I would be open for conference call, if not working. Would be fun. What were you guys chatting about that had you in hysterics?
I was wondering how Rich was going to do his conference call, thought he was on his biking trek through Utah. Anyway, was thinking about doing that chat, but the 4 am wake-up came back and bit me in the butt in late afternoon, crashed hard. My last case pt was sick, lots going on, that can be draining, by the time I was done, knew there was no way i would be able to swim, so I went home. May have to re-eval days of work 12 hrs + 2 workouts. Going to try again for swim tonight. Got up at 4 am again- yahhhh. Was able to run 32 min continuous, no problems other than be in SLOW. When I got to work, i was ready for a nap, then found out my patient weighed 400+ lbs- Time for 4 shots of espresso,
I think after a few days of this schedule I'll start to get used to it. Really love the feeling of being done with the workout. Once you get going, feels good to start the day that way
Nails- mine look nice for about 1 hr after a manicure, if they last that long. Linda, I could use tips on perfect lipstick application
Becky- tough situation, espceially if you don't know the girl well. When I was a travel RN, living in New Orleans, my roomate was seeing a guy. I was at a bar that we hung out in, Tony was Bombed, barely able to walk. I walked him home to make sure he got to his place safe and just to the door. He tried to kiss me, I told her that- she was mad at me for walking him home, then she made a move on a guy i was interested in, gone out with a few times. So moral of the story is you never know how someone will react. I thought i was doing something nice by walking the guy home, no other agenda, . This was someone i thought I knew well. I know this is a different situation, but I guess, unless i really knew the person well, I would stay out of it. Especially if you were involved with the guy in past
Beth- Congrats on new Vdot!!! woohooo!
I wear a Body Bugg, what they use on biggest loser. So my base rate seems to be about 1.1 calorie /min. Wounds up being1584/ day. I need to be better about recording food. When I have it on, although you don't notice it much, I am better about whatI put in my mouth. If you only have a few pounds to lose. Linda, wonder if you should do a redo? Really does sound low. I guess you'll know when you repeat in a few months
I have fitzgerals's book, also picked up Primal Blueprint. out of curiosity may be I'll checkout Seebohor as well
Hi ladies. Sorry I missed the chat. I got home late and remembered at 8:30, but decided SAUs were more important. No offense. After all the biking I was whooped and it was really nice to just relax with Max and earm SAUs.
@Carly- I figured that you were burning SAUs, that's why I was asking about Michelle's biking. My advice, better to, on occasion pass on the intervals and just ride together. I'm lucky that Max is a late sleeper. I can go out and do the intervals, then come home to pick him up and go for a ride together. For me the ride is too easy, but I have put in the work and just spin along and encourage him in his workout. It's worth it in the long run. Or sheep dogging which you might have heard Linda talk about.
@Tracy- I don't know how you do a BRIck when you also work 12 hours. Now I really miss the 3.0 smiley that bows at your feet. I could do it 1 day, but 2?? NO way!
Had the scariest nightmare. My parents are divorced and amicable, so this is not even remotely possible. Dreamed that my dad murdered my mom! There was no evidence, but I just knew. I was searching every where. Then I got a phone call and I just knew. I broke down sobbing and I was doing this in my sleep! Max had to wake me up. I was so traumatized. I really could feel how devastating it is to just want closure if you can't have them back alive. Gives me shivers and I tear up just remembering.
I have not chosen a charity for Ironman and was really having a hard time deciding. Now I think I might do something that deals with searching for missing loved ones, if I can find a reputable charity.
Hey ladies! So sorry I haven't been on here for a few days, and have missed quite a bit apparently! Suzanne, so sorry to hear of your loss. How gut-wrenching and sad. My deepest sympathies to you and your family. This is just a quickie note as I have to log off and get home. However, will get back on later and catch up! I am sorry to learn that I forgot about and missed out on a great chat night, with the ladies! By the way, I don't think I ever gave my phone # so we could all talk. Who was I supposed to send this to, for the spreadsheet? My mind is a bit gone these days!
Ok ladies, it seems crazy to even be thinking about this...who is doing an Ironman next year? What Ironman are you considering for next year?
Oh this one is easy. Not me!!!!! Next year will be an IM Free year. I'll return to enjoying HIMs & Olys and I've already been eyeing some cycling races too (no crits, but I think I'd like to try a road race)
Ok ladies, it seems crazy to even be thinking about this...who is doing an Ironman next year? What Ironman are you considering for next year?
No IM for me next year either. I want a year of dirt: riding mtb and trail running, then racing 'cross in the fall. My DH is trying to talk me into IMLP 2012...
I've already committed to next year being IM free as well. Absolutely looking forward to a few 1/2's and local fun stuff. Depending on how IMLP goes this year I could be convinced to return in 2012.
I don't think I can make Ironman plans until my entire body knows I can finish my first. Head? Totally convinced. Legs? And the rest of the body? I need to survive a 2.4 mile swim and love a 112 mile bike and then I'll think about next year.
My sister was over tonight and brought me chairs for Sunday's book club. Because my apartment is so single girl it only has three chairs -- not very guest friendly. I made her brownies as a potluck dish. You know you are in the company of triathletes when they talk about Racing Weight while making brownies and then eat bananas.
Yes that reminds me I need to go get my nails done!!! smile. ya know, just part of my maintenance!!! smile. and speaking of that getting my massage today.... I am not a guru there.. so I think think this might be my 3rd??? ya know I am all knotted up she should have a hey day. going to run long, and I was up early Barb et. al so I could tidy up house before I leave to take kids to school and then run in daylight so I can see the dog, yes warmer but light. I don't mind in dark but trying to figure out dog? on a 1.5 hour run, what if I tripped... anyways, we will see how I fare on run. I always get a bit nervous... but once going I relax. gotta go charge up my Garmin. I got to swim for 20' yesterday... before arm was aching and Ididnt want to push it but def better. and I rode to the pool, 23 miles away... to and fro. packing my goggles and flipflops in jersey pocket. good to see my coaches for the lunch Master swim. They said when I breathe I rotate great, but when I don't breathe on that right side, shoulder is flatter. anyways, will work on this. This will be dog's longest run too, I didn't run him yesterday.. on every other day while I build up his endurance!!! smile. one day at a time, it's working. as far as IMs next year? haven't thought about it, I haven't done AZ or UT, will have done the others in the US. Will I continue with my goal of doing all US IMs.... ? would I count Canada in the mix??!!! right now I can't decide.. but will keep you posted. I don't like cold water either, UT, and wonder if they will move it later, next year it is May 7th... I have not discussed any 2011 plans with hubby, 2010 is attempting to knock us on our butts!!! HSgraduation, Fall: 2 in college, 3 teenage car insurance, car repair, dog, mission trip (great!), husband's sickness, my PT and thyroid and it is only May!! I can see the funny side of it actually. UTAH sounds brutal but ya know, okay I still don't know how I did it at IMLP!! and yep cold water, brrrr.. but now hot and windy in AZ doesn't phase me. but I would love to see UT... but big trip $$ the logistics and etc. but way cool. we will see how this year goes of staying close to home and only doing races in my back yard and then doing the ONE big IM!!
hahaha. I do believe Dave and I have some evil voodoo curse @ LP. Busted my foot there in '07 and Dave crashed there in '09. I fear what the trifecta might be.
I have to say....long term thinking for me is FL in '11 and then I do believe I'll be stepping down from IM for a bit.
Okay girls, I would love to say yes, I'll do an IM next year too, as I want this lifestyle. However, I want to finish IMLOU first, to accomplish that first one and know I can do it, before I commit. However, that being said, I'd love to sign on for IMLP in 2012, and maybe FL, AZ, or Cozumel, in 2011! Anyone into Cozumel next year?? Just a thought! I would LUV to have an EN CHICKA IM TEAM!!! and all of us doing the same one! How awesome would that be??? Can you IMAGINE the vibe? Well, those of you doing Wisconsin will! I truly hope I can come and be an EN Sherpa for WI. My dilema is this...assuming LOU goes great, do I sign up for it again, while I'm there? Do I sign up this year, for WI next year, since it is on my radar? Will there be any EN Chickas signing up again for WI next year? What are you all thinking of doing next year, for those who are doing one in 2011? I better consider how my S.O. takes it too. Been working on SAU's, but sometimes it gets a little tough, as Gina and others have stated...Believe me, I'm living that this year. Found out that even with this great schedule, IM training does cause 'relationship draining'.... On another note...I overslept this morning and didn't workout. I should have done my bike test yesterday, but chose to swim instead. Thought I'd do the bike this a.m., but had NO mojo to do it, and slept. Won't bike tonight, as I'm running w/ a group, short run. Am doing Indy Mini on Saturday. I'm bloated, sluggish, tired, and no mojo!! I'm worried about missing doing the bike test, but don't really want to do it before my 1/2 mary. There's also a run test scheduled actually, for today. Don't really want to push the envelope on that either, until after Indy. What do you girls think? I need some wisdom from the wise chickas in the Haus! That would be everyone!!! It has been a really tough week, work-wise. On Monday, I had a male student, junior, go OFF on me, because I told him to pull up his pants, that were hanging almost below his cheeks. He pulled them down further, below his cheeks, so I tried to get him to the office. LONNNNGGGGG story, but the kid cursed me up one side and down the other, f you, f off, you're stupid, no one wants to hear what you have to say, quit looking at my @$$, etc. etc. all the way from one building into the other...I had another teacher escort me, so I had a witness. He threatened me 3 times!!! On the way, he was way up the hallway from us, as he wouldn't turn around and come back as I had yelled down the hall for him to do...the other teacher turns to me and comments on how out of control he is. I turn to HER, (not the kid) and tell her he is acting like an asshole. So, he turns around, runs back and GETS IN MY FACE, and asks if I just called him an f'ing asshole! I told him I did not, wasn't talking to him, etc. The threats he proceeded to make, and the f' you's I got on the way to the office were loud, angry, and he was pounding his fist into his hand! What does the Associate Principal do when we get to the office and the secretary has to yell at the kid to shut up or she was calling the school cop? First, the A.P. doesn't come out. Then, he comes out, takes the kid to hear HIS story, doesn't ask me at all what on earth happened. Then get this...the AP comes out and the only thing he asks me is "Did one of you call him an asshole?" We both tell him what transpired with that comment. This is what the AP said to me, "Well, he heard you". That is ALL HE SAID TO ME!!!!! He did NOT CARE what I endured on the way to the office, or that the kid threatened me, or that he pulled his pants down further and stuck his ass out at me!!! Sorry I am going off here, but teachers have no support or rights at some schools anymore. And I am soooo sick of being treated like this in my job, everyday!!! How many of you would put up with being talked to like this everyday? And if I hear one more statement in the news, of how TEACHERS are failing our kids, I will throw up! It starts with what they learn at home!! And administrators need to stop letting them get away with treating staff the way they do! Okay, rant is now done. But this is why I am depressed, eating everything in site, can't get up and have no mojo. And the only one I'm punishing is myself. I know it. I need some mojo ladies...Starting to doubt myself about doing this IM. I know it is crazy. But it is what it is. Hormones aren't helping one iota either!!!
Barb- My sympathies on that one.... my admiration goes out to teachers, health care workers, police & firemen. I could not do those things and do so appreciate those who do!!
On IMLOU- it will not sell out right away so no rush to sign up again day after (although WTC will say differently).
Still on my list of IM's to do... Placid, Canada, & AZ. Maybe, maybe FL and COZ but after seeing temps in the 50's, thing IMSG is a no go for me... I'll just settle for a week long bike trip to UT!
Thanks Kris!! I would definately be into tackling the BEAST with you! I went to St. Croix a few years ago on spring break. I did not get to go drive the Beast, but I did run part of the course at the Bucaneer. At the time, I wasn't in the best of shape, but I tell you what...it was hot, humid, and a bit hilly. I wasn't feelin' the luv at the time. But, I'd certainly do it with EN guidance, and IMLOU under my belt! Besides, I have since gotten Scuba Certified, and would LOVE to dive in St. Croix!! The snorkeling was definetly cool! And the Cruzan Rum, well....just sayin'!!!
@Barbara - wow... that is just unbelievably horrible. I'm so sorry, and to not get any support... well that just downright sucks. My hats go off to teachers, particularly ones who are not in cushy private schools in affluent suburbs (granted, my aunt, whom I love dearly, is in one of those and they certainly have lots of their own issues - dealing with kids of privilege and sense the sense of entitlement that goes along with it... and the helicopter parents who blame my aunt when the kid gets a B or a C... not their kid). It's such a shame. All I can say is I fear for our future...
On to the IM question... I would like to do one next year. But, like Beth and Suzanne, haven't gotten through my first yet so I'm sort of hesitant to jump in. That said, I know me and I know I'll want to do another whether or not I have a good experience at IMFL - either I'll have a bad day and will want to improve or I'll have a good day and HIMs will seem anticlimactic (I'm nuts, you see). Honestly, I'm not sure Dan is down with it - we had a talk about what this year would be like for me before I registered for IMFL and he was supportive, but I think he thinks this will be a one and done thing for me. He's a runner and a triathlete, yes, but he's not an endurance guy... only done 1 marathon 10 years ago and has no real aspiration to do another. Has done a few HIMs and he's doing Timberman with me in August... but again, not really his thing - he's a sprint and OLY guy (nothing wrong with that). Anyway, every so often (lately) I get a hint of snarkiness when he'll say something about EN... and he was kind of a jerk this past weekend about it. In addition to making a comment to me about the time I spent online and doing my RR report post, he brought up PMs to cyclist friends of his (whom I'd never met before). Dan asked if either had PMs, and they don't, (the woman is a Cat 1 and won her race that day) but the hubby said she should probably train with one. Dan proceeded to tell them I'm thinking of getting one and noted that he doesn't think I should bother. And he asked them how much they cost. When they said 1000 he balked. He also told me I should do research and talk to people with them to see if it's worth it, etc... It was just very strange... I didn't get into it with him but part of me was like, I know a shit load of people with them and even if I didn't why do you care how I spend my money? why can't I try to improve even if I don't and am not trying to win? Anyway, we're 7 months in and assuming we continue down this path, he and I should chat about my training/racing schedule...
So, to answer the question (sorry for the digressions - I guess I was more annoyed about Saturday that I thought), I'm thinking about IMWI in 2011, too (I think Barbara mentioned it, or maybe it was Kate). I have a good friend here who's done that one twice and she's pondering going back... which would be super cool. Bummed to hear so many chicas are taking next year off from the big show - but I can't say I blame you... this is new to me so i'm all eager-beaver about it.
I digress (again). It really stinks that they sell out immediately so I'll have to decide this year (sort of soon) about rolling the dice for next year. What you ladies have going on for Moo this year - in that a huge group of you are doing it together - is so awesome... I'd love to be a part of something like that -- where we all choose one to do and keep each other going through training and then, race weekend, the EN Chicas will rule the course! That said, LP is not on my list at all. I'm a marathoner with a triathlon problem and some day I'd like to be in the 50 state club. Yes, IMs count, but I want my NY marathon to be NYC. I've tried to get into NYC unsuccessfully 2x already, I'll try again next year... depending on my season, if I get in I could either defer a year or do an Aug or Sep IM and run the marathon in November... if I don't get in ont he third try, I think I'm guaranteed a spot in 2012. So, in either case, I'm looking for an Aug or Sep IM for both 2011 and 2012 (assuming I do one each year)... and am looking at Nov marathons in both years, too (NYC and Philly are my choices... )
I would love, love, love to do a EN Chica race in 2011 or 2012... but sadly, I'm out for IMLP if that's the group choice...
Now, less serious... (man, I'm long winded today)... I got my AOB (ass outta bed) mostly on time and was AIS (ass in saddle) to start my brick at 5:10!!! I think Tracy said it yesterday, it IS awfully nice to have it done with as I start the day! That's why once upon a time I was a morning work out person... it's done, I'm free to do whatever comes along after work, and I'm more inclined to be healthy for the rest of the day (make good food choices) knowing I got the day off to a good start!
Way to go Linda, Gina, and Nemo - and any others - who were also AOB and IP, OT (on trail/dreadmill) or IS this morning! We rock!!
No IM for me next year. Not only do the long hours of training drain SAUs, they also drain my quality of life. I finished IMLOU in 2007 and swore I'd never do another IM - fast forward to September 2009 and I was chomping at the bit to sign up for FL in November! It took me 2 years to mentally recover. Having said that, the constant rumors of an IM race in Texas have me excited - I would definitely do that one, if it ever comes to pass.
Barb, you have my sympathy and respect for dealing with that kind of attitude and behavior all the time. It's not just kids, though...it seems like the rude, the mean, and the downright asshole-ish have taken over. We have a mostly middle/upper class clientele at my practice, and they are very spoiled. You would be amazed at some of the tantrums grown men and women have thrown because they didn't get their way. I'm so tired of mean people.
On the bright side, EN is such a wonderful pocket of nice people!
No IM for me in 2011. MOO will make 3 in a row and that is more than enough. I want/need to devote a HUGE amount of time to my relationship and look past the "always doing an IM" lifestyle. It is hard to let go of, but I believe harder to hold onto in a healthy way.
Barb- first, your story about the Jr kid just enrages me on so many levels. What ever happened to respect? Is the Muni Mini (or whatever it was called) this weekend your half Mary? If so I'd say drop the FTP test and use the Half Mary as your vdot test.
Becky- the whole relationship is a serious balancing act, especially when only one of you is "into" triathlon. Joe is supportive, but if I tried to do one IM every year he would be far from thrilled. EN helps 'cause I can manage to get my training done in the morning and have evenings free to be with him. But the other impact is the vacation time that gets eaten up to do training, go to camps, go to races. He'd rather we use that time together- and frankly- I would too sometimes!
All Non-Moo ladies. Yeah, this Cowgirl thing is just gonna be amazing. But the way it all came together was simply a magical thing. We didn't really plan it out- it just sorta snowballed! On registration day I think we only actually had 4 of us who were planning to register for the race. But as the day progressed, the challenge from Rich came down, and the energy built, we suddenly ended up with 2010 being the year of the Cowgirl. I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry about figuring it all out right now. As the year moves forward and things progress, I'm sure some synergies will come together and you'll find the right race venue for 2011.
Oh- and on that note, I will be doing some racing, just not IM stuff. So maybe a trip to the NorthEast next year for Mooseman, or maybe to California for Wildflower, or maybe heading back to Maryland to do Savageman- I gotta believe one or two other Chicas would be interested in something like that (after all, Linda has to do a Half IM one of these days! )
@Nemo- Savageman is on my someday list.. likely would have been this year if it weren't for a few of my buds racing Moo..... :-) Wildflower is also on the someday list- think it's just something you have to experience at least once.
For anyone needing a new swim suit, swimoutlet.com has some great deals on the their competition suits. If you do the grab bag it's as low as $18 - one piece for $24. I've bought several Dolfin suits that are LOTS of fun and have held up fairly well! May have to invest in one more. There's a Wonder Woman Splish suit but $45 is still too much $$'s for me yet....
For me, I would be taking off next year if it weren't for so many locals jumping back on board for IMLOU'11. Just hard to resist one in your back door where you can train on the course and have zero travel costs. I am 20 mins from IMLOU transition...... This is year #5 for IMLOU of the 5 yr contract. Think it's a no brainer they will renew since I've heard this is their most profitable race (can accomodate 3000 to start due to time trial start).
I'm on the fence about doing an IM next year. I may just do a couple of half's and train for a marathon. If I did one I would want it to be with a large group as the IMWI vibe this year is super cool. I am interested in IMCDA or I would consider IMWI again as I really like that it is in September, I guess we will see.
No way, nyet, uh-uh--how many ways can you say "no Ironman next year." I am doing WI much to my utter surprise since I had no intention, but couldn't pass up the chica experience. What a way to wrap up my "career"--I'm pretty sure this is my last one. Thrice is nice. I have other things I want to do and places to travel to.
@Nemo--that was EXACTLY what I was thinking! Throw my bike in te car, drive down south and meet up at some HIM next year. Absolutely! Heck, I'll do it for a sprint. That will be my chica plan next year. (For the new chicas, I have NEVER done a HIM! I'll get around to to it...)
@Barbara--what I say about myself and teaching--"I know I'd be fired, I'd probably be sued." NO WAY could I do that job. Between that kind of behavior from the boorish, undisciplined kids, to the entitled, obnoxious parents, I'd lose my mind. That's a terrible experience, and an unexcusable response from the AP. Sorry that happend.
wow, a lot going on. no time right now, sorry, a late take out dinner cuz DH and I rode (14) for a bit with Heather and got caught up on Escape from Alcatraz. and Yep I ran 10 this morning.... the massage hit all the of the sore spots and so a good experience in a painful way~~
Boy O Boy O Boy, am I ready for a few days off! Definitely some challenging cases this week. I am trying to get some Mojo together, but just not happening. Good thing, I get to meet Linda this weekend, and hopefully Michele too! Pray for No rain saturday.
Barbara- UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! Sadly though it is becoming more of a reality in today's society. See a lot of that in the trauma center. Worst is the response from AP! Saw this on line tonight when getting into my hotmail. Basically 72 yo grandmother arrested for slapping 18 yo grandaughter for dropping Fbomb to many times when told by granny to do homework
As far as IM-provided I can stay healthy, I'm not done yet. I may do LP another year, may push the repeat off til 2012, possibly do IMLOU '11. My friend Alli is going to do AZ. She just did St george ( said she wouldn't recommend). Kris I would definitely be interested in conquering The Beast in St Croix.
Gotta go- fighting my eyelids and they are winning
Oh boy! I'm back....looks like I stepped in at the right time...discussing future race plans. I told Brian while I was dragging myself around the run course in SG that I would "never" do this again. He said, don't commit right now, you're not thinking straight....blah, blah. I'm not rushing to sign up for anything at this point, because I'm soooooooo digging the fact that I'm not going to do anything for any duration at any threshold for at least 3 weeks. But can you believe that I actually started to think about what race I could do that wouldn't be cold? WTF?!? I think it's because I've learned that walking most of the marathon on these things means your legs don't hurt as much...Whatever! True that the impact on SOs is big....this IM is definitely a family decision....
Barb that totally sucks about the student you described! I'm so disgusted by so many kids these days....and their parents. As a matter of fact I started out my professional life as a teacher but was so appalled that teaching turned out to be more about discipline than actual learning and development that I left. Sad. I hope you're doing OK....and I'll say it....he IS an asshole!
Thanks so much all of you, for your support regarding my "ASSHOLE" student!!! Thanks for saying it too, Olivia! So sad that you got discouraged and left education, but I totally understand why! If I had an inkling of an idea of what else I could do with my background and degree, and still make a better wage than I currently do (it wouldn't take much!) I'd get out of education. It has gotten ridiculous! It is way too stressful anymore. Thank goodness for triathlon lifestyle, because between it, and working hard to lose weight, I got off of the blood pressure meds I had to get on last year, because of my job!!! Tracy, I tried to locate that video via the link, but I didn't get anything on the msn video screen. I'll keep trying. On another note, it is so fun to talk about what races we all are interested in doing, and where. My big dream is to do the Marathon deSable in Morocco, someday. I might enter the lottery for 2012! Am I insane??? YES! But I love the crazy challenges! I made it through the Great Wall Marathon, and loved the travel and the downright toughness of it, that I want to have another adventure! Is anyone out there crazy enough to be interested in MDS as well? If so, let me know! I am serious!! It isn't cheap by any means! Would probably need sponsors, but what an adventure! My other race is the marathon in Antarctica, with Marthon Tours and Travel. I actually had money deposited on this race about 3 years ago, and S.O. was gonna go as well. But, money became an issue, so plans were cancelled. I still have the itch to do it though. I am really into doing marathons in other countries. Would like to hit all the continents. I've got 2 continents covered, and 5 to go! I also dream of doing IM Switzerland and IM Brazil, as well as Germany. I need to win the lottery so I can be independently wealthy and train and travel! I'd have to do IM Philippines too. I lived there in '82/83 and would like to go back to do the IM, even though it isn't on Luzon, where I lived. It is beautiful there. Okay, I got in the pool on M, Tu, and planning to get up and go tomorrow, then Master's on Friday. Am having a helluva time getting my endurance back. I'm slow as a barge, and everyone in my Master's lane passes me like I'm standing still..getting a bit worried about the time it might take me in L'Ville. I am trying to start focusing on Muncie half distance race, so I don't freak myself out with the distance I have to condition myself to do in August. Right now, swim distance is low, but I know I can get back up to par. Well, am getting sleepy. 4 a.m. does come very early! Have a good night's rest all Chicas! What a fantastic group and great vibe we have! I am fortunate to get to know you al!
I would be open for conference call, if not working. Would be fun. What were you guys chatting about that had you in hysterics?
I was wondering how Rich was going to do his conference call, thought he was on his biking trek through Utah. Anyway, was thinking about doing that chat, but the 4 am wake-up came back and bit me in the butt in late afternoon, crashed hard. My last case pt was sick, lots going on, that can be draining, by the time I was done, knew there was no way i would be able to swim, so I went home. May have to re-eval days of work 12 hrs + 2 workouts. Going to try again for swim tonight. Got up at 4 am again- yahhhh
. Was able to run 32 min continuous, no problems other than be in SLOW. When I got to work, i was ready for a nap
, then found out my patient weighed 400+ lbs
- Time for 4 shots of espresso
I think after a few days of this schedule I'll start to get used to it. Really love the feeling of being done with the workout. Once you get going, feels good to start the day that way
Nails- mine look nice for about 1 hr after a manicure, if they last that long. Linda, I could use tips on perfect lipstick application
Becky- tough situation, espceially if you don't know the girl well. When I was a travel RN, living in New Orleans, my roomate was seeing a guy. I was at a bar that we hung out in, Tony was Bombed, barely able to walk. I walked him home to make sure he got to his place safe and just to the door. He tried to kiss me, I told her that- she was mad at me for walking him home, then she made a move on a guy i was interested in, gone out with a few times. So moral of the story is you never know how someone will react. I thought i was doing something nice by walking the guy home, no other agenda, . This was someone i thought I knew well. I know this is a different situation, but I guess, unless i really knew the person well, I would stay out of it. Especially if you were involved with the guy in past
Beth- Congrats on new Vdot!!! woohooo!
I wear a Body Bugg, what they use on biggest loser. So my base rate seems to be about 1.1 calorie /min. Wounds up being1584/ day. I need to be better about recording food. When I have it on, although you don't notice it much, I am better about whatI put in my mouth. If you only have a few pounds to lose. Linda, wonder if you should do a redo? Really does sound low. I guess you'll know when you repeat in a few months
I have fitzgerals's book, also picked up Primal Blueprint. out of curiosity may be I'll checkout Seebohor as well
Gotta scoot
After all the biking I was whooped and it was really nice to just relax with Max and earm SAUs.
@Carly- I figured that you were burning SAUs, that's why I was asking about Michelle's biking. My advice, better to, on occasion pass on the intervals and just ride together. I'm lucky that Max is a late sleeper. I can go out and do the intervals, then come home to pick him up and go for a ride together. For me the ride is too easy, but I have put in the work and just spin along and encourage him in his workout. It's worth it in the long run. Or sheep dogging which you might have heard Linda talk about.
@Tracy- I don't know how you do a BRIck when you also work 12 hours. Now I really miss the 3.0 smiley that bows at your feet. I could do it 1 day, but 2?? NO way!
Had the scariest nightmare. My parents are divorced and amicable, so this is not even remotely possible. Dreamed that my dad murdered my mom! There was no evidence, but I just knew. I was searching every where. Then I got a phone call and I just knew. I broke down sobbing and I was doing this in my sleep! Max had to wake me up. I was so traumatized. I really could feel how devastating it is to just want closure if you can't have them back alive. Gives me shivers and I tear up just remembering.
I have not chosen a charity for Ironman and was really having a hard time deciding. Now I think I might do something that deals with searching for missing loved ones, if I can find a reputable charity.
Back to happier thoughts though.
Oh this one is easy. Not me!!!!! Next year will be an IM Free year. I'll return to enjoying HIMs & Olys and I've already been eyeing some cycling races too (no crits, but I think I'd like to try a road race)
No IM for me next year either. I want a year of dirt: riding mtb and trail running, then racing 'cross in the fall. My DH is trying to talk me into IMLP 2012...
I've already committed to next year being IM free as well. Absolutely looking forward to a few 1/2's and local fun stuff. Depending on how IMLP goes this year I could be convinced to return in 2012.
I don't think I can make Ironman plans until my entire body knows I can finish my first. Head? Totally convinced. Legs? And the rest of the body? I need to survive a 2.4 mile swim and love a 112 mile bike and then I'll think about next year.
My sister was over tonight and brought me chairs for Sunday's book club. Because my apartment is so single girl it only has three chairs -- not very guest friendly. I made her brownies as a potluck dish. You know you are in the company of triathletes when they talk about Racing Weight while making brownies and then eat bananas.
Michele, Kris: IMLP 2012---I'm about 90% convinced to do it. If you gals go, I'll be 100%
hahaha. I do believe Dave and I have some evil voodoo curse @ LP. Busted my foot there in '07 and Dave crashed there in '09. I fear what the trifecta might be.
I have to say....long term thinking for me is FL in '11 and then I do believe I'll be stepping down from IM for a bit.
I would LUV to have an EN CHICKA IM TEAM!!! and all of us doing the same one! How awesome would that be??? Can you IMAGINE the vibe? Well, those of you doing Wisconsin will! I truly hope I can come and be an EN Sherpa for WI. My dilema is this...assuming LOU goes great, do I sign up for it again, while I'm there? Do I sign up this year, for WI next year, since it is on my radar? Will there be any EN Chickas signing up again for WI next year? What are you all thinking of doing next year, for those who are doing one in 2011? I better consider how my S.O. takes it too. Been working on SAU's, but sometimes it gets a little tough, as Gina and others have stated...Believe me, I'm living that this year. Found out that even with this great schedule, IM training does cause 'relationship draining'....
On another note...I overslept this morning and didn't workout. I should have done my bike test yesterday, but chose to swim instead. Thought I'd do the bike this a.m., but had NO mojo to do it, and slept. Won't bike tonight, as I'm running w/ a group, short run. Am doing Indy Mini on Saturday. I'm bloated, sluggish, tired, and no mojo!!
It has been a really tough week, work-wise. On Monday, I had a male student, junior, go OFF on me, because I told him to pull up his pants, that were hanging almost below his cheeks. He pulled them down further, below his cheeks, so I tried to get him to the office. LONNNNGGGGG story, but the kid cursed me up one side and down the other, f you, f off, you're stupid, no one wants to hear what you have to say, quit looking at my @$$, etc. etc. all the way from one building into the other...I had another teacher escort me, so I had a witness. He threatened me 3 times!!! On the way, he was way up the hallway from us, as he wouldn't turn around and come back as I had yelled down the hall for him to do...the other teacher turns to me and comments on how out of control he is. I turn to HER, (not the kid) and tell her he is acting like an asshole. So, he turns around, runs back and GETS IN MY FACE, and asks if I just called him an f'ing asshole! I told him I did not, wasn't talking to him, etc. The threats he proceeded to make, and the f' you's I got on the way to the office were loud, angry, and he was pounding his fist into his hand! What does the Associate Principal do when we get to the office and the secretary has to yell at the kid to shut up or she was calling the school cop? First, the A.P. doesn't come out. Then, he comes out, takes the kid to hear HIS story, doesn't ask me at all what on earth happened. Then get this...the AP comes out and the only thing he asks me is "Did one of you call him an asshole?" We both tell him what transpired with that comment. This is what the AP said to me, "Well, he heard you". That is ALL HE SAID TO ME!!!!! He did NOT CARE what I endured on the way to the office, or that the kid threatened me, or that he pulled his pants down further and stuck his ass out at me!!! Sorry I am going off here, but teachers have no support or rights at some schools anymore. And I am soooo sick of being treated like this in my job, everyday!!! How many of you would put up with being talked to like this everyday?
And if I hear one more statement in the news, of how TEACHERS are failing our kids, I will throw up! It starts with what they learn at home!! And administrators need to stop letting them get away with treating staff the way they do! Okay, rant is now done. But this is why I am depressed, eating everything in site, can't get up and have no mojo. And the only one I'm punishing is myself. I know it. I need some mojo ladies...Starting to doubt myself about doing this IM. I know it is crazy. But it is what it is. Hormones aren't helping one iota either!!!
On IMLOU- it will not sell out right away so no rush to sign up again day after (although WTC will say differently).
Still on my list of IM's to do... Placid, Canada, & AZ. Maybe, maybe FL and COZ but after seeing temps in the 50's, thing IMSG is a no go for me... I'll just settle for a week long bike trip to UT!
@Barbara - wow... that is just unbelievably horrible. I'm so sorry, and to not get any support... well that just downright sucks. My hats go off to teachers, particularly ones who are not in cushy private schools in affluent suburbs (granted, my aunt, whom I love dearly, is in one of those and they certainly have lots of their own issues - dealing with kids of privilege and sense the sense of entitlement that goes along with it... and the helicopter parents who blame my aunt when the kid gets a B or a C... not their kid). It's such a shame. All I can say is I fear for our future...
On to the IM question... I would like to do one next year. But, like Beth and Suzanne, haven't gotten through my first yet so I'm sort of hesitant to jump in. That said, I know me and I know I'll want to do another whether or not I have a good experience at IMFL - either I'll have a bad day and will want to improve or I'll have a good day and HIMs will seem anticlimactic (I'm nuts, you see). Honestly, I'm not sure Dan is down with it - we had a talk about what this year would be like for me before I registered for IMFL and he was supportive, but I think he thinks this will be a one and done thing for me. He's a runner and a triathlete, yes, but he's not an endurance guy... only done 1 marathon 10 years ago and has no real aspiration to do another. Has done a few HIMs and he's doing Timberman with me in August... but again, not really his thing - he's a sprint and OLY guy (nothing wrong with that). Anyway, every so often (lately) I get a hint of snarkiness when he'll say something about EN... and he was kind of a jerk this past weekend about it. In addition to making a comment to me about the time I spent online and doing my RR report post, he brought up PMs to cyclist friends of his (whom I'd never met before). Dan asked if either had PMs, and they don't, (the woman is a Cat 1 and won her race that day) but the hubby said she should probably train with one. Dan proceeded to tell them I'm thinking of getting one and noted that he doesn't think I should bother. And he asked them how much they cost. When they said 1000 he balked. He also told me I should do research and talk to people with them to see if it's worth it, etc... It was just very strange... I didn't get into it with him but part of me was like, I know a shit load of people with them and even if I didn't why do you care how I spend my money? why can't I try to improve even if I don't and am not trying to win? Anyway, we're 7 months in and assuming we continue down this path, he and I should chat about my training/racing schedule...
So, to answer the question (sorry for the digressions - I guess I was more annoyed about Saturday that I thought), I'm thinking about IMWI in 2011, too (I think Barbara mentioned it, or maybe it was Kate). I have a good friend here who's done that one twice and she's pondering going back... which would be super cool. Bummed to hear so many chicas are taking next year off from the big show - but I can't say I blame you... this is new to me so i'm all eager-beaver about it.
I digress (again). It really stinks that they sell out immediately so I'll have to decide this year (sort of soon) about rolling the dice for next year. What you ladies have going on for Moo this year - in that a huge group of you are doing it together - is so awesome... I'd love to be a part of something like that -- where we all choose one to do and keep each other going through training and then, race weekend, the EN Chicas will rule the course! That said, LP is not on my list at all. I'm a marathoner with a triathlon problem and some day I'd like to be in the 50 state club. Yes, IMs count, but I want my NY marathon to be NYC. I've tried to get into NYC unsuccessfully 2x already, I'll try again next year... depending on my season, if I get in I could either defer a year or do an Aug or Sep IM and run the marathon in November... if I don't get in ont he third try, I think I'm guaranteed a spot in 2012. So, in either case, I'm looking for an Aug or Sep IM for both 2011 and 2012 (assuming I do one each year)... and am looking at Nov marathons in both years, too (NYC and Philly are my choices... )
I would love, love, love to do a EN Chica race in 2011 or 2012... but sadly, I'm out for IMLP if that's the group choice...
Now, less serious... (man, I'm long winded today)... I got my AOB (ass outta bed) mostly on time and was AIS (ass in saddle) to start my brick at 5:10!!! I think Tracy said it yesterday, it IS awfully nice to have it done with as I start the day! That's why once upon a time I was a morning work out person... it's done, I'm free to do whatever comes along after work, and I'm more inclined to be healthy for the rest of the day (make good food choices) knowing I got the day off to a good start!
Way to go Linda, Gina, and Nemo - and any others - who were also AOB and IP, OT (on trail/dreadmill) or IS this morning! We rock!!
Barb, you have my sympathy and respect for dealing with that kind of attitude and behavior all the time. It's not just kids, though...it seems like the rude, the mean, and the downright asshole-ish have taken over. We have a mostly middle/upper class clientele at my practice, and they are very spoiled. You would be amazed at some of the tantrums grown men and women have thrown because they didn't get their way. I'm so tired of mean people.
On the bright side, EN is such a wonderful pocket of nice people!
No IM for me in 2011. MOO will make 3 in a row and that is more than enough. I want/need to devote a HUGE amount of time to my relationship and look past the "always doing an IM" lifestyle. It is hard to let go of, but I believe harder to hold onto in a healthy way.
WOW- so much going on!
Barb- first, your story about the Jr kid just enrages me on so many levels. What ever happened to respect? Is the Muni Mini (or whatever it was called) this weekend your half Mary? If so I'd say drop the FTP test and use the Half Mary as your vdot test.
Becky- the whole relationship is a serious balancing act, especially when only one of you is "into" triathlon. Joe is supportive, but if I tried to do one IM every year he would be far from thrilled. EN helps 'cause I can manage to get my training done in the morning and have evenings free to be with him. But the other impact is the vacation time that gets eaten up to do training, go to camps, go to races. He'd rather we use that time together- and frankly- I would too sometimes!
All Non-Moo ladies. Yeah, this Cowgirl thing is just gonna be amazing. But the way it all came together was simply a magical thing. We didn't really plan it out- it just sorta snowballed! On registration day I think we only actually had 4 of us who were planning to register for the race. But as the day progressed, the challenge from Rich came down, and the energy built, we suddenly ended up with 2010 being the year of the Cowgirl. I guess what I'm saying is, don't worry about figuring it all out right now. As the year moves forward and things progress, I'm sure some synergies will come together and you'll find the right race venue for 2011.
Oh- and on that note, I will be doing some racing, just not IM stuff. So maybe a trip to the NorthEast next year for Mooseman, or maybe to California for Wildflower, or maybe heading back to Maryland to do Savageman- I gotta believe one or two other Chicas would be interested in something like that (after all, Linda has to do a Half IM one of these days!
For anyone needing a new swim suit, swimoutlet.com has some great deals on the their competition suits. If you do the grab bag it's as low as $18 - one piece for $24. I've bought several Dolfin suits that are LOTS of fun and have held up fairly well! May have to invest in one more. There's a Wonder Woman Splish suit but $45 is still too much $$'s for me yet....
For me, I would be taking off next year if it weren't for so many locals jumping back on board for IMLOU'11. Just hard to resist one in your back door where you can train on the course and have zero travel costs. I am 20 mins from IMLOU transition...... This is year #5 for IMLOU of the 5 yr contract. Think it's a no brainer they will renew since I've heard this is their most profitable race (can accomodate 3000 to start due to time trial start).
No way, nyet, uh-uh--how many ways can you say "no Ironman next year." I am doing WI much to my utter surprise since I had no intention, but couldn't pass up the chica experience. What a way to wrap up my "career"--I'm pretty sure this is my last one. Thrice is nice. I have other things I want to do and places to travel to.
@Nemo--that was EXACTLY what I was thinking! Throw my bike in te car, drive down south and meet up at some HIM next year. Absolutely! Heck, I'll do it for a sprint. That will be my chica plan next year. (For the new chicas, I have NEVER done a HIM!
I'll get around to to it...)
@Barbara--what I say about myself and teaching--"I know I'd be fired, I'd probably be sued." NO WAY could I do that job. Between that kind of behavior from the boorish, undisciplined kids, to the entitled, obnoxious parents, I'd lose my mind. That's a terrible experience, and an unexcusable response from the AP. Sorry that happend.
Wow, things get busy around here fast!
Boy O Boy O Boy, am I ready for a few days off! Definitely some challenging cases this week. I am trying to get some Mojo together, but just not happening. Good thing, I get to meet Linda this weekend, and hopefully Michele too! Pray for No rain saturday.
Barbara- UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! Sadly though it is becoming more of a reality in today's society. See a lot of that in the trauma center. Worst is the response from AP! Saw this on line tonight when getting into my hotmail. Basically 72 yo grandmother arrested for slapping 18 yo grandaughter for dropping Fbomb to many times when told by granny to do homework
As far as IM-provided I can stay healthy, I'm not done yet. I may do LP another year, may push the repeat off til 2012, possibly do IMLOU '11. My friend Alli is going to do AZ. She just did St george ( said she wouldn't recommend). Kris I would definitely be interested in conquering The Beast in St Croix.
Gotta go- fighting my eyelids and they are winning
Barb that totally sucks about the student you described! I'm so disgusted by so many kids these days....and their parents. As a matter of fact I started out my professional life as a teacher but was so appalled that teaching turned out to be more about discipline than actual learning and development that I left. Sad. I hope you're doing OK....and I'll say it....he IS an asshole!
Time to go eat more food!!!
On another note, it is so fun to talk about what races we all are interested in doing, and where. My big dream is to do the Marathon deSable in Morocco, someday. I might enter the lottery for 2012! Am I insane??? YES! But I love the crazy challenges! I made it through the Great Wall Marathon, and loved the travel and the downright toughness of it, that I want to have another adventure! Is anyone out there crazy enough to be interested in MDS as well? If so, let me know! I am serious!! It isn't cheap by any means! Would probably need sponsors, but what an adventure! My other race is the marathon in Antarctica, with Marthon Tours and Travel. I actually had money deposited on this race about 3 years ago, and S.O. was gonna go as well. But, money became an issue, so plans were cancelled. I still have the itch to do it though.
I am really into doing marathons in other countries. Would like to hit all the continents. I've got 2 continents covered, and 5 to go! I also dream of doing IM Switzerland and IM Brazil, as well as Germany. I need to win the lottery so I can be independently wealthy and train and travel!
Okay, I got in the pool on M, Tu, and planning to get up and go tomorrow, then Master's on Friday. Am having a helluva time getting my endurance back. I'm slow as a barge, and everyone in my Master's lane passes me like I'm standing still..getting a bit worried about the time it might take me in L'Ville. I am trying to start focusing on Muncie half distance race, so I don't freak myself out with the distance I have to condition myself to do in August. Right now, swim distance is low, but I know I can get back up to par.
Well, am getting sleepy. 4 a.m. does come very early!