You are right, for sure. Believe me, I've reminded myself plenty of times about all my blessings, and there are many. I keep Mike and Yvette in me head and heart, especially when the pity party gets going. (that woman is amazing and I am so lucky to know her!!!)
ok...wil do with the longer bikes. I did my run as scheduled yesterday, will ride today and tomorrow and run another hour or up to 90' Sunday and then go at taper. I'll ask the team for guidance on the course as there is no webinar for Muncie.
Happy to help. Remember the ziplock bag trick for ice, and also watch the HR...the steadier that is, the happier Mama Marshall will be. Not the fastest, but the steadiest, and if it's going to be _that_hot, steady IS fast!
Muncie went pretty darn well. Wetsuit legal, perfect weather. Ended up only 60" off my half pr and 8th in AG which considering my training is a mini miracle. A flat fun bike and steady run ruled the day!
So, I recovered, spread 7 yards of mulch, hosted family and a big party last week aka, another week of minimal training/adventure eating . I got my long run done on Thursday, but only had a couple other runs, a super short swim and a 1.5 hour ride for the week.
Today I will get a longer bike (3-4 hours) and follow the plan the rest of the week but doing my big day Friday, and riding long and bricking on Saturday instead of only doing one long ride for the weekend as scheduled (IM INT plan week 12). I had hoped to be rocking out the run durability plan at this point. Nope. BUT...I would like to keep the longer 5 hour saturday rides and run pacing of run durability. Is that wise? Should I be doing something else? My new home is really close to some serious hilly trails and lots more rolling stuff than my old house which I think will be great for CHOO's run.
IOW, how do I best maximize my run up to IMCHOO (besides the obvious, which is do the workouts!!)? Even though I had a good race at Muncie, I know IM won't be the same. You can run on muscle memory going into a half, but not a full!!!! Guide me oh wise one.
Happy IMLP day! 2xBig Day's went well. Little slower on day 2, but not surprised. Still, solid work got done. Next week is test week, (IM INT Week 10) and quite frankly I don't want to do it. I am planning on racing an OLY on Saturday and wonder may I (pretty please with Gatorade on top!) use this info as "testish" data? I would rather get in my saturday ride and a long run earlier in the week, and do Sunday's ride as scheduled. I just feel behind in my prep/ volume / thus far for IMCHOO. I would really like to continue to build since I've missed so much of late. Plus, mentally, I dislike testing very much. I promise to test properly post IMCHOO camp. What do you think?
Trish, for what it's worth.... I'm not testing either! Would rather get the workouts in. I did a "sort of" half ironman aquabike yesterday and I think I can go by that. HATE testing:-(
Carol, Won't Turby make you? He seems to talk you into a lot lol. I know my power has dropped due to fluffy training, but if I hammer at the oly on the bike I think I'll get what I need. Still looking for Patricks blessing though.
Yes, no need to test, that's okay. I am pumped for your of the biggest ADVANTAGES to being undertrained is you are a much smarter racer. This could bode well for you. OLY on Sat is fine, long ride by Thurs latest, swim only friday (maybe a short easy run). Sunday back out on the bike for a few hours would be nice.
I don't feel like you are THAT behind...really...Muncie proves it...I think your family craziness is keeping your training craziness in check. If you can keep the body comp in a good place you should be poised to make a good final push!
Outside of CHOO Camp, what other volume do you have planned?
I have the opportunity to ride on Fridays as well as the usual Saturday/Sunday. I meet a group for ows and could chuck the bike in the car too with no extra admin. I was thinking instead of extending the Sunday ride (as allowed starting next week I think?) to ride 1.5 or 2 hours on these Fridays JRA pace. Then do the 45' run as a brick. I was also thinking of making one or two of the Saturday rides a little longer to get in a century. That's what I was thinking about. I do have one more major life moment coming up. My baby goes to college 9/1. If I can get him away from his girlfriend that is. Other than move in day or weird weather, I'll be working the plan as written with the above changes if its cool.
FYI, massages are scheduled through IMCHOO, I'm using compression recovery, fueling EVERY workout as if it was a race (not easy to lose weight that way, ugh!) using recovery drink with extra l-glutamine and at night daily for muscle repair, beet shots before any long run or bike, rolling daily and taking epsom salt soaks too. So, I'm trying like heck to do it ALL right these last 8 weeks.
Trish, ok, sounds pretty good to me. I think that we should plan on the bigger friday as OWS + 2h JRA in Aero, eating, then a short brick. On days you plan on extending Sat, then just Friday back a bit to like 90' bike / 30' run.
To maximize this time really lock in your power / hr numbers for the long bike and runs...these will be critical to a good race!
Race Saturday went well place wise (1st ag, 6th oa) but not time at all! Perfect weather, flat fast bike and fun run with accordion music and lederhosen! (it was in Frankenmuth, Little Bavaria!) Swim was long, but I felt it was a good swim (even though this dork did not get garmin data..pressed wrong button!!!) bike was fair. Not my fastest and not my slowest, but I should have gone faster for my abilities. IF of .796 which is not great for an oly I know! The long bike and run were in my legs I guess. The run was not great. At all. My run was all z2 except the last mile which was in the grey zone of z3-2. No mental grrr. Like none. Not exactly the bike testish data I'd hoped for but the important long stuff got done.
Better news( I think) is that I did the long bike Wednesday, then ran 1:50 thursday and ran the same pace/distance/course as the last two long runs with a lower hr at a higher temp on the day. Might not have the fast twitch stuff going on, but if I can build on the long run/rides I'll be ok come race day.
Dude, quit puffing up my enormous ego already! (that is code for thanks for the props!)
Question...above you reference locking in power/hr. I am pretty familiar with my IM hr (two decent IM runs -AZ and MT) but I am above that on my long runs when doing BAA paces. I was during previous training years on the regular IM plans at higher paces too. At camp I will have a decent idea (outside of the HEAT) what my hr is post long ride. I'm just a little confused if I should continue to train BAA paces and do the 20'x7 or whatever on long rides and runs. I have read the posts on running with HR and this is how I ran both those successful long runs, and the plan for Choo.
So, another week in the bank. Little slower on the long run, did s/b/r on Friday and the run wasn't happening at paces, so just did 9:30's, and rode 5 hours on a nasty loop in the local hilly metro park. Much less mileage than last year, but I rode quite fluffy the first 1:10 of the ride. Brick off was good, and also hilly. Best part was position felt good for the time and wasn't mentally dying to get off the bike! Sunday went well with some tempo-ish stuff. I feel like I can build into some more fitness before the race. Camp will be quite the test especially in the heat, but I'm excited to ride/run the course.
OH OH OH! I forget to tell you the big news! I finally (after 5 years of trying) PEED ON MY BIKE on Saturday! Seriously. I was so happy. I had to go, it was raining and there was a downhill. SUCCESS! LOLOLOL!
Train as you will (training builds fitness) but know the steady numbers so that you can respect them on race day.
We all have great HRs in training...but on race day, that 8:30 pace at 145hr is now 9:15 at 145hr...and if you run 8:30s that HR is now Z5 and!!!! (not in the good way).
I was good at camp! I promise! Learned a lot (mostly how much fitness I've lost and that I've underestimated the bike). I'm happy to say I got in 233 on the bike and 20 miles on the run over the weekend. Thinking of doing what Coach R suggested and simulate camp weekend again this weekend. I probably won't ride over 100 both days, (Friday and Saturday) but long saddle time,both days with short bricks then long run on Sunday. Compression tights are my BEST friends!!!!
I am feeling good but fueling, recovering super smart. Took today off. Won't push past my limits. I know I've got four weeks to build and I'll be smart. Promise!
Just looked a bit closer at the data. Day 2 was better time/pace/tss/ wise...IF from .63 to .62, NP from 128 to 127 (no getting lost, knew the course) We did take a nice break for coke and snickers at mile 89, and we went really easy the last admin miles (Johnny was a bit toasty) but it was still a long arsed time in the saddle. 7:23! WTF!!!! hr/watts/IF all lower (ego bruised!) SO, I got what I wanted from the weekend...knowledge of the course, how to ride it, and my current fitness.
I will be working my bonus camp weekend a bit harder if I can manage it to see how things feel/grab some more fitness. I feel like I have a handle on the fueling (noting I will need more if I'm to be out on the course longer, and adding in caffeine earlier to help with the reality of time in the saddle!) and will practice this accordingly. Long run was slower than IMMT, but I'm ok with that. Will keep building/recovering hard.
Update: time in saddle day two of Choo was 6:48. That I can process! Did a mini camp part 2 last weekend.Wimpy week with no running and minimal every thing else till Thursday. Swam 2.5 Thursday Swam 2.5 Friday, century on the bike in 5:45 w/ 3000ft elevation, no run Rode hilly metropark loop Saturday for 5:00 with 79 miles and 4900ft elevation, bricked 4 miles with 230 elevation after. Ran Sunday 2:17 for 13.3 miles (cut it a tad short due to forgetfulness and an appt for my daughter!) with 350ft elevation. Right knee grumped on last 3 miles. My masseuse got into an accident and I've missed my last 2 appts. due to that. Cheating on him today with a new one! Took yesterday off, and back on schedule today. Doing a century every weekend till taper. Best part is I rode the metro park loop a bit further than my first outing there a few weeks ago (really, just a mile or so?) after the long day on friday. Happy about that.
You are right on track...but you can't afford to mess up your workout nutrition, so keep that rolling, okay? We need excellence during and after. And get the masseuse stuff going ASAP...take no chances!!!
Hi Patrick! Thinking of moving my RR to friday next week instead of Saturday. How should I shuffle workouts? Several peeps locally are doing the RR this weekend,(I plan on grabbing more bike miles!) and Bob and Johnny are doing it next Friday. Unless the weather is total crap, I'd rather have company on RR day and rehearse with the boys Friday. Me, social???
Dropped my youngest off at my alma mater yesterday. VERY HARD. Super stressful for all. 6 hours in the car. Stress eating. This mommy gig is harder than anyone lets on. They grow up soo fast!!!!! Trying to not obsess about him, and focus. Trying!!!
Trish, congrats on your son and I can't imagine. So scary.
The RR next friday is good by regular week through Wed...Thu is the RR swim, Friday is your RR, Saturday is OFF, Sunday is an optional spin, like up to 2.5 hours..but sooooper easy. Like .65...find a new route...or bust out the MTB on a flat trail, etc. Just burning calories!
Don't want to miss out on the long run. I'll move it to Wednesday if that's ok. And in the plans it says to swim if you can before bike and run. Our local park has a great ows venue, but it will most likely be cold and I'd wear my wetsuit....I get frozen really easily. Better to pool swim without since Choo will most likely non wetsuit? (haven't been in a pool since May?)
PS..I'm a wuss! I am riding between .65-.66 for all my long rides of late! UGH! But noted...I'll ride for fun come Sunday. Nice and fluffy. Promise.
TM, the OWS is fine in a wetsuit...I prefer swim proximity to the bike vs waiting a day. You learn much more about your fitness that way. But your call re the cold.
Don't worry about .65 and .66 right now...first, it's how you ride that number that matters (consistent all day, ups and downs) not thesize of the number. Second, you are a some ways your body knows exactly what to do and your head just has to get out of the way on race day.
Almost time to get your bike 100% tricked out for the race...can't wait to see it!
Hiya kona boy! Race report is up. Did not go well on the run. Walked over half the run due to gut issues. I did put links to my bike, run swim in report and would love it if you could take a look at the bike file. I don't "think" I overcooked it on the bike. My numbers were right in line with all my IM's excepting IMMT (NP, TSS, and IF were higher but due to the course I believe) and was faster than camp. Thought I had the gut stuff figured out, ate as I did in training but alas, I've got some more learnin' to do.
Thanks, and enjoy the Island! We will be toasting you from Bob's house once again on the day!!!
I think the early bike could be the culprit, but I need some comparative data from you (see video). Also curious about your run HR...and I want you to read that Immodium label to make sure you are using it properly!!!
avg hr on long bikes post camp (mid august thru mid september) was lower than race day for sure. Avg 127 -130. BUT...I always seem higher on race day due to running in transition which JACKS my hr!
Since my hr avg was low on the bike in the 70's (i HATE my new garmin strap!!!) in the first bit, my overall avg may be off a beat or two.
As for the hr on my run, I have NEVER averaged 120's running. Like ever. That is a number I try to get to after a mile repeat so I know I'm recovered to start another one. I have had my long runs this season start in low to mid 140's and hr goes up as distance/pace increases. I avg around 144-150 and paces around 9:55-10:15 including my walks every mile for my august long runs leading to IMCHOO. Note I was running long runs as RDP paces not regular plan paces. My trusty hard HR strap straight up died early september. My new one is a bit janky. Or I am. Not sure about that. My hr's have been VERY high for pace post race. I took a couple weeks off, have been running slow and feel like ass on most runs, kind of like just before the race. No idea whats up there.
As for the immodium, since I have a history of gut issues, I usually have it in my bike bento and run sn bag. I use the type that will help with gas and bloating as well. I took tums on the bike and that helped somewhat. I started coke at mile 2 of the run and basically used that the rest of the race and took the immodium as a last ditch effort to help on the run. Nope. I did have a bloated belly the night before the race and took some coke to help with that as well as tums. Just had basic pasta, bread and chicken for dinner in our room. really no reason for upset.
So much was not dialed in this year. Next year I will be drilling the details (provided life is calmer and it darn well better be!!!)
Thanks for taking another look see at the info above. I'm busy trying to figure out how to reach my goals, fix my long standing running injury type stuff, stay motivated through out the year and (GULP) stay within a BUDGET. Such a dirty word!!! Onward to 16!!!
ps...QT2 will be in clermont the same weekend as you! Was this by design???
ok...wil do with the longer bikes. I did my run as scheduled yesterday, will ride today and tomorrow and run another hour or up to 90' Sunday and then go at taper. I'll ask the team for guidance on the course as there is no webinar for Muncie.
Tanks for the reminder on perspective Coach.
Muncie went pretty darn well. Wetsuit legal, perfect weather. Ended up only 60" off my half pr and 8th in AG which considering my training is a mini miracle. A flat fun bike and steady run ruled the day!
So, I recovered, spread 7 yards of mulch, hosted family and a big party last week aka, another week of minimal training/adventure eating
Today I will get a longer bike (3-4 hours) and follow the plan the rest of the week but doing my big day Friday, and riding long and bricking on Saturday instead of only doing one long ride for the weekend as scheduled (IM INT plan week 12). I had hoped to be rocking out the run durability plan at this point. Nope. BUT...I would like to keep the longer 5 hour saturday rides and run pacing of run durability. Is that wise? Should I be doing something else? My new home is really close to some serious hilly trails and lots more rolling stuff than my old house which I think will be great for CHOO's run.
IOW, how do I best maximize my run up to IMCHOO (besides the obvious, which is do the workouts!!)? Even though I had a good race at Muncie, I know IM won't be the same. You can run on muscle memory going into a half, but not a full!!!! Guide me oh wise one.
Next week is test week, (IM INT Week 10) and quite frankly I don't want to do it. I am planning on racing an OLY on Saturday and wonder may I (pretty please with Gatorade on top!) use this info as "testish" data? I would rather get in my saturday ride and a long run earlier in the week, and do Sunday's ride as scheduled. I just feel behind in my prep/ volume / thus far for IMCHOO. I would really like to continue to build since I've missed so much of late. Plus, mentally, I dislike testing very much. I promise to test properly post IMCHOO camp. What do you think?
I don't feel like you are THAT behind...really...Muncie proves it...I think your family craziness is keeping your training craziness in check. If you can keep the body comp in a good place you should be poised to make a good final push!
Outside of CHOO Camp, what other volume do you have planned?
FYI, massages are scheduled through IMCHOO, I'm using compression recovery, fueling EVERY workout as if it was a race (not easy to lose weight that way, ugh!) using recovery drink with extra l-glutamine and at night daily for muscle repair, beet shots before any long run or bike, rolling daily and taking epsom salt soaks too. So, I'm trying like heck to do it ALL right these last 8 weeks.
Any thing I should add? Extra volume ok?
To maximize this time really lock in your power / hr numbers for the long bike and runs...these will be critical to a good race!
Race Saturday went well place wise (1st ag, 6th oa) but not time at all! Perfect weather, flat fast bike and fun run with accordion music and lederhosen! (it was in Frankenmuth, Little Bavaria!) Swim was long, but I felt it was a good swim (even though this dork did not get garmin data..pressed wrong button!!!) bike was fair. Not my fastest and not my slowest, but I should have gone faster for my abilities. IF of .796 which is not great for an oly I know! The long bike and run were in my legs I guess. The run was not great. At all. My run was all z2 except the last mile which was in the grey zone of z3-2. No mental grrr. Like none. Not exactly the bike testish data I'd hoped for but the important long stuff got done.
Better news( I think) is that I did the long bike Wednesday, then ran 1:50 thursday and ran the same pace/distance/course as the last two long runs with a lower hr at a higher temp on the day. Might not have the fast twitch stuff going on, but if I can build on the long run/rides I'll be ok come race day.
That's a big week and you finished it well...numbers look good, I am excited to see how camp turns out!
Question...above you reference locking in power/hr. I am pretty familiar with my IM hr (two decent IM runs -AZ and MT) but I am above that on my long runs when doing BAA paces. I was during previous training years on the regular IM plans at higher paces too. At camp I will have a decent idea (outside of the HEAT) what my hr is post long ride. I'm just a little confused if I should continue to train BAA paces and do the 20'x7 or whatever on long rides and runs. I have read the posts on running with HR and this is how I ran both those successful long runs, and the plan for Choo.
So, another week in the bank. Little slower on the long run, did s/b/r on Friday and the run wasn't happening at paces, so just did 9:30's, and rode 5 hours on a nasty loop in the local hilly metro park. Much less mileage than last year, but I rode quite fluffy the first 1:10 of the ride. Brick off was good, and also hilly. Best part was position felt good for the time and wasn't mentally dying to get off the bike! Sunday went well with some tempo-ish stuff. I feel like I can build into some more fitness before the race. Camp will be quite the test especially in the heat, but I'm excited to ride/run the course.
We all have great HRs in training...but on race day, that 8:30 pace at 145hr is now 9:15 at 145hr...and if you run 8:30s that HR is now Z5 and!!!! (not in the good way).
Does that help? Maybe schedule a pre-race call?
I am feeling good but fueling, recovering super smart. Took today off. Won't push past my limits. I know I've got four weeks to build and I'll be smart. Promise!
Fueling is the key for will make your bike steady and give you run superpowers!
Just looked a bit closer at the data. Day 2 was better time/pace/tss/ wise...IF from .63 to .62, NP from 128 to 127 (no getting lost, knew the course) We did take a nice break for coke and snickers at mile 89, and we went really easy the last admin miles (Johnny was a bit toasty) but it was still a long arsed time in the saddle. 7:23! WTF!!!! hr/watts/IF all lower (ego bruised!) SO, I got what I wanted from the weekend...knowledge of the course, how to ride it, and my current fitness.
I will be working my bonus camp weekend a bit harder if I can manage it to see how things feel/grab some more fitness. I feel like I have a handle on the fueling (noting I will need more if I'm to be out on the course longer, and adding in caffeine earlier to help with the reality of time in the saddle!) and will practice this accordingly. Long run was slower than IMMT, but I'm ok with that. Will keep building/recovering hard.
Swam 2.5 Thursday
Swam 2.5 Friday, century on the bike in 5:45 w/ 3000ft elevation, no run
Rode hilly metropark loop Saturday for 5:00 with 79 miles and 4900ft elevation, bricked 4 miles with 230 elevation after.
Ran Sunday 2:17 for 13.3 miles (cut it a tad short due to forgetfulness and an appt for my daughter!) with 350ft elevation. Right knee grumped on last 3 miles. My masseuse got into an accident and I've missed my last 2 appts. due to that. Cheating on him today with a new one!
Took yesterday off, and back on schedule today. Doing a century every weekend till taper.
Best part is I rode the metro park loop a bit further than my first outing there a few weeks ago (really, just a mile or so?) after the long day on friday. Happy about that.
Holy cow...bibs are out. Shits gettin' REAL!
You are right on track...but you can't afford to mess up your workout nutrition, so keep that rolling, okay? We need excellence during and after. And get the masseuse stuff going ASAP...take no chances!!!
Dropped my youngest off at my alma mater yesterday. VERY HARD. Super stressful for all. 6 hours in the car. Stress eating. This mommy gig is harder than anyone lets on. They grow up soo fast!!!!! Trying to not obsess about him, and focus. Trying!!!
The RR next friday is good by regular week through Wed...Thu is the RR swim, Friday is your RR, Saturday is OFF, Sunday is an optional spin, like up to 2.5 hours..but sooooper easy. Like .65...find a new route...or bust out the MTB on a flat trail, etc. Just burning calories!
PS..I'm a wuss! I am riding between .65-.66 for all my long rides of late! UGH! But noted...I'll ride for fun come Sunday. Nice and fluffy. Promise.
Don't worry about .65 and .66 right now...first, it's how you ride that number that matters (consistent all day, ups and downs) not thesize of the number.
Almost time to get your bike 100% tricked out for the race...can't wait to see it!
Thanks, and enjoy the Island! We will be toasting you from Bob's house once again on the day!!!
I think the early bike could be the culprit, but I need some comparative data from you (see video). Also curious about your run HR...and I want you to read that Immodium label to make sure you are using it properly!!!
IMMT run link
IMAZ bike link
IMAZ run link 1 first 2 plus miles of run
IMAZ run link 2 balance of run
avg hr on long bikes post camp (mid august thru mid september) was lower than race day for sure. Avg 127 -130. BUT...I always seem higher on race day due to running in transition which JACKS my hr!
Since my hr avg was low on the bike in the 70's (i HATE my new garmin strap!!!) in the first bit, my overall avg may be off a beat or two.
As for the hr on my run, I have NEVER averaged 120's running. Like ever. That is a number I try to get to after a mile repeat so I know I'm recovered to start another one. I have had my long runs this season start in low to mid 140's and hr goes up as distance/pace increases. I avg around 144-150 and paces around 9:55-10:15 including my walks every mile for my august long runs leading to IMCHOO. Note I was running long runs as RDP paces not regular plan paces. My trusty hard HR strap straight up died early september. My new one is a bit janky. Or I am. Not sure about that. My hr's have been VERY high for pace post race. I took a couple weeks off, have been running slow and feel like ass on most runs, kind of like just before the race. No idea whats up there.
As for the immodium, since I have a history of gut issues, I usually have it in my bike bento and run sn bag. I use the type that will help with gas and bloating as well. I took tums on the bike and that helped somewhat. I started coke at mile 2 of the run and basically used that the rest of the race and took the immodium as a last ditch effort to help on the run. Nope.
So much was not dialed in this year. Next year I will be drilling the details (provided life is calmer and it darn well better be!!!)
Thanks for taking another look see at the info above. I'm busy trying to figure out how to reach my goals, fix my long standing running injury type stuff, stay motivated through out the year and (GULP) stay within a BUDGET. Such a dirty word!!! Onward to 16!!!
ps...QT2 will be in clermont the same weekend as you! Was this by design???