@John, yes you could do one then, but given importance of swim/run i'd either be doing the big tri week (also a plan) or just keep the big bike to three days and retain the rest of your week (including the long run and long swim).
@Lori, rest is key right now, but so too is addressing the issue (massage, stretching, etc.) A 75-minute run is nothing to shake a stick at…so your fitness is there. I suggest you take Wed bike and so it Tues / Thurs, with a Wed swim and a Friday swim. Saturday is the bike as planned…sunday is off or an ABP ride depending on how you feel…be sure to take care of yourself while you are skiing!!! Oh, and I want pics!
@Joanna, always do the distance and I'll fix the plans…sorry for that!
@Jonathan, if you can't run, it's Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun rides….you can do Wed ride on Tues, repeat it on Thurs (or do a 75 to 90-minute ABP ride)…then Mon/Wed/Fri are swim days…
@Julia, see notes to Jonathan above…that should help you out. Good luck with that!!
@Peter..it's crazy to me that you can do Avg Power of 163 for 2:40, but then can only do 172 for 20 minutes. I know there's a downward trend there, but if you are THAT TIRED then you should be having trouble getting out of bed, motivating, brushing your teeth, etc…if this issue is localized to the bike (and your runs and swims have been relatively ok) I suggest getting that hub checked or at least reaching out to Saris for some more help (here's a thread from ST with some ideas: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?post=3161002; read all of it). Maybe you even need to replace the batteries?
@Claire, nice work! I would do the Thursday ride, drop sat…just add time to the end of your Thurs ride to reach 75', etc. Your run plan is perfect…no need to go long, frequency is your friend…and vacation pics please!!!
Thanks Patrick, but I am struggling with the run, and to a lesser extent swimming. As I said previously, I probably could have put up more watts in the test, but not 10 more.
I am tired and having motivation issues. Also, I did the bike test on my Computrainer which gave similar results — so I don't think it is the PT (but will change the batteries in any case). Before I zeroed the PT/Joule the raw torque was 1 unit different from the offset, so I zeroed it and now both read 0522.
I am thinking I need rest but want guidance about how much, and whether I should be doing nothing, or something, or what?
My A race is IM Australia and is on May 5.
I am feeling quite demoralised.
[Just a recap of recent past — 1st week of Feb I can't complete the long run in HIM plan (race on Feb 17) because of deep fatigue. You give me three days complete rest and then to follow the normal taper, which I did. I complete race on Feb 17 and totally trash myself. went too hard on the bike and therefore struggled with the last 5 km of run. Did 5 hours 45, whereas last year I did 5 hours 19, the the year before I did 5 hours 28.
Rest until following Thursday and join IM intermediate plan week 10. Just do Thursday's long run time at EP, then follow program as written until bike intervals the following week. Can only do 10 mins, 15 mins and then 5 mins @ 185 watts. You have me do a swim on Friday, then Saturday 4 hours @ what ever I can do on bike (I chose 137 watts). Sunday 45 mins stride run. Monday rest. Tuesday bike test.]
Just got back from my mini training weekend/vaca in Scottsdale. Ran the Phoenix half mary after 2.5 hours sleep just 15 seconds shy of a pr on Saturday (woot!), rode 42.5 beautiful miles on Sunday (on my friends road bike...we are the same height, but the saddle wrecked my lady parts...) then yesterday we hiked a nice tough 5 mile trail and swam about 2500 yards and flew home late.
I just can not ride the bike today, let alone a 2x20 with my damaged nether region, so I am doing the vo2max run instead today hoping an extra day will help heal things up.
Soooo, how do I structure the rest of the weeks workouts? I have a 5k race scheduled for Sunday that I may or may not run hard, but either way I will get in extra time as I have another half mary on the 24th.
@Peter, thanks for following up and the detail. This _IS_ really frustrating…it's good on one level to know the fatigue extends beyond the bike, but that's also not a great thing either. You have 9 weeks to go until the big show, so while the pressure is on, you still have a few weeks until crunch time. We need to balance your current fatigue with your training needs. The coach in me says you are tired, and you need to rest, and that training will only extend fatigue. The athlete in me says HOLY COW your "A" race is in 9 weeks…then again, what's the point of showing up on race day with massive fatigue? Just not worth it. Here's my modified suggestion: we need to get you going again but with minimal intensity. I'd like you to do the following: Monday = Swim only. Tuesday = FTP Intervals, brick Run Wednesday = Swim only. Thursday = FTP intervals, brick run. Friday = Swim only Saturday = Regular ride, no brick. Sunday = Long Run.
So you have three days of rest (swim, or off if you need it on say Monday). The FTP work on Tuesday is the work from the plan on Wed but broken down into chunks you can do without nuking yourself…this is the ONE hard session a week. Thursday is an ABP ride…this would be about 160w average…nothing more. The Sat ride is at 140w average, nothing more.
We can kick off this week (on Wed for you already) with no Tuesday FTP work…I want you to keep updating me, but I am thinking 2 weeks of this before we reconsider (weeks of 3/4 and 3/11).
@Trish, sounds like a blast (except for the lady parts part!)…I say that you still want to recovery; wednesday is swim only, Thursday is the long run, friday is swim, strides optional…sat as planned…then Sun is 5k. No long run this week given last week's race and the 24th!
1.) Regarding Swim workouts...I'm making some good progress this year...am currently swimming 4x/week....my question is with regard to pace & rest intervals....say for example my T-time is 1:55...I tend to swim my 200-300-400's faster than that 1:48-1:51...I'm having difficulty dialing in "cruising" speed...Any suggestions for that? ...As a bit of a consequence I sometimes am pressed by the rest interval and need to take any extra 5-10 seconds....so my question is....What is more important the interval & pace or the short rest?..How would you handle that?
2.) We have spoken about my current weekly plan which is a slight hack on the Intermediate IM race prep....I am currently on week 10/20 having started on week 8.....basically I'm doing 2x FTP/VO2 bike workouts during the week + the long bike on Sat but doing my long run on Sunday instead of the ABP ride.......My current thought (and kinda bolstered by your workout priority notes) is to do this for weeks 8,9,10,11,12...then to switch to the standard IM race week...my thinking is that....I will have gotten the FTP/VO2 focus I wanted to continue for 4 weeks...and then by switching back to the standard week....I can add up volume during the final 8 weeks..
My thought was to do that switchover completel after week12.... or to Thursday FTP/VO2 or Sunday ABP on alternating weeks???
I was looking ahead to my A race training plan for LP in July and in the season plan that was put together for me, it says after the OS to jump into HIM at week 8? Shouldn't I be in a IM plan since that is what I will be competing in?
I was looking ahead to my A race training plan for LP in July and in the season plan that was put together for me, it says after the OS to jump into HIM at week 8? Shouldn't I be in a IM plan since that is what I will be competing in?
Frank, sorry, that's a typo and should read IM plan vs HIM.
@JCL, love your questions…you are one of the more thoughtful folks…keep's coming! I say the rest is more important…so "aim" for 1:45 on the wall for 10" rest (for example) but if you go 1:52, don't punish yourself with only 3" of rest…rest up to get better. In fact, if you _think_ you should be doing 1:45s, you might need a bit more rest… As for the switch over, I agree…most folks can't sit on that "hack" for longer than 6 weeks without needing a change…so yes to complete hack now and switch later!
@Frank. please submit that question to support@endurancenation.us (or use the support tab in the sidebar)…thanks!
Hi RnP, I am just getting over a cold. I haven't exercised since Monday. I will be transitioning to the IM plan on Monday from the bike focus. Should I finish the bike focus as listed or take it easy til the IM plan starts?Thanks Dave
@David, just chill it...no need to push yourself right now, especially with what you have coming...instead I would suggest you just get in some light aerobic work and make sure you are 100% rested for the final push!
Coach, Planning ahead, TUCSON week will be my last GF week then transitioning to 8 weeks HIM (right after Tucson). How should I plan the days prior to the rally given MONDAY will be my Travel day therefore Tuesday/Wednesday are open for Bike/Run Training.
Hey Coach RNP, I should be near the end of week 9 in the JOS but, the lovely flu decided to descend upon for the first time in my life!(and it sucked) Here's where I was prior to this event. I finished wk 7 with a half marathon and very good results. I was taking the first part of wk 8 off to recover and then finish testing but I got sick on Tues of last week. My question is, would it be wise to redo wk 7 and go from there? I don't feel like it would be wise to try and repeat wk 8 coming off this sickness so I thought I'd ask for your input.
@Juan, I'd be outside riding like a fool; with a short run on the front or back end. All aerobic, just epic fun miles!
@Alien Pretending To Be Jaime Fields -- who are you such that you don't get sick??? Really?? I say yes to repeat week 8...do a light weekend to clear your body/etc and get back into it...then test away!
Coaches - I blew up the repeat bike test a week ago. tested actually lower than previous FTP and felt like I couldn't walk up the stairs out of the pain cave. After much support from the EN team, I went back and made sure the trainer was calibrated (not really that hard - should have done that beforehand, lesson learned). Kept the FTP the same and now the rides at FTP even for the 20 minute intervals are really not stressing me at all. Should I retest or jump my FTP up based on feel. Thanks.
Hi Coaches: I believe there is a typo in the beginner run focus plan week 5. The Wednesday workout is labelled a bike workout but looks like a run workout as it is written. Is it supposed to be a run or bike? Thanks!
hey coach - i've got my a-level half marathon next sunday, march 17. i'm trying to figure out what my training should look like next week. while i'll be in week 11 of OS for a-level HIM (Eagleman, June 9), i'm considering taking most of the week off from biking to rest up for this half marathon.
as an fyi, today i'll be biking + running the 40 minute out and back. tomorrow i'll be running 2/3 goal time (or ~54 minutes) with majority, if not all, at 6:10 pace.
i've entered what the wk 11 training program shows for me, but let me know what you think i should be doing to be in best shape come race day. thanks!
Mon - rest Tues - bike 10(4), 18(4), 10(4) all @ Z4 Tues - run 35' @ z1 Wed - run 4 x 200, 2 x 800, 4 x 200, 2 x 400 @z5 Thur - bike 3 x (4 x 1/1) @vo2 (2') Fri - rest Sat - bike 2 x 18' (4') 1x10' @z4
Hi coach- Will be on week 5 of intermediate run focus plan on Monday. Running a 1/2 marathon on sat 3/15. How should I adjust my week? I assume skip thurs hill wo and take as rest day? but not sure on other adjustments.
I've got Shamrock Half Marathon on the 17th (upcoming Sunday). I'm on Week 12 of HIM training. How should I change up the week. Also should I do a run test for the half marathon?
Good morning! I'm in week 14 of the Short Course Plan. Looking ahead to the week, Tuesday has 3 workouts, 75, 60 and 45 minutes - I have pasted them @ the bottom here. This puzzles me. If I understand the philosophy / training plan right, these workouts should all be separated in time (i.e., no brick). this would mean that on a Tuesday I'd have to find time to workout in the morning, the middle of the day, and the evening. What what?? Ay, ay, ay. Am I reading this thing right?? And are there more of these in the next 6 weeks?
Also, what is "Upload workout to WKO+"?
Tuesday 75 min Powermeter Only. WU: 10-15', 3 x 30"" (30"") SpinUps, in aerobars, then 3 x 2' (1') Zone 3 MS: 2 x 20' (2'). Record each 20' segment as interval + Upload workout to WKO+. Create one range that includes both 2 x 20 intervals and the 2' rest interval, for a total of 42'. Normalized watts for range is your Functional Threshold. CD: Easy to Steady spin.
Tuesday 60 min MS: 2 x 20 (4') @ 95-100%/zone4/Hard. Remainder of time at 80-85%/zone3/Mod-Hard For HR athletes, no testing
Tuesday 45 min MS: Run, as HMP/Z3/Mod-Hard out and back.
Hey Coach, Am not quite sure how to handle the next 2 weeks. Today I finish my "get your head right between plans week" and am scheduled to start the get faster plan which I will be in effectively 8 weeks prior to my first A race a X50. I can start the plan and get in the workouts Mon through Friday. I leave for a 7 day business trip Friday night to China and Australia where will have access only to run and almost all of that will be deadmill. Not sure if I should start the get fast plan, then basically run for a week and rejoin it after missing a week or go back to an out season week this week and start get faster after I get back, or some other solution. Thanks in advance! Greg
Hey guys, I'm skiing until Thursday What should I do in place of the bike workouts. I'll try to get in the runs or should I do anything special since Ill have a chance to run in the mountains. Thanks gene.
Okay Coaches...I have some schedule challenges the next two weeks....and need to sort my schedule out ...I will be executing against week 11 of IM intermediate plan
First - next week I need to shift workouts around to accommodate travel on Tuesday............What I am proposing is:
Mon - Swim/Run according to plan
Tues - No access to pool so no swim.....Run AM - according to plan
Wed - Bike according to plan
Thursday - Swim/Run...Tuesdays Swim/Run According to plan
Friday - Run According to plan
Saturday - This is supposed to be 1/4/1 Big Day - I would like to back this up to next weekend? & just do Long Ride (4hrs)
Sunday - This is supposed to be off...I am proposing Swim & Long run
The following week is supposed to be a Test Week- I'm not sure I want to test and would like to repeat this week...doing the 1/4/1 on Saturday.
The other question I have is: I'm anticipating a conflict with RR#1 scheduled week 15...any problem doing this in week 14 or 16?preference? (final RR is week 18)
I left houston yesterday for skiing in Colorado so I will not be able to bike I get home on Friday and I Have to get my front rim fixed I had a crash on my thursday ride which was a strong ride about 3.5 hrs. So should I do the runs as programed or add some? This altitude is tough. Thanks Eugene ....... sorry for posting twice my internet didn't show the first one made it.
Quick question regarding this week, which is week 11 of 20 on the advanced ironman plan. On Monday, it includes a part that says "This is an ideal week for a Big Tri Week Training Session. Find guidance in the Wiki on this opportunity and choose the BBW plan from the Training Plan list. Coach Notes: Find guidance in the Wiki on this opportunity and choose the BBW plan from the Training Plan list."
I can't find anything in the wiki regarding this. Additionally, there is an optional training plan for Big Tri Week and Big Bike Week. Anyway, would appreciate clarification, thanks!
Couple of questions about Week 11 of the 2013 Half Ironman Advanced Schedule: 1. Thursday's run is listed at 105' with only 2x1 mile Z4 intervals, but the remainder is how you feel but try to accumulate more Z3 time. Would you want me to stay in Z2 when I can no longer run in Z3? Or do you want Z1 instead? I only ask because the following day has me knocking out another 45' run in Z1/2 Uphill. 2. I did the big training Day #1 last Saturday (MAR 2nd) because of work schedule issues and had to swap weeks……Week 11 has Big Training Day #2 on Saturday again. Would it be fine to do the swim on Friday with the already scheduled Z1/2 Uphill run and only execute the bike and run on Saturday? 3. Last question, promise, in the Week 11 Coach's Note is say the big training day #2 consists of 1hr swim, 3hr bike, and 1hr run, but when you look at the run details it lays out 45' instead. Do you want me to execute 1 hour or just the 45'.
@Ed, good on you for using the Team! I'd bump it up like 5% and see how that goes…then maybe another 10% depending…no need to test so soon without a race pending!
@Rob, the final call is yours. I think you can do Tuesday & Wednesday safely…Thursday AM is the regular ride or just a bit shorter…Friday is a short jog, think like 30 minutes with a few 30" efforts at race pace…Sat is rest / register then race! If you want, you can make Thursday an easy ride; it's really of (1) the fatigue you feel you are carrying right now and (2) your desired race day goals!
@Ann, you are right….through Wednesday then Thursday a short run with some pick ups…Friday off and then race!!!
@Joe, #1 is a test for powermeter users, #2 is for HR folks who aren't testing (end of that description), then whichever you do there's a brick run (#3)!
@Greg, start the getfast plan this week so you have a baseline for when you return. While you are away, plan on doing 3 x interval runs (think 2 x 1 mile) and anything else you can get done aerobically is great! Remember to give yourself time to get back into things…so first few days will be GF Week 3, but for time, not intensity…good luck!
@Eugene, just ski really hard, maybe get in 2-3 short runs (think 30 minutes) but that's it…let's hit it full bore when you get back! Don't want you cooking yourself right now…recover, have fun, get ready for final push to the big day!
@JCL, I like what you are thinking..I say yes to the Sat long ride, I suggest monday is off or swim only if possible, then remainder of week repeated into big day (note that Sunday after is supposed to be off, not a long run, so think on that). Since you are backing up the big day, let's back up the RR to week 16!
@Chris, under Resources / Wiki / Self Coaching / Volume Series / #2, big bike week: http://bit.ly/10sF3N5 Up to you if you want to do it…read on it for sure and be sure to compare notes with what the three year progression doc says here: https://www.box.com/s/wk0o18x6fypdhmww16r9
Coach, I'm re-arranging the week with my work schedule with my week 11 of the Inter. IM Plan. It calls for the BBW on Sat. that I'm planning on moving to Friday and taking Sat. off due to I'm doing a hilly 15K on Sunday here in PDX. Any problem with doing the swim and then the run at the gym and then drinving home to get on my TT bike on the trainer for the last 4 hours?
@Lori, rest is key right now, but so too is addressing the issue (massage, stretching, etc.) A 75-minute run is nothing to shake a stick at…so your fitness is there. I suggest you take Wed bike and so it Tues / Thurs, with a Wed swim and a Friday swim. Saturday is the bike as planned…sunday is off or an ABP ride depending on how you feel…be sure to take care of yourself while you are skiing!!! Oh, and I want pics!
@Eric, one more week of Get Faster!!!
@Joanna, always do the distance and I'll fix the plans…sorry for that!
@Jonathan, if you can't run, it's Tues/Thurs/Sat/Sun rides….you can do Wed ride on Tues, repeat it on Thurs (or do a 75 to 90-minute ABP ride)…then Mon/Wed/Fri are swim days…
@Julia, see notes to Jonathan above…that should help you out. Good luck with that!!
@Peter..it's crazy to me that you can do Avg Power of 163 for 2:40, but then can only do 172 for 20 minutes. I know there's a downward trend there, but if you are THAT TIRED then you should be having trouble getting out of bed, motivating, brushing your teeth, etc…if this issue is localized to the bike (and your runs and swims have been relatively ok) I suggest getting that hub checked or at least reaching out to Saris for some more help (here's a thread from ST with some ideas: http://forum.slowtwitch.com/gforum.cgi?post=3161002; read all of it). Maybe you even need to replace the batteries?
@Claire, nice work! I would do the Thursday ride, drop sat…just add time to the end of your Thurs ride to reach 75', etc. Your run plan is perfect…no need to go long, frequency is your friend…and vacation pics please!!!
Thanks Patrick, but I am struggling with the run, and to a lesser extent swimming. As I said previously, I probably could have put up more watts in the test, but not 10 more.
I am tired and having motivation issues. Also, I did the bike test on my Computrainer which gave similar results — so I don't think it is the PT (but will change the batteries in any case). Before I zeroed the PT/Joule the raw torque was 1 unit different from the offset, so I zeroed it and now both read 0522.
I am thinking I need rest but want guidance about how much, and whether I should be doing nothing, or something, or what?
My A race is IM Australia and is on May 5.
I am feeling quite demoralised.
[Just a recap of recent past — 1st week of Feb I can't complete the long run in HIM plan (race on Feb 17) because of deep fatigue. You give me three days complete rest and then to follow the normal taper, which I did. I complete race on Feb 17 and totally trash myself. went too hard on the bike and therefore struggled with the last 5 km of run. Did 5 hours 45, whereas last year I did 5 hours 19, the the year before I did 5 hours 28.
Rest until following Thursday and join IM intermediate plan week 10. Just do Thursday's long run time at EP, then follow program as written until bike intervals the following week. Can only do 10 mins, 15 mins and then 5 mins @ 185 watts. You have me do a swim on Friday, then Saturday 4 hours @ what ever I can do on bike (I chose 137 watts). Sunday 45 mins stride run. Monday rest. Tuesday bike test.]
Just got back from my mini training weekend/vaca in Scottsdale. Ran the Phoenix half mary after 2.5 hours sleep just 15 seconds shy of a pr on Saturday (woot!), rode 42.5 beautiful miles on Sunday (on my friends road bike...we are the same height, but the saddle wrecked my lady parts...) then yesterday we hiked a nice tough 5 mile trail and swam about 2500 yards and flew home late.
I just can not ride the bike today, let alone a 2x20 with my damaged nether region, so I am doing the vo2max run instead today hoping an extra day will help heal things up.
Soooo, how do I structure the rest of the weeks workouts? I have a 5k race scheduled for Sunday that I may or may not run hard, but either way I will get in extra time as I have another half mary on the 24th.
Thanks for your input!
Monday = Swim only.
Tuesday = FTP Intervals, brick Run
Wednesday = Swim only.
Thursday = FTP intervals, brick run.
Friday = Swim only
Saturday = Regular ride, no brick.
Sunday = Long Run.
So you have three days of rest (swim, or off if you need it on say Monday). The FTP work on Tuesday is the work from the plan on Wed but broken down into chunks you can do without nuking yourself…this is the ONE hard session a week. Thursday is an ABP ride…this would be about 160w average…nothing more. The Sat ride is at 140w average, nothing more.
We can kick off this week (on Wed for you already) with no Tuesday FTP work…I want you to keep updating me, but I am thinking 2 weeks of this before we reconsider (weeks of 3/4 and 3/11).
@Trish, sounds like a blast (except for the lady parts part!)…I say that you still want to recovery; wednesday is swim only, Thursday is the long run, friday is swim, strides optional…sat as planned…then Sun is 5k. No long run this week given last week's race and the 24th!
Thanks Patrick — This is why you are the coach and I am the fatigued and frustrated athlete! I wouldn't have thought of this (I like!)
I'll let you know how I am going.
Hey Coach...Couple of diverse questions-
1.) Regarding Swim workouts...I'm making some good progress this year...am currently swimming 4x/week....my question is with regard to pace & rest intervals....say for example my T-time is 1:55...I tend to swim my 200-300-400's faster than that 1:48-1:51...I'm having difficulty dialing in "cruising" speed...Any suggestions for that? ...As a bit of a consequence I sometimes am pressed by the rest interval and need to take any extra 5-10 seconds....so my question is....What is more important the interval & pace or the short rest?..How would you handle that?
2.) We have spoken about my current weekly plan which is a slight hack on the Intermediate IM race prep....I am currently on week 10/20 having started on week 8.....basically I'm doing 2x FTP/VO2 bike workouts during the week + the long bike on Sat but doing my long run on Sunday instead of the ABP ride.......My current thought (and kinda bolstered by your workout priority notes) is to do this for weeks 8,9,10,11,12...then to switch to the standard IM race week...my thinking is that....I will have gotten the FTP/VO2 focus I wanted to continue for 4 weeks...and then by switching back to the standard week....I can add up volume during the final 8 weeks..
My thought was to do that switchover completel after week12.... or to Thursday FTP/VO2 or Sunday ABP on alternating weeks???
Am I overcomplicating things?
I was looking ahead to my A race training plan for LP in July and in the season plan that was put together for me, it says after the OS to jump into HIM at week 8? Shouldn't I be in a IM plan since that is what I will be competing in?
Frank, sorry, that's a typo and should read IM plan vs HIM.
@Frank. please submit that question to support@endurancenation.us (or use the support tab in the sidebar)…thanks!
Planning ahead, TUCSON week will be my last GF week then transitioning to 8 weeks HIM (right after Tucson).
How should I plan the days prior to the rally given MONDAY will be my Travel day therefore Tuesday/Wednesday are open for Bike/Run Training.
I should be near the end of week 9 in the JOS but, the lovely flu decided to descend upon for the first time in my life!(and it sucked) Here's where I was prior to this event. I finished wk 7 with a half marathon and very good results. I was taking the first part of wk 8 off to recover and then finish testing but I got sick on Tues of last week. My question is, would it be wise to redo wk 7 and go from there? I don't feel like it would be wise to try and repeat wk 8 coming off this sickness so I thought I'd ask for your input.
@Alien Pretending To Be Jaime Fields -- who are you such that you don't get sick??? Really??
Coaches - I blew up the repeat bike test a week ago. tested actually lower than previous FTP and felt like I couldn't walk up the stairs out of the pain cave. After much support from the EN team, I went back and made sure the trainer was calibrated (not really that hard - should have done that beforehand, lesson learned). Kept the FTP the same and now the rides at FTP even for the 20 minute intervals are really not stressing me at all. Should I retest or jump my FTP up based on feel. Thanks.
Hi Coaches: I believe there is a typo in the beginner run focus plan week 5. The Wednesday workout is labelled a bike workout but looks like a run workout as it is written. Is it supposed to be a run or bike? Thanks!
as an fyi, today i'll be biking + running the 40 minute out and back. tomorrow i'll be running 2/3 goal time (or ~54 minutes) with majority, if not all, at 6:10 pace.
i've entered what the wk 11 training program shows for me, but let me know what you think i should be doing to be in best shape come race day. thanks!
Mon - rest
Tues - bike 10(4), 18(4), 10(4) all @ Z4
Tues - run 35' @ z1
Wed - run 4 x 200, 2 x 800, 4 x 200, 2 x 400 @z5
Thur - bike 3 x (4 x 1/1) @vo2 (2')
Fri - rest
Sat - bike 2 x 18' (4') 1x10' @z4
Will be on week 5 of intermediate run focus plan on Monday.
Running a 1/2 marathon on sat 3/15.
How should I adjust my week? I assume skip thurs hill wo and take as rest day? but not sure on other adjustments.
Hey Coach,
I've got Shamrock Half Marathon on the 17th (upcoming Sunday). I'm on Week 12 of HIM training. How should I change up the week. Also should I do a run test for the half marathon?
Also, what is "Upload workout to WKO+"?
75 min
Powermeter Only. WU: 10-15', 3 x 30"" (30"") SpinUps, in aerobars, then 3 x 2' (1') Zone 3 MS: 2 x 20' (2'). Record each 20' segment as interval + Upload workout to WKO+. Create one range that includes both 2 x 20 intervals and the 2' rest interval, for a total of 42'. Normalized watts for range is your Functional Threshold. CD: Easy to Steady spin.
60 min
MS: 2 x 20 (4') @ 95-100%/zone4/Hard. Remainder of time at 80-85%/zone3/Mod-Hard For HR athletes, no testing
45 min
MS: Run, as HMP/Z3/Mod-Hard out and back.
Okay Coaches...I have some schedule challenges the next two weeks....and need to sort my schedule out ...I will be executing against week 11 of IM intermediate plan
First - next week I need to shift workouts around to accommodate travel on Tuesday............What I am proposing is:
Mon - Swim/Run according to plan
Tues - No access to pool so no swim.....Run AM - according to plan
Wed - Bike according to plan
Thursday - Swim/Run...Tuesdays Swim/Run According to plan
Friday - Run According to plan
Saturday - This is supposed to be 1/4/1 Big Day - I would like to back this up to next weekend? & just do Long Ride (4hrs)
Sunday - This is supposed to be off...I am proposing Swim & Long run
The following week is supposed to be a Test Week- I'm not sure I want to test and would like to repeat this week...doing the 1/4/1 on Saturday.
The other question I have is: I'm anticipating a conflict with RR#1 scheduled week 15...any problem doing this in week 14 or 16?preference? (final RR is week 18)
Hi Coaches R&P
I left houston yesterday for skiing in Colorado so I will not be able to bike I get home on Friday and I Have to get my front rim fixed I had a crash on my thursday ride which was a strong ride about 3.5 hrs. So should I do the runs as programed or add some? This altitude is tough. Thanks Eugene ....... sorry for posting twice my internet didn't show the first one made it.
I'm in OS week 10 of 14. then IMCDL
Coach Notes: Find guidance in the Wiki on this opportunity and choose the BBW plan from the Training Plan list."
I can't find anything in the wiki regarding this. Additionally, there is an optional training plan for Big Tri Week and Big Bike Week. Anyway, would appreciate clarification, thanks!
Couple of questions about Week 11 of the 2013 Half Ironman Advanced Schedule:
1. Thursday's run is listed at 105' with only 2x1 mile Z4 intervals, but the remainder is how you feel but try to accumulate more Z3 time. Would you want me to stay in Z2 when I can no longer run in Z3? Or do you want Z1 instead? I only ask because the following day has me knocking out another 45' run in Z1/2 Uphill.
2. I did the big training Day #1 last Saturday (MAR 2nd) because of work schedule issues and had to swap weeks……Week 11 has Big Training Day #2 on Saturday again. Would it be fine to do the swim on Friday with the already scheduled Z1/2 Uphill run and only execute the bike and run on Saturday?
3. Last question, promise, in the Week 11 Coach's Note is say the big training day #2 consists of 1hr swim, 3hr bike, and 1hr run, but when you look at the run details it lays out 45' instead. Do you want me to execute 1 hour or just the 45'.
Thanks much and "Work, Works!"
@Satish, I will check it out, thanks!
@Rob, the final call is yours. I think you can do Tuesday & Wednesday safely…Thursday AM is the regular ride or just a bit shorter…Friday is a short jog, think like 30 minutes with a few 30" efforts at race pace…Sat is rest / register then race! If you want, you can make Thursday an easy ride; it's really of (1) the fatigue you feel you are carrying right now and (2) your desired race day goals!
@Ann, you are right….through Wednesday then Thursday a short run with some pick ups…Friday off and then race!!!
@Josie, I got you via email!
@Joe, #1 is a test for powermeter users, #2 is for HR folks who aren't testing (end of that description), then whichever you do there's a brick run (#3)!
@Greg, start the getfast plan this week so you have a baseline for when you return. While you are away, plan on doing 3 x interval runs (think 2 x 1 mile) and anything else you can get done aerobically is great! Remember to give yourself time to get back into things…so first few days will be GF Week 3, but for time, not intensity…good luck!
@Eugene, just ski really hard, maybe get in 2-3 short runs (think 30 minutes) but that's it…let's hit it full bore when you get back! Don't want you cooking yourself right now…recover, have fun, get ready for final push to the big day!
@JCL, I like what you are thinking..I say yes to the Sat long ride, I suggest monday is off or swim only if possible, then remainder of week repeated into big day (note that Sunday after is supposed to be off, not a long run, so think on that). Since you are backing up the big day, let's back up the RR to week 16!
@Chris, under Resources / Wiki / Self Coaching / Volume Series / #2, big bike week: http://bit.ly/10sF3N5 Up to you if you want to do it…read on it for sure and be sure to compare notes with what the three year progression doc says here: https://www.box.com/s/wk0o18x6fypdhmww16r9