Nov OS Week 1 Bike Thread
It's time to get things started in the November OS. Post up your bike workouts throughout the week here and testing results. Some even provided a link to garim connect or similar.
I'm looking forward to the buzz that goes around in the OS groups. I'll be posting up my numbers later in the week due to work travel I'm adjusting the schedule.
@ Aaron, Cory, and others wondering how to do and track the HR bike test.
Corey and Aaron: I'm a relative Newbie and when I started EN 3 months ago, I was WAAAAY overwhelmed. I finally found the Quick Start Guide in the Wiki and it has been a godsend for getting started. I still refer to it all the time for terms, etc. It has a a good section on the basic of testing so if you have a moment, I'd check it out. Sometimes it's good to filter out all the extra info and get back to basics ( at least while you are getting started).
FTP: 322
crap, okay I was all geared up, got up at 4, was ready to roll with the bike test by 430 ... ... ...
my hub batteries are dead and I only had 1 extra battery so had no power
got to re-set my brain, get batteries on he way home from work and crank out the test tonight.
For everyone wondering what a blown FTP test looks like, check this out. The new test is no joke. I'm going to blame Sandy
Get after it everyone and may your test go a bit better than mine.
FTP Test
THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I did not even realize this whole data recording was even available. I am still sifting through everything and your help is just what I needed. Thanks for your help and taking time to post. I am sure this info has been stated over and over again, but I am still managing through all this information(which is a good problem to have!).
I just finished up the test so thank you, thank you!
AVG HR: 149
Max HR: 165
Avg. Speed: 24.9
Starting Weight: 217( a tad overweight to start
Distance: 16.61
Brutally hard, but happy with the results. FTP = 277, which is where I left off at the end of last year's OS. Managed not lose much this fall. Almost messed up the test though - about 7 minutes into the 20 min test I realized that my FTP will be 95% of what I was putting out, not 100%. That explained why it was feeling too easy! Had to make up for lost time over the next 13 minutes, and I can honestly say the final 3 minutes may have been the hardest ever on the bike for me. Maybe not a bad pacing strategy in the end?
Good luck everyone!
FTP of 322!!!!! Nice freaking work, you animal!! Now build off this and come race season look out!!!
FTP: 169
LTHR: 184
Lots of room for improvement over the next 14 weeks!!
Bike test done. I'm doing HR for now. Average was 153. No clue what that means, but it's a start!
@ Corey, Aaron -- I hear ya! I'm a newb too, and the first few days was completely overwhelmed by all the info in the Haus. My advice would be to just relax, spend some time browsing the forums and wikis and soak it all in. I don't understand half of what I'm reading here, but it gives me a flavor of what people are thinking about as they're gearing up for the season, and over time, I'm understanding more and more . At the end of the day, this is YOUR team, YOUR training, and YOUR season. Don't get freaked out/distracted by some of the awesome achievements posted by fellow ENers - use them as inspiration! And - feel totally free to tap into the collective knowledge assembled in the Haus. People are super helpful and patient with feedback and anwering questions to help you!!
So now that I've done this test, what to do with 'my number'? Under the Resources tab, there's a bike zone calculator based on FTP. Is that for power users only, or does that work for us HR folks too? thanks
I signed up for the data tool under training too. Is that a different thing/the same?
Bike test complete!
5MP= 337W
20MP = 300W
FTP = 285W
LTHR = 165
W/Kg = 3.73
Weight = 168.4
The 5MP test gave me searing pains in my quadriceps for like 2-3 minutes done a 5MP test before. The 20MP test I paced pretty well and broken down into 5 minute quarters my Power was 298, 299, 301, 306 so happy with that. This is my highest FTP test but I am also a little heavier now than mid-season so W/kg went down a bit. Good start!
Thanks for the insight! New to EN and going through first OS so didn't know what to do with my bike test data!
5 am visit to the pain cave.
5MP= 311W
20MP = 266W
FTP = 253W
LTHR = 163
W/Kg = 3.15
Weight = 177
Legs were a little wobbly afterwards on the stairs.
Well, there were a few hiccups (garmin wasn't charged, forgot my HR strap until the end of warm-up), but my first ever bike test is done!
FTP = 215W (=226W average power x 0.95)
VO2 = 290W
OK with the results. Definitely went out too hard on the 5' test, as my power came steadily down. Was able to maintain a pretty steady pace on the 20' test. I had been assuming ~230W for the pre-season based on grossing up a recent HIM bike leg (190W avg power), and I did the test on the trainer, so I may have actually been close based on the "trainer discount" to FTP. I'll be in the pain cave all winter, so this is my number!
Time to take on Hurricane Sandy and prep for the 5k test...stay safe everyone!
newbie here too. Many Thnsk for the instructions on what to do with information, however when I try to get into the "data tool" I can't get in- entering my name and EN password but no luck so far- any tips here?
@ Jim. Thanks! NP was actually 226 too, so no change to FTP.
FTP = 325W
Weight = 173
W/Kg = 4.2
I will, instead, do a tempo workout --> 2 x 20' (5') @ ~85% FTP
Hi Joe. I'm new to EN too and had this same issue. The deal is that it's a seperate authorization.... included in the fee we pay but you need to request access to the tool. I think when you click on the 'data tool' link that there's an option to request access. Good luck!
I struggled get out of bed, even with the newly acquired motivation, but once I did, I was ready. I get on the trainer and feel like a beast. And, I really shouldn't feel like a beast because this is my 6th bike ride of the year (4 races and one trainer ride prior to this morning). I'm warming up the legs and seeing solid numbers north of 300 W. Umm, something's wrong. I zero out the torque and it reads 15 and won't drop to zero. I back away the resitance unit from the rear wheel and it reads 0. Hmm. Reapply resitance to the rear wheel, and I see 15 again. So, I change the batteries in the LYC and things, unfortunately, are much more realistic. I get through the 5' test but don't have time for the remainder.
Not sure what to do. My legs won't be in any shape to retest this afternoon (golf tournament today) and I want to be fresh for Wednesday's run test, so I'll probably just SWAG my FTP. I've been untrained before and it is usually between 220 - 230 watts. My 5' power (which hurt like hell, btw) was 271 watts. 80% of my 5' number is 220, so I'm going with that and will adjust as needed.
I'm looking forward to Wednesday.
Bike test done! HR test.
LTHR = 152
Ave speed = 21.2
Weight = 167
Nice job on the bike tests. I'm just checking in after a vdot test and will post in the appropriate forum.
@Kate - Check the quick start guide there is a chart on HR zones and what to do with the numbers:
The data tool is a spearate registration process if you are having trouble I believe you should use the support tab (on the left side of the screen) or create a thread in the Admin forum.
Still coughing but did the time at an easy pace; averaged 153 watts for the 60 minutes so it gives me an idea of where I can expect to push when I do the test this weekend.
If there is somebody else testing later this about we team up an rock this thing?
To all of you who have already completed the test...CONGRATS!! It is really motivating to read how you all did...well, and a little scary too with the breakfast revisited information.