Fellow bird watcher here too Kitboo (although not nearly as skilled as you!). I must warn you, I'm like a little kid when it comes to seeing animals on rides. I'm the geek in the paceline yelling "MOO COW!!!" and "HORSIE!!"" or pointing skyward shounting "HAWK!!!!". It's gonna be so much fun to ride with another nature buff. Dang it, is it Friday yet???
Fellow bird watcher here too Kitboo (although not nearly as skilled as you!). I must warn you, I'm like a little kid when it comes to seeing animals on rides. I'm the geek in the paceline yelling "MOO COW!!!" and "HORSIE!!"" or pointing skyward shounting "HAWK!!!!". It's gonna be so much fun to ride with another nature buff. Dang it, is it Friday yet???
That's so AWESOME!!!! I find that when I'm really suffering on a climb and look down and see...oh say, a chicory flower or hear a red wing blackbird...I think,"What happy purple flowers!" or "Mr. Blackbird, you sound like an electronic alarm clock!" it makes me forget about the pain in my legs and lungs.
Posted By Kitima Boonvisudhi on 10 May 2010 12:22 PM
Posted By Nemo Brauch on 10 May 2010 12:15 PM
Fellow bird watcher here too Kitboo (although not nearly as skilled as you!). I must warn you, I'm like a little kid when it comes to seeing animals on rides. I'm the geek in the paceline yelling "MOO COW!!!" and "HORSIE!!"" or pointing skyward shounting "HAWK!!!!". It's gonna be so much fun to ride with another nature buff. Dang it, is it Friday yet???
That's so AWESOME!!!! I find that when I'm really suffering on a climb and look down and see...oh say, a chicory flower or hear a red wing blackbird...I think,"What happy purple flowers!" or "Mr. Blackbird, you sound like an electronic alarm clock!" it makes me forget about the pain in my legs and lungs.
Soul Sisters!!!! God I can't wait!!! Seriously, is it Friday yet???
I seem to be particularly moved by deer, turtles in the side of the road, and butterflies - riding in Poolesville I saw a lot of those last summer... always made me happy since I was usually riding on my own, too slow for the lead pack and too fast for the slow pack... so Tuan (who wrote our Sunday ride reports) would just say that I was off frolicking in the woods with bambi and other woodland creatures. Actually, I started doing the cue sheets for those rides because his always had mistakes and since I was riding solo (and "missing" turns that weren't noted or were wrong) I was sick of having to make up my own way home... and, it turns out, when I did, I could usually catch up with the lead pack at the rest stops since I would make the correct turns. Imagine that.
actually, finishing up my RR in Cambridge a few weeks ago, as I turned into the final development stretch (before the real neighborhoods) - where the new condos are going up, 4 deer crossed the road about 50 yards ahead of me and it was just so gorgeous. After a totally grueling ride seeing that just made my morning.
@Kit- thanks for the advice. When I was able to ride again, the first outdoor ride I did was at my crash loop. It was terrifying... I wrote several notes on the whole experience (the crash test dummy series) on FB. I should go back, and had I ridden outside this past Saturday that's where I was going to ride. It's actually a very easy and non-technical route, but it's pretty congested with other riders, runners, etc... and I was distracted by another rider when I crashed, paying too much attention to her and didn't notice the enormous sewer drain that I rode over at 26mph... I can still remember the huge bump and instantly thinking "F, this is not good" ... every slight bump now (from a crack in the road, a bridge seam, whatever) makes me a little freaked... I try to relax... but it's just hard to do. Heck, even in the car driving over a bump or pothole sometimes gives me that sensation and I get a bit panicked. It's very strange... this will be my year to battle mojo. But the crash is why I signed up for the IM... wanted to do it while I could - before I couldn't any more, for whatever reason, and would regret not having tried. I never expected getting back into the saddle would be so hard, so mentally taxing... but I'm trying... and my handling skills are ever so slowly coming back...if I finish this season where I started last season as far as confidence I'll consider it a successful year... and hope to really kick tail next year as I become an EN cowgirl!
Back from my whirlwind driving tour of the East coast this past weekend. I thought my hips were tight before, today, all knotted up
Great time, leaving Thursday, went to Providence, RI, nice visit with one of my anesthesia school classmates. Then Friday a great visit with Todd Kenyon at TTBikeFit, very good investment ( Todd was very easy on the eyes and super nice guy). In the afternoon, continued north to Lexington, MA and met Linda Patch and stayed for a sleepover. Prior to sleep we hit the pool and had a nice dinner with Keith and kids. Great time! Thanks Linda for being a great hostess! It was FUN. Saturday the plan was to do a ride and meetup with Michele, however, rain interfered with that plan. Linda and I got on the computrainer with MooJo supervising. Riding the drainer is Sooo much better with a friend, and of course MooJo to crack the whip
Then packed up, started the journey south to my brother's in Rumson, NJ where my mom was for part of the weekend. The winds were CRAZY on the drive down, south of Hartford. Sunday, had a nice mother's day with the family, we went to have lunch and watch races at Philadelphia Park. I am not very good at betting, so I'll keep spending my money on triathlon. Then took my mom home and came back home to Baltimore.
Michele-Bummed we didn't get to meetup over the weekend, will have to make another trip up (with not as many sidetrips) do a ride with you, Linda, Aimee and Carly.
Carly- congrats on the new job! Hope you get a feeling a being settled soon.
Gina-hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the Sherpa MooJo!!!!!! It made my day when I got home last night. and opened the package She is tapping her hoof at me now, letting me know I need to get Mooove On
Nemo, Kitima and Leigh- I'm excited for you guys going to ToC, Can't wait to hear of your adventures! I can't believe you guys leave this week!
Aimee- yaah on getting a PM, I will be ordering mine pretty soon. I will be getting a Power tap. Not sure yet which wireless model.
Becky- keep at it with the biking. i think the more you do, the more you will settle down and feel comfortable again. Also, i would have done the same for saturday with rain forecast. I bailed on Columbia Life Fest ride 2 weeks ago, felt bad about it for a bit, but there was a light rain, and knowing forcast. If we had the rain during the ride we got that night, it would not have been good. Felt better in the end. Especially after ready some EN crashes recently, in particular, chris gleason's. As what others said, if I get caught in the rain fine, if I have to race in it fine, done that before, just can't see training in it. Will go run in the rain if not too cold but.....I have my limits, its about fun
M- glad you had a nice mothers day, doing all the things you love.
Hope all the Moms had a great Mother's day. Moms of human or fury kind
Yikes, gotta go- sorry if i missed people. have to get ready for work. May not be able to make chat tonight since working. If no cases running hope to see ya
Running marathon next weekend - - - any advice and what do you think about?
Thanks, Jo (aka Beth's lil sis)
Jo, I've done four. I'm slow, but I've enjoyed them all. My advice is to have a plan in terms of splits and make sure that you don't go any faster until the last six miles. Seriously, you'll be so pumped up at the start that going fast is likely to feel easy. Don't do it! Hold yourself back and then watch people start dropping like flies around mile 18.
Running marathon next weekend - - - any advice and what do you think about?
Thanks, Jo (aka Beth's lil sis)
Hi Jo...I'm a marathoner with a triathlon problem (ran 5 in 19 months and only scratched #6 last fall bc of injury to my shoulder from a bike crash)... is this your first? I'm assuming so - so first and foremost, have fun!
Not sure if you're traveling for it or not. If you are (and it involves flying), I'd recommend taking your running gear in your carry on luggage (god forbid your luggage gets lost, you do not want to be running in new shoes).
Getting good sleep the night before is a crap shoot (personally, I've yet to sleep well the night before any big race), it's important to get good sleep the entire week before, particularly 2 days out.
Hydrating and eating well all week is also important.
As far as the carb load myth... I do my pasta night 2 nights out. And the night before I do an early dinner, easy to digest, with some carbs, lean proteins, etc. I would stick to what you know you can eat (i.e., now is not the time to try the new mexican place and get the super hot salsa)... you do not want anything coming back to haunt you the next morning. Follow your usual morning training routine as far as food goes (if it worked for your 20 mile training run, it should work race day).
If you can get to the expo 2 days out, I'd recommend it. The expos are always really crowded the day before and it's just a pain to maneuver, not to mention, the good sizes are gone if you want to buy anything. And this way you can keep yourself off your feet as much as possible, out of the sun, relaxed, etc.
Now is not the time to try anything new as far as your routine, food, clothes, etc. You dialed in your nutrition and hydration during training so stick with that. Wear something you know is comfortable and won't chafe, pull, etc (not the new technical bra or running skirt you bought at the expo). Body glide, chapstick, and sunscreen are your friends.
Be honest with yourself and put yourself in the starting corral that you belong in - not the one you hope will be your pace if all the stars are aligned -- if you do that you run the risk of going out too fast and burning out and blowing up at the 18-21 mile marker. Along those lines, start off comfortably, don't go all out and let your adrenaline take over. If you have the juice at mile 20, go for it... but don't make your move before then. TRUST ME, the first 20 miles are a cake walk compared to the last 6... you will need your physical and mental reserves then. At some point the race becomes mental (usually in the 18-22 range) so take it one step at a time. Not to scare you, but you're gonna start to hurt. Your legs are gonna feel like lead, but you CAN get through it. You need to know your body and your limits, though... know if it's a fatigue pain or a "something is definitely not right" pain. I'd say the legs feeling like lead is a fatigue pain you can work though... anything sharp or shooting - not so much. Listen to your body, but know when it's all in your mind.
Personally, after the first maybe 3 or 4 miles, I walk through every water stop. That 30 seconds or so won't mess up your time and it will give you nice mental and physical breaks - breaking the race down into bite sized pieces so you're only thinking about the next mile or so... not the next 18 miles. Personally, I wear my own fuel belt with my electrolyte drink of choice (because that's what I train with, not what the course offers) but use the race stops for water... so I would walk through every other stop to get water and would take my drink on the alternating stops grabbing a cup of water to wash it down.
I hope this isn't overkill. Remember to enjoy yourself. Only like 1% of the world population has finished a marathon, so you'll be in a pretty exclusive club when you're done! Good luck!
Another marathoner turned triathlete here. Gosh Jo, that's a big question! What kinda advice are you looking for? We could probably write a book!!
OK- I have something to share before I explode and I'm only sharing it here in the Woman's forum (not on FB and not in the main EN forum cause I don't want to jinx myself or add any pressure or give others some ammunition to tempt me to do things I shouldn't).
Seriously, I can hardly believe it. Granted, yesterday was a simply beautiful day to run (perfect long sleeve shirt with shorts kinda day). But OH.....MY......GOD!!! I have been running 10's or slower ever since the injury and have struggled to regain any kind of speed (ok, 9's isn't exactly fast, but just go with me here). I've had just a few glimmers of hope- generally transition runs (I always seem to run faster off the bike- I don't know why). But yesterday I started running and I was feeling pretty good so I looked at the Garmin to do a short 5 min interval (note- I had stopped watching the Garmin because it just depressed me). Much to my surprise I was already going the pace I figured I'd do the interval at. So I just kept going. Now the last 10 minutes of the run were an effort to stay on pace, but I was so excited to finish a whole run at a pace that felt like "old me" again. YEEEEEEEEEEHA!!!!! I think I'm back ladies!!!
In honor of IMWI and the EN Cowgirls, yeeeeeeeeee haw! Way to go, Nemo! That is fabulous news!
I had a good swim last night... but still can't get them done in an hour (3400m in 1:08). But I had horrible issues falling asleep - maybe the diet coke with dinner (water just wasn't gonna cut it and they didn't have diet sprite). I was up at 12, 2, 4... so the 4:30 alarm went off and I assessed how I felt. Not hot... not ready to do a 1:40 brick. Not that I'm gonna be perky at 6pm after PT, but at least I'll give it my best try then. I feel bad bc of my FB post, but I'd rather have a better chance at a decent workout. I do plan to get up early to do the morning run tomorrow, only 40 minutes means I can sleep til about 5:30 to knock it out... and swim after work with DB (who did 2300 of the 3400m with me last night).
Becky, Becky, Becky - remember, always wine with dinner, not diet coke! J/C. I know you're watching calories. I am, too, and it pains me to drink water with dinner rather than a glass of red. I drink so much water all day I feel like I'm floating away by dinner.
We leave for Maui on Saturday!!!! We can't wait!!! T and I have reached that point that work has become painful, we want to go on vacation so badly. Just a few more days...
That's such great news! So are you bringing running stuff to ToC?
Jo: I've never run a marathon (except that shuffling thingy at the back of an IM). Which one are you running?
Becky: The FB post...meh, don't feel bad about it. It motivated alot of peeps to their morning workouts. FWIW, I wasn't AIP this morning like I said I would. Just got to bed too late and was too wiped out from yesterday's long run. If you have time and energy in the afternoon/evening, I think it's more important to execute a good run than to slog through it tired with sloppy form and get injured.
Jo - Do not.. I repeat, do not attend the pre-race lefse feed. (I'm going along and running a 1/2 mary with her.) And participating in epic bike rides with your sister the day before racing may not be smart, but she may try to talk you into them anyway.
* Pacing is key- first 6 miles are cruise zone, next 14 on pace and last 6 are all you got left poured out on the course
* Nutrition & hydration are key- have a plan for pre-race, race and post race to make sure you are getting in what you need. The carbo loading thing.... your body can only absorb a certain number of carbs as energy so the idea of storing extra.. more legend than reality. Do back off fiber 2 days out and sat fats- your digestive system will thank you.
* Body glide, body glide, body glide!
* Like IM, I found I really needed to have that "One Thing", the reason why I was out there pounding the pavement for 26.2 for when those dark times may come. Think different for everyone. My last marathon miles 14-17 were the worst and last 6 were fine. Who knows?
* Compression socks, if you have them after, as well as choc milk are incredible!
Best of luck! Enjoy the days and all the great memories you will take home with ya! Oh. and always, always smile pretty for the cameras regardless of pain :-)
@Jo- stand up to your big sis... no epic bike rides! Taper is the best part of marathoning training... so enjoy it! I'd also consider scheduling a massage in the 24-48 hours post marathon - deep tissue sports massage. Also, I like to travel with a tennis ball - good for all the ailing parts, including rolling them down your IT bands.
@Kristen - I haven't been as good at avoiding red wine with dinner... but after that colossally long swim (or any other hard evening workout) I usually don't even want it. Which, is pretty amazing come to think of it. Something must be wrong with me.
@Kit - thanks, I feel better... I put that post on FB as extra incentive... and I did think about it, but I knew that I'd have a heck of a time hitting my zones on little sleep...
As for counting calories... the new division chief brought donuts to a meeting today. I tried to avoid them. I didn't take one. I prayed someone would take the one I wanted (there was only one)... but, alas, I sat through the meeting day dreaming about devil's food (hmm...the name gives it all away, temptation) I gave in... mmmm..... chocolate donut... I'll make it up tonight... 1:40 brick! I had my packed lunch (salad with grilled chicken)... but, then... temptation struck again. Gasp, the left overs ended up next to our mailboxes and looked oh so yummy... I was weak. It was good. I don't know if it was "worth it" good, but it was good. So, I guess that was my fun for the week. No wine or dark chocolate (my evening treat) for me for a few days!
On a happy and perhaps ironic note, I am wearing pants today to work that I haven't been able to wear in quite a while! The don't fit perfectly (still a little snug in the thighs), but I am my own worst critic and I felt comfortable leaving the house in them. And despite my donut bender, they haven't split on me!
@Becky- any diet (outside of medical concerns) that doesn't include a healthy balance doesn't measure up for me. The more you deny yourself, the worse it gets and you end up eating far more or worse choices down the road. As long as it doesn't become a daily habit and portion control is key, you are fine. P.S. unfortunately just like lost workouts, there is no making it up. It's ok! Doughnuts, cake, pie, french fries, burgers (good burgers) and pizza are my absolutely MAJOR weaknesses. I've been following Coach P and doing the one meal a week splurge thing. It's actually fun all week plotting and planning what is really splurge worthy!
I eat small meals throughout the day or I'd never make it! Takes more work & thought but worth it in long run.
Also (Kris the athlete dons the Mom apron, looks over edge of glasses and says....) Breakfast is the THE most important meal of the day. It's also my biggest meal of the day when I'm in training and/or weight loss mode. Plenty of options, just eat!
thanks, Kris! I totally agree and generally loathe the word "diet." I think making healthy lifestyle changes and choices are the key. That's why I don't keep "junk food" in my house...While I don't limit myself totally, I went off the deep end today with donuts ... I definitely like the one good, splurge worthy meal plan. I have my post race splurge meal... same thing every time: lasagna from my favorite Italian restaurant then a hot fudge sundae from the frozen custard shop up the street... I can't wait til Eagleman is done so I can have that. Yum! And, deferring to you in mom mode, I do eat breakfast every day... I'm a big believer. When I start IM training, I may have to revamp that, as well as my during the day snacking (which I do some of...but not as much now as when I'm in full training mode)
@ Becky A++++ Hands down one of the best things you can do. My fav custard place went out of business here in Lou. The 98% fat free with bananas, strawberries was the bomb (sob).
Isn't it funny... my first IM it was all about Stuffed French Toast and Bacon (yummmm bacon).... although would agree that Lasagna is also super yummy (with side of garlic bread plse and def a glass of red wine!)
hey girls just sayin hi, out the door to yard to plant more annuals yep the dog dug up a section and graduation hoedown throwdown has been initialized! so overcast, humid and about 75 is a good night to plant flowers1 picked up KFC for kids and me too!
marathon, no don't ride the day before yes pace yourself and miles 20=26 hurt pretty bad.. you should be delirious and so will everybody else so keep on truckin' if 1/2 marathon route in same location be careful as they will run faster don't be sucked into other peeps bad days pack of bit of calories on you as sometimes they run out, don't bonk! don't overdress! or you will be carrying it all on you. after 3 miles you will warm up. I look like Trash Mama as I wear a hefty trash bag to race start and then rip it off when I get warmed up..... over that trash bag I wear a tshirt and take that off before gun start. I look horrible but I don't overdress! I will wear the $1 gloves as my hands will get cold even in shorts/jog bra. wear a visor and some sunglasses, sunscreen, body glide, socks that are ultra comfy, don't get water in your shoes or socks, wear a wristband for boogers and sweat! carry some lip salve, or gloss as breathing thru your mouth for that long your lips will get parched. carry a tampon if you need it, small one, and also: aleve, migraine pill, immodium, pepto bismol, put in small bag and put that in your key pocket of shorts. so if you get sick you can medicate! you can safety pin a GU to your shorts if needed. or put down into your gloves. don't potty at the first ones, they will be crowded and you will have to wait..... look for one without a line . be patient and when mile 20 comes along, you wn't hardly want any calories.... you shoulda already gotten it all in.. by mile 22, water and sips.... and then let it rip and bear down and bring it on in. if you have to, count 1 - 10 and start over,,, you can run for ten counts!! ... done 5, love em but gosh do they hurt! m
@Kristen- Your vacation sounds great. Hope you get to really relax and enjoy! I am counting down the 3 weeks until I leave for vacation.
@Nemo- OMG! So happy. I need the smiley face jumping up and down and clapping overhead. That is just awesome news. No jinx, just nice and easy and well deserved. You have been the epitome of patience and healing. So excellent.
@Becky- donuts that ain't nothin! I am eating birthday cake everyday until it is gone (my b-day was Sunday). Why should I let a delicious chocolate truffle cake go to waste when my weight is stable and I am hitting all of my workouts? When it's gone, that's it. Until then- yummy! But the staff is eating it too, so it's not like I am eating the whole thing.
@Jo- I have no marathon advice. It's been many years for me. I would say that pace is important, butyou know that.
Breakfast- I was having a protein shake everyday, but as the workouts ramp up I need more. I have switched to Chobani Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup chocolate Bear Naked granola. Prunes and nuts for mid morning snack. I can tolerate this yogurt much better than any other cow milk yogurt. Not sure why. Definitely will stick with this.
coming to you live from a drug induced haze in room 600 something somewhere in Lexington - yes, for the lasr 20 hrs morphine has been my best friend. Just wanted to quickly let you know all went well and according to plan. Quite sore though and have been on and off naseous since the surgery, but combination of benadryl, toradol, phenergan. and morphine helped me sleep some last night. They are supposed to remove the catheter and packing sometime this AM and then let me go home. Can't wait for real food!
Luckily hospital has wireless - watched endless episodes of The Tudors on netflix yesterday and one episode in the middle of the night. Won't have internet when I get home so probably won't check in again for at least a week. I did print out the phone number list (thanks Linda!) so will be able to text once all the tubes and wires are gone.
hope you are all doing well and safe travels to those going to TOC.
robin i was just thinking of you last night!! as I was going to bed wondering how it went for you. Yes I hear they are painful, hysteroctomy.... okay on recovering via no wireleass internet! m
Robin- thanks for checking in with us! Enjoy your forced internet vacation. Sometimes I think time away from being constantly "connected' would be a really good thing for me! Heal quickly and don't hesitate to text one of us if you need a little help.
FYI, Fiber One makes toaster pastries now. They taste pretty good. Each one has 5 gm of fiber so a package of 2 has 10gm of fiber in it! I call them "Poop Tarts". Fiber One also makes a pancake mix---chock full of fiber too. I call them "Crap Jacks".
Yeah, you can always count on me for toilet humor. Ha!
That's so AWESOME!!!! I find that when I'm really suffering on a climb and look down and see...oh say, a chicory flower or hear a red wing blackbird...I think,"What happy purple flowers!" or "Mr. Blackbird, you sound like an electronic alarm clock!" it makes me forget about the pain in my legs and lungs.
Soul Sisters!!!! God I can't wait!!! Seriously, is it Friday yet???

I seem to be particularly moved by deer, turtles in the side of the road, and butterflies - riding in Poolesville I saw a lot of those last summer... always made me happy since I was usually riding on my own, too slow for the lead pack and too fast for the slow pack... so Tuan (who wrote our Sunday ride reports) would just say that I was off frolicking in the woods with bambi and other woodland creatures.
Actually, I started doing the cue sheets for those rides because his always had mistakes and since I was riding solo (and "missing" turns that weren't noted or were wrong) I was sick of having to make up my own way home... and, it turns out, when I did, I could usually catch up with the lead pack at the rest stops since I would make the correct turns. Imagine that. 
actually, finishing up my RR in Cambridge a few weeks ago, as I turned into the final development stretch (before the real neighborhoods) - where the new condos are going up, 4 deer crossed the road about 50 yards ahead of me and it was just so gorgeous. After a totally grueling ride seeing that just made my morning.
@Kit- thanks for the advice. When I was able to ride again, the first outdoor ride I did was at my crash loop. It was terrifying... I wrote several notes on the whole experience (the crash test dummy series) on FB. I should go back, and had I ridden outside this past Saturday that's where I was going to ride. It's actually a very easy and non-technical route, but it's pretty congested with other riders, runners, etc... and I was distracted by another rider when I crashed, paying too much attention to her and didn't notice the enormous sewer drain that I rode over at 26mph... I can still remember the huge bump and instantly thinking "F, this is not good" ... every slight bump now (from a crack in the road, a bridge seam, whatever) makes me a little freaked... I try to relax... but it's just hard to do. Heck, even in the car driving over a bump or pothole sometimes gives me that sensation and I get a bit panicked. It's very strange... this will be my year to battle mojo. But the crash is why I signed up for the IM... wanted to do it while I could - before I couldn't any more, for whatever reason, and would regret not having tried. I never expected getting back into the saddle would be so hard, so mentally taxing... but I'm trying... and my handling skills are ever so slowly coming back...if I finish this season where I started last season as far as confidence I'll consider it a successful year... and hope to really kick tail next year as I become an EN cowgirl!
Hi Everyone!
Back from my whirlwind driving tour of the East coast this past weekend. I thought my hips were tight before, today, all knotted up
Great time, leaving Thursday, went to Providence, RI, nice visit with one of my anesthesia school classmates. Then Friday a great visit with Todd Kenyon at TTBikeFit, very good investment ( Todd was very easy on the eyes and super nice guy). In the afternoon, continued north to Lexington, MA and met Linda Patch and stayed for a sleepover. Prior to sleep we hit the pool and had a nice dinner with Keith and kids. Great time! Thanks Linda for being a great hostess! It was FUN. Saturday the plan was to do a ride and meetup with Michele, however, rain interfered with that plan. Linda and I got on the computrainer with MooJo supervising. Riding the drainer is Sooo much better with a friend
, and of course MooJo to crack the whip
Then packed up, started the journey south to my brother's in Rumson, NJ where my mom was for part of the weekend. The winds were CRAZY on the drive down, south of Hartford. Sunday, had a nice mother's day with the family, we went to have lunch and watch races at Philadelphia Park. I am not very good at betting, so I'll keep spending my money on triathlon. Then took my mom home and came back home to Baltimore.
Michele-Bummed we didn't get to meetup over the weekend, will have to make another trip up (with not as many sidetrips) do a ride with you, Linda, Aimee and Carly.
Carly- congrats on the new job! Hope you get a feeling a being settled soon.
Gina-hope you feel better soon. Thanks for the Sherpa MooJo!!!!!! It made my day when I got home last night. and opened the package She is tapping her hoof at me now, letting me know I need to get Mooove On

Nemo, Kitima and Leigh- I'm excited for you guys going to ToC, Can't wait to hear of your adventures! I can't believe you guys leave this week!
Aimee- yaah on getting a PM, I will be ordering mine pretty soon. I will be getting a Power tap. Not sure yet which wireless model.
Becky- keep at it with the biking. i think the more you do, the more you will settle down and feel comfortable again. Also, i would have done the same for saturday with rain forecast. I bailed on Columbia Life Fest ride 2 weeks ago, felt bad about it for a bit, but there was a light rain, and knowing forcast. If we had the rain during the ride we got that night, it would not have been good. Felt better in the end. Especially after ready some EN crashes recently, in particular, chris gleason's. As what others said, if I get caught in the rain fine, if I have to race in it fine, done that before, just can't see training in it. Will go run in the rain if not too cold but.....I have my limits, its about fun
M- glad you had a nice mothers day, doing all the things you love.
Hope all the Moms had a great Mother's day. Moms of human or fury kind
Yikes, gotta go- sorry if i missed people. have to get ready for work. May not be able to make chat tonight since working. If no cases running hope to see ya
Thanks, Jo (aka Beth's lil sis)
@Kit...you know we love it! It's not a good run or ride unless I've learned about a new bird! Remember the turtle we saved?!
Hope all you super-chicas had a great Mother's Day! DH got me a droid, so hopefully I'll be able to stay a little more connected from now on!
@Carly...congrats and you know we'll be visiting!
Happy training and a good rest of the week...the pillow is calling!
Jo, I've done four. I'm slow, but I've enjoyed them all. My advice is to have a plan in terms of splits and make sure that you don't go any faster until the last six miles. Seriously, you'll be so pumped up at the start that going fast is likely to feel easy. Don't do it! Hold yourself back and then watch people start dropping like flies around mile 18.
Have fun!
Hi Jo...I'm a marathoner with a triathlon problem (ran 5 in 19 months and only scratched #6 last fall bc of injury to my shoulder from a bike crash)... is this your first? I'm assuming so - so first and foremost, have fun!
Not sure if you're traveling for it or not. If you are (and it involves flying), I'd recommend taking your running gear in your carry on luggage (god forbid your luggage gets lost, you do not want to be running in new shoes).
Getting good sleep the night before is a crap shoot (personally, I've yet to sleep well the night before any big race), it's important to get good sleep the entire week before, particularly 2 days out.
Hydrating and eating well all week is also important.
As far as the carb load myth... I do my pasta night 2 nights out. And the night before I do an early dinner, easy to digest, with some carbs, lean proteins, etc. I would stick to what you know you can eat (i.e., now is not the time to try the new mexican place and get the super hot salsa)... you do not want anything coming back to haunt you the next morning. Follow your usual morning training routine as far as food goes (if it worked for your 20 mile training run, it should work race day).
If you can get to the expo 2 days out, I'd recommend it. The expos are always really crowded the day before and it's just a pain to maneuver, not to mention, the good sizes are gone if you want to buy anything. And this way you can keep yourself off your feet as much as possible, out of the sun, relaxed, etc.
Now is not the time to try anything new as far as your routine, food, clothes, etc. You dialed in your nutrition and hydration during training so stick with that. Wear something you know is comfortable and won't chafe, pull, etc (not the new technical bra or running skirt you bought at the expo). Body glide, chapstick, and sunscreen are your friends.
Be honest with yourself and put yourself in the starting corral that you belong in - not the one you hope will be your pace if all the stars are aligned -- if you do that you run the risk of going out too fast and burning out and blowing up at the 18-21 mile marker. Along those lines, start off comfortably, don't go all out and let your adrenaline take over. If you have the juice at mile 20, go for it... but don't make your move before then. TRUST ME, the first 20 miles are a cake walk compared to the last 6... you will need your physical and mental reserves then. At some point the race becomes mental (usually in the 18-22 range) so take it one step at a time. Not to scare you, but you're gonna start to hurt. Your legs are gonna feel like lead, but you CAN get through it. You need to know your body and your limits, though... know if it's a fatigue pain or a "something is definitely not right" pain. I'd say the legs feeling like lead is a fatigue pain you can work though... anything sharp or shooting - not so much. Listen to your body, but know when it's all in your mind.
Personally, after the first maybe 3 or 4 miles, I walk through every water stop. That 30 seconds or so won't mess up your time and it will give you nice mental and physical breaks - breaking the race down into bite sized pieces so you're only thinking about the next mile or so... not the next 18 miles. Personally, I wear my own fuel belt with my electrolyte drink of choice (because that's what I train with, not what the course offers) but use the race stops for water... so I would walk through every other stop to get water and would take my drink on the alternating stops grabbing a cup of water to wash it down.
I hope this isn't overkill. Remember to enjoy yourself. Only like 1% of the world population has finished a marathon, so you'll be in a pretty exclusive club when you're done! Good luck!
Another marathoner turned triathlete here. Gosh Jo, that's a big question! What kinda advice are you looking for? We could probably write a book!!
Nemo, congratulations!!! That's great news!!!
Becky, Becky, Becky - remember, always wine with dinner, not diet coke!
I know you're watching calories. I am, too, and it pains me to drink water with dinner rather than a glass of red. I drink so much water all day I feel like I'm floating away by dinner.
We leave for Maui on Saturday!!!! We can't wait!!!
T and I have reached that point that work has become painful, we want to go on vacation so badly. Just a few more days...
Yahoo! Nemo!!!

That's such great news! So are you bringing running stuff to ToC?
Jo: I've never run a marathon (except that shuffling thingy at the back of an IM). Which one are you running?
Becky: The FB post...meh, don't feel bad about it. It motivated alot of peeps to their morning workouts. FWIW, I wasn't AIP this morning like I said I would. Just got to bed too late and was too wiped out from yesterday's long run. If you have time and energy in the afternoon/evening, I think it's more important to execute a good run than to slog through it tired with sloppy form and get injured.
Now there's the Nemo I'm ued to hearing about!!!! That is great news. SOOOO good to read that!
Hooray Nemo!

Jo - Do not.. I repeat, do not attend the pre-race lefse feed. (I'm going along and running a 1/2 mary with her.) And participating in epic bike rides with your sister the day before racing may not be smart, but she may try to talk you into them anyway.
Yeaaaah Nemo! That is GREAT! Very Excited for you
Hopefully I will join you with that soon. I have been running mostly 10+ as well
Jo-good luck with marathon! Have fun
Which one?
A bit of an echo on what others have said...
* Pacing is key- first 6 miles are cruise zone, next 14 on pace and last 6 are all you got left poured out on the course
* Nutrition & hydration are key- have a plan for pre-race, race and post race to make sure you are getting in what you need. The carbo loading thing.... your body can only absorb a certain number of carbs as energy so the idea of storing extra.. more legend than reality. Do back off fiber 2 days out and sat fats- your digestive system will thank you.
* Body glide, body glide, body glide!
* Like IM, I found I really needed to have that "One Thing", the reason why I was out there pounding the pavement for 26.2 for when those dark times may come. Think different for everyone. My last marathon miles 14-17 were the worst and last 6 were fine. Who knows?
* Compression socks, if you have them after, as well as choc milk are incredible!
Best of luck! Enjoy the days and all the great memories you will take home with ya! Oh. and always, always smile pretty for the cameras regardless of pain :-)
@Jo- stand up to your big sis... no epic bike rides!
Taper is the best part of marathoning training... so enjoy it! I'd also consider scheduling a massage in the 24-48 hours post marathon - deep tissue sports massage. Also, I like to travel with a tennis ball - good for all the ailing parts, including rolling them down your IT bands.
@Kristen - I haven't been as good at avoiding red wine with dinner... but after that colossally long swim (or any other hard evening workout) I usually don't even want it. Which, is pretty amazing come to think of it. Something must be wrong with me.
@Kit - thanks, I feel better... I put that post on FB as extra incentive... and I did think about it, but I knew that I'd have a heck of a time hitting my zones on little sleep...
As for counting calories... the new division chief brought donuts to a meeting today.
I tried to avoid them. I didn't take one. I prayed someone would take the one I wanted (there was only one)... but, alas, I sat through the meeting day dreaming about devil's food (hmm...the name gives it all away, temptation) I gave in... mmmm..... chocolate donut... I'll make it up tonight... 1:40 brick! I had my packed lunch (salad with grilled chicken)... but, then... temptation struck again. Gasp, the left overs ended up next to our mailboxes and looked oh so yummy... I was weak. It was good. I don't know if it was "worth it" good, but it was good. So, I guess that was my fun for the week. No wine or dark chocolate (my evening treat) for me for a few days!
On a happy and perhaps ironic note, I am wearing pants today to work that I haven't been able to wear in quite a while! The don't fit perfectly (still a little snug in the thighs), but I am my own worst critic and I felt comfortable leaving the house in them. And despite my donut bender, they haven't split on me!
P.S. unfortunately just like lost workouts, there is no making it up. It's ok! Doughnuts, cake, pie, french fries, burgers (good burgers) and pizza are my absolutely MAJOR weaknesses. I've been following Coach P and doing the one meal a week splurge thing. It's actually fun all week plotting and planning what is really splurge worthy!
I eat small meals throughout the day or I'd never make it! Takes more work & thought but worth it in long run.
Also (Kris the athlete dons the Mom apron, looks over edge of glasses and says....) Breakfast is the THE most important meal of the day. It's also my biggest meal of the day when I'm in training and/or weight loss mode. Plenty of options, just eat!
thanks, Kris! I totally agree and generally loathe the word "diet." I think making healthy lifestyle changes and choices are the key. That's why I don't keep "junk food" in my house...While I don't limit myself totally, I went off the deep end today with donuts ... I definitely like the one good, splurge worthy meal plan. I have my post race splurge meal... same thing every time: lasagna from my favorite Italian restaurant then a hot fudge sundae from the frozen custard shop up the street... I can't wait til Eagleman is done so I can have that. Yum! And, deferring to you in mom mode, I do eat breakfast every day... I'm a big believer. When I start IM training, I may have to revamp that, as well as my during the day snacking (which I do some of...but not as much now as when I'm in full training mode)
Isn't it funny... my first IM it was all about Stuffed French Toast and Bacon (yummmm bacon).... although would agree that Lasagna is also super yummy (with side of garlic bread plse and def a glass of red wine!)
no don't ride the day before
yes pace yourself and miles 20=26 hurt pretty bad.. you should be delirious and so will everybody else so keep on truckin'
if 1/2 marathon route in same location be careful as they will run faster
don't be sucked into other peeps bad days
pack of bit of calories on you as sometimes they run out, don't bonk!
don't overdress! or you will be carrying it all on you. after 3 miles you will warm up. I look like Trash Mama as I wear a hefty trash bag to race start and then rip it off when I get warmed up..... over that trash bag I wear a tshirt and take that off before gun start. I look horrible but I don't overdress! I will wear the $1 gloves as my hands will get cold even in shorts/jog bra. wear a visor and some sunglasses, sunscreen, body glide, socks that are ultra comfy, don't get water in your shoes or socks, wear a wristband for boogers and sweat! carry some lip salve, or gloss as breathing thru your mouth for that long your lips will get parched. carry a tampon if you need it, small one, and also: aleve, migraine pill, immodium, pepto bismol, put in small bag and put that in your key pocket of shorts. so if you get sick you can medicate! you can safety pin a GU to your shorts if needed. or put down into your gloves. don't potty at the first ones, they will be crowded and you will have to wait..... look for one without a line . be patient and when mile 20 comes along, you wn't hardly want any calories.... you shoulda already gotten it all in.. by mile 22, water and sips.... and then let it rip and bear down and bring it on in. if you have to, count 1 - 10 and start over,,, you can run for ten counts!! ... done 5, love em but gosh do they hurt! m
@Kristen- Your vacation sounds great. Hope you get to really relax and enjoy! I am counting down the 3 weeks until I leave for vacation.
@Nemo- OMG! So happy. I need the smiley face jumping up and down and clapping overhead. That is just awesome news. No jinx, just nice and easy and well deserved. You have been the epitome of patience and healing. So excellent.
@Becky- donuts that ain't nothin! I am eating birthday cake everyday until it is gone (my b-day was Sunday). Why should I let a delicious chocolate truffle cake go to waste when my weight is stable and I am hitting all of my workouts? When it's gone, that's it. Until then- yummy! But the staff is eating it too, so it's not like I am eating the whole thing.
@Jo- I have no marathon advice. It's been many years for me. I would say that pace is important, butyou know that.
Breakfast- I was having a protein shake everyday, but as the workouts ramp up I need more. I have switched to Chobani Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup chocolate Bear Naked granola. Prunes and nuts for mid morning snack. I can tolerate this yogurt much better than any other cow milk yogurt. Not sure why. Definitely will stick with this.
Work awaits. hope to check back later.
coming to you live from a drug induced haze in room 600 something somewhere in Lexington - yes, for the lasr 20 hrs morphine has been my best friend. Just wanted to quickly let you know all went well and according to plan. Quite sore though and have been on and off naseous since the surgery, but combination of benadryl, toradol, phenergan. and morphine helped me sleep some last night. They are supposed to remove the catheter and packing sometime this AM and then let me go home. Can't wait for real food!
Luckily hospital has wireless - watched endless episodes of The Tudors on netflix yesterday and one episode in the middle of the night. Won't have internet when I get home so probably won't check in again for at least a week. I did print out the phone number list (thanks Linda!) so will be able to text once all the tubes and wires are gone.
hope you are all doing well and safe travels to those going to TOC.
@Robin - sending happy healing thoughts your way! I'm glad you checked in! Take good care and enjoy the down time!
@Michele - happy belated birthday, hope you had a great one! yumm.... that cake sounds wonderful (I'm glad I don't work with you).
Fiber One also makes a pancake mix---chock full of fiber too. I call them "Crap Jacks".
Yeah, you can always count on me for toilet humor. Ha!