I’m at a bit of a loss. To say that this OS hasn’t gone as plan is kind of understating it. I came out of Christmas holidays to start the Jan OS feeling psyched and ready to make great progress in 2013, but as the winter has gone on, things have changed.
Some "life stuff" has impacted my ability to remain true to the OS plan. I missed a week between February 11 and 15 and workouts in the week following, and was spotty the following weeks, and while I managed to “sort of” get back into the routine, the recurring lower back disc issue decided to make it’s bi-annual appearance. So, I haven’t trained since Sunday, March 1.
It's probably to early to start panicking, but to be honest I’m freaking out, I am working with my PT to rebuild and get back to running and biking, but the OS is slipping away. I feel the clock ticking on and no progress being made - I would like to know what I can do to ensure that I am prepared for IMLP in July. Once I’m healthy/get the nod from my PT – which should be Wednesday of this week, I will ease back into things, but wondered whether I should bag the end of the OutSeason, and start the IM plan early. I am having a hard time imagining that I’ll be able to grind out the intensity required for the final 4 weeks of the OS, assuming I get the go ahead get back to it.
am thinking about adding an Oly tri on May 19th to my race schedule (currently Half-Mary on April 21 and IMCDA on June 23rd). any concerns being 5 weeks out from IMCDA?
I'm in a similar boat with Dave Barr from a couple of posts above.
Dec 2012- great run block pre-OS
Jan '13- calf probs, jacked up the biking nicely, but running went caput.
Feb '13- calf better, but run was so slow coming back, then plantar fasciitis had me hobbling thru many slow grinding 'runs', biking still strong
Mar '13- no mojo for a couple of weeks, now diagnosed with the flu, big fever stuff. will do nothing for a couple of days, if possible will ease into the weekend and pick something back up next week (I'm on vacay next week so should be able to sleep good and get some training in)
However, this has butchered any fitness for the spring HIM, maybe I'll get to an oly. Wondering, like Dave, if I should/could build my fitness back up to start a strong 20 week build to WI.
I'm sure my fitness is better than I feel right now (cuz of this flu). But, right now, I'm frustrated.
I'm ending my GFplan (stared from the 5th week following 14 weeks OS) this weekend and loading up IM plan from next Monday for IM Cairns on 6/9.
I have two questions before starting my IM plan:
1. Can I simply drop into the 9th week of IM plan or should I take some transition (rest) for a few days?
2. I didn't swim for the OS period and I'm rather a bad swimmer (about 1:18-1:22 at Ironman). Should I do my swim training as listed in the IM plan, or mix in the position progression drill as in "ENOutSeasonSwimProtocol.pdf" (attached to the OS plan) and "Swim_Clinic_PDF_2008.pdf"?
OK-so I looked at my plan and you have me going into Get faster, which right now I can't really do b/c of the time it takes to swim. Saving those SAUs. Swimming is easier later on, or best after the kids are out of school and the AMs are free. You actually had me going into bike focus later in the year.
The bike and run are, I think, about equal right now. Running's better for body comp. I'm working harder on the run b/c that's my historic limiter, but ithas improved a LOT. (Work works after all). Now, the biggest limiter is most likely the swim, but there's no time. Switch bike/run focus for get faster? Or maybe just do one of each till school's out?
I guess this should go here, let me know if I should ask this somewhere else. So I need to change my season plan. I'm not doing St Anthonys anymore, but am still doing the Great Floridean and want that to still be A race. Also, I've basically done nothing since New Year's (no excuses, no one's interested in those anyway), so I'm definitely lacking fitness. I need to know what you recommend as far as restructuring my season.
I'm going to be doing the Beginners IM plan and was looking ahead to see what I have in store for me when I noticed that the Week 8 Big Day falls when I'm going to be out of town with my family and absolutely unable to complete that day as scheduled. Do you have any suggestions for what I can do when that time comes so that I can stay on track?
I am 10 weeks into the beginners OS in preparation for My first IronMan at Lake Placid. It feels Ike I'm not doing nearly enough with 20 weeks left before the race. My friends are all doing 10 mile runs and 2 hour bike rides. Need some reassurance that I'm on the right track. Thanks.
9 days since I put in my first request/question and still no response, not sure this is what I expected or is it that I am not educated on how all this works? Am I looking for answers in the wrong places?
Butch, I checked back here and it looks like your survey submission didn't take. Please retake the survey (under the Training tab above) and I'll get it done today. Sorry for the friction.
Hi Coaches...Looking to Get Faster plan , advanced. I'm starting on week 4 on MOnday... took this week off and forcused on some swim tech stuff. I see long ride is at 150 mins. In the Adv. OS I never really went more than 90-100 mins for long rides. I will be on trainer till most likely May--don't care much to ride in the cold. ( Chicago ) What do you suggest for these long rides? Thanks
Saw my Physio today and have been okayed to try riding, with big encouragement to swim and water run.... So, with that good newsI'm still looking for guidance on my question from earlier this wk re: OS / 20 ish weeks of IM plan: which I've pasted below - would love your insights:
Hey Coaches, I’m at a bit of a loss. To say that this OS hasn’t gone as plan is kind of understating it. I came out of Christmas holidays to start the Jan OS feeling psyched and ready to make great progress in 2013, but as the winter has gone on, things have changed.
Some "life stuff" has impacted my ability to remain true to the OS plan. I missed a week between February 11 and 15 and workouts in the week following, and was spotty the following weeks, and while I managed to “sort of” get back into the routine, the recurring lower back disc issue decided to make it’s bi-annual appearance. So, I haven’t trained since Sunday, March 1.
It's probably to early to start panicking, but to be honest I’m freaking out, I am working with my PT to rebuild and get back to running and biking, but the OS is slipping away. I feel the clock ticking on and no progress being made - I would like to know what I can do to ensure that I am prepared for IMLP in July. Once I’m healthy/get the nod from my PT – which should be Wednesday of this week, I will ease back into things, but wondered whether I should bag the end of the OutSeason, and start the IM plan early. I am having a hard time imagining that I’ll be able to grind out the intensity required for the final 4 weeks of the OS, assuming I get the go ahead get back to it.
Wasn't sure whether to send you email or post here so I did both ;-). I would like to swap out my European Championship HIM race (8/12) for HIM Luxembourg (9/8). This works so much better on many fronts for SAUs, family, and for me. Should I resubmit my 2013 race survey to you?
@Carlo -- How are your paces holding up in training? Sounds like you may need to take a few days off, recover hard, and reassess? Recommend you take Friday off, do the ride Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, back at it on Tuesday.
@Dave -- Yes, that sounds good, though you'll obviously need to adjust the long rides as I'm sure you'll still on a trainer?
@Nicole -- Yes, once cleared by the PT you should load up the IM plan to end on IMLP then do the smart-gal thing to adjust it downwards to accommodate your fitness.
@Mike -- No, just make sure you get in your long run that week and most/all of your scheduled long ride. That is, you are truly training through this Oly.
@Chris -- Yes, that sounds like the plan. It is what it is. Adjust your goals and drive on with the new plan.
@Akio -- • Yes, would be good to have an unstructured week before you start the IM plan. • 1:18-22 isn't "that" bad but I get it. Recommend you do those drills on Monday in place of the Monday swim.
@Chris -- The GF plan, probably dropping the swims, would be the better solution for you as it's more balanced and has longer long bikes and long runs built into it.
@Mark -- Please submit your races via the Season Planning Survey (under the Training link above) and I'll plan it out for you.
@David -- The timing of that day isn't super important so you can just roll that to the following weekend when you're back in town.
@Todd -- Ask your friends how many people they've coached to IMLP. We are in the hundreds :-) Trust us, this time of year it's not the time you spend but the amount of work you get done within the time…and I promise you're doing more work than they are. That said, this would be a good topic of discussion for the team as I'm sure others are thinking the same. Please also check out the "Elephant in the Room" thread I wrote several years ago, pinned to the top of the General Discussion Forum.
@Sue -- Just cap the long rides at ~2hrs while you're inside, you'll be fine.
Thanks for the input. As far as my run paces, I've been hitting the VO2 paces the last 2 weeks. I think I may have just over-reached a bit on the bike during the JOS. I think maybe just adjust the IF on my rides to the on the low end of the goal for now.
Rich You are correct, still inside for a few more weeks at least. I decided to do a season plan request to see if we could come up with a mix of get faster/focus and then jump into the IM plan with the rest of the WI peeps around week 10ish. Looking forward to hearing back from you on that. Thinking get run focus for 8 weeks then a get faster maybe until the last 10 IM weeks. I eagerly anticipate your ideas on the season plan. Thanks Dave
Not sure if this has been asked before. I couldn't find it if it has. I am doing the pre-made Master PLan for IMLP. I am not doing Quassy. Looking at the dates, the race date is actually a week later (7/28) than it is on the calendar. I am wondering if there is an extra week we should plan in to make the schedule sync (ie I am supposed to load the GF plan in a week but following that will mean my race should be 7/21). Just start with week 11 of IM plan? Another week of transition? Maybe I misread the schedule because no one else seems to be concerned?
Rich I am confused about my Season Plan. I am doing Rev3 Quassy and IMLP. I completed NOS, then a transition week, am now in Bike Focus Block Week 5. The Season Plan shows 3 options Plan A (which I've been following), Plan B, and Plan C. According to Plan C I should have started the 20 Week IM Plan this week. According to Plan A I'd go from Bike Focus Block to Get Faster (4 weeks) to Begin IM Plan. How do I decide which of the 3 Plans I should follow?
Hey Coach Rich, I hope all is well. I'm returning after a 2 week hiatus from nose and throat surgery. I will jump back in (slowly) to the Jan OS plan. Here is my question...initially I was to upload the HIM plan on 3/18 because I was going to do an HIM on 5/25. I've moved out my HIM to Quassy on 6/02. I assume I should wait until 4/01 to upload HIM now and stick with OS plan, correct? Thanks!
Hi. RnP, I am a little confused I am finishing week 1 of the Int. IM plan, after watching the podcast Rich says 20 weeks is to long. Should I switch over to a HIM plan or keep my plan as is? Thanks
I had to make some changes in my schedule (kids!!!)..... I am going to have to switch Quassy to Williamsburg REV 3 and adding a half IM on MAY 5.... I know this is not ideal and not what you recommended for me, but I have no control (I could change the half in May to an Olympic??)...but I promise to approach these as "B" races ...since I am doing IMLP How should I change my plan... on week 6/7 of out season advanced now
PS....PR'ed rock n roll half today...so training going well!
Coach Rich, A couple of weeks ago I asked about training through a C race and you have me ridding for two hours Saturday before a Sunday race. I am fine with that but wondering at what pace? Jodi
Coaches... I have a problem I was supposed to be participating in Around the Bay (30k run) on Mar 24. I've been following (trying to) the run focus plan but I've come completely off the rails. I had some work issues in Jan-early Feb that horribly messed up my training; then a death in my family; then I fell while on a run and injured my knee (that was on Feb 18) and have only been able to run twice since then ... aarghhhh!! Now I have a new job (yey!!) and my knee is now better (double yey!!) and I can start running agin - But....I'm so not ready for the 30k run this coming Sunday - so I'm going to bail on that and do a ctrl-alt-delete. My first tri is June 16 (oly), but it looks like I'm going to be doing a 10k trail run on May 11th. So having said all that...how do I adjust my training plan?
I am in the intermediate OS and Ironman Training Plan...training for IM Tahoe. I was not able to register in time for the Boulder 70.3 scheduled in August. (I have a sprint in June, an Oly in July). You had suggested a Century and a half marathon as a replacement for my miss. We already discussed the century. I have a flat half marathon on July 4th and am looking at one on August 25th (one month away from my IM). On August 31 I have a 2.4 open water swim scheduled as well. Does that fall okay within the IM Training plan for me?
I am so sorry but I have no idea what happened to my long term plan you sent. I had changed it to add a HIM in July but can't find it for the life of me. Just in case, my two A races are HIM Portugal 7/16 and IMFL in November. Not much going on in-between.
Hey coaches, I am in week 13 of the HIM training program and I really HATE the Sunday rides. I just have never done well with riding two days in a row due to saddle soreness. I have tried different saddles etc over the years, but riding the next day after a long ride has never worked for me. Because I am in so much agony in the saddle region, I can not stay in the aero potion and I just get in a funk and do not push hard. I see two options- either mountain bike on Sundays or ride longer on Sat, which I have no problem with and do another ride during the week. Any input? Leah
Hey Coaches,
I’m at a bit of a loss. To say that this OS hasn’t gone as plan is kind of understating it. I came out of Christmas holidays to start the Jan OS feeling psyched and ready to make great progress in 2013, but as the winter has gone on, things have changed.
Some "life stuff" has impacted my ability to remain true to the OS plan. I missed a week between February 11 and 15 and workouts in the week following, and was spotty the following weeks, and while I managed to “sort of” get back into the routine, the recurring lower back disc issue decided to make it’s bi-annual appearance. So, I haven’t trained since Sunday, March 1.
It's probably to early to start panicking, but to be honest I’m freaking out, I am working with my PT to rebuild and get back to running and biking, but the OS is slipping away. I feel the clock ticking on and no progress being made - I would like to know what I can do to ensure that I am prepared for IMLP in July. Once I’m healthy/get the nod from my PT – which should be Wednesday of this week, I will ease back into things, but wondered whether I should bag the end of the OutSeason, and start the IM plan early. I am having a hard time imagining that I’ll be able to grind out the intensity required for the final 4 weeks of the OS, assuming I get the go ahead get back to it.
Hey Rich --
am thinking about adding an Oly tri on May 19th to my race schedule (currently Half-Mary on April 21 and IMCDA on June 23rd). any concerns being 5 weeks out from IMCDA?
Dec 2012- great run block pre-OS
Jan '13- calf probs, jacked up the biking nicely, but running went caput.
Feb '13- calf better, but run was so slow coming back, then plantar fasciitis had me hobbling thru many slow grinding 'runs', biking still strong
Mar '13- no mojo for a couple of weeks, now diagnosed with the flu, big fever stuff. will do nothing for a couple of days, if possible will ease into the weekend and pick something back up next week (I'm on vacay next week so should be able to sleep good and get some training in)
However, this has butchered any fitness for the spring HIM, maybe I'll get to an oly. Wondering, like Dave, if I should/could build my fitness back up to start a strong 20 week build to WI.
I'm sure my fitness is better than I feel right now (cuz of this flu). But, right now, I'm frustrated.
Hi Coaches,
I'm ending my GFplan (stared from the 5th week following 14 weeks OS) this weekend and loading up IM plan from next Monday for IM Cairns on 6/9.
I have two questions before starting my IM plan:
1. Can I simply drop into the 9th week of IM plan or should I take some transition (rest) for a few days?
2. I didn't swim for the OS period and I'm rather a bad swimmer (about 1:18-1:22 at Ironman). Should I do my swim training as listed in the IM plan, or mix in the position progression drill as in "ENOutSeasonSwimProtocol.pdf" (attached to the OS plan) and "Swim_Clinic_PDF_2008.pdf"?
OK-so I looked at my plan and you have me going into Get faster, which right now I can't really do b/c of the time it takes to swim. Saving those SAUs. Swimming is easier later on, or best after the kids are out of school and the AMs are free. You actually had me going into bike focus later in the year.
The bike and run are, I think, about equal right now. Running's better for body comp. I'm working harder on the run b/c that's my historic limiter, but ithas improved a LOT. (Work works after all). Now, the biggest limiter is most likely the swim, but there's no time. Switch bike/run focus for get faster? Or maybe just do one of each till school's out?
I checked back here and it looks like your survey submission didn't take. Please retake the survey (under the Training tab above) and I'll get it done today. Sorry for the friction.
Hi Coaches...Looking to Get Faster plan , advanced. I'm starting on week 4 on MOnday... took this week off and forcused on some swim tech stuff. I see long ride is at 150 mins. In the Adv. OS I never really went more than 90-100 mins for long rides. I will be on trainer till most likely May--don't care much to ride in the cold. ( Chicago ) What do you suggest for these long rides? Thanks
sue crowley
Saw my Physio today and have been okayed to try riding, with big encouragement to swim and water run.... So, with that good newsI'm still looking for guidance on my question from earlier this wk re: OS / 20 ish weeks of IM plan: which I've pasted below - would love your insights:
Hey Coaches,
I’m at a bit of a loss. To say that this OS hasn’t gone as plan is kind of understating it. I came out of Christmas holidays to start the Jan OS feeling psyched and ready to make great progress in 2013, but as the winter has gone on, things have changed.
Some "life stuff" has impacted my ability to remain true to the OS plan. I missed a week between February 11 and 15 and workouts in the week following, and was spotty the following weeks, and while I managed to “sort of” get back into the routine, the recurring lower back disc issue decided to make it’s bi-annual appearance. So, I haven’t trained since Sunday, March 1.
It's probably to early to start panicking, but to be honest I’m freaking out, I am working with my PT to rebuild and get back to running and biking, but the OS is slipping away. I feel the clock ticking on and no progress being made - I would like to know what I can do to ensure that I am prepared for IMLP in July. Once I’m healthy/get the nod from my PT – which should be Wednesday of this week, I will ease back into things, but wondered whether I should bag the end of the OutSeason, and start the IM plan early. I am having a hard time imagining that I’ll be able to grind out the intensity required for the final 4 weeks of the OS, assuming I get the go ahead get back to it.
Wasn't sure whether to send you email or post here so I did both ;-). I would like to swap out my European Championship HIM race (8/12) for HIM Luxembourg (9/8). This works so much better on many fronts for SAUs, family, and for me. Should I resubmit my 2013 race survey to you?
Thanks man!
How are your paces holding up in training? Sounds like you may need to take a few days off, recover hard, and reassess? Recommend you take Friday off, do the ride Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, back at it on Tuesday.
@Dave --
Yes, that sounds good, though you'll obviously need to adjust the long rides as I'm sure you'll still on a trainer?
@Nicole --
Yes, once cleared by the PT you should load up the IM plan to end on IMLP then do the smart-gal thing to adjust it downwards to accommodate your fitness.
@Mike --
No, just make sure you get in your long run that week and most/all of your scheduled long ride. That is, you are truly training through this Oly.
@Chris --
Yes, that sounds like the plan. It is what it is. Adjust your goals and drive on with the new plan.
@Akio --
• Yes, would be good to have an unstructured week before you start the IM plan.
• 1:18-22 isn't "that" bad but I get it. Recommend you do those drills on Monday in place of the Monday swim.
@Chris --
The GF plan, probably dropping the swims, would be the better solution for you as it's more balanced and has longer long bikes and long runs built into it.
@Mark --
Please submit your races via the Season Planning Survey (under the Training link above) and I'll plan it out for you.
@David --
The timing of that day isn't super important so you can just roll that to the following weekend when you're back in town.
@Todd --
Ask your friends how many people they've coached to IMLP. We are in the hundreds :-) Trust us, this time of year it's not the time you spend but the amount of work you get done within the time…and I promise you're doing more work than they are. That said, this would be a good topic of discussion for the team as I'm sure others are thinking the same. Please also check out the "Elephant in the Room" thread I wrote several years ago, pinned to the top of the General Discussion Forum.
@Sue --
Just cap the long rides at ~2hrs while you're inside, you'll be fine.
@Tony --
Yes, new survey please.
Thanks for the input. As far as my run paces, I've been hitting the VO2 paces the last 2 weeks. I think I may have just over-reached a bit on the bike during the JOS. I think maybe just adjust the IF on my rides to the on the low end of the goal for now.
You are correct, still inside for a few more weeks at least. I decided to do a season plan request to see if we could come up with a mix of get faster/focus and then jump into the IM plan with the rest of the WI peeps around week 10ish. Looking forward to hearing back from you on that. Thinking get run focus for 8 weeks then a get faster maybe until the last 10 IM weeks. I eagerly anticipate your ideas on the season plan.
Coach Rich,
Thanks for your suggestions. Now I can safely start my IM plan.
I had to make some changes in my schedule (kids!!!)..... I am going to have to switch Quassy to Williamsburg REV 3 and adding a half IM on MAY 5.... I know this is not ideal and not what you recommended for me, but I have no control (I could change the half in May to an Olympic??)...but I promise to approach these as "B" races ...since I am doing IMLP
How should I change my plan... on week 6/7 of out season advanced now
PS....PR'ed rock n roll half today...so training going well!
I was supposed to be participating in Around the Bay (30k run) on Mar 24. I've been following (trying to) the run focus plan but I've come completely off the rails. I had some work issues in Jan-early Feb that horribly messed up my training; then a death in my family; then I fell while on a run and injured my knee (that was on Feb 18) and have only been able to run twice since then ... aarghhhh!! Now I have a new job (yey!!) and my knee is now better (double yey!!) and I can start running agin - But....I'm so not ready for the 30k run this coming Sunday - so I'm going to bail on that and do a ctrl-alt-delete. My first tri is June 16 (oly), but it looks like I'm going to be doing a 10k trail run on May 11th. So having said all that...how do I adjust my training plan?
I am in the intermediate OS and Ironman Training Plan...training for IM Tahoe. I was not able to register in time for the Boulder 70.3 scheduled in August. (I have a sprint in June, an Oly in July). You had suggested a Century and a half marathon as a replacement for my miss. We already discussed the century. I have a flat half marathon on July 4th and am looking at one on August 25th (one month away from my IM). On August 31 I have a 2.4 open water swim scheduled as well. Does that fall okay within the IM Training plan for me?
Hi Coach,
I am so sorry but I have no idea what happened to my long term plan you sent. I had changed it to add a HIM in July but can't find it for the life of me. Just in case, my two A races are HIM Portugal 7/16 and IMFL in November. Not much going on in-between.
again apologies and thank you!