In typical fashion I'm late to this party, for shorter workouts (<1hr), I'm an evening guy plus I'm on PST so definitely going to be clocking in a bit later than most. </p>
I also just hopped on my bike and did my usual 2x20 test without thinking about it, well I did the TR 2x20 workout to be specific, rather than the new version. In terms of results, I've gotten fairly good at estimating my FTP, so based off of my end of season outdoor FTP (290), then literally a month of no workouts due to a respitory infection, itbs and a crazy work schedule, then adjusted for indoors on the CT which is usually at least 10W lower than my outdoor Quarq power, I took a feel and decided that my starting indoor FTP would be 260. Did the 2x20 set and came out to 260 exactly. But hey, at least it's confirmed.
Based in indoor power and packing on a few, W/kg is down from 4.1 to 3.6 or so but definitely do not come close to sweating it at this point in the year. Rest has been essential, time to rebuild!
That was hard! I think I left a little bit on the table, but that's OK for this early in the game. Mine was:
VO2 = 255 FTP = 225 x .95 = 215 (easier to deal with round numbers after all!) Weight = 171 W/KG = 2.76 (whoa, better get going on both ends of this one!
Welcome to the house all you new folks. Should be a great OS!
Finally got n the bike at 8:30 last night and did well based on several observations: uncontrolable drooling, nausea, and a major puddle of sweat under the bike......
Interestingly, after the tests, took a shower and had to cook and eat dinner in the dark - we lost power 15 minutes after getting off the bike. Sure, I could have continued in the dark if it happened earlier but that would have made it that much harder.... glad it stayed for the testing.
Results were where I expected them - same place as last OS start and where they had been all season of unstructured and intermittant training.
VO2 = 240 FTP = 208 x 0.95 = 197.6 but will round up to 200 (easier to do the math when hypoxic) Wt = 160 lb = 72.7 Kg W/Kg = 2.75
I have to say I do like the 5-10-20 test MUCH better than the 2x20! not nearly as duanting....
So, I wanted to start the Os off with something new to motivate me. I've been through these now for a few years. New house, new pain cave, etc. So, I set up Trainer road account on Sunday evening, cabled the laptop into the bigscreen TV, figured out how all this high tech stuff works. I had an old dvd of TdF races playing with TR 20 min test workout going on at the bottom of the screen. Set my FTP in TR as 230-best guess from outdoor riding recently. Set the % intensity on the TR workout to 90%-read somewhere that was a good idea till you get the hang of TR.
Did the test. With about 4 minutes to go in the 20 min segment, I knew I'd probably left a good bit on the table, but its a start. TR says to use 218 as FTP. I will for now until I retest, but know there is more in the tank.
Just reread my first post where I took potshots at Roy and Gordon. Since it's week 1 of the OS, and I don't want any of the new folks to get the wrong idea, I thought I better assure folks that I was NOT bringing the irritating, rarely endearing, SlowTwitch smack talk vibe into the forums. This is OS 5 for me (I think), and although I'm pretty sure Gordon and Roy realized I was joking (since we've OSed together before), I don't want other folks to think smack talk is the normal mode of interaction here. As you can hopefully tell, it's not, and that's one of the things that keeps me in EN. It's a great, fun, supportive community, not one where people get chipped at for missing or having a bad workout, so apologies for doing that so early in the going! I'll withold further abuse of our fearless leaders until it's more deserved a little later into the OS! Hope everyone is enjoying week! GO TEAM!
Don't worry Bill, I think (or hope at least!) that everyone here knows it's all in good fun. I'm sort of in the same boat too, assuming that everyone pretty much knows me by now, I thought I'd have some fun with RnP and post a picture of my butt for my NovOS intro bio. Didn't realize we'd have quite so many new faces around here, that's one way to make a first impression
I did my test last night - my lungs still feel a little 'stuffy' from the flue but I'm ok with the results. Since this is my first OS I figure I'll just roll with the punches at this point and stress the details in season 2.
My heart rate monitor was being a little wonky in the warm-up as in - saying I was below 60... but I fiddled with it a little and finally got it recording correctly. I also had trouble maintaining a steady pace for the entire 40 minutes, but I figure that will come with time. I've always had issues with focusing while on the trainer. Interestingly enough once I got 25 minutes into the 40 I stopped getting that 'OMG get me off this thing' feeling - so there may be hope for me yet!
I'm still waiting for access to the Data Tool to enter my results.
@Jessie - If you are moving from HR to Power you should probably retest.
@ Bill - Yes we have been through a few of these and I also took your comments in good spirits. Hey I did get the first post in the Vdot thread. Just don't beat me up too much for how low it is.
Did the 5' Test 1 and averaged right around 300W (about what I expected given July FTP of 250). However cut short the 20' FTP test due to shortness of breath (still getting over whooping cough). Since this is my 4th OS and I know pretty much where I'm at I'll SWAG the FTP at 250 and adjust as necessary. The run test tomorrow will be interesting too. [Note to self: remember the inhaler.]
@Paul - whooping cough, I had heard there was a resurgence up here as well with many more cases reported. Nice job getting back in to it. It's a long season so take it as it comes.
Thanks @Gordon! You're absolutely right... plenty of time between now and whenever
Yeah, at least half a dozen cases here in State College and I heard 32K in US this year. CDC just recommended all pregnant women get a TDAP booster. Kids are typically good if they're up to date on immunizations... it's us old people who've lapsed that are the problem.
Adding your Power Zones to your training plan. Noob question: I've done the custom Watts Zone thing under the resources tab and saved them to my profile, but I don't see them showing up in the plan itself. Is there an additional step that I'm missing?
WOOHOO for my first FTP testing session and starting my first OS with Endurance Nation!!!
I do my workouts a day behind schedule because my weekend is Sunday/Monday. So today was my bike test and here is the results.
VO2 = 262 FTP = 203 x 0.95 = 192.85 Wt = 159 lb = 72.1 Kg W/Kg = 2.67
I am still learning how to use my Garmin 310 and had hoped to post my results here because I had a bit of a slope to my 20 minute session (starting around 190 and moving up towards 220 by the end) but I seem to have accidentally deleted the entire file... don't know how that works. And it was automatically set to delete from the device when it was transferred to Garmin Connect. So that's gone.
Anyway, does the slope on my 20 minute test mean that I went out too easy for this test? Should it be steady for the whole test? Advice for next test?
Nice work, love the excitement! I think you did the best thing. Its better to build into the 20' than the other way around. Please note that testing is also a learned skill and it may take you several tries to really nail it. I prefer to end it with "Dang, I could have gone a bit harder I THINK!" than "Crap, that was a complete fail, I went out too hard too early!" I've been doing these now for several years, and do multiple 1 hour TT rides outdoors, so I kinda know now how much I'm willing to suffer. I just did the new testing protocol and I'm learning it too, as we have historically done a 2x20'. I went out too conservatively on this weeks test.
A lot of this testing and improvement also involves you pain threshold. Some of what I've seen is that fitness improves, thus higher numbers, and then there is the pain threshold shift where you just learn how much you can and want to take. Some of you OS gains will come from improved fitness, some from better testing, and some from recalibrating your pain threshold. Its like running a faster 5k in a race as opposed to running solo. You will learn how to push yourself! Good luck, I'll bet your looking at FTP=235+ by the end of the OS
A little late to the party but here are the numbers VO2= 265W FTP = 215W Wt = 300 lbs = 136 kgs W/KG = 1.6 Hoping to get a 15-20% bump in FTP with a < 10-15% drop in weight to get up to a < 2.2 W/kg.
This is right where I expected a very close to last years high after some outseason work leading up to the OS. I'm looking for 15% or north of 270.
Weight 237lb
For those interested every Wednesday I post a google document to track weight. Clink the link below add in your goal and weight today. Play as long as you want for the OS, into the season or just until the holidays.
Tested on Monday and lost power/phones/water as I was trying to post to this thread. Then ensued a frantic 48 hour post-apocalyptic scramble, but now I'm back.
5MP = 307 W
The stabbing pain in my legs gave me comfort that I pushed hard enough.
20MP = 265 * 0.95 = 251 FTP
I think I left a bit out of this one. My 5 min splits were 258, 255, 268, 273, so I was somewhat consistent on the first 10 minutes and then decided to pick it up. The last 5 minutes was a grunt-filled, explitive rich, lonely trip to the pain cave I could probably test a bit higher if I did it again today an paced more evenly, but given that my first ever power test 6 weeks ago gave me an FTP of 222, I'm happy with this.
@ 183 lbs (83kg) = 3.02 W/kg
Not sure how to translate these into goals for the end of the OS, but I guess it's a start. Oh, and I also raised the temperature in my trainer room by 10 degrees during this workout, so I'm probably saving on heating bills - maybe this could be a new EN training metric, beyond power and HR.
I just looked at tomorrow's bike workout and see we have a VO2 session or 30/30's tomorrow. Here is some guidance from the wiki in the link below. Remember 120% or Z5 for 30 seconds then 65% for the 30 second recovery.
There is also guidance on lengthening out that interval but be cautious with this. For example my advanced workout tomorrow has 6X( 5X30/30). This is 2.5 minutes of 'ON' work (120%) in 6 sets or 15' total of 'ON' work. This can be extended to 3X (5X1') or even 15X1' this is part of the self coaching and personalization that you post in the forum or to the coaches in the Micro/macro thread. For reference I did 30/30's my first year all the way through an saw good gains. Last year I was in the 1-1.5' intervals and tried 2' at certain point (if I recall correctly).
Just be careful with trying to extend out the length of these VO2 workouts as it can come back to bite you. This early in the OS you will still be bouncing back and have lots of energy just starting out. The key is to still be doing consistent workouts in 12-14 weeks. That is don't do anything too crazy that will affect workouts down stream. If you do somehting that puts you over the edge use the workout triage in the wiki as the first line of defense. Get some extra sleep, take a day off before it becomes 2-3 days or time off because you get sick.
I also dug up one thread with some good discussion for those that have time. Again keep in mind that the guy who started this thread, Joel had 3.8 w/kg and a 58 VDOT so a very strong age grouper.
So if the 30/30 VO2 session is 120% of FTP, when do we use the VO2 number from the 5 min test? Does that come into play at all? 120% is 233 for me, but my VO2 5 min test was 260. Just don't want to be undertraining.
First bike test and the hardest I've ever road on the trainer for sure!ill be getting everything I need to get started with virtual power and TR by Friday, does that mean I have to re-do test?
40 min TT
Avg HR = 183 bpm, max =187
Avg speed = 16 mph, distance = 10.68miles
Avg cadence = 103 rpm
@Jessie - that is an awesome set of stats you put up there! i can't imagine an AVHR of 183! Also, with an ave cadence of 103rpm you must have been smokin in the small chain ring! Wow!
Got my trainer bike after an overhaul that lasted a week longer than expected - the '12 OS and triathlon seasons really did a number on it.
So, after a month of not riding my LTHR is 162 and AVSPD is 19.8. The LTHR is higher than last year, but my AVSPD is down from 20.0. Let's see how fast I gain after a big layoff.
@ Joe - Yep, still here. Been around - mostly lurking.... this was a non-IM year full of other stuff for me. Looking forward to a challanging OS and my second go at IMLP.
Up and at it this morning at 0400. 1st NovOS VO2 workout as 15 minutes on 1x1 with IF's between 1.17 and 1.21. I over cooked one interval at 1.24 (Bad Roy!) but other than that, right on the money for intensity. Total ride 52 minutes at 0.88 IF. That's a whole lot of fun the day after a VDOT test.
For the new folks wondering why I didn't roll with the assigned 30x30's, read this excellent thread by one of our WSM's (and its embedded wiki posts). As this is my second OS, I know that it takes my slow diesel engine a little bit to settle into my assigned zone.
When using HR, how do you gauge if going too hard? The HR is behind in data streaming so at what point do you realize that you are going too hard like some of you are mentioning with your Power?
Vo2 = 201
FTP = 197x.95 = 187
W/kg =3.05
Weight= 135
In typical fashion I'm late to this party, for shorter workouts (<1hr), I'm an evening guy plus I'm on PST so definitely going to be clocking in a bit later than most. </p>
I also just hopped on my bike and did my usual 2x20 test without thinking about it, well I did the TR 2x20 workout to be specific, rather than the new version. In terms of results, I've gotten fairly good at estimating my FTP, so based off of my end of season outdoor FTP (290), then literally a month of no workouts due to a respitory infection, itbs and a crazy work schedule, then adjusted for indoors on the CT which is usually at least 10W lower than my outdoor Quarq power, I took a feel and decided that my starting indoor FTP would be 260. Did the 2x20 set and came out to 260 exactly. But hey, at least it's confirmed.
Based in indoor power and packing on a few, W/kg is down from 4.1 to 3.6 or so but definitely do not come close to sweating it at this point in the year. Rest has been essential, time to rebuild!
VO2 = 255
FTP = 225 x .95 = 215 (easier to deal with round numbers after all!)
Weight = 171
W/KG = 2.76 (whoa, better get going on both ends of this one!
Welcome to the house all you new folks. Should be a great OS!
Interestingly, after the tests, took a shower and had to cook and eat dinner in the dark - we lost power 15 minutes after getting off the bike. Sure, I could have continued in the dark if it happened earlier but that would have made it that much harder.... glad it stayed for the testing.
Results were where I expected them - same place as last OS start and where they had been all season of unstructured and intermittant training.
VO2 = 240
FTP = 208 x 0.95 = 197.6 but will round up to 200 (easier to do the math when hypoxic)
Wt = 160 lb = 72.7 Kg
W/Kg = 2.75
I have to say I do like the 5-10-20 test MUCH better than the 2x20! not nearly as duanting....
Great work Team!
So, I wanted to start the Os off with something new to motivate me. I've been through these now for a few years. New house, new pain cave, etc. So, I set up Trainer road account on Sunday evening, cabled the laptop into the bigscreen TV, figured out how all this high tech stuff works. I had an old dvd of TdF races playing with TR 20 min test workout going on at the bottom of the screen. Set my FTP in TR as 230-best guess from outdoor riding recently. Set the % intensity on the TR workout to 90%-read somewhere that was a good idea till you get the hang of TR.
Did the test. With about 4 minutes to go in the 20 min segment, I knew I'd probably left a good bit on the table, but its a start. TR says to use 218 as FTP. I will for now until I retest, but know there is more in the tank.
Work is speed entering the BODY!!
Roy’s OS Goals:
1. Lift FTP ~10%
2. Sub 18 Minute 5 K
3. Stalk Bill McKinney, sneak into his race transition areas, deflate his bicycle tires and steal his running shoes.
4. Target 185 race weight.
Hmmm, my NovOS goals just got a bit easier to focus on….
No worries Bill, I took it in the EN Mojo spirit in which it was intended.
Thanks Carl. If I can get my run to match my bike I'll be in good shape.
I did my test last night - my lungs still feel a little 'stuffy' from the flue but I'm ok with the results. Since this is my first OS I figure I'll just roll with the punches at this point and stress the details in season 2.
My heart rate monitor was being a little wonky in the warm-up as in - saying I was below 60... but I fiddled with it a little and finally got it recording correctly. I also had trouble maintaining a steady pace for the entire 40 minutes, but I figure that will come with time. I've always had issues with focusing while on the trainer. Interestingly enough once I got 25 minutes into the 40 I stopped getting that 'OMG get me off this thing' feeling - so there may be hope for me yet!
I'm still waiting for access to the Data Tool to enter my results.
Time: 40:00.0
Distance: 8.97 (Yes, I'm slow, that's why I'm here)
Avg HR: 156
Max HR: 170 (Yes, I have an abnormally high heart rate - this is 'normal' for me)
Avg Bike Cadence: 80
Max Bike Cadence: 98
Weight: 214 (working on this to)
@Jessie - If you are moving from HR to Power you should probably retest.
@ Bill - Yes we have been through a few of these and I also took your comments in good spirits. Hey I did get the first post in the Vdot thread. Just don't beat me up too much for how low it is.
The run test tomorrow will be interesting too. [Note to self: remember the inhaler.]
@Paul - whooping cough, I had heard there was a resurgence up here as well with many more cases reported. Nice job getting back in to it. It's a long season so take it as it comes.
Yeah, at least half a dozen cases here in State College and I heard 32K in US this year. CDC just recommended all pregnant women get a TDAP booster. Kids are typically good if they're up to date on immunizations... it's us old people who've lapsed that are the problem.
Hi all,
Got the bike done yesterday evening via Heart Rate on my old trainer:
Avg. HR = 149
Max HR = 160
Distance = 12.2 miles
Avg. Speed: 18.2 mph (max = 22.5)
Avg Cadence = 91
One of the tougher things I've done in awhile and it was hard to know how to pace it. Feels good to get it on the board tho!
Joe, wait til tomorrow and then check out the 2 day workout schedule on the dashboard. Your personalized zones will show up there.
VO2 = 200
FTP = 170
Weight = 187lb = 85kg
W/kg = 2.0
Let's see how much kg I can get off and W I can add in the OS...
I do my workouts a day behind schedule because my weekend is Sunday/Monday. So today was my bike test and here is the results.
VO2 = 262
FTP = 203 x 0.95 = 192.85
Wt = 159 lb = 72.1 Kg
W/Kg = 2.67
I am still learning how to use my Garmin 310 and had hoped to post my results here because I had a bit of a slope to my 20 minute session (starting around 190 and moving up towards 220 by the end) but I seem to have accidentally deleted the entire file... don't know how that works. And it was automatically set to delete from the device when it was transferred to Garmin Connect. So that's gone.
Anyway, does the slope on my 20 minute test mean that I went out too easy for this test? Should it be steady for the whole test? Advice for next test?
I'm excited to start pushin' watts this OS!
Hey Andy,
Nice work, love the excitement! I think you did the best thing. Its better to build into the 20' than the other way around. Please note that testing is also a learned skill and it may take you several tries to really nail it. I prefer to end it with "Dang, I could have gone a bit harder I THINK!" than "Crap, that was a complete fail, I went out too hard too early!" I've been doing these now for several years, and do multiple 1 hour TT rides outdoors, so I kinda know now how much I'm willing to suffer. I just did the new testing protocol and I'm learning it too, as we have historically done a 2x20'. I went out too conservatively on this weeks test.
A lot of this testing and improvement also involves you pain threshold. Some of what I've seen is that fitness improves, thus higher numbers, and then there is the pain threshold shift where you just learn how much you can and want to take. Some of you OS gains will come from improved fitness, some from better testing, and some from recalibrating your pain threshold. Its like running a faster 5k in a race as opposed to running solo. You will learn how to push yourself! Good luck, I'll bet your looking at FTP=235+ by the end of the OS
VO2= 265W
FTP = 215W
Wt = 300 lbs = 136 kgs
W/KG = 1.6
Hoping to get a 15-20% bump in FTP with a < 10-15% drop in weight to get up to a < 2.2 W/kg.
Just got the bike test in.
5' - 282
20' - 249
FTP 237
This is right where I expected a very close to last years high after some outseason work leading up to the OS. I'm looking for 15% or north of 270.
Weight 237lb
For those interested every Wednesday I post a google document to track weight. Clink the link below add in your goal and weight today. Play as long as you want for the OS, into the season or just until the holidays.
W/kg - 2.18
Tested on Monday and lost power/phones/water as I was trying to post to this thread. Then ensued a frantic 48 hour post-apocalyptic scramble, but now I'm back.
5MP = 307 W
The stabbing pain in my legs gave me comfort that I pushed hard enough.
20MP = 265 * 0.95 = 251 FTP
I think I left a bit out of this one. My 5 min splits were 258, 255, 268, 273, so I was somewhat consistent on the first 10 minutes and then decided to pick it up. The last 5 minutes was a grunt-filled, explitive rich, lonely trip to the pain cave
I could probably test a bit higher if I did it again today an paced more evenly, but given that my first ever power test 6 weeks ago gave me an FTP of 222, I'm happy with this.
@ 183 lbs (83kg) = 3.02 W/kg
Not sure how to translate these into goals for the end of the OS, but I guess it's a start. Oh, and I also raised the temperature in my trainer room by 10 degrees during this workout, so I'm probably saving on heating bills - maybe this could be a new EN training metric, beyond power and HR.
I just looked at tomorrow's bike workout and see we have a VO2 session or 30/30's tomorrow. Here is some guidance from the wiki in the link below. Remember 120% or Z5 for 30 seconds then 65% for the 30 second recovery.
There is also guidance on lengthening out that interval but be cautious with this. For example my advanced workout tomorrow has 6X( 5X30/30). This is 2.5 minutes of 'ON' work (120%) in 6 sets or 15' total of 'ON' work. This can be extended to 3X (5X1') or even 15X1' this is part of the self coaching and personalization that you post in the forum or to the coaches in the Micro/macro thread. For reference I did 30/30's my first year all the way through an saw good gains. Last year I was in the 1-1.5' intervals and tried 2' at certain point (if I recall correctly).
Just be careful with trying to extend out the length of these VO2 workouts as it can come back to bite you. This early in the OS you will still be bouncing back and have lots of energy just starting out. The key is to still be doing consistent workouts in 12-14 weeks. That is don't do anything too crazy that will affect workouts down stream. If you do somehting that puts you over the edge use the workout triage in the wiki as the first line of defense. Get some extra sleep, take a day off before it becomes 2-3 days or time off because you get sick.
I also dug up one thread with some good discussion for those that have time. Again keep in mind that the guy who started this thread, Joel had 3.8 w/kg and a 58 VDOT so a very strong age grouper.
So if the 30/30 VO2 session is 120% of FTP, when do we use the VO2 number from the 5 min test? Does that come into play at all? 120% is 233 for me, but my VO2 5 min test was 260. Just don't want to be undertraining.
@Jessie - that is an awesome set of stats you put up there! i can't imagine an AVHR of 183! Also, with an ave cadence of 103rpm you must have been smokin in the small chain ring! Wow!
Got my trainer bike after an overhaul that lasted a week longer than expected - the '12 OS and triathlon seasons really did a number on it.
So, after a month of not riding my LTHR is 162 and AVSPD is 19.8. The LTHR is higher than last year, but my AVSPD is down from 20.0. Let's see how fast I gain after a big layoff.
Up and at it this morning at 0400. 1st NovOS VO2 workout as 15 minutes on 1x1 with IF's between 1.17 and 1.21. I over cooked one interval at 1.24 (Bad Roy!) but other than that, right on the money for intensity. Total ride 52 minutes at 0.88 IF. That's a whole lot of fun the day after a VDOT test.
My blog post on my 30/30 workout this morning: http://coffeeforthebrain.blogspot.c...ide-2.html
When using HR, how do you gauge if going too hard? The HR is behind in data streaming so at what point do you realize that you are going too hard like some of you are mentioning with your Power?