Note, the workout you chose isn't very applicable to an Ironman (run intervals) are probably better doing the measurements (or tweaking them) with a long run or a long ride.
Trish, plse go back to the Sweat Trial doc as I updated it for the bike.
You ARE expected to replace fluids lost on the bike 1-for-1 or as close as you can get. On the run it's a game of attrition. If you can get in 4oz per aid station (one cup) and ou do 6 an hour...that's 24 oz...which is why bike hydration is critical.
Also, note that you should never ever just drink water or nuun for a race. In an emergency, ok, but you need way more sodium and some calories as well. We recommend using Perform (as it's on the course, link to buy in the Store / En Deals navigation area).
I know this is a total PITA but it will make your race day that much better I promise!!!
Here's the data from the power test: 5' test NP 255 20' test NP 223 (april test 226) FTP 211 (a drop of 4 watts) VI 1.0 Avg HR 171 Avg Cadence 90 temp 87 wind 10mph Did I mention I dislike power testing???
Well done....I will take it given you had only tested indoors. Can run the numbers off that for your next long ride...then do the UPDATED sweat test to see what you lose in Zone 2 effort so we can replace that with the Perform we discussed, etc.
Big Day info: swam 31:00 for 1.08 with a few rests waiting for the rest of the group...not ideal I know. cut it short so as to not swim alone.
Biked 3:33 for 65.7 miles, avg power 137 NP 145 VI 1.06 avg HR 133 Nutrition for Bike: 70 oz perform (start to drink 20' into bike), 1 salt tab (at 1.5 hours when refilled speedfil) , 1.5 powerbars (every hour on the 40')
Ran for 60:00 for 6.33 miles. Went out too fast, but did manage a neg split. Avg Hr156, but it got high at the end. Nutrition for Run: 2 salt tabs just before running, 22 oz perform, about 4 oz per mile. Planned on taking a gu at mile three , but my legs felt great and I'm out of the habit of gu'ing on the run. I'll fix that!
So, overall, not perfect, but pretty decent. Didn't enjoy the perform, but it's not as bad as I recalled, and the legs felt good on the run. I will do the bike sweat test to dial in the perform.
I need some help with next week's schedule as well. I have to drop my bike Thursday for TBT to Vegas, so I won't have power for long rides over the weekend. I do have my old tri steed I can ride. So, do I keep the schedule the same, or move things around to ride with power? Your expertise Coach, please and thank you!
PS...don't thank me for's part of what I need to do to imrpove. I just whine a lot.
TM, I think your big day was pretty darn solid!!! I say same schedule just "do your best" with the Steed or beg Pat Ward for some CT time in the pain cave. Very excited to see how you race with all this knowledge!!!
So first things first...DANG! I had a really good race in Vegas! The weather gods were kind (yes, rain in the desert was kind to me!) Here are the stats: 40:01 swim 21st in AG Meh...decent swim, but was hoping for a bit a 38.
3:13:xx bike .73 IF Vi of 1.07 NP 155 AVG HR 140 37th in AG finished a bit faster than I anticipated...was thinking I'd do about 30' slower than a good half...I'll take it!
2:08:34 run. 37th in AG What? 3:24 slower than just 5 weeks ago at Steelhead? What? I felt great during said run? What? It was a much harder bike and run course??? WHAT? For the first time ever I DID NOT LOSE A PLACE IN MY AG ON THE RUN in a big race???? Color me happy!
So yeah, I think you are a ROCKSTAR. A guru. My hero! Nutrition changes were good. I think the rain allowed me to come off the bike well hydrated, fed and NOT COOKED. The temps were much better (and I know allowed me to run better )than expected on the run as well. I did just as you prescribed with not a single gel the entire race.
Now on to moving forward. I swam tuesday and wednesday, ran and swam (drills basically) on Friday, rode 3:10 for time only and bricked 20' afterwards, and ran 6 miles tempo today. I should have my powermeter back Tuesday. Next week is a test week, and I've just recently done the outdoor bike test. I think I need to jump into a 5k race to test the run, as I havent' since April in a half or on a treadmill. So, I was thinking I'll do last weeks hill run and swim tomorrow. I don't know where to move around one of the long bikes so I can do a run test on the weekend. I feel badly that I missed a big day this weekend and bike time last weekend! Help!!!
PS..Met Teri Cashmore (total badass!!!) and Annie Stokes (another badass!!) the morning of the race! Those girls rocked it!
@Trish thanks for the can thank me all you want but you did the work. Phenomenal performance on the run against the best in the world. Pumped for you. Before I advise, #1 tell me what's next for you and #2 if you tested this past weekend or not? Thanks!
Next up IMAZ baby! (revenge race against my gut from ITU Worlds and IMFL!!!)
No testing last weekend...I did an outdoor bike test on 8/20, and a treadmill run test in July. I haven't done an outdoor 5k run test yet...just the half mary at the end out outseason. I'm in the IM intermediate plan week 12 right now which is a test week. Of course racing on the 8th jacked it all up!
There are a couple 5k's I can choose from on Saturday. Should I just keep the bikes as scheduled riding after the 5k? It would be at least an hour before I'd ride due to the location of the 5k and my local park, so some time for recovery.
Well, an unscheduled Mancation for my husband that materialized YESTERDAY and has him leaving for 9 days TOMORROW means I don't have 8 hours to drive, run a race, drive to the park, ride 4 hours and drive home on Saturday. Leaving a teenaged boy to his own devices for 8 hours doesn't sound like a good idea to me, although he'd probably love it.
Cathleen White told me to 'get r done...go to the track!!!" I will do just tha as scheduled...then I get to ride with old man Pat Ward and his bionic knee for my 4 hour ride and can brick like normal on Saturday!
Ha! His bff's name is Monkvic! These two have been running away from home on a yearly (this is escape #2 this year) for decades. His weekends always end up being 5-10 days lol. SAU galore for me though, especially had to stay home from Vegas (his favorite playground) to get our junior off to a good start of the school year. He rarely comes to races, so my escapes are races (so not stress free lol) and his are with the bff.
Just loaded the rest of the season into TP...looks like I'm going to need each and every SAU I'm earning being a single parent!!! Giddy UP!
I need some help shuffling the weekend. Here's my week so far:
monday: ran hills. no swim, sick kiddo
tuesday: did wednesdays th ride indoors, no swim (just lame)
wednesday: did tuesdays swim and threshold run
Tomorrow: long run as scheduled.
Friday, the weather will be decent, as will Saturday, a little cooler. Sunday is COLD and we scored Lion's tickets. SAU's! I'm in week 16 of INT IM all eyes on IMAZ Bib 1223!
So, 4.5 ride and run friday or saturday? I can swim long/run on sunday before/after the game.
Trish - I suggest you do the long ride on Saturday. Friday is a nice long swim after tomorrows long run. So Thursday is your long run....right! I say you run 45 minutes on Sunday AM so you don't feel too bad about the beer / bad food at the game (or if you happen to miss Monday's workout). PICS please!!!
Hi Coach P! Sooo, I did not have the mental mojo or obliging weather to bike test last week. I'm breathing down the neck of IMAZ. Last RR is this saturday. Doing it indoors with friends on a computrainer as the weather is crap here in MI! Cathleen White and Pat Ward will be among the crowd, so it will be as much fun as you can have on a computrainer for 6 hours!
My question is, do I just stick with my last power number for race day execution and this RR? I'm thinking yes. Personally in my past IM's (FL in 10, LP in 11 and FL in 12) I've run about 128 np and probably been about the same (or very close) ftp.
THat is a low IM IF, but I seem to run low on my HIM's too. As always, I am hunting the good IM run (and btw, feeling really strong and the best prepared ever for an IM run!) so I while I have a huge ego around my bike, I really really don't want to booger it! Your thoughts would be appreciated.
PS...are you racing Saturday? I know you got yourself broken earlier this year...hope you are feeling good!
Seriously though, I think you can use the number you have been riding in all your if your FTP numbers are good and consistent, then you can use the % of that you want. I don't want you to be UBER conservative running off of last year's numbers if they are different right now..part of a good run is a good bike (not a cheesy one)...sometimes if you are fit and you race with cheese, your run isn't what it could be. Does that even make sense? So smart bike yes, but use a good number you can fudge from this year's work!!!
Just checking in...I'm officially in the JOS, but really not able to push yet on bike or run after my surgery 12/2. I have been running since 12/31 at an ez pace of 10' miles with walk breaks every mile or so, every other day. I'm riding too, but haven't used power yet, so I don't quite know where I'm at...probably z2 with a lil z3 isn in there.
Sooo, I am thinking I should do the "time" of the os workouts, and gradually build intensity. I really don't want to screw up my healing, but don't want to be fluffy a minute longer than need be. I am planning on doing some stretching specific to swimming, and lifting with light weights and using machines to NOT use my core. Core can't even be attempted for another week or two. I think I will be cleared to swim by the challenge start date, and will probably jump in on that. I am hoping to test in a month or so, but I need to play that by ear...
I tried my first os bike workout with a watered down ftp guestimate on Thursday. Last season's starting point with a similar break was 197 so I dropped it to 195, which put my vo2 at 234. Moderately successful. I've been doing spin classes with some intensity the last week or two, so I thought I'd give an OS work out a whirl. I had planned on riding today as well but my power tap took a poop and my "Mr. Wonderful" ...our LBS fab mechanic is off skiing this weekend. Sooo, no new data till Monday.
On the running scene, I ran a 10k straight today at 10:00 pace throwing in .10 of 8:00 pace per half mile starting at mile 1 for a whopping total of 1 mile. My last TH number was 8:12 and I regularly overachieved it. So, I think I will go with my first OS TH at 8:17 when I build to .25 etc. I am hoping to run a 5k in Tampa on 2/1 as my run test. IF all goes well till then. That will put me at just shy of 9 weeks out from surgery, and most importantly, on DRY road to run hard on. AND there is BEER at the finish.
@Trish, these are good numbers, but remember the consistency is more important than the flash right now. 9 weeks out should have you very close to 100% (aerobically)...the rest will catch up. Your diligence will pay off...onwards!!!
Update: did the bike yesterday and while it was hard, it was totally doable. Yay. Today I planned on doing shorter intervals at threshold, but I felt really good, so I ended up just doing the full mile repeats. All three of um. I wore my cwx compression tights and they support my belly. Perfect. My hr was right where I expected it to be for the repeats at my old TH. I will continue to monitor my core and fatigue. I promise to be good. I want to work, but know myself enough to pull the plug if I'm off. I'll be recovering like a champ too...lots of practice on that front!
So, I got hit with a stupid cold and am flying to Tampa early Thursday. Darn winter from hell!
I had planned on biking three days straight to not miss any bike work (gone from Thursday to Tuesday) but yeah, I needed the day off yesterday.
I will do today's wo, then Thursday's wo tomorrow, off Thursday to fly. Might be able to run a bit Friday, then race the 5k Saturday. I hope to be able to run Sunday and Monday (probably short) and off again Tuesday to return home.
I have been good with sleep and if I feel crappy or worse tomorrow I'll bag the wo. I really want to be able to run hard on Saturday and see what's what. If you have any tweaks to my ideas above, please share.
Well, the 5k is done and results were "meh". Still sick, 100% humidity and 10 extra pounds (yes, you read that right!) equals meh I guess. I raced 25:39. Soooo not a good 5k for me. Was hoping for a LOT speedier. 6th ag out of 73. HR was in 170's for it all. Was working for sure, but ... Vdot is 37 from that result. I really don't think my TH miles should be that slow. On my subsequent runs in FL my TH hr did not correlate to TH pace of 8:44 (my former z2 pace...UGH.
I ran long the day after the race..Sunday (9 miles in 1:27) and 2 more short 30' runs with strides on Monday, and one th -ish mile yesterday. Couldn't NOT run in the warmer temps knowing what I was coming home to!
Today I decided to do last weeks (12x2 FTP) Tuesday INT OS ride as I didn't think I could hold TH for 15x2. Wise move. Was 100 IF for both and 86 IF for the sweetspot. Very hard going in the first set, but much better in set 2.
My goal is to get in some sort of rhythm already! I need to shed some chub and settle in to consistency. Enough already! BUT... how to handle the rest of the week? Saturday and Sunday will be the normal workout, but what should I do tomorrow and Friday? And may I pretty pretty please adjust my TH pace? I was holding 8:17's just fine before my poopy race. I just think I will lose too much ground if I slow all the way down to a 8:44 pace!!!!
@TM so sorry I missed that original post. Nice work on the 5k...not surprised on the results given your limits...take it easy on yourself!!!!
I say run thursday - 2 x 1 mile at TP (yes, your 8:17s or whatever your sick self allows!), Friday off, the weekend as planned.
The body comp will come but you can start making smaller changes now (better lunch for example) that will add up over time...we have a body comp accountability / thread somewhere!!!! Let me know what you are thinking!
Well, testing is done and I'm a wee bit frustrated. Bike test came with a nice bump (better than I expected...just a couple watts below this time last year. Nice) and run test was just about the same as the 5k while 3 lbs heavier and sick. I have not had problems running to my guestimate TH pace of 8:20. I did as you advised in the podcast starting at the 8:20 and bumping up per mile, but had a super high hr and had to take a break. On the run on the tm I may just fall under the category of crappy tester. I hate testing on the bike too, but for some reason can murder myself better there. Sigh.
So, what to do? I feel like I am losing some of the awesomeness(read confidence!) I gained in my run last year. I know I've had surgery, have not done as many hard or long runs as last year by this time due to my slower ramp up/healing. I've been cleared to go ahead with my full training.
My question is this...can I add a run to thursday after the bike work is done and help get myself back to higher mileage/better durability/higher run frequency with out doing harm? I will be stretching all sunday runs to 90 minutes as I did last year, even if I must run on the treadmill. (this winter BLOWS!)
Trish, I dont' want to get all "glam cheerleader rah rah in your face" style on you (got that one!?) but you are doing great.
The road of recovery is no fun, and it's full of false starts (yeah, I'm back!), false flats (I am almost 100%!) and false turns (all I have to do is this "X" to get back on track). The truth is, there is a lost more between your run speed this time last year and your run speed this year. As tempting as it is to draw a straight line, how you go to "this point" last year was different than how you got to where you are now. In fact, the only reason you have cited for not liking this year is...well...what you did last year.
I am much more concerned with how your #s are improving from 4 weeks ago to today than I am about how does Feb 2014 match Feb 2013.
I can't remember when your big race is, so before I get super specific, let me know the timeline so I can be more helpful...
Note, the workout you chose isn't very applicable to an Ironman (run intervals) are probably better doing the measurements (or tweaking them) with a long run or a long ride.
I have confirmed Tuesday!!!
Did another sweat test today on my long run : 12 miles 1:53 in 76 degrees, mid afternoon.
15' wu, 30' z2, 15'z1,20'z3, rest z1-z2.
143.8 before run
drank 37 oz. water during run, with 1 salt tab before, at 1 hour and nuun in first 20oz of water
140.6 post run.
Wow. Am I really expected to drink 37oz an hour??? I drank more than I usually do. Yikes!
Wow. It wasn't really that hot out. That's a lot of fluid lost!!!
You ARE expected to replace fluids lost on the bike 1-for-1 or as close as you can get. On the run it's a game of attrition. If you can get in 4oz per aid station (one cup) and ou do 6 an hour...that's 24 oz...which is why bike hydration is critical.
Also, note that you should never ever just drink water or nuun for a race. In an emergency, ok, but you need way more sodium and some calories as well. We recommend using Perform (as it's on the course, link to buy in the Store / En Deals navigation area).
I know this is a total PITA but it will make your race day that much better I promise!!!
5' test NP 255
20' test NP 223 (april test 226)
FTP 211 (a drop of 4 watts)
VI 1.0
Avg HR 171
Avg Cadence 90
temp 87
wind 10mph
Did I mention I dislike power testing???
swam 31:00 for 1.08 with a few rests waiting for the rest of the group...not ideal I know.
Biked 3:33 for 65.7 miles, avg power 137 NP 145 VI 1.06 avg HR 133
Nutrition for Bike: 70 oz perform (start to drink 20' into bike), 1 salt tab (at 1.5 hours when refilled speedfil) , 1.5 powerbars (every hour on the 40')
Ran for 60:00 for 6.33 miles. Went out too fast, but did manage a neg split. Avg Hr156, but it got high at the end.
Nutrition for Run: 2 salt tabs just before running, 22 oz perform, about 4 oz per mile. Planned on taking a gu at mile three , but my legs felt great and I'm out of the habit of gu'ing on the run. I'll fix that!
So, overall, not perfect, but pretty decent. Didn't enjoy the perform, but it's not as bad as I recalled, and the legs felt good on the run.
I need some help with next week's schedule as well. I have to drop my bike Thursday for TBT to Vegas, so I won't have power for long rides over the weekend. I do have my old tri steed I can ride. So, do I keep the schedule the same, or move things around to ride with power? Your expertise Coach, please and thank you!
PS...don't thank me for's part of what I need to do to imrpove. I just whine a lot.
40:01 swim 21st in AG
Meh...decent swim, but was hoping for a bit a 38.
3:13:xx bike .73 IF Vi of 1.07 NP 155 AVG HR 140 37th in AG
finished a bit faster than I anticipated...was thinking I'd do about 30' slower than a good half...I'll take it!
2:08:34 run. 37th in AG
What? 3:24 slower than just 5 weeks ago at Steelhead? What? I felt great during said run? What? It was a much harder bike and run course??? WHAT? For the first time ever I DID NOT LOSE A PLACE IN MY AG ON THE RUN in a big race???? Color me happy!
So yeah, I think you are a ROCKSTAR. A guru. My hero! Nutrition changes were good. I think the rain allowed me to come off the bike well hydrated, fed and NOT COOKED. The temps were much better (and I know allowed me to run better )than expected on the run as well. I did just as you prescribed with not a single gel the entire race.
Now on to moving forward. I swam tuesday and wednesday, ran and swam (drills basically) on Friday, rode 3:10 for time only and bricked 20' afterwards, and ran 6 miles tempo today. I should have my powermeter back Tuesday. Next week is a test week, and I've just recently done the outdoor bike test. I think I need to jump into a 5k race to test the run, as I havent' since April in a half or on a treadmill. So, I was thinking I'll do last weeks hill run and swim tomorrow. I don't know where to move around one of the long bikes so I can do a run test on the weekend. I feel badly that I missed a big day this weekend and bike time last weekend! Help!!!
PS..Met Teri Cashmore (total badass!!!) and Annie Stokes (another badass!!) the morning of the race! Those girls rocked it!
No testing last weekend...I did an outdoor bike test on 8/20, and a treadmill run test in July. I haven't done an outdoor 5k run test yet...just the half mary at the end out outseason. I'm in the IM intermediate plan week 12 right now which is a test week. Of course racing on the 8th jacked it all up!
There are a couple 5k's I can choose from on Saturday. Should I just keep the bikes as scheduled riding after the 5k? It would be at least an hour before I'd ride due to the location of the 5k and my local park, so some time for recovery.
Well, an unscheduled Mancation for my husband that materialized YESTERDAY and has him leaving for 9 days TOMORROW means I don't have 8 hours to drive, run a race, drive to the park, ride 4 hours and drive home on Saturday. Leaving a teenaged boy to his own devices for 8 hours doesn't sound like a good idea to me, although he'd probably love it.
Cathleen White told me to 'get r done...go to the track!!!" I will do just tha as scheduled...then I get to ride with old man Pat Ward and his bionic knee for my 4 hour ride and can brick like normal on Saturday!
Just loaded the rest of the season into TP...looks like I'm going to need each and every SAU I'm earning being a single parent!!!
Hiya Coach P...
I need some help shuffling the weekend. Here's my week so far:
monday: ran hills. no swim, sick kiddo
tuesday: did wednesdays th ride indoors, no swim (just lame)
wednesday: did tuesdays swim and threshold run
Tomorrow: long run as scheduled.
Friday, the weather will be decent, as will Saturday, a little cooler. Sunday is COLD and we scored Lion's tickets. SAU's!
I'm in week 16 of INT IM all eyes on IMAZ Bib 1223!
So, 4.5 ride and run friday or saturday? I can swim long/run on sunday before/after the game.
Your wisdom please and thank you!
Sooo, I did not have the mental mojo or obliging weather to bike test last week. I'm breathing down the neck of IMAZ. Last RR is this saturday. Doing it indoors with friends on a computrainer as the weather is crap here in MI!
My question is, do I just stick with my last power number for race day execution and this RR? I'm thinking yes. Personally in my past IM's (FL in 10, LP in 11 and FL in 12) I've run about 128 np and probably been about the same (or very close) ftp.
THat is a low IM IF, but I seem to run low on my HIM's too. As always, I am hunting the good IM run (and btw, feeling really strong and the best prepared ever for an IM run!) so I while I have a huge ego around my bike, I really really don't want to booger it! Your thoughts would be appreciated.
PS...are you racing Saturday? I know you got yourself broken earlier this year...hope you are feeling good!
Seriously though, I think you can use the number you have been riding in all your if your FTP numbers are good and consistent, then you can use the % of that you want. I don't want you to be UBER conservative running off of last year's numbers if they are different right now..part of a good run is a good bike (not a cheesy one)...sometimes if you are fit and you race with cheese, your run isn't what it could be. Does that even make sense? So smart bike yes, but use a good number you can fudge from this year's work!!!
Just checking in...I'm officially in the JOS, but really not able to push yet on bike or run after my surgery 12/2. I have been running since 12/31 at an ez pace of 10' miles with walk breaks every mile or so, every other day. I'm riding too, but haven't used power yet, so I don't quite know where I'm at...probably z2 with a lil z3 isn in there.
Sooo, I am thinking I should do the "time" of the os workouts, and gradually build intensity. I really don't want to screw up my healing, but don't want to be fluffy a minute longer than need be.
Any thoughts to add???
Just a quick update:
I tried my first os bike workout with a watered down ftp guestimate on Thursday. Last season's starting point with a similar break was 197 so I dropped it to 195, which put my vo2 at 234. Moderately successful. I've been doing spin classes with some intensity the last week or two, so I thought I'd give an OS work out a whirl. I had planned on riding today as well but my power tap took a poop and my "Mr. Wonderful" ...our LBS fab mechanic is off skiing this weekend. Sooo, no new data till Monday.
On the running scene, I ran a 10k straight today at 10:00 pace throwing in .10 of 8:00 pace per half mile starting at mile 1 for a whopping total of 1 mile.
I had planned on biking three days straight to not miss any bike work (gone from Thursday to Tuesday) but yeah, I needed the day off yesterday.
I will do today's wo, then Thursday's wo tomorrow, off Thursday to fly. Might be able to run a bit Friday, then race the 5k Saturday. I hope to be able to run Sunday and Monday (probably short) and off again Tuesday to return home.
I have been good with sleep and if I feel crappy or worse tomorrow I'll bag the wo. I really want to be able to run hard on Saturday and see what's what. If you have any tweaks to my ideas above, please share.
Well, the 5k is done and results were "meh". Still sick, 100% humidity and 10 extra pounds (yes, you read that right!) equals meh I guess. I raced 25:39. Soooo not a good 5k for me. Was hoping for a LOT speedier. 6th ag out of 73. HR was in 170's for it all. Was working for sure, but ...
I ran long the day after the race..Sunday (9 miles in 1:27) and 2 more short 30' runs with strides on Monday, and one th -ish mile yesterday. Couldn't NOT run in the warmer temps knowing what I was coming home to!
Today I decided to do last weeks (12x2 FTP) Tuesday INT OS ride as I didn't think I could hold TH for 15x2. Wise move. Was 100 IF for both and 86 IF for the sweetspot. Very hard going in the first set, but much better in set 2.
My goal is to get in some sort of rhythm already! I need to shed some chub and settle in to consistency. Enough already! BUT... how to handle the rest of the week? Saturday and Sunday will be the normal workout, but what should I do tomorrow and Friday? And may I pretty pretty please adjust my TH pace? I was holding 8:17's just fine before my poopy race. I just think I will lose too much ground if I slow all the way down to a 8:44 pace!!!!
Thanks as always for your input!
I say run thursday - 2 x 1 mile at TP (yes, your 8:17s or whatever your sick self allows!), Friday off, the weekend as planned.
The body comp will come but you can start making smaller changes now (better lunch for example) that will add up over time...we have a body comp accountability / thread somewhere!!!! Let me know what you are thinking!
Well, testing is done and I'm a wee bit frustrated. Bike test came with a nice bump (better than I expected...just a couple watts below this time last year. Nice) and run test was just about the same as the 5k while 3 lbs heavier and sick. I have not had problems running to my guestimate TH pace of 8:20. I did as you advised in the podcast starting at the 8:20 and bumping up per mile, but had a super high hr and had to take a break. On the run on the tm I may just fall under the category of crappy tester. I hate testing on the bike too, but for some reason can murder myself better there. Sigh.
So, what to do? I feel like I am losing some of the awesomeness(read confidence!) I gained in my run last year. I know I've had surgery, have not done as many hard or long runs as last year by this time due to my slower ramp up/healing. I've been cleared to go ahead with my full training.
My question is this...can I add a run to thursday after the bike work is done and help get myself back to higher mileage/better durability/higher run frequency with out doing harm? I will be stretching all sunday runs to 90 minutes as I did last year, even if I must run on the treadmill. (this winter BLOWS!)
Please weigh in with your thoughts Coach!
The road of recovery is no fun, and it's full of false starts (yeah, I'm back!), false flats (I am almost 100%!) and false turns (all I have to do is this "X" to get back on track). The truth is, there is a lost more between your run speed this time last year and your run speed this year. As tempting as it is to draw a straight line, how you go to "this point" last year was different than how you got to where you are now. In fact, the only reason you have cited for not liking this year is...well...what you did last year.
I am much more concerned with how your #s are improving from 4 weeks ago to today than I am about how does Feb 2014 match Feb 2013.
I can't remember when your big race is, so before I get super specific, let me know the timeline so I can be more helpful...
You. Can. Do. This.