@Chris, full recovery is as much time as you need in z1/LRP or walking/jogging until you are ready for the next one!!
@Keith, I think that's fine and no worries on Sunday's "new" ride…ride the course steady and smart and learn it…don't worry about the the work. Knowledge > Intervals.
@Claire, log off and GO TO BED. No seriously…you need to be ready for those final weeks, so rest now. Dial that BF plan to the bikes only for a few days (5-7) and then slowly add the rest back in…okay? If you want more rest than that, let me know here!!! We can do this!
I have been struggling with fatigue over the last month.
You had me take 3 days off and then follow the taper to a HIM on Feb 17 (I struggled with the last 5 km of the run in that race).
Last week after the race I rested Mon to Wed inclusive and just did the time for Thursdays run, and then followed IM intermediate week 11.
Now is week 12 and I had to cut short the FTP intervals Wed-today (did the 10 min, and the 15 mins intervals @ 95% but could only do 5 mins of the 20 mins).
I am worried about being tired now, given I am now training for my A race, which is an IM.
It's possible my zones are too high with all this fatigue which is making the fatigue worse.
Next week is the testing week, so I want to be well rested for that.
So what should I do between now and next Tuesday (bike test)?
Patrick, looking ahead to next week. I am on vacation this week and missing week 6 of the 6 week bike focus plan. My season plan we came upper with previously was to start the G.F. plan next week (Monday march 4). Should we still just go ahead and start that plan on Monday. I think overall for the year that would be right, thanks.
OK, so this is my first experience with EN JOS. Also I picked up a Quarq at week 5 so the FTP numbers went from Trainer Road estimates to a real power number (about 10% to 13% higher from the PM install compared to TR estimates). Also, speed work is not new to my run training. Normally in the winter I would train for a spring marathon and use a McMillan schedule, which pushed me pretty hard in terms of pace for speed day, and pace for alternate long run weeks.
So that's the history.
No winter marathon for me. Strictly following the Intermediate JOS Schedule, and have pretty much stayed on track. Feel good. Not too tired. Etc.
FTP at this week 8 was 225, confirming the 224 estimate I made (which agreed with a TrainingPeaks alert) at week 5 for the Quarq install. If I try to normalize the Trainer Road estimated power at week 1 of JOS, then maybe I gained 20 watts. I'm confident I'm stronger on the bike...just hard to say by how much.
The run tests leave me feeling like I kissed my sister. 24:02 at the beginning, and 24:00 now. Same track, same time, maybe a little wind this morning, but not too much. The training runs have been hard but fun. At the last few weeks I definitely felt like I could go more, as the tempo runs have become easier (a relative term).
I'm considering moving the schedule from Intermediate to Advanced to pick up the extra intensity volume. Probably would set the schedule and ease into it.
@Peter, thanks for checking back in and your comprehensive review. As you noted, test week should give us more insight as to whether or not your zones are an issue. Another opportunity would be to factor in one hard day of rest a week to keep you on point without falling over the edge. My thoughts are that we modify you plan to cut back to 2 swims a week and force a day off on Mondays after the weekend. Also, I'd be interested to hear about your regular recovery process to make sure you are on track. Given we have a week to your next test, I'd have you swim only for the rest of this week, then do a saturday workout as scheduled at your own level of sustainable intensity….Sunday is a short 45' run with strides…Monday off, then test week.
@John, yes, that's fine…just make sure you re-enter your life from travel in a sustainable way.
@Pat, given how hard you are working, I recommend you stay at the same level. There are still gains to be had and a long season yet ahead of you to add more "work" in if the OS fails…but in general we recommend you stick with the plan as written right now. Here's a bit more insight from the wiki: Three Years of Excellence
Hey Coach...just a quick question regarding recovery time/separation between key workouts...such as Key Wednesday Run Interval session & a Thursday Bike FTP session.............I know that 24hrs is ideal/prescribed....12hrs/overnite is too short..........but what if the run session is done at midday/over lunch... would 18hrs...before doing the bike session in the am be sufficient?
I'll let you know how the tests go and how I am feeling then.
I am sleeping ok at around 7-8 hours every night. I am eating clean based on a sports food adviser's menu. For wkos longer than 60 mins I fuel before, and during, and have a protein/carb recovery drink after. For shorter wkos, I fuel before and after.
Here is some more background — My mis-management of fatigue is my biggest problem. During my OS I built up my FTP to 215 watts but buried myself with fatigue and my FTP has been falling since then despite continuing to do the work (it's probably less than 195 at the moment).
I did 10 weeks of intermediate HIM plan to race on Feb 17.
There's been some debate this week on one of the forums about how to enter average power number into the calculator to get our new power zones after testing. Hopefully you can settle it for us so that we aren't over or under training:
When entering average power for our 20 minute test into the calculator, is it the actual average from the test that we should use, or the FTP adjusted number (-5%) to get our new power zones?
I am looking for some help/guidance with the Advanced HIM Plan. Due to work requirements, I had to delay test week (week8) until this week. I noticed on Saturday's long training day it has the bike portion listed as 180' long but the accompanying data only adds up to 145' leaving me with 35' on no guidance. Should I continue with HIM effort OR crank it up into some Z4 work if possible?
BTW, I was able to get my new Bike and Running Zones. Thanks for your support.
Coach- I rested, vitamined, hydrated, ate well, was psyched for the bike test reschedule date this morning and just bombed. During the warm up my heart rate was already at 171 and climbing. I tried the 5 min. test and just couldn't hold it for longer than a minute and half, so I tried again and same thing. So then I thought I'd just try to ride and see if I could do at least some TH, 4 minutes in my heart was pounding out, heavier than expected breathing. It took 10 minutes to get the breath under control. My legs were leaden.
@Cat, sounds like you fought the law and the law won this time... hmmm... the test week serves 2 functions: to capture fitness and allow you to rest. So I say we rest you through Wed...so Thurs is bike test target, friday off, Sat a steady ride and Sunday 5, run test. Between now and Thurs, I say get great sleep, vitamins, etc. Do 30-45' a day of bike or run but no intensity goals...please keep us posted on the rest!
Hi Coach P, My week is a mess and i didn't get to the Bike Test until last night. Test went well and I can definitely feel some improvement even if the numbers don't reflect it (I think I screwed up the first test). Anyway, my question is how to approach the rest of this week. I need to do my run test and was going to do it tomorrow. However, I am running a 1/2 Marathon on Sunday (E. Murray Todd) and not looking to PR or anything but it's on my schedule and it's a fun race, lots of friends there, etc. So can I do my run test in the 1/2? or stick with doing it tomorrow (Friday)?
What about the rest of the workouts on the plan for Saturday? not sure what to do about them?
@JCL, 18 hours is okay, especially if one of those workouts is a bike or swim (non weight bearing). But you need to nail the recovery window!
@Peter, great update..thank you. I think you your short term approach is good, as is backing up with the perspective that you are your own worst enemy in this scenario. We want peak SUSTAINABLE fitness.
@Victor, nice work brother!!!! I think that you can continue with zone 2 or zone 3 as you feel…
@Cat, more rest is needed…off on Thursday and a light 30 minute spin on Friday, retry on Saturday AM. If your HR continues to be really high at the start, you ain't ready…and we just do a weekend of steady workouts.
@Ken, you should use the half marathon as your run test (better vDOT, would be a better run without the fatigue of 5k test)…and I suggest you retry the bike test tomorrow…or if that's a futile effort, then swim only tomorrow (or off), Saturday as a steady ride z2-ish with some low cadence intervals…call is 3' at 90rpms, 3' at 80rpms, 3' at 90rpms, 3' at 70 rpms…do that 2 or three times…nothing hard. Then race on Sunday!!
Half Marathon is 3/16. Based on guidance I found on the site, below is what I was planning on for longer runs in prep for the race.
3/16 - Race 3/10 - 80 mins 3/3 - 120 mins (What should I do this weekend? Do I benefit more from repeating the 120 mins again this week or doing something a bit shorter?) 2/24 - 95 mins (I ended up doing 120 minutes instead of the 95 I had scheduled) 2/17 - 80 mins
Hi Coaches, I am having trouble getting my numbers from the run test to calculate. Patrick, I watched your screencast a couple times and think I'm putting in the appropriate numbers. It just won't spit out my ranges. Thoughts?
OS for me ends 3/10, but next week's schedule is a mess. I have time tomorrow and Monday (working from home), but likely nothing Tues, Wed, Thurs -and- Fri. (Work likely to be hell this week). Today, did 2x20 @ FTP, 1x330 @ vo2, and another 20 @ .95 tested FTP (I smell bump). Also missed some runs this week 'cept for the VO2 work and the long run last Sunday, so I'd like to up frequency. Those bricks aren't long, but the freqeuncy prevents injury. Hacks needed.
Since this is relatively short notice, I'll put it on the feed.
Travel this week with limited bike access plus my 5k test (San Diego 5k!) pushed out from test week. Here is my proposal, let me know your thoughts:
Mon- tues bike. A little nervous about this as sat. FTP bike wasn't great at new zones. Only hit .84if on second 15'. Will prob be even harder with no rest Tues- wed run or rest Wed - wed run or rest. These days will be Tbd depending on time/travel/how I feel Thrus- 110% hacked vo2 bike Fri- spin class in place of sat. Bike Sat- rest Sun -5k
These will likely all be main set only. That's what I squally do for the most part anyway except sat. and sun. I'm trying not to miss any wkos but don't want to overdue either...
Hey Coaches - I'm entering Week 8 of Get Faster Plan. I have a Half Marathon for the last Sunday of the plan. How should I taper for the Half Marathon, since it is "testing" week in the GF plan? Thanks
Coaches. I'm starting the 11th week IM plan and noticed it said this would be an ideal time for a BBW. I'm on the east coast which means pain cave. Should I go ahead and do it or stick with plan. If I do the BBW, do I skip all running and swimming workouts?
@Brent, love the hat icon! I say test now…and then we'll "adjust" after your vacation. I expect pics and one of the EN Gang Sign in an exotic location!!!!
@Chris, I would plan on a Monday test (BUMP!) and then do what you can (even if just 20') during the week…run test on the weekend and bike the other day!
@Kim - you are right on point. Monday will be hard but divide those intervals up (2 x 15 can be 3 x 10, etc….don't be too rigid. Remember to warm up well before the 5k…like 15 to 20 minutes of light jogging, etc., building to a few strides! Good luck!
@John, I would plan on a bike test earlier in the week, followed by the swim test on Friday. Saturday is super light bike (think 30 to 40 mins max) then race day for the run which will be your test!!! All other workouts are pretty minimal…
@John, if you want to do a BBW, you can pick that plan and load it to end on Sunday. I say no to it given the weather; instead I'd have you plan on a weekend in late april/early May if possible…weather might rebound by then or at least you could condense it!
Patrick actually was wondering would April 1 be a good time to do one? Reason I ask is will be away on vacation march 23-march 31. During vacation was just planning on doing three runs. What are your thoughts? Race is IM Texas may 18
Bummer! My right calf has tightened-up! I can only run 75 minutes before it tightens to the level that I can not run!
I am skiing in France next week... HITS was a B race for me (now maybe just a training day, if calf healed). Nautica 4/8 my B race and Florida Clermont my A race - 4/19 before I settle into LAKE PLACID IM training.
What do you recommend for this week and next? I am thinking of staying off the run and focussing on the bike and swim. How would you modify?
It did flair up a few weeks ago and staying off for a week seemed to help!
My doctor and PT does not want me to run this week. (heck it has been almost two weeks). Personally, i think we have waited long enough. So with that said, i am on intermediate HIM week 11. I will run on Saturday after the crazy bike, and swim. But beyond that i would like to hold off running. What can i do in its place? i.e. bike workouts.
Can I throw in another swim workout somewhere? Other advice?
Will also visit wiki because I'm betting info is there too.
Back story: just finished Ragnar. Ran 36 miles total. Appatently my 2 runs a day, once a week, has inflamed my bladder so much that it hurts to run at all now. A simple course of antibiotics will upset my colitis and have me struggling with eating for weeks, so, since we hypothesize that inflammation is likely due to the running anyway, I'm resting. Happy to give this approach a shot, but as a type A, want to make sure I'm maximizing my training, especially since there seems to be nothing wrong with my arms or legs...
Just did my bike test and the Pav for the 20 mins was 172 watts — I knew I was in trouble during the warm up as I had trouble hitting my usual wu power but did the test anyway. Could have squeezed out a few more watts if I had been near a season record or something.
I zeroed my Joule before the test as usual.
As agreed, I rested yesterday, and did 45 mins EP with some strides on Sunday, and 4 hours bike on Saturday (Pnorm 139/Pav 133), and swiming on Friday and Thursday.
I have been eating properly and getting 9 to 10 hours sleep.
I have reviewed my bike history and in my 10 week HIM build to race on Feb 17, I did all FTP intervals in the 190 to 200 range.
On 17 Feb I did Pnorm 167, Pav 163 for 2 hours 41 mins (83km) and ran a half marathon afterwards, on 23 Feb I did Pnorm 142, Pav 135 for 3 hours 20, on 24 Feb I did Pnorm 154 and Pav 141 for 2 hours 40 min, and on 27 Feb I managed 10 mins, the 15 mins and then 5 mins @ 185 watts.
The reason I have given you all these bike power numbers to suggest that todays bike test isn't consistent with the numbers I have been seeing for the last few months (or ever really when I think about it). My FTP has been as high as 228 and the lowest it usually is is 200 (ie when starting OS after 4 to 6 weeks of doing nothing apart for a few coffee rides). It's usually around 210 watts.
BTW, I didn't bother to do the brick run, and the Intermediate IM plan week 12 for thursday has words suggesting a Vdot test but has intervals listed.
Thanks for the rest advice. I did all 4 bike workouts last week, just had to push one to Sunday to get in a good workout.I am feeling less fatigued overall and just have the "bike/run" good fatigue.
This week is bike focus week 4. I did a short 30 min stride run today for a break from the bike. I can do Tuesday's ride without a problem, will be able to bike Wednesday and then it will just be running Thurs-Monday while on vacation. I am wondering if the Thursday or Saturday bike is more important to get in (will probably be 75 min max before work). Also, any thoughts on run volume over vacation? I was thinking a couple 30-40 min stride runs, one 60 min and one 60+ min long steady run. I haven't run over 2x/wk for a couple months now, but long run has been around 60-75 min. I just don't want to over do it...vacation should be somewhat restful and I feel I could still use it!
I have a con ed course this weekend. I missed quite a few key workouts the past 10 days due to bronchitis, so I really do not want to miss more. I could probably fit in an 1 1/2 bike on Sat and the 3 hour on Sunday. SHould I still do the intervals on Sat, or just swap Sat and Sun workouts? Thanks Leah
@Keith, I think that's fine and no worries on Sunday's "new" ride…ride the course steady and smart and learn it…don't worry about the the work. Knowledge > Intervals.
@Claire, log off and GO TO BED.
Coach P
I have been struggling with fatigue over the last month.
You had me take 3 days off and then follow the taper to a HIM on Feb 17 (I struggled with the last 5 km of the run in that race).
Last week after the race I rested Mon to Wed inclusive and just did the time for Thursdays run, and then followed IM intermediate week 11.
Now is week 12 and I had to cut short the FTP intervals Wed-today (did the 10 min, and the 15 mins intervals @ 95% but could only do 5 mins of the 20 mins).
I am worried about being tired now, given I am now training for my A race, which is an IM.
It's possible my zones are too high with all this fatigue which is making the fatigue worse.
Next week is the testing week, so I want to be well rested for that.
So what should I do between now and next Tuesday (bike test)?
looking ahead to next week. I am on vacation this week and missing week 6 of the 6 week bike focus plan. My season plan we came upper with previously was to start the G.F. plan next week (Monday march 4). Should we still just go ahead and start that plan on Monday. I think overall for the year that would be right,
OK, so this is my first experience with EN JOS. Also I picked up a Quarq at week 5 so the FTP numbers went from Trainer Road estimates to a real power number (about 10% to 13% higher from the PM install compared to TR estimates). Also, speed work is not new to my run training. Normally in the winter I would train for a spring marathon and use a McMillan schedule, which pushed me pretty hard in terms of pace for speed day, and pace for alternate long run weeks.
So that's the history.
No winter marathon for me. Strictly following the Intermediate JOS Schedule, and have pretty much stayed on track. Feel good. Not too tired. Etc.FTP at this week 8 was 225, confirming the 224 estimate I made (which agreed with a TrainingPeaks alert) at week 5 for the Quarq install. If I try to normalize the Trainer Road estimated power at week 1 of JOS, then maybe I gained 20 watts. I'm confident I'm stronger on the bike...just hard to say by how much.
The run tests leave me feeling like I kissed my sister. 24:02 at the beginning, and 24:00 now. Same track, same time, maybe a little wind this morning, but not too much. The training runs have been hard but fun. At the last few weeks I definitely felt like I could go more, as the tempo runs have become easier (a relative term).I'm considering moving the schedule from Intermediate to Advanced to pick up the extra intensity volume. Probably would set the schedule and ease into it.
Your thoughts?
@John, yes, that's fine…just make sure you re-enter your life from travel in a sustainable way.
@Pat, given how hard you are working, I recommend you stay at the same level. There are still gains to be had and a long season yet ahead of you to add more "work" in if the OS fails…but in general we recommend you stick with the plan as written right now. Here's a bit more insight from the wiki: Three Years of Excellence
Hey Coach...just a quick question regarding recovery time/separation between key workouts...such as Key Wednesday Run Interval session & a Thursday Bike FTP session.............I know that 24hrs is ideal/prescribed....12hrs/overnite is too short..........but what if the run session is done at midday/over lunch... would 18hrs...before doing the bike session in the am be sufficient?
Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks Patrick.
I'll let you know how the tests go and how I am feeling then.
I am sleeping ok at around 7-8 hours every night. I am eating clean based on a sports food adviser's menu. For wkos longer than 60 mins I fuel before, and during, and have a protein/carb recovery drink after. For shorter wkos, I fuel before and after.
Here is some more background — My mis-management of fatigue is my biggest problem. During my OS I built up my FTP to 215 watts but buried myself with fatigue and my FTP has been falling since then despite continuing to do the work (it's probably less than 195 at the moment).
I did 10 weeks of intermediate HIM plan to race on Feb 17.
There's been some debate this week on one of the forums about how to enter average power number into the calculator to get our new power zones after testing. Hopefully you can settle it for us so that we aren't over or under training:
When entering average power for our 20 minute test into the calculator, is it the actual average from the test that we should use, or the FTP adjusted number (-5%) to get our new power zones?
I am looking for some help/guidance with the Advanced HIM Plan. Due to work requirements, I had to delay test week (week8) until this week. I noticed on Saturday's long training day it has the bike portion listed as 180' long but the accompanying data only adds up to 145' leaving me with 35' on no guidance. Should I continue with HIM effort OR crank it up into some Z4 work if possible?
BTW, I was able to get my new Bike and Running Zones. Thanks for your support.
Thanks much!
Coach- I rested, vitamined, hydrated, ate well, was psyched for the bike test reschedule date this morning and just bombed. During the warm up my heart rate was already at 171 and climbing. I tried the 5 min. test and just couldn't hold it for longer than a minute and half, so I tried again and same thing. So then I thought I'd just try to ride and see if I could do at least some TH, 4 minutes in my heart was pounding out, heavier than expected breathing. It took 10 minutes to get the breath under control. My legs were leaden.
@Cat, sounds like you fought the law and the law won this time... hmmm... the test week serves 2 functions: to capture fitness and allow you to rest. So I say we rest you through Wed...so Thurs is bike test target, friday off, Sat a steady ride and Sunday 5, run test. Between now and Thurs, I say get great sleep, vitamins, etc. Do 30-45' a day of bike or run but no intensity goals...please keep us posted on the rest!
What about the rest of the workouts on the plan for Saturday? not sure what to do about them?
@Peter, great update..thank you. I think you your short term approach is good, as is backing up with the perspective that you are your own worst enemy in this scenario. We want peak SUSTAINABLE fitness.
@Brad, enter the 95% of that 20 minute number!!!
@Victor, nice work brother!!!! I think that you can continue with zone 2 or zone 3 as you feel…
@Cat, more rest is needed…off on Thursday and a light 30 minute spin on Friday, retry on Saturday AM. If your HR continues to be really high at the start, you ain't ready…and we just do a weekend of steady workouts.
@Ken, you should use the half marathon as your run test (better vDOT, would be a better run without the fatigue of 5k test)…and I suggest you retry the bike test tomorrow…or if that's a futile effort, then swim only tomorrow (or off), Saturday as a steady ride z2-ish with some low cadence intervals…call is 3' at 90rpms, 3' at 80rpms, 3' at 90rpms, 3' at 70 rpms…do that 2 or three times…nothing hard. Then race on Sunday!!
3/16 - Race
3/10 - 80 mins
3/3 - 120 mins (What should I do this weekend? Do I benefit more from repeating the 120 mins again this week or doing something a bit shorter?)
2/24 - 95 mins (I ended up doing 120 minutes instead of the 95 I had scheduled)
2/17 - 80 mins
Here's the situation:
On Monday March 4, enter week 6 of the run focus plan.
March 8 - March 17: going to Brazil for a vacation. Declaring this "Transition" time: unstructured training to reset my head.
On Monday March 18, enter week 1 of the Get Faster Plan.
So, for testing, my options are:
1. Test during week of March 4, at the end of the Run Focus Plan and before vacation.
2. Test during week of March 18, at beginning of Get Faster Plan after returning from vacation.
Whatcha think?
Hi Coaches, I am having trouble getting my numbers from the run test to calculate. Patrick, I watched your screencast a couple times and think I'm putting in the appropriate numbers. It just won't spit out my ranges. Thoughts?
(BTW, the bike calculator works fine)
Thanks, Anna
OS for me ends 3/10, but next week's schedule is a mess. I have time tomorrow and Monday (working from home), but likely nothing Tues, Wed, Thurs -and- Fri. (Work likely to be hell this week). Today, did 2x20 @ FTP, 1x330 @ vo2, and another 20 @ .95 tested FTP (I smell bump). Also missed some runs this week 'cept for the VO2 work and the long run last Sunday, so I'd like to up frequency. Those bricks aren't long, but the freqeuncy prevents injury. Hacks needed.
Since this is relatively short notice, I'll put it on the feed.
Mon- tues bike. A little nervous about this as sat. FTP bike wasn't great at new zones. Only hit .84if on second 15'. Will prob be even harder with no rest
Tues- wed run or rest
Wed - wed run or rest. These days will be Tbd depending on time/travel/how I feel
Thrus- 110% hacked vo2 bike
Fri- spin class in place of sat. Bike
Sat- rest
Sun -5k
These will likely all be main set only. That's what I squally do for the most part anyway except sat. and sun. I'm trying not to miss any wkos but don't want to overdue either...
@Kim I fixed Matt's plan…what OS are you on?
@Brent, love the hat icon!
@Anna, the run test numbers are calculated on Attackpoint here ( http://attackpoint.org/trainingpaces.jsp?eqdist=1500&vdot=31 ), you then copy them over to the sheet! Sorry for the confusion!
@Chris, I would plan on a Monday test (BUMP!) and then do what you can (even if just 20') during the week…run test on the weekend and bike the other day!
@Kim - you are right on point. Monday will be hard but divide those intervals up (2 x 15 can be 3 x 10, etc….don't be too rigid. Remember to warm up well before the 5k…like 15 to 20 minutes of light jogging, etc., building to a few strides! Good luck!
@John, I would plan on a bike test earlier in the week, followed by the swim test on Friday. Saturday is super light bike (think 30 to 40 mins max) then race day for the run which will be your test!!! All other workouts are pretty minimal…
@John, if you want to do a BBW, you can pick that plan and load it to end on Sunday. I say no to it given the weather; instead I'd have you plan on a weekend in late april/early May if possible…weather might rebound by then or at least you could condense it!
Bummer! My right calf has tightened-up! I can only run 75 minutes before it tightens to the level that I can not run!
I am skiing in France next week... HITS was a B race for me (now maybe just a training day, if calf healed). Nautica 4/8 my B race and Florida Clermont my A race - 4/19 before I settle into LAKE PLACID IM training.
What do you recommend for this week and next? I am thinking of staying off the run and focussing on the bike and swim. How would you modify?
It did flair up a few weeks ago and staying off for a week seemed to help!
Have HIM in 9 weeks. Went straight to int get faster plan from Nov OS. Took transition week last week while skiing.
2 options
1) start int HIM plan this week so 9 weeks (there is a big training day in the 9th week and longest ride is 2 he on trainer)
2) week 7 of int get faster plan then go to last 8 weeks of int HIM.
I am on the Beginner Ironman 20 week program. In reviewing the schedule, I noticed two items that I needed clarification on.
Week 13 - Friday says Swim 90" but the actual workout listed only adds up to 2600
Week 14 - Friday says Swim 90" but the actual workout listed only adds up to 2600
Which is correct? Time or the workout?
My doctor and PT does not want me to run this week. (heck it has been almost two weeks). Personally, i think we have waited long enough. So with that said, i am on intermediate HIM week 11. I will run on Saturday after the crazy bike, and swim. But beyond that i would like to hold off running. What can i do in its place? i.e. bike workouts.
Please let me know.
Starting week 5 (of 20) IM intermediate plan.
Can I throw in another swim workout somewhere?
Other advice?
Will also visit wiki because I'm betting info is there too.
Back story: just finished Ragnar. Ran 36 miles total. Appatently my 2 runs a day, once a week, has inflamed my bladder so much that it hurts to run at all now. A simple course of antibiotics will upset my colitis and have me struggling with eating for weeks, so, since we hypothesize that inflammation is likely due to the running anyway, I'm resting. Happy to give this approach a shot, but as a type A, want to make sure I'm maximizing my training, especially since there seems to be nothing wrong with my arms or legs...
Hi Patrick
Just did my bike test and the Pav for the 20 mins was 172 watts — I knew I was in trouble during the warm up as I had trouble hitting my usual wu power but did the test anyway. Could have squeezed out a few more watts if I had been near a season record or something.
I zeroed my Joule before the test as usual.
As agreed, I rested yesterday, and did 45 mins EP with some strides on Sunday, and 4 hours bike on Saturday (Pnorm 139/Pav 133), and swiming on Friday and Thursday.
I have been eating properly and getting 9 to 10 hours sleep.
I have reviewed my bike history and in my 10 week HIM build to race on Feb 17, I did all FTP intervals in the 190 to 200 range.
On 17 Feb I did Pnorm 167, Pav 163 for 2 hours 41 mins (83km) and ran a half marathon afterwards, on 23 Feb I did Pnorm 142, Pav 135 for 3 hours 20, on 24 Feb I did Pnorm 154 and Pav 141 for 2 hours 40 min, and on 27 Feb I managed 10 mins, the 15 mins and then 5 mins @ 185 watts.
The reason I have given you all these bike power numbers to suggest that todays bike test isn't consistent with the numbers I have been seeing for the last few months (or ever really when I think about it). My FTP has been as high as 228 and the lowest it usually is is 200 (ie when starting OS after 4 to 6 weeks of doing nothing apart for a few coffee rides). It's usually around 210 watts.
BTW, I didn't bother to do the brick run, and the Intermediate IM plan week 12 for thursday has words suggesting a Vdot test but has intervals listed.
Thanks for the rest advice. I did all 4 bike workouts last week, just had to push one to Sunday to get in a good workout.I am feeling less fatigued overall and just have the "bike/run" good fatigue.
This week is bike focus week 4. I did a short 30 min stride run today for a break from the bike. I can do Tuesday's ride without a problem, will be able to bike Wednesday and then it will just be running Thurs-Monday while on vacation. I am wondering if the Thursday or Saturday bike is more important to get in (will probably be 75 min max before work).
Also, any thoughts on run volume over vacation? I was thinking a couple 30-40 min stride runs, one 60 min and one 60+ min long steady run. I haven't run over 2x/wk for a couple months now, but long run has been around 60-75 min. I just don't want to over do it...vacation should be somewhat restful and I feel I could still use it!