I wrote this to a friend so will share with you Becky. I ran 15 miles, finished and it was 84 and humidity had dropped to prob 66%, started off cooler but more humid, about 88%. I ran on Monday and dropped the speedwork so I could get heat acclimated.
Yes I think the key is to have a strategy for rehydrating. Rivertrail is great due to bathrooms and water fountains available. a visor provides some shade and I love Neutrogena sport sunscreen (for faces) but works on body too. you do get heat acclimated and it takes about 2 weeks for your body to adapt. as some of you know I will drink chicken broth too as that is served on the Ironman course, forgot it today but right out of the can and poured into a water bottle or even the cup o noodle package of seasoning mixed with water. I also like Coke (served on IM run) and I think it is key to get calories in at the beginning of the hot run as when your HR elevated you can NOT absorb as many calories. so instead of 90 cals every 45 min, I started at about minute 35 and will take in just a bit or a partial GU, this works for me so that like today at mile 10... I was hardly taking in calories as the heat rose. Check your body to see if you are still sweating and keep drinking, drink while running and while taking walk breaks. Pick shady routes like today's Burns Park soccer complex around it, at the water stop, fill your tummy with water (free water bottle space in your stomach!) and then fill up your water. Buy the small envelopes of Gatorade to take with you so you can make your drink while on the go. Have an alternate calorie source so that if your gut or your brain is tired of the same ol' GU you have something else to eat. I prefer Vanilla Gu for the simple no taste. gummy Bears do the best in the heat and taste quite good and can be portably stowed on your body. Wear wristbands to collect the sweat. Put vaseline or other antichafing on the tips of your toes as your feet will swell. if you are going by your car or house or other to refuel stow an extra pair of dry socks or even dry shoes in there. change out of those wet sweaty clothes immediately before driving home! take towel to sit on and drink another water bottle. Get ice pack and put it on your IT or other problem area. Take a cold shower and direct the nozzle at your legs. wear compression socks for a few hours! and I think that is all! m
@ Becky...yep, Kaimans. I have several pairs. I'm disappointed in this last pair b/c they leaky pretty fast. On my list to get before IMLP.
@ Becky, again...I finally broke down and made a "sports consulation" with a dietician (thanks for the suggestion, Linda :0}!) I go back tomorrow for the "plan". She tested my RMR (2160) and really listened to how much I workout and what I use pre-, during and post workouts. I can let you know how tomorrow goes.
@ Kit...I think vitamin D deficiency has so much to do with living in Upstate NY. Ugh!
I also got bloodwork for thryoid done. I got the overview one done first, then begged my doctor to do more b/c the TSH levels were so close to being abnormal. I kept telling her how exhausted I am (no, doctor, it's not just from training for an IM!) and how I CAN NOT lose weight. She finally agreed to it, and tests came back today. T3 is off (she thinks it doesn't need to be treated and I also tested positive for some sort of mononucleosis. Hm. That one was interesting!
On a funny note, my DH and I got PULLED OVER tonight while BIKE RIDING! That has never happened before! I had just finished my TT and Doug, with Abby on the back of his bike, rode out to meet me. We are super safety freaks while on the road, so always ride single file, blah, blah. We were riding in an area without much traffic and Abby was asking to see me. I just pulled up to show her where I was, when a cop drives by with his lights on and stops us. He gets out of the car and proceeds to very smugly lecture us on the rules of the road and tells us it is illegal to ride side by side and he could ticket us. Oye. I was a little embarrassed, and we reassured him that we usually always ride single file. He leaves and I'm thinking, ok, well, why can't this guy show up when there is pack of 20 riders moseying along taking up the whole road? Or, why isn't he pulling over the teenager that just FLEW by us in a car, going waaaaaay too fast on a cell phone? (Also illegal here in NY...must be hands free!). I understand he was trying to keep us and the cars safe, just a little embarrassed and frustrated. Anyway, we rode back to the car, single file, and enjoyed a nice dinner at Red Robin (come on, sing it...YUMMMMM!).
Anyway, he WAS right and I guess I'll be more careful with whoever I'm riding with to make sure we stay single file!
Kris- I wear TYR Petite 72 goggles. Have had really good luck with them.
Busy at work lately, but I'm glad for a slightly slower morning today. Going for laser hair removal tonight, trying not to remember the pain even with Lidocaine cream and ice. Training is going well as I am paying attention to the TSB and backing off when I am in a hole. Definitely benefiting from training smarter this time.
@M - thanks for all the tips... some things I had never really thought of (i.e., hard to absorb calories with an elevated HR)... I DID pick a shady route, though... and wore my visor and bodyglided my toes (and my inner arms where they rub against my sports bra)!
@Dana - let me know how it goes with the dietician! I've been really sluggish lately too and can't lose my "injury" weight. I did call my doc for a physical (blood work is standard b/c of my family history), but she can't see me til August (she only works in the office I go to 3 days a week and I was really only looking for a Th appt since that's the day I work from home). I know my TSH levels are borderline, they have been for years - but I will remember to follow up with you [all] closer to the date to get a reminder of other Qs to ask and other tests to request. Bummer it won't be for so long.
You know, when you get up at 5:30am and it's already over 70 it's gonna be a rough day. Holy humid! But I knocked it out. Only 90 minutes today - had trouble with the Z2 segment, oddly - because the Z3 segment worked out. All in all, glad it's done and amazed I got up to do it. Knowing it's supposed to hit 90 sure helped me get out of bed (after hitting snooze 2x). Would like to go to the pool after work to do yesterday's swim.
Hope everyone else is good! I've got a hair cut at 11 - yay! It's been growing out all winter and I'm ready to go short again (like my avatar pic).
As of today, I have dropped 3 pounds since Sunday. HOO-FOOKIN-RAY!!!! You all know how much I have been struggling with this. I have been tracking every mouthful for MONTHS, so I knew my calorie intake was well within range for weight loss--thyroid issues or not. My weight was not moving, it only wanted to track UP, and the water retention was making me crazy! Then last week I had the thought, "what if it's not how MUCH I'm eating, but WHAT I'm eating?" Long story short, I bought the Paleo Diet for Athletes and started eating according to the plan on Sunday night. So maybe there is something to eating too many carbs in the forms of breads and pastas--even if the calorie intake is within weight loss range? I dunno.
I'm not going to make any you-have-to-change-your-life claims about this whole Paleo thing, but I am liking it. A lot. I have been eating strict Paleo on my regular workout days--i.e. all carbs in the forms of fruit and veggies only, with lots of lean protein. On the day before heavy workouts, you add in some regular carbs, and eat GUs or use sports drink during training. It also gives you leeway to eat any old way you want, but keep it to no more than 5% of your diet. Seems I won't have to give up whoopie pies forever after all!!!!
The first two days were weird, but now my cravings for sugar have quieted big time. Now I salivate thinking of a giant salad as big as my head. I'll keep you posted. I have 3 more to lose to get to my "acceptable, normal, lived-for-years-at" weight. 3 more after that (maybe) to get racing trim. But as Kris says, once I get the extra off, I'll be looking more at body comp than the number on the scale.
@everyone - championusa.com is having a huge sports bra sale. I know these are a favorite brand by many of the chicas, so stock up!
@Nemo - Yup. Shame. It was in a pretty glass, with ice, if that counts for anything. Last night, I made an excellent salad with lettuce, avocado, green onions, a little low fat cheese and dressing made with a tiny bit of cream and red wine vinegar and lots of pepper. It is a variation of my grandmother's favorite garden lettuce with vinegar and cream. Mmm. I am hoping there are radishes at the farmer's market today, as they are a great addition.
On topic of shopping -- is anyone having a good sale on running shorts now and does anyone have shorts they love? The heat wave is making me want to expand my shorts wardrobe beyond my one pair of desotos.
I've been reading this month's Bicycling. My new protour boyfriend may be Allen Lim.
" As of today, I have dropped 3 pounds since Sunday. HOO-FOOKIN-RAY!!!! "
AMEN TO THAT!!!!! Awesome news Linda. I dunno if I could do Paleo thought. I get my protein from a lot of dairy & beans which I think are both restricted. There's only so much salmon and tuna a gal can eat! Oh- and is chocolate considered a carb? Hmmmmm, I just can't give that up! :-)
Dana- my husband got a ticket for being a "reckless biker" one day when commuting home from work. Long story short, he "jumped the light" at an intersection to get safely ahead of the merging traffic and ended up getting pulled over. It's one of those intersections you go through every day and you just know how to get through it cause you do it so often. But technically- the way to make that happen does require you to do an illegal maneuver. Anyway, he was pissed but I thought it was kinda funny.
My long run got cut short today- the legs still don't feel right. Hopefully I'll have something for this Race Rehearsal on Saturday!! Good news there is I have company for a change. The RD for the OBX Tri asked me to use the proposed HIM course for my rehearsal to check it out. He's joining me as well as 2 other locals. Usually when I pull out the TT bike I'm on my own, but it will be nice to see other folks on the "course" while I'm out there this weekend.
@Dana too funny mostly because it was you he pulled over . I'm sorry but why are the cops pulling over the bikers?!?! Maybe time better spent to pull over the 'texting while driving' 'drinking while driving' etc!! Sorry rant over. Dana I will still be glad to ride with you.
@ Linda how great for the weight loss!!! So glad things are looking up (or down) finally for you. So much hard work to get to the root of the issue and then fix it. I don't know about Paleo either, the more I read the more I don't know what to eat!
I feel like I'm just waiting to get to Boston. Job here is yuck living with mom and sister is yuck. Love them both but not to live with. Focusing on training and moving on.
Dana: I just got off the phone of Kevin. It is NOT illegal to ride 2 abreast on a bicycle in the state of NY as long as you are not blocking traffic. Kevin said you and Doug did the right thing by saying, "Yes, sir...No, sir...we'll do better, sir." because what the hell kind of cop pulls over a couple of cyclists with a baby?! Kevin says you could make a complaint to the supervisor about it: how he should be re-educated about bicycle and traffic laws. What this guy a Fairport police or Monroe County sheriff's deputy? Did you catch his name? If so, PM me and I'll see if Kevin knows this guy.
Linda: 3 pounds! Hallelujah! So are you feeling like there's less water retention with the Paleo?
I've been watching Tour of California coverage that Kevin saved on the DVR. It's bringing back so many great memories of an amazing and fun trip last week (that I haven't completely unpacked from yet!). I highly encourage all of you to consider going next year. I showed up at ToC this year quite deconditioned with my longest ride a bit less than 3 hours. I'd never done that much riding in 6 days, that much climbing on a bike (and at altitude!). With some proper pacing, ice baths, and TP rolling, it's very, very doable and very, very, VERY enjoyable. I will get my butt in gear and put out a trip report by next week!
@Kitima--I'm thinking yes on the water retention getting much better. Obviously, a lot of that 3 HAS to be water, but that's OK b/c I was a water balloon. It's nice not to be bustin' out of my bras, and I mean big time. We'll see how it goes over the next week(s).
@Dana--I once got pulled over for the same reason by a Minuteman National Park Ranger cop--replete with the Dudley Dooright hat, and full uni. It was all I could do not to laugh right at him in that get-up, but he could tell by my face I was not taking it seriously at all. Lots of sarcastic nodding, and yessss sirs! But in a transcript I was being nothing up deferential and polite (my a$$).
Linda- So, so happy for you! May go get paleo. I have looked at paleo diet before, was turned off by weird organ meats- ie liver. is that the case? Thanks also for supplement check list, i have been meaning to go to chapter in thyroid solutions and make such a list. good about H20 retention as well, some days I feel/look pregnant
My fridge is now fixed, landord was cool about it- things taken care of! now for the grocery shopping to replace Lost food Argh
Nemo- Your legs will be feeling better soon, i'm sure! A lot of fitness gained last week- they'll let you know. Glad you will have some company on RR this weekend
Dana- Oh No about being pulled over. Carly is right-they should be focusing on texting while driving/ DUI guys.
Kitima- wow, I am seriously considering TOC ( vs St Croix 70.3 next year) gaining a little more confidence in my knee. hoping for a super OS, since mine was inconsistent over winter.
Oh- regarding my OMG facebook comment yesterday- many more OMGs muttered throughout the shift. Just crazy all around, but BS crazy ( not good trauma crazy). Yes, i would have loved to use a succinycholine dart on the Evil circulator, and shove her broomstick where the sun don't shine kind of thoughts going through my head. I really do like my job, but there are 3, sometimes 4 circulators that make life difficult.( I'm sure kitima, you have experienced that in your career) The looks that could kill, came when i would ask her to call cell saver dude to spin blood down to give back to patient while I deal with his BP in the 60s -70s. The orthopedic surgeon was not any better to deal with! Hmmm, Number 1 goal for day, make surgeons life difficult, check mark, goal accomplished, move on. Rant over. But boy did I wake up with BAD headache today
Was supposed to be a big workout day for me, got home late from work, took awhile to unwind. Woke up with bad HA, back to sleep. got up with HA, thinking coffee will help- off to coffee shop- Wow s it HOT, Hot Hot. plan change. Big workout of last week now early early sat am
Beth-thanks for champion alert! Will checkout. Xterra is having a 50% sale this weekend. I need a new one, good price. I have pair of underarmour shorts that are a new favorite, sorry don't know which ones though. I have a few underarmour garments that I really like
Linda, congratulations on the weight loss!!! I know it's been driving you crazy. That's wonderful news!
Kitima, Leigh, and Nemo, TOC sounds like so much fun, and I'm jealous that you got to meet (and touch!) all those pros. I get too starstruck to talk, and I'm shy - I'd probably just sit there and stare with my mouth hanging open. What a dork.
So, I've been back from Hawaii for 5 days now, and am having a lot of trouble re-engaging with real life. This is so strange for me. I've been lurking a little on Facebook and the EN forums but not much. I have zero interest in training, for anything. I'm not really even interested in food, which is huge - I usually spend more time than necessary thinking about what to eat next. I feel very strongly connected to T and my family but not really with friends, etc. We had such a wonderful vacation! T thinks that because we experienced a week of total decadent overload (fabulous food, cocktails, doing whatever we wanted all day long), maybe we are a little depressed about re-entering normalcy again. I hope she's right, and that this feeling goes away soon. Any suggestions, ladies? I have an IM to train for and no desire to do it at this point. Help!
Also, we have been having some worrisome feline problems. You all may have seen my Facebook post. The night we got home our youngest cat, Oliver, was being hyper and missed a landing on a jump, falling from our second story to the first floor, which is concrete. I assessed him immediately afterwards and he seemed ok - no lameness, his gums were pink, etc. Then he went and hid. I was jetlagged AND had had 2 glasses of wine (hey, we were still "on vacation"), and frankly was not at my diagnostic best, so we went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of him hopping around, not bearing weight on his right front leg. Shit. I gave him a dose of pain meds and hoped he would be ok until morning, because my techs would not appreciate a call for help at 2 am. Anyway, the upshot is that he broke a metacarpal, and I splinted him. He is SO UNHAPPY with that splint on, it's breaking my heart.
Yesterday was my first day back at work. I discovered, to my horror, that my sister's cat (who is boarding) had not eaten for the week she was at the clinic, and now her liver is failing. Great. I got to call my sister (who is still on vaca in Hawaii with Mom), that her cat is deathly ill and may not make it. I'm treating the cat aggressively, of course, but have spent today talking to the cat every 5 minutes saying "you have to live!".
Sorry I have been out of touch, friends. I miss all of you!
Oh Kristen that's just awful about both cats! Sounds like your kitty will be on the mend (although maybe a little angry with you for a while), but please keep us posted on your sister's cat. We were taking care of a neighbors cat while they were away for the weekend and had to put it down. What a horrible call that was! So I totally understand.
@Linda - woo f'in hoo!!! (to top your hoo-f''in-ray) great news!! I've been following the paleo thread bc it's super interesting... need to learn more especially after reading Nemo's post ... I also get a ton of my protein from dairy, beans, etc... and dark chocolate is my dessert... not to mention I don't want to cut out all whole grains entirely - being a distance runner at heart I just don't see that one happening (but I have cut way, way down on pasta. I don't buy bread, can't think of the last time I did)... I thought the born to run section re: diet was really quite interesting, about carbs etc and the whole anthropology/evolution thing. I'm down a few from Monday, but still about 5-6 from my normal, been at for years weight, and like you, my race weight is another 2 or 3 from there... really trying to be conscious of what goes in my mouth and why.
@Dana - forgot about your ticket. crazy. from what I'm hearing, cops in MD are cracking down super hard on groups of cyclists riding... I typically do ride out in MD with a group on Sundays and I suspect that will start up again in June (the guy who organizes the rides is doing IMFL and that's when he starts up)... tracy, suzanne - have you heard about that?
@Kristen - oh no... your poor kitty's picture melted my heart but to hear about your sister's cat is just awful. I stopped taking my boys to the vet/to be boarded years ago bc they were so neurotic and needy when they got home. they're already lap cats but clingy lap cats is just too much for me. poor thing... I hope she pulls through!
@Tracy - glad to hear your landlord got everything taken care of!
@Nemo - maybe a massage... should help with any residual lactic acid and sore spots from all the riding.
I'm down 1 run and 1 swim for the week. If all goes well, I'll get a run in after work (we get out 2 hours early and unlike yesterday's 90+ humidity, today is only supposed to hit the 70's although it's overcast and may rain). Tomorrow I will do today's short run and if I can the swim, too... and be AOK for the week going into my RR on Sunday.
I hope everyone has some fun stuff planned to balance out the training this weekend. I'll be heading to Wolftrap tomorrow to see a live taping of Prairie Home Companion. I've already designated myself the driver so I can't/won't drink... because I need to drop a few more lbs and bc my RR is Sunday. Monday I hope to get an OWS in and have a BBQ to go to in the evening.
@Nemo - maybe a massage... should help with any residual lactic acid and sore spots from all the riding.
Did that last night, ahhhhhh! Shoulda had that scheduled for earlier in the week. The guy I go to was like "What the heck did you do to yourself???? " My shoulders & back were seriously jacked up. Poor guy, I think he needed a shower when he was done working on me!
TGIF is right! And a long weekend! And the start of my race week..ahhhh! I'm quite excited!
And many, many thanks to Barbara for letting my borrow her EN duds! I do think that will be a motivating factor for me to "represent."
@Kristen so sorry about the kitties. Hope they both have strong recoveries. To me it sounds like you are definitely having some post-vacation blues. And who wouldn't after a great trip like that! Continue the vacation, that's what I say!
@Linda congrats on the lbs! I am going to look into the Paleo plan - my husband is experimenting w/a gluten free diet and it has been a great way for me to tag along and cut the carbs, i.e. no bread.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! My training isn't too heavy, so I'm definitely in social mode. The challenge will be watching the alcohol consumption - @Becky, designated driver, not a bad idea.
Many of you know about my habit of repairing bicycles in completely inappropriate attire. This morning, I cleaned my bike in heels.
So, are you talking heels and nothing else? Or were you dressed in clothes as well? I agree with Suzanne...pics or it didn't happen. Well, I guess that depends...
P.S. - see you tomorrow!! Or tonight, if you're thinking about stopping by @ dinner.
Thanks for all the "cop pulls biker over stories!". they all made me giggle. The only reason i can think that he might have pulled us over is b/c we were riding in a p lace that a lot of people train, and maybe neighbors were complaining! Ah well, it's a fun story to tell over a beer!
@Kristen...how are the cats? My Bailey dog, 70 lb lab, broke his leg running down the stairs to catch a ball. oye, trying to keep that dog from not eating the splint and NOT running and NOT jumping! He hated his splint, too, but we tried to make it fun by picking cool colors!
Many of you know about my habit of repairing bicycles in completely inappropriate attire. This morning, I cleaned my bike in heels.
So, are you talking heels and nothing else? Or were you dressed in clothes as well? I agree with Suzanne...pics or it didn't happen. Well, I guess that depends...
HA HA HA!!!! Now THAT would certainly get the lurkers out from behind the curtain!!!
Many of you know about my habit of repairing bicycles in completely inappropriate attire. This morning, I cleaned my bike in heels.
So, are you talking heels and nothing else? Or were you dressed in clothes as well? I agree with Suzanne...pics or it didn't happen. Well, I guess that depends...
HA HA HA!!!! Now THAT would certainly get the lurkers out from behind the curtain!!!
Ok- That could be a new line for Dan Socie's podium girl- heels and dedicated bicycle cleaning apron
So glad to hear of the weight loss success, Linda. I know you've struggled and had major frustration with that. It has to be so great to see the results you've been looking for!
So sorry to hear of the kitty woes. Hoping they get back to normal soon.
Aimee - I hear you on trying to resist the wine on race week. With a lower training volume and an over all desire to get in full chill mode those weekends before race weekend always make me have to think a little harder about that extra glass of wine....note that I didn't provide an actual count.
I had serious issues this week with pain from my gum tissue graftinig surgery last week. I wasn't able to ingest anything without MAJOR pain in my mouth. Basically anything but water, cool herbal tea, felt like fire. It was so bad that I wasn't sleeping because of pain with trying to swallow. Even talking was horrific. This particular pain was all focused on the roof of my mouth and under some of the hard silly-putty like dressings that are all over my mouth. I went back in this morning and come to find out the donor sites that were only partially covered by the "flipper" a.k.a my retainer like device that also has my fake teeth on had gotten irritated and inflamed around the stitches. He snipped off some of the stiches and fashioned some extensions on the plastic part of the flipper so that I now have better coverage and protection over more of my palette. He also suggested I use a numbing agent like in chloraceptic to help with some of the pain. Ugh! Relief! Now at least I can resume the consumption of soft foods. Unfortunately since my fake teeth (which at Dr.s orders I'm wearing 24/7 right now since they are helping cover the raw bits) really are mainly cosmetic and not meant to be eating devices I can't really manage stuff I have to chew. Tried some thinly sliced cheese tonight but there was too much additonal discomfort. Oh well. At least I will actually sleep tonight! So glad!
I wish I had time to address everyone individually, but as usual - I don't. I am glad to catch up a little bit with you all though. Olivia - hang in there girl, that sounds really freakin miserable and I hope you are back to normal food, etc. soon! Linda - excellent news on the weight loss !!!
I am doing GREAT!!! I have been out for a 2 walk/runs (more walking, but hey that is FINE!) and 1 bike ride thus far. Surgery was two weeks ago Wednesday. So I am really feeling healed up and on my way. Just trying to continue to take it slow and ease back in.
I am going to take a little EN break for the next two months. With no schedule, no internet and precious little time for the forums it seems to make sense. I will miss you all, but will be back late July when I (hopefully) start a 12 weeks schedule for Longhorn 70.3. That will depend on how the rest of the summer goes, how the hip (which is feeling pretty good holds up) and my general enthusiam for training again.
Have a WONDERFUL summer chicas - I am cheering you all on in your races and training!!!
Robin - your decision makes sense. An excellent approach really to ensure that you can focus on continued healing, your family, and your doggies this summer. You'll come back to the whole thing with renewed focus. I'll miss you here, but will definitely stay in touch on FB.
It is great to hear that you're coming a long so well after surgery and even better to hear that you're taking your come back slowly.
Robin- we'll miss you, but that sounds like completely the right thing to do! So glad to hear recovery is going well!
Olivia- ugh!!! I had gum grafting surgery in my 20's and I remember that soft pallet tenderness- but it was nothing like what you are describing. Hang in their GF! You are seriously one tough cookie!
I got my Race Sim done this morning. It went surprisingly well considering TOC was just last week. But then again- it was the first time in a week my butt saw a saddle!! Lessons learned are that I need to adjust the screen setting on my Garmin (doesn't show what I want it to show), I need to hit the SPLIT button and not the STOP button when I transition from bike to run (DOH!!!!), and my neck needs a little more time adjusting to being aero. Otherwise- all was good. Oh, except that I ran too fast off the bike. Totally must get that in check!!!
Hi everyone! I've been off of here for awhile, as I have been busy as heck, and tired at night. Just no energy to put in the effort to read and post. I did my long run on Thursday...9 miles. I felt great, but my legs would NOT go even at the prescribed mp/lrp! Took me 2 hrs! But, I felt good, so I guess it is what it is. Rode 40 miles this a.m. with my friend Bob, who did IMLOU in '08, and is one hell of a biker. We rode on flat, newly paved roads, and my legs would NOT get going! I kept thinking I just needed to get warmed up, but the legs were DEAD. Avg. was 15.6 mph when it should have been atleast 20 or so! I'm thinking that a 3 mile run Wed., followed by 9 mile run Thurs., and long swim Friday, fried my legs. Propped them up this afternoon, and taking it easy. Robin, we will miss you, but look forward to your return! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! You take care and heal! Olivia, so sorry to hear of all of the pain you are experiencing! Healing vibes coming your way!!! You are one tough girl. What an inspiration for me, and I am certain, many others! I have not read back through all of this thread, so I apologize if I've forgotten to congratulate someone for a p.r. or condolences for an injury or loss of a loved one. Please know that this thread is so important to me, and I think of all of you every day...how we are all strong women, coming together to celebrate our fitness, achievements, friendships, and support each other in moments of need and or doubt. My training is going well, except for this am.'s ride. My swim mojo is coming back, and run was...My job has been especially draining this year, compounded by looking for a new one. I'm getting excited about Louisville, but scared as well. I don't want to rush time, but have to admit that I can't wait to have IMLOU under my belt, as an official finisher...Working on keeping up the confidence to know I can do this.... On another note, going to a friend's house for steak on the grill tonight, with a cold, Fat Tire Beer! Gotta love it! Happy Saturday night everyone!!! xxoo
Olivia, all that oral pain just sounds, well, horrible. I'm so sorry that it is so painful! Are you at least taking a break from work right now? Yuck.
Robin, a little break to focus on other stuff sounds just right. Take time for you!
Nemo, congrats on a successful RR! It's always a relief to have those done.
Barb, you sound happy and like you are feeling good. You go, girl!
Sad news, ladies. My sister's cat, Grendel, died overnight last night. She was doing a little better yesterday, getting IV fluids and antibiotics, and being fed via stomach tube every 3 hours. Jill got home from Hawaii and came to visit her and they spent some time together. I was allowing myself to get a little bit hopeful, and now this. Of course, being both Grendel's "aunt" and vet I'm really sad and frustrated. I'm second-guessing everything - what if my colleagues had examined her sooner...why didn't I examine her sooner (because I wasn't back to work yet, but maybe I should have gone up there anyway), what else could I have done medically...Argh! I really think I did everything I could, but I just hate it that she died. Jill is sad but not upset with anyone - Grendel always had health problems, and has sort of been declining for a while.
Hopefully that's the end of the bad news for a while - everyone have a great weekend!
I wrote this to a friend so will share with you Becky. I ran 15 miles, finished and it was 84 and humidity had dropped to prob 66%, started off cooler but more humid, about 88%. I ran on Monday and dropped the speedwork so I could get heat acclimated.
Yes I think the key is to have a strategy for rehydrating. Rivertrail is great due to bathrooms and water fountains available. a visor provides some shade and I love Neutrogena sport sunscreen (for faces) but works on body too. you do get heat acclimated and it takes about 2 weeks for your body to adapt. as some of you know I will drink chicken broth too as that is served on the Ironman course, forgot it today but right out of the can and poured into a water bottle or even the cup o noodle package of seasoning mixed with water. I also like Coke (served on IM run) and I think it is key to get calories in at the beginning of the hot run as when your HR elevated you can NOT absorb as many calories. so instead of 90 cals every 45 min, I started at about minute 35 and will take in just a bit or a partial GU, this works for me so that like today at mile 10... I was hardly taking in calories as the heat rose. Check your body to see if you are still sweating and keep drinking, drink while running and while taking walk breaks. Pick shady routes like today's Burns Park soccer complex around it, at the water stop, fill your tummy with water (free water bottle space in your stomach!) and then fill up your water. Buy the small envelopes of Gatorade to take with you so you can make your drink while on the go. Have an alternate calorie source so that if your gut or your brain is tired of the same ol' GU you have something else to eat. I prefer Vanilla Gu for the simple no taste. gummy Bears do the best in the heat and taste quite good and can be portably stowed on your body. Wear wristbands to collect the sweat. Put vaseline or other antichafing on the tips of your toes as your feet will swell. if you are going by your car or house or other to refuel stow an extra pair of dry socks or even dry shoes in there. change out of those wet sweaty clothes immediately before driving home! take towel to sit on and drink another water bottle. Get ice pack and put it on your IT or other problem area. Take a cold shower and direct the nozzle at your legs. wear compression socks for a few hours! and I think that is all! m
@ Becky, again...I finally broke down and made a "sports consulation" with a dietician (thanks for the suggestion, Linda :0}!) I go back tomorrow for the "plan". She tested my RMR (2160) and really listened to how much I workout and what I use pre-, during and post workouts. I can let you know how tomorrow goes.
@ Kit...I think vitamin D deficiency has so much to do with living in Upstate NY. Ugh!
I also got bloodwork for thryoid done. I got the overview one done first, then begged my doctor to do more b/c the TSH levels were so close to being abnormal. I kept telling her how exhausted I am (no, doctor, it's not just from training for an IM!) and how I CAN NOT lose weight. She finally agreed to it, and tests came back today. T3 is off (she thinks it doesn't need to be treated and I also tested positive for some sort of mononucleosis. Hm. That one was interesting!
On a funny note, my DH and I got PULLED OVER tonight while BIKE RIDING! That has never happened before! I had just finished my TT and Doug, with Abby on the back of his bike, rode out to meet me. We are super safety freaks while on the road, so always ride single file, blah, blah. We were riding in an area without much traffic and Abby was asking to see me. I just pulled up to show her where I was, when a cop drives by with his lights on and stops us. He gets out of the car and proceeds to very smugly lecture us on the rules of the road and tells us it is illegal to ride side by side and he could ticket us. Oye. I was a little embarrassed, and we reassured him that we usually always ride single file. He leaves and I'm thinking, ok, well, why can't this guy show up when there is pack of 20 riders moseying along taking up the whole road? Or, why isn't he pulling over the teenager that just FLEW by us in a car, going waaaaaay too fast on a cell phone? (Also illegal here in NY...must be hands free!). I understand he was trying to keep us and the cars safe, just a little embarrassed and frustrated. Anyway, we rode back to the car, single file, and enjoyed a nice dinner at Red Robin (come on, sing it...YUMMMMM!).
Anyway, he WAS right and I guess I'll be more careful with whoever I'm riding with to make sure we stay single file!
Busy at work lately, but I'm glad for a slightly slower morning today. Going for laser hair removal tonight, trying not to remember the pain even with Lidocaine cream and ice. Training is going well as I am paying attention to the TSB and backing off when I am in a hole. Definitely benefiting from training smarter this time.
@M - thanks for all the tips... some things I had never really thought of (i.e., hard to absorb calories with an elevated HR)... I DID pick a shady route, though... and wore my visor and bodyglided my toes (and my inner arms where they rub against my sports bra)!
@Dana - let me know how it goes with the dietician! I've been really sluggish lately too and can't lose my "injury" weight. I did call my doc for a physical (blood work is standard b/c of my family history), but she can't see me til August (she only works in the office I go to 3 days a week and I was really only looking for a Th appt since that's the day I work from home). I know my TSH levels are borderline, they have been for years - but I will remember to follow up with you [all] closer to the date to get a reminder of other Qs to ask and other tests to request. Bummer it won't be for so long.
You know, when you get up at 5:30am and it's already over 70 it's gonna be a rough day. Holy humid! But I knocked it out. Only 90 minutes today - had trouble with the Z2 segment, oddly - because the Z3 segment worked out. All in all, glad it's done and amazed I got up to do it. Knowing it's supposed to hit 90 sure helped me get out of bed (after hitting snooze 2x). Would like to go to the pool after work to do yesterday's swim.
Hope everyone else is good! I've got a hair cut at 11 - yay! It's been growing out all winter and I'm ready to go short again (like my avatar pic).
As of today, I have dropped 3 pounds since Sunday. HOO-FOOKIN-RAY!!!! You all know how much I have been struggling with this. I have been tracking every mouthful for MONTHS, so I knew my calorie intake was well within range for weight loss--thyroid issues or not. My weight was not moving, it only wanted to track UP, and the water retention was making me crazy! Then last week I had the thought, "what if it's not how MUCH I'm eating, but WHAT I'm eating?" Long story short, I bought the Paleo Diet for Athletes and started eating according to the plan on Sunday night. So maybe there is something to eating too many carbs in the forms of breads and pastas--even if the calorie intake is within weight loss range? I dunno.
I'm not going to make any you-have-to-change-your-life claims about this whole Paleo thing, but I am liking it. A lot. I have been eating strict Paleo on my regular workout days--i.e. all carbs in the forms of fruit and veggies only, with lots of lean protein. On the day before heavy workouts, you add in some regular carbs, and eat GUs or use sports drink during training. It also gives you leeway to eat any old way you want, but keep it to no more than 5% of your diet. Seems I won't have to give up whoopie pies forever after all!!!!
The first two days were weird, but now my cravings for sugar have quieted big time. Now I salivate thinking of a giant salad as big as my head. I'll keep you posted. I have 3 more to lose to get to my "acceptable, normal, lived-for-years-at" weight. 3 more after that (maybe) to get racing trim. But as Kris says, once I get the extra off, I'll be looking more at body comp than the number on the scale.
Just thought I'd pass it on for what it's worth.
@Dana - For reals? At least you didn't get a ticket. Although, if I ever get a speeding ticket as a cyclist, I'm framing that baby.
@Kris - I wear little kids Nike goggles.
@everyone - championusa.com is having a huge sports bra sale. I know these are a favorite brand by many of the chicas, so stock up!
@Nemo - Yup. Shame. It was in a pretty glass, with ice, if that counts for anything.
Last night, I made an excellent salad with lettuce, avocado, green onions, a little low fat cheese and dressing made with a tiny bit of cream and red wine vinegar and lots of pepper. It is a variation of my grandmother's favorite garden lettuce with vinegar and cream. Mmm. I am hoping there are radishes at the farmer's market today, as they are a great addition.
On topic of shopping -- is anyone having a good sale on running shorts now and does anyone have shorts they love? The heat wave is making me want to expand my shorts wardrobe beyond my one pair of desotos.
I've been reading this month's Bicycling. My new protour boyfriend may be Allen Lim.
" As of today, I have dropped 3 pounds since Sunday. HOO-FOOKIN-RAY!!!! "
AMEN TO THAT!!!!! Awesome news Linda. I dunno if I could do Paleo thought. I get my protein from a lot of dairy & beans which I think are both restricted. There's only so much salmon and tuna a gal can eat! Oh- and is chocolate considered a carb? Hmmmmm, I just can't give that up! :-)
Dana- my husband got a ticket for being a "reckless biker" one day when commuting home from work. Long story short, he "jumped the light" at an intersection to get safely ahead of the merging traffic and ended up getting pulled over. It's one of those intersections you go through every day and you just know how to get through it cause you do it so often. But technically- the way to make that happen does require you to do an illegal maneuver. Anyway, he was pissed but I thought it was kinda funny.
My long run got cut short today- the legs still don't feel right. Hopefully I'll have something for this Race Rehearsal on Saturday!! Good news there is I have company for a change. The RD for the OBX Tri asked me to use the proposed HIM course for my rehearsal to check it out. He's joining me as well as 2 other locals. Usually when I pull out the TT bike I'm on my own, but it will be nice to see other folks on the "course" while I'm out there this weekend.
@ Linda how great for the weight loss!!! So glad things are looking up (or down) finally for you. So much hard work to get to the root of the issue and then fix it. I don't know about Paleo either, the more I read the more I don't know what to eat!
I feel like I'm just waiting to get to Boston. Job here is yuck living with mom and sister is yuck. Love them both but not to live with. Focusing on training and moving on.
Stay cool ladies!
Dana: I just got off the phone of Kevin. It is NOT illegal to ride 2 abreast on a bicycle in the state of NY as long as you are not blocking traffic. Kevin said you and Doug did the right thing by saying, "Yes, sir...No, sir...we'll do better, sir." because what the hell kind of cop pulls over a couple of cyclists with a baby?! Kevin says you could make a complaint to the supervisor about it: how he should be re-educated about bicycle and traffic laws. What this guy a Fairport police or Monroe County sheriff's deputy? Did you catch his name? If so, PM me and I'll see if Kevin knows this guy.
Linda: 3 pounds! Hallelujah! So are you feeling like there's less water retention with the Paleo?
I've been watching Tour of California coverage that Kevin saved on the DVR. It's bringing back so many great memories of an amazing and fun trip last week (that I haven't completely unpacked from yet!). I highly encourage all of you to consider going next year. I showed up at ToC this year quite deconditioned with my longest ride a bit less than 3 hours. I'd never done that much riding in 6 days, that much climbing on a bike (and at altitude!). With some proper pacing, ice baths, and TP rolling, it's very, very doable and very, very, VERY enjoyable. I will get my butt in gear and put out a trip report by next week!
@Kitima--I'm thinking yes on the water retention getting much better. Obviously, a lot of that 3 HAS to be water, but that's OK b/c I was a water balloon. It's nice not to be bustin' out of my bras, and I mean big time. We'll see how it goes over the next week(s).
@Dana--I once got pulled over for the same reason by a Minuteman National Park Ranger cop--replete with the Dudley Dooright hat, and full uni. It was all I could do not to laugh right at him in that get-up, but he could tell by my face I was not taking it seriously at all. Lots of sarcastic nodding, and yessss sirs! But in a transcript I was being nothing up deferential and polite (my a$$).
Linda- So, so happy for you! May go get paleo. I have looked at paleo diet before, was turned off by weird organ meats- ie liver. is that the case? Thanks also for supplement check list, i have been meaning to go to chapter in thyroid solutions and make such a list. good about H20 retention as well, some days I feel/look pregnant
My fridge is now fixed, landord was cool
about it- things taken care of! now for the grocery shopping to replace Lost food Argh
Nemo- Your legs will be feeling better soon, i'm sure! A lot of fitness gained last week- they'll let you know. Glad you will have some company on RR this weekend
Dana- Oh No about being pulled over. Carly is right-they should be focusing on texting while driving/ DUI guys.
Kitima- wow, I am seriously considering TOC ( vs St Croix 70.3 next year) gaining a little more confidence in my knee. hoping for a super OS, since mine was inconsistent over winter.
Oh- regarding my OMG facebook comment yesterday- many more OMGs muttered throughout the shift. Just crazy all around, but BS crazy ( not good trauma crazy). Yes, i would have loved to use a succinycholine dart on the Evil circulator, and shove her broomstick where the sun don't shine kind of thoughts going through my head
. I really do like my job, but there are 3, sometimes 4 circulators that make life difficult.( I'm sure kitima, you have experienced that in your career) The looks that could kill, came when i would ask her to call cell saver dude to spin blood down to give back to patient while I deal with his BP in the 60s -70s. The orthopedic surgeon was not any better to deal with! Hmmm, Number 1 goal for day, make surgeons life difficult, check mark, goal accomplished, move on. Rant over. But boy did I wake up with BAD headache today
Was supposed to be a big workout day for me, got home late from work, took awhile to unwind. Woke up with bad HA, back to sleep. got up with HA
, thinking coffee will help- off to coffee shop- Wow s it HOT, Hot Hot. plan change. Big workout of last week now early early sat am
Beth-thanks for champion alert! Will checkout. Xterra is having a 50% sale this weekend. I need a new one, good price. I have pair of underarmour shorts that are a new favorite, sorry don't know which ones though. I have a few underarmour garments that I really like
Gotta scoot
Linda, congratulations on the weight loss!!!
I know it's been driving you crazy. That's wonderful news!
Kitima, Leigh, and Nemo, TOC sounds like so much fun, and I'm jealous that you got to meet (and touch!) all those pros. I get too starstruck to talk, and I'm shy - I'd probably just sit there and stare with my mouth hanging open. What a dork.
So, I've been back from Hawaii for 5 days now, and am having a lot of trouble re-engaging with real life. This is so strange for me. I've been lurking a little on Facebook and the EN forums but not much. I have zero interest in training, for anything. I'm not really even interested in food, which is huge - I usually spend more time than necessary thinking about what to eat next.
I feel very strongly connected to T and my family but not really with friends, etc. We had such a wonderful vacation! T thinks that because we experienced a week of total decadent overload (fabulous food, cocktails, doing whatever we wanted all day long), maybe we are a little depressed about re-entering normalcy again. I hope she's right, and that this feeling goes away soon. Any suggestions, ladies? I have an IM to train for and no desire to do it at this point. Help!
Also, we have been having some worrisome feline problems. You all may have seen my Facebook post. The night we got home our youngest cat, Oliver, was being hyper and missed a landing on a jump, falling from our second story to the first floor, which is concrete. I assessed him immediately afterwards and he seemed ok - no lameness, his gums were pink, etc. Then he went and hid. I was jetlagged AND had had 2 glasses of wine (hey, we were still "on vacation"), and frankly was not at my diagnostic best, so we went to bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of him hopping around, not bearing weight on his right front leg. Shit. I gave him a dose of pain meds and hoped he would be ok until morning, because my techs would not appreciate a call for help at 2 am. Anyway, the upshot is that he broke a metacarpal, and I splinted him. He is SO UNHAPPY with that splint on, it's breaking my heart.
Yesterday was my first day back at work. I discovered, to my horror, that my sister's cat (who is boarding) had not eaten for the week she was at the clinic, and now her liver is failing. Great. I got to call my sister (who is still on vaca in Hawaii with Mom), that her cat is deathly ill and may not make it. I'm treating the cat aggressively, of course, but have spent today talking to the cat every 5 minutes saying "you have to live!".
Sorry I have been out of touch, friends. I miss all of you!
@Linda - woo f'in hoo!!! (to top your hoo-f''in-ray) great news!! I've been following the paleo thread bc it's super interesting... need to learn more especially after reading Nemo's post ... I also get a ton of my protein from dairy, beans, etc... and dark chocolate is my dessert... not to mention I don't want to cut out all whole grains entirely - being a distance runner at heart I just don't see that one happening (but I have cut way, way down on pasta. I don't buy bread, can't think of the last time I did)... I thought the born to run section re: diet was really quite interesting, about carbs etc and the whole anthropology/evolution thing. I'm down a few from Monday, but still about 5-6 from my normal, been at for years weight, and like you, my race weight is another 2 or 3 from there... really trying to be conscious of what goes in my mouth and why.
@Dana - forgot about your ticket. crazy. from what I'm hearing, cops in MD are cracking down super hard on groups of cyclists riding... I typically do ride out in MD with a group on Sundays and I suspect that will start up again in June (the guy who organizes the rides is doing IMFL and that's when he starts up)... tracy, suzanne - have you heard about that?
@Kristen - oh no... your poor kitty's picture melted my heart but to hear about your sister's cat is just awful.
I stopped taking my boys to the vet/to be boarded years ago bc they were so neurotic and needy when they got home. they're already lap cats but clingy lap cats is just too much for me. poor thing... I hope she pulls through!
@Tracy - glad to hear your landlord got everything taken care of!
@Nemo - maybe a massage... should help with any residual lactic acid and sore spots from all the riding.
I'm down 1 run and 1 swim for the week. If all goes well, I'll get a run in after work (we get out 2 hours early and unlike yesterday's 90+ humidity, today is only supposed to hit the 70's although it's overcast and may rain). Tomorrow I will do today's short run and if I can the swim, too... and be AOK for the week going into my RR on Sunday.
I hope everyone has some fun stuff planned to balance out the training this weekend. I'll be heading to Wolftrap tomorrow to see a live taping of Prairie Home Companion. I've already designated myself the driver so I can't/won't drink... because I need to drop a few more lbs and bc my RR is Sunday. Monday I hope to get an OWS in and have a BBQ to go to in the evening.
TGIF Ladies- 5:00 can't come soon enough for me!
TGIF is right! And a long weekend! And the start of my race week..ahhhh! I'm quite excited!
And many, many thanks to Barbara for letting my borrow her EN duds! I do think that will be a motivating factor for me to "represent."
@Kristen so sorry about the kitties. Hope they both have strong recoveries. To me it sounds like you are definitely having some post-vacation blues. And who wouldn't after a great trip like that! Continue the vacation, that's what I say!
@Linda congrats on the lbs! I am going to look into the Paleo plan - my husband is experimenting w/a gluten free diet and it has been a great way for me to tag along and cut the carbs, i.e. no bread.
Hope everyone has a great weekend! My training isn't too heavy, so I'm definitely in social mode. The challenge will be watching the alcohol consumption - @Becky, designated driver, not a bad idea.
For your morning's entertainment:
Many of you know about my habit of repairing bicycles in completely inappropriate attire. This morning, I cleaned my bike in heels.
So, are you talking heels and nothing else? Or were you dressed in clothes as well? I agree with Suzanne...pics or it didn't happen. Well, I guess that depends...
P.S. - see you tomorrow!! Or tonight, if you're thinking about stopping by @ dinner.
Thanks for all the "cop pulls biker over stories!". they all made me giggle. The only reason i can think that he might have pulled us over is b/c we were riding in a p lace that a lot of people train, and maybe neighbors were complaining! Ah well, it's a fun story to tell over a beer!
@Kristen...how are the cats? My Bailey dog, 70 lb lab, broke his leg running down the stairs to catch a ball. oye, trying to keep that dog from not eating the splint and NOT running and NOT jumping! He hated his splint, too, but we tried to make it fun by picking cool colors!
Happy Friday!
I'm not quite THAT ready to be a bicycle girl centerfold.
There were clothes. Heels, jeans, and the dedicated bicycle-cleaning apron.
HA HA HA!!!! Now THAT would certainly get the lurkers out from behind the curtain!!!
I'll take your word for it... I can live without pics - no matter what you were wearing (or not wearing as the case may be)
Ok- That could be a new line for Dan Socie's podium girl- heels and dedicated bicycle cleaning apron
So glad to hear of the weight loss success, Linda. I know you've struggled and had major frustration with that. It has to be so great to see the results you've been looking for!
So sorry to hear of the kitty woes. Hoping they get back to normal soon.
Aimee - I hear you on trying to resist the wine on race week. With a lower training volume and an over all desire to get in full chill mode those weekends before race weekend always make me have to think a little harder about that extra glass of wine....note that I didn't provide an actual count.
I had serious issues this week with pain from my gum tissue graftinig surgery last week. I wasn't able to ingest anything without MAJOR pain in my mouth. Basically anything but water, cool herbal tea, felt like fire. It was so bad that I wasn't sleeping because of pain with trying to swallow. Even talking was horrific. This particular pain was all focused on the roof of my mouth and under some of the hard silly-putty like dressings that are all over my mouth. I went back in this morning and come to find out the donor sites that were only partially covered by the "flipper" a.k.a my retainer like device that also has my fake teeth on had gotten irritated and inflamed around the stitches. He snipped off some of the stiches and fashioned some extensions on the plastic part of the flipper so that I now have better coverage and protection over more of my palette. He also suggested I use a numbing agent like in chloraceptic to help with some of the pain. Ugh! Relief! Now at least I can resume the consumption of soft foods. Unfortunately since my fake teeth (which at Dr.s orders I'm wearing 24/7 right now since they are helping cover the raw bits) really are mainly cosmetic and not meant to be eating devices I can't really manage stuff I have to chew. Tried some thinly sliced cheese tonight but there was too much additonal discomfort. Oh well. At least I will actually sleep tonight! So glad!
I wish I had time to address everyone individually, but as usual - I don't. I am glad to catch up a little bit with you all though. Olivia - hang in there girl, that sounds really freakin miserable and I hope you are back to normal food, etc. soon! Linda - excellent news on the weight loss
I am doing GREAT!!! I have been out for a 2 walk/runs (more walking, but hey that is FINE!) and 1 bike ride thus far. Surgery was two weeks ago Wednesday. So I am really feeling healed up and on my way. Just trying to continue to take it slow and ease back in.
I am going to take a little EN break for the next two months. With no schedule, no internet and precious little time for the forums it seems to make sense. I will miss you all, but will be back late July when I (hopefully) start a 12 weeks schedule for Longhorn 70.3. That will depend on how the rest of the summer goes, how the hip (which is feeling pretty good holds up) and my general enthusiam for training again.
Have a WONDERFUL summer chicas - I am cheering you all on in your races and training!!!
It is great to hear that you're coming a long so well after surgery and even better to hear that you're taking your come back slowly.
Lots of hugs to you, sister!
Olivia- ugh!!! I had gum grafting surgery in my 20's and I remember that soft pallet tenderness- but it was nothing like what you are describing. Hang in their GF! You are seriously one tough cookie!
I got my Race Sim done this morning. It went surprisingly well considering TOC was just last week. But then again- it was the first time in a week my butt saw a saddle!! Lessons learned are that I need to adjust the screen setting on my Garmin (doesn't show what I want it to show), I need to hit the SPLIT button and not the STOP button when I transition from bike to run (DOH!!!!), and my neck needs a little more time adjusting to being aero. Otherwise- all was good. Oh, except that I ran too fast off the bike. Totally must get that in check!!!
Robin, we will miss you, but look forward to your return! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! You take care and heal! Olivia, so sorry to hear of all of the pain you are experiencing! Healing vibes coming your way!!! You are one tough girl. What an inspiration for me, and I am certain, many others!
I have not read back through all of this thread, so I apologize if I've forgotten to congratulate someone for a p.r. or condolences for an injury or loss of a loved one. Please know that this thread is so important to me, and I think of all of you every day...how we are all strong women, coming together to celebrate our fitness, achievements, friendships, and support each other in moments of need and or doubt.
My training is going well, except for this am.'s ride. My swim mojo is coming back, and run was...My job has been especially draining this year, compounded by looking for a new one. I'm getting excited about Louisville, but scared as well. I don't want to rush time, but have to admit that I can't wait to have IMLOU under my belt, as an official finisher...Working on keeping up the confidence to know I can do this....
On another note, going to a friend's house for steak on the grill tonight, with a cold, Fat Tire Beer! Gotta love it! Happy Saturday night everyone!!!
Robin, a little break to focus on other stuff sounds just right. Take time for you!
Nemo, congrats on a successful RR! It's always a relief to have those done.
Barb, you sound happy and like you are feeling good. You go, girl!
Sad news, ladies. My sister's cat, Grendel, died overnight last night. She was doing a little better yesterday, getting IV fluids and antibiotics, and being fed via stomach tube every 3 hours. Jill got home from Hawaii and came to visit her and they spent some time together. I was allowing myself to get a little bit hopeful, and now this. Of course, being both Grendel's "aunt" and vet I'm really sad and frustrated. I'm second-guessing everything - what if my colleagues had examined her sooner...why didn't I examine her sooner (because I wasn't back to work yet, but maybe I should have gone up there anyway), what else could I have done medically...Argh! I really think I did everything I could, but I just hate it that she died. Jill is sad but not upset with anyone - Grendel always had health problems, and has sort of been declining for a while.
Hopefully that's the end of the bad news for a while - everyone have a great weekend!