I have a song stuck in my head, it won't go away.... It is the one Beth said would appropriate after Olivias orthodontist appt last week - Stacy's mom has got it going on. Sad thing is, that is the only line I remember. It popped into my head yest am at work. I keep laughing, so thinking of you guys. I thought I had it gone by the end of the day yesterday, but it came back with a vengance today
Great job on all the mountain biking!
Kris- Love the trail running- the trail races I have been to, people are so cool, and laid back. I like the smaller size events also. Hard to go back to big city road races after smaller trail races.
nemo- glad you are safe, hope the storm cleanup is complete so you can be outside. Everything ok for your trip this week?
Linda & nemo- What is story of wabbit swayer for Newbies?
leave for tucson wed. yeah, can't wait. Looking forward to getting on one of my favorite trails as soon as plane lands
Gina- You and Su holding up ok? Hopefully will be able to meet you at 4keys talk friday. Need anything form trisports? Plan to make a visit while in Tucson
I LOVE the wabbit swayer story! Thanks for the laugh. Who, in their right mind, would ever think to say "bye bye bunny rabbit"? Thanks for leaving them in the dust!
Kitima - did this bike trip to PA involve a trip to Uncle Frank Lloyd Wright's house?
IMAZ Ladies - I am so excited for all of you! Race day! Race day! Race day! I care way more about how all of you perform as athletes than anyone else. Can I name a Chicago Bear? (Shh. No.)
I have a sekrit pimp my pain cave project for tonight. The trusty Nikon d50 is on hand and I will post pics.
--Tracy, if you hit regular "reply" instead of fast reply at the bottom, you get a whole menu of smileys on the right-hand side.
Marianne - I love the idea of favorite tri stories and can't wait to hear everyone's.
My favorite? During the bike at Steelhead last year, my first 1/2, I completely switched into Julia Child mode and could only think about making scrambled eggs. Here I am, badass girl in all my EN spandex-clad glory, and the metaphor about riding my pace = slowly and patiently making scrambled eggs. Maybe it came from knowing my punched by the coaches ovaries would look like scrambled eggs if I rode to hard?
OK Girls. I'm a nervous WRECK and will be for about the next 24 hours. So please send your calming good luck vibes 'cause I need them!!!
OK- here's the whole crazy story. Last Tuesday night as I was packing for vacay I heard Joe exclaim "OH NO!" from the other room. This wasn't an "Oh no, the cat threw up on the floor" kinda "oh no", it was an "OH NO! SOMETHING LIFE CHANGING HAS HAPPENED" kinda "Oh No". So I knew immediately it wasn't good. I rush to the other room to find him holding our passports in his hands and I say "don't tell me, you forgot to get your passport that expired last year renewed" And he says "nope- I'm fine, it's your passport, it expired in May" Panic, sheer panic ensues. It's Tuesday night and Wednesday is Vets day. Our flight is Thursday at 2:00 out of Norfolk. Long story short- we looked at lots of options to try and make things work, but we just didn't have time to get this mistake fixed. I was physically sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep for 2 days.
So now ya know why we had to postpone the trip. Because I'm a freakin idiot. I tell ya- I'm so type A about everything and I had more checklists for this vacay than you could imagine. I musta looked at that passport 100 times in the past year- I just never saw that dang expiration date.! I was so angry, disappointed, and ashamed of myself . The good news here is that it was MY passport because Joe is so loving, understanding, supportive, and calming- he has seriously been wonderful. I'm not sure if the situation had been reversed that I would have been so good to him. Really- I'm a lucky girl. Anyway-I only tell you all this now because a whole week has past and I'm done being mad at myself. Instead I'm back to being a nervous wreck!
We made an appointment with the State Dept in DC for Tuesday morning to have my passport renewed (the only way we could get it done fast enough was to get an appointment at the office- Tues was the earliest one we could get). Joe left this morning with all my paperwork and the authorization letter to submit the paperwork and receive the passport on my behalf. We spoke to the State Dept last week and have followed all their instructions- but I'm still freakin out! I won't be good until I get a call from Joe saying the renewed PP is in his hands.
Soooooo- please pray for me, send your good vibes, or whatever it is you do. I need EN Chicka calming vibes 'cause my rock is currently 5 hours away!
Oh, Nemo, what a mess! If you followed all the instructions, though, I'm sure it will work out just fine. You will be on your wonderful vacation before you know it! Sending good, calming, positive vibes your way...
Breathe, Nemo. All will be good. If you run into any difficulties, I sit next to the genius who gets the passports and visas in order for the Foundation. She's made visas to Nigeria and other hard-to-get places happen in a matter of days. Let me know if I can call in Cordia for you.
Posted By Nemo Brauch on 16 Nov 2009 02:38 PM MY passport because Joe is so loving, understanding, supportive, and calming- he has seriously been wonderful. I'm not sure if the situation had been reversed that I would have been so good to him. Really- I'm a lucky girl.
Know what? When this kind of messhappens to me, I try to keep the above in mind, and cut Keith a wide swath when he screws up It's how you can repay Joe in the future. Remember it, and pay if forward when you need to. That will be good instant karma in exchange for his. You'll get there. I have a good feeling about it getting resolved!
I swam today cuz I wanted to , and was going to knock off one of the week's runs because it was so beautiful out. I took Cali to the vet instead. She has a fever, and I think has giardia--or something that is messing up her intestinal track. I think she HAS giardia from the days at the kennel--and they never really get rid of it. I'm hoping this round of meds can keep it at bay. That poop she ate last week did not help. I am, of course worried...and plenty pissed at the men around here.
Last night I kept saying...she feels warm...she's not acting right...she's sleeping a lot.... They in turn blow me off, and, essentially, tell me I'm a ridiculous worry wart. I brought her in when everyone else told me it was a stupid waste of time.
1- Glass of red wine 2- Surf the net for pink or Wonder Woman speedos for RnP 3- Another glass of red wine 4- Put on one of Joe's white oxfords, socks & sunglasses and slide around on the wood floors singing "Old Time Rock nRoll" 5- Yup, just one more glass of red wine 6- Post up vid of RnR dance to You Tube to fight Noodle for top spot EN Video award 7- Heck with the glass, just chug out of the bottle 8- Pull petrified cats out from under sofa after sliding across the floors, dancing 9- Try to figure out how there seems to be 4 cats now when you only own 2... oh wait... the wine might have something to do with that.... 10- Watch Jepordy and yell out the answers loudly before anyone else can answer
Posted By Nemo Brauch on 16 Nov 2009 02:38 PM MY passport because Joe is so loving, understanding, supportive, and calming- he has seriously been wonderful. I'm not sure if the situation had been reversed that I would have been so good to him. Really- I'm a lucky girl.
Know what? When this kind of mess happens to me, I try to keep the above in mind, and cut Keith a wide swath when he screws up It's how you can repay Joe in the future. Remember it, and pay if forward when you need to. That will be good instant karma in exchange for his. You'll get there. I have a good feeling about it getting resolved!
I swam today cuz I wanted to , and was going to knock off one of the week's runs because it was so beautiful out. I took Cali to the vet instead. She has a fever, and I think has giardia--or something that is messing up her intestinal track. I think she HAS giardia from the days at the kennel--and they never really get rid of it. I'm hoping this round of meds can keep it at bay. That poop she ate last week did not help. I am, of course worried...and plenty pissed at the men around here.
Last night I kept saying...she feels warm...she's not acting right...she's sleeping a lot.... They in turn blow me off, and, essentially, tell me I'm a ridiculous worry wart. I brought her in when everyone else told me it was a stupid waste of time.
oh my goodness on the passport!!! oh no, let us know how it goes. my passport is good and so is son's but yes did I tell you the time that I was a teenager, and me and my sister traveled overseas to England? and when getting off the plane there in London, they realized my passport had expired!!! there I was in this detention sorta room for hours while my grandparents were frantic... I think I was 13 .... let me tell you it was not a good feeling to be quizzed and in limbo! but got it sorted somehow and got outta there! ever since then, I always have an updated passport and get the ten year one!!
You gals are just the best! Thank you! I'm BREATHING and going to go have a glass of wine to relax. Oh- and did I happen to mention that tomorrow is Joe's Birthday!!! Yeah, it's HIS B-day and HE is the one stuck driving 5 hours to DC today, sitting in a govt office tomorrow, and then driving 5 hours home again because I'm the one who has to work. I so owe him! Thanks Linda- I'll remember to pay it forward- and you remind me if I forget!!!
Oh Nemo, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Joe will come home with your new passport in hand. I know it. Don't beat yourself up too badly about it---there's A-LOT of things to do before a long, overseas trip. Even the very anal of us Type A's can forget something like that!
Linda---Poor Cali! Giardia--yuck. It's no fun for humans. I can't imagine your little pup is feeling to great with it either.
You guys are simply wonderful, and I was reminded of that today....
I met up with my friend Rich (the one-time 2:20 marathoner) who I ran with on the treadmill all last winter. We made plans to do the same every Wed. this year once the snow flies. I'm psyched! It was nice to hear that he enjoyed running together--and relied on it--as much as I did. So he goes twice as far as I do in every interval... Anyway, his goal is to run Boston this year in 3:10 at age 59, then use it as the base to go sub-3 at age 60 and possibly podium at Boston in 2011! Totally exciting! I'll be pumped our Wednesday sessions play a teeny role in that!
Anyway, he said he's lost all his running buddies. Age has taken them down with injury one by one. I suggested he try and train virtually with a support network, and he got the concept instantly. When I told him about Moo, he asked if there would be any competition between the women here that would lead to pissing matches or in-fighting. It was so nice to be able to say, 100%, without hesitation, that the support here is true blue, with NONE of that crap. We've got each other's backs, and then some. No game playing, no trash talking, no bad energy between people. The support is freely offered and freely received--for real.
I just wanted to say that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have fallen into this group. The character and spirit of the women here is truly special.
When I told him about Moo, he asked if there would be any competition between the women here that would lead to pissing matches or in-fighting. It was so nice to be able to say, 100%, without hesitation, that the support here is true blue, with NONE of that crap.
I just wanted to say that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have fallen into this group. The character and spirit of the women here is truly special.
Well, that's what YOU think. You guys are ALL gonna kick MY ass!!!
When I told him about Moo, he asked if there would be any competition between the women here that would lead to pissing matches or in-fighting. It was so nice to be able to say, 100%, without hesitation, that the support here is true blue, with NONE of that crap.
I just wanted to say that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have fallen into this group. The character and spirit of the women here is truly special.
Well, that's what YOU think. You guys are ALL gonna kick MY ass!!!
Nemo..are you still breathing deep breaths? As I was reading this...all I could think was, he's going to the right place, our nation's capitol, to get your passport! It'll work out! Keep us posted!
You guys are simply wonderful, and I was reminded of that today....
I just wanted to say that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have fallen into this group. The character and spirit of the women here is truly special.
Couldn't agree more. You guys really are wonderful!
Nemo_ having a glass of red with you now! Happy Birthday to Joe. I just know you will have plenty of reasons to smoother him with kisses besides his BD tomorrow. you ARE going to have a wonderful trip in NZ
Linda- Hope Cali feels better soon
Kris- Great ideas for stress busters. I'm not really stressed, but following your advice anyway. Maybe it will help get the song out of my head. Yup, still there. Oh, and red wine always helps with packing
Ok, the rabbit story was great
My story along those lines....
Used to swim at masters @ U of Arizona when lived in tucson. When I first started up, there was a woman, Crazy Judy, who swam masters and did the tris etc. At first she was better than me, esp with swimming. she was also a bit older. I was a better biker and especially runner, so eventually I started to beat her in races., the eventually would be about the same in the pool. Well she must have been stalking me as far as races go and was looking up my times in various races. One night after practice, taking a shower, was Naked in shower. One of those large open showers..... all of a sudden Crazy Judy Grabs by the shoulders, while I was Naked and proclaims loudly " I am so mad I can't beat you"
she then tells me what my times were......???? Huh, did that really just happen? After pulling my chin off the shower floor, I think I said something along the lines of well i'm younger than you. Does one really admit to their nemesis that they want to beat them? That was definitely a WoW moment.
OK, gotta fold some laundry, get to bed. One more shift then off til Thanksgiving
Nemo - so sorry to hear about your PP woes. Hope you are still breathing and don't have a hangover! Good advice you got on dealing with it. I am sure we have all been there in some form or fashion as some point. I certainly have done my share of uber stupid things when I thought I had it all pulled together. Just think what fun you will have plotting a great NZ birthday surprise for Joe! I am so glad it wasn't anything worse than that. I kept thinking you were supposed to be gone, but was kinda afraid to ask thinking it was the storm or something worse that was keeping you home. Glad it wasn't the "worse".
Linda - sorry Cali is so sick and hope she feels better soon. Momma always knows best and you were smart to follow your instincts and take her to the doggy doc. Also, love your sentiment about the women here! Such a wonderful group and I feel so blessed already to "know" you all just the little bit I have been able to participate the last two months. Really looking forward to being able to train again and share that too!
So in honor of the fact that we have pix again!!!! I took my boys (and two of their friends) hiking at Shakertown on Sunday afternoon partly for fun for them and partly as a recon mission for me. There are some trails there, mostly designs for equestrian purposes, but I am hoping I can use them for running when I am able to start back. I put a few on FB too, so sorry if there are any repeats. BTW - how do I add the little FB link to my page?
So I have to run through this or stop and take off my shoes and socks and wade through to get to a really cool 4 mile path through a gorgeous field on the other side. The boys thought it was tons of fun to go wading in November!
and last! I think I may have finally made headway into the Infinit eating mouse population! HA! I haven't caught one for a few days since I found this little critter exactly as is a few days ago.... so I am either thinning the population down or they are getting smarter - either way - my Infinit has not been bothered lately
OMG Robin, the mouse picture is hysterical! Poor thing, but then again...vermin leads to his brother and sister and and kids, and more kids.... Meeces tore the Myoplex to pieces again last night. Our traps are out again too!
Tracy, oh Tracy, I SO hear you on the crazy competitors. You won't find that here at all. For real. Those people are TOXIC in a big way. Stay. Away. I was at a sprint tri a few years age, and I won my age group. After the awards, a woman came up to me and said, every woman over 50 here just groaned when you showed up. I was like, "yeah, congrats to you too." Actually, I said nothing. It also happened to be my worst sprint ever, but I didn't want to say that, and sound like I was rubbing it in. That kind of thing is in my top 5 rules of life to stay away from. Always.
Keith is still setting up the repaired CT. I hope he hurries up cuz I gotta ride, cuz I gotta go to work!
so how do I post pics? I see a B, and I and U and a Quote button? and that is all. obviously I posted too much in last forum so have been "cut off"!!! okay I have not see any mouse in the da haus, but fruit flies have been inbreeding and all fruit is gone from the house messing up my ecosystem but they have ran out of food.... so hopefully almost got rid of them!! turned cold here... okay so about 75 on Sunday and a high of 47 today and without a trainer, 3 x 10 bike hard???? in 12 mph winds in 43?? cloudy and DH says no, we is gonna go swimming!! yuck weather out there AND I woke up cold. it is 41 out there and yeay yeah, not cold but when compared to shorts the other day and washng my car, it is!!!
okay I don't have a large singlet Carrie but somebody does!! good Day to everybody and the shower story is funny btw
Thought this would make you guys smile. I'm sitting here at a client with my running Capri tights on under my pants, and a jog bra on so I don't cheese out of running later today! Hee, hee.
m- you need to update your profile or some such thing so you can get you name back up in lights rather than becoming known as the dash lady.
M- wrote on the other post too, but I think you need to click on +add reply box below the name and picture of the last person who posted when you want to include link, pix and such. I think you are using the quick reply box which does not have all the goodies! Try that and send us some pix - you must be going into withdrawl and so am I - have to use a fake smiley because I am using quick reply now
edit - COOOOOOL! Who knew - if you type in the fake sideways smiley on your keyboard it comes out all right side up and yellow - JOY - oh the simple things in life that make me happy !
Morning Ladies. OK, first an update. Joe just called and said all the paperwork is now in the governments hands. They told him to return at 2:00 and it should be ready to be picked up. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that there are no bumps!!!
Oh that poor little mouse! I know- has to be done, but ugh that's so sad! Yesterday a little bird flew into my office window. He sat on the ledge a little shook up and when he seemed recovered I tried to shoo him away so he wouldn't fly back into the window again. Little did I know the whole reason he had flown into the window and had not taken flight again was because Otto had chased him there! As soon as he flew away, Otto (who had been hiding) leaped up and grabbed him! I LEAPED out of my chair and raced outside to save the little bird. Otto hadn't harmed him yet so I was able to get him back to a tree where he would be safe and then put Otto back into house arrest.
Carrie- I don't have a Large- but someone here must! Can anyone help Carrie out? Gotta make sure she represents at COZ!!!!
Finally- doing a major happy dance now that we have pics again!!!!! YEA HA!!! Marianne, you should see that little mountain button at the very end of the formatting buttons. You'll only see the formatting buttons if you do a "Reply". If you do a "quick reply" they don't show.
I know it shouldn't but that little mouse makes me sad. His cute little mouse legs hanging out. Like the others said, it must be done though. I know he has a huge family....eeeww!
Linda - that is awesome that you have your running clothes hidden under your work clothes. I'm impressed!
RnP had a L singlet and its in the mail for me! Woohoo. Happy to check that off my list. I can wear the M with a push up bra if we ever need to recruit for the team though! ha
Great job on all the mountain biking!
Kris- Love the trail running- the trail races I have been to, people are so cool, and laid back. I like the smaller size events also. Hard to go back to big city road races after smaller trail races.
nemo- glad you are safe, hope the storm cleanup is complete so you can be outside. Everything ok for your trip this week?
Linda & nemo- What is story of wabbit swayer for Newbies?
leave for tucson wed. yeah, can't wait. Looking forward to getting on one of my favorite trails as soon as plane lands
Gina- You and Su holding up ok? Hopefully will be able to meet you at 4keys talk friday. Need anything form trisports? Plan to make a visit while in Tucson
Gotta get back to work
have a great day everyone!
How do I get smileys in here?
Tracy- Su and I are all set ( I hope
). Looking forward to meeting you Friday!
Check here for the history of the wabbit swayer : www.endurancenation.us/en_forums/showthread.php
I LOVE the wabbit swayer story! Thanks for the laugh. Who, in their right mind, would ever think to say "bye bye bunny rabbit"? Thanks for leaving them in the dust!
For Tracy, and everyone, who needs a little Fountains of Wayne this Monday afternoon:
Kitima - did this bike trip to PA involve a trip to Uncle Frank Lloyd Wright's house?
IMAZ Ladies - I am so excited for all of you! Race day! Race day! Race day!

I care way more about how all of you perform as athletes than anyone else. Can I name a Chicago Bear? (Shh. No.)
I have a sekrit pimp my pain cave project for tonight. The trusty Nikon d50 is on hand and I will post pics.
--Tracy, if you hit regular "reply" instead of fast reply at the bottom, you get a whole menu of smileys on the right-hand side.
Marianne - I love the idea of favorite tri stories and can't wait to hear everyone's.
My favorite? During the bike at Steelhead last year, my first 1/2, I completely switched into Julia Child mode and could only think about making scrambled eggs. Here I am, badass girl in all my EN spandex-clad glory, and the metaphor about riding my pace = slowly and patiently making scrambled eggs. Maybe it came from knowing my punched by the coaches ovaries would look like scrambled eggs if I rode to hard?
OK Girls. I'm a nervous WRECK and will be for about the next 24 hours. So please send your calming good luck vibes 'cause I need them!!!
OK- here's the whole crazy story. Last Tuesday night as I was packing for vacay I heard Joe exclaim "OH NO!" from the other room. This wasn't an "Oh no, the cat threw up on the floor" kinda "oh no", it was an "OH NO! SOMETHING LIFE CHANGING HAS HAPPENED" kinda "Oh No". So I knew immediately it wasn't good. I rush to the other room to find him holding our passports in his hands and I say "don't tell me, you forgot to get your passport that expired last year renewed"
And he says "nope- I'm fine, it's your passport, it expired in May"
Panic, sheer panic ensues. It's Tuesday night and Wednesday is Vets day. Our flight is Thursday at 2:00 out of Norfolk. Long story short- we looked at lots of options to try and make things work, but we just didn't have time to get this mistake fixed. I was physically sick to my stomach and couldn't sleep for 2 days.
So now ya know why we had to postpone the trip. Because I'm a freakin idiot. I tell ya- I'm so type A about everything and I had more checklists for this vacay than you could imagine. I musta looked at that passport 100 times in the past year- I just never saw that dang expiration date.! I was so angry, disappointed, and ashamed of myself . The good news here is that it was MY passport because Joe is so loving, understanding, supportive, and calming- he has seriously been wonderful. I'm not sure if the situation had been reversed that I would have been so good to him. Really- I'm a lucky girl. Anyway-I only tell you all this now because a whole week has past and I'm done being mad at myself. Instead I'm back to being a nervous wreck!
We made an appointment with the State Dept in DC for Tuesday morning to have my passport renewed (the only way we could get it done fast enough was to get an appointment at the office- Tues was the earliest one we could get). Joe left this morning with all my paperwork and the authorization letter to submit the paperwork and receive the passport on my behalf. We spoke to the State Dept last week and have followed all their instructions- but I'm still freakin out! I won't be good until I get a call from Joe saying the renewed PP is in his hands.
Soooooo- please pray for me, send your good vibes, or whatever it is you do. I need EN Chicka calming vibes 'cause my rock is currently 5 hours away!
Oh, Nemo, what a mess! If you followed all the instructions, though, I'm sure it will work out just fine. You will be on your wonderful vacation before you know it! Sending good, calming, positive vibes your way...
Nemo, remember what you told me the other day ?
Breathe, Nemo. All will be good. If you run into any difficulties, I sit next to the genius who gets the passports and visas in order for the Foundation. She's made visas to Nigeria and other hard-to-get places happen in a matter of days. Let me know if I can call in Cordia for you.
1- Glass of red wine
2- Surf the net for pink or Wonder Woman speedos for RnP
3- Another glass of red wine
4- Put on one of Joe's white oxfords, socks & sunglasses and slide around on the wood floors singing "Old Time Rock nRoll"
5- Yup, just one more glass of red wine
6- Post up vid of RnR dance to You Tube to fight Noodle for top spot EN Video award
7- Heck with the glass, just chug out of the bottle
8- Pull petrified cats out from under sofa after sliding across the floors, dancing
9- Try to figure out how there seems to be 4 cats now when you only own 2... oh wait... the wine might have something to do with that....
10- Watch Jepordy and yell out the answers loudly before anyone else can answer
You'll be in NZ b4 you know it!
Know what? When this kind of mess happens to me, I try to keep the above in mind, and cut Keith a wide swath when he screws up It's how you can repay Joe in the future. Remember it, and pay if forward when you need to. That will be good instant karma in exchange for his.
You'll get there. I have a good feeling about it getting resolved!
I swam today cuz I wanted to
, and was going to knock off one of the week's runs because it was so beautiful out. I took Cali to the vet instead. She has a fever, and I think has giardia--or something that is messing up her intestinal track. I think she HAS giardia from the days at the kennel--and they never really get rid of it. I'm hoping this round of meds can keep it at bay. That poop she ate last week did not help. I am, of course worried...and plenty pissed at the men around here.
Last night I kept saying...she feels warm...she's not acting right...she's sleeping a lot.... They in turn blow me off, and, essentially, tell me I'm a ridiculous worry wart. I brought her in when everyone else told me it was a stupid waste of time.
IMAZ has me SO pumped!!!! I cannot wait.
ohh.. poor Cali, poor little thing
You gals are just the best! Thank you! I'm BREATHING and going to go have a glass of wine to relax. Oh- and did I happen to mention that tomorrow is Joe's Birthday!!! Yeah, it's HIS B-day and HE is the one stuck driving 5 hours to DC today, sitting in a govt office tomorrow, and then driving 5 hours home again because I'm the one who has to work. I so owe him! Thanks Linda- I'll remember to pay it forward- and you remind me if I forget!!!
Poooor Cali- I hope all is ok!
Oh Nemo, I'm so sorry this happened to you! Joe will come home with your new passport in hand. I know it. Don't beat yourself up too badly about it---there's A-LOT of things to do before a long, overseas trip. Even the very anal of us Type A's can forget something like that!
Linda---Poor Cali! Giardia--yuck. It's no fun for humans. I can't imagine your little pup is feeling to great with it either.
You guys are simply wonderful, and I was reminded of that today....
I met up with my friend Rich (the one-time 2:20 marathoner) who I ran with on the treadmill all last winter. We made plans to do the same every Wed. this year once the snow flies. I'm psyched! It was nice to hear that he enjoyed running together--and relied on it--as much as I did. So he goes twice as far as I do in every interval...
Anyway, his goal is to run Boston this year in 3:10 at age 59, then use it as the base to go sub-3 at age 60 and possibly podium at Boston in 2011! Totally exciting! I'll be pumped our Wednesday sessions play a teeny role in that!
Anyway, he said he's lost all his running buddies. Age has taken them down with injury one by one. I suggested he try and train virtually with a support network, and he got the concept instantly. When I told him about Moo, he asked if there would be any competition between the women here that would lead to pissing matches or in-fighting. It was so nice to be able to say, 100%, without hesitation, that the support here is true blue, with NONE of that crap. We've got each other's backs, and then some. No game playing, no trash talking, no bad energy between people. The support is freely offered and freely received--for real.
I just wanted to say that I was reminded of how lucky I am to have fallen into this group. The character and spirit of the women here is truly special.
Nemo..are you still breathing deep breaths? As I was reading this...all I could think was, he's going to the right place, our nation's capitol, to get your passport! It'll work out! Keep us posted!
Ok girls, I might need to borrow a L tri top if anyone has one. I've emailed RnP to see if I can trade out my M with tags still on.
The M looks more like club wear than tri gear on the girls if you know what I mean.
Got it worked out!
Nemo - so sorry to hear about your PP woes. Hope you are still breathing and don't have a hangover!
Good advice you got on dealing with it. I am sure we have all been there in some form or fashion as some point. I certainly have done my share of uber stupid things when I thought I had it all pulled together. Just think what fun you will have plotting a great NZ birthday surprise for Joe!
I am so glad it wasn't anything worse than that. I kept thinking you were supposed to be gone, but was kinda afraid to ask thinking it was the storm or something worse that was keeping you home. Glad it wasn't the "worse".
Linda - sorry Cali is so sick and hope she feels better soon. Momma always knows best and you were smart to follow your instincts and take her to the doggy doc. Also, love your sentiment about the women here! Such a wonderful group and I feel so blessed already to "know" you all just the little bit I have been able to participate the last two months. Really looking forward to being able to train again and share that too!
So in honor of the fact that we have pix again!!!! I took my boys (and two of their friends) hiking at Shakertown on Sunday afternoon partly for fun for them and partly as a recon mission for me. There are some trails there, mostly designs for equestrian purposes, but I am hoping I can use them for running when I am able to start back. I put a few on FB too, so sorry if there are any repeats. BTW - how do I add the little FB link to my page?
So I have to run through this or stop and take off my shoes and socks and wade through to get to a really cool 4 mile path through a gorgeous field on the other side. The boys thought it was tons of fun to go wading in November!
and last! I think I may have finally made headway into the Infinit eating mouse population! HA! I haven't caught one for a few days since I found this little critter exactly as is a few days ago.... so I am either thinning the population down or they are getting smarter - either way - my Infinit has not been bothered lately
Have a great day everyone!
OMG Robin, the mouse picture is hysterical! Poor thing, but then again...vermin leads to his brother and sister and and kids, and more kids.... Meeces tore the Myoplex to pieces again last night. Our traps are out again too!
Tracy, oh Tracy, I SO hear you on the crazy competitors. You won't find that here at all. For real. Those people are TOXIC in a big way. Stay. Away. I was at a sprint tri a few years age, and I won my age group. After the awards, a woman came up to me and said, every woman over 50 here just groaned when you showed up. I was like, "yeah, congrats to you too." Actually, I said nothing. It also happened to be my worst sprint ever, but I didn't want to say that, and sound like I was rubbing it in. That kind of thing is in my top 5 rules of life to stay away from. Always.
Keith is still setting up the repaired CT. I hope he hurries up cuz I gotta ride, cuz I gotta go to work!
haha! the mouse is funny. totally sad but not what I was expecting over the morning coffee either.
turned cold here... okay so about 75 on Sunday and a high of 47 today and without a trainer, 3 x 10 bike hard???? in 12 mph winds in 43?? cloudy and DH says no, we is gonna go swimming!! yuck weather out there AND I woke up cold. it is 41 out there and yeay yeah, not cold but when compared to shorts the other day and washng my car, it is!!!
okay I don't have a large singlet Carrie but somebody does!! good Day to everybody and the shower story is funny btw
Thought this would make you guys smile. I'm sitting here at a client with my running Capri tights on under my pants, and a jog bra on so I don't cheese out of running later today! Hee, hee.
m- you need to update your profile or some such thing so you can get you name back up in lights rather than becoming known as the dash lady.
M- wrote on the other post too, but I think you need to click on +add reply box below the name and picture of the last person who posted when you want to include link, pix and such. I think you are using the quick reply box which does not have all the goodies! Try that and send us some pix - you must be going into withdrawl and so am I
edit - COOOOOOL! Who knew - if you type in the fake sideways smiley on your keyboard it comes out all right side up and yellow - JOY - oh the simple things in life that make me happy
Morning Ladies. OK, first an update. Joe just called and said all the paperwork is now in the governments hands. They told him to return at 2:00 and it should be ready to be picked up. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed that there are no bumps!!!
Oh that poor little mouse! I know- has to be done, but ugh that's so sad! Yesterday a little bird flew into my office window. He sat on the ledge a little shook up and when he seemed recovered I tried to shoo him away so he wouldn't fly back into the window again. Little did I know the whole reason he had flown into the window and had not taken flight again was because Otto had chased him there!
As soon as he flew away, Otto (who had been hiding) leaped up and grabbed him!
I LEAPED out of my chair and raced outside to save the little bird. Otto hadn't harmed him yet so I was able to get him back to a tree where he would be safe and then put Otto back into house arrest.
Carrie- I don't have a Large- but someone here must! Can anyone help Carrie out? Gotta make sure she represents at COZ!!!!
Finally- doing a major happy dance now that we have pics again!!!!! YEA HA!!! Marianne, you should see that little mountain button at the very end of the formatting buttons. You'll only see the formatting buttons if you do a "Reply". If you do a "quick reply" they don't show.
I know it shouldn't but that little mouse makes me sad. His cute little mouse legs hanging out.
Like the others said, it must be done though. I know he has a huge family....eeeww!
Linda - that is awesome that you have your running clothes hidden under your work clothes. I'm impressed!
RnP had a L singlet and its in the mail for me! Woohoo. Happy to check that off my list. I can wear the M with a push up bra if we ever need to recruit for the team though! ha