So, I am in week 7 of the Beg Jan OS plan. I am due to test next week however I am going in for minor surgery Wed 2/27. Should I keep the bike test Monday night and skip the run test or move everything up? I will be taking 2 weeks off (at least) to recover. I could swap something out this weekend if you thought I should. Also, I just had a power meter installed on my bike so since I didn't take a good test in January and have mostly been relying on perceived exertion I plan to take my test with the PM and switch over. Thanks for your guidance.
@Leslie, best of luck with the surgery!!!!!!! I think that your bike test is top priority. So I would plan on taking friday off...then doing a lighter bike or short jog on Sat. Bike Test on Sunday...Monday off...Run test on Tuesday...then your two weeks begins!!!!
I was defeated soundly this week by projects and a tender Achilles...Tuesdays workout was limited to the bike, Wednesdays workout went as planned, and I missed Thursdays workout.
Anything I should do to adjust over the next few days or should I just chalk up the loss and get back on track Saturday???
@Troy, if you are week 8 or higher (1, 4, etc) then just redo the week. If you are closer to the end or your plan (within the last 6 weeks) then that's another question...let us know your plan and week and I'll help!
Coach P., I'm doing transition week this week and having fun doing random workouts. I will be starting week 9 of IM wo's on Monday. With my 12 shifts during the week which wo's during the week are NOT to be missed. The weekend wo's are a done deal. If Tuesday is a major day I can move it to Monday's (8 hr shift) as a before work and then an after work thing. If Friday's stay a swim throughout, I can do it before or after work. Thanks P.!
Hi Coach P, I'm back after a full 8 days of no workouts due to sickness. I got back on track today. The plan was a 25 min run followed by 180 min bike. I did the run and 120 min of the bike. Felt ok, and am hoping I'll recover and go for tomorrow's 120 min bike, then fall back in place for next week. (week 11 of half IM plan). Dealing with using an inhaler which is playing with my HR numbers, and thats what I use for training. Suggestions?
Need some guidance on what to do - this self coaching deal is a little tougher than I thought when things don't go as planned. I am in week 7 of the Jan OS. My last work out was on Tuesday (Feb 19th). I missed the Wed/Thurs/Sat work outs due to travel and some minor tendonitis in my left lower leg.
Here are my thoughts regarding options of getting back into things, what do you think/recommend?
1. Do the Sat OS long run today (training for a 1/2 marathon on March 17th thus my long run would be about 1:20 with majority at goal race pace/HMP) and repeat week 7 of the OS and finish the OS one week later than scheduled.
2. Do a 60 min FTP or VO2 bike and a 30-45 min run @ MP/HMP today and repeat week 7 of the OS and finish the OS one week later than scheduled.
3. Take another day off today as prescribed due to testing next week, go straight into week 8 of the OS and test, and forget about week7.
@Tony, re do it, then test, and we can adjust the final 6 weeks if required!
@Jay we are working on a priority listing function for you; the not to be missed sessions are Saturday Bike, Thursday Run, Friday Swim, Wdnesday Bike, Tuesday Run + Swim, Sunday Bike, then Monday!
@Jodi, you might need a bit longer before you can hit the workouts...but you can ramp into it...maybe full stride by Wed? Be cautious with the inhaler to make sure that your HR isn't too sky high...and stay hydrated, get lots of aren't 100% out of the woods until you forget all about it.
@Robert, I prefer option one, with an eye towards keeping you healthy by not cooking your leg. No one workout right now is that important...we have to keep an eye on your race season and don't want to short circuit the year!!! Happy to help..keep me posted!
Coach P. I am in JOS ending week 7, to test in week 8, I've been sick since Wednesday and missed the Thurs and Sat workouts. History: I felt run down the end of week 6, I couldn't finish the Sat workout, I rallied for week 7's Tues 2X 20 and Wed run but then fell ill. Still not 100%, not sure what to do about the test week,beginning tomorrow.
@Robert, I prefer option one, with an eye towards keeping you healthy by not cooking your leg. No one workout right now is that important...we have to keep an eye on your race season and don't want to short circuit the year!!! Happy to help..keep me posted!
Thanks for telling me to come over here in the micro thread to get my head straight. hehe. I'm in week #8 of JOS advanced and I guess I hit the wall this week. Last week, I over-achieved on my runs and was feeling really good. I tried to get a head start on my week 8 test by doing an FTP test. Bombed that one. Felt the fatigued during warmup. I think I can skip the FTP test for now since I just did one a couple of weeks ago. Getting a bump from 240 to 250w.
You suggested to take the next 3 days off. How do I salvage the rest of the week? Thanks
@Cat, sounds like you fought the law and the law won this time... hmmm... the test week serves 2 functions: to capture fitness and allow you to rest. So I say we rest you through Thurs is bike test target, friday off, Sat a steady ride and Sunday 5, run test. Between now and Thurs, I say get great sleep, vitamins, etc. Do 30-45' a day of bike or run but no intensity goals...please keep us posted on the rest!
@ Carlo, if your bike is set, then recovery is the top priority..I would do aim for a run test on either Wed or Sunday...Wed if you can rest Mon/Tues and then run it...then Thurs off, Friday easy spin, regular Sat bike...Sun optional....if you go until Sunday, then I would chill Mon/Tues, Wed = 2x1 mile, Thurs = Bike 2 x 12 @ new FTP, Fri off, Sat - Steady ride only of 60-75 mins, then Sunday race! Keep us posted...
Hi coach. I'm in week 3 of GF and next Sunday is a half-marathon. Mildly hilly. I did a race rehearsal today on a similar course with no taper and came in at 1:43:20. That's slower than my goal by 3 minutes but that was after yesterday's 3 hr bike session with hard efforts at the end of GF week 2. This isn't an A race but I'd like to do well but will a taper mess up the GF plan? What do you suggest? Right now my legs and ankles and most everything is hurting (but not injured).
Starting week 17 of HIM tomorrow. Missed my long ride and ABP ride this weekend (cold/flu, family stuff, on call, blah blah blah). Bottom line...didn't get it done. I have Tues and Wed of this week essentially off of work, so could do a long ride or two. Should I just stick with the plan as is, or modify to get in a long ride? Cycling is my strongest sport, if that matters.
Hi Coach, I'm on worth course beginner week 11. It's actually my second week on the program. I came across a term: "ON" time, on running and bike days. What does it mean? I tried to find it on the term pages and couldn't find it. Thank you.
So Coach P, you were right. I came back from 8 days off due to illness and did too much...ended up with an all night migraine. Now I'm on new meds for that. Took Sunday off. I read your advice to Cat, and I'm thinking I will do the same thing...Today, Tues, Wed either 30 min of running or 45 min of spinning on the bike with no intensity then start back on Thursday. Agree? I am supposed to do a swim,bike run this weekend. Do I go ahead with it or posepone? I am in week 11 of half ironman plan. I have a c race (olympic) March 24. Jodi
In the JOS week 8 advanced plan this week we have: - a 45 min run or brick after the Thurs VO2 ride - no Saturday run - a 45 min run on Sunday that is identical to the Thursday run, i.e. EP+ strides
It seems odd to me that there is no Saturday run and even odder that the Sunday run is so short low-intensity coming off week 7 which was a "step back" on running volume ahead of the test week.
I entered the OS in surprisingly good bike shape this year. I raced last year outdoor at FTP of 235 W, and tested indoor at 248 W on the TT bike (not road bike) at the beginning of the OS. I just did my Week 8 test, and came out with an almost identical value. While I think I've made some undefined/unmeasured fitness gain, it would be nice to put a little bit of growth onto the FTP.
I am NOT VO2 limited. I routinely hit 120-125% on my VO2 intervals.
I am curious as to what you think of converting some or all of the VO2 days to 105% days, e.g., 5-6 x 5 minute intervals at 105%? I am kind of feeling like the VO2 workouts are good, but not where *I* need to be working.
@Peter. Wait. WAIT. You ran a 13.1 race rehearsal the week before doing…a 13.1mile race? Dooooode. PLEASE show me where that was in your plan? I think my recommendation was 75 minutes, with 25' easy, 25' steady, 25' at goal pace…that's 25', not 103'…You need to recover, nay MUST recover. No workouts until Wed, and that day is an easy spin. Thursday is a hard bike. Friday is swim only. Sat is a short/easy run of 30 minutes, then the race and back at it. A good race is worth it, and after the work you did you have to recover to make sure you don't end up in a giant hole!
@Jeff, given the flu/cold/stress deal, I say stay with the plan as written. Get more rest….
@Andres, no worries! That "ON" time is Zone5 work…you get to divide it as you want. If you have 10' of ON time, you can do 10 x 1' on, 1' off..or 20 x 30 seconds (") on, 30" off, etc. This is the training that raising the high end of your fitness…quality stuff!
@Chris, if you are about to test next week, no worries on the make ups…keep rolling. For "today" questions feel free to post to dashboard or text me: 6175133830, sorry this was so late!
@Jodi…I only know b/c I have messed it up so many times!!! Hope this time is the right time…I think you should be okay by Saturday, just get the rest!!!
@Josie, you can just use HR, but knowing the other stuff, provided via a basic wireless computer, can really help!!!
@William, you are asking for the coach p hack, eh? (okay for experienced peeps) you can get about 6 weeks out of it, so let's do it. 4 x 5' at 110% (target, do your best to get "Sustainable close") with 5' of rest after each. I suggest 4 x 4', then 5 x 4', then 4 x 5' for remainder…from experience, I can hold the average of the 4 5' intervals for a 20' test after 3-4 weeks…just to give you some incentive!!!
I entered the OS in surprisingly good bike shape this year. I raced last year outdoor at FTP of 235 W, and tested indoor at 248 W on the TT bike (not road bike) at the beginning of the OS. I just did my Week 8 test, and came out with an almost identical value. While I think I've made some undefined/unmeasured fitness gain, it would be nice to put a little bit of growth onto the FTP.
I am NOT VO2 limited. I routinely hit 120-125% on my VO2 intervals.
I am curious as to what you think of converting some or all of the VO2 days to 105% days, e.g., 5-6 x 5 minute intervals at 105%? I am kind of feeling like the VO2 workouts are good, but not where *I* need to be working.
Thanks for any thoughts.
I love that you posted this and glad to see P's response. I'm in the almost the exact same boat -- although I have had some FTP gains I do the VO2 intervals at much higher wattages than targeted and have gone with 60/60 and more recently 10x90/90 with no bonus recoveries. And I view those as the "easy days". I'm glad there is some coaches' advice that might generate more FTP gains!!
JanOS Week 9. Wednesday VO2 run. MS: 2 x 200, 3 x 400, 3 x 200, all @ IP/Z5/Very Hard with full recoveries between each. How much is "full recoveries" between?
I am thinking of doing my Sunday long Run on Saturday and to ride the bike course for my upcoming HIM on Sunday. The downside is I am unlikely to follow the workout plan for the ride as I will likely just ride. (Bad habits.) I am also entering a C race week so week 9 will follow the race protocol. Anything terribly wrong with my modification?
I think accumulated life stress and sleep reduction over the last 3-4 weeks has led to a decrease in mojo and a low-grade head cold thing. Part of me is telling myself that if not everything goes perfect for the next few months and i can't get my running frequency up and improve my FTP, i'm going to be unprepared for LP. However, I did listen to the fatigue webinar yesterday and the point that was made in the webinar that, "if your body is telling you to cut back, you should" struck a cord (as did common sense). However, that being said, I'm in week 3 of the bike focus plan so there really isn't too much demand for my time and I feel like if I CAN trudge through I should. So, here I am knowing what I should do, but concerned it's going to negatively impact my race day even though the other part of my brain is telling me that's silly...kind of like the theory that we don't enter into 20wks of IM training because we're in better shape than that. Will taking time off now cause me to not be in good enough shape come the end of April for IM training. Any direct orders? Tell me to listen to the webinar again?
Hi Coach P,
So, I am in week 7 of the Beg Jan OS plan. I am due to test next week however I am going in for minor surgery Wed 2/27. Should I keep the bike test Monday night and skip the run test or move everything up? I will be taking 2 weeks off (at least) to recover. I could swap something out this weekend if you thought I should. Also, I just had a power meter installed on my bike so since I didn't take a good test in January and have mostly been relying on perceived exertion I plan to take my test with the PM and switch over. Thanks for your guidance.
I was defeated soundly this week by projects and a tender Achilles...Tuesdays workout was limited to the bike, Wednesdays workout went as planned, and I missed Thursdays workout.
Anything I should do to adjust over the next few days or should I just chalk up the loss and get back on track Saturday???
@LEslie, you got it!!
Coach P,
Need some guidance on what to do - this self coaching deal is a little tougher than I thought when things don't go as planned. I am in week 7 of the Jan OS. My last work out was on Tuesday (Feb 19th). I missed the Wed/Thurs/Sat work outs due to travel and some minor tendonitis in my left lower leg.
Here are my thoughts regarding options of getting back into things, what do you think/recommend?
1. Do the Sat OS long run today (training for a 1/2 marathon on March 17th thus my long run would be about 1:20 with majority at goal race pace/HMP) and repeat week 7 of the OS and finish the OS one week later than scheduled.
2. Do a 60 min FTP or VO2 bike and a 30-45 min run @ MP/HMP today and repeat week 7 of the OS and finish the OS one week later than scheduled.
3. Take another day off today as prescribed due to testing next week, go straight into week 8 of the OS and test, and forget about week7.
@Jay we are working on a priority listing function for you; the not to be missed sessions are Saturday Bike, Thursday Run, Friday Swim, Wdnesday Bike, Tuesday Run + Swim, Sunday Bike, then Monday!
@Jodi, you might need a bit longer before you can hit the workouts...but you can ramp into it...maybe full stride by Wed? Be cautious with the inhaler to make sure that your HR isn't too sky high...and stay hydrated, get lots of aren't 100% out of the woods until you forget all about it.
@Robert, I prefer option one, with an eye towards keeping you healthy by not cooking your leg. No one workout right now is that important...we have to keep an eye on your race season and don't want to short circuit the year!!! Happy to help..keep me posted!
Cathleen White
Thanks for the quick reply.
Thanks P. for the help setting the weeks priority for time/wko rearrangements. Double
We reap what we sow, more than we sow, and later than we sow. Principle #6.
edit: Nevermind, find out the answer in the wiki, durrrrrr
Thanks anyway.
Thanks for telling me to come over here in the micro thread to get my head straight. hehe. I'm in week #8 of JOS advanced and I guess I hit the wall this week. Last week, I over-achieved on my runs and was feeling really good. I tried to get a head start on my week 8 test by doing an FTP test. Bombed that one. Felt the fatigued during warmup. I think I can skip the FTP test for now since I just did one a couple of weeks ago. Getting a bump from 240 to 250w.
You suggested to take the next 3 days off. How do I salvage the rest of the week? Thanks
@Robert, worries!
@Jay, thanks for the reminder!!!
@ Carlo, if your bike is set, then recovery is the top priority..I would do aim for a run test on either Wed or Sunday...Wed if you can rest Mon/Tues and then run it...then Thurs off, Friday easy spin, regular Sat bike...Sun optional....if you go until Sunday, then I would chill Mon/Tues, Wed = 2x1 mile, Thurs = Bike 2 x 12 @ new FTP, Fri off, Sat - Steady ride only of 60-75 mins, then Sunday race! Keep us posted...
Coach P,
Starting week 17 of HIM tomorrow. Missed my long ride and ABP ride this weekend (cold/flu, family stuff, on call, blah blah blah). Bottom line...didn't get it done. I have Tues and Wed of this week essentially off of work, so could do a long ride or two. Should I just stick with the plan as is, or modify to get in a long ride? Cycling is my strongest sport, if that matters.
I'm on worth course beginner week 11. It's actually my second week on the program. I came across a term: "ON" time, on running and bike days. What does it mean?
I tried to find it on the term pages and couldn't find it.
Thank you.
Currently in w 13 int OS
Missed Sunday workout and last Thurs workout. Time a scarce resource these days.
Try to redo the week? Do Sunday's workout today and make tomorrow's easier?
- a 45 min run or brick after the Thurs VO2 ride
- no Saturday run
- a 45 min run on Sunday that is identical to the Thursday run, i.e. EP+ strides
It seems odd to me that there is no Saturday run and even odder that the Sunday run is so short low-intensity coming off week 7 which was a "step back" on running volume ahead of the test week.
Is this all correct?
I'm not able to track distance or mph for the bike test but I can do average heart rate. Do I have to be able to do this for the test calculation?
I entered the OS in surprisingly good bike shape this year. I raced last year outdoor at FTP of 235 W, and tested indoor at 248 W on the TT bike (not road bike) at the beginning of the OS. I just did my Week 8 test, and came out with an almost identical value. While I think I've made some undefined/unmeasured fitness gain, it would be nice to put a little bit of growth onto the FTP.
I am NOT VO2 limited. I routinely hit 120-125% on my VO2 intervals.
I am curious as to what you think of converting some or all of the VO2 days to 105% days, e.g., 5-6 x 5 minute intervals at 105%? I am kind of feeling like the VO2 workouts are good, but not where *I* need to be working.
Thanks for any thoughts.
@Jeff, given the flu/cold/stress deal, I say stay with the plan as written. Get more rest….
@Andres, no worries! That "ON" time is Zone5 work…you get to divide it as you want. If you have 10' of ON time, you can do 10 x 1' on, 1' off..or 20 x 30 seconds (") on, 30" off, etc. This is the training that raising the high end of your fitness…quality stuff!
@Chris, if you are about to test next week, no worries on the make ups…keep rolling. For "today" questions feel free to post to dashboard or text me: 6175133830, sorry this was so late!
@Jodi…I only know b/c I have messed it up so many times!!!
@Josie, you can just use HR, but knowing the other stuff, provided via a basic wireless computer, can really help!!!
@Matt, fixed!!!! Thanks for catching that...
@William, you are asking for the coach p hack, eh? (okay for experienced peeps) you can get about 6 weeks out of it, so let's do it. 4 x 5' at 110% (target, do your best to get "Sustainable close") with 5' of rest after each. I suggest 4 x 4', then 5 x 4', then 4 x 5' for remainder…from experience, I can hold the average of the 4 5' intervals for a 20' test after 3-4 weeks…just to give you some incentive!!!
I am thinking of doing my Sunday long Run on Saturday and to ride the bike course for my upcoming HIM on Sunday. The downside is I am unlikely to follow the workout plan for the ride as I will likely just ride. (Bad habits.) I am also entering a C race week so week 9 will follow the race protocol. Anything terribly wrong with my modification?
So, here I am knowing what I should do, but concerned it's going to negatively impact my race day even though the other part of my brain is telling me that's silly...kind of like the theory that we don't enter into 20wks of IM training because we're in better shape than that. Will taking time off now cause me to not be in good enough shape come the end of April for IM training.
Any direct orders? Tell me to listen to the webinar again?