R and P, I have another question...in week 16, on Sunday April 7th I am doing a race at Bonelli, between sprint and Oly distance. What should I do different that week? Thanks, Leah
@Claire -- I'm having all of the IMLP folks load up the IM plan to end on IMLP on May 6th. So as long as you do that (on May 6th load up the IM plan to end on LP) you'll be good!
@Chris -- Sorry for the confusion. Please ignore the Master Plan stuff. The Season Plan I created for you (I'm assuming I did that when you join) is more customized, accounts for your races, etc.
@Dave -- I did some research. I created a season plan for you back in October but looks like I sent it to myself vs to you :-( I just email it to you, for realz, so check your email for that. It should clear things up for you.
@Jodi -- Do the Saturday ride that is scheduled for that day, just dialing the volume down to two hours, and the intensity a bit too if you feel that's needed.
@Christine -- This week load up the Short Course plan to end on your June 16th race. That plan will have enough running in it to prepare you for the 10k race.
@Troy -- Yes, the half marathon works. If it were me: • I'd move my Sunday bike to Thurs, in place of the long run, and do as much of it as I could. • Normal Saturday long ride. Don't cut it short for the half marathon the next day • Sunday -- race the half
@Leah -- Can you switch out Sunday and Thursday? IE, move Sunday ride to Thurs, Thurs long run to Sunday? Bonelli -- • Normal schedule through Wed • Do your long run on Thurs • Normal Friday • Saturday: do the schedule workout minus the brick run if we have one scheduled for you. • Sunday: race. If you feel like it, maybe run an extra 2.5-3mi as a backwards loop through Picnic Valley immediately after the race. Basically a cool down but to also get in some extra running miles. Optional though.
Hello~~~ I am on wk 11 of the Int OS plan....aim for IM Canada. I plan on doing a HIM come late June (which you already ok'd ) But there are some "organized" century rides in May and June. May 4th...May 18th... and June 1st. I'm not certain what my IM plan will be bringing me at that point for rides, but feel a couple of these would be beneficial. No?! I really desire to do the 4th and 18th. But also don't know how to space these and when in my training. Thanks as always... Vicki
My "A" race is IM FL and i was doing the HIM plan for the first part of this year with an eye to do FL 70.3. I've now decided not to do that race. I'm wanting your thoughts about doing an OS plan until the IM FL plan begins. What are your thoughts?
My plan is calling for 150 min. on Sat., however we're not able to ride outside yet. If I do this on the trainer should I do the same amount of time or adjust it?
Had some adjustments on my weeks for the Outseason, so am in Week 9 OS right now. Also, though strong for about 5 weeks, last couple weeks I was off and missed a lot (health, travel,...). Also had some BP med changes that may have affected HR (slower). My Bike test was solid, but right at the same as in the past (164 LTHR). Maybe makes sense given med change. Was actually slower overall ave pace, but cadence up near 85-90 and more consistent. While travelling for work, my run test was worthless (hills, wind, lack of sleep, crowded path). Lastly, I am traveling this week Wed-Sat so only thing I can do is run(s) Thursday and Friday. or anything Tue, Sat, Sun.
1. Should I re-do the Run LTHR 5k test to reset based on my BP med change and fact I should be stronger? If so, when?
2. How should I adjust this week based on above?
3. I am still planning on doing CDA. I have dropped Big Sur from a Full marathon to 21 miles, and only plan to do it as a "training run" if you feel that is OK. I am still 50/50 on being able to go, but I'd really like to! Guess I'm looking at your thoughts now that 21 and no rush on the run.
4. How should I adjust the long term plan based on above. I was supposed to load Intermediate IM on April 1 ending at CDA. Leave as is? Will there be a discontinuity due to jumping from week 10 (Outeason) into the middle of the IM Plan?
Got the resend of my plan. Thank you. But two questions.
My two A race dates are a HIM in Portugal on July 16 and IMFL on Nov 2. You write the program as my HIM on July 1 and IMFL on Oct. 28. Is there a reason for that or how would things be adjusted for these dates?
Also, my HIM is very hilly and i live in totally flat land. Any advice to prepare better?
Thanks Rich. No problem switching bike and run days. WIll actually work out better as then I can go to the trails for my long run and hit some hills for wildflower.
So I'm racing Oceanside 70.3 in two weeks, and wanted to know when would be the soonest (i.e. in how many weeks) I could realistically do a short course race (B or C priority) after that. I'm guessing racing at Bonelli a week after would be too soon?
Also, would it be feasible to turn that post-70.3 week into a sort of a swim-focus week? Just want to add a short pop of volume to boost my swim fitness if it's not too much.
Thanks for the feedback Coach Rich. Just one question, my big goal for this season is a HIM in Sept (Rev 3 Cedar Point) - should I still follow the short course plan until my first tri June 16th?
Gosh.....another forgotten question to add to the other below~~ Again on INT OS wk 11. I was supposed to do week 13 twice 4/1 and 4/8, and then OS 14 the week of 4/15......for a race that has now been cancelled (and not by me!). Then onto transition week the 22nd.......and loading up IM plan on the 29th, starting at week 4. Should i change something here?
Well, I was scheduled for 1/2 ironman this weekend, but after the ski trip to France, I am recovering from a sore shoulder (the mogul got the best of me) and head cold! Luckily, I was able to defer the entry to next year. HITS is very cooperative (unlike the other organization)!
THE BIG GOAL is IM LP -- I am registered for Nautica SOBE on 4/8. I was also contemplating 1/2 Clermont Ironman 4/24 (but not registered). What plan should I move to now........................if I look at the competitors and most opportunity for a Kona slot, I should reduce my overall bike time. I have more room on the bike than swim and run. I however don't want to put my run in maintenance mode since I am back from injury and feel that I need to get my speed back.
My plan seem to have change I should be on week 12 of the O/S plan. It shows that I am 12 of 4(-8 weeks maining). Ends 1/27/2013? There is swim w/o,s showing. I never had any before in my O/S plan. It is not showing my Training Zones neither. It is hard to train when you don't have the right information.
Posting this to both macro and micro, as I'm not sure where it fits better...
R/P --
Have 1 more week of the GF plan before I start Intermediate IM plan in advance of IMCDA. Question is whether I'm better off doing week 7 of the GF plan (same format as most GF weeks with the highest volume/intensity from what I can tell) OR do week 8 of GF which is basically a testing week. Have not tested since the end of the NOS ~6 weeks ago and feel like I could add a few watts on the bike and shave a few secs off my 5k and t-score (i have done 2 swim tests since starting GF). I also have some travel this weekend leading into my final GF week which will make it tough to do anything other than run, so might not need the two days of rest (Monday, Tuesday) prescribed in week 8 of the GF plan if I go that route. In my original season plan, Rich recommended a transition week btwn the GF and IM plans, but I took one btwn the NOS and start of GF and feel pretty fresh mentally -- although I could really stand to get out of the pain cave and outside on the bike...
Also, in case it matters, I haven't done a bike ride longer than 90 minutes since i've been indoors the whole time.
@Vicki -- You'll be fine with those. The timing of those centuries isn't really important, just another training day.
@Delton -- The GF plan is better fit, as includes swimming, and the long bikes and long runs are longer and a better for that time of your. That said, I recommend you put some events on the calendar between now and IMFL. They don't necessarily need to be races or even events that you pay for, but rather stuff that would serve as short term goals to keep you honest, especially with long run consistency and volume. You have a loonnggg way to go before IMLFO and if you don't short term goals on the calendar you're at risk of going nuts by about July.
@JD -- I'd like you to leave the OS next week and load up the HIM plan to end on the May 5 race. Approach this as an A-race. Then on May 6th load up the IM plan to end on IMLP. When you come to the May 25th race, see the "Self-Coaching Guide" in the wiki for help with integrating that race into your IM training plan.
@Cristina -- Ok, sorry about that. Changes: • On 4/22 load up the HIM plan to end on the date of your July race. • Take a week of transition after the race, so the week of Monday, 7/15 • Then on 7/22 load up the IM plan to end on IMFL
@Anson -- You'll be fine to do Bonelli the week after Oceanside. You may feel a little flat on the run but your probably won't die :-). Swim focus the week after CA would be a good idea.
@Christine -- Yep. From June 16th to Cedar Pt is plenty of time. All of the IMWI folks will drop into their IM plans on June 17th.
@Viciki -- Nah, that plan still works, you'll be good!
@Lori -- Notes: • If you're going to race a half Ironman on 4/24, you kinda need to make that decision now. If yes, then you'll load up the HIM plan to end on Clermont, do the race, do a week of transition after after the half, then load up the IM plan to end on IMLP. • If recovering your shoulder means your training is compromised, then you'll still need to load up the HIM plan per above and just work around that -- adjusting your training to accommodate your shoulder. It is what it is. • If it were me, my goal were IMLP and I had an injured shoulder, I would make healing that my #1 priority and not train for / risk that by picking ad hoc races while I'm trying to recover like it's my job :-)
@Tom -- I want to make sure you're working with the most current Season Plan and at the same time deliver to you instructions to fix this yourself. Please take the Season Planning Survey (under the Training tab above) and I'll plan your season out for you. Thanks!
@Mike -- I would like you to test your training zones before dropping into the IM plan on 4/1. Sounds like you don't need a transition week so do the smart guy thing to move stuff around so you can make ^that^ happen.
Holy cow, I have fallen off completely. By completely I mean doing nothing for six weeks for the bike focused plan. I had a killer NOS and then went flat, lost all motivation, don't want to race or train and am gross. I need to get back on track!
So, according to my plan I am supposed to do the Get Faster plan starting 3/25/13 before getting ready for IM training on 5/27
Can I still continue with this or make some changes? I have committed myself to getting back on track. This is sad on my part. I just want to make sure I can continue with my original plan despite falling off and doing nothing for except for a few workouts mixed in the last 6 weeks.
I asked this before, but cannot remember what was shared. Thanks
Just looked at my 2013 season plan and i can see what you're saying about having a lot of time between now and the start of IMFL training plan. Will i be doing GF plan twice? For now, what date should I put in as the end date of the GF plan?
R/P-- Currently wk 10 of Interm JOS, only one race planned this year IMLP +LP rally wkend or following wkend (depend on work). Just recovering from shin splints (4 wks), received new ortho's/shoes recently and for the last 4 wks have been doing 30 min z2 runs on TM only (1x per wk). Ready to bring run back on-line. Bike progressing well. Added swim 1x/wk last 4 wks. Question - with IMLP 17 weeks away when do I cut over to the "20 wk" IM plan (intermediate)? All bike enjoyed on indoor trainer, have not done over 70' per ride. Estimate 1 month before see the bike outdoors (CAN). FYI, I completed IMLP first time last year. Getting the itch to get going, where do I go from here? Have an epic wkend! Thanks.
Hey, coach. I'm in week 15 of the Intermediate Short Course Training Plan. Olympic race is 04/28 in Tampa. About 5 weeks ago we were discussing brick runs. I'm new to the program, and was asking when a bike and a run scheduled on the same day should be a brick, as opposed to separated in time during that day. You had said if you want me to brick, then workout #2 is called a "Brick Run." So, I've been following the plan, waiting for those "Brick Runs" to pop up. None yet, and I'm 5 weeks out. Today, I looked ahead @ the rest of the 20 week plan, and don't see anything labeled as Brick Run. So, either I'm reading it wrong, or this is a very new philosophy! I'm afraid I need clarification again, because, while I want to follow your plan I also would be extremely nervous about heading into a race w/my last transition from bike to run having been during Steelhead last July! What say you? Thanks!
@Aaron -- Yes, you'll be fine, though you may find yourself need to dial down the workouts in the first ~2wks.
@Delton -- The GF plan is 8wks so just load it up to end in 8wks.
@Dave -- Recommend you do the Bike Focus plan, is it will be heavy on the bike and running is similar to what you've been doing, just be very careful with how quickly you bring the run back. Then on May 6th you'll want to load up the IM plan to end on IMLP. Good luck!
@Joe -- Given your time frame I recommend that you do those runs as bricks.
Thanks for your recent help on bricks, coach. I am in week 15 of the 20 week Intermediate Short Course. Another question today. Though I've been a member for a couple of months, I've been coming off of a foot injury, and so I've been following my doctor's "return to run" plan, rather than the EN run workouts. I'm back on the EN plan this week. Today's run was, in part: "MS: 2 x 400, 2 x 800 all @ IP/Z5/Very Hard with full recoveries between each." Does full recovery mean "full" (i.e., all the way down to Zone 1)? This, to me, then, would mean walking between each. That's fine - I just want to check that I'm doing the right thing. My zones are below, for your reference:
I have the same degree of difficulty at John a bit further up and missed the response, the wiki also came up empty. Once I switch over to the HIM plan on April 1, there are 180-min rides on tap. If the weather is not good for riding outside (April showers bring May mud) how should the 180-mins be adjusted? I'm pretty sure I can sit on a trainer for that long but is it desirable?
Thanks coach Rich. Bike Focus plan looks good but I will need to bring some swimming in, any recommendation to swap out 2 low priority days for swims? ~17 wks to IMLP. Your thoughts please.
Got your e-mail that you would respond. Here are updates since the 18th to today/25th.
Travel is over now.
I went ahead and did the Run LT Test today/Monday, because of the Med changes, and bad test conditions a few weeks ago. It went OK. Little slower and little lower HR, I think because of the BP Med changes. And my BP is still high.
What week should I do this week...OS 9 or 10 and adjust in any way since did the Run test today/Monday?
I am doing a 12-15 run in a long relay race on 4/7 (Brew-to-brew). We'll probably push pretty hard.
I am committed now for Big Sur, 4/28, but stepped down to 21 miles, and as a training run (probably stop, take pics, etc.)
Same question re: key being CDA. Still load Intermediate IM on April 1 ending at CDA, and just have the 4/7 and 4/28 days be long runs? My biggest question will be how to adjust the 4/1 week since probably a discontinuity jumping from OS 9 or 10 to IM mid-plan.
@Dave W. -- See the OS swim workouts in the swim section of the wiki. You can use those as a guide.
@Greg -- Yes, on 4/1 load up the IM plan to end on IMCDA. Or you can do that now. It may be a bit of a jump to go from the weekend OS bike volume to the IM weekend bike volume but you'll be fine and/or you can also ease into that if you feel you'll need to. That said, I think you'll be surprise at the endurance you have from the minimal OS cycling volume. In our experience the switch from OS to IM bike volume is more about perspective and ass/positional fitness vs endurance. At the same time, you need to be smart with making the transition from the OS long run volume to the IM long run volume. Since you've registered for an April marathon I'm assuming that you've been adding some volume to the OS long runs. If not, just be smart about making the transition from the OS long run to the IM long run.
Thanks, Leah
Sounds like a plan!
@Dave --
I'll look for it
@Claire --
I'm having all of the IMLP folks load up the IM plan to end on IMLP on May 6th. So as long as you do that (on May 6th load up the IM plan to end on LP) you'll be good!
@Chris --
Sorry for the confusion. Please ignore the Master Plan stuff. The Season Plan I created for you (I'm assuming I did that when you join) is more customized, accounts for your races, etc.
@Leslie --
Yes, that's correct.
@Dave --
I did some research. I created a season plan for you back in October but looks like I sent it to myself vs to you :-( I just email it to you, for realz, so check your email for that. It should clear things up for you.
@JD --
When is Williamsburg?
@Jodi --
Do the Saturday ride that is scheduled for that day, just dialing the volume down to two hours, and the intensity a bit too if you feel that's needed.
@Christine --
This week load up the Short Course plan to end on your June 16th race. That plan will have enough running in it to prepare you for the 10k race.
@Troy --
Yes, the half marathon works. If it were me:
• I'd move my Sunday bike to Thurs, in place of the long run, and do as much of it as I could.
• Normal Saturday long ride. Don't cut it short for the half marathon the next day
• Sunday -- race the half
@Cristina --
Ok, I resent this to you.
@Leah --
Can you switch out Sunday and Thursday? IE, move Sunday ride to Thurs, Thurs long run to Sunday?
Bonelli --
• Normal schedule through Wed
• Do your long run on Thurs
• Normal Friday
• Saturday: do the schedule workout minus the brick run if we have one scheduled for you.
• Sunday: race. If you feel like it, maybe run an extra 2.5-3mi as a backwards loop through Picnic Valley immediately after the race. Basically a cool down but to also get in some extra running miles. Optional though.
I am on wk 11 of the Int OS plan....aim for IM Canada. I plan on doing a HIM come late June (which you already ok'd
in May and June. May 4th...May 18th... and June 1st. I'm not certain what my IM plan will be bringing me at that point for rides, but feel a couple of these would be beneficial. No?! I really desire to do the 4th and 18th. But also don't know how to space these and when in my training.
Thanks as always...
My "A" race is IM FL and i was doing the HIM plan for the first part of this year with an eye to do FL 70.3. I've now decided not to do that race. I'm wanting your thoughts about doing an OS plan until the IM FL plan begins. What are your thoughts?
Had some adjustments on my weeks for the Outseason, so am in Week 9 OS right now. Also, though strong for about 5 weeks, last couple weeks I was off and missed a lot (health, travel,...). Also had some BP med changes that may have affected HR (slower). My Bike test was solid, but right at the same as in the past (164 LTHR). Maybe makes sense given med change. Was actually slower overall ave pace, but cadence up near 85-90 and more consistent. While travelling for work, my run test was worthless (hills, wind, lack of sleep, crowded path). Lastly, I am traveling this week Wed-Sat so only thing I can do is run(s) Thursday and Friday. or anything Tue, Sat, Sun.
1. Should I re-do the Run LTHR 5k test to reset based on my BP med change and fact I should be stronger? If so, when?
2. How should I adjust this week based on above?
3. I am still planning on doing CDA. I have dropped Big Sur from a Full marathon to 21 miles, and only plan to do it as a "training run" if you feel that is OK. I am still 50/50 on being able to go, but I'd really like to! Guess I'm looking at your thoughts now that 21 and no rush on the run.
4. How should I adjust the long term plan based on above. I was supposed to load Intermediate IM on April 1 ending at CDA. Leave as is? Will there be a discontinuity due to jumping from week 10 (Outeason) into the middle of the IM Plan?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Coach,
Got the resend of my plan. Thank you. But two questions.
My two A race dates are a HIM in Portugal on July 16 and IMFL on Nov 2. You write the program as my HIM on July 1 and IMFL on Oct. 28. Is there a reason for that or how would things be adjusted for these dates?
Also, my HIM is very hilly and i live in totally flat land. Any advice to prepare better?
So I'm racing Oceanside 70.3 in two weeks, and wanted to know when would be the soonest (i.e. in how many weeks) I could realistically do a short course race (B or C priority) after that. I'm guessing racing at Bonelli a week after would be too soon?
Also, would it be feasible to turn that post-70.3 week into a sort of a swim-focus week? Just want to add a short pop of volume to boost my swim fitness if it's not too much.
Again on INT OS wk 11. I was supposed to do week 13 twice 4/1 and 4/8, and then OS 14 the week of 4/15......for a race that has now been cancelled (and not by me!). Then onto transition week the 22nd.......and loading up IM plan on the 29th, starting at week 4. Should i change something here?
Thanks RandP
Hi Coach,
Well, I was scheduled for 1/2 ironman this weekend, but after the ski trip to France, I am recovering from a sore shoulder (the mogul got the best of me) and head cold! Luckily, I was able to defer the entry to next year. HITS is very cooperative (unlike the other organization)!
THE BIG GOAL is IM LP -- I am registered for Nautica SOBE on 4/8. I was also contemplating 1/2 Clermont Ironman 4/24 (but not registered). What plan should I move to now........................if I look at the competitors and most opportunity for a Kona slot, I should reduce my overall bike time. I have more room on the bike than swim and run. I however don't want to put my run in maintenance mode since I am back from injury and feel that I need to get my speed back.
What would you recommend?
Posting this to both macro and micro, as I'm not sure where it fits better...
R/P --
Have 1 more week of the GF plan before I start Intermediate IM plan in advance of IMCDA. Question is whether I'm better off doing week 7 of the GF plan (same format as most GF weeks with the highest volume/intensity from what I can tell) OR do week 8 of GF which is basically a testing week. Have not tested since the end of the NOS ~6 weeks ago and feel like I could add a few watts on the bike and shave a few secs off my 5k and t-score (i have done 2 swim tests since starting GF). I also have some travel this weekend leading into my final GF week which will make it tough to do anything other than run, so might not need the two days of rest (Monday, Tuesday) prescribed in week 8 of the GF plan if I go that route. In my original season plan, Rich recommended a transition week btwn the GF and IM plans, but I took one btwn the NOS and start of GF and feel pretty fresh mentally -- although I could really stand to get out of the pain cave and outside on the bike...
Also, in case it matters, I haven't done a bike ride longer than 90 minutes since i've been indoors the whole time.
Thanks in advance for your guidance!
You'll be fine with those. The timing of those centuries isn't really important, just another training day.
@Delton --
The GF plan is better fit, as includes swimming, and the long bikes and long runs are longer and a better for that time of your. That said, I recommend you put some events on the calendar between now and IMFL. They don't necessarily need to be races or even events that you pay for, but rather stuff that would serve as short term goals to keep you honest, especially with long run consistency and volume. You have a loonnggg way to go before IMLFO and if you don't short term goals on the calendar you're at risk of going nuts by about July.
@JD --
I'd like you to leave the OS next week and load up the HIM plan to end on the May 5 race. Approach this as an A-race. Then on May 6th load up the IM plan to end on IMLP. When you come to the May 25th race, see the "Self-Coaching Guide" in the wiki for help with integrating that race into your IM training plan.
@Cristina --
Ok, sorry about that. Changes:
• On 4/22 load up the HIM plan to end on the date of your July race.
• Take a week of transition after the race, so the week of Monday, 7/15
• Then on 7/22 load up the IM plan to end on IMFL
@Anson --
You'll be fine to do Bonelli the week after Oceanside. You may feel a little flat on the run but your probably won't die :-). Swim focus the week after CA would be a good idea.
@Christine --
Yep. From June 16th to Cedar Pt is plenty of time. All of the IMWI folks will drop into their IM plans on June 17th.
@Viciki --
Nah, that plan still works, you'll be good!
@Lori --
• If you're going to race a half Ironman on 4/24, you kinda need to make that decision now. If yes, then you'll load up the HIM plan to end on Clermont, do the race, do a week of transition after after the half, then load up the IM plan to end on IMLP.
• If recovering your shoulder means your training is compromised, then you'll still need to load up the HIM plan per above and just work around that -- adjusting your training to accommodate your shoulder. It is what it is.
• If it were me, my goal were IMLP and I had an injured shoulder, I would make healing that my #1 priority and not train for / risk that by picking ad hoc races while I'm trying to recover like it's my job :-)
@Tom --
I want to make sure you're working with the most current Season Plan and at the same time deliver to you instructions to fix this yourself. Please take the Season Planning Survey (under the Training tab above) and I'll plan your season out for you. Thanks!
@Mike --
I would like you to test your training zones before dropping into the IM plan on 4/1. Sounds like you don't need a transition week so do the smart guy thing to move stuff around so you can make ^that^ happen.
Holy cow, I have fallen off completely. By completely I mean doing nothing for six weeks for the bike focused plan. I had a killer NOS and then went flat, lost all motivation, don't want to race or train and am gross. I need to get back on track!
So, according to my plan I am supposed to do the Get Faster plan starting 3/25/13 before getting ready for IM training on 5/27
Can I still continue with this or make some changes? I have committed myself to getting back on track. This is sad on my part. I just want to make sure I can continue with my original plan despite falling off and doing nothing for except for a few workouts mixed in the last 6 weeks.
I asked this before, but cannot remember what was shared. Thanks
Rich...sorry for the multiple posts.
Just looked at my 2013 season plan and i can see what you're saying about having a lot of time between now and the start of IMFL training plan. Will i be doing GF plan twice? For now, what date should I put in as the end date of the GF plan?
Currently wk 10 of Interm JOS, only one race planned this year IMLP +LP rally wkend or following wkend (depend on work). Just recovering from shin splints (4 wks), received new ortho's/shoes recently and for the last 4 wks have been doing 30 min z2 runs on TM only (1x per wk). Ready to bring run back on-line. Bike progressing well. Added swim 1x/wk last 4 wks. Question - with IMLP 17 weeks away when do I cut over to the "20 wk" IM plan (intermediate)? All bike enjoyed on indoor trainer, have not done over 70' per ride. Estimate 1 month before see the bike outdoors (CAN). FYI, I completed IMLP first time last year. Getting the itch to get going, where do I go from here? Have an epic wkend! Thanks.
Yes, you'll be fine, though you may find yourself need to dial down the workouts in the first ~2wks.
@Delton --
The GF plan is 8wks so just load it up to end in 8wks.
@Dave --
Recommend you do the Bike Focus plan, is it will be heavy on the bike and running is similar to what you've been doing, just be very careful with how quickly you bring the run back. Then on May 6th you'll want to load up the IM plan to end on IMLP. Good luck!
@Joe --
Given your time frame I recommend that you do those runs as bricks.
Jan OS member here.
Crazy spring vacation trips have interfered with training past 2 weeks.
Last week - 0hrs, previous week, only two days (both bike).
Should I drop back two weeks in the OS schedule, and do the two weeks I missed? Or should I keep going on the Jan OS schedule as if nothing happened?
A race is IM Mont Tremblant in mid August. Current training plan is OS, then transition to Beginner Ironman plan
Thanks for your recent help on bricks, coach. I am in week 15 of the 20 week Intermediate Short Course. Another question today. Though I've been a member for a couple of months, I've been coming off of a foot injury, and so I've been following my doctor's "return to run" plan, rather than the EN run workouts. I'm back on the EN plan this week. Today's run was, in part: "MS: 2 x 400, 2 x 800 all @ IP/Z5/Very Hard with full recoveries between each." Does full recovery mean "full" (i.e., all the way down to Zone 1)? This, to me, then, would mean walking between each. That's fine - I just want to check that I'm doing the right thing. My zones are below, for your reference:
R (1): <95</p>
2: 95-115
3: 115-135
4: 135-145
5: 145-150
6: >150
Drop back and repeat those two weeks but start the IM plan on the original date I had planned for you.
@Joe --
You should recover in whatever manner allows you to run the next repeat at the prescribed pace. Could be a walk or jog, doesn't really matter.
Thanks for the season plan update.
I have the same degree of difficulty at John a bit further up and missed the response, the wiki also came up empty. Once I switch over to the HIM plan on April 1, there are 180-min rides on tap. If the weather is not good for riding outside (April showers bring May mud) how should the 180-mins be adjusted? I'm pretty sure I can sit on a trainer for that long but is it desirable?
Got your e-mail that you would respond. Here are updates since the 18th to today/25th.
Got it. Thanks Rich.
Cap all trainer riders at 2-2.5hrs. Then when you can get outside just do the prescribed time.
@Amy --
Ok, what's the correct date?
@Dave W. --
See the OS swim workouts in the swim section of the wiki. You can use those as a guide.
@Greg --
Yes, on 4/1 load up the IM plan to end on IMCDA. Or you can do that now. It may be a bit of a jump to go from the weekend OS bike volume to the IM weekend bike volume but you'll be fine and/or you can also ease into that if you feel you'll need to. That said, I think you'll be surprise at the endurance you have from the minimal OS cycling volume. In our experience the switch from OS to IM bike volume is more about perspective and ass/positional fitness vs endurance. At the same time, you need to be smart with making the transition from the OS long run volume to the IM long run volume. Since you've registered for an April marathon I'm assuming that you've been adding some volume to the OS long runs. If not, just be smart about making the transition from the OS long run to the IM long run.