I really hope it works out, I would love to be a part of the Chica weekend... bummed to hear team dinner is Th, so no way I can make it... Airfare isn't awful. And, at dinner tonight the BF, while not exactly giving me his blessing, didn't say no way in hell (not that I was looking for permission per se). He was out all weekend and I'd emailed him that Kate and Nemo decided I was going to sherpa and train ... so, while catching up he said something to the effect of, "so you want to go to WI, when is that?" I told him... he responded "I don't think I'd go." I replied, "no, I think you'd be pretty bored. I'm gonna try to volunteer so I can in line to register for next year." Zippo. No hitting the floor or ceiling. No, I thought we were gonna try to bike in Europe... just sort of tacit acceptance. So that's that. Knowing I'll miss the team dinner, I'll try to work get a swim in in the morning and work half or all day Friday... ride or long run or swim Saturday and hopefully something Sunday while folks are on the bike. Now I gotta figure out a place to lay my head. Optimistic!!! Yay!!
Today I took off as far as training goes. Schedule called for run and swim. Tomorrow just swim, I WILL run in the morning and Dan and I WILL swim after work... so, as far as I'm concerned I'll be caught up - I never did 3 swims a week for Eagleman... so I'm not too worried.
There have been a few times when we have needed a personal email address for each other. Could y'all go back into the spreadsheet and add one if you'd like to? Thanks.
thanks Linda! I need to print this out one of these days!
wow what a difference a lack of humidity makes... still warm here but without the humidity I could actually hit my zones and didn't have to walk the whole cool down section of the run!
things are super slow at work... so my days just creep by. I shouldn't complain as I suspect this fall will be nutty... I should enjoy it... but that's just so not me.
Per my FB updates today: (1) I got my tush outta bed at 5:09 (hit snooze once) and got on the trainer for my 75 minute ride. I didn't come close to hitting my Z4 zones for the work segments, but I sweated buckets trying. I didn't have time to run, so I will be doing the 25 minute jog post work... probably. [as promised, I did my run yesterday and swam... so I'm caught up for all intents and purposes...] and (2) I signed up for my first ever aquavelo! It will be an iron-distance event and, amazingly enough, it works out perfectly with my IMFL training schedule... assuming I did the math right... the race (Cheseapeake Man) is 9/25 which is my first RR! So, I'll get a mass swim start and a 2.4 mile OWS practice not to mention an uninterrupted 112 mile ride on a course pretty similar to Florida's (flat, boring, and windy)... it will also give me a good opportunity to figure out special needs bags and learn how to take bottles from aid station workers. Yay! After the ride I'm gonna go for an hour run from transition to cap off the day. Looking forward to it... well, looking forward to the experience.
Sticking to paleo eating for the most part... only real deviations are pre-workout (granola bar or oatmeal) and post workout (choco milk w/pnut butter or a sweet potato). Going out for dinner is hard, but I'm trying to come up with good work-arounds. Weekends are usually the hardest for me as far as eating/portion control - probably bc I work out longer and harder... and am hungrier. Today has been my lowest Wed weigh in (although I don't add to the spreadsheet) at 132.2 but not my lowest since Jan... closer to my norm of 126-128 and race 125-6... hopeful that I'll get there in the next few weeks. I do think eating clean has helped but I fear for fall/winter when all this wonderful fresh fruit is gone...
Dropping in post IMLP. I had no idea how bad these post-IM blues could be. I feel very listless and useless to be honest. I will write a race report in the near future, but am struggling with huge failure issues. My goal really was to finish and I did, but the 'what-ifs' won't stop.
Becky, thanks so much for the EN jersey. I really tried to be comfortable in it and made a race day decision that I couldn't do it. It needed to be about 3 inches longer. (Me and my long torso). I will get in it the mail to you tomorrow.
Great to hear that everyone is still hitting the training hard. I will be thinking of you ladies up at 5AM while I am sleeping till at least 6:30
well this has been a wild day... me, heather, james and russ all doing IMWI started off on their RR ride today.... we were out there early... and i had a feeling about the ride but didn't share it cuz I didn't want to spoil the MOJO. I drafted off Heather first lap 31 miles cuz I thought I might just do one lap.. and she is great to draft off, my average power was 98.... drafting with some rollers and hills.. I could chat to her and remind her to drink/eat and etc... I decide to do a 2nd lap cuz why not? and I dropped off but Russ right by her and James too... I tried to get comfy on my seat and was thinking about some stuff so actually stopped at convenience store for a pitstop and to buy some gummy bears, back out on the road and at mile 44 I was at 2:48, which was 12' faster than Saturday, cooler weather today and I had done that drafting... so I decide to do a 3rd lap... while finishing up my 2nd lap, I see them on the other side of the road and actually had that feeling again and almost made a U turn right there but I needed to rehydrate at the coolers at beginning of lap.... I start my 3rd lap and then my phone rings and it is Heather... she never calls and I pull over and with a sinking feeling, she texts me that she has wrecked..! I get texts and calls from the guyz and they tell me where they are and to get the car.. I turn back and pick up my pace all the while feeling nauseous at the thought of my BFF wrecked off her bike... she has been so strong!!! and why did i tell her "you are doing great and with only 6 more weeks as long as you dont' get injured....!"
They get a ride in the back of a pickup truck and just as I get to my car, here they come.. the bike front tire is mangled and bent and she is dripping but seems okay. We pack up quickly, I get the guyz to load up her bike in my car so I can take to repair and we get her gym bag and purse and off we go, sweat heat induced and energy laden.. down in my car... we arrive to the emergency room at 10:15 a.m.
road rash on shoulder, fingertips, palms of hands, chin, and jaw hurts.. somehow her front tire had felt wobbly, went over some potholes and while going 24mph, in aero position, she went over! not sure why... 65 miles into her first race rehearsal.
She leaves the hospital at 3!! and no broken bones, can you believe it?? but swollen shoulder and jaw that needs to be iced and road rash that got cleaned out. no riding for 5 days and swim only as she feels up to it and running is fine.
I know she feels bad and achy but I felt sick! the helmet, new is cracked and needs replacing and now the front wheel, we hope that is all. anyways, I am fried. and I didn't wreck!! but I am also leaving for vacay tomorrow to Dallas with family so trying to get packed up and situated and driving down there with 4/5 kids! I am taking run shoes and that will be my only tng and back on Sunday. I will take computer but probably a bit quieter in the forum so don't worry about me... so basically I joked with Heather that she was laying low with me over the weekend!
Oh Marianne, I'm sick just reading about it! NO MORE ACCIDENTS EVERYONE!!! I MEAN IT!!!! Thank God she is going to be OK. We got to meet Heather at Moo Camp- such a sweet person- exactly as you describe her to us. Please tell her we send her hugs and good healing thoughts.
You gotta know I'm sick reading that. Bad news is the next few days she'll be wicked sore. Good news is, as a fit athlete, if she lets herself heal and takes the time NOW, she'll bounce back like no tomorrow. Keith is amazing me every day. Give her love and xoxox from us all. Thank heavens that was not worse. Totally know what you mean about "that feeling." I begged Keith not to ride outside that day and to come down with me the the trainer. Just felt off....
thanks girls,I will pass on healing thoughts. my best tng partner/friend down... not a good feeling and really the rest of the day I was so thankful but had "what if" going thru my mind. well I am off to run, and it is early here!! yikes. talk at ya later. m
@M - please give Heather my best... it sounds an awful like my crash last year... hit a drain at 26ish and went flying over my bars... stiff shoulder, jaw, road rash. but the doc saying to take only a week off sounds like music to my ears! I really really hope she's okay and that she's back in the saddle/on the road/in the pool in no time!
I decided to nix the run this morning... but I WAS absolutely awake at 5am... seriously! I listened to the weather (already 80 degrees) and apparently storms are rolling in today and tomorrow is expected to be cooler and lower humidity (getting to 60/70 overnight)... so, I made the executive decision to run in the better weather. Fortunately I did that Tuesday so my long run is already out of the way, this is my hour run (3x1mile)... I will do tomorrow's swim tonight after work. Saturday, if all goes well, I'll be meeting up with Kate to ride half of her RR with her! I missed her and Nemo last weekend which was a real bummer... so looking forward to Saturday.
Still hoping to make it to WI... we'll see what happens... keep your eyes and ears open for anyone looking for a roomie! Still sticking to paleo for the most part and the weight is still slowly creeping down... yay.
@Carly, no worries... I have a long torso, too... and have quite a tramp tan line from Eagleman. Glad you had it as an option!
ALOT of cycling accidents this year! I'm with Nemo---the quota has been exceeded--the crashing can stop now! Sending healing vibes and prayers to Heather...So glad there are no broken bones! Still the soft tissues injuries can hurt just as bad. Tell her she can PM me with any wound care questions. Also, I have a spare 700c front wheel if she needs it.
Being in Lake Placid last weekend was my first IM race experience with EN. After 2 years of watching videos, I was there live. What a fun and wonderful experience! We stayed in a condo with Coach P & family, Trent, Chris G, Alessandro and his friend Tony. I tagged along with Team Boyle, trying to hang on their wheels and feet all weekend and happily blowing up every single time. No slacking on the IF this weekend! My DH who had sworn off road triathlons and even sold his tri bike remarked how nice it was to hang out with EN crowd, that there were many EN athletes at the pointy end of the competition who were nice, reasonable, and non-IM-douchebags (direct quote). Then Leigh and Dave pretty much talked him back into road tris. He's been looking at new tri bikes since we've been back. Ha! As for race day: We watched the swim start (which didn't look as crowded as I thought it would, but it wasn't me in that water with 2600+ of my friends) then ran a loop of the course. I limped out of the condo after the run to go watch folks at a dodgy corner on the bike course (complete with hay bales) right before it went out on Rt 73. I saw Mike Graffeo and Mike Allen who both looked resplendent in their EN kits as they demonstrated some nice cornering skills. Then out to the top of Papa Bear with the Boyles where we saw a parade of How-Not-to-Ride-a-Hill-in-an-IM. Lots of Big Chain ring heroes, small cassettes, and faces of people shelled on just the first loop. Of course, the EN folks looked fabulous, calm, and in control. Lastly, on the run course is where we saw alot of our EN peeps. I was inspired by how determined some folks looked and by how happy and joyful others looked. Overall, just wonderful to be part of this amazing family!
Quick pop in here as I haven't been in here for a bit. OMG Marianne! So sorry to hear about your friend Heather!!! Please give her hugs and love from all of us! I send her healing vibes and prayers for a speedy recovery! I agree with everyone; NO MORE CRASHES!! Enough already!!! Linda, so glad to hear Keith is doing better. I have been thinking about you two and was going to mail you today, to see how he's doing. I'm off for a 2 hour run now. TTFN! Hugs to all!
@Carly -- I hear you on the long toso. I was totally flashing tattoo during the bike portion of the race I did last week -- and it is very high up on the back. If you flip through this month's Triathlon Life magazine, there is obviously a women's tri top conspiracy: None of the chicas are wearing tri tops that cover everything.
@Kitima -- I'm so jealous of your IMLP spectating. It sounds like so much fun. Good to hear about the DH's return to tri.
@Carly- Just keep hanging out with us. Read some of the other threads about post-IM blues. Plan on how you will kill it next time!
@Marianne/Heather- So very sorry to hear this. Big hugs and healing vibes coming your way. Glad that there were good folks around to take care of you. Heal up and take the time to rest. Your body needs it.
Otherwise on here and lurking. Did a 2:30 run today (switched schedule around). Wish I was faster. Legs ache.
Poor Heather! Marianne, please let her know that all of us are thinking about her. Just too, too many crashes lately. Just yesterday a friend of a friend was hit by a car in Plano, TX while biking. It was a hit and run, and police are still looking for the driver. She is seriously injured, from what I understand. And Tabitha wonders why I ride the trainer so much...
Kitima, your LP experience sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to spectate at IMTX!
I just started the 12 week Half IM plan, and it's quite a kick up in volume from what I had been doing. I've been up at 4 am three times this week to get the workouts in, because I'm completely unreliable after work. T is a light sleeper and, unfortunately, wakes up when I do. She hasn't said anything yet but I don't know how long her patience will hold out.
I hope everyone has good, safe workouts this weekend!
@Kristen - 4am? wowsa, you are my hero and my inspiration! I'm getting there as far as o'dark thirty wake ups, but still not on the money or very consistent... a few more weeks before IM ON time, so I should be dialed in (I hope) by then!
@cowgirls - I am pretty sure this is an RR weekend for you... be safe and smart and careful. good luck training! if all goes well, I'll do the first have of Kate's ride with her! looking forward to it!
Hi all - checking in before I head out for vacation - finally! This afternoon could not drag on any more slowly...
Marianne - so sorry about your friend - hope she is recovering well. That is scary and just..ugh!
Dana - loved your podcast! Listened to it today on my run. What an amazing accomplishment - your daughter will be so proud when she sees those pics in the future!!
<30 days out to IMKY and I am positively buzzing! Starting to finalize details and let go of the things that I'm not going to change. What a process this is! </p>
So chicas, is this the day that I tell my boss I'm doing an IM? Yes, believe it or not I have failed to mention it! Even after he has expressed concern about my weight loss How long can I wait it out? Should I just casually mention it on Wed the 25th: "When I return to the office I will be an IRONWOMAN" Nah, I think I have to do it today. Mainly did not want my IM to be a focus of concern or discussion at the office. Am I crazy? Ok, maybe a little.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend/week, will try to check in or at least read some forum action when I get a chance..
Hiyee! I have the IQ of a cranky cheerleader right now, so I can't actually remember what I just read. Aimee -- have fun on vacation. I'm not sure on telling boss. I have a total hands off/doesn't want to know anything about my personal life boss and had to tell him about a year ago -- to get special permission to be gone during board week. We just don't talk about it.
Becky -- have fun riding with Kate!
I have enough clean laundry and there are no gels on the bathroom counter. I think that is the new standard of housekeeping victory while training.
In paleo land, I had a teeny-tiny cupcake yesterday from a fantastic, Oprah-approved bakery. It made me unhappy. I remembered I bought cherries at the grocery store, devoured a whole bowl of them for dessert and then was very happy. Paleo is totally ruining my baked goods stomach. That may be a good thing.
I also have a date on Sunday. Race rehearsal plus date in the same weekend? Do I have cute clothes that conceal the farmer tan? Hm.
Hi Chicas! Okay, I am persiverating (sp?) about IMLOU, as I it is getting close and I am a nervous ball of energy and nerves! Question here for those who have done LOU before; Is 5 a.m. early enough to be in line for the swim? I am a S L O W swimmer, and want to get in early, so I have more time to hit the bike and make the cutoff with more than 61 miles, as I'll need more than 3 hrs. to do the 2nd half. I've ridden the course and know this for certain. Seriously, I want to be in the group that goes at 7 or shortly thereafter. I will stay to the right, so the real swimmers don't run me over, but I want to get out there and cranking a.s.a.p. The bike is my main concern, and I will need the time. So, what time do I need to line up, in order to be jumping off of the doc in that first few minutes ? Any suggestions about anything IMLOU is appreciated. I have had insomnia, and also as Gina put it on face book the other day, am burning like a furnace when I get into bed. I've read that some of the guys are having this as well.
Aimee...I'm chuckling about the telling your boss about IM. Mostly for me it comes up like:
Me - "I'm going to take vacation X-date through Y-date" Boss - "OK. Great! Are you going to do something fun?" Me - "Wwwweeellll. Sure! Some of it will be fun!" Boss - "Whatl does that mean?" Me - "I'm off to do Ironman." Boss - "Why in HELL would you do that???"
Seriously. Funny stuff! But then again, I'm not the only one in my company that does crazy stuff like this so it's starting to become a bit of a "norm" for folks to be off for big a$$ races.
Beth! A date!!? Yay! Can't wait to hear how it goes! If it goes badly, I have a smart friend who loves to ski who would dig dating a foodie/triathlete combo. He's even interested in moving! Ha! I know!
Got my booty whooped on an MTB ride today. Steep climb after steep climb! Up to 12K-something or- other-feet. Crikey! Legs ARE COOKED!
In other news - I lost a spectacular bunch of swiss chard by stupidly leaving it in my hot car. Moron! And...I had a little spark of excitement get ignited in me today about IM for next year. It was like the excitement I remember from the first time...maybe I'm on to something....
HA HA HA! The work discussions are always amusing. Mine usually end up with someone saying "yeah, your idea of fun and mine are obviously quite different!" OTOH, I have managed to persuade one of my coworkers into running and he's gotten the bug to do a marathon. Makes me happy to see I've had a little positive influence :-)
Becky- That is the BEST that you are coming to sherpa!!
Today I took off as far as training goes.
Schedule called for run and swim. Tomorrow just swim, I WILL run in the morning and Dan and I WILL swim after work... so, as far as I'm concerned I'll be caught up - I never did 3 swims a week for Eagleman... so I'm not too worried.
Hey Chicas!
There have been a few times when we have needed a personal email address for each other. Could y'all go back into the spreadsheet and add one if you'd like to? Thanks.
thanks Linda! I need to print this out one of these days!
wow what a difference a lack of humidity makes... still warm here but without the humidity I could actually hit my zones and didn't have to walk the whole cool down section of the run!
things are super slow at work... so my days just creep by. I shouldn't complain as I suspect this fall will be nutty... I should enjoy it... but that's just so not me.
Hope everyone is doing well!
Per my FB updates today: (1) I got my tush outta bed at 5:09 (hit snooze once) and got on the trainer for my 75 minute ride. I didn't come close to hitting my Z4 zones for the work segments, but I sweated buckets trying. I didn't have time to run, so I will be doing the 25 minute jog post work... probably. [as promised, I did my run yesterday and swam... so I'm caught up for all intents and purposes...] and (2) I signed up for my first ever aquavelo! It will be an iron-distance event and, amazingly enough, it works out perfectly with my IMFL training schedule... assuming I did the math right... the race (Cheseapeake Man) is 9/25 which is my first RR! So, I'll get a mass swim start and a 2.4 mile OWS practice not to mention an uninterrupted 112 mile ride on a course pretty similar to Florida's (flat, boring, and windy)... it will also give me a good opportunity to figure out special needs bags and learn how to take bottles from aid station workers. Yay! After the ride I'm gonna go for an hour run from transition to cap off the day. Looking forward to it... well, looking forward to the experience.
Sticking to paleo eating for the most part... only real deviations are pre-workout (granola bar or oatmeal) and post workout (choco milk w/pnut butter or a sweet potato). Going out for dinner is hard, but I'm trying to come up with good work-arounds. Weekends are usually the hardest for me as far as eating/portion control - probably bc I work out longer and harder... and am hungrier. Today has been my lowest Wed weigh in (although I don't add to the spreadsheet) at 132.2 but not my lowest since Jan... closer to my norm of 126-128 and race 125-6... hopeful that I'll get there in the next few weeks. I do think eating clean has helped but I fear for fall/winter when all this wonderful fresh fruit is gone...
Hope everyone is doing well in the chicadom!
Dropping in post IMLP. I had no idea how bad these post-IM blues could be. I feel very listless and useless to be honest. I will write a race report in the near future, but am struggling with huge failure issues. My goal really was to finish and I did, but the 'what-ifs' won't stop.
Becky, thanks so much for the EN jersey. I really tried to be comfortable in it and made a race day decision that I couldn't do it. It needed to be about 3 inches longer. (Me and my long torso). I will get in it the mail to you tomorrow.
Great to hear that everyone is still hitting the training hard. I will be thinking of you ladies up at 5AM while I am sleeping till at least 6:30
They get a ride in the back of a pickup truck and just as I get to my car, here they come.. the bike front tire is mangled and bent and she is dripping but seems okay. We pack up quickly, I get the guyz to load up her bike in my car so I can take to repair and we get her gym bag and purse and off we go, sweat heat induced and energy laden.. down in my car... we arrive to the emergency room at 10:15 a.m.
road rash on shoulder, fingertips, palms of hands, chin, and jaw hurts.. somehow her front tire had felt wobbly, went over some potholes and while going 24mph, in aero position, she went over! not sure why... 65 miles into her first race rehearsal.
She leaves the hospital at 3!! and no broken bones, can you believe it?? but swollen shoulder and jaw that needs to be iced and road rash that got cleaned out. no riding for 5 days and swim only as she feels up to it and running is fine.
I know she feels bad and achy but I felt sick! the helmet, new is cracked and needs replacing and now the front wheel, we hope that is all. anyways, I am fried. and I didn't wreck!! but I am also leaving for vacay tomorrow to Dallas with family so trying to get packed up and situated and driving down there with 4/5 kids! I am taking run shoes and that will be my only tng and back on Sunday. I will take computer but probably a bit quieter in the forum so don't worry about me... so basically I joked with Heather that she was laying low with me over the weekend!
NO, NO, NO !!! Poor Heather. Please send healing thoughts her way. Does she need any equipment??? Maybe we all have extra stuff!
You gotta know I'm sick reading that. Bad news is the next few days she'll be wicked sore. Good news is, as a fit athlete, if she lets herself heal and takes the time NOW, she'll bounce back like no tomorrow. Keith is amazing me every day. Give her love and xoxox from us all. Thank heavens that was not worse. Totally know what you mean about "that feeling." I begged Keith not to ride outside that day and to come down with me the the trainer. Just felt off....
Thank you so much for that spreadsheet with all of the Chica contact info! Really great to have.
Oh, no, Heather! Sending healing thoughts her way.
@M - please give Heather my best... it sounds an awful like my crash last year... hit a drain at 26ish and went flying over my bars... stiff shoulder, jaw, road rash. but the doc saying to take only a week off sounds like music to my ears! I really really hope she's okay and that she's back in the saddle/on the road/in the pool in no time!
I decided to nix the run this morning... but I WAS absolutely awake at 5am... seriously! I listened to the weather (already 80 degrees) and apparently storms are rolling in today and tomorrow is expected to be cooler and lower humidity (getting to 60/70 overnight)... so, I made the executive decision to run in the better weather. Fortunately I did that Tuesday so my long run is already out of the way, this is my hour run (3x1mile)... I will do tomorrow's swim tonight after work. Saturday, if all goes well, I'll be meeting up with Kate to ride half of her RR with her! I missed her and Nemo last weekend which was a real bummer... so looking forward to Saturday.
Still hoping to make it to WI... we'll see what happens... keep your eyes and ears open for anyone looking for a roomie! Still sticking to paleo for the most part and the weight is still slowly creeping down... yay.
@Carly, no worries... I have a long torso, too... and have quite a tramp tan line from Eagleman. Glad you had it as an option!
Sending healing vibes and prayers to Heather...So glad there are no broken bones! Still the soft tissues injuries can hurt just as bad. Tell her she can PM me with any wound care questions. Also, I have a spare 700c front wheel if she needs it.
Being in Lake Placid last weekend was my first IM race experience with EN. After 2 years of watching videos, I was there live. What a fun and wonderful experience! We stayed in a condo with Coach P & family, Trent, Chris G, Alessandro and his friend Tony. I tagged along with Team Boyle, trying to hang on their wheels and feet all weekend and happily blowing up every single time. No slacking on the IF this weekend! My DH who had sworn off road triathlons and even sold his tri bike remarked how nice it was to hang out with EN crowd, that there were many EN athletes at the pointy end of the competition who were nice, reasonable, and non-IM-douchebags (direct quote). Then Leigh and Dave pretty much talked him back into road tris. He's been looking at new tri bikes since we've been back. Ha!
As for race day: We watched the swim start (which didn't look as crowded as I thought it would, but it wasn't me in that water with 2600+ of my friends) then ran a loop of the course. I limped out of the condo after the run to go watch folks at a dodgy corner on the bike course (complete with hay bales) right before it went out on Rt 73. I saw Mike Graffeo and Mike Allen who both looked resplendent in their EN kits as they demonstrated some nice cornering skills.
Then out to the top of Papa Bear with the Boyles where we saw a parade of How-Not-to-Ride-a-Hill-in-an-IM. Lots of Big Chain ring heroes, small cassettes, and faces of people shelled on just the first loop. Of course, the EN folks looked fabulous, calm, and in control.
Lastly, on the run course is where we saw alot of our EN peeps. I was inspired by how determined some folks looked and by how happy and joyful others looked. Overall, just wonderful to be part of this amazing family!
Linda, so glad to hear Keith is doing better. I have been thinking about you two and was going to mail you today, to see how he's doing. I'm off for a 2 hour run now.
TTFN! Hugs to all!
@Carly -- I hear you on the long toso. I was totally flashing tattoo during the bike portion of the race I did last week -- and it is very high up on the back. If you flip through this month's Triathlon Life magazine, there is obviously a women's tri top conspiracy: None of the chicas are wearing tri tops that cover everything.
@Kitima -- I'm so jealous of your IMLP spectating. It sounds like so much fun. Good to hear about the DH's return to tri.
@Marianne/Heather- So very sorry to hear this. Big hugs and healing vibes coming your way. Glad that there were good folks around to take care of you. Heal up and take the time to rest. Your body needs it.
Otherwise on here and lurking. Did a 2:30 run today (switched schedule around). Wish I was faster. Legs ache.
Kitima, your LP experience sounds like so much fun! I can't wait to spectate at IMTX!
I just started the 12 week Half IM plan, and it's quite a kick up in volume from what I had been doing. I've been up at 4 am three times this week to get the workouts in, because I'm completely unreliable after work. T is a light sleeper and, unfortunately, wakes up when I do. She hasn't said anything yet but I don't know how long her patience will hold out.
I hope everyone has good, safe workouts this weekend!
@Kristen - 4am? wowsa, you are my hero and my inspiration! I'm getting there as far as o'dark thirty wake ups, but still not on the money or very consistent... a few more weeks before IM ON time, so I should be dialed in (I hope) by then!
@cowgirls - I am pretty sure this is an RR weekend for you... be safe and smart and careful. good luck training! if all goes well, I'll do the first have of Kate's ride with her! looking forward to it!
Hi all - checking in before I head out for vacation - finally! This afternoon could not drag on any more slowly...
Marianne - so sorry about your friend - hope she is recovering well. That is scary and just..ugh!
Dana - loved your podcast! Listened to it today on my run. What an amazing accomplishment - your daughter will be so proud when she sees those pics in the future!!
<30 days out to IMKY and I am positively buzzing! Starting to finalize details and let go of the things that I'm not going to change. What a process this is! </p>
So chicas, is this the day that I tell my boss I'm doing an IM? Yes, believe it or not I have failed to mention it! Even after he has expressed concern about my weight loss
How long can I wait it out? Should I just casually mention it on Wed the 25th: "When I return to the office I will be an IRONWOMAN" Nah, I think I have to do it today. Mainly did not want my IM to be a focus of concern or discussion at the office. Am I crazy? Ok, maybe a little.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend/week, will try to check in or at least read some forum action when I get a chance..
Hiyee! I have the IQ of a cranky cheerleader right now, so I can't actually remember what I just read. Aimee -- have fun on vacation. I'm not sure on telling boss. I have a total hands off/doesn't want to know anything about my personal life boss and had to tell him about a year ago -- to get special permission to be gone during board week. We just don't talk about it.
Becky -- have fun riding with Kate!
I have enough clean laundry and there are no gels on the bathroom counter. I think that is the new standard of housekeeping victory while training.
In paleo land, I had a teeny-tiny cupcake yesterday from a fantastic, Oprah-approved bakery. It made me unhappy. I remembered I bought cherries at the grocery store, devoured a whole bowl of them for dessert and then was very happy. Paleo is totally ruining my baked goods stomach. That may be a good thing.
I also have a date on Sunday. Race rehearsal plus date in the same weekend? Do I have cute clothes that conceal the farmer tan? Hm.
Happy weekend!
Me - "I'm going to take vacation X-date through Y-date"
Boss - "OK. Great! Are you going to do something fun?"
Me - "Wwwweeellll. Sure! Some of it will be fun!"
Boss - "Whatl does that mean?"
Me - "I'm off to do Ironman."
Boss - "Why in HELL would you do that???"
Seriously. Funny stuff! But then again, I'm not the only one in my company that does crazy stuff like this so it's starting to become a bit of a "norm" for folks to be off for big a$$ races.
Beth! A date!!? Yay! Can't wait to hear how it goes! If it goes badly, I have a smart friend who loves to ski who would dig dating a foodie/triathlete combo. He's even interested in moving!
Got my booty whooped on an MTB ride today. Steep climb after steep climb! Up to 12K-something or- other-feet. Crikey! Legs ARE COOKED!
In other news - I lost a spectacular bunch of swiss chard by stupidly leaving it in my hot car. Moron! And...I had a little spark of excitement get ignited in me today about IM for next year. It was like the excitement I remember from the first time...maybe I'm on to something....
Funny. A gal I work with always asks me, "What stupid thing are you going to do on your bike this weekend?"