@Chris... I work at an auto plant that makes pickups... so I don't think I'm predisposed to bias.... but it does seem that every AH that harasses me while I bike... is driving one. I love when they rev up to their diesel trucks so they can spew a cloud of black smoke at you. I have to admit... I used to give them the finger... really try to bait them to stop... because honestly.... could you imagine the shame of pulling your big truck over and getting your ass beat by a guy in spandex?... but now... I don't even acknowledge them... because that's what they want. Be safe
@Eric...I guess I proved I can't count... I have two more big weeks too. I never really look ahead... so I guess I didn't really know what week we were in. glad you've moved passed the knee problems...
Did my last FTP test today!!!! OH MAN! I hate that test. I figured it would not be going up since I'm not really recovered from all this training. But I only went down by 1! So I consider that pretty good for my body right now. I was afraid the FTP was going to drop by a lot and make me feel less fit. But I guess fitness level is still on track! Hope y'all ROCK your Bike Test this week too!
Congrats Kim, final test prior to IMTX. All considered with your hip and at this point in the training, to trail only by 1 watt compared to previous test is great. Victory Eagle! Is the hip as affected during the bike or just post run?
Nice job on Boston Ron, I had you and your wife favorited on the IOS app and I see that you sealed the deal. No distractions this year, heh? Congratulations. Now full attention on TEXAS.
Between EE almost getting plastered at Camp and CD with more shenanigans on the road I think Woodlane loops are looking pretty good right now. You always hear stories about guys getting smacked down days before a race and I am not looking to add to that dialogue. I may be reconsidering my recon on Wed CD. I'll still go out with you to see it one last time but I may stick to the 3 lefts and a right 5 mile loop to limit the stress. Already going to be anxious about the race. Either way you and I will be hitting the road if that still works for you CD?
EE - When are you getting in?
Tested out just an hour ago and had a final bump on Vo2 max of 23 watts to finish at 323 and a 6 watt improvement over the 20 minute test from 273 to 279. Considering back in December when I started the OS I tested Vo2 at 231 and the 20 minute at 191 I am pretty stoked. Work definitely works but I must admit that my cycling IQ has jumped so much because of the nation and learning how to appropriately attack a discipline that I ABSOLUTELY dreaded before joining EN and the forum. Step by step it's all starting to come together. So much to learn but the gap has closed down significantly.
Continued success and most importantly HEALTH in these final days marching towards the event.
Eric, Fantastic improvements on the bike, dude. I wanna be like Eric. That really inspires me. You just don't know.
Pretty exciting doing your last test before race day and really start to focus like a laser on the race. Bozo here at work decided it would be a good idea to do the HIM in Galveston 3 weeks before his IM, his FIRST Ironman. Oh, and this is his FIRST HIM. (sorry if anyone reading this is doing the same thing)
Good news for me. My son graduates early on Friday the 15th and it looks like I'm going to make it back for the race to cheer you guys on. Can't wait to see you kill it.
Way to go on those FTP tests guys. I tend to think any gain this late in the game is a good thing, so even a 1 point up-tick shows that the fatigue isn't totally ruining you.
I dropped my bike in for a tune-up on Sunday and am at a conference this week, so I'm off the bike and wont get that last test in. I DID however get my 3 hour run in today. I felt good the whole time. I upped my fluids a bit and kept on top of the salt tabs, and held pace pretty good. Now I'm having trouble getting Garmin to upload it, so since it's not on strava...
Anyways, keep up the good work guys. Taper is right around the corner. And update your RR plans for this weekend if you so choose.
Way to hit the 3 hour run CHRIS! What are you using for nutrition? I usually use 1 gu every 45 min. But now I think I need to do 2 gu's within an hour. What are you all doing?
OMG! Stellar FTP testing Eric!!!!!! You are getting SO fit!!!!! What did your kiddo say "my dad is cool because he rides his bike fast"? Something like that!
@Eric... Way to keep improving dramatically! Your hard work is really going to allow you to have a great day. Woke up today and my back was a little stiff. I've been working my numbers from last test and feel that they are pretty inline. I can't find a reason to really push a test today... I'm going to go for a ride... but I'll keep it somewhere around 72-74%... unless I get out there and really feel good.
I'm leaving KC on Tuesday... staying in Allen TX for the night and rolling into The Woodlands around 1-2 on Wednesday. I'll probably sit down in the next couple of days and map out a plan for the days leading up to the race... I'll keep you posted.
@Kim... Way to go... crazy how those tests mess with your mind..
@Vic... You're locked in now... Stay consistent... and you too can be "Eric Miller"
OHHH! And I just did the most AWESOME INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!! I interviewed MIKE REILLY!!!!!!! They are going to print it in Austin Fit Magazine! He was the NICEST MAN EVER!
@Kim...good for you... He is a great guy. I ran into him standing outside the host hotel in AZ... it was a big highlight for sure! I think I like the picture of him and me more than my finish line pic from the race!
Kim, I use a Gu every 30 minutes. Now, come later on the run, during the race, its gonna depend on how I feel and what I can keep down LOL. My Plantar fasciitis is a little bit better. Not 100%. Did Wednesday swim today and will do bike test tomorrow. I use HR. I'm on teacher salary so a power meter was out of range for me,but I am saving for one. Well. I have to admit. I had my first mental breakdown this weekend. My 5 hour trainer ride ended up being one hour and the nothing but crying. I am not sure what the hell. No more of that. I am back on track and feeling positive about my training and knowing I am going to have an awesome finish line close to midnight. We are almost there yall!!!!!! Stay healthy and strong!
Thanks Latisha! I'm going to try GU every 30-35 on my long run this week! Don't worry about your 5 hour ride break down. Very common! At this point we are so over trained, that BREAKDOWNS are quite common emotionally. Just move on
I hate stupid Banana Island. It is the pit of hell! Kicked my but again. Attempted to do my long run yesterday and fell short by at least half an hour. Made many rookie mistakes such as going out to fast and not putting body glide on the expected rub areas. Thought it was the lack of salt last week that made it so hard so remembered it this week. At the halfway mark I had to find the toilet and shortly there after my confidence, strength, and will evaporated. The upside is that I am good friends with the suck and will recognize it come race day.
My oldest daughter is sick and I have irritating allergy symptoms so that along with overtraining may have factored into my poor run performance. I am going to have to do my next long run on the treadmill with a/c just so I can finish. Banana Island has become a motivation killer for me ; the heat, cobble stones and repetitive circles break me every time.
I was run/crying feeling like a victim and having the worlds best pity party when I ran by a mother bathing her small child in the gutter. It kind of put things back in perspective for me. I can honestly say that my mom never had to bath me on the side of the road; we have always had a bathroom with a bathtub. Not finishing a run is also not the end of the world, this too will pass.
@Kim, I'm hitting a Honey-stinger (about the same calories as a GU) every 30 minutes, like clockwork. I'm also taking a salt-tab every 30 minutes. And then I'm downing 20 oz of gatorade every 20 to 30 minutes. Worked like a charm yesterday for my long run. I felt great afterwords. I had to pee a bit more often than I'd like, but I expect the heat on race day will alleviate that problem, as I'll be sweating more.
@ Dana, good attitude to have on all fronts. I think we're all supposed to have "one thing" that we need to think about, and draw strength from during our tough times. I'll admit I'm struggling on pulling out JUST one thing. I'm thinking of making a "bag of one things" to carry with me and pull out as needed. Maybe the lady and the small child can go into your bag.
Chris, I too have many "one things" but yes this mother has moved up the list. I kept thinking that my trial (hot, exhausting run) would end as soon as I chose to make it end. I admire that mom for her resiliency, yet it makes me so very grateful for my many blessings.
So what does an Ironman in training do on their day of rest before a big work out? Lounge on the couch till the massage appointment? Nope. Pick up toys, laundry, house cleaning, sanitizing the house from sickness germs by wiping all light switches and door knobs with Clorox wipes. All while sniffing, sneezing, and blowing my nose. Stupid virus.
For tomorrow, the plan is to get up at 5 start my swim at 5:15 till 6:45 or 4000m which ever comes first. Drive home have Think Thin bar and get on the bike. Will drink 24oz G2 ever :30, GU every :40 mixing caffeine and non-caffeine GU, salt every hour for 5hrs. Last will run, on the treadmill, for :45 to 60. Following the w/o will go to friends to pick up the kids.
It is quiet out there but I know that is because I am 6 hrs. ahead of you and you are all doing the hard work today. I am thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way. No injuries or pain, successful work outs and maybe a few PR's.
Yesterday was successful, I got my swim, bike and run in and it felt great! If you can believe it, I actually thought to myself, I am physically ready for this. Unfortunately today I am suffering for my enthusiasm. I now have to admit that my "allergies" are in fact some kind of virus. Was completely wiped out yesterday and went to bed before the kids last night. I woke with crusty snot caked on my face, so pretty. Less than an hour up and moving around when I was hit with a migraine. Needless to say, today is official rest day.
I am truly very excited for you guys and sending positive thoughts your way. See you in 3 wks.
I did the Shiner 100 century ride yesterday with my husband (that's how we spent our anniversary)! Then, I head out for my 1 hour run right after. The ride started with clouds and humidity. Ended it at 90 degrees and full sun! The roads had chip seal 99 of the miles!!!! OMG! Roads were SO bad! They make the TX IM roads look like a smooth as can be!!! My hands/shoulders were killing me from all the chip seal! UGGG! I did great with nutrition/fluids/salt. Just really hard to get those last power bars down at the end when you are just not in the mood! I used my arm coolers which are AMAZING! We stopped at water stations to refuel 2x and I always put water on my coolers which really helped. I have to say, those couple minutes getting off the bike at an aid station seem AMAZING. Just gives you a chance to shake out the legs and shoulders. I'm definitely considering stopping at a couple aid stations instead of just grabbing and going. Might recharge me a couple times.
The run was BRUTAL. Over 90 degrees by that point. I had to run on some side streets in the area. My pace was slow, but on track with the race pace + 30 seconds. Just seems like at that pace my marathon will take a lifetime. And I just can't imagine after that first hour that I will feel like "oh now my legs feel awesome I'm going to pick up that pace"! ha!
Well, Looking forward to the taper! Wishing you all luck this last week before your RR!
Great Job Kim! It's funny how you can find little things that help you along the way in a race .
Myself, I set out yesterday for a full RR, swim was good but I fell apart on the bike made it 3.5hr had to get off the bike ( recovery is a funny thing ) but I did jump on treadmill for 30min at a slow pace which felt real good. I was expecting a little more out of myself but I guess Boston took a little more than I though
Rough 5 hour ride yesterday. It gave me a taste of Texas from last year. Windy, hilly, dirty. I felt so gross yesterday. My plan was to only change my shirt for the run, but I'm thinking of changing shorts too, just for comfort
OK, Everyone's complaining that it's quiet in here, so I'll start being a bit more chatty.
To catch you guys up, last week was a bad training week for me. I had a conference early in the week, and then an MRI for Archer, and my folks in town visiting, so training fell off the boat. I got my long RR run in on Tuesday, and then a bike/run Saturday, and yesterday was a bike. But no swimming. The open water swim I was really looking forward to on Saturday morning got cancelled due to bad weather. And I am now officially sick of Gatorade Orange and Honeystingers. And I cant BELIEVE they killed off McDreamy.
Anyways, enough belly-aching from me (did you catch the pun there? Gatorade, stingers and belly aching?). Oh yeah, and I didn't actually watch the McDreamy thing. My wife told me. I swear.
Onward and upward. This week is all about hitting the workouts as prescribed (mostly). Tonight is the IMTX Webinar, so I'll actually miss my swim today in lieu of that. Tomorrow is a run and swim. Wednesday is a long run/swim (skipping the "normal" Wednesday workout to make Friday my Race Rehearsal). Thursday is a Run. Friday is a full RR. Look for me on Strava, and scold me if you dont see these workouts please.
I put my RR#2 out on the board to be critiqued. It can be read here:
I think that's it for now. I'm getting excited. People around here are starting to talk about Triathlons because of the sprint that they have here in the Woodlands next weekend. And they're complaining about the traffic. And the rednecks are getting frisky and loud and close in their trucks as they pass me on the road when biking.
Motivation achieved: May 16 at the Woodlands Pavilion Dave Matthews is playing. Show starts at 8:00 PM. I HATE Dave Matthews. Run faster. Get out of earshot of that garbage as quick as possible. I may even put ear-plugs in my special needs bag. For those of you that enjoy Dave's music. more power to you. I may try to trip you. Just a heads up.
WAKE UP SLEEPY HEADS!! How's your week going? I know Kim is thinking about May 16 24/7, and I'm right there too. How's everyone else doing? Nervous? Excited? How'd the lead up to your last Race Rehearsal going? Are you doing your rehearsal on Friday or Saturday (or some other day)?
@Ron - Looks like you're still on the trainer for bike rides. Any chance you'll get some outside work before the race do you think? @Ed - Looking strong on Strava. Keep up the good work, and get ready to taper. @Robin - Still excited to get to see how you rip up IMTX this year. Do you think they'll let me put my phone on my bike so that I can keep track of you throughout the day? What are the chances of me making it off the bike before you finish? Haahaa. @Dana - You been out to Banana island any more? How are your travel plans shaking out to get back over here? @Eric - Got your texts today. Glad to hear you didn't fall off the earth. @Kim - Dont stop believing (hold on to that feeeeeliiing). *sang in my best "Journey" voice* @Tish - How are things shaking out for you Tish? You getting excited? Are you in a better mental space this year going into the race? I'm pretty sure you're going to rock this thing! @Coach P - Thank you for everything. Just like with Robin, I'm totally excited to see how you do this year. @Everyone Else Racing - Let us know how things are going. If there's anything a local guy here in The Woodlands can do to help you out before race day, please let me know.
Great to hear that you are tightening up the plan and feel ready to put a stamp on the race, Robin.
Anxious about the weather conditions, preparing for travel with 3 little ones in tow, oh yea and the RACE. Logistics, body composition, keeping diet clean and overall just staying healthy. On a good note, work has really seemed to line up in my favor - light schedule for the final week leading up to departure.
Last week started great, had a great final bike test and long RR Run that I thought I recovered well from. Lined up a massage for Thursday evening and from then on my legs felt absolutely trashed. Really weird. Then my Vector pedals were acting funny, mind games that go with intermittent power readings. Looking for the positive, at least I know that it could happen in the race and I am prepared for that now. Weekend bike was ok. 3 1/2 on Saturday in the basement and a 40 min run. Swam on Sunday, hour bike with Power problems so I bagged the ABP and hung it up. Just needed to rest the legs.
This week much better, putting together the finishing touches on the Race plan for Friday. It's my oldest son's 5th birthday on Friday and we have everyone coming into to party on Saturday. All weekend it's going to be nice and Friday is the day that I am going to get after it and knock out the final RR. I will swim prior although it puts me about 45 min away from where I need to be for the bike.
Hope everyone is doing well.
@EE I rec'd your EN shipment in the mail today. Not sure why it was sent to me. It has your tattoo's that say "Patience" & "Discipline", 2 water bottles and a shirt. I can bring them to Texas if that works for you? Oh and I added a temp tattoo that sais "Pee Twice" not that you need a reminder but I figured it may come in handy for those in the group that seem to always hold things up after the seal is broken. Eh hem.
Alright guys and gals - Good Luck in these final days.
@Eric...I guess I proved I can't count... I have two more big weeks too. I never really look ahead... so I guess I didn't really know what week we were in. glad you've moved passed the knee problems...
Nice job on Boston Ron, I had you and your wife favorited on the IOS app and I see that you sealed the deal. No distractions this year, heh? Congratulations. Now full attention on TEXAS.
Between EE almost getting plastered at Camp and CD with more shenanigans on the road I think Woodlane loops are looking pretty good right now. You always hear stories about guys getting smacked down days before a race and I am not looking to add to that dialogue. I may be reconsidering my recon on Wed CD. I'll still go out with you to see it one last time but I may stick to the 3 lefts and a right 5 mile loop to limit the stress. Already going to be anxious about the race. Either way you and I will be hitting the road if that still works for you CD?
EE - When are you getting in?
Tested out just an hour ago and had a final bump on Vo2 max of 23 watts to finish at 323 and a 6 watt improvement over the 20 minute test from 273 to 279. Considering back in December when I started the OS I tested Vo2 at 231 and the 20 minute at 191 I am pretty stoked. Work definitely works but I must admit that my cycling IQ has jumped so much because of the nation and learning how to appropriately attack a discipline that I ABSOLUTELY dreaded before joining EN and the forum. Step by step it's all starting to come together. So much to learn but the gap has closed down significantly.
Continued success and most importantly HEALTH in these final days marching towards the event.
Pretty exciting doing your last test before race day and really start to focus like a laser on the race. Bozo here at work decided it would be a good idea to do the HIM in Galveston 3 weeks before his IM, his FIRST Ironman. Oh, and this is his FIRST HIM. (sorry if anyone reading this is doing the same thing)
Good news for me. My son graduates early on Friday the 15th and it looks like I'm going to make it back for the race to cheer you guys on. Can't wait to see you kill it.
I dropped my bike in for a tune-up on Sunday and am at a conference this week, so I'm off the bike and wont get that last test in. I DID however get my 3 hour run in today. I felt good the whole time. I upped my fluids a bit and kept on top of the salt tabs, and held pace pretty good. Now I'm having trouble getting Garmin to upload it, so since it's not on strava...
Anyways, keep up the good work guys. Taper is right around the corner. And update your RR plans for this weekend if you so choose.
I'm leaving KC on Tuesday... staying in Allen TX for the night and rolling into The Woodlands around 1-2 on Wednesday. I'll probably sit down in the next couple of days and map out a plan for the days leading up to the race... I'll keep you posted.
@Kim... Way to go... crazy how those tests mess with your mind..
@Vic... You're locked in now... Stay consistent... and you too can be "Eric Miller"
Well. I have to admit. I had my first mental breakdown this weekend. My 5 hour trainer ride ended up being one hour and the nothing but crying. I am not sure what the hell. No more of that. I am back on track and feeling positive about my training and knowing I am going to have an awesome finish line close to midnight.
We are almost there yall!!!!!! Stay healthy and strong!
I hate stupid Banana Island. It is the pit of hell! Kicked my but again. Attempted to do my long run yesterday and fell short by at least half an hour. Made many rookie mistakes such as going out to fast and not putting body glide on the expected rub areas. Thought it was the lack of salt last week that made it so hard so remembered it this week. At the halfway mark I had to find the toilet and shortly there after my confidence, strength, and will evaporated. The upside is that I am good friends with the suck and will recognize it come race day.
My oldest daughter is sick and I have irritating allergy symptoms so that along with overtraining may have factored into my poor run performance. I am going to have to do my next long run on the treadmill with a/c just so I can finish. Banana Island has become a motivation killer for me ; the heat, cobble stones and repetitive circles break me every time.
I was run/crying feeling like a victim and having the worlds best pity party when I ran by a mother bathing her small child in the gutter. It kind of put things back in perspective for me. I can honestly say that my mom never had to bath me on the side of the road; we have always had a bathroom with a bathtub. Not finishing a run is also not the end of the world, this too will pass.
Also get a pair of Crocs. Get the namebrand, not a cheap knock-off. Wear them in lieu of going bare-foot.
Chris, I too have many "one things" but yes this mother has moved up the list. I kept thinking that my trial (hot, exhausting run) would end as soon as I chose to make it end. I admire that mom for her resiliency, yet it makes me so very grateful for my many blessings.
So what does an Ironman in training do on their day of rest before a big work out? Lounge on the couch till the massage appointment? Nope. Pick up toys, laundry, house cleaning, sanitizing the house from sickness germs by wiping all light switches and door knobs with Clorox wipes. All while sniffing, sneezing, and blowing my nose. Stupid virus.
For tomorrow, the plan is to get up at 5 start my swim at 5:15 till 6:45 or 4000m which ever comes first. Drive home have Think Thin bar and get on the bike. Will drink 24oz G2 ever :30, GU every :40 mixing caffeine and non-caffeine GU, salt every hour for 5hrs. Last will run, on the treadmill, for :45 to 60. Following the w/o will go to friends to pick up the kids.
It is quiet out there but I know that is because I am 6 hrs. ahead of you and you are all doing the hard work today. I am thinking about you and sending positive thoughts your way. No injuries or pain, successful work outs and maybe a few PR's.
Yesterday was successful, I got my swim, bike and run in and it felt great! If you can believe it, I actually thought to myself, I am physically ready for this. Unfortunately today I am suffering for my enthusiasm. I now have to admit that my "allergies" are in fact some kind of virus. Was completely wiped out yesterday and went to bed before the kids last night. I woke with crusty snot caked on my face, so pretty. Less than an hour up and moving around when I was hit with a migraine. Needless to say, today is official rest day.
I am truly very excited for you guys and sending positive thoughts your way. See you in 3 wks.
Final Race Rehearsal COMPLETE!
I did the Shiner 100 century ride yesterday with my husband (that's how we spent our anniversary)! Then, I head out for my 1 hour run right after. The ride started with clouds and humidity. Ended it at 90 degrees and full sun! The roads had chip seal 99 of the miles!!!! OMG! Roads were SO bad! They make the TX IM roads look like a smooth as can be!!! My hands/shoulders were killing me from all the chip seal! UGGG! I did great with nutrition/fluids/salt. Just really hard to get those last power bars down at the end when you are just not in the mood! I used my arm coolers which are AMAZING! We stopped at water stations to refuel 2x and I always put water on my coolers which really helped. I have to say, those couple minutes getting off the bike at an aid station seem AMAZING. Just gives you a chance to shake out the legs and shoulders. I'm definitely considering stopping at a couple aid stations instead of just grabbing and going. Might recharge me a couple times.
The run was BRUTAL. Over 90 degrees by that point. I had to run on some side streets in the area. My pace was slow, but on track with the race pace + 30 seconds. Just seems like at that pace my marathon will take a lifetime. And I just can't imagine after that first hour that I will feel like "oh now my legs feel awesome I'm going to pick up that pace"! ha!
Well, Looking forward to the taper! Wishing you all luck this last week before your RR!
Oh and I had ZERO hip pain! Phew!
It's funny how you can find little things that help you along the way in a race
Myself, I set out yesterday for a full RR, swim was good but I fell apart on the bike made it 3.5hr had to get off the bike ( recovery is a funny thing ) but I did jump on treadmill for 30min at a slow pace which felt real good. I was expecting a little more out of myself but I guess Boston took a little more than I though
Good luck to all these last few weeks!! 19 days
To catch you guys up, last week was a bad training week for me. I had a conference early in the week, and then an MRI for Archer, and my folks in town visiting, so training fell off the boat. I got my long RR run in on Tuesday, and then a bike/run Saturday, and yesterday was a bike. But no swimming. The open water swim I was really looking forward to on Saturday morning got cancelled due to bad weather. And I am now officially sick of Gatorade Orange and Honeystingers. And I cant BELIEVE they killed off McDreamy.
Anyways, enough belly-aching from me (did you catch the pun there? Gatorade, stingers and belly aching?). Oh yeah, and I didn't actually watch the McDreamy thing. My wife told me. I swear.
Onward and upward. This week is all about hitting the workouts as prescribed (mostly). Tonight is the IMTX Webinar, so I'll actually miss my swim today in lieu of that. Tomorrow is a run and swim. Wednesday is a long run/swim (skipping the "normal" Wednesday workout to make Friday my Race Rehearsal). Thursday is a Run. Friday is a full RR. Look for me on Strava, and scold me if you dont see these workouts please.
I put my RR#2 out on the board to be critiqued. It can be read here:
Please take a look and cut it up.
I think that's it for now. I'm getting excited. People around here are starting to talk about Triathlons because of the sprint that they have here in the Woodlands next weekend. And they're complaining about the traffic. And the rednecks are getting frisky and loud and close in their trucks as they pass me on the road when biking.
Good luck this week guys.
@Ron - Looks like you're still on the trainer for bike rides. Any chance you'll get some outside work before the race do you think?
@Ed - Looking strong on Strava. Keep up the good work, and get ready to taper.
@Robin - Still excited to get to see how you rip up IMTX this year. Do you think they'll let me put my phone on my bike so that I can keep track of you throughout the day? What are the chances of me making it off the bike before you finish? Haahaa.
@Dana - You been out to Banana island any more? How are your travel plans shaking out to get back over here?
@Eric - Got your texts today. Glad to hear you didn't fall off the earth.
@Kim - Dont stop believing (hold on to that feeeeeliiing). *sang in my best "Journey" voice*
@Tish - How are things shaking out for you Tish? You getting excited? Are you in a better mental space this year going into the race? I'm pretty sure you're going to rock this thing!
@Coach P - Thank you for everything. Just like with Robin, I'm totally excited to see how you do this year.
@Everyone Else Racing - Let us know how things are going. If there's anything a local guy here in The Woodlands can do to help you out before race day, please let me know.
Chris thanks for the reach out.
hope everyone is healing.
doing well myself. feeling strong. one of my best iron lead ups. matter of luck now making it to race day healthly.
my nutrition seems dialed in. between Fuel 100 bites that Time Cronk recommended and the change back to Gatorade, doing better.
starting to line up the ducks. i hope to post a race plan soon, if anyone cares to look.
Great to hear that you are tightening up the plan and feel ready to put a stamp on the race, Robin.
Anxious about the weather conditions, preparing for travel with 3 little ones in tow, oh yea and the RACE. Logistics, body composition, keeping diet clean and overall just staying healthy. On a good note, work has really seemed to line up in my favor - light schedule for the final week leading up to departure.
Last week started great, had a great final bike test and long RR Run that I thought I recovered well from. Lined up a massage for Thursday evening and from then on my legs felt absolutely trashed. Really weird. Then my Vector pedals were acting funny, mind games that go with intermittent power readings. Looking for the positive, at least I know that it could happen in the race and I am prepared for that now. Weekend bike was ok. 3 1/2 on Saturday in the basement and a 40 min run. Swam on Sunday, hour bike with Power problems so I bagged the ABP and hung it up. Just needed to rest the legs.
This week much better, putting together the finishing touches on the Race plan for Friday. It's my oldest son's 5th birthday on Friday and we have everyone coming into to party on Saturday. All weekend it's going to be nice and Friday is the day that I am going to get after it and knock out the final RR. I will swim prior although it puts me about 45 min away from where I need to be for the bike.
Hope everyone is doing well.
@EE I rec'd your EN shipment in the mail today. Not sure why it was sent to me. It has your tattoo's that say "Patience" & "Discipline", 2 water bottles and a shirt. I can bring them to Texas if that works for you? Oh and I added a temp tattoo that sais "Pee Twice" not that you need a reminder but I figured it may come in handy for those in the group that seem to always hold things up after the seal is broken. Eh hem.
Alright guys and gals - Good Luck in these final days.
I'll have one more submission tomorrow