@Bill, I believe that if you set the recording to every one second, the life is about 20 hours. Push that out to three or five seconds and I would think you would be good to go.
Today, during 2nd RR ride for IMWI, my PT (Joule/Pro+) went AWOL for ~ 45 min.
I was about 1:10 into the ride and my watts starting reading abnormally low (14 watts climbing a hill). Wattage remained off until I came to a full stop about 45 minutes later. When I started up again, watts seemed normal.
Of course, that made data for entire ride skewed. I downloaded file and the time was uber messed up. Fortunately, I could do a manual entry, but have no power data to evaluate ride.
Could this be a battery issue with the PT hub? The Joule should warn you that batteries are low though.
I'd recharge the Joule and then get on your trainer for 5 minutes to test the power output reasonableness. If that doesn't work, swap out batteries in the hub. If that doesn't work, call Saris.
The other item to check is that the offset is correct. You can reset so that the numbers match. However if that number starts to drop below 500 you have hub issues and saris can advise you.
has anyone had problems with updating firmware? i tried updating my firmware via the power agent software on my computer and all i get is an error message. it does not appear that the saris site has a page where they have firmware updates listed. they just tell you to use the link from the Poweragent.
Today, during 2nd RR ride for IMWI, my PT (Joule/Pro+) went AWOL for ~ 45 min.
I was about 1:10 into the ride and my watts starting reading abnormally low (14 watts climbing a hill). Wattage remained off until I came to a full stop about 45 minutes later. When I started up again, watts seemed normal.
Of course, that made data for entire ride skewed. I downloaded file and the time was uber messed up. Fortunately, I could do a manual entry, but have no power data to evaluate ride.
Has this happened to anyone? What to do?
I was having problems with the Joule not reading watts---remember me bitchin' and moaning about it at rally? Well, I finally changed the battery (which is soooo easy to do) and voila! problem fixed. I don't think I used 500 hours of the battery life, but it did completely fix the problem.
@Gina...I noticed that when I moved the Joule 4" further from my Cinqo that it was reading sporadically. I moved it back to the stem and all is good. I was told the antenna was being challenged by both the distance from my PM and being blocked by my base bar.
@Gina...I noticed that when I moved the Joule 4" further from my Cinqo that it was reading sporadically. I moved it back to the stem and all is good. I was told the antenna was being challenged by both the distance from my PM and being blocked by my base bar.
VERY interesting, Vince. I did move mine further out on the aerobars prior to the last RR, by about 2 inches. I will see how it behaves on the rest of the week.
Quarq improved the electronic pods on the cinqos around january of this year to increase the distance that you can place the head unit. With the new electronics pod I am able to get a signal from accross my basement now and with the old one it cut out if my 310 was on my left wrist.
I've heard of a number of people getting the upgrade to the new pod for free or a small fee. I called them and explained it was cutting out with the watch on my wirst and they did the upgrade for me for free, I just had to pay shipping. They were quick to and did it the same day they received it and got it back in the mail that day as well.
I got the Quarq electronics pod upgrade for free too, as with all of my dealings with Quarq they were very helpful. Just got a great deal on a Joule so I'll probably be searching through this thread quite a bit more to anticipate some of the struggles I may encounter with pairing the two.
My 2 cents. I have been very happy with the Joule and am VERY happy that you can now pick the number of windows on the dash. 4 big ones are much better than 6 little ones considering that you still get the two additional fields on the bottom. I have power, speed, distance and IF showing. Much easier to read.
Steve, I'm not Matt of course but I heard about it on Slowtwitch. Either Jim or Meike from Quarq posted on ST and said to contact them about the antenna problem.
Just send an email to thinkfast@quarq.us and explain your current situation, you don't get readings if your computer is located too far away, etc, and that other Quarq owners instructed you to contact them and ask if they could do anything to help. Meike got back to me fairly quickly and just told me to send it on in. I paid for shipping there and they paid to ship it back, no other cost for the fix. I heard of people who needed their Quarqs for urgent races who had Quarq pay to overnight the crank to them and in turn got it back within something like 72 hours. I was happy enough to just get it taken care of within the course of a few days.
I'm glad to hear about the progress that has been made on the firmware. I'm late to the Joule party for that specific reason, the initial support for 3rd party power meters didn't seem that fantastic to me. But after spending a year using my 310xt as my only cycling computer (only 4 tiny fields at a time, no 3,5,30s rolling power, no nothing really) I finally caved.
My 2 cents. I have been very happy with the Joule and am VERY happy that you can now pick the number of windows on the dash. 4 big ones are much better than 6 little ones considering that you still get the two additional fields on the bottom. I have power, speed, distance and IF showing. Much easier to read.
Ohhhhh, Chris, I did not know this was possible. Do you customi*e via PA or directly on the head unit?
@Gina: You can set it to display 2, 4 or 6 values directly from the head unit, but I think you have to customize which fields to display using Power Agent.
@ Gina - I did it right on the Joule. Have to have the latest upgrade. I imagine that you can also do it with PA under the configure device thing but not sure how. IIRC it was menu, configure joule, dash board - or something like that.
Things what percentage a hill is are kinda neat but they really do not tell me anything that I need to know.
Okay, I have updated the firmware and have the display mode switched to 4 instead of 6 but how do you change what is being shown on the display? I still have 6 display catagories on the poweragent software and see no way to change it.
Okay, I have updated the firmware and have the display mode switched to 4 instead of 6 but how do you change what is being shown on the display? I still have 6 display catagories on the poweragent software and see no way to change it.
4) Dashboard
5) Select number
6) Back to dashboard> hold down metric with toggle button until it changes to what you want
This thread has been extremely helpful! Picking up my bikes with Quarq/Joule combo today after work! Then riding right after that with my roadie.
Although this thread is older, are there still significant issues with the Joule?
I've got a Garmin 305 HR strap, will that work with the Joule? Is the current firmware all set up to set FTP from PA? No more issues with TSS and IF calculatoins, I hope? Until my new Windows 7 64-bit computer arrives later this week, I'll be exporting into WKO+2.2 via PA too, on my old computer. Where's the best/cheapest place to get speed sensors? I need one for both tri and road bikes, I guess. Any issues with supporting multiple bikes?
My only beefs with the setup are that, after coasting for about 5 seconds, the wattage won't read zero but will be 3 dashes. Same for the cadence, as it comes from the Quarq as well. I called Quarq about that today and will try to set the Joule to include zeroes. I don't think that will fix it, as I did some searching and it looks like an issue, where the Joule depends on the cadence input somehow for this setup to read the watts. Just makes the Training Peaks file look strange as there are gaps in the wattage readings. It also doesn't allow me to see how much time I spent at zero watts.
My other thing is that, even with the upgraded firmware Beta, I still do not think the manual zero works with the Joule / Quarq setup. The numbers don't stay in place and one of the numbers (can't remember the name) doesn't seem to update at all. I just use the Auto-zero, backpedal every once in a while and I'm guessing things are OK. Just frustrates me that the function doesn't work.
I'll be interested to see how things go. If you find out a way to get the zero watts to show up, let me know.
...I've got a Garmin 305 HR strap, will that work with the Joule? ...
Yes. Just follow the Joule instructions for finding sensors. Briefly, hit Mode thre times to get menu; click middle stick to get Sensors, use middle stick to scroll down to HR, select add new sensor; then select Start pairing. Finally, you have to Activate. At least that's the way I remember it working.
It's actually been pretty simple to set-up, especially with the fact that the LBS guy helped the first time - but he did lead me through it.
Should I use the zeroes for speed, cadence and power?
I did my first ride yesterday with the Q/J and found that my old Ergomo was probably failing for quite a while, because it was a HECK of a lot easier to generate watts now! I think it was Rich, when he finally gave his Ergomo up and went to the PT, that he got "free" watts - I think I got that same benefit!
On the last few longish rides I've noticed that my mileage will reset. I haven't nailed down when it happens (after how many miles, I seem to recall seeing something in the 20s). On the drainer I hit the interval button to track watts, but the longer ABP rides I haven't been. Not sure what's up. If there's a magic distance that it will reset to zero or if there's something I need to do in the setup mode. anyone else experience this?
Today, during 2nd RR ride for IMWI, my PT (Joule/Pro+) went AWOL for ~ 45 min.
I was about 1:10 into the ride and my watts starting reading abnormally low (14 watts climbing a hill). Wattage remained off until I came to a full stop about 45 minutes later. When I started up again, watts seemed normal.
Of course, that made data for entire ride skewed
. I downloaded file and the time was uber messed up. Fortunately, I could do a manual entry, but have no power data to evaluate ride.
Has this happened to anyone? What to do?
Could this be a battery issue with the PT hub? The Joule should warn you that batteries are low though.
I'd recharge the Joule and then get on your trainer for 5 minutes to test the power output reasonableness. If that doesn't work, swap out batteries in the hub. If that doesn't work, call Saris.
The other item to check is that the offset is correct. You can reset so that the numbers match. However if that number starts to drop below 500 you have hub issues and saris can advise you.
See this thread
has anyone had problems with updating firmware? i tried updating my firmware via the power agent software on my computer and all i get is an error message. it does not appear that the saris site has a page where they have firmware updates listed. they just tell you to use the link from the Poweragent.
oh forgot to mention that my current version is 14.057 for the firmware.
I was having problems with the Joule not reading watts---remember me bitchin' and moaning about it at rally?
Well, I finally changed the battery (which is soooo easy to do) and voila! problem fixed. I don't think I used 500 hours of the battery life, but it did completely fix the problem.
I've heard of a number of people getting the upgrade to the new pod for free or a small fee. I called them and explained it was cutting out with the watch on my wirst and they did the upgrade for me for free, I just had to pay shipping. They were quick to and did it the same day they received it and got it back in the mail that day as well.
My 2 cents. I have been very happy with the Joule and am VERY happy that you can now pick the number of windows on the dash. 4 big ones are much better than 6 little ones considering that you still get the two additional fields on the bottom. I have power, speed, distance and IF showing. Much easier to read.
Steve, I'm not Matt of course but I heard about it on Slowtwitch. Either Jim or Meike from Quarq posted on ST and said to contact them about the antenna problem.
Just send an email to thinkfast@quarq.us and explain your current situation, you don't get readings if your computer is located too far away, etc, and that other Quarq owners instructed you to contact them and ask if they could do anything to help. Meike got back to me fairly quickly and just told me to send it on in. I paid for shipping there and they paid to ship it back, no other cost for the fix. I heard of people who needed their Quarqs for urgent races who had Quarq pay to overnight the crank to them and in turn got it back within something like 72 hours. I was happy enough to just get it taken care of within the course of a few days.
I'm glad to hear about the progress that has been made on the firmware. I'm late to the Joule party for that specific reason, the initial support for 3rd party power meters didn't seem that fantastic to me. But after spending a year using my 310xt as my only cycling computer (only 4 tiny fields at a time, no 3,5,30s rolling power, no nothing really) I finally caved.
Thanks Tom!
Ohhhhh, Chris, I did not know this was possible. Do you customi*e via PA or directly on the head unit?
@ Gina - I did it right on the Joule. Have to have the latest upgrade. I imagine that you can also do it with PA under the configure device thing but not sure how. IIRC it was menu, configure joule, dash board - or something like that.
Things what percentage a hill is are kinda neat but they really do not tell me anything that I need to know.
Thanks you guys!! Got it.
Okay, I have updated the firmware and have the display mode switched to 4 instead of 6 but how do you change what is being shown on the display? I still have 6 display catagories on the poweragent software and see no way to change it.
I'll have it installed on my tri bike over the weekend, and then have my road bike set-up Monday or Tuesday. One quarq/joule for both bikes!
Picking up my bikes with Quarq/Joule combo today after work! Then riding right after that with my roadie.
Although this thread is older, are there still significant issues with the Joule?
I've got a Garmin 305 HR strap, will that work with the Joule?
Is the current firmware all set up to set FTP from PA? No more issues with TSS and IF calculatoins, I hope?
Until my new Windows 7 64-bit computer arrives later this week, I'll be exporting into WKO+2.2 via PA too, on my old computer.
Where's the best/cheapest place to get speed sensors? I need one for both tri and road bikes, I guess.
Any issues with supporting multiple bikes?
Anything else I need to be concerned with?
My only beefs with the setup are that, after coasting for about 5 seconds, the wattage won't read zero but will be 3 dashes. Same for the cadence, as it comes from the Quarq as well. I called Quarq about that today and will try to set the Joule to include zeroes. I don't think that will fix it, as I did some searching and it looks like an issue, where the Joule depends on the cadence input somehow for this setup to read the watts. Just makes the Training Peaks file look strange as there are gaps in the wattage readings. It also doesn't allow me to see how much time I spent at zero watts.
My other thing is that, even with the upgraded firmware Beta, I still do not think the manual zero works with the Joule / Quarq setup. The numbers don't stay in place and one of the numbers (can't remember the name) doesn't seem to update at all. I just use the Auto-zero, backpedal every once in a while and I'm guessing things are OK. Just frustrates me that the function doesn't work.
I'll be interested to see how things go. If you find out a way to get the zero watts to show up, let me know.
Yes. Just follow the Joule instructions for finding sensors. Briefly, hit Mode thre times to get menu; click middle stick to get Sensors, use middle stick to scroll down to HR, select add new sensor; then select Start pairing. Finally, you have to Activate. At least that's the way I remember it working.
Should I use the zeroes for speed, cadence and power?
I did my first ride yesterday with the Q/J and found that my old Ergomo was probably failing for quite a while, because it was a HECK of a lot easier to generate watts now! I think it was Rich, when he finally gave his Ergomo up and went to the PT, that he got "free" watts - I think I got that same benefit!