Coach Rich--When do you suggest I do the swims? I'm not able to see the priorities in the Bike Focus plan, so not sure where to add in (i.e. swap out a low priority bike/run?). Thanks.
Coach R – thanks for the new season plan. I have a few questions/worries. Season schedule again is
6/9 – Olympic Tri (A race)
6/15 – Century Ride (training ride)
6/30 – Sprint Tri (C race)
7/24 – Technical due date for baby #2 (probably earlier – don’t know the gender, we call it ABC Cereal)
9/8 – IMWI (A race)
After ABC Cereal is born, my training will take a hit, probably losing one of the long weekend rides with the other being limited to around 3 hours max. So my worry is that I won’t have enough bike volume if I start the IM plan on 6/17. My question is will adding volume to the GF weekend ride to prep for the century be enough to also carry forward towards IMWI or should I just start the IM plan earlier? I really want to get the RR’s done and I’m not sure that’s going to happen with Week 14 being the week the baby is due, hence another vote for starting the IM plan sooner. Or can I just insert a RR at the beginning of July , even though it’s week 11? A few other thoughts I had were a hybrid GF/IM plan with RR’s or maybe even reversing the two – doing the IM first then the GF just due to the time constraints post-baby? I’m sure it’s not optimal, just throwing it out there.
Thanks for listening to my rambling. I’m probably just overthinking/worrying things. But I enjoy planning and tinkering.
Rich, I seem to have misplaced or deleted your last note to me with the plan changes. I have changed to the HIM Advanced plan but next weeks plan does not seem to include my race on Saturday. What am I missing? Thanks
I am on week 13 of the beginner Ironman plan. I will be going to a wedding the same weekend as RR#2 and wondering how I should adjust my workouts. I am traveling to Aruba Thursday May 2 and returning May 5.
Should I just do RR#2 on the Wednesday before I leave or do it the weekend before?
Just to make it easier for you; here are my workouts for Week 17 and 18:
Week 17 (April 22 through April 28)
Mon: Swim 60/Run Hill 45 Tues: Swim 60/Run 45 Wed: Bike Test 75 Thurs: Run 150 Fri: Swim 90/Run Strides 45 Sat:Bike 270 Sun: Bike 210
Week 18 (April 29 through May 5)
Mon: Swim 60/Run Tempo 45 Tues: Run 60/Swim 60 Wed: Bike 60 Thurs Run: 105 Fri: Swim 60/Run Strides 40 Sat: Bike 360/Run 60 Sun: Off
Hello coaches, just heads up, I submitted the season planning survey last night. Hoping to start on Monday 04-01 (April's fools day, on whatever plan you choose. I will test anyway as it is a part of every plan in the first week. I tested the swim and have T-pace, will test bike and run. Thx.
I'm a new member. I'm about to start Week 12 of the intermediate OS plan. I filled out the "Season Survey" a couple of days ago. "A" race is IM Wisconsin. Patrick called me today to introduce himself and answer questions. He suggested that I add a HIM to my plan, perhaps Racine in July, but to talk to you. Racine is $250 to enter and would require a hotel stay. Looking at the local Minnesota race schedule, I can sign up for a HIM on June 8 (Liberty) or on July 28 (Chisago Lakes). Either local race would work for my general schedule, both are 45 minutes from my house so very low "event stress" (no hotel), and both are only about $100 to enter. My question for you is which date makes the most sense for a HIM (if any) given my IM schedule. The HIM would be a "C" race.
IMLP is 7/28. Have to make my work schedule for July to Dec and want to do a marathon. Not sure how long I would recover after LP. Does it matter if I do it on Oct 20 (Columbus or Toronto) or Nov 20 (Philly)? Is one date better than another. Thanks
@Dave -- Roll with the plan I made for you and fine to add volume to the weekend GF bike if you can. You'll need to make many adjustments to the IM plan when the baby arrives but you'd have to do that with any training plan you were in. I really don't think GF or IM plan at that time will make a difference as you'll be squarely in "do the best you can" mode.
@Butch -- When you load up our training plans into your account these are stock training plans. They have not been modified for your race schedule (ie, Race X appear on Date Y in your plan). I'll resend your season plan to you.
@Joanna -- I recommend you do the RR before you leave on whatever date is most convenient for you -- either the Wed your mentioned or a weekend earlier than scheduled.
@Robert -- Welcome to the team! The June 8th race is a better fit. July 28th is too close to IMWI.
@Kar-Ming -- You'll be recovered in time for either race. Depending on your schedule for '14, doing a marathon on Oct 20th would be a good fit as you could roll from that into the NovOS. Or, depending on your head and your '14 schedule you could do the Nov 20 marathon, recover through the holidays and do the JanOS. Frankly, your primary consideration for either race should ^this^ stuff above, not the dates of those marathons relative to IMLP.
Following your advice, I signed up for the Liberty HIM on June 8th. I submitted a new Season Planning Survey so that you can take this additional race into consideration when completing my training plan. Thanks!
Hi Coach R! Thanks for my recent season plan. I had to change from doing Quassy 6/2 to KS 70.3 on 6/9 as logistically I couldn't get Friday 5/31 off work for a travel day (and I refuse to take the USAirways overnight to Charlotte.). Anyway, I'm going to do JOS Wk 13 then drop into the HIM plan. I will be going out of town this Friday so can get sat bike in before and have day off sat, then the run Sunday. So, do I just push out the season plan a week or take a week off 'get fast' and get back on schedule. Thanks. Betsy
Rich, thanks for the resend, I will make sure I don't lose this one.
I surmise from your note that this service is just for use of the plans and there is no guidance or recommendation of planning for race prep except A race - is that correct?
Rich, thanks for the resend, I will make sure I don't lose this one.
I surmise from your note that this service is just for use of the plans and there is no guidance or recommendation of planning for race prep except A race - is that correct?
Butch, sorry I don't really understand your question. Please explain what you're trying to do, what you need from us, etc.
So, do I just push out the season plan a week or take a week off 'get fast' and get back on schedule.
Thanks. Betsy
Is your ^question^ related to what to do after Quassy? If yes, take a week of transition, then load the GF plan to 7/28, then on 7/15 load up the HIM plan to end on 8/25
Coaches, just a confirmation. I am entering week 8 of my get faster program, I am doing a HIM on 06/30, and my "A" race is IMAZ. I was planning on finishing the week and rolling into a HIM Plan,race on 06/30, then I have a vacation 2nd week of July....roll into something to fill the void before I start my IM PLAN... does this sound right? Question#2.... For the most part I can make my long days happen as prescribed, but if the weekends are too hectic what are the 2nd best option days for the week.. The long stuff seems to be where it's at, as far as making gains.....thanks....
Rich my question is - in this weeks scheduled workouts there is no consideration for the race I am doing this Saturday. Even if it is a B race would you not relax some before the race? For example you have me on full run schedule and the race on Sat is Du with 10K and 5K. Thoughts?
I also noted that once I switched to this HIM Advanced plan there are no rest days at all, I do not seem to be able to see the entire plan in one view so it is hard for me to visualize going 10 weeks at this pace / effort without a bit of rest.
Hi Rich, I'm sorry but the first half of my question did not post. My plans have changed and I'm doing KS 70.3 on 6/9 instead of Quassy 6/2(couldn't work out travel logistics and get 5/31 off of work.) I am going to do JOS wk 13 this week as I'm out of town this weekend and can do sat bike Friday before I leave and take Saturday (busy day) off then do the run Sunday. So, I'm loading HIM program a week late-do I push the whole schedule out a week or cut a week off one of the get faster plans and start IM program as already scheduled? Thanks for your input! Betsy
Hi Coach. I am coming off the Jan OS and will be heading into the 20 wk Shortcourse plan (scheduled to start 4/7/13). The Shortcourse plan was to end with the WF Oly on 5/5/13 ( my A race). My work schedule has changed and I will have to substitute the Folsom Oly (5/11/13) for the WF Oly. What, if any, changes should I make to my long term training plan to accomodate this substitution. I plan to end the 20 wk Shortcourse plan on 5/11. Would this be correct?
Hi RnP; First off, we both had a great time in Tucson! It was sad leaving that great resort. I'm in JOS, week 13. I see there is a 10k test scheduled for week 14 and I'm signed up for a 10k that day. But, should I test on the same route I've been doing to get a good idea of improvement? Or go hard in the 10k on an unknown & some hills type of course (no course description on the site..small town race) Thoughts?
I also have signed up for the "Ride for Sight" metric century in Napa on 4/20. This is my..."clear your head" week before loading up the HIM plan. I'd like to be able to try and push the bike that day, going harder on the hills..pushing the HR a bit. I really want to get stronger in the hills. Will pushing my HR into z4 rather than staying in my z2/3 do that? Suggestions?
@Mike - • Yes, that's correct. • The deeper you get into the plan the more important it is to make Saturday happen. Saturday can be move to Sunday but you must get in the prescribe time…or do your best. The Sunday workout can be shortened and/or move around and, if it were me and I had to do that, I make Sunday take on more of the characteristics of the interval ride. That is, if I only had 90' vs 180' for a Sunday ride, I'd repeat as much of the interval bike as I felt I could. That is, the shorter the ride, the harder the ride.
@Tom -- You can find that product in the Store but it's $59 for members vs $79. Email us as and I'll invoice you via PayPal.
@Butch -- Ok that's more clear, but understand that the plans are "hard-wired" so to speak. Please see the "Self-Coaching Guide" in the wiki for help and idea on how to modify a training plan to accommodate a race or just ask us here. If it were me and depending on what plan I was in, I would: ? Move my Saturday ride to whatever day the race is NOT on. ? That race replaces my Sunday workout. ? No changes to any of my sessions during the week of the race, though I may consider taking Friday completely off. ? Wake up Monday and make the call on what to do that day based on how I feel.
@Betsy -- Cut the GF plan short and load the IM plan as scheduled.
@Craig -- Yep, just load up the SC plan to end on the new race date. No other changes needed.
@Jennifer -- • Nope, do the race, absolutely, and don't sweat the same course thing. • Yes, Z4 will do that. However, suggest you wait to do that in the second half of the ride. Pushing too much in the first half will make for a VERY long day if the wheels come off in the second half. When I do organized century rides I generally hide within/do work with a group for the first 30-40 miles, then try to crush said group, doing lots of work, for the remainder.
I'm in week 9 of the IM plan. My B race is coming up soon IMSG on May 4th. How should I handle my training before and after the race. My A race is IM CDA.
Rich - I'd like your thoughts on strategy and tactics in planing my 2014 age-up season. To make your life more complicated, I've posted my query to crowd source it to the team here:
Not sure if this belongs in the micro or macro (posted in both). Spent some time this morning reviewing the last month of my training results.
I am currently in week 12 of the intermediate OS. My last consistent week of training was March 5th (week 7 of the OS). Since that time I have been triaging, moving work outs around, and skipping work outs due to travel and a 1/2 marathon which I ran on March 17th.
As I was reviewing the last 30 days of my OS training this morning it was clear that I have not been able to progressively build my fitness up each week as the OS plan prescribes due to too many missed, changed, or triaged work outs.
I am slated to begin the intermediate half IM plan in 3 weeks for Racine 70.3.
Need your input on the action I should take based on above:
Should I continue with week 12 of the OS and triage the work outs as needed if my fitness isn't up to snuff? I feel like I should be in week 9 of the OS due to the changes I have had to make.
Should I go back to week 9 and move my exit date of the OS back by 3 weeks?
Should I bag the OS at this pt. and begin the HIM plan to prepare for Racine? I think that puts me in week 5 or 6 of the intermediate HIM plan.
Currently in week 13 of the Adv OS plan and racing Ironman Racine 70.3, Ironman Wisc A race and ending with Ironman Coz. Before we switched over to the 5.0 platform there was a layout for late season IM and how we should proceed training throughout the year.
Could you please give me some guidance where I should head after the OS ends?....
Like a ding-dong I haven't looked at my schedule in a while and see that you told me to upload the HIM training plan two weeks ago. I've been moving along in the JanOS and just looked at the screencast now. Should I move over to HIM now? And how do I upload it? Is this going to effect my end result with the June 9th HIM in Kansas? Hope not. Grrrr to myself. Thanks!
I repeated my FTP test today and it went up to 220. My plantar fascitis is improving and I am already running the scheduled distances although not at the scheduled intensity yet. I hope I'll be there next week.
I totally forgot that I have a Ragnar Relay race on April 20th, which just so happens to coincide with one if my "big" weekends where I'm supposed to swim,bike,run. The bike section is supposed to last 6 hours. My legs of the relay race will be 5.7, 8.1, and 8.6 miles. I was thinking about taking Thursday as my rest day and using Sunday as my "big" day. Please let me know your thoughts.
@Robert -- Recommend you bag the OS and load up the HIM plan to end on Racine.
@Carl -- Take the Season Planning Survey and I'll plan it out for you. It's under the Training tab above.
@Wilmer -- That great! Remember: frequency, volume, intensity in that order. No rush to add intensity if you feel it will only set you back.
@Ted -- Sorry, I'm confused. You're saying the bike section of the big day is 6hrs or of Ragnar is 6hrs? The bike in the Big Day we have schedule for you is 4hrs, not 6. Regardless, not a problem to move that big workout on your EN plan to either the weekend before or after Ragnar so that the race and our workout don't conflict with each other.
Monday and Friday are good days to swim in the BF plan
Coach R – thanks for the new season plan. I have a few questions/worries. Season schedule again is
6/9 – Olympic Tri (A race)
6/15 – Century Ride (training ride)
6/30 – Sprint Tri (C race)
7/24 – Technical due date for baby #2 (probably earlier – don’t know the gender, we call it ABC Cereal)
9/8 – IMWI (A race)
After ABC Cereal is born, my training will take a hit, probably losing one of the long weekend rides with the other being limited to around 3 hours max. So my worry is that I won’t have enough bike volume if I start the IM plan on 6/17. My question is will adding volume to the GF weekend ride to prep for the century be enough to also carry forward towards IMWI or should I just start the IM plan earlier? I really want to get the RR’s done and I’m not sure that’s going to happen with Week 14 being the week the baby is due, hence another vote for starting the IM plan sooner. Or can I just insert a RR at the beginning of July , even though it’s week 11? A few other thoughts I had were a hybrid GF/IM plan with RR’s or maybe even reversing the two – doing the IM first then the GF just due to the time constraints post-baby? I’m sure it’s not optimal, just throwing it out there.
Thanks for listening to my rambling. I’m probably just overthinking/worrying things. But I enjoy planning and tinkering.
I am on week 13 of the beginner Ironman plan. I will be going to a wedding the same weekend as RR#2 and wondering how I should adjust my workouts. I am traveling to Aruba Thursday May 2 and returning May 5.
Should I just do RR#2 on the Wednesday before I leave or do it the weekend before?
Just to make it easier for you; here are my workouts for Week 17 and 18:
Week 17 (April 22 through April 28)
Mon: Swim 60/Run Hill 45
Tues: Swim 60/Run 45
Wed: Bike Test 75
Thurs: Run 150
Fri: Swim 90/Run Strides 45
Sat:Bike 270
Sun: Bike 210
Week 18 (April 29 through May 5)
Mon: Swim 60/Run Tempo 45
Tues: Run 60/Swim 60
Wed: Bike 60
Thurs Run: 105
Fri: Swim 60/Run Strides 40
Sat: Bike 360/Run 60
Sun: Off
Thank you!
Hello coaches, just heads up, I submitted the season planning survey last night. Hoping to start on Monday 04-01 (April's fools day,
on whatever plan you choose. I will test anyway as it is a part of every plan in the first week. I tested the swim and have T-pace, will test bike and run. Thx.
I'm a new member. I'm about to start Week 12 of the intermediate OS plan. I filled out the "Season Survey" a couple of days ago. "A" race is IM Wisconsin. Patrick called me today to introduce himself and answer questions. He suggested that I add a HIM to my plan, perhaps Racine in July, but to talk to you. Racine is $250 to enter and would require a hotel stay. Looking at the local Minnesota race schedule, I can sign up for a HIM on June 8 (Liberty) or on July 28 (Chisago Lakes). Either local race would work for my general schedule, both are 45 minutes from my house so very low "event stress" (no hotel), and both are only about $100 to enter. My question for you is which date makes the most sense for a HIM (if any) given my IM schedule. The HIM would be a "C" race.
Roll with the plan I made for you and fine to add volume to the weekend GF bike if you can. You'll need to make many adjustments to the IM plan when the baby arrives but you'd have to do that with any training plan you were in. I really don't think GF or IM plan at that time will make a difference as you'll be squarely in "do the best you can" mode.
@Butch --
When you load up our training plans into your account these are stock training plans. They have not been modified for your race schedule (ie, Race X appear on Date Y in your plan). I'll resend your season plan to you.
@Joanna --
I recommend you do the RR before you leave on whatever date is most convenient for you -- either the Wed your mentioned or a weekend earlier than scheduled.
@AT --
Welcome back! I'll look for it.
@Robert --
Welcome to the team! The June 8th race is a better fit. July 28th is too close to IMWI.
@Kar-Ming --
You'll be recovered in time for either race. Depending on your schedule for '14, doing a marathon on Oct 20th would be a good fit as you could roll from that into the NovOS. Or, depending on your head and your '14 schedule you could do the Nov 20 marathon, recover through the holidays and do the JanOS. Frankly, your primary consideration for either race should ^this^ stuff above, not the dates of those marathons relative to IMLP.
Coach --
Following your advice, I signed up for the Liberty HIM on June 8th. I submitted a new Season Planning Survey so that you can take this additional race into consideration when completing my training plan. Thanks!
So, do I just push out the season plan a week or take a week off 'get fast' and get back on schedule.
Thanks. Betsy
I surmise from your note that this service is just for use of the plans and there is no guidance or recommendation of planning for race prep except A race - is that correct?
Butch, sorry I don't really understand your question. Please explain what you're trying to do, what you need from us, etc.
Is your ^question^ related to what to do after Quassy? If yes, take a week of transition, then load the GF plan to 7/28, then on 7/15 load up the HIM plan to end on 8/25
I am entering week 8 of my get faster program, I am doing a HIM on 06/30, and my "A" race is IMAZ. I was planning on finishing the week and rolling into a HIM Plan,race on 06/30, then I have a vacation 2nd week of July....roll into something to fill the void before I start my IM PLAN... does this sound right? Question#2.... For the most part I can make my long days happen as prescribed, but if the weekends are too hectic what are the 2nd best option days for the week.. The long stuff seems to be where it's at, as far as making gains.....thanks....
Thanks Coach! Will stick with the plan and add volume when possible!
I also noted that once I switched to this HIM Advanced plan there are no rest days at all, I do not seem to be able to see the entire plan in one view so it is hard for me to visualize going 10 weeks at this pace / effort without a bit of rest.
Thanks appreciate your insights.
My plans have changed and I'm doing KS 70.3 on 6/9 instead of Quassy 6/2(couldn't work out travel logistics and get 5/31 off of work.)
I am going to do JOS wk 13 this week as I'm out of town this weekend and can do sat bike Friday before I leave and take Saturday (busy day) off then do the run Sunday. So, I'm loading HIM program a week late-do I push the whole schedule out a week or cut a week off one of the get faster plans and start IM program as already scheduled?
Thanks for your input!
I'm in JOS, week 13. I see there is a 10k test scheduled for week 14 and I'm signed up for a 10k that day. But, should I test on the same route I've been doing to get a good idea of improvement? Or go hard in the 10k on an unknown & some hills type of course (no course description on the site..small town race) Thoughts?
I also have signed up for the "Ride for Sight" metric century in Napa on 4/20. This is my..."clear your head" week before loading up the HIM plan. I'd like to be able to try and push the bike that day, going harder on the hills..pushing the HR a bit. I really want to get stronger in the hills. Will pushing my HR into z4 rather than staying in my z2/3 do that? Suggestions?
Thanks for your input, Jenn
• Yes, that's correct.
• The deeper you get into the plan the more important it is to make Saturday happen. Saturday can be move to Sunday but you must get in the prescribe time…or do your best. The Sunday workout can be shortened and/or move around and, if it were me and I had to do that, I make Sunday take on more of the characteristics of the interval ride. That is, if I only had 90' vs 180' for a Sunday ride, I'd repeat as much of the interval bike as I felt I could. That is, the shorter the ride, the harder the ride.
@Tom --
You can find that product in the Store but it's $59 for members vs $79. Email us as and I'll invoice you via PayPal.
@Butch --
Ok that's more clear, but understand that the plans are "hard-wired" so to speak. Please see the "Self-Coaching Guide" in the wiki for help and idea on how to modify a training plan to accommodate a race or just ask us here. If it were me and depending on what plan I was in, I would:
? Move my Saturday ride to whatever day the race is NOT on.
? That race replaces my Sunday workout.
? No changes to any of my sessions during the week of the race, though I may consider taking Friday completely off.
? Wake up Monday and make the call on what to do that day based on how I feel.
@Betsy --
Cut the GF plan short and load the IM plan as scheduled.
@Craig --
Yep, just load up the SC plan to end on the new race date. No other changes needed.
@Jennifer --
• Nope, do the race, absolutely, and don't sweat the same course thing.
• Yes, Z4 will do that. However, suggest you wait to do that in the second half of the ride. Pushing too much in the first half will make for a VERY long day if the wheels come off in the second half. When I do organized century rides I generally hide within/do work with a group for the first 30-40 miles, then try to crush said group, doing lots of work, for the remainder.
I'm in week 9 of the IM plan. My B race is coming up soon IMSG on May 4th. How should I handle my training before and after the race. My A race is IM CDA.
Thanks, Travis
Rich - I'd like your thoughts on strategy and tactics in planing my 2014 age-up season. To make your life more complicated, I've posted my query to crowd source it to the team here:
Not sure if this belongs in the micro or macro (posted in both). Spent some time this morning reviewing the last month of my training results.
I am currently in week 12 of the intermediate OS. My last consistent week of training was March 5th (week 7 of the OS). Since that time I have been triaging, moving work outs around, and skipping work outs due to travel and a 1/2 marathon which I ran on March 17th.
As I was reviewing the last 30 days of my OS training this morning it was clear that I have not been able to progressively build my fitness up each week as the OS plan prescribes due to too many missed, changed, or triaged work outs.
I am slated to begin the intermediate half IM plan in 3 weeks for Racine 70.3.
Need your input on the action I should take based on above:
Currently in week 13 of the Adv OS plan and racing Ironman Racine 70.3, Ironman Wisc A race and ending with Ironman Coz.
Before we switched over to the 5.0 platform there was a layout for late season IM and how we should proceed training throughout the year.
Could you please give me some guidance where I should head after the OS ends?....
Hi Coach Rich,
Like a ding-dong I haven't looked at my schedule in a while
and see that you told me to upload the HIM training plan two weeks ago. I've been moving along in the JanOS and just looked at the screencast now. Should I move over to HIM now? And how do I upload it? Is this going to effect my end result with the June 9th HIM in Kansas? Hope not. Grrrr to myself. Thanks!
Hi coaches,
I repeated my FTP test today and it went up to 220. My plantar fascitis is improving and I am already running the scheduled distances although not at the scheduled intensity yet. I hope I'll be there next week.
I totally forgot that I have a Ragnar Relay race on April 20th, which just so happens to coincide with one if my "big" weekends where I'm supposed to swim,bike,run. The bike section is supposed to last 6 hours. My legs of the relay race will be 5.7, 8.1, and 8.6 miles. I was thinking about taking Thursday as my rest day and using Sunday as my "big" day. Please let me know your thoughts.
Look for the "Self-Coaching Guide" in the Wiki. It will show you to adjust those training weeks for SG.
@Al --
Will do
@Robert --
Recommend you bag the OS and load up the HIM plan to end on Racine.
@Carl --
Take the Season Planning Survey and I'll plan it out for you. It's under the Training tab above.
@Wilmer --
That great! Remember: frequency, volume, intensity in that order. No rush to add intensity if you feel it will only set you back.
@Ted --
Sorry, I'm confused. You're saying the bike section of the big day is 6hrs or of Ragnar is 6hrs? The bike in the Big Day we have schedule for you is 4hrs, not 6. Regardless, not a problem to move that big workout on your EN plan to either the weekend before or after Ragnar so that the race and our workout don't conflict with each other.