fine. Not worried about it. The run in z2 is going to be tough for me as I haven't done a brick like this since last August. I guess I'll just do my best.
It's mental toughness time!!
Any thoughts are appreciated. Thanks!
The GF Interm Plan has a High Priority Run on Wed so moving a run from Tue to Thu is still back to back run days. I count 4 run per week in the plan so I think I have to drop one of the runs. Was thinking the Fri low priority run was the best candidate to drop.
Thanks for getting back to me on this. Yes unfortunately now I know I could have come back sooner. Anyway, I have loaded up the INT HIM schedule today and by what I see it is a mixed bag of being over training areas and under training in others. For example the EN schedule for the swim has you swimming a 2700 Monday, 2700 Wednesday and a 2800 on Friday. Whereas, Last week I swam a 2800 on Tuesday (am) and a 2700 on Thursday (am) and only an 1800 Friday (am) (straight tempo swim at Z2-Z3). For the run the EN schedule had 20’ brick Tuesday, 45’ minute run Wednesday, 60’ run Thursday and a 30’ run Sunday. Whereas I ran a 9 mile (75’) Tuesday (pm), 30’ brick run (pm), 7 miles (60’) Thursday (pm) and a 12 mile (100’) Sunday w/strides. For the bike the EN schedule has 75’ ride Tuesday, 180’ ride Saturday and a 120’ ride Sunday. Whereas on Monday I rode a 75’ (am) and a 105’ (pm) set of rides, Wednesday I rode a 70’ (am) and a 90’ (pm) set of rides and on Saturday I rode 60 miles (~235’ total door to door ride time and the ride included around 5K feet of climbing) (I was not really looking to ride hills we just have allot of hills in just about any direction was can go)). As you can see many of my training times don’t compare to the ones on this week’s EN schedule. I have noticed my average run time slipping, like on my run Sunday I averaged around 8:30/miles and on a similar route yesterday I was only able to average 8:40/miles, needless to say I felt blasted and my legs felt like jello. Also, I see my bike times slipping backward, I know something is not quite right. Where do I need to go from here? How can I get back on track?
I was wondering, on the workouts, are we only supposed to do the run and bike warmups when the workout calls for it or are we supposed to do them all the time. The reason I'm asking is that my bike workout called for a 60 minute workout, however when I added the workout time up it added up to 57 minutes not including the 25 minute bike warmup. I also noticed that my target heart rate didn't reach zone 4 until about 25 minutes into the workout.
Hi Coaches,
I've just uploaded the HIM Beginner plan and am joining in on week 9 to complete it by my event. My job will have me on the road for several upcoming weeks M-F all over the place which will make it near impossible for me to complete the Wed bike workouts. My questions:
1. With there being long rides on both Sat and Sun, should I tailor/modify the rides to accomodate the work I'll be missing on the Wed bike?
2. If I'm able to sneak the Wed workout in early Mon before I depart and slide Mondays somewhere else, should I do that?
Thanks, Mike
@Nic, you got it!
@Satish, you can do the bike interval on Tuesday, but I would drop the run. Good luck!
@Anna, this is TIME, not effort (first week and big day as well!)…you can even do the swim friday afternoon if possible. There's a video in the Wiki / Self Coaching / Big Day page I just made about what to focus on….
@George…huh. I loaded the GF int plan and there was no run there (at least the week I was working off of). Hold on…MY BAD! I would swap the Thursday bike with the Wednesday run….and then drop the friday run as listed (Swim only that day) that should do it!!!
@Emily, arg…sick kids are the worst!! So sorry to hear it. I hope they get well soon. I say just get in the long run and weekend as best you can…we can work in another test later if need be!
@Daniel, I think you are "close" enough to the fitness you need to jump into the plan; you need the plan if only for it's structure and built in recovery. So I would make the switch to the right plan ASAP and then do the workouts for time (not intensity) for the first few days….then we can make the full commitment to the plan after 4-7 days of integration!
@Ted, if you can't do the warm up + main set b/c of your time limits, then you gotta modify the warm up…but I would plan to do it at the start of every session if possible. Don't worry about HR…look at it but more closely monitor speed / distance / PE over the first few minutes (until the HR catches up!).
@Mike, I hear you on the road warrior deal. Putting the bikes on Mondays would make for a sat/sun/monday bike hell. So I suggest doing the Sat/Sun workouts as listed (unless you need to modify for more family / home time, we can do that too). During the week is run and swim as you can. If you can't swim, then it's swim cords on the road and a better run focus. I would plan on Tues interval run, Wed easy run with strides (45' total), then Thursday long run. Mon/Fri are travel / swim optional days. Let me know what you think!
I have my run test coming up this Sat. I'll be wrapping up the 8 week Get Faster Advanced plan, and then jump into HIM plan next week. My plan is calling out the 5k time trial, can I or should I do a half marathon run instead? I'm much more interested in how my training has improved my ability to do 13.1 vs. 3.1.
Thank you,
Jonas McCluskey
I need you help with my schedule.
I am in the OS week 13. Next week 14 calls for a half marathon . I am scheduled to run the half of Saturday. (I will be running this at my zone 1-2 pace-because of other obligations)
I would like to run my half marathon this (April 7) Sunday at the end of week 13 because I would like to run it for time. I want to pr and after training for 13 weeks I know it can be done.. Do you see a problem with making this change by running at the end of week 13 to achieve my pr in the half marathon?
Thank you!
Micro-Macro, not sure.
I have to park the run for a 3-4 weeks (not good as worlds long course is 8 weeks out) so wish to add an extra bike.
After scanning the forums and wiki, I have ascertained the recommended approach is to do the wed wko Tue and Thur.
Patrick please confirm.
I also will try eliptical to see what the discomfort level might be and try to get something of the run wko's done.
My injury is adductor related. The bike feels OK as long as I remain in aero (good thing). I cannot run in the water (bad thing) and can't kick during swim (good thing).
Just a quick update, my PT says I have Achilles Tendinitis. I am going to ice, take Aleve and try a short run (no more than 3) next Wednesday, which will make it a full 10 days since my last disastrous run.
OK I will jump right on in and do a 60’ run today and continue on from there. Just a quick question, it is supposed to rain here all weekend and I would like at least have one dry ride over the weekend so can I just do the 120’ ride on the trainer if the weather really turns that bad around here?
Plan calls for a 3 hour ride. I think I'm braving the 43 degree weather and doing it outdoors. Question is: for the intervals that are listed, is the total Z4 time more important than the specified interval time or should I stick to the intervals? Meaning if I have like 15 "admin" miles to get to smoother sailing, is it OK to extend the warm-up, then hit the total time of Z4 in the main set (even if broken up differently)? I've never done an EN-specified workout with power outdoors since this is my first season with power and the only outdoor riding I did with it so far involved 2-3 hours of Z4 work trying to keep up with Trevor and you with occasional flat-tire-specified rest periods. Just need some general guidance so I'm not holy-confused when I go at it tomorrow. Hope this made sense....
Coach P - That sounds like a plan and very doable, thanks! I also greatly appreciate you guys kicking out the "transitioning to the road" info as it addressed several of my concerns of moving from riding in my cave for 1-1.5 hours to jumping to 3+ hour rides back outside. This may be macro thread creep, but in modifying these longer HIM weekend rides as required (I will absolutely try to stick with the plan as it may be the only riding I get in for several weeks, but I also know that angry wife=miserable life) how do you recommend going about that? Is that something that should be addressed week to week, or are there Main Sets/Absolutes I can't compromise on? Also...worst painful as it may be...can they be done inside?
Thanks! Mike
Also, since I'm planning to retest once I get outdoors (not tomorrow though for a testing day), should I bother re-testing INdoors next week as the plan calls for?
@Yvette, no, perfect!! See the information above for Jonas…
@Tim, that's right. Adductor sucks…you should look into some ART stuff for that to see if they can help; it's a surprisingly tough SOB. Please keep me posted on your recovery.
@Joanna, okay. Was the onset training? Shoes? What? Please also go check out this stuff for your achilles: Let's nail this recovery!
@Daniel, yes that's fine!
@Steve, I say let the intensity come around. If you want it sooner, back off on those hard group rides.
@Kori, yes that's totally fine to make it work given your schedule / set up. Be safe out there (easy to be looking at dial but not the road)…and eat well!
@Mike, until 6 weeks out from HIM or 8 weeks out from IM the weekend rides are trainer-able. You can cut to main set only; for example if Sat is 3.5 hours with 2 x 15' @ Z4 and 2 x 30' @ Z3, then you can warm up 15', do those and be done in 2 hours. For Sunday do what you can on the ABP!
@Kori Part Deux, on it! Yes to no indoor testing…but do some serious intervals!!!
Yesterday = RR ( as reported yesterday )
Today = REST (TGIF!!!!)
Saturday = Swim RR OWS / Run 60' 2x1.5 mile Z4
Sunday = Swim 60'
Then begin week 15 HIM ADV (remembering I have moved long rides to weekdays)
Monday = Bike 60' (5x4') / Run 30'
Tuesday = Run 120
Wednesday = Swim 60' / Run 45'
Thursday = Run 30' / Bike 180'
Friday = REST
Saturday = Run test
Sunday = Swim 60'
Any thoughts? Tks.