Hey all, Jason Clishe here from a little north of Cincinnati. This will be my 2nd OS although not consecutive; I was on the team in 2011. I've been racing tri's since 2010. I've done IMLOU twice, Rev3 Knoxville HIM, Rev3 Knoxville Oly, and quite a few local HFP Racing events here in Ohio.
For 2014 I'll be doing the Rev3 Knoxville HIM and IM Boulder.
My biggest challenge right now is figuring out Trainer Road. I don't have a power meter so I want to get TR up and going before Monday's test. I do plan on getting a PM at some point during this OS.
My 2014 goals are to be as fit as ever and to set an IM PR in Boulder, which I suspect will be challenging since I've never raced at altitude. My cousin lives in Montrose so the plan is to go stay with him about 10 days before Boulder and do my last week of training in CO so hopefully that will help.
Oh and I'm also signed up for the April Blue Ridge cycle camp, I'm really looking forward to that. Anyone know if there will be a forum group created for that?
Hi! Chris Love from Glastonbury, CT. This will be my 2nd OS. Doing Quassy and IMMT next year. Can't believe it's already time to hitch a bike to a trainer and gear up for 1/1's! Hoping to come out of these 14 weeks fitter and faster, train smart, and contribute something worthwhile to the team!
If we are adding the good, the bad and the ugly - here is my good-ish day. I ran a 5K to help support a friend whose daughter has a rare form of brain cancer. I went out too fast 7.52, crashed to 8.25, picked it back up to 8.20 and kicked it in to 7.46. I kept telling myself that race day will be Wednesday not today. With an overall time of 25.23, it was 1:10 slower than a 5k I ran three weeks ago. I've taken the past two weeks to chill and get ready to get my bum kicked in the OS.
I hope everyone had an awesome day. I can see there is a lot of great wisdom, some pain to be had, and amazing team energy.
Looking forward to my 2nd OS. Did my first one in Jan for the first 8 weeks before going into HIM plan. The first OS went great and hope I can increase my numbers and fitness to a new level. Thought of not introducing myself in the NOS since I just finished my IM race on Oct 19th, and because I needed to use a two month hold on my account for financial reasons effective Nov 11th. Everybody have a fantastic NOS and even though my online participation will only be for two weeks, I'll be doing my work and wishing everyone the best until I return Jan 11th. Almost time to get busy with some great work works!!!
This will be my 2nd Outseason. It looks like next year is just going to be about getting faster, no IMs for me (as of right now). But I'm excited to suffer with all of you!
Hello, I'm Mandy Midgett. I began doing tri's in 1995 and have always had a coach. The more I have learned about EN the more I have wanted to join the team. Was able to take the chance this month with the free trial, and so far I like it.
IMCDA is my planned A race with Raleigh 70.3 as a training day.
Also, wanting to do IM Louisville as a C race depending on how I feel after IMCDA.
Augusta 70.3 as an A race
Looking forward to training and "knowing" everyone!!
This is my first EN year, but I really enjoyed the Four Keys talk at IMWI in September. That was my fourth IM finish, and I felt pretty good all day, but my time slipped to almost 2 hrs slower than IMCDA in 2011. Looking forward to more intensity and speed, and less on long slow workouts! I'll be particularly interested in hearing how other veterans (I'm 59) are managing any age-related adaptations.
Hi all, Gonzalo Canteros-Paz , Granville, Ohio (near Columbus)
I plan on racing IM Texas next year
This will be my 2nd Nov OS although last year I was struggling with injuries and was on and off. I look forward to doing this one much better as I am feeling really good after PRs in IM CDA, Rev3 Cedar Point HIM and Columbus marathon this season
Posted By Todd Dicus on 27 Oct 2013 06:30 PM Looking forward to more intensity and speed, and less on long slow workouts! I'll be particularly interested in hearing how other veterans (I'm 59) are managing any age-related adaptations.</p>
@ Todd ... We have a forum devoted to topics germane to OFs (a triple entendre, 1/3rd of which is "over-fifty").
Good morning Todd, I'm sitting having my morning oatmeal trying to get pumped for our morning bike test and reading the NOS threads. Yes I'm in that same age category as you, racing at 57 this season. I tell you right off the hardest thing for me is bouncing back after a hard workout, I never use to think about it. Also my knees aren't what the use to be, 4 years of a wonderful college wrestling career. Also the numbers on my garmin seem to be getting smaller and smaller, what's with that, lol. Hope you have a great season, and I'd be happy to share age related struggles and laughs along the way. A races this year Oceanside 70.3 and IMCDA Cheers, Doug Nyeholt
Good morning Todd, I'm sitting having my morning oatmeal trying to get pumped for our morning bike test and reading the NOS threads. Yes I'm in that same age category as you, racing at 57 this season. I tell you right off the hardest thing for me is bouncing back after a hard workout, I never use to think about it. Also my knees aren't what the use to be, 4 years of a wonderful college wrestling career. Also the numbers on my garmin seem to be getting smaller and smaller, what's with that, lol. Hope you have a great season, and I'd be happy to share age related struggles and laughs along the way. A races this year Oceanside 70.3 and IMCDA
Doug Nyeholt
@Doug - I wrestled at Army @190lbs and 90kg. I understand the wrestling part! See you on-line!
Ready to hit the November OS!! This will be my 3rd (I think) First A race is Quassy HIM (Raced the Oly the past 4 years and swore I'd never do the Half, but here I am!) I did my last sprint in Sept, then the Hartford Half Mary in Oct. so I've been keeping up with the running but the biking has slipped a bit so I'm nervous about the test.
I'm Kirsten Surprenant from Orford, NH and this is my second NOV OS.
My goal for the year is to finish IMMT after DNFing my first Ironman attempt last summer at Lake Placid. I have a lot of unfinished business and look forward to increasing performance on the bike and run. I plan on attending the IMMT training camp in July and look forward to meeting fellow teammates there!
A Race: Ironman Mont Tremblant. My plans also include a local sprint tri and a HIM in June.
HELP!!! Haven't used my powertap in awhile. Had to change the hub batteries last night for test but the watts definitely seemed off from my computrainer. Tried to zero the torque and it kept reading 30 and wouldn't clear. Couldn't do my test. Have a call into customer support but didn't get back yet. I have a 2010 powertap pro plus that I purchased through here.
I would trust the PT over the CT. I have a CT that I use at times but my quarq rarely matches the power output. But that's me. Some WSM may have the opposite to say. My reasoning is my PM will be with on a trainer ,on the road, and in a race. I just use that for consistency. This is after you have ensured and trust your PM is working correctly.
HELP!!! Haven't used my powertap in awhile. Had to change the hub batteries last night for test but the watts definitely seemed off from my computrainer. Tried to zero the torque and it kept reading 30 and wouldn't clear. Couldn't do my test. Have a call into customer support but didn't get back yet. I have a 2010 powertap pro plus that I purchased through here.
Hi Lesley:
UGH! Sorry to hear that. May be best to post this over in the Power and Pace Forum and you will get all the mass of EN power geeks to help you.
I have a power tap and a computrainer as well and they don't match up either. The computrainer is about 5% higher than the PT. I have adjusted my zones for the computrainer and keep it on a chart next to trainer to refer to when I'm setting up my virtual pacers. if you want some ideas on how I figured out the% differences let me know.
Hello everyone. This is my first OS with EN. I live outside Washington DC in Northern Virginia and have been racing triathlon for about 6 years.
My 2 A races are HIM White Lake in mid-April and Steelhead 70.3 in August. My PR so far is 5:15 at Kansas 70.3 a few years ago and I hope to beat that this year under EN!
This is Dan Huhn from Kings Mills, OH, just out side of Cincinnati. This is my second OS, moving from the Jan to Nov OS as means to get things started a little sooner. This year I'm racing the Flying Pig Marry, Muncie 70.3 and Age Group Nationals. OS goals are to get some speed back after burning out in September.
Hanging with Chrissie Wellington at Age Group Nationals in Milwaukee. She was great and truly all smiles
Hi, I’m Nicole. I’m a wine lover with a triathlon problem.
This is the start of my third OutSeason, and my third year with the team. Confession: I had fully intended for 2014 to be an IM free year, but when the option to register for the Tremblant 70.3 and IMMT at the same time, I started to develop a twitch. Tremblant is just over an hour and a half from Ottawa, and it was calling my name. As a result, my fabulous husband insisted I register! The training ground is at my fingertips and I’m stoked to be racing in a place that was my wintertime home away from home for so long.
October feels like ridiculously early to be talking about an Ironman in August, RnP are right about that. So, in deference to the coaches, I’ll say this… I didn’t think I’d be ready to focus on the OS this early in the game, but I did my bike test last night, and it felt good to be back at it. I’m ready to focus on getting fit, strong and hitting some benchmarks early in the year.... before I have to worry about zero dark thirty wake-ups in the spring.
For 2014 I'll be doing the Rev3 Knoxville HIM and IM Boulder.
My biggest challenge right now is figuring out Trainer Road. I don't have a power meter so I want to get TR up and going before Monday's test. I do plan on getting a PM at some point during this OS.
My 2014 goals are to be as fit as ever and to set an IM PR in Boulder, which I suspect will be challenging since I've never raced at altitude. My cousin lives in Montrose so the plan is to go stay with him about 10 days before Boulder and do my last week of training in CO so hopefully that will help.
Oh and I'm also signed up for the April Blue Ridge cycle camp, I'm really looking forward to that. Anyone know if there will be a forum group created for that?
For @Joe:
If we are adding the good, the bad and the ugly - here is my good-ish day. I ran a 5K to help support a friend whose daughter has a rare form of brain cancer. I went out too fast 7.52, crashed to 8.25, picked it back up to 8.20 and kicked it in to 7.46. I kept telling myself that race day will be Wednesday not today. With an overall time of 25.23, it was 1:10 slower than a 5k I ran three weeks ago. I've taken the past two weeks to chill and get ready to get my bum kicked in the OS.
I hope everyone had an awesome day. I can see there is a lot of great wisdom, some pain to be had, and amazing team energy.
This will be my 2nd Outseason. It looks like next year is just going to be about getting faster, no IMs for me (as of right now). But I'm excited to suffer with all of you!
Hello, I'm Mandy Midgett. I began doing tri's in 1995 and have always had a coach. The more I have learned about EN the more I have wanted to join the team. Was able to take the chance this month with the free trial, and so far I like it.
IMCDA is my planned A race with Raleigh 70.3 as a training day.
Also, wanting to do IM Louisville as a C race depending on how I feel after IMCDA.
Augusta 70.3 as an A race
Looking forward to training and "knowing" everyone!!
OK Joe, There was talk of posting a thread for workouts. Here is my first 6 X 2 VO2 max intervals.
http://connect.garmin.com/ email
292W, 287W, 308W, 304W, 300W & 298W
Hello from (Chiefs 8-0) Kansas City,
This is my first EN year, but I really enjoyed the Four Keys talk at IMWI in September. That was my fourth IM finish, and I felt pretty good all day, but my time slipped to almost 2 hrs slower than IMCDA in 2011. Looking forward to more intensity and speed, and less on long slow workouts! I'll be particularly interested in hearing how other veterans (I'm 59) are managing any age-related adaptations.
I plan on racing IM Texas next year
This will be my 2nd Nov OS although last year I was struggling with injuries and was on and off. I look forward to doing this one much better as I am feeling really good after PRs in IM CDA, Rev3 Cedar Point HIM and Columbus marathon this season
Good luck to all!
Let's see those bike tests results Posted in the NOS Week 1, Bike Workouts!
Doug Nyeholt
Looking to get faster on the bike. A.... Lot.... Faster!!!
I did my last sprint in Sept, then the Hartford Half Mary in Oct. so I've been keeping up with the running but the biking has slipped a bit so I'm nervous about the test.
Hi Everyone!
I'm Kirsten Surprenant from Orford, NH and this is my second NOV OS.
My goal for the year is to finish IMMT after DNFing my first Ironman attempt last summer at Lake Placid. I have a lot of unfinished business and look forward to increasing performance on the bike and run. I plan on attending the IMMT training camp in July and look forward to meeting fellow teammates there!
A Race: Ironman Mont Tremblant. My plans also include a local sprint tri and a HIM in June.
Happy training!
A races in 2014- IMMT 70.3 in June and Pumpkinman 1/2 iron (in Maine) in September.
Goals in OS are to improve FTP on bike by 15% and to run consistently and injury free.
Good luck to everyone!
Hi, Mike Neas, 51yrs old, retired Navy SWO, from Salt Lake City UT joining the net. First OS, just joined EN.
A races this year are 70.3 St George and IMCDA.
Goals are to improve performance, drop weight, remain healthy and come across that finish line at IMCDA with a smile on my face.
Hi Lesley:
UGH! Sorry to hear that. May be best to post this over in the Power and Pace Forum and you will get all the mass of EN power geeks to help you.
Hi Lesley,
I have a power tap and a computrainer as well and they don't match up either. The computrainer is about 5% higher than the PT. I have adjusted my zones for the computrainer and keep it on a chart next to trainer to refer to when I'm setting up my virtual pacers. if you want some ideas on how I figured out the% differences let me know.
Hello everyone. This is my first OS with EN. I live outside Washington DC in Northern Virginia and have been racing triathlon for about 6 years.
My 2 A races are HIM White Lake in mid-April and Steelhead 70.3 in August. My PR so far is 5:15 at Kansas 70.3 a few years ago and I hope to beat that this year under EN!
I’m very excited for a great year with all!
This is Dan Huhn from Kings Mills, OH, just out side of Cincinnati. This is my second OS, moving from the Jan to Nov OS as means to get things started a little sooner. This year I'm racing the Flying Pig Marry, Muncie 70.3 and Age Group Nationals. OS goals are to get some speed back after burning out in September.
Hanging with Chrissie Wellington at Age Group Nationals in Milwaukee. She was great and truly all smiles
Hey Bob-
Welcome to EN nation. We're literally neighbors. I live in Kings Mills. Let me know if you ever want to get out and ride.
Dan Huhn
This is the start of my third OutSeason, and my third year with the team. Confession: I had fully intended for 2014 to be an IM free year, but when the option to register for the Tremblant 70.3 and IMMT at the same time, I started to develop a twitch. Tremblant is just over an hour and a half from Ottawa, and it was calling my name. As a result, my fabulous husband insisted I register! The training ground is at my fingertips and I’m stoked to be racing in a place that was my wintertime home away from home for so long.
October feels like ridiculously early to be talking about an Ironman in August, RnP are right about that. So, in deference to the coaches, I’ll say this… I didn’t think I’d be ready to focus on the OS this early in the game, but I did my bike test last night, and it felt good to be back at it. I’m ready to focus on getting fit, strong and hitting some benchmarks early in the year.... before I have to worry about zero dark thirty wake-ups in the spring.