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Scott Giljum's Micro thread



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    Hey P,
    First, welcome back to civilization after a great Kona performance. I assume I am still in the hopper on file review and then determining our go forward plan, but with the OS starting next week I just wanted to check in on a few items:
    1. I assume I should be doing the OS now as opposed to later? I know I did it more in January before, but based on your previous notes I am gearing up for it next week.
    2. Since I am planning on doing the JVC still, what adjustments do I need to make so that the suffering is tolerable when I get to FLA?

    If you can let me know on those two, I will be good until you review my files and we need to set a time to talk. Thanks!
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    [EDITED 10/22/2015] 

    Scott, thanks for your patience. Totally dropped the ball on your stuff; very sorry!!! 

    I think that the first thing you need to do is build your run fitness up. Given that IMWI is 11 months away, there's no inherent rush to get you back on the triathlon train just yet. 

    My macro thoughts for you:

    Nov / Dec / Early January = Run Focused work, with swimming as you want, ending with a binge training session in Clermont.

    You recover for the remainder of that week, then start a modified 15 week OS on 1/25/16. You are all in during the OS for the intensity stuff, which you will balance with Bigger Weeks at strategic intervals. 

    You exit this Modified OS on 5/8/16, with about 2 weeks to transition to your TOC experience. You could either go all in with a swim block here, and maybe a run focused week (no running during TOC).

    Then you are all in at TOC 5/14 to 5/22. 

    Then it's re-entry time for a week, and then you have 15 weeks (starting on 5/30) until you hit WI. 

    See your messages from me for the OS info...

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    Just a quick update. I am through block one of the RDP with a few adjustments. First, I basically decided from the point we talked until JVC I am going to try to run every day. So far so good. I also took the numbers you gave me and up-ed it by 5. So for this first block, I have averaged between 40-45 with this last week my first big week at 52. I am looking to work in two swims (only about 2k or so on those) as well as 2 bikes (hour-90, though getting to 90 hasn't happened yet with everything on the trainer). I feel pretty good, though I can certainly tell the difference between a good day of sleep and a light one. It seems to show up almost right away in my pace. Sleep, the sixth discipline, is something I have been kicking around and how I make it a priority enough to be good while still keeping my job and my family. Again, basically just a check in. Things seem to be going well overall but let me know if any of this is alarming or needs to be adjusted. I have started this week (and plan for the next two) t0 target 45/wk. Thanks again P.
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    Scott..wait, you took what I said and added more to it? What a surprise....I just say be careful...remember that our goal is the bigger run weeks at the end of this period, not biggish run weeks right now. As long as you are militant about your HR, etc., we should be okay...
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    Update number two as I am now done with block number 2. After seeing your response to the last post, I decided to stick with the totals you had suggested. I may be a bit over but not as much as I was during the first block. Basically I did 3 40's and 1 50 for these last few weeks. I have been squeezing in some riding and swimming, but not nearly as much as I would have hoped. It has me a bit worried about what kind of shape I will be in for FLA, but I will try to redouble efforts in the next month. One thing I will report is that I have been sleeping a ton. It makes me wonder if I am bit over cooking it because I haven't slept like this in a long time. Maybe it's the time of the year, maybe I am catching back up after a tough year for sleep, but whatever it is, I wanted to let you know the deal. Any recovery tips or tricks you use, I am all about it now as the mileage starts to dial up one last time. Thanks again P!
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    1) please update your strava link in your profile to be "https://www.strava.com/athletes/6399853" (no quotes)...right now it doesn't work. image

    2) I am not worried about your bike. I don't want you to be in shape for a camp...this camp is to get you into shape. We will all suffer there...that's the point. image

    3) Given your run, pick a goal for the Xmas challenge that you feel is a reasonable stretch for you.

    4) Adjustments to your training:

    + Weekly go Tue/Thu AM spins, lunch runs.
    + Sat is spin + run.

    + Pick two weekends between now and JVC to put in back to back 2.5 to 3 hour rides on the trainer. Nothing flashy, just get the time in. On those weeks just run M-F no need to bike.

    Would be nice to have a few swims but if it's tough right now, then we can do a reentry period just before JVC so at least the cobwebs are gone.

    5) that sleep is the best damn thing for you season. Keep it up while you can!!!! image
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    So I had thought I wouldn't be writing to you this soon, but here it is. I was running earlier this week and rolled my ankle a bit. Even before then I was feeling something (honestly hard to describe) in my right heel. I have had plantar fasciitis before, but it felt different than that. I finished my run and when it was all done, I was limping around. I can't quite lift off if that make sense, but it not's in the calf where I am having issues. Now that it has calmed some, I feel it on the outside of the heel and sometimes in the outside of the foot, though not very often. I have tried to run a couple times since with no luck. I get only a few steps and the pain comes back and I am dragging the foot along. So I stop, get pissed at myself and walk home.

    I am writing because I am first trying to figure out what I did to myself and second trying to make lemonade out of lemons. I know this is not a great description of everything but do you have any idea of what I may have done? Second, how long should I expect to be out? While I am out, what should I do with myself? It appears I can still swim (though pushing off on flip turns doesn't feel the best) and I think I can still bike, at least on the trainer. I also can hit the elliptical if that makes a difference.  I have been thinking I will start to bike a lot in the mean time but wanted your thoughts.

    I am really trying not to get down about this, but it is REALLY hard. I haven't been injured in a while and it is killing me to not be putting in the miles right now like I want to be and think I need to be. Any and all help is welcome. Thanks again!
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    Scott, it's what I am here for. Despite my dashing good looks I am not a doctor..nor do I play one on TV..but that sounds like peroneal tendonitis to me (and rolling ankle would only aggravate it). If you foam roll the outside of your calf, from calf down to your outer ankle bone, and that's wicked tight, there you go.

    If course you are welcome to check in with Leigh over at www.athletestreatingathletes.com on her protocols for this. I would also get a massage or some dry needling on those calves as they are likely very tight.

    As long as the pain abates with some self care, we are good...if you have pain in the heel with pressure from hand, or continued pain, then we might need to link up an Xray or something...

    In terms of training, fill your time with cycling...that's why we are triathletes...do what you can to keep the aerobic engines burning...but get to work on those calves and keep me updated!
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    Hi P,
    Quick update on my foot/heel issues. I took off my "I can self diagnose this baby" hat and actually talked with a doctor. First impression is Achilles tendinopathy (basically tendonitis only different). I took time off, iced the area, took pain killers. Over New Year's I went to Kona. I can't tell you how bummed I was that I went and was not in form to run. Oh well, next time I guess. I did jump on the elliptical as it was one of the only options I had at the hotel. It actually made the heel feel really good. So I fooled myself into thinking it was close enough and I could go for a run. I ran three times, all feeling ok through the run but then feeling some radiating pain afterward. I popped a few pain pills and I actually felt really good the rest of the day. I talked to the doctor again, was told not to run until I get an x ray to make sure there is no stress fracture. After getting the results back (seems to be fine though I am still owed a full report from the radiologist), I am working on some things to strengthen and fix up the Achilles. I am still biking and swimming now that I am back home. My question to you is (and yes I know this has to be the longest lead up EVER) when I do start running again, what are some protocols I should use to make sure I don't do my typical and go too much too soon? And also, assuming this will happen relatively soon, how do I work it into my current plan? Should I just run as the OS states, is that too much, too little (likely not, but I have to ask), too much intensity, etc.
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    Scott, thanks for the the update...build up not to bad. Let's just say I am glad I wasn't there when you proposed. HAHA!!! image

    You have to divorce the run from your current work...you are a triathlete, but the run is in jail right now. It's not the end of the world as you can swim and bike, and you have time to get the run back if you are "okay".

    I am guessing it's no running for a few weeks...I am curious if you can supplement with the elliptical in the meantime as you heel remains flat? Good to ask.

    When you do come back, it's gradual for sure...we don't want to F with your achilles and since you can still see gains on the bike and swim, we are okay (watch the flip turns!).

    I could see a week where you swim M/W/F, bike Tu/Th/Sat and add an ABP ride to Sunday. You can do some elliptical time on any week day as works for you.

    But early on, those exercises are key. The eccentric stuff really works...and you might want to make sure you aren't running in zero drop shoes as those really stress the achilles. You can do those exercises tons of times a day...what say you? Maybe start running again at the end of January?
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    Doctor said rest 10-14 days and get back to her. She said the elliptical is ok if I am going crazy, but it would be better to not. A couple questions:
    1. JVC, I assume it still makes sense just I can't do the running? If it doesn't make sense, let me know.
    2. I have been doing a LOT of the eccentric stuff. Run jail totally sucks.
    3. What kind of work do you recommend on those swim and bikes? I have mostly done ABP type spinning or a tick below and 10x200 has been my default swim. Should I dial it up a notch on the swim and start to put in FTP type work on the bike?

    Let me know what you think. And yeah, my proposal was pretty awesome.
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    1. JVC yes...ride baby ride. You need a "reward" for your hard work.

    2. The eccentric stuff will pay off...give it time (and the rest).

    3. I don't want too much work overall. I like to mess around so I am not doing too much of the same stuff. Swims you can break them up with some shorter faster stuff 5 x 50 (20")...but not too much fast stuff. Do some IM stuff...mix it up. The bike is the same...I am a huge fan of time around ABP...which is 85% in our world...so start getting familiar with your 90%...not quite Threshold, but easy to repeat it several times in a ride for cumulative good time. I'd watch the Z4 stuff on the bike as we don't want to exacerbate anything with your leg!

    See you in FL!
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    First, as expected, camp was another awesome experience. I wanted to update you on what I am planning and ask for some input. I am planning on starting the OS next week as this week was a lot of recovery. The running for the first couple of weeks I am planning on 3-4 miles at a time, six times a week. Hopefully I can build fast on that. As for the bike, I am sticking with the OS schedule, unless you want me to do something more. I was looking at a group ride that is about 30-35 miles on Saturdays. They say the average pace is 16-19 mph. It is a no drop deal. If that seems too soft I found another that was described to me as a no holds barred hammer fest for the same distance (different bike shop) and average speed is 21 mph. They actively try to drop you. I am nervous about the second one so I was thinking about trying out the first one and if it is too weak I can try to bump up to the big time. Thoughts?
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    Scott, so good to see you..and you did really well. Progress in our sport takes time and consistent hard work...you are doing all the right stuff to make it happen. I personally would go big dog ride...they aren't going to beat you down and take your shit...and they are going to laugh at you ANYWAY because you are the new guy...just make sure you are NEVER in the front as when you are, that's a surefire sign something really bad is about to happen...do your work, take your turn, and help others by doing work to bridge folks back (they'll remember it). Just have the route on your Garmin. After 2-3 rides you'll know where they ride hard vs easy and that's huge in keeping you in the group...you may never last the full ride, ever, but this is exactly the type of work you need.

    As for the run, keep it at 6 x 3, and note time that week. Say it's 22:30. Next week go 6 x 27:30....then 6 x 32:30........ IOW don't get caught in the mileage game (just yet).

    Miss that sun yet?

    ~ Coach P
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    P, it is supposed to get up to around 60 here this weekend, so I don't miss the sun as bad as I thought I might. I wanted to just let you know my approach to the OS at this point and have a few questions. I am structuring it so far at least as:
    Monday- Yoga (if I can get up), swim at lunch
    Tuesday - FTP bike, run at lunch
    Wednesday - Run, swim at lunch (this is optional based on if I can swim on Friday or not)
    Thursday - Another Bike (question here), ride at lunch
    Friday - Run, swim at lunch or if I feel spunky, Yoga, run at lunch
    Saturday - FTP longer bike (likely the group ride with the big dogs), brick run
    Sunday - ABP ride, brick run

    Questions around the rides. I have set it up so far as 3x10 around FTP (I have used 235 as my floor to start). First, as I move further into the OS, is it better to increase watts over the same time or extend the time with the same watts? Obviously it would be awesome if I could do both, but I am trying to be more realistic with it. Second, for the Thursday ride, should I go with FTP (what I did this week) or work it as VO2 more?
    I am trying to put more focus in the bike sessions as my running is scaled back for now as my leg still feels ok but not great and I am trying to keep from killing myself in the pool. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
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    Scott, love what you've got there...it looks really solid.

    You can't really do both -- increase time and watts -- unless you are coming off of inactivity (early OS, for example). I personally like the same workout and raise the effort. I am doing 2 x 10 now, twice a week....no mercy as I know to the watt what I did last time. It's simple enough to execute and hard enough to be effective...sold!

    As for the Thursday bike, yes to harder riding but in I'd prefer the 110% work not the 120% of VO2 (for you given 4 rides, etc). So if you are doing your 10' at 250, for example, you'd be shooting for 275 on these. I'd start off with 4 x 3' intervals (4' rest)....then after 2-3 weeks, you can do 3 x 4'....then 4x4'...then 5 x 4'. These workouts are awesome at bridging the mental gaps in your performance.

    If you can ride 20' at 275 as 5 x 4', then you absolute can put together a better 20' test than 250....get it?! image
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    Hi P,
    I haven't given an update in a bit, so hear it is. I have been dealing with a few things and wanted to get some input from you. First, my attempts at the OS and finding any consistency have been bad at best. Basically a couple of things have been throwing it all off. First, I have been dealing with some tightness in my hip, especially when I go longer (think more than an hour or so) on the bike. I have worked on fit and the like, but it doesn't help. I am talking with a dr about it, and bone spurs are what they have mentioned, but I'm not sure it jives with what I feel. So that is one thing. The second and more troubling to me is what they are calling extreme fatigue/possibly overtraining, like for a while. It has created a situation where I sleep like I have mono but still have very little energy. They have run all sorts of tests, but basically they are telling my I have pushed it for so long, it is possible that I now paying for it. All this leads me to a few concerns:
    1. Biggest one of course if what do I need to do to get back to feeling even normal? I am working with the doc's on this, but rest and downtime are what they are typically telling me and I have a mentally hard time with that.
    2. More immediate, tour of California. I still want to do it, but given what is going on, I have a very big worry about being able to do so.
    3. A bit longer term, IMWI. I know there is never a perfect build up to an event, but this year seems like the exact opposite so far. I know it is still a fair bit away, but given my goals, am I crazy to feel like it isn't going to happen?
    As always, I appreciate your input and hope your injuries are healing quickly.
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    Scott, thanks for checking in here. If you want to talk more about this on the phone you know where to find me.

    1. The hips...hmmmm...I would think a bone spur would bother you at the outset vs over time, but I am no DR. If I can say anything have your doc skip past the basic MRI and go to the MRA (with the dye) so they can see your hip with contrast. Curious to know if that is ANY riding or riding with effort, etc.

    2. Re the severe fatigue, I'd like to see some data on you there. Like is your Cortisol elevated? What are your baseline hormonal values? Is your testosterone low? I don't feel like you've been training too much (on paper!) but with your work and sleep schedule, there could be a combination that has really hit you just right.

    3. Tour of CA....you can still do it..it's not a race, it's a blast. You might need a break from the everyday regardless, even if you aren't winning the KOMS...but that assumes you are fatigue limited...if the hip doesn't resolve itself after some good mobilization sessions, etc (think bands, good resources below) then riding might not be an option. I guess ask Coach Rich about the refund option there so you know the details.

    RE IMWI you still have time. There's no rush there...my only thoughts for you are how can you fast track the rest and recovery to maximize hip improvements and total health. Want to outline something here and we can dive into it?

    Here are those resources I mentioned:




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    Any update?
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    The trail of medical maladies only continues at the Giljum house. To update the couple items I was dealing with before - hip tightness and fatigue. The hip, the spurs are still there and have been for a while. The way it was described to me is that it irritates and the more I do the more it irritates, so basically my pain threshold allows me to go for so long before my body starts telling me it Really isn't a good idea. I have been working on stretching and some ART stuff and it seems to be getting better. Not great by any stretch, but better. I am working back in the bike this week as I basically had not been on it for a couple of weeks. The fatigue - I talked with my doctor and based on the blood tests nothing jumps out as out of the ordinary. I talked about some of the things that were not tested (testosterone was one I know wasn't) but with all the anti-aging junk going on, the doc was pretty hesitant to go too far down that road. Based on side effects, I was not thrilled to go too far either. So I have gone back to rest and recovery as best I can and know that if I need to pull the plug on a workout, it's not the end of the world right now. I do think work stress and physical stress from sickness has added to it all, so I am hopeful it is just a late winter funk.

    The latest medical stuff doesn't really impact training, at least not yet. I managed to pick up a nasty case of poison ivy (or one of those), and in the process of treating it, I broke out in hives all over my body. I am on prednisone to deal with it, which does give a little extra kick, but will be off it in a few more days. At that point I will hopefully have a better baseline as it relates to fatigue (and the hives/what might be causing them). Way too much info I know, but that is where I am right now.
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    WOW. I think I'll stick with my "multiple cases of strep, displaced in a rental home, and no exercise" lifestyle thank you very much.

    I think it would be a good idea to establish a baseline of "normal" for you...what is _that_ and how can we (A) get you there and then (B) make sure we aren't deviating too much from that in your build.

    Any thoughts?
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    Yeah, it's been plain stupid around here. Your set up sounds just as bad, so I will shoot for none of the above there. I saw you back in the pool, hopefully onwards and upwards for you there.
    I have thought a lot about what I should be doing, what I can be doing, etc, the last few weeks. I think at this time of the year, what I think I should look like is this:
    Mon - Swim, nothing dumb (swimming tends to take it out of me I notice), just clocking time. 2k-3k
    Tues - FTP bike in the morning, about an hour (2 or 3x10 depending on how the pegs are feeling). Run over lunch, 45 minutes to an hour.
    Wed - Long run day. Ideal world, around 1:15 in the morning and then a second run over lunch or after work for about 45 to an hour.
    Thur - VO2 type of ride, maybe an hour, in the morning. Run over lunch, 45 min to an hour.
    Fri - Run in the morning, 45 min to an hour. Swim over lunch, same as Monday.
    Sat - I have found a loop that is about 40-45 miles, some work in the wind with some climbing. Basically, do that loop and follow with a short brick, 30-45 min.
    Sun - Same as Saturday.
    The issues I can see with this:
    1. I like the run more than bike right now, so motivation to get up on Tues and Thurs and then the weekend to hit the bike is tough to muster. Sad I know, but it is what it is. I probably just need to suck it up.
    2. I feel like I have done a lot of steady state running. I am fine with it, but I just want to make sure I'm not losing something by not doing any top end running.
    3. This puts more of a focus on the bike, so hopefully I would see the gains, but does it reduce the other two by too much so that what I gain in one kills the others?

    One last thought was around timing. I guess since my outseason has basically blown up, I was thinking about trying to do this routine until TOC. Hopefully that would get my bike legs ready for that (assuming the hip and everything else holds up). Then after TOC, a week in the water prolly with some running, and then start to switch into IM mode.

    Let me know what you think P. I hope you are doing better!
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    Scott, this sounds good. As for the bike vs run debate, you can't do FTP run and FTP bike + VO2 Bike right now. So you could make the "hard" bikes more z3 and add in the runs. After all TOC is more steady than freakishly hard work...you want to still be there on day 5+...

    I'd rather Friday be a swing day too...probably no run to start it out...just swim. Let's do that for 2 weeks then decide...are you still road bike vs tri bike?

    Shot in the hip today...2 days of rest before I can swim. Let's see how it goes...
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    Good luck with the shot, hopefully it does what you need. I am still using the roadie for now. My plan was likely to make the switch after TOC. I will adjust Friday as you mention. Thanks!
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    Ok...I will glumly login to Strava to check up on you!
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    Ok P. Sorry that it seems you are not back yet, but I look forward to when that day comes. I wanted to reach out because I am trying to get back into some kind of form. I basically have dialed everything back for the last month except running. I have been doing about 40-50 miles per week, with some on trails. I just haven't been feeling it. The doctors have told me on the hip that at this point, just don't be stupid and we will see how it goes. With that in mind, what would you recommend as a plan to get me back on track? I am still thinking about IMWI, but as time ticks away, that looks less likely, at least in any competitive type of fashion. Let me know what you think as a week to week plan to get back into it and then I will see what I can do. Thanks again P!
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    Scott, can we do this on the phone? Or at least catch me up? I want to make sure I am 100% clear on your bike limitations, etc, with the hip.

    I am in the car Friday AM from 10:15-11:30 if you can swing it: 617-513-3830
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    I can't talk then unfortunately. Basically here is what I have been told. They didn't find much with all the looking at the hip. It appears a couple of things were the best they could determine were 1. the bone spurs in my hip that I mentioned earlier and 2. a sports hernia/abdominal tear repair I had years ago acting up. I don't quite get it in that I was told about the spurs many years ago (actually when I had the sports hernia repair, which was around 8 or 10 years ago now). It has caused some pain before, but nothing like this and it was usually managed by ART, stretching, etc. The hernia repair was the result of playing rugby and then "playing through the pain" for way too long resulting in a nasty abdominal tear that had to be patched up. From time to time that area gets really sensitive, if for no other reason than the doc telling me at the time that I had torn it right under/around a nerve. He tried to fix it up as best as possible, but it still fires odd sometimes. Since we couldn't really find a true root cause (at least in my estimation), I got the default answer of "stop what's hurting you and feel free to continue what hasn't been, and then we can see how it all is later" (my paraphrasing, not actual doctor talk). So I stopped biking, continued/amped up my running (because I needed to do something to not go nuts), and basically stopped swimming as I went into a mental funk about not being able to compete, swimming has a high admin cost, so I can just sleep in (relatively) and run over lunch instead. The doctor doesn't have much good guidance on limitations other than if it hurts you probably did too much and need to back it down and also that since I have stopped, don't be stupid and decide to do back to back century rides in a week or two (you know the kind of crazy I'm talking about).

    So all that said, here is what I am thinking/looking for. First, I am trying to decide how much I can take/build back to see if I should just become a runner full time (half joking, but that is the type of funk I ended up in). Honestly though, if you were me (at least you thinking like me and knowing my history/profile, etc (you know, extremely good looking, smartest man alive, super fast)) what would you do to try and get back into form? I don't really have solid limitations from a time or effort perspective, but I need to be careful how much I throw in to start. I am hoping that if I build into it, my body won't react adversely. If it does, I will just grow out my biggest wolfman jack beard and become an ultra guy or something. Does that help?
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    Very helpful. And as a camper, competitor, teammate and friend, you can reach out to me outside of the normal admin channels. That said, I can't help you with that wolfman beard (but I will bow down to it).

    I hear you on how nebulous it all is. I think we should try to get you back on a more balanced tri week (too much running not that good either).

    The biggest barrier to moving forward is your propensity / desire to measure and compare.

    Scott right now isn't IMWI Scott. Scott right now can be, one day, but he won't be tomorrow. Or next week. So now Scott has to put Race Scott into a box to be opened later.

    I'd like to see you riding 2-3x a week, even if it's just aerobic time or a warm up on the run. Riding road bikes in the summer IS WHAT FRIKKIN BIKES WERE MADE TO DO. Not have you out there enjoying it is a shame. If it hurts, I get it, but you are in a position to try.

    I say don't worry about the swim. You swim well and it's soooooo costly it's not worth it to your overall well being. Let's see if we can get you back to biking a few hours a week (over time!) and then you can decide.

    I literally mean like 30' spin...then run. Nothing costly. Can you map that out in a week?

    Will you still talk to me? image

    ~ Coach P
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    So my desire to measure and see how I stack up can cause an issue? I never would have thought :-). Funny how traits of your personality that drive some of the best things also can cause the worst. Ok, enough zen for today. I appreciate the kind words and even with my crazy trail beard we can certainly still be friends. One other note to consider in this year of can't get/stay healthy, I have started to feel pain on the outside of my ankle up into the calf, on the same leg I had the Achilles injury earlier in the year. My guess is too much running here lately and that may not have totally healed from the first injury (yes, it is possible that I might have started running a bit sooner and with a bit more verve than recommended. I can hear your surprise all the way on the other end of the screen).

    So what I am thinking is two fold. First, I tried to run today and not long into it I felt the pain again, so I am planning on shutting that down for the time being. I am thinking about a week that looks something like this:
    Mon - Bike 1 hr, for now just spinning, eventually building into something worth talking about.
    Tues - Yoga
    Wed - Same as Monday
    Thurs - Yoga again?
    Fri - Same as Monday
    Saturday - Get outside and ride if I can
    Sunday - Maybe a swim, maybe a day off

    I know you said no swim, but without running, I figured I should get in the pool a time or two just to prevent going totally nuts.

    If I could run, I would be riding less, less yoga and throw in some runs, but I want to let that heal since I have the time apparently. Even if I don't I probably need to take it.

    I have still been pretty tired, so getting back into the swing could be tough, but it is what it is. Getting healthy has been taking more energy than I care to admit I guess.

    So what do you think? How have you been? I read your updates and can sense the frustration (though you deal with it much better than I do). Will they let you get back on the horse soon? Maybe I need to sign up for JVC or Blue ridge camp or something to have a good reason to get back on the bike. We will see.

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