Hey folks, this will be my 4th OS with EN. How time flies. I may start slowly this year to ensure everything is fully recovered from my late September race but hope to be full speed by late November.
Love the OS schedule as it ultimately becomes my default schedule when I don't know what else to do. Power up...
Hey folks, this will be my 4th OS with EN. How time flies. I may start slowly this year to ensure everything is fully recovered from my late September race but hope to be full speed by late November.
Love the OS schedule as it ultimately becomes my default schedule when I don't know what else to do. Power up...
Oh boy! Nate Parady is in da NOS Haus!? Strap on your helmets everyone cuz this place is gonna be ROCKING!
Hello Everyone! I have been with EN since October 2012 and this will be my second outseason. My goal this year is to make it all the way through. Last year a bike crash at week 6 of the outseason took be out of commission for 2 months and then it was a long road back to regain lost fitness. I'd really like to remain as injury free as possible so i'm planning to stick to the plan and not to be hero, although i am planning to maintain a swim focus during the outseason. I'll also be focusing on body comp and shooting for about a 10% FTP bump over last year.
Race-wise i'm planning on doing St. George and Boulder 70.3 and then my main race will be IM Boulder in August. I'm looking forward to going through the OS together with everyone. There really is a lot of mojo and knowledge to be gained by doing this as a large group. I encourage all the new folks to ask any questions you may have. There are no silly questions (trust me, i've asked my share) and you'll be amazed at the collective knowledge within this team.
1. Joe Hallatschek, San Antonio – Texas (great weather - beats SoCal)
2. Races: South-West Regional Triathlon Championships (somewhere near Dallas in April), USAT Nationals, a Fall HIM somewhere my New Orleans Cajun friend declares our annual race in ‘14 (it's like the Army-Navy game)
3. OS Goals – focus on my running by learning to pace with power on the bike, make and renew EN friendships
4. About me – 4th OS, first triathlon in ’90, retired Army, married 31yrs, civil engineer, dream of living in a place called Magarita island like Andres (can you imagine living somewhere called that?)
Coming to you from beautiful Madison - home of IMWI - where we saw our first snow flakes of the season!
3rd OS for me - seeking to ramp up the fitness through the OS in preparation for some IM revenge in 2014 at IMMT (did IMWI and it was so not the race I wanted it to be). May tweak the plan a little and do a 1x week swim to see if it will help with bicep tendonitis that I dealt with last year. Not sure of other races yet - for sure Horribly Hills Hundreds bike ride and with Rev3 Wisconsin in June now, may plan for that. Other goals ... body comp and either a run or bike focused OS - better decide that soon!
Love trainer road and use the Sufferfest "Hell Hath No Fury" video for testing ... women cyclists rock!
When I'm not rockin' the OS, you'll find me having a ball earning SAUs on our snowmobiles!
Hi my name is Mark Maurer and I'm new to EN. I live in Olympia, WA. I've been doing triathlons since 2002 and have mainly done HIM and IM distance races the last 6 years or so. I've been self coached most of that time. I got Joe Freil's Your Best Triathlon book the year it came out (2011), used it and dropped an hour on my IM time and since then I've plateaued. (I've had PR's but just barely). I want to use the OS and the resources at EN to to take my fitness and speed up a notch or two for the next season.
I plan to race the full Vineman in late July. (It's their 25th anniversary and it should be even more fun than normal.) That's the only A race I have on my calendar at this time since I may need to take the rest of the summer off from serious training to get some home maintenance done. I am running the Avenue of the Giants marathon, as a C priority race, with my daughter and wife in May because it's my daughter's first marathon (and yes I've already had the "marathon" discussion with Coach Rich).
I'm looking forward to working hard and cheering everyone on!
Stephanie Stevens is in da haus! I'm from Littleton, Colorado and this is my fourth OS with EN. Love this place.
My schedule is much like Mark's this year.....IMSG 70.3, Boulder 70.3, IMCDA and IMBoulder. My two IM's will be number 5 and 6 for me.....someday I may get a Legacy spot to Kona. My goals are to stay healthy - especially for my knee which has given me more problems and cost me more in therapy than I'd like to admit.
I love Trainer Road. May have to step out of the OS group for a week in January to participate in the Tour of Sufferlandria. There were a few of us ENers doing the tour last year....hopefully more will participate this year.
Hello everyone, Great intros, I can feel the mojo building already. I'm Roy, father, husband, Marine, and sometimes a swim/bike/runner. This will be my third OS with EN and the OS is what keep me coming back. Its hard to beat the accountability and camaraderie that builds through these weekly threads. I've got IMCDA on the books for next year, but I'm due for orders (potential move and job change) next summer, so I'm subject to the needs of the service. However, I'm hoping the career allows me to make it to Idaho for IM #6.
For anyone in the D.C. / NOVA area, I'll be trying to drum up some interest in some local winter running races just to hook up, get some run on, and mainly to tell lies about how cool we are (Nate, I'm looking at you!). Like Stephanie, I am also coming out of NOS a week early to hit the Tour of Sufferlandria. It was a blast last year and wore me out.
Great to hook up with everyone. For all the new folks, please make your presence known in the threads and around the house. Good plans abound, but its in the forums that you can really hook on the EN mojo that makes this a special place. Good luck everyone!
I will be hanging out and cheering you all on. I will be doing the Jan OS though for my last race this year is Dec 1---Ironman Cozumel.
Enjoy the next 14 weeks and push push push. This is where we truly get faster on the run and STRONGER on the bike. Looking forward to watch you each grow and suffer with each other.
I'm new to EN and this will be my first OS. I live in Alexandria, VA and have been doing triathlons for three years. I completed my first two HIM this past summer, Kinetic Half and REV 3 Williamsburg. My A race for 2014 is IM Mont Tremblant, which will be my first IM.
Hi all, Back for a second OS with EN. Usually I am an every other year IM gal, but I did so well at IM Whistler this year (1 hr 7 min PR) that I signed up for 2014! I am bad this year as I am doing a marathon with a friend in Feb.....I know it's not the EN way but I signed up before I decided I was doing IM again. So I will be doing a run hack to the os.
I'm not doing the Nov OS this year, but have the last three years. Just wanted to check in and wish you all well! I'm opting for the Jan OS this time since I'm most likely just doing short course stuff next year. But seeing all the great people from previous OS years has me regretting that a bit! It's like a who's who of past outseasons. They will be sure to keep you motivated and answer any question you might have!
Have fun and hit it hard! But also give just as much attention to good eating, sleep, and recovery. I shit you not.
Hi everyone! Back for my second OS, but first time doing the OS through the holidays. Looking forward to getting back in the groove after some unstructured training following IMWI. My race schedule is undecided as of yet, meaning I have absolutely zero races on the calendar in 2014. No IM in 2014, but I'm looking at one or two HIM's. Probably Rev3 Wis Dells (EN key race??) and maybe Racine or Steelhead. Plus a few other olys and running events, I'm sure. My focus this OS is on body comp and keeping the run mojo going through snow & ice season. I tried testing last year on the treadmill - disaster. So this year I'm looking to run races as my tests. First up is a rather hilly HM in Galena, IL at the end of week 1. Might be in for "The Tour" as well - got a sufferfest wko on the calendar for tomorrow as a last warmup for Monday - time to DO WORK!
I'm going to be straggling both Nov and Jan OS groups, with a running-focus leading into early December (finally going to CRUSH my half marathon PR) and lots of vacation in late December!
This will be my 4th OS, officially. Been a member since early 2008.
Just wanted to stop in and say good luck to all the NOV OS folks, especially the first timers. I think this would have been my 4th straight Nov OS but committing treason and switching to Jan OS start this year.
Hi folks, This will be my second season with EN, first NovOS. Last year was tough as I had surgery followed by three illnesses that hampered my attempt at my first IM. But I gained so much from the support in this Haus, I just love it!
I have three A races in 2014, Rev3 Quassy, Mont-Tremblant 70.3, and finally IMMT.
My goals are to stay healthy and finish each race.
I really could use some mojo right now as I am feeling a bit unmotivated. I'm really looking forward to training with all of you!
Still hoping to start with you guys on Monday, but my shin splints aren't sure yet. Going to run today after a few days off and see how it is. I want to be able to do this OS 100%, so if my shin isn't up to par, I'll postpone til January.
That being said, this is my sort of second OS. I started last year and had a solid first half of the OS and then life got in the way and disintegrated the second half. I'm pretty psyched to see how much I can gain with doing it all. Also working on body composition, as that has been going in the wrong direction the past year. Shooting for Wisconsin Dells HIM in June and IMChoo as A races, with some other races sprinkled in there.
Hello from Minneapolis! My name is Dawn, and this is both my first OS and first season training with EN. My husband trained with EN this past year for IMRacine 70.3, and I was very impressed with the training and commitment from Rich, Patrick and the other members of the team there. I've been in triathlon two seasons now, and after being a wetsuit stripper at IMWI this year, decided that I'd make the jump to HIM and then sign up for IMWI next year for the 2015 race.
My goals for OS are to challenge myself and learn as much as I can about FTP and all those other acronyms that are posted here in the forums, plus improve my run and bike endurance levels. I just downloaded TrainerRoad, and plan on using that, and my Sufferist clips as I ride my bike on the trainer, down in my Pain Cave. Races next year are Rev3 WIDells in June and Superiorman in August - both are A races for me.
YWCA Mpls T1, 2013. Yes, this has been artfully cropped.
When I'm not obsessing about all things Tri, I am a wife, mom of 2 almost-out-of-the-house daughters, work as a rainmaker for a non-profit here in the TC, knit, and go SCUBA diving in the warm waters of Bonaire when I can afford it. I'm really looking forward to suffering training with everyone else here, and lending whatever support I can through the magic of the Interwebs!
Hi, I'm Greg Carbo, living in NYC just a few minutes from Central Park. As fun as Citi Bikes are, riding a tri-bike is much more fun on closed roads than down 9th Avenue. This is my second NOS - I can't wait to get started! I'm looking to get out to Nice this year after work forced me to miss it last June. Mainly hoping to up my FTP during this OS. I'm looking forward to training with everyone!
This will be my second OS. The first was a few years ago as I prepared for IMC 2011 (Penticton), my first IM. It was a wonderful experience. I am looking forward to sharing with everyone in this 2013-2014 Outseason as I get ready for IM Boulder with Oceanside 70.3 on the way ... along with some 5Ks, 10K, HMs, and centuries.
I have my pain cave all set up with an older dedicated tri bike (w/ PT power meter) permanently mounted on my KK trainer. A computer with music and a nice screen is set up for showing movies or playing music while I use the RAD+ trainer software. (It seems like I am the only one NOT using TrainerRoad???)
I have my running courses mapped out although for my first test I'll be using a 5K on Saturday.
I finished IM Lake Tahoe and have been taking it easy ever since! I met a number of EN athletes there which inspired me to re-up. The company of fellow athletes is priceless!
Walnut, California Races I've entered so far this season, 70.3 Oceanside in late March, 70.3 St George in early May and Ironman Coeur d Alene in late June. KONA?
Recently retired Fire Captain after 31 years of "Livin the Dream". Trying to find the speed my legs once had. Hoping the EN philosophy and community can help and motivate. The last thing I every want to do is let my team down. Really looking forward to this season
I'm Rich Smith from Issaquah WA (outside Seattle). This is my first OS with EN and I just finished my first real season of triathlon. I did two HIMs and an Oly this summer. My A races for 2014 are Oceanside 70.3, Lake Stevens 70.3, and maybe IMAZ as my first IM distance.
I'm fighting some achilles tendon issues but looking to take the next step as a triathlete with Team EN.
I am a first time EN'r and looking forward to the OS. I really only have one "A" race scheduled that is IMLP. It will be my second go at it and with help of the nation, I am anticipating a big improvement over last year. I will do at least one 1/2 Iron event. I have been doing mostly 1/2 iron events with my brother for the last ten years. We usually do Tupper Lake Tinman, but it is too close to IMLP this year. I have done Musselman. Its a great course and well organized. There is the potential for Heat. Great to be part of the team!
A chilly hello from Warwick, NY - it was in the twenties early this morning here. Better bundle up for that group ride tomorrow...
My name is Terra Meierdierck. I grew up in Westfield, NY and moved to NY State four years ago.... Then I bought a road bike. Then my running turned in to cycling and running; but there was still something missing. I got bit by the tri bug and have been bit ever since. I love triathlon! I was suppose to do an olympic, but that was cancelled - so I figured "what the heck, I'll do a half IM". I was smitten and now have completed three.
This year I will be completing my first full Ironman - IMLP. I volunteered this year in transition; the energy was amazing. This is also my first year doing OS training and being a part of EN. I am excited and really looking forward to it.
I'm also only doing IMLP this year. It is right in the middle of the summer and I want to be on my A game. I think that Syracuse is way too close - tho some people signed up and took that "bundle". I did Syracuse last year. That bike course is amazing!
Hi all. I'm Gerry from Connecticut. New member and 1st OS. Building toward IM70.3 Syracuse. Looking forward to the challenges ahead.
Love the OS schedule as it ultimately becomes my default schedule when I don't know what else to do. Power up...
Oh boy! Nate Parady is in da NOS Haus!? Strap on your helmets everyone cuz this place is gonna be ROCKING!
Hello Everyone! I have been with EN since October 2012 and this will be my second outseason. My goal this year is to make it all the way through. Last year a bike crash at week 6 of the outseason took be out of commission for 2 months and then it was a long road back to regain lost fitness. I'd really like to remain as injury free as possible so i'm planning to stick to the plan and not to be hero, although i am planning to maintain a swim focus during the outseason. I'll also be focusing on body comp and shooting for about a 10% FTP bump over last year.
Race-wise i'm planning on doing St. George and Boulder 70.3 and then my main race will be IM Boulder in August. I'm looking forward to going through the OS together with everyone. There really is a lot of mojo and knowledge to be gained by doing this as a large group. I encourage all the new folks to ask any questions you may have. There are no silly questions (trust me, i've asked my share) and you'll be amazed at the collective knowledge within this team.
Happy Training - Let's do this!!!!!!
Now –with Brenda’s updated guidance:
1. Joe Hallatschek, San Antonio – Texas (great weather - beats SoCal)
2. Races: South-West Regional Triathlon Championships (somewhere near Dallas in April), USAT Nationals, a Fall HIM somewhere my New Orleans Cajun friend declares our annual race in ‘14 (it's like the Army-Navy game)
3. OS Goals – focus on my running by learning to pace with power on the bike, make and renew EN friendships
4. About me – 4th OS, first triathlon in ’90, retired Army, married 31yrs, civil engineer, dream of living in a place called Magarita island like Andres (can you imagine living somewhere called that?)
Hi all!
Coming to you from beautiful Madison - home of IMWI - where we saw our first snow flakes of the season!
3rd OS for me - seeking to ramp up the fitness through the OS in preparation for some IM revenge in 2014 at IMMT (did IMWI and it was so not the race I wanted it to be). May tweak the plan a little and do a 1x week swim to see if it will help with bicep tendonitis that I dealt with last year. Not sure of other races yet - for sure Horribly Hills Hundreds bike ride and with Rev3 Wisconsin in June now, may plan for that. Other goals ... body comp and either a run or bike focused OS - better decide that soon!
Love trainer road and use the Sufferfest "Hell Hath No Fury" video for testing ... women cyclists rock!
When I'm not rockin' the OS, you'll find me having a ball earning SAUs on our snowmobiles!
Hi my name is Mark Maurer and I'm new to EN. I live in Olympia, WA. I've been doing triathlons since 2002 and have mainly done HIM and IM distance races the last 6 years or so. I've been self coached most of that time. I got Joe Freil's Your Best Triathlon book the year it came out (2011), used it and dropped an hour on my IM time and since then I've plateaued. (I've had PR's but just barely). I want to use the OS and the resources at EN to to take my fitness and speed up a notch or two for the next season.
I plan to race the full Vineman in late July. (It's their 25th anniversary and it should be even more fun than normal.) That's the only A race I have on my calendar at this time since I may need to take the rest of the summer off from serious training to get some home maintenance done. I am running the Avenue of the Giants marathon, as a C priority race, with my daughter and wife in May because it's my daughter's first marathon (and yes I've already had the "marathon" discussion with Coach Rich).
I'm looking forward to working hard and cheering everyone on!
My schedule is much like Mark's this year.....IMSG 70.3, Boulder 70.3, IMCDA and IMBoulder. My two IM's will be number 5 and 6 for me.....someday I may get a Legacy spot to Kona. My goals are to stay healthy - especially for my knee which has given me more problems and cost me more in therapy than I'd like to admit.
I love Trainer Road. May have to step out of the OS group for a week in January to participate in the Tour of Sufferlandria. There were a few of us ENers doing the tour last year....hopefully more will participate this year.
For anyone in the D.C. / NOVA area, I'll be trying to drum up some interest in some local winter running races just to hook up, get some run on, and mainly to tell lies about how cool we are (Nate, I'm looking at you!). Like Stephanie, I am also coming out of NOS a week early to hit the Tour of Sufferlandria. It was a blast last year and wore me out.
Great to hook up with everyone. For all the new folks, please make your presence known in the threads and around the house. Good plans abound, but its in the forums that you can really hook on the EN mojo that makes this a special place. Good luck everyone!
Enjoy the next 14 weeks and push push push. This is where we truly get faster on the run and STRONGER on the bike. Looking forward to watch you each grow and suffer with each other.
Hello everyone!
I'm new to EN and this will be my first OS. I live in Alexandria, VA and have been doing triathlons for three years. I completed my first two HIM this past summer, Kinetic Half and REV 3 Williamsburg. My A race for 2014 is IM Mont Tremblant, which will be my first IM.
I'm looking forward to training with EN!
Back for a second OS with EN. Usually I am an every other year IM gal, but I did so well at IM Whistler this year (1 hr 7 min PR) that I signed up for 2014! I am bad this year as I am doing a marathon with a friend in Feb.....I know it's not the EN way but I signed up before I decided I was doing IM again.
Excited to do the os with you all.
Your NorCal fellow Sufferlandrian is checking in for duty! Bring the pain EO January!
And for those not familiar: https://www.facebook.com/events/245194695633439/
Have fun and hit it hard! But also give just as much attention to good eating, sleep, and recovery. I shit you not.
This will be my 4th OS, officially. Been a member since early 2008.
Until then, kick some ass.
This will be my second season with EN, first NovOS. Last year was tough as I had surgery followed by three illnesses that hampered my attempt at my first IM. But I gained so much from the support in this Haus, I just love it!
I have three A races in 2014, Rev3 Quassy, Mont-Tremblant 70.3, and finally IMMT.
My goals are to stay healthy and finish each race.
I really could use some mojo right now as I am feeling a bit unmotivated. I'm really looking forward to training with all of you!
That being said, this is my sort of second OS. I started last year and had a solid first half of the OS and then life got in the way and disintegrated the second half. I'm pretty psyched to see how much I can gain with doing it all. Also working on body composition, as that has been going in the wrong direction the past year. Shooting for Wisconsin Dells HIM in June and IMChoo as A races, with some other races sprinkled in there.
i look forward to seeing you at IMMT.
Hello from Minneapolis! My name is Dawn, and this is both my first OS and first season training with EN. My husband trained with EN this past year for IMRacine 70.3, and I was very impressed with the training and commitment from Rich, Patrick and the other members of the team there. I've been in triathlon two seasons now, and after being a wetsuit stripper at IMWI this year, decided that I'd make the jump to HIM and then sign up for IMWI next year for the 2015 race.
My goals for OS are to challenge myself and learn as much as I can about FTP and all those other acronyms that are posted here in the forums, plus improve my run and bike endurance levels. I just downloaded TrainerRoad, and plan on using that, and my Sufferist clips as I ride my bike on the trainer, down in my Pain Cave. Races next year are Rev3 WIDells in June and Superiorman in August - both are A races for me.
YWCA Mpls T1, 2013. Yes, this has been artfully cropped.
When I'm not obsessing about all things Tri, I am a wife, mom of 2 almost-out-of-the-house daughters, work as a rainmaker for a non-profit here in the TC, knit, and go SCUBA diving in the warm waters of Bonaire when I can afford it. I'm really looking forward to suffering training with everyone else here, and lending whatever support I can through the magic of the Interwebs!
Hi, I'm Greg Carbo, living in NYC just a few minutes from Central Park. As fun as Citi Bikes are, riding a tri-bike is much more fun on closed roads than down 9th Avenue. This is my second NOS - I can't wait to get started! I'm looking to get out to Nice this year after work forced me to miss it last June. Mainly hoping to up my FTP during this OS. I'm looking forward to training with everyone!
Hi NOS Peeps!
This will be my second OS. The first was a few years ago as I prepared for IMC 2011 (Penticton), my first IM. It was a wonderful experience. I am looking forward to sharing with everyone in this 2013-2014 Outseason as I get ready for IM Boulder with Oceanside 70.3 on the way ... along with some 5Ks, 10K, HMs, and centuries.
I have my pain cave all set up with an older dedicated tri bike (w/ PT power meter) permanently mounted on my KK trainer. A computer with music and a nice screen is set up for showing movies or playing music while I use the RAD+ trainer software. (It seems like I am the only one NOT using TrainerRoad???)
I have my running courses mapped out although for my first test I'll be using a 5K on Saturday.
I finished IM Lake Tahoe and have been taking it easy ever since! I met a number of EN athletes there which inspired me to re-up. The company of fellow athletes is priceless!
Walnut, California Races I've entered so far this season, 70.3 Oceanside in late March, 70.3 St George in early May and Ironman Coeur d Alene in late June. KONA?
Recently retired Fire Captain after 31 years of "Livin the Dream". Trying to find the speed my legs once had. Hoping the EN philosophy and community can help and motivate. The last thing I every want to do is let my team down. Really looking forward to this season
Hi Rubin,I have a computrainer that I use so I probably won't use trainer road either.
Hi everyone,
I'm Rich Smith from Issaquah WA (outside Seattle). This is my first OS with EN and I just finished my first real season of triathlon. I did two HIMs and an Oly this summer. My A races for 2014 are Oceanside 70.3, Lake Stevens 70.3, and maybe IMAZ as my first IM distance.
I'm fighting some achilles tendon issues but looking to take the next step as a triathlete with Team EN.
Hello Everyone,
I am a first time EN'r and looking forward to the OS. I really only have one "A" race scheduled that is IMLP. It will be my second go at it and with help of the nation, I am anticipating a big improvement over last year. I will do at least one 1/2 Iron event. I have been doing mostly 1/2 iron events with my brother for the last ten years. We usually do Tupper Lake Tinman, but it is too close to IMLP this year. I have done Musselman. Its a great course and well organized. There is the potential for Heat. Great to be part of the team!
A chilly hello from Warwick, NY - it was in the twenties early this morning here. Better bundle up for that group ride tomorrow...
My name is Terra Meierdierck. I grew up in Westfield, NY and moved to NY State four years ago.... Then I bought a road bike.
Then my running turned in to cycling and running; but there was still something missing. I got bit by the tri bug and have been bit ever since. I love triathlon! I was suppose to do an olympic, but that was cancelled - so I figured "what the heck, I'll do a half IM". I was smitten and now have completed three.
This year I will be completing my first full Ironman - IMLP. I volunteered this year in transition; the energy was amazing. This is also my first year doing OS training and being a part of EN. I am excited and really looking forward to it.
Hi, Ed!
I'm also only doing IMLP this year. It is right in the middle of the summer and I want to be on my A game. I think that Syracuse is way too close - tho some people signed up and took that "bundle". I did Syracuse last year. That bike course is amazing!