Leigh is now the only person I will invite to my pain cave, as hers looks a lot like mine! I wouldn't be embrarrased! I'd love to spruce it up, but we never put in the time or energy. Someday...
Hey Nemo- Where are we in the poster delivery mix??
Page 4 of this thread has my post with the official list that I've been keeping updated as we get new cowgirls. I believe Marianne & Sheryl either currently have (or soon will have) custody of the posters. (Sorry- I don't want to repost the list here because I don't want to get confused with multiple lists posted around in different places).
Our cave is a mess. Between Dave's computer tower o'wires and minimal space, when we do rally to clean it up and organize...it's back to that in a week or two. Then again...that shouldn't be surprising. My live xmas tree is still up.
The bright green bike is one of Dave's fixies (he has 2 or 3 with different gearing that he's collected off of ebay over the years- I'm pretty sure he's stalking the Russ Denny builder guy come to think of it). The green one is his fave (aka "the booger"). I dread when that thing comes out every spring because that means I'll be killing myself trying to keep him in sight on our rides. I have no idea how he gets up or down some of the hills around here on it. I think it's a 12 or 13 on the back and 50 something on the front. Downhills = cadence north of 130 to keep from getting tossed over the bars.
@Kris- Since we are getting a Computrainer to replace 1 of our 2 broken trainers, I am getting the IMWI course just to try and trick myself into being familiar with it.
As far as the freak out starting. I had an IM nightmare. I have never done IMFL, but apparently that was where this dream took place. We were being bussed to the beach from the transition area. I did not have my swim stuff on me as I thought I was just going to look and go back to transition to get ready. The waves were big and people were body surfing. The bus became a duck mobile and went right into the water to drop us off at a dock. The driver was driving right over top of the swimmers. When I said I was going back he told me "Nope, end of the line" and he got out. Then I was really freaking out as I realized that I had left my race number belt at home, so my run stuff wasn't ready. I couldn't recall bringing my bike and helmet to transition. I didn't have a cell to call Max and have him get my stuff even partially ready.
Thank goodness he woke me up right then (he was leaving for work). Usually I am incoherent, but I immediately started blathering about my nightmare and he walked away laughing. Maybe I was still incoherent and making no sense, but I know what I was trying to say.
Oh NO! It's too early for race nightmares!!! I love the duck-boat Michele- that's a classic!! Last night I dreamt I was 9 mo pregnant and in labor with a crazy midwife who just wanted to rub oil on my belly and wouldn't let me push. I blame it on a combo of all the baby discussions we've been having over in the "What it Takes" thread along with the fact that Lilly insisted on sleeping on my stomache all night long.
HA! Duck boat. I think that is because of all the flooding in town and people are still being driven around on the duck boats. Some roads are still flooded and that is the only way they can get home.
In my dream I was more concerned about the fact that transition was so far way from the swim that we actually had to be driven over! What was the run to T1 gonna be like?????
Oh I have had the occasional race nightmare already a few times. I think it's more about being excited to get things going than anything else...yeah..that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
FYI I'm not in forum as much as I'd like so if you are on FB please friend me. I'm in that way more than I should be. LOL
K, poster off to Sheryl W! Sheryl, you should get it today
No nightmares about the course yet. I have ridden the course once upon a time and I keep replaying that experience in my mind over and over.....those hills kind of scare me or at least they did...I keep thinking maybe they weren't that big and it is all my imagination I also keep imagining the mass swim start, what will it be like and will I get kicked alot!! That kind of freaks me out. What is everyone's stragetgy for the mass start? I would also love to finish the run before dark. Sheryl and I have volunteered the last two years at various spots, but I think for me the hardest to watch was people turning the corner for the second lap in the dark. I'm thinking mentally that would be so tough!
K, poster off to Sheryl W! Sheryl, you should get it today
No nightmares about the course yet. I have ridden the course once upon a time and I keep replaying that experience in my mind over and over.....those hills kind of scare me or at least they did...I keep thinking maybe they weren't that big and it is all my imagination I also keep imagining the mass swim start, what will it be like and will I get kicked alot!! That kind of freaks me out. What is everyone's stragetgy for the mass start? I would also love to finish the run before dark. Sheryl and I have volunteered the last two years at various spots, but I think for me the hardest to watch was people turning the corner for the second lap in the dark. I'm thinking mentally that would be so tough!
Kathy--re the mass start--I am IN THE MIX! Some people like to swim alone, but I am always looking for feet to latch onto. I'd rather get jostled and beat up a bit, but have those feet to draft off of. I found myself in open water at one point at IMFL, and got myself right back in the pack!
Re finishing in the day, or thinking the second loop in the dark is hard...Rich will kick you in the non-existent nuts for hanging onto arbitrary issues like that. Seriously, as you go through this training, get up to speed on EN execution, listen to the 4 Keys, those things fall away. They have to. In EN, if you really get the way we race, you let go of wanting to finish the bike in X time, or run in Y time. You execute period. You race your race. You race smart and on the ball. You deal with what you can control NOW, in this instant, and nothing more--OODA all day long. The rest takes care of itself, as you bring yourself to the best possible result on that day, given the conditions and your body. The remainder of those peripheral issues just fall away.
Having done 2 mass starts, well, it IS an adventure. IMFL, I just laughed. There was no real "swimming" until the first turn, just a great deal of jockeying for position. I never got kicked. IMAZ, was a different story. I got pummeled there, but I think it was because the swim venue is narrow and everyone gets funneled together.
Nemo can probably weigh in on IMWI. I imagine if we seed ourselves correctly, it will be ok. Lake Monona is pretty big from what I remember.
No question the bike course is tough, but we will know every turn and hill after MOO Camp!!
Oh the Mass Start! What joy! I'm currently listening to Pirates of Penzance " and "When the foreman bears his steel" just happens to be playing in the background as I type this. I'm laughing my ass off thinking of all of on the shore of Lake Manona getting ready for the start while the Chorus sings "Tarantara Tarantara...Go ye heros, go to Glory, though ye die in combat gory, ye shall live in song and story.......Tarantara Tarantara....Off we go.... And yet you stay.....Off we go Yes Yes we go!"
Sorry- I'm in a majory G&S mood lately!!!
Anyway- the IMoo swim is just not that bad. I stayed in the scrum and like Gina, just laughed at all the silly "form" work I had done in preparation- this isn't swimming! The pull of the school of triathlete fish just pulls you along without much effort- it's better to relax and put up with a few bumps to take advantage of that pull. Before you know it your out of the water wondering if you even took a stroke!
"A Paradox, A paradox, ha ha ha ha a Paradox!" OK, I'll stop now.
too funny about the nightmares/race anxiety kicking in already!
while I can't remember the last actual dream I had (good or bad; just never remember any of them, or I don't dream, dunno, anyhow...) I do have a funny story from my early tri-days that definitely gave Dave nightmares going into his first few races. I decided rather last minute to join some friends at an Oly up in VT land. Rushed home from work on a Friday night, loaded up the car and off I went. When I got there and unpacked everything on race morning, my bike shoes were no where to be found. Turns out I had left them on the roof of my car when I was throwing my bike up there. Lost them somewhere on I-93 if they even made it that far. Had to do the whole race in sneakers and still giggle that those were my fastest transition times EVER. Dave still checks his bags 100 times every race to make sure he has his.
Linda, thanks for the proverbial early kick in the imaginary nutz! I guess better u than Rich Yep, I am new to race execution peroid, EN or not. In the past 6 years of training I have usually measured my sucess on the best splits, espesically the bike split. I raced until my legs came off and indeed most of the time they did, on the run. I am recalling a previous training philosohy that said triathlon is one sport, not 3 and we should train that way. That approach seems to be consistent with the EN style as well, don't worry bout the splits because at the end of the day, we all finish with one time over our heads.I really desire to execute the HIM and IM this year. That is really what caught my eye with EN and caused me to join. STill haven't bought the 4 keys, need to. I noticed in the store they are $37, do we as members get a discount? I thought I saw that dvd somewhere around here for $7.95? I could be mistaken though. Anyone know?
For mass swim at IMWI, both times that I have attempted this event, I perched on the rocks to the side then angled in so that I didn't get kicked. I was terrified I would lose my goggles. The swim was a blast, I thought.
Got the mojo poster...I have a special plan for it.
Kathy....can we do the 4 keys together? Maybe when I get back from being the slow, fat triathlete at Oschner.
I'm hoping to figure out the tweeting thing so that my husband can tweet during the race. It won't be pretty but I'm going to stick to the plan and paces and just hope to finish.
Just saw it tonight for first time. i have seen the 4 keys talk in person x 2. I won a copy predicting Rich's swim TT.
After watching video & being sleepy all day,{ had to take a few naps (WTH?)}, got on my bike at like 10:30 pm for a soso workout ( technology issues, CT and computer not playing well together, Even Nano was in on sabatoge,arghhhhhh). Tomorrow is another day
Real life night mare- did an olympic distance in Rocky Point, Mexico, drove from Tucson. Forgot my helmet I was lucky that someone not doing the race let me borrow theirs. Phewwww. Checklists, nuff said
Hey Nemo- Where are we in the poster delivery mix??
Leigh is now the only person I will invite to my pain cave, as hers looks a lot like mine! I wouldn't be embrarrased! I'd love to spruce it up, but we never put in the time or energy. Someday...
Page 4 of this thread has my post with the official list that I've been keeping updated as we get new cowgirls. I believe Marianne & Sheryl either currently have (or soon will have) custody of the posters. (Sorry- I don't want to repost the list here because I don't want to get confused with multiple lists posted around in different places).
Our cave is a mess. Between Dave's computer tower o'wires and minimal space, when we do rally to clean it up and organize...it's back to that in a week or two. Then again...that shouldn't be surprising. My live xmas tree is still up.
The bright green bike is one of Dave's fixies (he has 2 or 3 with different gearing that he's collected off of ebay over the years- I'm pretty sure he's stalking the Russ Denny builder guy come to think of it). The green one is his fave (aka "the booger"). I dread when that thing comes out every spring because that means I'll be killing myself trying to keep him in sight on our rides. I have no idea how he gets up or down some of the hills around here on it. I think it's a 12 or 13 on the back and 50 something on the front. Downhills = cadence north of 130 to keep from getting tossed over the bars.
@Kris- Since we are getting a Computrainer to replace 1 of our 2 broken trainers, I am getting the IMWI course just to try and trick myself into being familiar with it.
As far as the freak out starting. I had an IM nightmare. I have never done IMFL, but apparently that was where this dream took place. We were being bussed to the beach from the transition area. I did not have my swim stuff on me as I thought I was just going to look and go back to transition to get ready. The waves were big and people were body surfing. The bus became a duck mobile and went right into the water to drop us off at a dock. The driver was driving right over top of the swimmers. When I said I was going back he told me "Nope, end of the line" and he got out. Then I was really freaking out as I realized that I had left my race number belt at home, so my run stuff wasn't ready. I couldn't recall bringing my bike and helmet to transition. I didn't have a cell to call Max and have him get my stuff even partially ready.
Thank goodness he woke me up right then (he was leaving for work). Usually I am incoherent, but I immediately started blathering about my nightmare and he walked away laughing. Maybe I was still incoherent and making no sense, but I know what I was trying to say.
So let the freak outs begin!!
In my dream I was more concerned about the fact that transition was so far way from the swim that we actually had to be driven over! What was the run to T1 gonna be like?????
Good old anxiety and labor & delivery dreams. Awesome!
Just a group hug. You all are so cute and great.
Oh I have had the occasional race nightmare already a few times. I think it's more about being excited to get things going than anything else...yeah..that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
FYI I'm not in forum as much as I'd like so if you are on FB please friend me. I'm in that way more than I should be. LOL
Good night computer.
Michele-They have to use duck boats? I guess I have not been watching the news
Hope your dreams settle down!
K, poster off to Sheryl W! Sheryl, you should get it today
No nightmares about the course yet. I have ridden the course once upon a time and I keep replaying that experience in my mind over and over.....those hills kind of scare me or at least they did...I keep thinking maybe they weren't that big and it is all my imagination
I also keep imagining the mass swim start, what will it be like and will I get kicked alot!! That kind of freaks me out. What is everyone's stragetgy for the mass start? I would also love to finish the run before dark. Sheryl and I have volunteered the last two years at various spots, but I think for me the hardest to watch was people turning the corner for the second lap in the dark. I'm thinking mentally that would be so tough!
Kathy--re the mass start--I am IN THE MIX! Some people like to swim alone, but I am always looking for feet to latch onto. I'd rather get jostled and beat up a bit, but have those feet to draft off of. I found myself in open water at one point at IMFL, and got myself right back in the pack!
Re finishing in the day, or thinking the second loop in the dark is hard...Rich will kick you in the non-existent nuts for hanging onto arbitrary issues like that.
Seriously, as you go through this training, get up to speed on EN execution, listen to the 4 Keys, those things fall away. They have to. In EN, if you really get the way we race, you let go of wanting to finish the bike in X time, or run in Y time. You execute period. You race your race. You race smart and on the ball. You deal with what you can control NOW, in this instant, and nothing more--OODA all day long. The rest takes care of itself, as you bring yourself to the best possible result on that day, given the conditions and your body. The remainder of those peripheral issues just fall away.
Having done 2 mass starts, well, it IS an adventure. IMFL, I just laughed. There was no real "swimming" until the first turn, just a great deal of jockeying for position. I never got kicked. IMAZ, was a different story. I got pummeled there, but I think it was because the swim venue is narrow and everyone gets funneled together.
Nemo can probably weigh in on IMWI. I imagine if we seed ourselves correctly, it will be ok. Lake Monona is pretty big from what I remember.
No question the bike course is tough, but we will know every turn and hill after MOO Camp!!
Sorry- I'm in a majory G&S mood lately!!!
Anyway- the IMoo swim is just not that bad. I stayed in the scrum and like Gina, just laughed at all the silly "form" work I had done in preparation- this isn't swimming! The pull of the school of triathlete fish just pulls you along without much effort- it's better to relax and put up with a few bumps to take advantage of that pull. Before you know it your out of the water wondering if you even took a stroke!
"A Paradox, A paradox, ha ha ha ha a Paradox!" OK, I'll stop now.
while I can't remember the last actual dream I had (good or bad; just never remember any of them, or I don't dream, dunno, anyhow...) I do have a funny story from my early tri-days that definitely gave Dave nightmares going into his first few races. I decided rather last minute to join some friends at an Oly up in VT land. Rushed home from work on a Friday night, loaded up the car and off I went. When I got there and unpacked everything on race morning, my bike shoes were no where to be found. Turns out I had left them on the roof of my car when I was throwing my bike up there. Lost them somewhere on I-93 if they even made it that far. Had to do the whole race in sneakers and still giggle that those were my fastest transition times EVER. Dave still checks his bags 100 times every race to make sure he has his.
Linda, thanks for the proverbial early kick in the imaginary nutz! I guess better u than Rich
Yep, I am new to race execution peroid, EN or not. In the past 6 years of training I have usually measured my sucess on the best splits, espesically the bike split. I raced until my legs came off and indeed most of the time they did, on the run. I am recalling a previous training philosohy that said triathlon is one sport, not 3 and we should train that way. That approach seems to be consistent with the EN style as well, don't worry bout the splits because at the end of the day, we all finish with one time over our heads. I really desire to execute the HIM and IM this year. That is really what caught my eye with EN and caused me to join. STill haven't bought the 4 keys, need to. I noticed in the store they are $37, do we as members get a discount? I thought I saw that dvd somewhere around here for $7.95? I could be mistaken though. Anyone know?
Michele, Nemo and Linda both offered to send dvd!!! Thanks though, maybe some other chicka's could use one????
Got the mojo poster...I have a special plan for it.
Kathy....can we do the 4 keys together? Maybe when I get back from being the slow, fat triathlete at Oschner.
I'm hoping to figure out the tweeting thing so that my husband can tweet during the race. It won't be pretty but I'm going to stick to the plan and paces and just hope to finish.
Sheryl, that would be fun! A girl night
Remember just have fun in NOL, race your plan and finish will a smile
Like my boys say, " mom you can do it!"
Thanks! A big hug across the miles
Just saw it tonight for first time. i have seen the 4 keys talk in person x 2. I won a copy predicting Rich's swim TT.
After watching video & being sleepy all day,{ had to take a few naps (WTH?)}, got on my bike at like 10:30 pm for a soso workout ( technology issues, CT and computer not playing well together, Even Nano was in on sabatoge,arghhhhhh). Tomorrow is another day
Real life night mare- did an olympic distance in Rocky Point, Mexico, drove from Tucson. Forgot my helmet

I was lucky that someone not doing the race let me borrow theirs. Phewwww. Checklists, nuff said
Happy Training Everyone!
If I can find mine, I will send it your way.
@ Kris- no worries. right there with ya.