Patrick, I am back from vacation, ran a ton while gone, and am now basically sliding back into the routine you laid out before I left. A couple questions: 1. Given that I didn't touch a bike for 10 days, should I adjust the weekly set up at all or just roll with it? 2. Next week is camp week. Are there any adjustments I need to make heading in to camp week?
3) Let's plan on camp week being a big bike minimal running that week, like < 20 miles, but let's bike it out...2 during the week, then 2 big rides, etc.
Patrick, Today was day one of the camp and it went pretty well I thought. I will give you a fuller report once the weekend is over, but I wanted to check in on two things: 1. How would you recommend I attack the week after camp? Basically roll with the plan we have been using or adjust it? 2. When do I start to transfer from the plan into a taper mode and what does that look like? 3. If my FTP is right about 235, what should I be targeting for my long rides? Around 180 to 200 seems sustainable, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't going too nuts with it and will pay for it on the run come race day. Also, it is what it is, but it seems low for what I want to accomplish. Room to grow I guess. As always, thanks!
Post Camp = Rest for Monday/Tuesday, maybe swim only...then back on plan. Big change is the long run is now one effort, not split. Otherwise we continue.
I updated your Road Map page online with some notes / targets for the remaining weeks..check it out and let me know if you want to talk.
Re the long rides (and runs) you should have power and HR targets (or at least an HR zone) start mastering those! Please see my latest forum post on that stuff.
Looking at your Strava, I am worried about your HRM strap as it's got you at whack numbers, esp second half of the long run? Maybe change batteries.
I say that you do get that compact for wisco (11/28 in back?) as that will help FOR SURE!
Re the power on the bike, you did a much better job on day two holding back at the start..and had those PRs at the end of the ride which is huge (nice work!). That said, is your FTP right? You rode 74% but your HR was avg 124...that seems more like a 68% effort to me. I have a low low HR and that number is sick low...unless it's the HR strap issue from above? Let me know on that.
For the rest of your long rides I'd have you riding 180 to 190, understanding that your race day target will be 185 (so you'll end up in upper 170s).
P, I will check out the road map once I am home and my computer won't block me!
First, the HR. I use the Mio Fuse and I have noticed it shows big spikes at the start that don't come close to RPE or where it should be. On the bike with the strap I typically will get up to around 140 so that looks low to me as well. Maybe I will have to switch back to the strap. It cuts me on the chest (or at least has in the past) but I want something more reliable.
As for a quick recap on the weekend, you saw the numbers on strava. Day one I felt a bit more spry and ready to go which likely led to the HR/effort item you pointed out. On day two I basically kept dialling myself back to almost 150 watts where possible for about 30 minutes to try to drive that number down. Lesson learned, though I will have to fine tune that process I think. Day one overall felt much better and I was pretty rough after day 2. That second brick was mentally harder, and I was noticably slower. As for the long run, I ran with Rich and honestly felt really good/easy/smooth for the majority of the run. I did feel like I could run like that all day, though my HR number for that effort is typically around 135-ish. I cranked it up for the last two miles to get in a harder part and dropped the pace way down but even then the HR didn't go to the roof like I would expect. Maybe just a good day.
As for the FTP, honestly at this point it is more an approximation than a hard and fast number. If needed I can certainly try to do a test, but I have been approximating based on what I have been doing and what Strava estimates my FTP is at for the last six weeks.
I will check out the doc and get back to you with more. It will probably make sense to talk in person more. Thanks again P!
Scott, I would use your 5 hour power more than FTP at this point, especially if you can run off the bike well. But not having consistent HR for the run would be a race ending issue as how can you pace it if you can't trust it?
On the bike HR as long as you don't spike it early, your HR should be low and build. IOW, if you are riding hour 1 your HR is like 120, then Hour 2 is 125, then Hour 3 is 130, etc. The only time I go into damage control mode with HR when riding is if it's hot or my watts are too hard to hold.
So, to recap:
Steady watts = steady HR. But if that steady HR is too high for what you SHOULD see, then dial them back. End of day we want a steady HR that builds (result of steady effort), so use the above when ideal or just HR when required to make _that_ happen.
P, I have already scheduled a call with you but it isn't until next week (you are a busy guy!). I plan on having a long ride this weekend that will have a fair amount of climbing so it should give me a good measure of where I am.
Quick question on the RR I have on the schedule and the big run and bike week. First the RR. My pool on Saturday doesn't open until 7. If you think it is worth it, I will certainly do the big day protocol. My only knock on it is that it puts me on the road with more traffic, more admin, etc. I typically like to be out the door by 6 or 6:30 when doing my long ride. Again, I see the value and am willing to go with it, but wanted to get your take.
As for the big bike and run week, just so I can start to get my head around that, how would you suggest I approach that on a daily basis? Basically what I am asking is what should the weekly schedule look like to accomplish those goals?
Scott, thanks for understanding...hard at work here behind the scenes.
So the big day version of your RR is to help you set better expectations around fueling and HR for the bike and to set up the run. Since you aren't the strongest biker, we need you to be the smartest (and well-fed) version of yourself to set up your run (as your run is where you shine). Both don't have to be done that way, but I recommend at least one of them is. So if you bring everything to the pool and you are in your suit at the door at 6:50, you'll get in the water at 7 and swim an hour, just go. Then get out, drink some GE, and get to a place to start the bike (or fuggit start from the pool)...if you have more than 15' of drive time, then eat a banana between the two places. Swim not hard, just real steady!
I put the template for the big week into your weekly template sheet. Now you can see what it looks's beefy for sure. So the week prior is off on sunday after the first RR to prep for the big week. And that following week, you'll need to take monday/tuesday off to recover. Work works baby....but if you need to dial back the run from 50mi to 40mi b/c of fatigue or other issues, that's okay...the bike is where the real money is. Maybe line up a friend for one of those rides so you don't go insane?
"Not the strongest biker", a very kind assessment. That week is super beefy, I will do what I have to make it happen. Apologies that each response only prompts a few more questions. To set up that week, you say to take Sunday off. That has been my long run day. I assume I shouldn't ditch my long run for the week (as getting to 45 miles would be pretty close to impossible for me with that in place). Should I shift it back to Thursday, or put it in on Friday and leave the 3hr ABP on Thursday? As that is this coming week, I want to make sure I don't lose any of the volume pop these last few weeks can provide without digging too big a fatigue hole. What would you suggest?
One other question that relates more to the big picture here. I know I can't start pegging times and that, and what I can do these last few weeks will inform exactly what I can do on race day, but I am trying to set expectations for myself that are realistic. As this year has progressed, I am finding that I am probably stronger than a lot but a pretty good bit away from the true FOP's, which is where I want to get. While that is frustrating, I am trying to suck it up for now and just accept where I am for now. I guess that is a long way of asking, what can a well executed race look like for me? I also have started to think about if my long term goal is realistic or am I just kidding myself. I would appreciate your honest feedback as I try to do some of my self examination/reflection at this point. As always, thanks P!
Scott, the week of the RR I don't want you running long after a 6+ hour training'll need that rest to recovery from the RR and be ready for the following I say keep that Sunday run to 10 miles. Not hard, just done. Make Saturday's RR run an 8 miler and you have 5 days to come up with 27 miles... Let me know.
As for your position, never underestimate the power of a well-executed race. My secret IM super power isn't my FTP or some crazy deal I made with the Devil to run fast at 180 lbs (really!), it's that I can adjust to execute well when the rules of the game change. I can see the matrix and figure out what I need to do.
I say this b/c there will always be folks stronger than you, and more prepared than you, but not everyone can execute like you. So if we can nail that execution (takes practice!) then the need to be exponentially stronger diminishes. Your biggest challenge will be racing within the confines of what your fitness gives you and your final weeks of training tells you. You'll see massive numbers out there on Strava and elsewhere, but the only true measure that matters is race day.
Being super awesome takes time...and you are getting there, but it's often the type of progress that you can't easily identify.
So for now focus on being mentally prepare and strategically ready for a great race, and we can leverage _that_ moving forward!
I started doing the math with the 10 miles on Sunday and it shouldn't be an issue if all goes to plan. And on the other part I will have to become more of a ninja than I currently am (something I already know). The build up to the event and strategy while in it will likely be a focus for our discussions, including the call Thursday. Thanks again P!
P, As we discussed, I did the full monty race rehersal on Saturday. I did stick in a 4k swim on Sunday in case this week gets ugly and I can't get to the pool twice, but that isn't the reason I write. I wanted to discuss the RR and see what we do at this point. So I did an hour swim and got in the 4200. Lava pants aided, but it felt pretty smooth. I then transitioned to the bike. I rode for 5:45 and 112 miles. As we discussed I was MUCH more focused on HR than anything else to be honest. My goal was for the first hour to keep it between 120 and 125, hour 2 I let it move us to 125 to 130, hour 3 and into 4 I was looking at 130 to 135 and then after that I was trying to push it past 140. My NP was 184 and my average watts were 169 giving me a way too high VI of 1.088. My average HR over the whole ride was 126 with a max of 144. The day was hot (mid 90's with a bunch of humdity) so that played a part but I can tell you a few observations I noticed: 1. I basically needed to drink a full bottle right from the start. I always know I am behind at that point, but it was good to have the point reinforced. 2. I felt easy for the first couple of hours, and when I let my HR go up to 135 I felt like I was in a good place. 3. When I tried to push the HR above 140, outside of on a few inclines, I just couldn't sustain it. My legs started to feel that abused feeling when I did it for a while. Not like I can't run ever like this, but just I will feel this later type of abuse. 4. Focusing on the HR did force me/mentally remind me to push much harder on the downhills. I always think I do, but I could certainly feel like I was more this way. 5. When I moved from the bike to the run it was flipping hot and the course I was running on was pretty hilly so probably not the best choice overall, but it was the location I was at. I was able to settle the HR down a bit, but the minute I started going up the climbs, my HR was in the 140's and then 150's at points, without a related drop after. Basically the 6 miles felt too hard.
So this week I have plenty of miles on the agenda and wanted to see what your thoughts were based on how the RR went. Thanks again! Scott
Scott, some GREAT LESSONS learned here...well done!
#1- First hour on race day is 1 extra bottle. So if you plan on 2/hour, then hour one is 3 bottles...or until you burp it back up (close to 3!).
#2 - I think the HR plan for race day is great 120-125 (in there somewhere or as close as possible) for first 30 minutes...then 125 to 130 for like 2 hours (at your target watts this HR should "just happen"), then your HR will drift up over time to the 135 cap/range...and then you are balancing watts to HR.
#3 - As we discussed, the DOWNS MATTER and pushing there costs you no HR penalty. 5:45 with like 21 PRs says it works...and a 5:45 with no race wheels, no helmet, no tires means that was a sub-5:30 ride there...a great effort for you at the end of a big week.
#4 if WI is going to be balls hot on race day you need to be super careful of your bike HR over the second half as you;ll need those heartbeats on the run.
So I think follow that general HR guidance above for your rides...start easy, then cap it around 135 beats when it "gets there" all while maximizing the downs and flats!
I will give that a go as I do my long rides this week/weekend. A few quick questions: 1. Is it a return to the same plan basically for next week? Does the long run start to taper down or should I keep rolling with the long run I am doing now? I know the RR is on Saturday, so I wanted to check what I need to be doing to build into it. 2. Beet juice - I have just started taking beet elite and wanted to know if "it works for me" how I will know. I assume that if I am asking that question, it doesn't work for me, but I wasn't sure exactly what it delivers. 3. Thinking about next year a bit (and yes I know this is all premature, but as I said before, I am a bit of a planner) would it be a bad idea to try to do both IMWI and IMLou given how they time out? Would I have to shift Lou to a participate instead of race if I did that or could I race both of them? This all assumes I can get spousal approval, but before I burned those matches I figured I would see what makes sense and then go to her with all the flowers I can buy.
Scott, this week is basically your last long run a 20 miler, etc. Push last 3 miles if you can. High run volume closer to 50 for the week.
Next week is a lighter run week, call it 15 to 20 miles with just one good 75' tempo / HMP run in there. Then a few bigger rides at the end of the Fri/Sat/Sun all in the 80s, one FTP earlier in the week will put you close to 275. Swim is just what ever you can do over 6k for the week.
IOW, next week is about consolidating what you did this week early, then getting some key workouts in. When I did it, my week was:
Mon - Double swim AM/PM as 3k, then 4x1000 pull (aka sort of a rest day for legs). Tues - Tempo HMP Run + Short Swim Wed - Short Run with strides (critical light day) Thu - 80 ride Fri - 80 ride Sat - 80 ride Sun - 60 ride
You don't need to do 4 days of riding like that, that was my camp, but three days would be good.
The next week (2 weeks out) was:
Mon - OFF Tues - Swim + FTP run (1 mile in Z4) Wed - FTP ride in full race set up, etc. Short skill swim. Thu - Tempo 10 miler, again full race set up, shoes, hat, etc. Also a 4200 pull. Fri - 50 mile bike @ goal race effort, full set up, followed by a 4 mile brick run at target HR. Race fueling in full effect. Sat - OFF Sun - 30 mile bike @ goal race effort, full set up, followed by a 3 mile brick run at target HR. Race fueling in full effect.
I see what you have laid out and only have one question, do I not do another RR this coming weekend? I was thinking the coming week looks something like one of these two (first with a RR, second without): M-swim 4k (likely pull), T- Either FTP or steady ride (depending on where my legs are), run after work for 5 or 6, W- Tempo run for say 15ish miles, swim over lunch, say 3-4K (again likely pull), Thur - Steady ride for 2-3 hrs before work, run over lunch (say 5), F- 6 mile run with strides, light swim over lunch, Sat - hour swim, 112 on the bike, 6 mile run, Sun - recovery swim
Otherwise, all stays the same until Saturday where I would likely do 100 ride, 4-6 brick and then Sunday 80 ride maybe, maybe not brick.
Scott I believe you ran 50 miles last week my need for you to back that up with another 40 miles of I like week option #2, only with 5 miles tues / Thurs / Fri / sat, then a 10 mile tempo run on Wednesday...that's right "only" 10. Time to start consolidating some run fitness. So Saturday is a 5 hour ride (no need to do 112, also no need to get up early to swim here) and Sunday is an 80...
Really focus on good nutrition these last few weeks...esp the first hour of the bike just like you plan to do on race day!
P, I hate to be that guy, but it is close to race day, so I am becoming that guy. I just wanted to try to consolidate the message you left above with the season plan we have been working off of and make sure I am not either overcooking it (which is typically the case) or leaving too much on the table. With that in mind, here is what I am thinking for the next couple of weeks leading into race day: Week 19 (starts today) M- off, or a swim if I can find time/feel up to it T- 45 min run with 1 mile @ z4 (should be about 5ish miles or so), swim/pull 4200 W- FTP bike, was thinking 90 min total, with 2 or 3x10, remainder as how I feel, swim 4200 R- 10 mile tempo run, swim 3k-4k F- Swim Sat- 50 mile bike, 4 mile brick Sun- 30 mile bike, 4 mile brick
Race Week M- Swim 3k-4k T - Hour bike, nothing too big here, swim 3k-4k W- Swim 4200, travel to Madison, easy shake out run when I get there R- Easy run (45 minutes), Bike Recon ride F- Swim, easy run before dinner Sat- nothing Sun - Kill it
Thoughts? Also, not that this is a big revelation, but in my rides this past weekend I really pushed how much I drank in the first hour and saw it pay off later. That and well timed caffeine seemed to help make the second half strong. I still wish I had more raw power, but that ship has sailed for this year at least. The run feels pretty strong, so I know my focus is getting off the bike feeling as strong as possible. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks! Scott
Scott, you are still learning and tweaking right up to race day...can't ask for much more than that!
Your whole plan looks good save for one thing -- I'd prefer that you keep the thursday run to goal race HR, in race gear, and fuel it like you would on race day. nothing hard here on the run!!!!
Hey P, So as you know I am a planner and with not much to do today, my mind is wandering to what comes next. I am ready for tomorrow and all it will bring (at least I hope so!) and I am not trying to do any planning down to the week at this point. I more just want to get some sense of order as I start life again after IMWI. I did sign up for Moo again (glutton for punishment), and have been kicking around other ideas as well, but that will still be my A race. I learned a lot this year and have seen solid improvements across the board. I still know the part that differentiates the big boys and me at this point is the bike, so I know working that needs to be a big deal. I also would love to keep getting faster on the run (wouldn't everyone!) and know the durability work went a long way to helping with that this year. As it has cooled off a LOT here, I have been thinking about weather and how to best work going forward. I have been kicking around trying to hit the bike hard before the weather gets too cold to do so and then switch to running then as I pretty much will do that in any weather short of ice. Putting the swim on a maintain 2-3 times a week mode during all of this seems about right. Again, I don't think I am looking for a week to week plan yet, esp knowing I have the month of ease back into it after the race coming, but I wanted to see what you thought would make sense. My goal is still to qualify, I would just love to be set up for that sooner rather than later (again, says everyone!). I have made strides but know there is a lot more work to be done. Perhaps after the race we do a call to check in and determine go forward? Thanks again P!
Definitely we need to check in next week after you race, especially when you send me some files to review in WKO4 as well.
If wisco is the goal then we have time. There's not a ton to do now, this fall, in the 6 weeks between WI and the Nov OS. Yes to riding outside cuz it's nice, but nothing special year is where we add the magic back in.
More on that after the analysis...again, congrats!
No worries P, just let me know when you can talk. As a warning, I am all in this year. Whatever needs to be done, I will do. I have already got my family on board (at least for now), and I actually have a vacation to Kona over New Years (just a nice coincidence to be honest, but I will take it). Also, as you are thinking on going forward, I am signed up for JVC (as you know) and TOC now. If either of those don't line up right for what I need to be doing, let me know.
Scott, that's great news! A couple of things...I see our conversation having two stages...
(1) is reviewing your race and lessons learned. If you are okay with it, I can give you a screencast of the data files, like a crucible, first...then we can talk? Let me know...
(2) Second is planning out 2016...
The second one might be more than the average work; another consult perhaps, but we can discuss...for now, don't work out too hard, just stay fit...I am watching you on strava!!!!
P, That all sounds good. Just let me know when the review is ready and we can setup some time. As for point two, I thought that might be the case and I'm fine with that. You need to be compensated for the time and effort and I certainly think it's worth the investment. Just let me know what timing works for you. I am bored a bit with the recovery plan but know I need it. Talk more soon.
Sounds good. I will await the email with the screencast. In the meantime I will take care of the consult part. I did have two questions in case it takes a bit (I do know you are in your final push for Kona): 1. Once I am done with the recovery plan what should I do? I have thought about just moving to the bike focus or I can keep noodling around doing a bit of all three. This may be moot if we get together before then, but just wanted your thoughts in case. 2. Totally unrelated, but I wanted to check, do you run in Hoka Stinsons? If so, have you tried the 3 yet? I am on the lookout for a good shoe right now and that has caught my eye so I was looking for some feedback. Thanks!
Scott, since you are in for IMWI, and you are going to do the OS in 4 weeks, I don't see the upside of more intensity right now before doing...a lot of intensity.
Here's what I suggest as your recharge / rebuild plan:
Exercise: Run frequently, not hard, just steady. Many short runs.
Flexibility: 2 x Yoga a week just to get loose again and rebalanced.
Core Strength: Nothing crazy here, but set it as an AM priority for 20' a day...would be good to get back on track with this.
Ps, I run in Stinson Tarmacs...but the 3 looks pretty darn sweet! OF course, it's race time so I am all Clifton right now...woohoo!
I am back from vacation, ran a ton while gone, and am now basically sliding back into the routine you laid out before I left. A couple questions:
1. Given that I didn't touch a bike for 10 days, should I adjust the weekly set up at all or just roll with it?
2. Next week is camp week. Are there any adjustments I need to make heading in to camp week?
2) Just roll into the week!
3) Let's plan on camp week being a big bike minimal running that week, like < 20 miles, but let's bike it out...2 during the week, then 2 big rides, etc.
Today was day one of the camp and it went pretty well I thought. I will give you a fuller report once the weekend is over, but I wanted to check in on two things:
1. How would you recommend I attack the week after camp? Basically roll with the plan we have been using or adjust it?
2. When do I start to transfer from the plan into a taper mode and what does that look like?
3. If my FTP is right about 235, what should I be targeting for my long rides? Around 180 to 200 seems sustainable, but I wanted to make sure I wasn't going too nuts with it and will pay for it on the run come race day. Also, it is what it is, but it seems low for what I want to accomplish. Room to grow I guess.
As always, thanks!
Post Camp = Rest for Monday/Tuesday, maybe swim only...then back on plan. Big change is the long run is now one effort, not split. Otherwise we continue.
I updated your Road Map page online with some notes / targets for the remaining weeks..check it out and let me know if you want to talk.
Re the long rides (and runs) you should have power and HR targets (or at least an HR zone) start mastering those! Please see my latest forum post on that stuff.
Looking at your Strava, I am worried about your HRM strap as it's got you at whack numbers, esp second half of the long run?
I say that you do get that compact for wisco (11/28 in back?) as that will help FOR SURE!
Re the power on the bike, you did a much better job on day two holding back at the start..and had those PRs at the end of the ride which is huge (nice work!). That said, is your FTP right? You rode 74% but your HR was avg 124...that seems more like a 68% effort to me. I have a low low HR and that number is sick low...unless it's the HR strap issue from above? Let me know on that.
For the rest of your long rides I'd have you riding 180 to 190, understanding that your race day target will be 185 (so you'll end up in upper 170s).
I will check out the road map once I am home and my computer won't block me!
First, the HR. I use the Mio Fuse and I have noticed it shows big spikes at the start that don't come close to RPE or where it should be. On the bike with the strap I typically will get up to around 140 so that looks low to me as well. Maybe I will have to switch back to the strap. It cuts me on the chest (or at least has in the past) but I want something more reliable.
As for a quick recap on the weekend, you saw the numbers on strava. Day one I felt a bit more spry and ready to go which likely led to the HR/effort item you pointed out. On day two I basically kept dialling myself back to almost 150 watts where possible for about 30 minutes to try to drive that number down. Lesson learned, though I will have to fine tune that process I think. Day one overall felt much better and I was pretty rough after day 2. That second brick was mentally harder, and I was noticably slower. As for the long run, I ran with Rich and honestly felt really good/easy/smooth for the majority of the run. I did feel like I could run like that all day, though my HR number for that effort is typically around 135-ish. I cranked it up for the last two miles to get in a harder part and dropped the pace way down but even then the HR didn't go to the roof like I would expect. Maybe just a good day.
As for the FTP, honestly at this point it is more an approximation than a hard and fast number. If needed I can certainly try to do a test, but I have been approximating based on what I have been doing and what Strava estimates my FTP is at for the last six weeks.
I will check out the doc and get back to you with more. It will probably make sense to talk in person more. Thanks again P!
On the bike HR as long as you don't spike it early, your HR should be low and build. IOW, if you are riding hour 1 your HR is like 120, then Hour 2 is 125, then Hour 3 is 130, etc. The only time I go into damage control mode with HR when riding is if it's hot or my watts are too hard to hold.
So, to recap:
Steady watts = steady HR.
But if that steady HR is too high for what you SHOULD see, then dial them back.
End of day we want a steady HR that builds (result of steady effort), so use the above when ideal or just HR when required to make _that_ happen.
Let me know about talking!
Quick question on the RR I have on the schedule and the big run and bike week. First the RR. My pool on Saturday doesn't open until 7. If you think it is worth it, I will certainly do the big day protocol. My only knock on it is that it puts me on the road with more traffic, more admin, etc. I typically like to be out the door by 6 or 6:30 when doing my long ride. Again, I see the value and am willing to go with it, but wanted to get your take.
As for the big bike and run week, just so I can start to get my head around that, how would you suggest I approach that on a daily basis? Basically what I am asking is what should the weekly schedule look like to accomplish those goals?
Thanks again!
So the big day version of your RR is to help you set better expectations around fueling and HR for the bike and to set up the run. Since you aren't the strongest biker, we need you to be the smartest (and well-fed) version of yourself to set up your run (as your run is where you shine). Both don't have to be done that way, but I recommend at least one of them is. So if you bring everything to the pool and you are in your suit at the door at 6:50, you'll get in the water at 7 and swim an hour, just go. Then get out, drink some GE, and get to a place to start the bike (or fuggit start from the pool)...if you have more than 15' of drive time, then eat a banana between the two places. Swim not hard, just real steady!
I put the template for the big week into your weekly template sheet. Now you can see what it looks's beefy for sure. So the week prior is off on sunday after the first RR to prep for the big week. And that following week, you'll need to take monday/tuesday off to recover. Work works baby....but if you need to dial back the run from 50mi to 40mi b/c of fatigue or other issues, that's okay...the bike is where the real money is. Maybe line up a friend for one of those rides so you don't go insane?
One other question that relates more to the big picture here. I know I can't start pegging times and that, and what I can do these last few weeks will inform exactly what I can do on race day, but I am trying to set expectations for myself that are realistic. As this year has progressed, I am finding that I am probably stronger than a lot but a pretty good bit away from the true FOP's, which is where I want to get. While that is frustrating, I am trying to suck it up for now and just accept where I am for now. I guess that is a long way of asking, what can a well executed race look like for me? I also have started to think about if my long term goal is realistic or am I just kidding myself. I would appreciate your honest feedback as I try to do some of my self examination/reflection at this point. As always, thanks P!
As for your position, never underestimate the power of a well-executed race. My secret IM super power isn't my FTP or some crazy deal I made with the Devil to run fast at 180 lbs (really!), it's that I can adjust to execute well when the rules of the game change. I can see the matrix and figure out what I need to do.
I say this b/c there will always be folks stronger than you, and more prepared than you, but not everyone can execute like you. So if we can nail that execution (takes practice!) then the need to be exponentially stronger diminishes. Your biggest challenge will be racing within the confines of what your fitness gives you and your final weeks of training tells you. You'll see massive numbers out there on Strava and elsewhere, but the only true measure that matters is race day.
Being super awesome takes time...and you are getting there, but it's often the type of progress that you can't easily identify.
So for now focus on being mentally prepare and strategically ready for a great race, and we can leverage _that_ moving forward!
As we discussed, I did the full monty race rehersal on Saturday. I did stick in a 4k swim on Sunday in case this week gets ugly and I can't get to the pool twice, but that isn't the reason I write. I wanted to discuss the RR and see what we do at this point. So I did an hour swim and got in the 4200. Lava pants aided, but it felt pretty smooth. I then transitioned to the bike. I rode for 5:45 and 112 miles. As we discussed I was MUCH more focused on HR than anything else to be honest. My goal was for the first hour to keep it between 120 and 125, hour 2 I let it move us to 125 to 130, hour 3 and into 4 I was looking at 130 to 135 and then after that I was trying to push it past 140. My NP was 184 and my average watts were 169 giving me a way too high VI of 1.088. My average HR over the whole ride was 126 with a max of 144. The day was hot (mid 90's with a bunch of humdity) so that played a part but I can tell you a few observations I noticed:
1. I basically needed to drink a full bottle right from the start. I always know I am behind at that point, but it was good to have the point reinforced.
2. I felt easy for the first couple of hours, and when I let my HR go up to 135 I felt like I was in a good place.
3. When I tried to push the HR above 140, outside of on a few inclines, I just couldn't sustain it. My legs started to feel that abused feeling when I did it for a while. Not like I can't run ever like this, but just I will feel this later type of abuse.
4. Focusing on the HR did force me/mentally remind me to push much harder on the downhills. I always think I do, but I could certainly feel like I was more this way.
5. When I moved from the bike to the run it was flipping hot and the course I was running on was pretty hilly so probably not the best choice overall, but it was the location I was at. I was able to settle the HR down a bit, but the minute I started going up the climbs, my HR was in the 140's and then 150's at points, without a related drop after. Basically the 6 miles felt too hard.
So this week I have plenty of miles on the agenda and wanted to see what your thoughts were based on how the RR went. Thanks again!
#1- First hour on race day is 1 extra bottle. So if you plan on 2/hour, then hour one is 3 bottles...or until you burp it back up (close to 3!).
#2 - I think the HR plan for race day is great 120-125 (in there somewhere or as close as possible) for first 30 minutes...then 125 to 130 for like 2 hours (at your target watts this HR should "just happen"), then your HR will drift up over time to the 135 cap/range...and then you are balancing watts to HR.
#3 - As we discussed, the DOWNS MATTER and pushing there costs you no HR penalty. 5:45 with like 21 PRs says it works...and a 5:45 with no race wheels, no helmet, no tires means that was a sub-5:30 ride there...a great effort for you at the end of a big week.
#4 if WI is going to be balls hot on race day you need to be super careful of your bike HR over the second half as you;ll need those heartbeats on the run.
So I think follow that general HR guidance above for your rides...start easy, then cap it around 135 beats when it "gets there" all while maximizing the downs and flats!
And keep your head up and be safe out there!
1. Is it a return to the same plan basically for next week? Does the long run start to taper down or should I keep rolling with the long run I am doing now? I know the RR is on Saturday, so I wanted to check what I need to be doing to build into it.
2. Beet juice - I have just started taking beet elite and wanted to know if "it works for me" how I will know. I assume that if I am asking that question, it doesn't work for me, but I wasn't sure exactly what it delivers.
3. Thinking about next year a bit (and yes I know this is all premature, but as I said before, I am a bit of a planner) would it be a bad idea to try to do both IMWI and IMLou given how they time out? Would I have to shift Lou to a participate instead of race if I did that or could I race both of them? This all assumes I can get spousal approval, but before I burned those matches I figured I would see what makes sense and then go to her with all the flowers I can buy.
Next week is a lighter run week, call it 15 to 20 miles with just one good 75' tempo / HMP run in there. Then a few bigger rides at the end of the Fri/Sat/Sun all in the 80s, one FTP earlier in the week will put you close to 275. Swim is just what ever you can do over 6k for the week.
IOW, next week is about consolidating what you did this week early, then getting some key workouts in. When I did it, my week was:
Mon - Double swim AM/PM as 3k, then 4x1000 pull (aka sort of a rest day for legs).
Tues - Tempo HMP Run + Short Swim
Wed - Short Run with strides (critical light day)
Thu - 80 ride
Fri - 80 ride
Sat - 80 ride
Sun - 60 ride
You don't need to do 4 days of riding like that, that was my camp, but three days would be good.
The next week (2 weeks out) was:
Mon - OFF
Tues - Swim + FTP run (1 mile in Z4)
Wed - FTP ride in full race set up, etc. Short skill swim.
Thu - Tempo 10 miler, again full race set up, shoes, hat, etc. Also a 4200 pull.
Fri - 50 mile bike @ goal race effort, full set up, followed by a 4 mile brick run at target HR. Race fueling in full effect.
Sat - OFF
Sun - 30 mile bike @ goal race effort, full set up, followed by a 3 mile brick run at target HR. Race fueling in full effect.
Hope this helps....
M-swim 4k (likely pull), T- Either FTP or steady ride (depending on where my legs are), run after work for 5 or 6, W- Tempo run for say 15ish miles, swim over lunch, say 3-4K (again likely pull), Thur - Steady ride for 2-3 hrs before work, run over lunch (say 5), F- 6 mile run with strides, light swim over lunch, Sat - hour swim, 112 on the bike, 6 mile run, Sun - recovery swim
Otherwise, all stays the same until Saturday where I would likely do 100 ride, 4-6 brick and then Sunday 80 ride maybe, maybe not brick.
Let me know what you think. Thanks again!
Really focus on good nutrition these last few weeks...esp the first hour of the bike just like you plan to do on race day!
I hate to be that guy, but it is close to race day, so I am becoming that guy. I just wanted to try to consolidate the message you left above with the season plan we have been working off of and make sure I am not either overcooking it (which is typically the case) or leaving too much on the table. With that in mind, here is what I am thinking for the next couple of weeks leading into race day:
Week 19 (starts today)
M- off, or a swim if I can find time/feel up to it
T- 45 min run with 1 mile @ z4 (should be about 5ish miles or so), swim/pull 4200
W- FTP bike, was thinking 90 min total, with 2 or 3x10, remainder as how I feel, swim 4200
R- 10 mile tempo run, swim 3k-4k
F- Swim
Sat- 50 mile bike, 4 mile brick
Sun- 30 mile bike, 4 mile brick
Race Week
M- Swim 3k-4k
T - Hour bike, nothing too big here, swim 3k-4k
W- Swim 4200, travel to Madison, easy shake out run when I get there
R- Easy run (45 minutes), Bike Recon ride
F- Swim, easy run before dinner
Sat- nothing
Sun - Kill it
Thoughts? Also, not that this is a big revelation, but in my rides this past weekend I really pushed how much I drank in the first hour and saw it pay off later. That and well timed caffeine seemed to help make the second half strong. I still wish I had more raw power, but that ship has sailed for this year at least. The run feels pretty strong, so I know my focus is getting off the bike feeling as strong as possible. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks!
Your whole plan looks good save for one thing -- I'd prefer that you keep the thursday run to goal race HR, in race gear, and fuel it like you would on race day. nothing hard here on the run!!!!
don't hesitate to reach out!
So as you know I am a planner and with not much to do today, my mind is wandering to what comes next. I am ready for tomorrow and all it will bring (at least I hope so!) and I am not trying to do any planning down to the week at this point. I more just want to get some sense of order as I start life again after IMWI. I did sign up for Moo again (glutton for punishment), and have been kicking around other ideas as well, but that will still be my A race. I learned a lot this year and have seen solid improvements across the board. I still know the part that differentiates the big boys and me at this point is the bike, so I know working that needs to be a big deal. I also would love to keep getting faster on the run (wouldn't everyone!) and know the durability work went a long way to helping with that this year. As it has cooled off a LOT here, I have been thinking about weather and how to best work going forward. I have been kicking around trying to hit the bike hard before the weather gets too cold to do so and then switch to running then as I pretty much will do that in any weather short of ice. Putting the swim on a maintain 2-3 times a week mode during all of this seems about right. Again, I don't think I am looking for a week to week plan yet, esp knowing I have the month of ease back into it after the race coming, but I wanted to see what you thought would make sense. My goal is still to qualify, I would just love to be set up for that sooner rather than later (again, says everyone!). I have made strides but know there is a lot more work to be done. Perhaps after the race we do a call to check in and determine go forward? Thanks again P!
If wisco is the goal then we have time. There's not a ton to do now, this fall, in the 6 weeks between WI and the Nov OS. Yes to riding outside cuz it's nice, but nothing special year is where we add the magic back in.
More on that after the analysis...again, congrats!
Happy Recovery!
(1) is reviewing your race and lessons learned. If you are okay with it, I can give you a screencast of the data files, like a crucible, first...then we can talk? Let me know...
(2) Second is planning out 2016...
The second one might be more than the average work; another consult perhaps, but we can discuss...for now, don't work out too hard, just stay fit...I am watching you on strava!!!!
That all sounds good. Just let me know when the review is ready and we can setup some time. As for point two, I thought that might be the case and I'm fine with that. You need to be compensated for the time and effort and I certainly think it's worth the investment. Just let me know what timing works for you. I am bored a bit with the recovery plan but know I need it. Talk more soon.
1. Once I am done with the recovery plan what should I do? I have thought about just moving to the bike focus or I can keep noodling around doing a bit of all three. This may be moot if we get together before then, but just wanted your thoughts in case.
2. Totally unrelated, but I wanted to check, do you run in Hoka Stinsons? If so, have you tried the 3 yet? I am on the lookout for a good shoe right now and that has caught my eye so I was looking for some feedback. Thanks!
Here's what I suggest as your recharge / rebuild plan:
Exercise: Run frequently, not hard, just steady. Many short runs.
Flexibility: 2 x Yoga a week just to get loose again and rebalanced.
Core Strength: Nothing crazy here, but set it as an AM priority for 20' a day...would be good to get back on track with this.
Ps, I run in Stinson Tarmacs...but the 3 looks pretty darn sweet! OF course, it's race time so I am all Clifton right now...woohoo!