Volvo update.....engine is dead, completely....$10,000 for a new one. Friend is quite ill thinking about it. This makes the inconvenience I experienced sitting by the crazy freeway miniscule by comparison.
Ugh...packing. I hate it. My husband and I haven't really travelled alone for about 20 years. It will be so WEIRD....better shave my legs....
Sheryl where are you going?? we missed that is this an anniv trip, spring break? bday? I am packing too but only half of my family is going to the beach!! but I think I will also have shaved legs!! lol. smile. m
@Gina- OK, so Susanna is perfect, we get it! :-) Seriously thought, it's a good reminder for all of us. My amenorrhea is almost certainly related to BC pills.
@Kristen- I find old IM videos really help me if I need to do a long trainer workout. Somehow seeing those guys on the Queen K keeps my legs turning over.
@Dana- 15 pounds since October is awesome. Big Congrats!
@Sheryl- yeah, I'm with Marianne- where are you going? Did I miss a memo (totally possible!!!) What a bummer for your friend! That's in the "pay to fix vs scrap and buy another car" realm that no one wants to be in- especially with a Volvo!
For the ladies who were on the conf call last night- it was soooooo wonderful to hear your voices! I hope the new gals got to know us a little better and will feel comfortable coming out to play with us!
Hi all! I sure have missed a lot of discussion in the past day! Couldn't come at a better time for me either, as I have lost my mojo, can't lose weight, and have only done one bike workout this last week of outseason, and no running!!! I feel like i"m in a black hole right now! Having lower back/piriformis issues, which I'm getting treated at p.t. for, and getting myofacial massage. Back to my old way of dealing with stress....eating anything and everything in sight!!! ARGH!!!! I'm a teacher, and we start spring break after today. I'm planning to rock some workouts this week. wondering if I should re-do my week 20 next week when I have the time to do so, and do some testing. Haven't tested since November? I think. Going to ask RnP what they think.
As for the weight thing...I have been up and down with it my entire life. Still have 30 more lbs. to drop before IMLOU and it seems impossible!!! I lose a few lbs. then sabbotage myself, eating crap I shouldn't!
I appreciate all of the support here in the Ladie's forum! Perhaps I can rejuvenate the mojo this coming week! Have a great Friday everyone!!!! Catch you all later!
Happy Friday everyone! So sorry to have had to miss last nights call. Sounds like lots of good chicka mojo all the way round! Read a neat blog post this morning that I wanted to share. Some good, happy thoughts!!
@sheryl - a new engine... yikes! that happened to me once, with my fist car when I was a dumb teenager (no one told me about the 3 month oil change thing - and it was an 84 Buick without bells and whistles to tell me it was time for a maintenance trip). Since there was zippo oil, the engine block cracked. I can't believe I don't still get heat about that from my dad or brothers.
I'm sorry I missed the call yesterday - I don't think I knew about it (but I am new to this forum)... it's been great getting to know you all via this thread.
As I think about this whole crazy weight thing I figure we're probably in the top percentages of healthy people out there but yet we stress and obsess... as a lifetime fat kid (who's grandmother developed heart disease and type II diabetes and passed away from heart failure, with an obese mother following in grama's footsteps), I am terrified about the ground I've lost the past 6 months. I still see myself as a heavy person when I look in the mirror (my perception is admittedly messed up)... I guess it's good to be so conscious... but at the same time it can be destructive if I/we let it... and I'm trying to focus on a healthy lifestyle and not a number.. but it's hard... and my pants don't fit. I'd like to think I'll be happy if the pants fit again regardless of the number, but who am I kidding? I liked that I weighed less at 35 than I did in high school... it was an amazing feeling, especially because I got there the right way - healthy living and hard work!
I'm so bummed I missed the conference call last night! I'll have to download the podcast. I've had very little time online this week and totally missed the time and date of the call. I want in next time!
Hey, girls, I sorta missed dinner tonight, so just threw stuff in the blender I found in the kitchen to make a was delicious! Here it is:
*6 oz package of lightnfit vanilla toasted coconut yogurt *scoop of 1% cottage cheese with pineapple already mixed in (maybe 1/2-3/4 c.) *banana *a tiny bit of imitation coconut flavoring (like vanilla)
It was kinda like a healthy pina colada! MMMMMMMMMMmmmm!
The not knowing about the oil change and the healthy pina colada gave me a giggle.
Trip: we are traveling to Milwaukee to attend a Growing Power workshop. Should be interesting. We are looking at hobby farms and learning about permaculture and aquaponics. (that isn't phonics for fish case you were wondering) We left our youngest at home for the first time on her own. A friend is staying with her. Hope she makes good decisions. I think she is working the entire weekend.
Oh.... and bike is in the back seat trainer in the back of the truck. Husband rolled his eyes... I think he is humoring me though because I'm jumping on his permaculture bandwagon. We might even go to Australia the week after IMWI for a permaculture design certification course.
"permaculture" why it sounds so romantic!!! laugh out loud, okay I think the anniversary trip had a better ring to it!!! I might also be going with my husband on his business trip in april, so I get it. first week of IMWI training and trip is in baton rouge..... will have to also call in childcare to accomplish this one. speaking of bikes mine is my car with my beach stuff and I just finished loading up the Element like a puzzle and about to load in the computer so that I am all packed up and ready to go out for dinner at friends for homemade pizza and then be done with it and be able to visit with husband upon his out of town trip. my kids have not cooperated finding their IPODS and other car devices and the trip is about 11 hours long, feel like I am forgetting something...:? swimsuits, bike stuff, run stuff, some clothes and some jeans/jackets, cameras, bike and all gear, kid's clothes, oh yeah my pillow!! have the map and have oil change and another adventure in mothering as I will be one of the parents at the beach ... one senior with me and two elem kids. I hear Panama City Beach is wild and I won't be out in it but I bet the beach will be super crowded. While that teenager sleeps, I hope to get up and go ride or run on the beach but like Monday the high will be 61 degrees!!! I will be driving in rain tomorrow... will go to store and load up coolers for food as no fridge in room! and hope to chill and enjoy the sand . My right arm has been bothering me again with tendonitis so not sure if I can manage ocean swims but if so, I have goggles and swim caps to match my suits!! natch. like I said not sure what I am missing, but can buy down there. surely nothing. I hope you have a good weekend and I will check in when I arrive safely.
Sheryl, good for you for taking your bike and trainer on your trip! We have done that multiple times. It's kind of a pain but at least you know you will get your workout done!
Marianne, good luck at the beach! Are you chaperoning? Sounds like another busy time.
I just had to share my terrible run story with you ladies. Today was a long run for the half IM plan, at 2 hours. I'm not swimming yet so I took Friday off and legs and attitude were good to go. Unfortunately, I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a migraine, so I took my abortive medication and went back to sleep. Woke up feeling ok, no headache, but I always feel a little weak after. Ate breakfast, got ready to go, and walked out the door at 8:30. Walked back in the door at 8:30:30 because it had started to rain. Put on a rain slicker and went back out. Got 0.3 mile away from the house and had severe GI distress. Made it back to the house, sat on the toilet for a while, and wanted to just bag it. By this time the dog was really confused - she had been in and out twice with me. Stripped off my fuel belt and got on the treadmill - I thought I could hack it. Wrong! After 15 minutes on the 'mill the ol' GI tract seemed ok so I leashed the dog up again and went back outside. Started the "work" portion of the workout, and got 2 out of my 3 10 minute Z3 intervals done before my gut went crazy again. UH-OH - I was not close enough to 1) home or 2) any other toilet, portable or otherwise, to make it. Ended up sneaking behind a barrier next to a major road to take care of business. I then ran the third Z3 interval back home, sat on the toilet, dumped the dog, and headed back out to finish this beast. I was able to do my Z1 and Z2 intervals without incident, and I was approaching my driveway at 1:55 when the sky opened up and started pouring rain. Needless to say, my "cooldown" ended in a dead sprint!
Ugh - I dont' know what happened today. Nothing was different; it was just one of those days. At least my ride tomorrow will be on the trainer if I have problems!
Oh Kristen...sorry about your trouble. I hate having gastric distress. You are a trouper. I would have probably bagged it. I'm weak. Good for you for finishing!!!!
Kristen: You get extra mojo points to sticking to that run---and probably got some V02max sprints in there with the rain and the potty breaks. Hope you're feeling better! A few times a season I get that sudden urge to poo on a long run (and it's never near a bathroom!). There are plenty of patches of extra green grass on my long run loop.
@Gina- OK, so Susanna is perfect, we get it! :-) Seriously thought, it's a good reminder for all of us. My amenorrhea is almost certainly related to BC pills.
No, No, No !! I wasn't trying to come off as self-righteous. Su's point was, that the amenorhea is abnormal if not related to appropriate causes (BC pills, etc). She just wants women to be as healthy as possible!!
Oh man, Kristen, all that in and out and start/stop--I have been there and it is the WORST! It makes a tough workout feel even more terrible--and twice as long! Big ups for getting that monster done!
Kristen, sounds like your run was just one of those days. Your mind and motivation were there, but your body had other ideas altogether. Good work getting through it! Just a few more weeks for you!
Marianne is off on another adventure! Sounds like fun. I wanna go to the beach!!
Barbara, I'm so glad you've got spring break coming up. Sounds like you need some "me" time, and the chance to reset. Enjoy and refresh yourself!! I'll bet the week will make a huge difference.
Sheryl, I'm interested in how your growing power stuff goes. DH and I have discussed various growing opportunities as well. Good for you for getting out there and learning about it. Hope it's fun!
Day off today for me. Getting ready to make a lasagna for a friend and her family. She blew her ACL a couple of weeks ago and is getting it repaired on Tuesday. Ugh! Not fun. Hopefully a bit of food will be helpful for her family while they're also trying to care for her.
It was great to spend time Robin this weekend! When we met this weekend at the expo, it seemed we picked up mid-sentence like old firends. Because of what it's like here with all of us, there is an instant level of connection and trust. It was great to meet her, and we had fun talking things over. She's purty too.
Building back some mojo through the TT came at a good time. Michele and I just have to get together to train this summer. The connection, friendship and support will make a huge difference. WAAAAY too many years I've been out there on my own, ride and run after ride and run. Being around some like-minded, cool people was really invigorating.
Barb--looking forward to hearing what you learn. That's an area I'd like to know more about too.
It was so great to meet Linda, Michele and Leigh!! (and the boys too . What a fun weekend I have had and I will post more later about it - I'm headed out today at 4:00 to head home to my boys!!!! I miss them - can't wait.
Just got caught up on this thread this AM after 3 days off the computer.
Good morning ladies! Did Master's swim this morning. Legs were tired after yesterday's 7 mile run, weights, and short swim, but I got it done! I have lots of reading to catch up on, in the forums! Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a wonderful week! TTFN!
Gooooood Morning Ladies! I'm just now catching up on this forum after being away for the weekend. It was a wonderful trip visiting friends and spending time in my old training grounds. I must say, the roads in the DC area are really torn up from all the winter weather this year- it's the worst spring roads I can recall! But I had a blast in the hills and enjoyed the climbing AND the descending! But it's back to reality this morning.
Gina- No no no. I did not think you sounded at all self-righteous about Su- you sounded like a proud spouse. I was just ribbing you! It's this freakin EN 4.0 Forum and it's lack of quality smiley's!!!
Kristen- my stomach usually gives me trouble after a migraine. I bet that had something to do with your trouble. Good on ya for pushing through- I'm quite sure I would have called it quits and taken the day off!
Sheryl- I can't wait to hear more about the power growing seminar. It sounds really cool- especially if you get to go to Australia!!!
Robin, Linda, Leigh, and Michele= I'm Soooooooo jealous! I wanted to be in Boston with you gals this weekend, it looks like you all had so much fun!!! I can't wait until July for the Cowgirl Camp!
OK- better get back to work now. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
I am here at the beach and it is freezing! not sure if I brought enough warm clothing!! only one hoodie for Joshua! he won't mind wearing it every day as he is 10! okay, I have been dragging leaving this hotel room that I have the heat on
I rode outside for the first time in several weeks. You're right about the road conditions - at the end of last year I was able to really kamikaze the downhills I knew really well but no more - I had to be very vigilant for new potholes and gravel.
I rode out of Germantown Soccer Complex on Saturday afternoon (northern MC- the Sugarloaf area) and then road from Bethesda on Sunday (McArthur, River, Falls, etc- going up past Ol Anglers Inn is a favorite!). One of these days we need to have a MD/DC/VA EN ride. THere's really quite a few of you up there now! Maybe do the Columbia course before race day or something like that.
Bummer I missed meeting you this weekend... let me and Suzanne know next time you come to town. Maybe I'll even be able to ride outside then (being in on the trainer was extra pennance for skipping the half mary, but I know deep down I did the right thing by scratching) or at least catch a cup of joe or glass of wine.
Speaking of scratching and Columbia - I had to decide last week... and opted against racing. I didn't know if my hand could handle riding those hills, not to mention I'm already feeling like I'm behind the 8-ball wrt being ready for Eagleman. Anyway, I'll be there race day cheering for my beau (and Suzanne among many others) - perhaps we can all catch up at packet pickup to finally meet you, Nemo... Suzuki, if you ride to Cambridge to rack your bike, I'm sure Dan would be cool with at least getting you back to a metro to get home - or maybe head to Adega for a pre-race dinner, which did you well before Nations last year.
hmm.. pot holes? not being able to hold my bike is scary enough, but one of my last rides of the year involved me hitting a bump and flying over my aerobars... (picture that only not smiling) so, my bike mojo is already on E... sigh, hope the roads are better when I can try for my triumphant return. Nemo, I love the Falls to River Road... and random routes out in Poolesville - Suzanne and I did a lot of that last summer!
Yes, yes definitely watch out for those potholes and torn up roads. The road bike has a pair of hand built Wheelsmith wheels that seem to power over potholes like tanks. The new tri bike wheels? I have fear. But I also have fear of getting the tri bike dirty, so, hopefully, everything will survive this season.
Marianne -- sending happy, warm beach vibes your way.
I made a quick trip to Madison on Saturday to play unofficial preservation adviser to one of my friends, who is an alderman. It was pretty cool to put on my historic preservation hat again. I've missed it.
So far, I'm writing love poems to the new Cobb V-flow plus. I had no idea saddles were actually supposed to fit that well. I'm thinking be locked in aero for 112 miles is actually a possibility now.
Beth- so glad the saddle is working out for you! I'm looking forward to trying out the ones you are sending me.
Suzanne & Becky- No Columbia for me this year. I think TOC will be more than enough for me in the month of May!! But we should still try to plan a training weekend this spring/summer.
Oh- and did I mention I picked up my new (used, but new to me) Zipp wheels? The rear wheel is at the LBS now to have a PT put on it. I pealed the ugly "Zipp" stickers off (that red totally clashes with Fiona's beautiful yellow flair) and I'm thinking about ordering stickers for the wheels- maybe something with the EN Cowgirl Logo. Hmmmmmmm.
Hi Girls, still waiting on what the bad news is gonna be for my knee (so far it looks as if the knee replacement might be loose which is pretty bad news), having more tests Tuesday and Weds, so by Thursday i should know something. No running, no pool running now. BUT, my kids came over yesterday (ages 26-35 all training for tris or centuries) and all of us went on a super hard 32 mile ride, I rode over 50 miles the day before so getting some really good rides in, not super fast but nothing to be ashamed of either, I suck in the water right now but not gonna stress. Leave Friday for Tucson for my BIG BIKE week and of course some swim instruction. Excited but also really nervous. Never been to a TRI camp, don't know a soul that is gonna be there and of course feel like I will be the slowest one. Nonetheless, one foot in front of the other. i shipped my bike (which was a whole experience in itself), so hope to learn how to put it all back together again, gonna get a professional fit from a bike shop there and then off I go. Will keep you posted!
Love reading all of your fun stories and thanks for being there for all the newbies!!!
PS Think it was Nemo again (thank you so much), got me all set up on my personal site, so now I have an "actual training plan" whoooo hoooo!!!
Ugh...packing. I hate it. My husband and I haven't really travelled alone for about 20 years. It will be so WEIRD....better shave my legs....
@Kristen- I find old IM videos really help me if I need to do a long trainer workout. Somehow seeing those guys on the Queen K keeps my legs turning over.
@Dana- 15 pounds since October is awesome. Big Congrats!
@Sheryl- yeah, I'm with Marianne- where are you going? Did I miss a memo (totally possible!!!) What a bummer for your friend! That's in the "pay to fix vs scrap and buy another car" realm that no one wants to be in- especially with a Volvo!
For the ladies who were on the conf call last night- it was soooooo wonderful to hear your voices! I hope the new gals got to know us a little better and will feel comfortable coming out to play with us!
Hi all! I sure have missed a lot of discussion in the past day! Couldn't come at a better time for me either, as I have lost my mojo, can't lose weight, and have only done one bike workout this last week of outseason, and no running!!! I feel like i"m in a black hole right now! Having lower back/piriformis issues, which I'm getting treated at p.t. for, and getting myofacial massage. Back to my old way of dealing with stress....eating anything and everything in sight!!! ARGH!!!! I'm a teacher, and we start spring break after today. I'm planning to rock some workouts this week. wondering if I should re-do my week 20 next week when I have the time to do so, and do some testing. Haven't tested since November? I think. Going to ask RnP what they think.
As for the weight thing...I have been up and down with it my entire life. Still have 30 more lbs. to drop before IMLOU and it seems impossible!!! I lose a few lbs. then sabbotage myself, eating crap I shouldn't!
I appreciate all of the support here in the Ladie's forum! Perhaps I can rejuvenate the mojo this coming week! Have a great Friday everyone!!!! Catch you all later!
Off to the last day of working for the man this week! 70 degrees and sunny is today's forecast! Woohoo!
I'm sorry I had to miss the call, too.
Hooray good chica vibe! It sounds like you all had lots of fun.
Kris -- love the blog post!
It was gorgeous and sunny in Chicago yesterday and I managed to sneak in a nice run by the lake at lunch. So nice outside.
Happy Friday!
@sheryl - a new engine... yikes! that happened to me once, with my fist car when I was a dumb teenager (no one told me about the 3 month oil change thing - and it was an 84 Buick without bells and whistles to tell me it was time for a maintenance trip). Since there was zippo oil, the engine block cracked. I can't believe I don't still get heat about that from my dad or brothers.
I'm sorry I missed the call yesterday - I don't think I knew about it (but I am new to this forum)... it's been great getting to know you all via this thread.
As I think about this whole crazy weight thing I figure we're probably in the top percentages of healthy people out there but yet we stress and obsess... as a lifetime fat kid (who's grandmother developed heart disease and type II diabetes and passed away from heart failure, with an obese mother following in grama's footsteps), I am terrified about the ground I've lost the past 6 months. I still see myself as a heavy person when I look in the mirror (my perception is admittedly messed up)... I guess it's good to be so conscious... but at the same time it can be destructive if I/we let it... and I'm trying to focus on a healthy lifestyle and not a number.. but it's hard... and my pants don't fit. I'd like to think I'll be happy if the pants fit again regardless of the number, but who am I kidding? I liked that I weighed less at 35 than I did in high school... it was an amazing feeling, especially because I got there the right way - healthy living and hard work!
*6 oz package of lightnfit vanilla toasted coconut yogurt
*scoop of 1% cottage cheese with pineapple already mixed in (maybe 1/2-3/4 c.)
*a tiny bit of imitation coconut flavoring (like vanilla)
It was kinda like a healthy pina colada! MMMMMMMMMMmmmm!
The not knowing about the oil change and the healthy pina colada gave me a giggle.
Trip: we are traveling to Milwaukee to attend a Growing Power workshop. Should be interesting. We are looking at hobby farms and learning about permaculture and aquaponics. (that isn't phonics for fish case you were wondering) We left our youngest at home for the first time on her own. A friend is staying with her. Hope she makes good decisions. I think she is working the entire weekend.
So bummed I missed the conference call.
Hope you all have great weekends!!!
Oh.... and bike is in the back seat trainer in the back of the truck. Husband rolled his eyes...
I think he is humoring me though because I'm jumping on his permaculture bandwagon. We might even go to Australia the week after IMWI for a permaculture design certification course.
Sheryl, good for you for taking your bike and trainer on your trip! We have done that multiple times. It's kind of a pain but at least you know you will get your workout done!
Marianne, good luck at the beach! Are you chaperoning? Sounds like another busy time.
I just had to share my terrible run story with you ladies. Today was a long run for the half IM plan, at 2 hours. I'm not swimming yet so I took Friday off and legs and attitude were good to go.
Unfortunately, I woke up in the middle of the night last night with a migraine, so I took my abortive medication and went back to sleep. Woke up feeling ok, no headache, but I always feel a little weak after. Ate breakfast, got ready to go, and walked out the door at 8:30. Walked back in the door at 8:30:30 because it had started to rain. Put on a rain slicker and went back out. Got 0.3 mile away from the house and had severe GI distress. Made it back to the house, sat on the toilet for a while, and wanted to just bag it. By this time the dog was really confused - she had been in and out twice with me. Stripped off my fuel belt and got on the treadmill - I thought I could hack it. Wrong!
After 15 minutes on the 'mill the ol' GI tract seemed ok so I leashed the dog up again and went back outside. Started the "work" portion of the workout, and got 2 out of my 3 10 minute Z3 intervals done before my gut went crazy again. UH-OH - I was not close enough to 1) home or 2) any other toilet, portable or otherwise, to make it. Ended up sneaking behind a barrier next to a major road to take care of business. I then ran the third Z3 interval back home, sat on the toilet, dumped the dog, and headed back out to finish this beast. I was able to do my Z1 and Z2 intervals without incident, and I was approaching my driveway at 1:55 when the sky opened up and started pouring rain. Needless to say, my "cooldown" ended in a dead sprint!
Ugh - I dont' know what happened today. Nothing was different; it was just one of those days. At least my ride tomorrow will be on the trainer if I have problems!
Have a great Sunday, ladies!
Oh Kristen...sorry about your trouble. I hate having gastric distress. You are a trouper. I would have probably bagged it. I'm weak. Good for you for finishing!!!!
Oh man, Kristen, all that in and out and start/stop--I have been there and it is the WORST! It makes a tough workout feel even more terrible--and twice as long! Big ups for getting that monster done!
Marianne is off on another adventure! Sounds like fun. I wanna go to the beach!!
Barbara, I'm so glad you've got spring break coming up. Sounds like you need some "me" time, and the chance to reset. Enjoy and refresh yourself!! I'll bet the week will make a huge difference.
Sheryl, I'm interested in how your growing power stuff goes. DH and I have discussed various growing opportunities as well. Good for you for getting out there and learning about it. Hope it's fun!
Day off today for me. Getting ready to make a lasagna for a friend and her family. She blew her ACL a couple of weeks ago and is getting it repaired on Tuesday. Ugh! Not fun. Hopefully a bit of food will be helpful for her family while they're also trying to care for her.
It was great to spend time Robin this weekend! When we met this weekend at the expo, it seemed we picked up mid-sentence like old firends. Because of what it's like here with all of us, there is an instant level of connection and trust. It was great to meet her, and we had fun talking things over. She's purty too.
Building back some mojo through the TT came at a good time. Michele and I just have to get together to train this summer. The connection, friendship and support will make a huge difference. WAAAAY too many years I've been out there on my own, ride and run after ride and run. Being around some like-minded, cool people was really invigorating.
Barb--looking forward to hearing what you learn. That's an area I'd like to know more about too.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
It was so great to meet Linda, Michele and Leigh!! (and the boys too
Just got caught up on this thread this AM after 3 days off the computer.
Gina- No no no. I did not think you sounded at all self-righteous about Su- you sounded like a proud spouse. I was just ribbing you! It's this freakin EN 4.0 Forum and it's lack of quality smiley's!!!
Kristen- my stomach usually gives me trouble after a migraine. I bet that had something to do with your trouble. Good on ya for pushing through- I'm quite sure I would have called it quits and taken the day off!
Sheryl- I can't wait to hear more about the power growing seminar. It sounds really cool- especially if you get to go to Australia!!!
Robin, Linda, Leigh, and Michele= I'm Soooooooo jealous! I wanted to be in Boston with you gals this weekend, it looks like you all had so much fun!!! I can't wait until July for the Cowgirl Camp!
OK- better get back to work now. Have a wonderful Monday everyone!
I rode outside for the first time in several weeks. You're right about the road conditions - at the end of last year I was able to really kamikaze the downhills I knew really well but no more - I had to be very vigilant for new potholes and gravel.
Bummer I missed meeting you this weekend... let me and Suzanne know next time you come to town. Maybe I'll even be able to ride outside then (being in on the trainer was extra pennance for skipping the half mary, but I know deep down I did the right thing by scratching) or at least catch a cup of joe or glass of wine.
Speaking of scratching and Columbia - I had to decide last week... and opted against racing.
I didn't know if my hand could handle riding those hills, not to mention I'm already feeling like I'm behind the 8-ball wrt being ready for Eagleman. Anyway, I'll be there race day cheering for my beau (and Suzanne among many others) - perhaps we can all catch up at packet pickup to finally meet you, Nemo... Suzuki, if you ride to Cambridge to rack your bike, I'm sure Dan would be cool with at least getting you back to a metro to get home - or maybe head to Adega for a pre-race dinner, which did you well before Nations last year. 
hmm.. pot holes?
not being able to hold my bike is scary enough, but one of my last rides of the year involved me hitting a bump and flying over my aerobars...
(picture that only not smiling) so, my bike mojo is already on E... sigh, hope the roads are better when I can try for my triumphant return. Nemo, I love the Falls to River Road... and random routes out in Poolesville - Suzanne and I did a lot of that last summer!
Yes, yes definitely watch out for those potholes and torn up roads. The road bike has a pair of hand built Wheelsmith wheels that seem to power over potholes like tanks. The new tri bike wheels? I have fear. But I also have fear of getting the tri bike dirty, so, hopefully, everything will survive this season.
Marianne -- sending happy, warm beach vibes your way.
I made a quick trip to Madison on Saturday to play unofficial preservation adviser to one of my friends, who is an alderman. It was pretty cool to put on my historic preservation hat again. I've missed it.
So far, I'm writing love poems to the new Cobb V-flow plus. I had no idea saddles were actually supposed to fit that well. I'm thinking be locked in aero for 112 miles is actually a possibility now.
Suzanne & Becky- No Columbia for me this year. I think TOC will be more than enough for me in the month of May!! But we should still try to plan a training weekend this spring/summer.
Oh- and did I mention I picked up my new (used, but new to me) Zipp wheels? The rear wheel is at the LBS now to have a PT put on it. I pealed the ugly "Zipp" stickers off (that red totally clashes with Fiona's beautiful yellow flair) and I'm thinking about ordering stickers for the wheels- maybe something with the EN Cowgirl Logo. Hmmmmmmm.
Hi Girls, still waiting on what the bad news is gonna be for my knee (so far it looks as if the knee replacement might be loose which is pretty bad news), having more tests Tuesday and Weds, so by Thursday i should know something. No running, no pool running now. BUT, my kids came over yesterday (ages 26-35 all training for tris or centuries) and all of us went on a super hard 32 mile ride, I rode over 50 miles the day before so getting some really good rides in, not super fast but nothing to be ashamed of either, I suck in the water right now but not gonna stress. Leave Friday for Tucson for my BIG BIKE week and of course some swim instruction. Excited but also really nervous. Never been to a TRI camp, don't know a soul that is gonna be there and of course feel like I will be the slowest one. Nonetheless, one foot in front of the other. i shipped my bike (which was a whole experience in itself), so hope to learn how to put it all back together again, gonna get a professional fit from a bike shop there and then off I go. Will keep you posted!
Love reading all of your fun stories and thanks for being there for all the newbies!!!
PS Think it was Nemo again (thank you so much), got me all set up on my personal site, so now I have an "actual training plan" whoooo hoooo!!!