I am Steve Hall. I am from Charlotte. This will be my first attempt at an OS. I am hoping to gain 15-20 watts on my FTP while holding to hopefully slightly improving my Vdot. And just to get it out there, I will be swimming.
My A race will be IMTX and IMFL or IMAZ. B race: (Prior to joining EN) I signed up for Galveston 70.3.
This is my first OS so I am not sure what to expect but hope I will be able to improve from the baseline tests for the 5K and the FTP. I will also be trying to lose about 5 pounds. I've been about 154 for about 20 years so my body so it should be an interesting experiment.
I have 2 amazing daughters in elementary school and am married to a very supportive, funny, and crazy wife. I've completed IMFL in 2009.
Happy testing and training and thx for the inspiration!
I am George Jordan in Elizabeth City, NC (near the Outerbanks). Back in the haus for my 3rd OS. My A races are the Shamrock Half Marathon, IMCDA and IMMT. Primary OS goals is at 20% improvement in my power to wt. ratio.
I am David Salzman. This is my 4th outseason (3rd with the team and one previous with a plan). 34 years old from Chicago, IL. First time with the NOS and there are a lot of new names in this forum, looking forward to meeting new acquaintances.
My A races next year - Half IM at the beginning of June - Location yet to be determined. Then IM Mt Tremblant in August.
I've completely geeked out my bike trainer this year with the addition of trainer road to my computrainer. Oh yea, and just added a nice massive screen to watch movies. If it is gonna hurt I am going to enjoy the time!
My goal this winter on the bike is to raise the bar on my FTP, looks like I am starting right off where I left with only having been on 1-2 rides since IM MOO. So who knows where I will end. For the run - to get back to a VDOT that I had 2 years ago and to remain injury free. The biggest challenge for me will be to manage the time related to work and travel. Fingers crossed that it will all work out.
Dan, that sounds great. my email is bobhiller@aol.com and cell is 910-2132. i'm visiting my mother this weekend in florida. i haven't looked ahead as to when i'm supposed to next ride. if weather turns bad, maybe we can at least ride together early next spring. i'm doing raleigh 70.3 and immt. bob
Ian, Wausau isn't even south of Eau Claire... Southern Canada is a stretch!! Have family up in winter, wi. Might have to bug you for a few summer rides up in the great white north.
My kids are 2,3,4.... So I am right with the early or nothing workout philosophy.
Hey everyone! I'm Craig from Toronto Canada. This is my first OS so I'm not sure what to expect except for pain!
My goals are to get faster on the bike. I'm a strong swimmer, a decent runner, and slow on the bike. So I think I'm in the right place to work on my weakness!
I raced IMMT last year (first IM) and plan to do the same for this year. Other races will be Frosty HM in March, Around the Bay 30km in March, and Good Life HM in May. Between then and August IMMT, I'm not sure.
So far off to a bad start...First week of OS and I'm injured with a pinched femoral nerve. Hopefully won't miss too much time in healing.
Hi all; I'm Jonathan from Ripon, CA (Central Valley)
I plan on racing
Auburn 70.3, Donner 70.3, IMLT
This will be my 1st OS with the team. I already feel like things are moving in the right direction and anxious to build additional run speed and bike power in the winter.
Hi all! I'm Kortney Ringel from Gaithersburg, MD. My A race is 2014 Eagleman HIM. OS Goals... 1. improve Vdot and achieve a HM PR in the spring. 2. achieve body comp goal (which will hopefully assist me with goal #1) and 3. raise FTP
This is my 2nd OS, and last year I was on track to have an awesome race, but then broke my toe so that didn't happen. I am looking forward to getting it done this year! I am a busy mom of 2 kiddos (11 and 4), I own a photography business, ride horses, and coach basketball in the winter. I would love to either clone myself or have an extra 10 hours in each day!
I am contemplating IMWI in 2015, but need to convince hubby first. Any tips on that?
My name is Molly and I'm from Ann Arbor, MI (Go Blue!) My "A" race next year is IM Raleigh 70.3 in June, with a high likelihood of IM Mt. Tremblant 140.6 in August (depending on how much time I can devote to training; will be ramping up graduate classes in beginning 2014.)
My outseason goals are to get stronger on the bike -- train with power, lift my FTP-- as well as get faster on the run -- interval training, VDOT. As mentioned, I'm looking forward to training with power this year -- Yippie!
A little bit about me -- 2014 will be my 2nd year as a triathlete. This past season I raced IM Steelhead 70.3 and finished relatively well. Most importantly, I had a blast! This time around I'm looking train with a bit more guidance, continue to build on previous knowledge and improve my 70.3 time. (If I take on the full, finish in one piece.)
For those of you training with power, what do you use... CT? Fluid trainer? etc. So many options out there; I'd like to hear your feedback on this. Thanks!
Last year was my first year using 'Power' and I used the Virtual Power on Trainer Road. I used my bike and a fluid trainer (Kurt Kinetic), a speed/cadence sensor, a heart rate strap, and a ANT+ dongle. I loved using the power numbers. It made for such consistency. The only negative is I got so hooked on Power I ended up buying a power meter this year. I got the Quarq Riken.
Greetings from up US23 just a bit! I'm in Brighton, although new to MI as of this summer.
Just wanted to say hi and this is my first year trying to train with power. I am using the setup described by Larry- Trainer Road, Kinetic, ANT, speed/cadence sensor. I just got a new bike, and when I said I thought I wanted a power meter, my husband just about keeled over. My current setup is much easier on the wallet.
It sounds like a lot of people from A2 Tri Club are going to Raleigh-- are you part of that team, or just a coincidence?
We have a computrainer that my wife and I use and I really like it. I have set up the smart pacers with my power zones and I just turn on the ones I need for that workout and stay on their wheels during the intervals (with the drafting turned off of course). Last year I also got a powertap wheel and really learned how to use it this year. it was great. I was able to control the bike leg so much better and it really paid off in the run. I do find that the PT and the CT are a little off from each other so if you have two devices you should check them against each other occasionally to see how close or far apart they are and adjust accordingly.
Molly, good luck with your training. I'm also doing Raleigh 70.3 and IMMT. Maybe we can meet at registration or in the transition area. I suspect there will eventually be threads for these races and our people can all meet! Bob
Greetings neighbor! Thanks for your feedback on training with power. I got a laugh out of your husband's reaction on wanting a power meter . Sometimes I have to stop myself on tri gear purchases...it certainly adds up.
You guessed it, I'm part of the A2 Tri Club and about 25 of us are going to Raleigh. If you're interested in joining the club, it's a great group of people. Come check us out! When the weather is nicer I do a lot of my bike/run at Kensington Metroplex -- right by you! Have you done any of the Runningfit T-rex sprint races at Island Lake? That's fun too.
Let me know if you'd like to train together -- training is always easier when done with others.
Thanks for your feedback on training with power. What kind of power tap did you get? (call me crazy but it a power tap the same thing as a power meter? - yep, I'm a newbie.)
Thanks for your message. That's cool that we're doing the same races! We'll definitely have to meet up; I'd really like to stay in touch as well -- we can bounce things off of one another, such as training plans, etc. Is your off-seaon plan intermediate? That's what I'm doing.
Do you train with computrainer? What type of indoor bike set-up do you use? Lots of questions....LOL.
A powertap is a power meter that is in the hub of the rear wheel. There are other types of power meters though. There are some that are in the cranks and Garmin makes a pedal that's a power meter now. I got a set of wheels withpowertap hub of eBay. All in all it took me quite a few months to learn how to use it effectively, but it paid off last year in my training and races.
My name is Keith Shackleford. This is my first OS. I am registered for Raleigh 70.3 (2014). My first attempt at Raleigh 70.3 was unsuccessful but this year is sure to yield better results. I completed my first HIM last month.
Hi Everyone, My name is Greg Dykes and this is my second OS. I started this OS a couple of weeks late due to a heavy business travel schedule that I deal with periodically. My OS goals are to simply get faster and stronger. I train with power and signed up with Trainer Road so looking forward to experiencing the suffering I have been reading about from my teammates. I am still putting my race schedule together but am considering my first IM and thinking seriously about joining the team here in my home state of Texas, I will likely do Redman HIM in Oklahoma City and maybe a local sprint and OLY. I live just north of Dallas and have one daughter in college at Texas A&M. I totally enjoyed last year, our teammates are the best and the coaches are fantastic. Finally, a huge THANK YOU to @Brenda for doing all of this for us! I REALLY appreciate it! Time to get to work!
Keith, I did Raleigh 70.3 too. That run was a killer. I'm going back and it looks like they took a lot of the hills out by making it a 2 loop run. My first year with EN. Bob Hiller
Hey Molly. I don't have a computrainer. If you can find it, I posted my pain cave. Just a Kinetic Rock 'n Roll trainer, a TV and 2 fans. But I should have a Quarq power meter soon. I'm also on the intermediate plan.
I did Raleigh in June. Tough run for me. My wife will go with me to IMMT and we're staying at a small hotel a short drive from the middle of town. I'd love to meet up with EN people at each race. Started doing tri's in 1983. I haven't done an IM since 1997, but have done 3 halfs (halves?) since then.
I am Steve Hall. I am from Charlotte. This will be my first attempt at an OS. I am hoping to gain 15-20 watts on my FTP while holding to hopefully slightly improving my Vdot. And just to get it out there, I will be swimming.
My A race will be IMTX and IMFL or IMAZ. B race: (Prior to joining EN) I signed up for Galveston 70.3.
This is my first OS so I am not sure what to expect but hope I will be able to improve from the baseline tests for the 5K and the FTP. I will also be trying to lose about 5 pounds. I've been about 154 for about 20 years so my body so it should be an interesting experiment.
I have 2 amazing daughters in elementary school and am married to a very supportive, funny, and crazy wife.
I've completed IMFL in 2009.
Happy testing and training and thx for the inspiration!
I am George Jordan in Elizabeth City, NC (near the Outerbanks). Back in the haus for my 3rd OS. My A races are the Shamrock Half Marathon, IMCDA and IMMT. Primary OS goals is at 20% improvement in my power to wt. ratio.
I am David Salzman. This is my 4th outseason (3rd with the team and one previous with a plan). 34 years old from Chicago, IL. First time with the NOS and there are a lot of new names in this forum, looking forward to meeting new acquaintances.
My A races next year - Half IM at the beginning of June - Location yet to be determined. Then IM Mt Tremblant in August.
I've completely geeked out my bike trainer this year with the addition of trainer road to my computrainer. Oh yea, and just added a nice massive screen to watch movies. If it is gonna hurt I am going to enjoy the time!
My goal this winter on the bike is to raise the bar on my FTP, looks like I am starting right off where I left with only having been on 1-2 rides since IM MOO. So who knows where I will end. For the run - to get back to a VDOT that I had 2 years ago and to remain injury free. The biggest challenge for me will be to manage the time related to work and travel. Fingers crossed that it will all work out.
Here we go!
Dan, that sounds great. my email is bobhiller@aol.com and cell is 910-2132. i'm visiting my mother this weekend in florida. i haven't looked ahead as to when i'm supposed to next ride. if weather turns bad, maybe we can at least ride together early next spring. i'm doing raleigh 70.3 and immt. bob
Ian Kurth from Wausau, WI (Southern Canada)
This is my second year with EN, and my second OS. Because of some scheduling/travel issues, I will be sort of straddling both the Nov and Jan OS.
OS goals include getting faster and stronger on the bike, staying healthy, and improving run durability. Might even (SHH...) swim a couple of times...
I am planning on racing GR HIM, Rev 3 Dells HIM, Door County HIM, USAT oly nats and IMWI again this year.
I am a father of 4 (2,4,6, and 8) and thus get all training done before 7am by necessity. Pain cave is utilized year round.
Great intros everyone, and looking forward to sharing the experience!
Now, it is time for trick or treating...
Have family up in winter, wi. Might have to bug you for a few summer rides up in the great white north.
My kids are 2,3,4.... So I am right with the early or nothing workout philosophy.
Hey everyone! I'm Craig from Toronto Canada. This is my first OS so I'm not sure what to expect except for pain!
My goals are to get faster on the bike. I'm a strong swimmer, a decent runner, and slow on the bike. So I think I'm in the right place to work on my weakness!
I raced IMMT last year (first IM) and plan to do the same for this year. Other races will be Frosty HM in March, Around the Bay 30km in March, and Good Life HM in May. Between then and August IMMT, I'm not sure.
So far off to a bad start...First week of OS and I'm injured with a pinched femoral nerve. Hopefully won't miss too much time in healing.
Have a great OS Everyone!!!
@Jason : I am in Granville,OH...25 min east of Columbus... I did Deer Creek Half not long ago close to where you live
Hwy 29 is the cut line in my opinion... North of that melds with the Canucks! Let me know when you are up here in the summer for some riding.
Hi all; I'm Jonathan from Ripon, CA (Central Valley)
I plan on racing
Auburn 70.3, Donner 70.3, IMLT
This will be my 1st OS with the team. I already feel like things are moving in the right direction and anxious to build additional run speed and bike power in the winter.
My A race is 2014 Eagleman HIM.
OS Goals... 1. improve Vdot and achieve a HM PR in the spring. 2. achieve body comp goal (which will hopefully assist me with goal #1) and 3. raise FTP
This is my 2nd OS, and last year I was on track to have an awesome race, but then broke my toe so that didn't happen. I am looking forward to getting it done this year! I am a busy mom of 2 kiddos (11 and 4), I own a photography business, ride horses, and coach basketball in the winter. I would love to either clone myself or have an extra 10 hours in each day!
I am contemplating IMWI in 2015, but need to convince hubby first. Any tips on that?
My name is Molly and I'm from Ann Arbor, MI (Go Blue!) My "A" race next year is IM Raleigh 70.3 in June, with a high likelihood of IM Mt. Tremblant 140.6 in August (depending on how much time I can devote to training; will be ramping up graduate classes in beginning 2014.)
My outseason goals are to get stronger on the bike -- train with power, lift my FTP-- as well as get faster on the run -- interval training, VDOT. As mentioned, I'm looking forward to training with power this year -- Yippie!
A little bit about me -- 2014 will be my 2nd year as a triathlete. This past season I raced IM Steelhead 70.3 and finished relatively well. Most importantly, I had a blast! This time around I'm looking train with a bit more guidance, continue to build on previous knowledge and improve my 70.3 time. (If I take on the full, finish in one piece.)
For those of you training with power, what do you use... CT? Fluid trainer? etc. So many options out there; I'd like to hear your feedback on this. Thanks!
Welcome Molly.
Last year was my first year using 'Power' and I used the Virtual Power on Trainer Road. I used my bike and a fluid trainer (Kurt Kinetic), a speed/cadence sensor, a heart rate strap, and a ANT+ dongle. I loved using the power numbers. It made for such consistency. The only negative is I got so hooked on Power I ended up buying a power meter this year. I got the Quarq Riken.
Hi Molly!
Greetings from up US23 just a bit! I'm in Brighton, although new to MI as of this summer.
Just wanted to say hi and this is my first year trying to train with power. I am using the setup described by Larry- Trainer Road, Kinetic, ANT, speed/cadence sensor. I just got a new bike, and when I said I thought I wanted a power meter, my husband just about keeled over. My current setup is much easier on the wallet.
It sounds like a lot of people from A2 Tri Club are going to Raleigh-- are you part of that team, or just a coincidence?
Anyways, welcome! Susan
Hi Molly,
We have a computrainer that my wife and I use and I really like it. I have set up the smart pacers with my power zones and I just turn on the ones I need for that workout and stay on their wheels during the intervals (with the drafting turned off of course). Last year I also got a powertap wheel and really learned how to use it this year. it was great. I was able to control the bike leg so much better and it really paid off in the run. I do find that the PT and the CT are a little off from each other so if you have two devices you should check them against each other occasionally to see how close or far apart they are and adjust accordingly.
Molly, good luck with your training. I'm also doing Raleigh 70.3 and IMMT. Maybe we can meet at registration or in the transition area. I suspect there will eventually be threads for these races and our people can all meet! Bob
Hi Susan!
Greetings neighbor! Thanks for your feedback on training with power. I got a laugh out of your husband's reaction on wanting a power meter
. Sometimes I have to stop myself on tri gear purchases...it certainly adds up.
You guessed it, I'm part of the A2 Tri Club and about 25 of us are going to Raleigh. If you're interested in joining the club, it's a great group of people. Come check us out! When the weather is nicer I do a lot of my bike/run at Kensington Metroplex -- right by you! Have you done any of the Runningfit T-rex sprint races at Island Lake? That's fun too.
Let me know if you'd like to train together -- training is always easier when done with others.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your feedback on training with power. What kind of power tap did you get? (call me crazy but it a power tap the same thing as a power meter? - yep, I'm a newbie.)
Hi Bob!
Thanks for your message. That's cool that we're doing the same races! We'll definitely have to meet up; I'd really like to stay in touch as well -- we can bounce things off of one another, such as training plans, etc. Is your off-seaon plan intermediate? That's what I'm doing.
Do you train with computrainer? What type of indoor bike set-up do you use? Lots of questions....LOL.
Hi Molly,
A powertap is a power meter that is in the hub of the rear wheel. There are other types of power meters though. There are some that are in the cranks and Garmin makes a pedal that's a power meter now. I got a set of wheels withpowertap hub of eBay. All in all it took me quite a few months to learn how to use it effectively, but it paid off last year in my training and races.
My name is Keith Shackleford. This is my first OS. I am registered for Raleigh 70.3 (2014). My first attempt at Raleigh 70.3 was unsuccessful but this year is sure to yield better results. I completed my first HIM last month.
Hi Keith,
I did Raleigh last year as well. Mine was more for fun than anything else. I live in the Southern Pines area of NC. What about you, do you live in NC?
Keith, I did Raleigh 70.3 too. That run was a killer. I'm going back and it looks like they took a lot of the hills out by making it a 2 loop run. My first year with EN. Bob Hiller
Hey Molly. I don't have a computrainer. If you can find it, I posted my pain cave. Just a Kinetic Rock 'n Roll trainer, a TV and 2 fans. But I should have a Quarq power meter soon. I'm also on the intermediate plan.
I did Raleigh in June. Tough run for me. My wife will go with me to IMMT and we're staying at a small hotel a short drive from the middle of town. I'd love to meet up with EN people at each race. Started doing tri's in 1983. I haven't done an IM since 1997, but have done 3 halfs (halves?) since then.
Good luck with your training. Bob