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Nov OS Week 1 Bike Thread



  • Dave thanks, that was kinda my concern that it was not calibrated correctly.  Looked online on how to calibrate the Garmin310XT, so hopefully that may resolve my issue.

  • Moved into the house yesterday, got my stuff delivered was finally able to do the bike FTP test. This was the first ride on a bike that's mine (i.e. not a fitness bike from the local gym) in 7 weeks. and I used my TT bike since that's my favorite.

    - warmup: Felt OK, got into a rhythm pretty quickly
    - 5' VO2 Max test: I was hoping to end up around 350 Watts but somehow I averaged 384. It was not fun but my effort was pretty consistent. Positively surprised.
    - 10' rest after that were short, my recovery took quite a long time
    - 20' FTP test: I started off thinking the result from the 5' test would be around 120% of FTP, which would mean my 1h FTP should be just over 300 watts. Which also meant my 20' power should be near 315-320. So I started off shooting for that but it took less than a minute to realize that would be way off. Had to lower the numbers quite a bit. My pacing seemed all over the place, I'd have trouble maintaining power, then I'd have to shift to an easier gear, then start pushing harder, shift to a bigger gear based on how I felt... To my surprise, my VI is still exactly 1.00. Average power for the 20' was 284 watts, which gives an FTP of 270 watts.

    FTP is basically where I thought it was gonna be, but still a disappointing result. It's my worst threshold power of the last 3 years, and the result of minimal activity the last few months.
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