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What it takes.....May 2010

Our story continues!!!  This thread picks up where this one left off!

In honor of all our peeps racing at St George this weekend, I tossed and turned all night!  I have a full day ahead with a ride & errands, but I'll be checking my phone and PC as often as possible!  



  • Now THAT is solidarity! image
  • That's funny, Nemo,  because I woke up nervous and thinking about our athletes competing today!  I have to work this morning but will be checking between patients, and then I can watch/track all afternoon.  I'm so excited for them!

  • Me, too! I Race tracker is up on my computer, with no number in it yet. My stomach is a little floppy thinking about everyone on that crazy cold swim!
  • I am grateful for this rainy dreary day here so that I can keep track of what's going on at IMSG at least until it's time to go to the Derby Party. My boys went to my Mom's house for a while this afternoon and it is eerily quiet around our house right now! So I am going to use this opportunity to bring everyone up to speed on what's going on with me image. I have been so out of touch fo rthe last month or so - I have checked in to try to see what's going on about 1 or 2x a week, but have lost track of what's going on in everyone else's lives and I hate that image

    I have been busy beyond belief and soccer has ruled my life for the last 6 weeks it seems. We are literally at the park for practice or at a game 7 days a week!!! Arrrggghhhh, I didn't think I signed up for that image. Trying to juggle work, getting a decent meal on the table and all the chauffering has been a challenge unlike any I remember in years past. Anyway, it's fun to watch them having such fun and the boys are having a good spring, but it's tiring and my head has not been in a very good place. I really haven't done a serious workout since before I went to the Master's with my Dad in early April and even then March was spotty at best. My Garmin, PowerTap and WKO don't even know who I am anymore image. I just lost all motivation with the hip/back problems and the impending surgery and have developed a very apathetic attitude. I really tried to get to the pool and hoped that would fill the void, but nothing takes the place of that running and riding for me and I fully admit that the swimming has always been that necessary evil and it just doesn't do the same thing for my psyche. I love to swim in the lake, but staring at that black line, turning every 25 yards and trying to motivate to do that on my own just hasn't worked out very well. So I feel bloated, out of shape and not very content inside at the moment image. I am also getting really aprehensive about the surgery (May 12) - I know it's necessary and I know I'll feel better when it's all said and done, but I am pissed off that I have to do it! I will be moving back to the lake house to recover and so that my Mom can help me out with the kids post-op and we don't have any wireless out there. So I will probably do more FB after as checking the forums via phone is rather tedious.

    I could whine on and on about other things too, but I don't really want to do that - I just wanted to check back in and let you all know that I am still out there!!! and hope to be back to athlete status at some point, just when that point is up in the air.

    I hope you all are healthy and training and racing or at least getting ready to!!! Take care Chicas and send a little mojo my way if you have any to spare image!
  • Here's some MOJO, Robin! (I extra-larged it!)
  • robin... you know so funny, just today I was thinking back to when I had four boys playing soccer... four diff levels, husband traveling and me hopping around, and commuting to school drop off and pick ups...whew. yes spring is a busy time. okay so today, check out womans Day april 1, 2010, yes I am late reading it and my mother got it for me but good articles about stress. womansday.com the surgery sounds like the kicker and not feeling well and unable to exercise like you want to. sending good vibes to you and I think once your health gets better, then your MOJO will return. today is a rest day for me and although just in week one of 20 still committed to resting! haven't left the house, a real treat... and treated myself to a nap on the lawn chair outside as it got cloudy and looks like it might rain again. I drifted off to sleep. no guilt! somewhere I read that is harder to actually rest than hammer!! and us Moms are so bad about guilt if we take a break. I like to think of it as recharging....!! so not sure if you can take a break somewhere in that schedule before the forced break at surgery?? Also if things get way too hectic, I have been known to email coach and say we are not going to practice. doesn't happen often but it has. I will also tag team with DH on the actual games as we have kids back. I will also buy dinners like Tyson pot roast and etc to have home cooked but sorta fast food, also any carpooling for practice. I don't have any in this town but once I trust the coach can leave to go run an errand. here recently, I actually napped in the car while watching Grace practice!! (thyroid on the blink)... I have been a soccer mom for 17 years!! in fact my kids have made it the long haul and played in HS.... I always get them early to the games like the coach wants, and to practices but I have become more lowkey at the games and in comparison to some avid parents, I might look disinterested. I can't stand the yelling AT the kids.... especially from the overweight unfit parents. I am recalling a loud Dad yelling at his 8 yearold daughter and I had to move my chair....he had a gut and was animated on the sideline. (rant over!)... anyways.... you only have 2 more weeks until surgery so if you were asking me?? I would announce to DH and Mom that you needed this next week... with a few missed practices or doling out your son's care... to getting yourself organized for post op. there are gonna be certain areas where you feel you gotta get "your ducks in a row"..... get some carpool and say "I gotta do a few things before my surgery" everybody will understand. forget the pool, it is causing you angst. and the pain pills for post op?? gonna help out that piriformis!!! Take a deep breath and make some prioritiies and then be flexible!!! m
  • Oh Robin, take care! We are behind you 100% girl! Hugs and mojo on the way to you now!!!
  • Hey all. I'm writing with a heavy heart - my 40-year-old, marathoner, mother-of-three cousin-in-law yesterday lost her 14 month battle with cancer. It's not unexpected but it's still devastating and tragic. I wasn't that close to her but I saw her as my peer for many reasons and it's hard to accept that death and disease follow no logic and have no sense of justice. Our family is brokenhearted - this is the 2nd death in three weeks that we have had to weather.

    I share this with you because I thought of you guys this morning on my bike ride as I was trying to process the situation. This is going to sound a bit cliche, but I guess I was thinking about how important it is to live life to the fullest and squeeze as much as possible out of every moment - to pursue activities that fulfill your passions - to choose happiness - and (not to be morbid) to aim for a death bed where there are no regrets about things you should've tried but didn't. You all are inspiring examples of this - I see you not only making the most out of what you have but also lifting each other up to reach that goal. I'm really proud to count myself a part of your community and I want to say thanks for helping me live every one of my moments.
  • Oh, Suzanne, I'm so sorry about your cousin-in-law.  That's simply tragic.  Condolences to you and your family.

    Robin, it would be hard to keep up any workout schedule with all of those soccer games.  Sending mojo your way...

    I don't know about you ladies, but I had a hard time sleeping last night after all the excitement of watching our teammates compete and finish at IMSG.  It was thrilling to watch all those EN jerseys come streaming across the line!  I can't wait to read the race reports.

    Must get running...

  • oh Suzanne so sad. I have always thtought the worst thing would be to lose a child. and her fourth too. I know my fourth child is the sweetest of the bunch. very sad.

    changing the subject, my pal Heather is doing Escape from Alcatraz today, she texted me yesterday "the water is stinkin cold"..... and again this morning to say she slept okay.... if I hear anymore I will put it here. my buddy David is doing a 24 hour relay race, where you ride as many laps as you can.. with his brother, so anxious to hear from them at day's end. I oth, slept from 9 - 7!! m
  •  Robin- when it comes to the swim thing, and not being able to run or bike- I can absolutely relate!  I spent 8 weeks just pool running and swimming this year with no biking or running.  It seemed like an eternity!  And it was so tough to motivate myself to go to to pool.  Many times I would play "One Thing" on the ipod to remind me of why I was doing it and I would think of the ladies here.  When I was finally able to get on my bike again  I was SOOOOO grateful.    Don't worry about checking into the forum.  We'll keep you posted via FB and we can also copy/paste some of your updates over here for you so gals in EN who aren't on FB will know what's up with you.  Keep it simple!

    Susanne- I'm so sorry for your loss.  And so many close together as well.  I have to say that although I have known a few acquaintances with breast cancer (someone at work, or the friend of a friend), that I haven't been touched by it in a more direct way yet.  I should emphasize that "yet" part because it simply scares me- I know a day will come when I get similar news about a close loved one.  But your message resonates with me so clearly.  One of my favorite songs is "Life is Large" by the Kennedy's.  The key lyrics go "how do you want to be remembered, a raging fire or a dying ember?"  I try to live my life as a raging fire.

    Marianne- Please send Heather warm vibes and hugs from her fellow EN Chica's.  I almost forgot she was doing Alcatraz this weekend!  I think we have a few other ENers at that race so hopefully she's found them and is in good company!  I'm sure John Stark is probably around and I know he'd take good care of her!

    I'm procrastinating this morning.  I was up waaaaaay too late last night.  Must head off now and get ready for church!

  • Robin: So good to hear from you! Don't sweat not getting the workouts in before your operation. There's alot to prepare for; and your body will be working hard to heal up after surgery. The lake house sounds like the perfect place to recover.

    Suzanne: So sorry to hear about your loss. I see alot of death in my job, but when someone my age or someone my age that I know really well dies it's a real shocker. A good shake for me to get some perspective and chose compassion, happiness, and peace in my life. I figure if my life and death can inspire just one person into that, then it was a pretty darned good one.

    I completely missed watching our EN folks cross the IMSG finish line last night because DH and I got into a huge fight over something REALLY stupid. Ugh. We made up this morning, but I would've much rather watched the IM live feed instead. Oh well. I was really dragging on this morning's run---it's amazing how an emotional upheaval like that can really affect energy levels. Now I need nap!
  • Oh, Suzanne, I'm so sorry. It is so sad when young, energetic people die. You are right -- if we can do anything to honor their lives, it is to remember that our own lives are precious and live every moment of them fully and well.

    Moo-jo -- She bats her cute eyelashes of mojo for you!

    I've never watched the end of of the Ironman feed before. It was amazing to watch what happened after people crossed the finish line. I was in tears a few times -- I saw a triumphant raising of arms with a beautiful smile, then a dead faint! A marriage proposal. A few other couples crossing the finish line hand-in-hand. The man with the broken collar bone, all swaddled up in gauze, looking like an angel with a broken wing, walking in with two other athletes at his side.

    I wrote two notes of rejection to perfectly nice men yesterday, telling them, no thank you, I am not interested in another date. I've learned that there are tons of fantastic men in the universe. I've also realized you can't make a new relationship out of the energy from an old one. This morning, I feel free and light, having crossed "find great romantic partner in life," off the to-do list. It never should have been there in the first place. Love, I suspect, will find me. And, this Ironman year? I believe it is truly selfish. I just want to let my inner swimmer swim, runner run, and cyclist bike.

  • @Robin - all I can send your way are hugs and good wishes...

    @Suzanne - I'm so sorry for you and your family's loss.  And so quick in time from your uncle.  This is a strange world we live in but I agree with your sentiment!  After all, after my crash and I couldn't open a door with my left arm let alone run or bike or swim it was you and your attitude that inspired me to sign up for IMFL - so I wouldn't get to a point in life where I physically couldn't do it and I'd regret what I hadn't tried. 

    @Kit - sorry to hear about your off night...

    @Beth - you go!  Way to take the reigns and trust your gut... and accept that life will take it's own course.  FWIW, Dan came outta nowhere - but only after I had accepted that I may be single a while and that was okay and told a few guys who were bad for me to leave me alone (better to be on my own than have them mess with my self esteem)...

    After my RR the DB had plans for us to go visit some of his friends (2 of whom are in from out of town, came in for a bike race in Poolesville).  So, as much as I wanted to take a nap I cleaned up and headed his way, racking up SAUs.  After all, he met me after 2 hours on the bike to bike the last hour with me (bringing a cooler so i could refill and have cold fluids on my run)... then treated me to brunch at my favorite little spot in Del Ray.  Last night we powered up Harry Potter and I pretty much zonked out... I'll have to read the race reports.  A friend of mine did IMSG and had IT band issues and didn't finish the run... but I suspect with his work schedule he didn't have much time to train for it - he was in very good spirits from what I could tell via text... so that's good.  I hope our folks fared well!

    I'm feeling pretty good after the RR.  Nothing RR related, just the knotty calf issues I've been dealing with for the last week or two... even though it's a day off for me I'll probably go to the pool and do Friday's swim work later.  It's so darn hot and humid here I'm thankful I don't have to be outside... I'm just not ready for August on May 2.

    Hugs to all... it seems like we all need them these days!

  • Thanks all for the extra mojo and well wishes image. I actually went and got on the bike for a short 35 min spin after I posted yesterday - so it worked!!! My head certainly felt like it was in a better place afterward too. Great advice Marianne - getting all those ducks in a row before the surgery has really been weighing on me and a BIG stressor. And thank you Nemo for the offer of updating those here for me - I appreciate that!

    Kitima - sorry about your evening - I'm glad you got it squared away, but I know what you mean about it being a stupid fight and all that wasted energy and angst.

    Beth - sounds like your in a good place! I am glad to hear it and being "married" to an Ironman year doesn't sound like such a bad thing image

    Becky - I just noticed you are in Alexandria! I grew up in McLean - man how that part of the world has changed. We took the kids to DC last summer and had to stay in a hotel since my parents have moved here and all of my friends have moved away. It felt very strange to be on my "home turf" staying at a Courtyard ;-). I LOVE old town, but we didn't get there image.

    Suzanne - I am so so sorry to hear that. Even if you weren't that close - it's still family and it's so hard to know someone so young loses their life for any reason.

    I hope everyone is having a great Sunday. It is STILL raining here - flooding all around. Two weeks ago we were worried about another drought and now I'm worried about whether I will be able to get to work or not! There has been a serious amount of water come down in the last 48 hrs.

  • @Suzanne--that's a rough one. You don't sound morbid at all--your feelings are actually very reflective of how Buddhists live their lives. Being concious of death, knowing that our time is finite can actually make us live more fully each day, with a deep understanding of gratitude. You gotta love the Buddhists. Condolences.

    @ Kitima--there isn't a woman on this board who doesn't know what a slog it is after a fight like that. It always makes me wonder if something like that can throw me so far off, how close to the knife edge am I--always? Most fights are something stupid, but as we know, it isn't REALLY about the stupid issue. It's getting to the bottom of what is going on for true that is the hard work. If it's any consolation, right now Keith is driving me semi up a wall.

    @Beth--you sound like your light is shining a little brighter. That's all you need to attract everything good to you--as you well deserve.

    Hugs to all my chicas!



  • @Suzanne, so sorry for your family's loss - too cruel.


    @Kitima - yes, sometimes it's those "stupid" arguments that can really nag..very wise words Linda!


    Michele, Carly and I had a great 65 miler (17.3 avg pace - not bad!) Saturday in the Boston area- a beautiful day!  It was particularly fun b/c I was able to introduce some EN chicas to teammates from my former club team. I'm always trying to describe the EN way and recruit some of them! There was a great energy to the ride! Michele and Carly were looking solid and strong! I was too - until about mile 45 !


    Here are the EN chicas - Aimee, Michele, Carly


    Notice I'm the tall one, lil peeps! Not for long...


    Here are my buddies from Wheelworks Multisport - Natalie and Emily



    Now I'm the short one


    Off for a late evening run here in our first bout or real heat in Beantown. DH is coming along, that is always a good workout..





  • Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 02 May 2010 08:57 AM

    I completely missed watching our EN folks cross the IMSG finish line last night because DH and I got into a huge fight over something REALLY stupid. Ugh. We made up this morning, but I would've much rather watched the IM live feed instead. Oh well. I was really dragging on this morning's run---it's amazing how an emotional upheaval like that can really affect energy levels. Now I need nap!



            Must have been in the water on a global level. I went to check on the race after dinner and got, " Oh, Ironman stuff, AGAIN!?". Downhill from there. MooJo was covering her ears....

  • Posted By Gina Hamel on 02 May 2010 05:21 PM

            Must have been in the water on a global level. I went to check on the race after dinner and got, " Oh, Ironman stuff, AGAIN!?". Downhill from there. MooJo was covering her ears....

    I put in major SAU points during the day yesterday to earn time in front of the PC watching that finish line.  It's a balance for sure.

    Aimee, Carly, & Michele- so cool that you guys got to ride together!  Looks like it was a beautiful day too.  Aimee, I always have a hard time trying to explain EN to other people.  I don't know why- it's so obvious on one end, but it's not the obvious stuff that brings me here.  It's the stuff you just can't explain unless you've been there.  

  •  Well I totally missed out on St George yesterday (who the heck put a IM on a Saturday!!  Don't they know it's a Sun thing??)  I can now cross off 3 States, 3 Mountains century off the list.  Had agonized over whether to go or not as forecast looked like it was shaping up for another humdinger of a rain storm. After getting bamboozled by the weather men last week, I decided to make a go of it.  

    Fri- drove down to Chattagnooga, picked up race packet then off to a great meal  (pizza & beer at the Mellow Mushroom - yummy!)

    Sat dawned looking like rain but ended up with only cloud cover most of the day which was perfect!  Kept the temps down and the rain held off till that evening.  Got to meet Gina and ride the first 25 miles with her.  Let me tell you, if Gina's fitness is just ramping up, I can't even imagine what IMWI will bring.    I didn't ck emails until this morning so didn't even know we had Moojo with us on the ride!!   BTW-  I don't have a deformity just super full back pockets.  I think I packed for 100 hours instead of miles.....


    It is such an incredible thing that each time I've had the privilege of meeting each one of the chickas, it really is just like seeing an old friend.  You just seem to fall in and pick up conversations as if it was just yesterday you saw them.  Can't wait till Moo Camp & IMMoo to meet more of you!  

  • Dang, you ladies are looking svelt!!! I gotta get my game ready!
  • No pics because we forgot, but Carly and I rode another 46 miles this morning. It was a ton of fun and I am so glad that we got out and got it done. Looked like rain, very minor spritzing late in the ride, but at the very end we had sunshine.
    Yesterday was a blast with Aimme and her friends Natalie and Emily. I have never ridden with such a strong group of women before. We were really moving at times. Really looking forward to doing it again. And really funny- I saw Steve Ford out there! Stopped and chatted a moment before rejoining the girls.

    @Robin- sending you good mojo and hugs before the surgery
    @Suzanne- I am truly sorry about what your family has been through in the past few weeks. Like Kitima- I've seen enough death to make me always try to live life to the fullest, never take anything for granted, and practice forgiveness.

    I missed IMSG. We had amazing weather here and I took full advantage of it. Another great day here and I got a new phone. I just might have to join twitter now, but no FB for me. My mom (!!!!) is on it.
  •  Also want to add- I just caught up on the end of the April thread. Linda posted it, and earlier today I told Carly- "When you get a PM you are going to be amazing." Carly has a lot of natural talent. HATE HER

  • @Nemo, you are absolutely right...how do you explain EN to people?! I usually just say "a group of people that I train with" and then people say back "oh, how often do you get together to work out?" Um....

    You guys all look great! And it looks like you all had great weather! It was very hot and humid for Rochester here this weekend. 80's and sticky today. I ran a 5k yesterday in the heat for test of week 4 of Gen Prep...it was hot! No increase in vdot, but decreased time per mile down to 8:54! I'll take it!

    @Kris and Gina...are you guys getting any of the flooding or is it all KY? The weather channel IS my favorite channel (I love Jim Cantore!) so've been watching it!

    Well, on to 1st week of 12 for Ironman Prep training tomorrow! It's hard to believe that IMLP is 12 weeks away!

    Hope everybody has a great week!
  • Not sure down Gina's way abt flooding since the rains nicely held off for me but can tell ya it is bad from around middle TN up throughout KY. It took me 8 hrs to make a 5 hr trip due to highway road closures due to flooding. Absolutely crazy- I've never seen such a thing. Car on the side of the interstate sunk up 2/3 way... front yards that are ponds right up to the front of houses... scary!! And it's continued to come down all day here. On the bright side, much easier to take a recovery day when it's pouring out!
  • And thank goodness it held off for your century ride too!! Oh my!
  • Suzanne- So sorry to hear about your loss, and 2nd one so close to your uncle. Let us know if we can do anything

    Robin- Glad you found some mojo. I agree with others- time to chill out to get your mind and body ready for surgery. You will be back training with us before you know it!

    Kitima and Gina-Sorry to hear about turbulence with SO this weekend Very draining. Virtual hug from me

    Gina and Kris- Glad rain held off for your century rides. Hope you guys are ok with all that rain/flooding

    Dana, Carly & Suzanne-Here we go, 12 weeks til LP, i'm excited, especially after following IMSG on saturday. Hope my knee handles it. You guys may have seen on FB already, actually got up and got part of my run in. Since I am not running 60 min yet, did 30  and will power walk & pool run later. I am at a new gym now, part of U of Maryland baltimore student rec. All I have to do now is getmy stuff out of car and go into gym. Pool looks very nice. In cardio room you can see sun set in evening and you can see camden yards. Oh  I love the feeling, now that it is done, of working out at before work, have a spring to my step, big smile on my face. Hope it lasts, - we'll see in 10 weeks- or 2 pm today when i'm ready for a nap

    M- I like your rest score

    Ok, at work.  first case cancelled, gotta see what's next.

    Have a great Monday everyone


    Oh, Oh, Oh- Boston area Chicas. Coming up to RI on Thursday for a bike fitting on Friday with Todd. May consider staying over friday night if anyone interested in a ride sat am? I am not that fast yet though, but willing to work hard to stay on your wheels. let me know. Would love to meet you guys

    Have a great Monday, sorry if I missed anyone,

  • Good morning and good Monday Ladies! I just wanted to update those not on facebook about my weekend. Thursday had a great bike fit with Todd at TTbikefit. He spent a ton of time and really got it right. It is a really good thing that was the first stop as I then biked 160 miles Fri-Sun. Met up with Linda on Friday for a great 50 mile ride. Such a great lady! Then rode Sat with Michele and Aimee 65 miles with a couple other ladies. Great ride as well and actually the longest ride I have ever done. Sunday was another 45 miles with Michele. We got it done kinda early but the rain held and before it got too hot.
    I can't put into words how awesome it was to meet the ladies. All of you were so great, just like we had been training together forever!
    This trip was a combo as I am trying to get a job here in the Boston area . Just happened upon an interview today so staying one extra day. Hopefully it goes well! Also some house hunting going on. It was a FULL weekend!

    There is a pic and I know Nemo told me how to include it but I'm on my phone and can't figure it out again. It is up on facebook and I will get it in here if I can.

    I need some tips in the SAU dept too. All this biking did not go over very well...
  • Morning all-

    We did not get rain until last night. Hard to believe considering what has been going on around us. Thankfully, it held off for the ride on Saturday. That century has had torrential rain 3 years in a row! The sun is out now and it is supposed to be 86 the next two days.  A bit early for that, but better than rain and cold.

    It was great to finally meet Kris, though not much time together, as she and her friend, Paul, were off like a rocket after the first climb. I  can't wait for us to travel to Moo Camp together.

    I  was pretty tired yesterday (  remember I  said I  was NOT  ready for that metric ?), so I  just went to the pool and did recovery swim. I  mainly worked on drills. Who knew they worked so well?? More of that in my future.

    After following IMSG on Saturday, let it be said I  will never be doing that race. I  know how cold 63ish felt ; IMAZ !! BIG, HUGE hats off to Carrie, Olivia, and Paula for stellar performances in the face of that.

    Off for some coffee...

  • Morning, ladies!

    I sure am envious of those of you who get to hook up to train!  It sounds like an absolute blast.    Unfortunately I don't have to travel for work, and our vacations this year are Maui (woo hoo) and PCB for IMFL.  If any of you ladies come to Houston for any reason please let me know!

    Big hugs to all of you who had spousal problems this weekend.  I know how awful that can be and how it just affects everything you do.  Hopefully everything is back to normal in all households and that you have all kissed and made up.  T and I had a really nice weekend, and she even watched all the EN IMSG finishers come across the line with me.  Olivia, T was especially excited to see you come across the line looking so happy!

    IMLP ladies, wow!  Only 12 weeks to go...this year is just rocketing by.  I'm going to  enjoy this 6 or so weeks I have before starting the 20 week IMFL program. 

    Gina and Kris, that picture of you ladies is fantastic!  Y'all look hot!

    Have a great Monday, dear friends.

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