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    2010 HIM, Advanced, 12 Week

    Week 6/Saturday/Run Activity #139

    Race Pace Brick The first 3 miles of your race should be at a jogging pace; for pace athletes, this is your Long Run / Easy Run Pace + an additional 30 per mile. Use these 3 miles to dial in the proper pace, no need to run hard here to test your fitness. Second 3 miles @ z2/MP, which is your goal effort on race day. Note how you feel, etc. Run no more than 6 miles or 1 hour, whichever comes first.

    Since this is HIM plan, should this read 3 miles ;z3/HMP?  Would the race day goal effort be HMP?  

    Also, Week 6/Sunday - Needs a "Day Off" icon inserted.  Currently blank.  Thanks.

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    Posted By Geoff Palmer on 10 Mar 2010 01:10 PM

    OS Intermediate Level, 20 Wks

    Activity #734

    MS: 2 x 1/2 mile (4'), 2 x 1 mile (6') all @ 5k Test pace (6')

    - "@ 5k Test Pace" seems inconsistent. Our paces usually follow the Data Tool, i.e. EP, MP, HMP, TP, IP

    - and the extra rest interval at the end


    We use 5k pace instead of IP as, per Daniels, the only people running IP are folks whose vDOT is in low 60s...for the rest of us the cost would be too high! Great question.

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    Posted By Rob Price on 12 Mar 2010 01:20 PM

    2010 HIM, Advanced, 12 Week

    Week 6/Saturday/Run Activity #139

    Race Pace Brick The first 3 miles of your race should be at a jogging pace; for pace athletes, this is your Long Run / Easy Run Pace + an additional 30 per mile. Use these 3 miles to dial in the proper pace, no need to run hard here to test your fitness. Second 3 miles @ z2/MP, which is your goal effort on race day. Note how you feel, etc. Run no more than 6 miles or 1 hour, whichever comes first.

    Since this is HIM plan, should this read 3 miles ;z3/HMP?  Would the race day goal effort be HMP?  

    Also, Week 6/Sunday - Needs a "Day Off" icon inserted.  Currently blank.  Thanks.

    Rob -

    We race Half IMs at MP, and IMs at LRP. You can get the full skinny in the Training and Racing with Pace eBook via the Run station of the Train Map here.



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    Half IM intermediate 12 week plan, week 7, has 2 60 minute swims on Friday, no Saturday workout, and 2 120 minute rides on Sunday. Help!
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    OS Intermediate
    Week 14, Monday
    Activity #699 title says "Run - 10"
    But then description (and PDF) say "Brick, 20' as z2/MP out, z3/HMP back."
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    [TP2.0] 2010 Half Ironman, Intermediate, 20 Weeks

    Week 12 - Tuesday has two bikes, a 75 min followed by a 60 minute followed by an optional brick. Looks like one of those is probably supposed to be on another day.

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    From Jorge:

    Ok, I'm on Week 14 of the Half Ironman Intermediate program and see the following for later this week:

    RR Swim WU: 100-200yd/m

    MS: Race distance swim at race pace. 4200yd or 3800m. Prefer long course (50m) pool if available. Pacing = only swim as fast as your ability to maintain form.

    I double checked my math and 4200 yards is 2.386 miles, about twice as long as the 1.2 mile Half Iron swim. Can someone double check the swim distance for all workouts in this plan? I've been swimming the for the past 2 weeks and did 1/2 the prescribed distance the first week and full distance last week, but the distances seem to be way off. Thanks!

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    HIM, Intermediate plan. The podcasts that are attached to this plan do not coincide with week numbers in the plan. For instance, in week 1 of the plan, the podcast is for week 9. Week 2 has the week 10 podcast, and week 3 has the week 11 podcast.
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    [TP2.0] 2010 Half Ironman, Intermediate, 12 Weeks

    Several problems with week 3:

    Wednesday has 2 runs listed: a :30 minute run and a 1:05 run

    Friday: Big Day- Is a Big Day actually supposed to be scheduled on a work day? Also, no intensities are listed for the Big Day.

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    ;Amy -

    I replied to your week layout in the other thread; as for the podcasts, they were made for the 20 wk plans...but you have a 12 week flavor. So your week 12 (counting down) is actually Week 9 counting down from the podcasts! Sorry for the confusion!


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    Posted By Trevor Garson on 15 Mar 2010 09:44 AM

    [TP2.0] 2010 Half Ironman, Intermediate, 20 Weeks

    Week 12 - Tuesday has two bikes, a 75 min followed by a 60 minute followed by an optional brick. Looks like one of those is probably supposed to be on another day.


    Trevor -  one of those is an FTP test, the other is an HR test (different protocols). So that is actually right...


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    Thanks for the clarification, I'll be using the 2x20' (2') FTP test as per usual, but thought that one might have been an error in the plan because previous test weeks have had a single bike workout entered but with the activity desciption having the two MS's seperated by an --OR-- . IMHO that is a little less confusing than two seperate workouts of different durations listed.

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    Here's an admin question regarding the plans:

    After someone finds errors and the plan is "fixed", how do we get the new improved version of the plan? Do we have to dump out of our current plan (choose a reason for a plan change) and then reload the plan so we get all the fixes? Or do to the fixes appear automatically? For instance, there is a problem in week 3 of the HIM intermediate plan where the big day is scheduled for a Friday. After Patrick fixes it, will I see the fix automatically or will I have to reload the plan?

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    I know I listened to a podcast about this question but can't find the answer again.  I have been/am on a beginner plan for the OS.  I am looking ahead to the rest of the season and the swim workouts are a bit basic.  Meaning I am a beginner biker/runner but am as Rich says "been swimming since I was 5".  Can I find other swim workouts?

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    Posted By Trevor Garson on 16 Mar 2010 08:20 AM

    Thanks for the clarification, I'll be using the 2x20' (2') FTP test as per usual, but thought that one might have been an error in the plan because previous test weeks have had a single bike workout entered but with the activity desciption having the two MS's seperated by an --OR-- . IMHO that is a little less confusing than two seperate workouts of different durations listed.


    I will look into combining them for the future, thanks!

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    Posted By Amy Ball on 17 Mar 2010 02:06 PM

    Here's an admin question regarding the plans:

    After someone finds errors and the plan is "fixed", how do we get the new improved version of the plan? Do we have to dump out of our current plan (choose a reason for a plan change) and then reload the plan so we get all the fixes? Or do to the fixes appear automatically? For instance, there is a problem in week 3 of the HIM intermediate plan where the big day is scheduled for a Friday. After Patrick fixes it, will I see the fix automatically or will I have to reload the plan?



    Great question! Since the 2.0 plans live on a database, when I fix it the next time you go back it's fixed. Done. IF you are printing out, however, that's another story...

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    Just a thought - perhaps have the ID # for each activity also show in the "printable weekly summary" (i.e. not just when you click on the activity)?

    This would make it easier for us, in the unlikely event there was a typo or error, to refer you to the offending workout.

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    I think the description may be off for Activity #73, Saturday, Week 8, 20 Week HIM Intermediate plan. Time seems to call for 30 minutes, but descriptions says make it last an hour. I am going with 30 minutes, but am not sure what you intended.

    Swim-30 Activity #73

    Activity Description
    T-Pace Test WU: 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 swim.
    MS: Swim 1000 yards/meters at a constant pace and good effort—as if racing. Record your average pace per 100. CD: Add volume to make workout last to 1 hour. Total: 2600yds/m
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    Week 3 Intermediate HIM
    Wednesday lists two runs. Is that correct?

    Activity #92
    Activity Description
    WU: 10' @ z1/LRP

    MS: 3 x 4' @z3/HMP (2')

    WD: 5' easy jogging/walking

    Activity #103
    Activity Description
    WU: 30' @ z1/LRP

    MS: 2 x 1 mile (4') @ z4/TP, Remainder @ z2/MP as you can.

    WD: 5' easy jogging / walking.
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    Week 9 Beg HIM
    2 bike rides listed - Act #161 and 162
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    I[, starting Week 17 HIM beginner, Wed calls for bike 75', bike test then another 75' bike ride with intervals, followed by 20' run? ouch !  Also noticed most of swims like Friday week 17, thus far are IM swims ? 4200 yds, is this correct?

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    Hi Patrick,

    Can you please send me week 3 of the Intermediate 12 week HIM plan? It's still incorrect in my drop down list. I start week 3 on Monday! The version loaded in my training plan has the Big Day listed on Friday (with no traiing zones). I know you said that you fixed it and that I should see the fixed version in my plan, but I still don't.

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    @Amy Ball - Hi, week 3 is all in order now. Please have a look and let me know. Thanks!
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    Hi guys,

    Just finished up my OS and am into the finishing touches of Boston Marathon training then Mooseman. I switched to a HIM plan ending on 06/20. Just 2 weeks are showing in my plan. Are these the transition weeks?



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    Activity #876

    Looks like it should be "Run 45", but shows up as "Run - 25"

    PDF shows it correctly.  Thanks!

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    I switched my plan to OS yesterday and for some reason, my plan is not showing
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    Week 4 of 12 week HIM Intermediate plan:

    On Tuesday, there are 3 bike workouts listed. Two of them (Activity #1655) are for testing (Power Meter users pick option #1, HR Monitor users pick option #2). Then there is a 3rd bike workout (Activity #111) listed: 60 minutes of 3x15.

    I'm pretty sure we are not supposed to do 2 bike workouts on one day, corrrect?

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    Week 5 of 12 week HIM Intermediate plan:

    On Saturday, there is a 4.5 hr bike ride (Activity #127) listed for the HIM athletes. Normal ride is 3 hrs. Looks like an IM bike ride got mixed in here by mistake.
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    Week 6 of 12 week HIM Intermediate plan:

    There is no workout listed for Sunday.

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