Home OutSeason (January ‘10)

January Roll Call

so excited that you have chosen January to be your off season start!!  We have just a few weeks and they will fly by with Christmas and New Year's in there!  so before you know it, we will be embarking on a great out season plan hatched up by east coast west coast coaches and input from October, November and Dec participants!!  Hooray we aren't the guinea pigs!!  and the rest of America will be packing into the gyms too so just a great time of year to be starting a new program!!


I love having a plan and being a Type A person the EN plans work wonderful for me!  I now know from experience in Da Haus that if at first it seems too easy = just wait!! as the whole thing builds in small increments! 


*to bide my time... I have signed up for the 100 pushup challenge! did the 2' of situps challenge and even the running challenge (all in EN) although I am trying to recover from piriformis, a long and boring process that I have told in great detail much to the amusement of the other EN chicks!!!  anyways, I really hope to be all better by 1 January!!  I totally love to run!  really want to ride faster and feel so renewed every time I swim!  so I am chipping away at my "limiters" ha ha for my A Race of IM Wisconsin!!  I love having fun in my training as it really is a "game" like Rich has pointed out and I love to laugh!!  

really want to encourage you to get your ducks in a row, like doc appts, physicals and the like... purchase new running shoes and any other gear, Learn How to post pics to the forum!!  so we can all grow and get faster together!! 

before the race, coaches were there!

and after! 

and now during the off season!!! 


*so if you wanna chatter before the whole shebang rolls... here is your chance!!  m



  •  I'm in too!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can do the 5K test without hurting my calf and then really work the OS plans!  I'm kinda dreading that first 2x20 FTP test on the bike!

    This year I've asked Santa for a headlight for my bike so I can join the roadies who ride at 5:30am around here.  They are really strong and will drop me like a bad habit- but it is good hard work and I should be able to get in my Tues/Thurs bike intervals without even thinking too hard!

  • I'm in. My running legs aren't back 100% and I will not be ready for a vdot test right away. The hip is feeling good though. I ran 3x this week with no issues. WooHoo!


  • Matt i doubt I will be ready for run vdot either so no worries right? good on the hip, celebrate!! I know that feels good and with a couple more weeks, you should be good to go!
    Nemo, the headlight sounds good! that will give you the freedom to ride outside and get your work done at the same time! I presume you have other reflective stuff too? man I am still a weenie about the cold and at 5:30 it is probably 24 - 32 here.. but yeah friends would help!! sure they ride fast to stay warm probably!
  • I'm joining the january group. Switch from November, due to my Stoopid knee ( and really Stoopid owner of said knee overdoing it in AZ). I really want to be consistent with my training. I am doing Lake Placid, so may be transitioning out before you guys( not sure how that will work). The hamstring/adductor tensons and Bursa are inflammed,  around knee so now not biking or running. Will not be able to do run Vdot either at first, will work into that later. Now pool running, swim drills- since I'm in the pool, Stretching, my limiter,  & core work, push up challenge.

    Looking forward to starting again in January, being more consistent this time around!

    Stay Away injuries!

  • I'm in too for the January OS.  I'll be nice and freshened up after drilling IM Florida. After IM CdA drilled me. 

  • Glad to be part of the New Years OS group. Since IMFL I haven't run, biked, or set foot in a pool. I am now feeling fat, slow, and lazy. All qualities I am ready to shed. LETS GET THE PARTY ROLLING ( after a few more jelly donuts that is ).
  • I'm in the Jan OS group as well.  My first tests aren't going to be that great because I'm running a 50k ultra on New Year's day, but this season I promised myself that there would be no excuses and I was going to do every workout, every interval as written.  So I'll be doing the vDot and FTP tests as scheduled - they just won't be pretty, but that doesn't matter I'm not either.

  • Tony,

    Let me get this right. You're running a 50k ultra and then going right into the OS with no recovery?

  • I am joining OutSeason in January also. I'm doing a pre-season 4 week prep and I'm looking forward in some improvements in FTP and in my running. My "A" race is IMFL.

    Last season I saw great improvements in FTP # in outseason. This season I look forward to see the same. I intend to be more focused this year and give it all that I got !



  • Posted By Matt Sullivan on 18 Dec 2009 07:16 AM


    Let me get this right. You're running a 50k ultra and then going right into the OS with no recovery?


    You took the words right out of my mouth!!

    Marianne- I've really boosted all my winter riding stuff over the past few years.  They key really for me is doing an EN Style workout- you work so hard it's easy to stay warm!  I went out this morning for an ABP ride and it was 38 degrees- I was nice and toasty the whole way!

  • welome Nathalie and what a pretty name!! tony, and the 50k ultra??? will you PLEASE take some recovery!!! do NOT do the test!!! you have just raced an ULTRA, you probably got a good idea of your VDOT, hey you didn't ask me, right? but you put it out there!!!! yeah we wanna see pics of the ultra too!! but PLEASE take it easy that next week, (experience speaking, lol)..... hee. nemo, good on the 38 degree ride. yes I have asked for new gloves as boyz took off with my lobster ones so no good gloves is yuck. but yes on other stuff. Jeff? nothing since florida, uh, dude that was about 6 weeks ago!!! I suggest some light walking or other aerobic activity!! and PUT the DONUTS down!! lol.... Bill, nice to have you too! and Matt too, we should have a nice group and I can see all ends of the spectrum here! m
  • Posted By Matt Sullivan on 18 Dec 2009 07:16 AM


    Let me get this right. You're running a 50k ultra and then going right into the OS with no recovery?

    Well I've got Saturday and Sunday   But seriously, for the last 4 months since IMC I haven't done much but running, and even that hasn't been off the charts or anything.  I've gotten in a few, maybe 10, bike rides, and will probably get in a couple more in the next couple of weeks, but nothing major.  Actually the last 2 weeks I haven't done ANYTHING because of travel to Japan and subsequent jet lag.

    Also, don't get the wrong idea about the 50k, it's not like I'm racing it.  It's more a fun thing to do with my fitness (what there is of it left anyway.)  I've been recovering from the longer training runs the past few months pretty rapidly, and I plan on running at a lower intensity for the 50k then I've been doing with those.  My LRP right now is like 9:30, but I'll be doing the 50k at 10:15-11:00 from the get go.  Plus it's a 'Fat Ass 50k' which means it's seriously low-key, and it's done in 10 mile loops, so I can always drop after 10 or 20 miles if I'm not feeling it.

    Yeah, my first round of tests will suck, which is why I actually plan on doing them before the OS actually starts too so that I'll have accurate training numbers.  My prediction for the post-50k vdot test is 39 (when I'm likely at 41-42), and post-50k FTP (indoor) test is 180-185w (when I'm likely at 190w.)

    Sure, it's not ideal, but I don't think that one five hour run is going to make or break me going into the OS any more than doing 8 days of running for the holiday run challenge will.  Time will tell of course and I may be eating a heaping pile of crow in a month or so.

  • I'm very happy to be part of this group! We have a lot of similarities. Sounds like most of us have some injury baggage we're carrying going into this (it's sounding like the Island of Misfits from Rudolph). I'm confident, though, that we're going to be stronger than ever come April/May!

    I also have an inujury that will be causing me to modify at least the first 4-6 weeks of the OS...just found out this week that I have a pelvic stress fracture (pubic ramus to be specific) which is the answer to many of my "issues" I've had over the past several months. No running (or exercise that involves impact) for at least 8 weeks which puts me at Feb 1 to make my first stride. But I was given clearance to bike and swim. I'm just hoping this thing heals quickly because, like you Marianne, I love throwing on the running shoes. I was pretty down at first but I keep telling myself that I have plenty of time to get back on top of my running game by IMWI.

    Looking forward to sharing our highs and lows over the next 20 weeks!
  • In !!! Hope I find my legs by then.

  • I'm in! Looking forward to doing it with all of you. I'm still very much in stand down mode, but I'm going to do an XC ski race tomorrow which should be fun. Also been trying to do some core work. My right hip which was super sore after IMAZ is coming along nicely and should be ready to go come Jan 4th!

    For those of you amongst the cold, check out the Team Tundra Force challenge and sign up! I am going to place to order for hats later today so sign up and get an EN winter hat gratis! 

  • Posted By Nathalie Bruneau on 18 Dec 2009 07:53 AM

    I am joining OutSeason in January also. I'm doing a pre-season 4 week prep and I'm looking forward in some improvements in FTP and in my running. My "A" race is IMFL.

    Last season I saw great improvements in FTP # in outseason. This season I look forward to see the same. I intend to be more focused this year and give it all that I got !



    Go Rochester Sleeper Cell!

  •  Also going to do a half-mary for the first VDOT test. Not planned at the time, but I'm signed up for the Disney Half that weekend so it just works out that way.

  • I'm in and ready! Can't wait to start burning off the holiday cookies!

    As Jim H. says we are all sounding like a bunch of misfits! Had to laugh, I'm also having a bit of a medical mystery right now...(anemia-related). I hope we all get things figured out and fixed so we'll be strong as ever in the spring!
  • One more from the Island! That is a great analogy. I tried to start in November, but it just wasn't meant to be. I have been having hip problems too, but hope they are all behind me now. Things seem to be trending the right directions. Jim, I had a stress reaction in my hip last spring and that lead to several other things because I tried to keep the biking up (or at least that is what I attribute it to). Certainly not telling you what to do, but in hindsight a few weeks of nada might have saved me a lot of anguish through the year. At any rate I hope everyone is healed up and ready to go!  So glad to be in this group with you all!

    Have fun in that race Tony!


  • I'm in for January also. Hopefully things will go well. Just got a powertap, so I have to figure that out over the next few weeks. Hopefully I will be able to convince my 4 month old to start sleeping more at night so I can have the energy to put full effort into it!

  • I'm in but not sure how ready. Did a swim with friends last Wednesday and had to catch some breath after 100 yards.
  • Posted By Robin Cline on 18 Dec 2009 01:41 PM

    One more from the Island! That is a great analogy. I tried to start in November, but it just wasn't meant to be. I have been having hip problems too, but hope they are all behind me now. Things seem to be trending the right directions. Jim, I had a stress reaction in my hip last spring and that lead to several other things because I tried to keep the biking up (or at least that is what I attribute it to). Certainly not telling you what to do, but in hindsight a few weeks of nada might have saved me a lot of anguish through the year. At any rate I hope everyone is healed up and ready to go!  So glad to be in this group with you all!

    Have fun in that race Tony!


    Robin - Look for a PM from me.  I'd be interested in your specific success (and mistakes) in trying to recover from the stress reaction.  Thanks!


  • Posted By Jeff Linkus on 18 Dec 2009 01:49 PM

    I'm in but not sure how ready. Did a swim with friends last Wednesday and had to catch some breath after 100 yards.

    I hear you Jeff. My legs still feel weird when I run.


  • Posted By Gina Hamel on 18 Dec 2009 04:08 PM

    I hear you Jeff. My legs still feel weird when I run.


    Seriously!  Just got up to 20min on the treadmill last week!  They are starting to come around and I'm going to a TNT spin class tomorrow morning.  I got some friends to join and give triathlon a try so I'm joining them for their workouts until the OS starts.  Hopefully that will help the recovery.


  •  I'm in as well, off IMFL.  Pain cave is ready, indoor tire is on.  Garmin footpod needs calibrated correctly.  Hopefully I can hook up w/ Tom Scroggins so I can watch him puke or cry (or he can watch me puke) on the vDot and FTP tests (let the smack talk begin Tom).  

  • I love the Rudolph island analogy!!  funny. 

    okay tony sounds like you got it all worked out!!  if you haven't posted pics before, please work on that cuz we wanna hear about this "easy 50k", at a 10:15 -11 pace!! 

    we don't want to send you to the Injury Island!!!  we have been there and there ain't anything fun happenin' on it!!!


    okay so for some of you who can't run once we get started, we still need you to participate!!  so even if you can walk or do the elliptical or pool run, we will be sharing something!  so plan on telling us about it!!  and when you can run just a few minutes, we wanna celebrate it with you!  I know from personal experience, when you get to run 10', you wanna tell everybody about it!!  so don't feel like your lack of running will diminish your forum experience!!  


    we seem to have several IM recovering folks! and lots of you seem to live in snow covered ground!!  well look I gotta scoot, cookies are being made in there!  I ran 1 mile today without too much pain so fingers crossed about 1 January!! 

  • Island of Misfits- that's classic! We've got a great group and I'm looking forward to suffering with all of you!
  • I've been called out! I'm ready to rock n' roll on 1/4. Pain cave is work in progress. Need to dig up an old tire to throw on the PT, buy a new fan that works and be ready for the fun. It will be interesting to see how that first FTP test goes...

    Dan lets do this thing!
  • I'm in-Still recovering from IM Cozumel but feeling pretty good at this point and just about back to normal training so we are going to give it a shot.
  • I am in too. Two weeks after IMFL starting running again 3 days a week. Have not run in a week because sickness. Signed up for 100 push-ups and will start on the 20th. The pain cave is ready with power meter, trainer, foot pod, and, treadmill. I look forward to the Jan OS.
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