out the door for 2nd mt bike race here in 25' . going with DH and he has to back early so maybe no post race socializing...!! 9.8 miles!! I amthinking of it as my "interval" work and just another tng opportunity!! When I return I will check on IM AZ peeps but thinking of Gina and Su!! m
Robin - Cute! Too much cute! Black labs are so lovely. I also noticed Muncie is your "A" race. You may have company -- I am thinking of doing the aquabike there are prep for IMWI.
Marianne - I can't wait to hear about the race -- with full illustration, of course.
Gina and Su -- Happy racing! I love that ironman used to be this abstract thing cool people did. Today it gets to be Gina, Su and Jeff's race.
Biking for me today because I ran my vdot test yesterday. That one wiped me out, but I solidly broke 24:00. My new vdot put EP at 9:59 and interval pace is 7:XX fast. I'm thinking of the new numbers as giving up the 10:XX pacing and getting to explore the 7:XX. When did I learn to run this fast? Wasn't I just doing couch to 5k? Good omen for new vdot? The Wisconsin football fans in their badger red were already tailgating for the afternoon game against Northwestern. If Madison came to me, the least I could do was run fast.
Testing completely wiped me out. I made my fingers hurt and walked almost all the way home. Almost. There is about two blocks of my usual return running route, between a stop sign and the part where I should start walking to cool down. This part is mine. No matter what the workout, I have given myself permission to do whatever I want here. Some days, it is walking. Most days, it is hard, happy sprinting. Yesterday, I walked half and managed one of the prettiest sprints to the end. Those legs, they always seem to have something left.
Cute cute puppy. I'm jealous about NZ but so happy your passport came and you got to go....excited for IM AZ and for everyone who now has power!!!!! OK...does that cover everything that I missed by not being on for only three days??? You guys are busy!
Question: 1st...I have the most pathetically low vdot of anyone in the haus, but it's mine and I love it. Anyway. My first test put me at 22 and yesterday I ran the Turkey Trot in Prior Lake, MN and upped it to 28, cutting over 2 min/mile off my pace and that was on a very ROLLING course. Anyway, when I updated tests with my new "stuff" my zones didn't update? Any thoughts?
BTW...I love all the "you know you are a triathlete when....." I have been looking for a sweatshirt for our youngest daughter for one of her Christmas presents and one I found had the pics for swim bike and run and the iron distances beneath each pictures and under that it said, "Oh...you ran a marathon.....how cute...." Anyway my favorite was one that said, no sitting no socks....T1 which is totally her. Her pet peeve is when I sit down in transition....I've got over 30 years on the gal....who does she think she is???? Oh she is the gal that was 4th woman finisher yesterday in the race and smoked me, trotted back to run in with me.....and was cute doing it...darn youth!!!!
Carrie---Prayer and positive vibes going out to you and Steve's mom. The power of the human heart and spirit to heal is immeasurable.
Robin---Sooo cute that puppy is! I think lab puppies evolved to be cute so we don't want to punish them when they chew up our gear.
Beth and Sheryl---Big congrats on both of your new Vdots! Beth, it's amazing the reserves our bodies have even when our mind says that we're tired.
Sheryl--the data tool zones...Did you input your Turkey Trot data as a new test or as an edit to your initial run test? I think if you just make it a new test you should get the new zones.
I keep saying that I'm gonna pack up my mountain bike for the winter, but the weather has been so great I tells ya! After YEARS of chasing boys on bikes (not there's anything wrong with that--it does make you a better rider), I've serendipitiously fallen into a group of women mtb riders. Now mtb has a whole new SOCIAL aspect to it that I just love. 6 of us gals rode yesterday. 4 of us just rode for 2+ hours this morning. So fun! I'm still able to do execute all my workouts and figure that the mtb makes up for any TSS I'm not getting by running in the pool instead of running on land.
Cute little doggy! I love their velvet-y snouts and ears!
I'm supposed to be resting today for my FTP test tomorrow...but I am getting drawn in by the pre-Thanksgiving cleaning spree. That, and banana bread. (Bian saw a deal on about 2.5 lbs. of bananas for $1 yesterday and he brought them home "so you can make banana bread." OK honey! I'm fine with it, really, it just makes me laugh.) I'm eagerly awaiting more news from Tempe....Can't believe we'll be watching Ironman racing again next weekend already!
You gals are all kicking butt on the run tests and workouts!!!
Oh and this pesky forum is still not working too well for me. I have it set to show me the most recent post first but whenever I click into this thread I get dumped into some post in the middle of the thread and have to hunt around for the most recent. Annoying.
Hello from Te Anu New Zealand!!! I don't have time to catch up on all the goings on, but did want to pop in to say Hello and let you all know we are having a WONDERFUL time! Only 2 full days here and I'm already trying to figure out how to move here permanently! It's a triathlete paradise! OK- gotta go, getting ready for a long hike today!
In my little world: Steve's Mom is still in the hospital, 11 days. Can't return home alone. Has no finances. We have offered to care for her and have her live with us. Steve's sister wants to first. So we will go that route and then may transition to our home. Lots of prayer, big decisions, has brought Steve and I even closer. He is amazing and I am so glad I married him.
Having some tests done on me. Had two rounds now and third is Monday. Will fill you in more larer. Just asking for your prayers.
Carrie, praying for you and your family. Such difficult decisions. Hang in there. Sounds like you are staying positive!
uploading pics and video now but finished 2nd mt bike race!! will report later but a great "workout" as my HR wAS SKY HIGH I STINK so heading to the shower as when I got home washed the car and the bike due to nice weather!!! let me tell you I have no idea how I did it, but the 9.8 miles took me 1:34 so my run pace is still just about the same!! hilarious and Have more tales. but smell too bad to tell you. yes will pray for you Sheryl and keep us posted on "tests" I don't like the sound of that word!!.....
WOW - that little topic review button is DA BOMB! Now I don't have to try to remember it all
Yes, puppy is cute - especially since she is lying at my feet asleep right now. Yes, Kristen she is trouble in a fur suit for sure! Going to make this quick so I can get my pilates/yoga stuff in before I head off for the rest of the day (ending at approx. 8:30 tonight post Boy Scouts!).
Looks like Gina had a great race and can't wait to hear all about it!!! Sounded like the drafting definitely was a MUCHO GRANDE PROBLEMO though.
Congrats on the new Vdots to Sheryl and Beth!! Woo Hoo - great jobs there. Sheryl - I don't think the number itself matters as much as how much you improve on that number and your improvement was HUGE!! Beth - I would love to think I can break 25:00 someday - we'll see. Can't wait to see you at Muncie! I hope that works out for you do the race. Side note - I have a really good friend that lives in Evanston and was up there visiting her last summer. I had some of the nicest runs through the NW campus and along the lake. She is not a runner, but a cyclist - however I flew up there so did not take my bike. How cool that NW beat the Badgers at home - very BIG!
M - Looking forward to the MB race video and pix! and hope Nemo had a great hike.
MRI tomorrow and results Wednesday - keep your fingers crossed for me!
PS - got the Thanksgiving grocery shopping done this morning right after I dropped the kids at school! Go me - did not PROCRASTINATE on that one! Now I just have to start the actual cooking part - I feel the procrastination coming on.........
So....sharing a grateful moment with you all. Saturday while my daughter and I were running the Turkey Trot 5K, a friend of hers was finishing up the harvest on the family farm. He took a curve to fast on with the grain semi and rolled the thing twice. When he was over last night and we saw the pictures I just about threw up. I'm surprised that he only had to have 4 stitches and wasn't airlifted from the scene. What went unsaid was that he has asked our daughter on several occasions to "ride along" to drop the load off at the grain elevator. She has always had something going on and in fact he had asked her the night before if she was interested in going on Saturday. Much thanks because the passenger side of the cab of the semi was completely obliterated. I truly believe she would have been critically injured if not killed. I'm so grateful that this kid is ok. My husband kept looking at the pictures and saying..."wow...oh my word...." Finally he looked at the kid and said, "Son...God has a plan for you...." Anyway...every time I think of it I get the shakes and am so grateful this kid is ok. In fact, within two hours of the accident he was out helping to clean up the load of corn and back in a truck and drove until 11:30 p.m. Life is unpredictable.....
Wow, Sheryl that's quite a roll that could have ended tragically. Thanks on Thursday = extra special. Glad everyone is OK.
I cannot wait to hear from Gina and Su. IM #2 IN THE BOOKS! She mentioned facing some challenges out there, and I hope her leg is OK. I really want to know what she thought of AZ, the course, etc. The guys did awesome too. Great day for the team over all.
Shhhhh...swam again today with my friends in masters. 1700m, so nothing too much. Really working on form and having fun. I keep it way less than taxing. The last set was 12 x 100, I got out after 5 when I hit 1700. Just enough.
Casey is home sick today, but seems to be on the mend. It's not the piggy flu. Grant comes home from Colby tomorrow, Ryan will make an appearance for the holiday, so all four boys will be here. Taking Cali to the vet AGAIN in a few minutes--ocular discharge and and a reddish eye. Likely conjunctivitis. Best to check it out before it becomes something more awful.
race report is up on the forum of mt bike and dog. smile. doing chores today and about to make fudge!!!! can I keep it til thursday?? gotta pick up a son from a friend's so no time to chat but have read everybody's stuff and yes waiting on Gina's report!!! m
just wanted to say a quick Hi from AZ. At starbucks before heading back to tucson. Back to Baltimore Tuesday. Beautiful weather, miss it out here
Got to see Gina finish with a. Hung at the finishline til MN. Hung with RnP for a bit at mile 24ish. Saw Rudy the double amputee finish. Fun cheering for those with EN kit. My friend Alli a non ENer had a 2 hr PR. ( she used power, and her coach had her doing similar EN strategy for pacing.) All inspiring!
I have new Kswiss running shoes. So far, they are Da Bomb!!!!! Feel like slippers on my feet. Need more time with them but so far so good.
just wanted to say a quick Hi from AZ. At starbucks before heading back to tucson. Back to Baltimore Tuesday. Beautiful weather, miss it out here
Got to see Gina finish with a. Hung at the finishline til MN. Hung with RnP for a bit at mile 24ish. Saw Rudy the double amputee finish. Fun cheering for those with EN kit. My friend Alli a non ENer had a 2 hr PR. ( she used power, and her coach had her doing similar EN strategy for pacing.) All inspiring!
I have new Kswiss running shoes. So far, they are Da Bomb!!!!! Feel like slippers on my feet. Need more time with them but so far so good.
Will catch up more later. Hope all are well
Ahhh....I want to try the Kswiss...but I'm I heavy runner who pronates...think they will work for someone like that? Sounds like you had a fantastic time!
I will do a full race report after we get settled in back home. Here is a short recap:
The morning was in the 50s with clear skies and light wind @ the start. Water temp was a "balmy" 63 degrees and this is an in water start. People were waiting until the last to get inwe hit the water ~ 3 min before the cannon.
The swim: TOTAL slugfest. I got clocked in the back, on the legs, back of head. Su got her goggles kicked halfway off and kicked in the nose. Water never seemed cold though.It should be an easy swim, but because of the narrowness of the lake the field stays pretty compacted.
The bike: Essentially flat, 3 loop course. RnP spoke about the "false flat" up the Beeline highway and the winds. They were certainly correct about that!! As predicted, people went hammering by on the first 2 loops and then faded on the third. Good roads. Drafting like there was no tomorrow!! I finally saw 2 people in a penalty tent as I began my 3rd loop. The course was a bit mentally challenging by the 3rd loop, but I suppose that is the case in any IM distance.
The run: 3 loop course in and around Tempe. A mixture of asphalt, concrete, and a crushed gravel path. It was scenic, even after sunset as you could see the Tempe skyline across the lake.
Overall the venue is great, although my sister's said it was harder than Florida to get to us because it was SO packed with spectators. We did get to see everyone 3 times on the bike and the run which was a lifesaver. The volunteers and crowd support were outstanding!!
The good and no so good: Su rocked her first IM in 13:12:47. I knew she would do well and I am SO proud of her I could pop. Last night she said she was "one and done". Today she said she knows she can go sub-13
For me it was not so pretty. It's funny, that all of the things I worried about pre-race, were non-issues. The short version is I battled nausea from mile 40 on the bike until the end and it was a tough way to spend the day. I am VERY dissapointed in my time as I thought I would do much better in my 2nd IM.But I am not going to minimize the accomplishment of finishing. And when I did finish and Su was standing @ ;the back of the chute smiling and waiting, well then it made it all worthwhile.
That is the short version. We are both REALLY sore and tired today, happy to be IM finishers though.
I will do a full race report after we get settled in back home. Here is a short recap:
The morning was in the 50s with clear skies and light wind @ the start. Water temp was a "balmy" 63 degrees and this is an in water start. People were waiting until the last to get inwe hit the water ~ 3 min before the cannon.
The swim: TOTAL slugfest. I got clocked in the back, on the legs, back of head. Su got her goggles kicked halfway off and kicked in the nose. Water never seemed cold though.It should be an easy swim, but because of the narrowness of the lake the field stays pretty compacted.
The bike: Essentially flat, 3 loop course. RnP spoke about the "false flat" up the Beeline highway and the winds. They were certainly correct about that!! As predicted, people went hammering by on the first 2 loops and then faded on the third. Good roads. Drafting like there was no tomorrow!! I finally saw 2 people in a penalty tent as I began my 3rd loop. The course was a bit mentally challenging by the 3rd loop, but I suppose that is the case in any IM distance.
The run: 3 loop course in and around Tempe. A mixture of asphalt, concrete, and a crushed gravel path. It was scenic, even after sunset as you could see the Tempe skyline across the lake.
Overall the venue is great, although my sister's said it was harder than Florida to get to us because it was SO packed with spectators. We did get to see everyone 3 times on the bike and the run which was a lifesaver. The volunteers and crowd support were outstanding!!
The good and no so good: Su rocked her first IM in 13:12:47. I knew she would do well and I am SO proud of her I could pop. Last night she said she was "one and done". Today she said she knows she can go sub-13
For me it was not so pretty. It's funny, that all of the things I worried about pre-race, were non-issues. The short version is I battled nausea from mile 40 on the bike until the end and it was a tough way to spend the day. I am VERY dissapointed in my time as I thought I would do much better in my 2nd IM.But I am not going to minimize the accomplishment of finishing. And when I did finish and Su was standing @ ;the back of the chute smiling and waiting, well then it made it all worthwhile.
That is the short version. We are both REALLY sore and tired today, happy to be IM finishers though.
More details later!!
This made me cry. Good job to both of you!!!! Very exciting!! Very....
Gina and Su! Cheers! However the day went, what a great accomplishment.(Gina, I had no idea you signed Su up for Wisconsin before she finished her first Ironman!)
Robin - sub 25:00 is so yours. What is your vdot now? And the path behind Northwestern is my favorite. I never get tired of that run. It is so cool to have a chicka who knows my route.
Linda - So happy no swine flu and hope everyone is better for Thursday.
Marianne, ladies -- Again, you are making those mountain bikes look like a lot of fun.
I wrote this in the November Forum, but will share again: After many, many, many tests, Mac's (BF) mom is on the lung transplant list! I absolutely adore this woman and can't imagine what life would be without her. And now there's more life to be had!
Gina and Su - thought of you ladies all day yesterday. So happy for you two!
We are locked and loaded. Bikes are packed, luggage and everything in the truck, toes painted red, ready to get on the plane to Cozumel in the morning!
Daniel and I, my former MIL, and a bunch of Daniel's work friends are all attempting IMCOZ! I'll post pics manana! (tomorrow)
Ok, finally back online and in the saddle... laptop woes this weekend (sorry Gina- really wanted to piece together a special EN chicka race msg- guess I'll have to start working on IMWI '10!!)
Won a gift cert for massage Fri night at wrap up for Trail race series (woohoo!!) Knocked out my 22 miler on Sat- great weather, lots of hills, alittle upset tummy (can't seem to find the right gel combo....) Not too sore and super glad to have my last, longest run- yah!!!! Also got together for a post race celebration for the 200 mile relay. (Already have 72 teams signed up for 2010- check it out if you'd like to come visit us y'all http://www.bourbonchase.com/) Great time with some incredible (and yes authentic) Mexican food. YUM! Good thing I did that long run!
So excited to see IMAZ results too! Can't believe Cozumel will be here before we know it!
M- congrats to you & Heather on your MTB race!
Carrie/Beth- Thoughts and prayers with you and the family from your EN family!
Linda- you are most certainly up there for Puppy Mom of the year!!
To all my EN chickas- I am thankful to find a virtual home & family like none I could have dreamed existed. I am thankful for each and everyone of your brave, funny and challenging stories. I admire and respect you all!
KrisF, okay you are gonna have to pack some Pepto bismol.... I think that is normal sometimes to be a bit queasy!! maybe gels with no caffeine? just thin king aloud here. rudy the dog is a lot of work!!! I have googled Irish Setters and basically he is like me and needs outside time to behave!! so this morning taking him to the dog park and going to run from there with him and then let him loose in there to burn off energy cuz rain in forecast and have checked with Petsmart about some "coaching" $$ but I think worth it. Last night when hubby came home, 9 p.m. I was laid out on the carpet in LR with Rudy as my pillow doing some IT stretches. He likes to be physically close to people! so when the neighbor girl came over and Grace not home, I told her she could come in and playwith Rudy!!! both were happy and I could get some chores done!! He wants to sleep with people too so slept with my son! apparently also a good therapy dog and I can see why. I am thinking frisbee since really he wants to go and chase birds and squirrels! my son likes to hunt so maybe he will field trial train him. anyway enough of dog!!! I am hoping to stretch post run while he is running loose in fenced dog park! nobody out I am sure. supposed to bike today but I think rain so will swim with DH at masters swim. made the fudge yesterday and yum it has been a year!! okay gotta scoot. love to all. m
M-- you're so right. A tired puppy is a good puppy! I have to run Cali out every day--doggie run with her friends in the morning, ball throwing or run with me in the pm, and some walks in between! She is EXACTLY like me! I would say three things:
Doggie obedience--absolutely
Prong Collar--a must until he's trained. It's a good tool
TONS of free video and articles on www.leerburg.com. This guys is saving my life! I basically don't have to go to doggie class--just do his training. She is such a well-behaved doggie due to this (most of the time ). I bought "The Power of Training Your Dog with Food.," and am just about done with it. It's 4 hours, so we watched in increments--riveting like a thriller. Check it out on the site, and if you would like to watch it, I'll loan it to you. Just let me know and I'll send it along. You can learn a lot about doggie training without leaving the house! I love that little Rudy too!
Did the 2x12 this morning, and am afraid to look at the numbers. Legs were not feeling the love today! Happy Tuesday!
I bought "The Power of Training Your Dog with Food.," and am just about done with it. It's 4 hours, so we watched in increments--riveting like a thriller. Check it out on the site, and if you would like to watch it, I'll loan it to you. Just let me know and I'll send it along.
I think my mom musta watched this when I was young..... Good, I always knew there was some reason I responded to chocolate!
Hi girls. Lots of doggie stories. I really wish that I wasn’t so allergic to everything cute and fuzzy!!! When I had my allergies tested the two worst reactions were to cats and dogs. Not fun. I am sure that if I wanted to put myself through it I could get a pet go through some acupuncture or something and would eventually adapt. Unfortunately that’s not something I want to try….especially while trying to train. It sucks because I LOVE them. All of these allergies hit when I was in college. That’s an actual documented thing apparently, “the spring break phenomenon.” Who knew?
So proud of you Gina. I am so sorry that you weren’t feeling 100% during your race. Wow though, the will that you clearly have to push on under the circumstances; that’s an Iron spirit. I hope you and Su are enjoying your downtime and that you eat WELL on Thanksgiving to help with recovery!
Got my FTP test done yesterday. Can’t believe it’s in the books already. Please with the additional 6 watts I’ve picked up and hungry for more. Doing the run test on Thursday at our local Turkey Trot and just hoping, hoping, hoping that it doesn’t end up being too crowded to run a test effort. I’m thinking I’ll try to get to the front at the start with the fast people and then assume that once they sprint away, I’ll have a bit of empty space in front of me.
Kris-when’s your marathon again? It’s just a couple of weeks right? You’re a running maniac I tell you. You FULLY deserve the massage. AAHHHH. Not sure what to recommend about the gels and stuff. Does your tummy feel upset whenever one of those hits it? Or is it only later in the run? Do you fee low on energy too? What are you doing for liquids?
Kris-when’s your marathon again? It’s just a couple of weeks right? You’re a running maniac I tell you. You FULLY deserve the massage. AAHHHH. Not sure what to recommend about the gels and stuff. Does your tummy feel upset whenever one of those hits it? Or is it only later in the run? Do you fee low on energy too? What are you doing for liquids?
Marathon is 2 weeks out- Dec 5th. My gel that I have been using is Accel Gel- great for the bike but can't stomach the protein in it on the non IM run pace. Tried out some First Endurance stuff this past weekend and it may work ok- if not, I'll have to go back to the standard Power gel. Love the Hammer but need caffiene! Tummy doesn't seem to tolerate any Pepto or whatnot so I'll just have to keep tinkering. You may have also hit something there with the fluids- I've been doing G-2 since my caloric needs are less. Unfortunately, they'll have Powerade at the race so may just have to hit water only and look to the gels for all my kcals. Also still have to work on hotel, or I'll be sleepin in the car. Just not enough hrs in the day right now!
I've been working with a lady this year who specializes in trigger point therapy (massage) which is wonderful for the muscles but ouchie!! is it painful. Think I'll save the gift cert for a foofy spa type massage after the race :-) Been a long time since I've done a spa day! A luxury NO woman should every go without every once in a while. We all deserve some pampering!
Kris--how abut Hammer get that you tolerate, and a caffeine (or half) caffeine tablet like Vivarin from time to time? I do really well with that strategy.
Kris: The Espresso and Tropical Hammer gel flavors have caffeine. Perhaps those could work for you. Hope you are resting up on your taper for your marathon---don't sleep in the car, honey!
Gina: So good to hear from you. Many of us (myself included) know the feeling of disappointment in an IM performance, but I must say that We are so so proud of you! Enjoy your recovery, chica.
KrisF-Have you ever tried the GU Roctane? You may have and not found it to agree with you, but I like it for the caffeine, the high amino acid content, few simple sugars (like hammer) and seems to work on my tummy. The flavors aren't the greatest though.
On another note, I have about a month of EN to catch up on and never seem to have time to do it. I haven't even written a RR from Beach to Battleship yet!! You ladies have all been busy and doing cool stuff as usual. Can't wait to hear more about AZ, Gina. And Nemo, I'm jealous about NZ!! It's on my list for "someday".
Seems like a lot of the forum kinks are worked out, but I have got a lot of learning to do!! Have a great day everyone.
out the door for 2nd mt bike race here in 25' . going with DH and he has to back early so maybe no post race socializing...!! 9.8 miles!!
I amthinking of it as my "interval" work and just another tng opportunity!! When I return I will check on IM AZ peeps but thinking of Gina and Su!! m
Carrie - Good thoughts coming your way.
Robin - Cute! Too much cute! Black labs are so lovely. I also noticed Muncie is your "A" race. You may have company -- I am thinking of doing the aquabike there are prep for IMWI.
Marianne - I can't wait to hear about the race -- with full illustration, of course.
Gina and Su -- Happy racing! I love that ironman used to be this abstract thing cool people did. Today it gets to be Gina, Su and Jeff's race.
Biking for me today because I ran my vdot test yesterday. That one wiped me out, but I solidly broke 24:00.
My new vdot put EP at 9:59 and interval pace is 7:XX fast. I'm thinking of the new numbers as giving up the 10:XX pacing and getting to explore the 7:XX. When did I learn to run this fast? Wasn't I just doing couch to 5k? Good omen for new vdot? The Wisconsin football fans in their badger red were already tailgating for the afternoon game against Northwestern. If Madison came to me, the least I could do was run fast.
Testing completely wiped me out. I made my fingers hurt and walked almost all the way home. Almost. There is about two blocks of my usual return running route, between a stop sign and the part where I should start walking to cool down. This part is mine. No matter what the workout, I have given myself permission to do whatever I want here. Some days, it is walking. Most days, it is hard, happy sprinting. Yesterday, I walked half and managed one of the prettiest sprints to the end. Those legs, they always seem to have something left.
OK...figured out how to enlarge the font....
Cute cute puppy. I'm jealous about NZ but so happy your passport came and you got to go....excited for IM AZ and for everyone who now has power!!!!! OK...does that cover everything that I missed by not being on for only three days??? You guys are busy!
Question: 1st...I have the most pathetically low vdot of anyone in the haus, but it's mine and I love it. Anyway. My first test put me at 22 and yesterday I ran the Turkey Trot in Prior Lake, MN and upped it to 28, cutting over 2 min/mile off my pace and that was on a very ROLLING course. Anyway, when I updated tests with my new "stuff" my zones didn't update? Any thoughts?
BTW...I love all the "you know you are a triathlete when....." I have been looking for a sweatshirt for our youngest daughter for one of her Christmas presents and one I found had the pics for swim bike and run and the iron distances beneath each pictures and under that it said, "Oh...you ran a marathon.....how cute...." Anyway my favorite was one that said, no sitting no socks....T1 which is totally her. Her pet peeve is when I sit down in transition....I've got over 30 years on the gal....who does she think she is???? Oh she is the gal that was 4th woman finisher yesterday in the race and smoked me, trotted back to run in with me.....and was cute doing it...darn youth!!!!
Carrie---Prayer and positive vibes going out to you and Steve's mom. The power of the human heart and spirit to heal is immeasurable.
Robin---Sooo cute that puppy is! I think lab puppies evolved to be cute so we don't want to punish them when they chew up our gear.
Beth and Sheryl---Big congrats on both of your new Vdots! Beth, it's amazing the reserves our bodies have even when our mind says that we're tired.
Sheryl--the data tool zones...Did you input your Turkey Trot data as a new test or as an edit to your initial run test? I think if you just make it a new test you should get the new zones.
I keep saying that I'm gonna pack up my mountain bike for the winter, but the weather has been so great I tells ya! After YEARS of chasing boys on bikes (not there's anything wrong with that--it does make you a better rider), I've serendipitiously fallen into a group of women mtb riders. Now mtb has a whole new SOCIAL aspect to it that I just love. 6 of us gals rode yesterday. 4 of us just rode for 2+ hours this morning. So fun! I'm still able to do execute all my workouts and figure that the mtb makes up for any TSS I'm not getting by running in the pool instead of running on land.
Time to check in on the IMAZ peeps...
Cute little doggy! I love their velvet-y snouts and ears!
I'm supposed to be resting today for my FTP test tomorrow...but I am getting drawn in by the pre-Thanksgiving cleaning spree. That, and banana bread. (Bian saw a deal on about 2.5 lbs. of bananas for $1 yesterday and he brought them home "so you can make banana bread." OK honey! I'm fine with it, really, it just makes me laugh.) I'm eagerly awaiting more news from Tempe....Can't believe we'll be watching Ironman racing again next weekend already!
You gals are all kicking butt on the run tests and workouts!!!
Oh and this pesky forum is still not working too well for me. I have it set to show me the most recent post first but whenever I click into this thread I get dumped into some post in the middle of the thread and have to hunt around for the most recent. Annoying.
Hello from Te Anu New Zealand!!! I don't have time to catch up on all the goings on, but did want to pop in to say Hello and let you all know we are having a WONDERFUL time! Only 2 full days here and I'm already trying to figure out how to move here permanently! It's a triathlete paradise! OK- gotta go, getting ready for a long hike today!
uploading pics and video now but finished 2nd mt bike race!! will report later but a great "workout" as my HR wAS SKY HIGH I STINK so heading to the shower as when I got home washed the car and the bike due to nice weather!!! let me tell you I have no idea how I did it, but the 9.8 miles took me 1:34 so my run pace is still just about the same!! hilarious and Have more tales. but smell too bad to tell you. yes will pray for you Sheryl and keep us posted on "tests" I don't like the sound of that word!!.....
WOW - that little topic review button is DA BOMB! Now I don't have to try to remember it all
Yes, puppy is cute - especially since she is lying at my feet asleep right now. Yes, Kristen she is trouble in a fur suit for sure! Going to make this quick so I can get my pilates/yoga stuff in before I head off for the rest of the day (ending at approx. 8:30 tonight post Boy Scouts!).
Looks like Gina had a great race and can't wait to hear all about it!!! Sounded like the drafting definitely was a MUCHO GRANDE PROBLEMO though.
Congrats on the new Vdots to Sheryl and Beth!! Woo Hoo - great jobs there. Sheryl - I don't think the number itself matters as much as how much you improve on that number and your improvement was HUGE!! Beth - I would love to think I can break 25:00 someday - we'll see. Can't wait to see you at Muncie! I hope that works out for you do the race. Side note - I have a really good friend that lives in Evanston and was up there visiting her last summer. I had some of the nicest runs through the NW campus and along the lake. She is not a runner, but a cyclist - however I flew up there so did not take my bike. How cool that NW beat the Badgers at home - very BIG!
M - Looking forward to the MB race video and pix! and hope Nemo had a great hike.
MRI tomorrow and results Wednesday - keep your fingers crossed for me!
PS - got the Thanksgiving grocery shopping done this morning right after I dropped the kids at school! Go me - did not PROCRASTINATE on that one! Now I just have to start the actual cooking part - I feel the procrastination coming on.........
So....sharing a grateful moment with you all. Saturday while my daughter and I were running the Turkey Trot 5K, a friend of hers was finishing up the harvest on the family farm. He took a curve to fast on with the grain semi and rolled the thing twice. When he was over last night and we saw the pictures I just about threw up. I'm surprised that he only had to have 4 stitches and wasn't airlifted from the scene. What went unsaid was that he has asked our daughter on several occasions to "ride along" to drop the load off at the grain elevator. She has always had something going on and in fact he had asked her the night before if she was interested in going on Saturday. Much thanks because the passenger side of the cab of the semi was completely obliterated. I truly believe she would have been critically injured if not killed. I'm so grateful that this kid is ok. My husband kept looking at the pictures and saying..."wow...oh my word...." Finally he looked at the kid and said, "Son...God has a plan for you...." Anyway...every time I think of it I get the shakes and am so grateful this kid is ok. In fact, within two hours of the accident he was out helping to clean up the load of corn and back in a truck and drove until 11:30 p.m. Life is unpredictable.....
Wow, Sheryl that's quite a roll that could have ended tragically. Thanks on Thursday = extra special. Glad everyone is OK.
I cannot wait to hear from Gina and Su. IM #2 IN THE BOOKS! She mentioned facing some challenges out there, and I hope her leg is OK. I really want to know what she thought of AZ, the course, etc. The guys did awesome too. Great day for the team over all.
Shhhhh...swam again today with my friends in masters. 1700m, so nothing too much. Really working on form and having fun. I keep it way less than taxing. The last set was 12 x 100, I got out after 5 when I hit 1700. Just enough.
Casey is home sick today, but seems to be on the mend. It's not the piggy flu. Grant comes home from Colby tomorrow, Ryan will make an appearance for the holiday, so all four boys will be here.
Taking Cali to the vet AGAIN in a few minutes--ocular discharge and and a reddish eye. Likely conjunctivitis. Best to check it out before it becomes something more awful.
Thinking of you today, Carrie sweetie. xoxoxoxoxo
More latah!
just wanted to say a quick Hi from AZ. At starbucks before heading back to tucson. Back to Baltimore Tuesday. Beautiful weather, miss it out here
Got to see Gina finish with a
. Hung at the finishline til MN. Hung with RnP for a bit at mile 24ish. Saw Rudy the double amputee finish. Fun cheering for those with EN kit. My friend Alli a non ENer had a 2 hr PR. ( she used power, and her coach had her doing similar EN strategy for pacing.) All inspiring!
I have new Kswiss running shoes. So far, they are Da Bomb!!!!! Feel like slippers on my feet. Need more time with them but so far so good.
Will catch up more later. Hope all are well
Ahhh....I want to try the Kswiss...but I'm I heavy runner who pronates...think they will work for someone like that? Sounds like you had a fantastic time!
Hello everyone !!
I will do a full race report after we get settled in back home. Here is a short recap:
The morning was in the 50s with clear skies and light wind @ the start. Water temp was a "balmy" 63 degrees and this is an in water start. People were waiting until the last to get in we hit the water ~ 3 min before the cannon.
The swim: TOTAL slugfest. I got clocked in the back, on the legs, back of head. Su got her goggles kicked halfway off and kicked in the nose. Water never seemed cold though. It should be an easy swim, but because of the narrowness of the lake the field stays pretty compacted.
The bike: Essentially flat, 3 loop course. RnP spoke about the "false flat" up the Beeline highway and the winds. They were certainly correct about that!! As predicted, people went hammering by on the first 2 loops and then faded on the third. Good roads. Drafting like there was no tomorrow!! I finally saw 2 people in a penalty tent as I began my 3rd loop. The course was a bit mentally challenging by the 3rd loop, but I suppose that is the case in any IM distance.
The run: 3 loop course in and around Tempe. A mixture of asphalt, concrete, and a crushed gravel path. It was scenic, even after sunset as you could see the Tempe skyline across the lake.
Overall the venue is great, although my sister's said it was harder than Florida to get to us because it was SO packed with spectators. We did get to see everyone 3 times on the bike and the run which was a lifesaver. The volunteers and crowd support were outstanding!!
The good and no so good: Su rocked her first IM in 13:12:47. I knew she would do well and I am SO proud of her I could pop. Last night she said she was "one and done". Today she said she knows she can go sub-13
For me it was not so pretty. It's funny, that all of the things I worried about pre-race, were non-issues. The short version is I battled nausea from mile 40 on the bike until the end and it was a tough way to spend the day. I am VERY dissapointed in my time as I thought I would do much better in my 2nd IM. But I am not going to minimize the accomplishment of finishing. And when I did finish and Su was standing @ ;the back of the chute smiling and waiting, well then it made it all worthwhile.
That is the short version. We are both REALLY sore and tired today, happy to be IM finishers though.
More details later!!
This made me cry. Good job to both of you!!!! Very exciting!! Very....
Yay Gina and Su!
Carrie...thinking of you guys...
Gina and Su! Cheers! However the day went, what a great accomplishment.(Gina, I had no idea you signed Su up for Wisconsin before she finished her first Ironman!)
Robin - sub 25:00 is so yours. What is your vdot now? And the path behind Northwestern is my favorite. I never get tired of that run. It is so cool to have a chicka who knows my route.
Linda - So happy no swine flu and hope everyone is better for Thursday.
Marianne, ladies -- Again, you are making those mountain bikes look like a lot of fun.
I wrote this in the November Forum, but will share again: After many, many, many tests, Mac's (BF) mom is on the lung transplant list! I absolutely adore this woman and can't imagine what life would be without her. And now there's more life to be had!
#19 You go to meetings for your day job and have to edit yourself from saying things like "Ball up, vice president," and "Go big or go home."
Robin Esther is beautiful!
Gina and Su - thought of you ladies all day yesterday. So happy for you two!
We are locked and loaded. Bikes are packed, luggage and everything in the truck, toes painted red, ready to get on the plane to Cozumel in the morning!
Daniel and I, my former MIL, and a bunch of Daniel's work friends are all attempting IMCOZ! I'll post pics manana! (tomorrow)
Ok, finally back online and in the saddle... laptop woes this weekend (sorry Gina- really wanted to piece together a special EN chicka race msg- guess I'll have to start working on IMWI '10!!)
Won a gift cert for massage Fri night at wrap up for Trail race series (woohoo!!)
Knocked out my 22 miler on Sat- great weather, lots of hills, alittle upset tummy (can't seem to find the right gel combo....) Not too sore and super glad to have my last, longest run- yah!!!!
Also got together for a post race celebration for the 200 mile relay. (Already have 72 teams signed up for 2010- check it out if you'd like to come visit us y'all http://www.bourbonchase.com/) Great time with some incredible (and yes authentic) Mexican food. YUM! Good thing I did that long run!
So excited to see IMAZ results too! Can't believe Cozumel will be here before we know it!
M- congrats to you & Heather on your MTB race!
Carrie/Beth- Thoughts and prayers with you and the family from your EN family!
Linda- you are most certainly up there for Puppy Mom of the year!!
To all my EN chickas- I am thankful to find a virtual home & family like none I could have dreamed existed. I am thankful for each and everyone of your brave, funny and challenging stories. I admire and respect you all!
rudy the dog is a lot of work!!! I have googled Irish Setters and basically he is like me and needs outside time to behave!! so this morning taking him to the dog park and going to run from there with him and then let him loose in there to burn off energy cuz rain in forecast and have checked with Petsmart about some "coaching" $$ but I think worth it. Last night when hubby came home, 9 p.m. I was laid out on the carpet in LR with Rudy as my pillow doing some IT stretches. He likes to be physically close to people! so when the neighbor girl came over and Grace not home, I told her she could come in and playwith Rudy!!! both were happy and I could get some chores done!! He wants to sleep with people too so slept with my son! apparently also a good therapy dog and I can see why. I am thinking frisbee since really he wants to go and chase birds and squirrels! my son likes to hunt so maybe he will field trial train him. anyway enough of dog!!! I am hoping to stretch post run while he is running loose in fenced dog park! nobody out I am sure. supposed to bike today but I think rain so will swim with DH at masters swim. made the fudge yesterday and yum it has been a year!! okay gotta scoot. love to all. m
M-- you're so right. A tired puppy is a good puppy! I have to run Cali out every day--doggie run with her friends in the morning, ball throwing or run with me in the pm, and some walks in between! She is EXACTLY like me! I would say three things:
Doggie obedience--absolutely
Prong Collar--a must until he's trained. It's a good tool
TONS of free video and articles on www.leerburg.com. This guys is saving my life! I basically don't have to go to doggie class--just do his training. She is such a well-behaved doggie due to this (most of the time
). I bought "The Power of Training Your Dog with Food.," and am just about done with it. It's 4 hours, so we watched in increments--riveting like a thriller. Check it out on the site, and if you would like to watch it, I'll loan it to you. Just let me know and I'll send it along. You can learn a lot about doggie training without leaving the house! I love that little Rudy too!
Did the 2x12 this morning, and am afraid to look at the numbers. Legs were not feeling the love today! Happy Tuesday!
I think my mom musta watched this when I was young..... Good, I always knew there was some reason I responded to chocolate!
So proud of you Gina. I am so sorry that you weren’t feeling 100% during your race. Wow though, the will that you clearly have to push on under the circumstances; that’s an Iron spirit. I hope you and Su are enjoying your downtime and that you eat WELL on Thanksgiving to help with recovery!
Got my FTP test done yesterday. Can’t believe it’s in the books already. Please with the additional 6 watts I’ve picked up and hungry for more. Doing the run test on Thursday at our local Turkey Trot and just hoping, hoping, hoping that it doesn’t end up being too crowded to run a test effort. I’m thinking I’ll try to get to the front at the start with the fast people and then assume that once they sprint away, I’ll have a bit of empty space in front of me.
Kris-when’s your marathon again? It’s just a couple of weeks right? You’re a running maniac I tell you. You FULLY deserve the massage. AAHHHH. Not sure what to recommend about the gels and stuff. Does your tummy feel upset whenever one of those hits it? Or is it only later in the run? Do you fee low on energy too? What are you doing for liquids?
Marathon is 2 weeks out- Dec 5th. My gel that I have been using is Accel Gel- great for the bike but can't stomach the protein in it on the non IM run pace. Tried out some First Endurance stuff this past weekend and it may work ok- if not, I'll have to go back to the standard Power gel. Love the Hammer but need caffiene! Tummy doesn't seem to tolerate any Pepto or whatnot so I'll just have to keep tinkering. You may have also hit something there with the fluids- I've been doing G-2 since my caloric needs are less. Unfortunately, they'll have Powerade at the race so may just have to hit water only and look to the gels for all my kcals. Also still have to work on hotel, or I'll be sleepin in the car. Just not enough hrs in the day right now!
I've been working with a lady this year who specializes in trigger point therapy (massage) which is wonderful for the muscles but ouchie!! is it painful. Think I'll save the gift cert for a foofy spa type massage after the race :-) Been a long time since I've done a spa day! A luxury NO woman should every go without every once in a while. We all deserve some pampering!
Kris--how abut Hammer get that you tolerate, and a caffeine (or half) caffeine tablet like Vivarin from time to time? I do really well with that strategy.
Beth: Many prayers going out to Mac's mom
Kris: The Espresso and Tropical Hammer gel flavors have caffeine. Perhaps those could work for you. Hope you are resting up on your taper for your marathon---don't sleep in the car, honey!
Gina: So good to hear from you. Many of us (myself included) know the feeling of disappointment in an IM performance, but I must say that We are so so proud of you! Enjoy your recovery, chica.