So I watched the damn video for this week over coffee, ( you know the one...the one that talks about injuries leading up tot he race????) went for the run and crap! I had a 'niggle" in my right inside ankle (just by the bone and towards the back of my foot) on the RR run Saturday, but overall I felt good and didn't adjust the run at all. I did NOT wear my compression sleeves (although I DO wear them racing) and DID wear for the second time my new Hoka One One Clifton fluffy shoes. My first run in them was Friday and I felt great in them. I plan to race in them.
Sunday, I got a massage and my therapist worked the calves over but good. No issues. Totally chilled in the lake with family.
Today whammo. Went for my run in the Hoka Stinson Lites thinking more support for a hard run, and off I went. Got the 2 x TH in but the road is rolling and when I flexed the foot to climb even small grades....ow. Hopped on the MTB soft flat bit of trail, ow. Hopped on the grass back to the road...ow. Shut it down and walked the half mile home. I am SUPER PISSED and my old self right now. Cathleen suggested I soak in epsom salts and do gentle stretching and downward dog to help. Did that several times. Also threw a bag of frozen veggies on it right when I got home for about 20 minutes. Posted in the med thread too. Any guidance is appreciated.
sounds like posterior tibialis strain. stretch the gastrocnemius and find an ART person to gently get movement back in there. compression SOCKS may help.(I'm just an innocent bystander who also runs stinson tarmacs.) hope this helps
X2 what patti said. You are in run jail for the week with self care as a target ( and hopefully some ART. You caught it early but we need to address.
On the upside, at least your body held out for most of the training!!!!!!
Just an update...have had an ART appt, been VERY good and no running (harder than it sounds!) rolling, icing, stretching,light yoga, and I have another ART appt Monday am, and massage Tuesday evening.
The area feels better. No pain to the touch or issues while walking as Monday when it occured. My question is should I do a little running on Monday at the track? If so, pre ART or post. If not, so be it.
I planned on doing my usual January OS with the run durability laid on top with my first half at Muncie 7/11 when all of a sudden poof! There is a half on the IMCHOO course in mid May. I may not be able to attend camp if there is a conflict with my baby heading off to college (tissue please!) so what do you think? Do the half even though it isn't exactly the same course (took out the nasty hill on the run, 22 miles of admin/crap roads of 56) and pretty early season? Or stick with the original plan and hope camp works out?
A few of us from the area are thinking about it. But like your neck of the woods, it could be stupid cold here in MI leading into the race. Thoughts please and thank you!
PS.. doing a modified month 1 of run durability...went to a doc to work on some right side lingering issues, got a new lift for my shoe and jacked up my achilles a we bit (one step forward, one step back!) Just running with out any TH miles or even strides. Just nice and easy.
A new race? Isn't there some kind of Michigan law that requires you to do all races? At least that's what Handsome John says. :-)
I think it's going to be pretty miserable for you to get ready for the race in the winter. Instead I encourage you and your friends to think outside of the box to find a nice, warm or place or you can ride for a couple days. That would be more fun, less stressful, and more impactful.
No no no!!! Handsome John is crazy, not me!!! Bob is officially onboard EN now, and being a very good out season guy. HJ, well, I think he'll be on board soon. Then he will "hopefully" not sign up for every new race. But he HAS already signed up for IMCHOO and IMFL, so there's that.
O.K. I will take a powder on the new half and stick to my plan of kicking butt at IMCHOO via OS,Run Durability, and Muncie.
Can I sign up for my post IMMT call? Do I get one even though its November? I'd love to chat about my plan of attack for Choo.
And congrats on a kick arse day at Kona! We had a blast at our EN party drinking wine stalking you!!!
Just checking in...with my worst ever bike test under my belt this am. Pulled up fourth quarter of data on bike and run for last 3 years (two of which had November IM races) and lo and behold, my bike volume sucked. Made the measly FTP a bit easier to swallow. Sort of. Bummed because it seems I've drained my mental six pack somewhere last quarter when I was injured on the run, going easy only and not biking!
And now my question! Looking at the run durability plan it starts a couple months before OS. As we discussed on our call in November, I have been dealing with injuries on the run. I have 22 runs last month and about 20 miles a week. and 18 runs and slightly less mileage in November. No threshold to speak of due to injury. So I think I can start the plan as it pertains to OS, but what do I do about the extra months in the plan since I am 9 months out from my A race IMCHOO? Where should I put the 28 days of running? Trying to get my OS ducks in a row and nail some consistent training already!
Trish - I'd love to look at what you are looking at. If you can PM me the meantime, we aren't in a rush to make you super fit, this is a 9-month project! I want you to stick with the bike as it stands and let's prove that test wrong with some good intervals during the week. I don't really want you running with any intensity yet, I still want consistency. I am thinking we hold off on the 28 days until February. Let me know!
You'd like to see my fourth quarter distances for the last three years yes? I think I can get that (or volume or frequency) from Beginner Triathlete where I log stuff. I'll send it along.
Just followed the regular OS week last week as my legs were pretty trashed (ugh...that never really happened before) after the run test and my sleep has been TOTAL crap. Saturday went well and I ran 9 yesterday as BAA. Took today off instead of swimming per the Run Durability plan, but I am jumping into a class tomorrow to see if I like it. I really wanted to follow the durability plan to the letter, but I think I will ease in as you suggested in our chat in November. I'd like to have at least one run wo with some threshold (I did run with Bob a couple weeks ago 2x1 faster than my current vdot with no issues).
I know my A race is 9/27, but I also know that my awesome sauce year of 2013 was filled with executing the plan....from the beginning of January.
Every year is different -- so don't feel like you need to "do" 2013 to be awesome in 2015. You aren't 2013've done more work and learned a ton. We just need to find the right path for you...
Little update from the mitten. Got a decent week going here (Finally!) with the run durability on top of the os and have added a run mechanics class with a former female pro to work on core/glute stuff twice a week. Taking a swim class with her as well focused on endurance/form once a week.She knows I'm in os and not working on fitness in the water per say. Second swim will be on my own.
I did yesterday's run as written in the durability plan...45' with 2x1 at threshold. I know you don't want me doing intensity yet, but honestly, my new lower vdot is totally doable. I am being good and only running at my new vdot pace, not pushing it and running faster....yet. I will run tomorrow GRP or there a bouts instead of the 2x1 th this week and see how I feel come Sunday's long run.
Next week I leave on Friday for florida and SAU's returning Tuesday. So how do I handle missing saturday's bike and possibly tuesdays bike?
If you could sketch out your week (or PM me you training log so i can see the flow) that would be helpful! I like your focus and think you should swim it up...great for you at all times, even when healthy. Yes to core / glutes, of course!!! Remind me to get you to show off at Blue Ridge Camp....maybe we'll make Dave put his skirt on again...
Low vDOT intensity is ok as long as you think it's ok...just no pushing yet. Feel free to ask others in the RDP about it...lots of good progress being made out there!
As for next week's travel, I say Sat bike on Thursday, Friday and the following Tuesday off for travel. Short runs as you can in FL to stay current...When you come back we bike Wed/Fri/Sun (bump it all back a day), so you put that long run on Sat for this one weekend...Monday off and then back at it!!!
One week into the RDB run challenge, and nothing has fallen off! Success! Question...for runs should I be shooting for grp for most? Still doing the baa run on the long run, or just run by feel aka nothing flashy? Last Sunday I ended up running faster a bit each mile and just focused on form you discussed in the pod cast and smiled because I was outdoors.
So, I have the phoenix half marathon on 2/28 near the end of the run block. I ran 90' last sunday and plan to run 105' this sunday the 15th, and 120' on the next sunday the 22nd. I will keep the total volume the same of course, shooting for 4.5 hours ish of running. Since I haven't really done any consistent threshold work, I am not planning to race hard. My GRP is 9:22's for Choo, and I hope to be faster than that and neg split the run.
Great plan!!! Most running at GRP please but you can build it over the course of the workout if you are feeling ok. If you can keep the mindfulness up on your runs that's a huge bonus as well...we want as much good running as we can get.
As for the race you can still race it but I'd go by PE and not 3 miles, steady 7, solid last 3 then go back and look at the results (time and HR). Deal?
Deal. Will be totally weird...never actually raced by RPE! (data dork!)
So follow up questions: Next week is OS wk 8...testing. Since I am running long on Sunday (not off as in plan) bike test Tuesday? I am assuming no test for run since I am in the run challenge other than put up a good effort on Saturday in the half marathon. Correct?
I am flying out at the crack of dawn Thursday am and WILL be running in the warm AZ sun at some point to get my daily run in (don't even try and talk me out of it!!! The running daily thing has been great...loving it and no issues whatsoever!) so was planning on riding the bike wednesday. But which workout should I do? Thursday's 110% or Saturdays FTP?
I will return home Tuesday (and yes, I will run daily including the travel day!) and won't have access to a bike while gone. This is the last SAU trip this winter. Keeping me married, and I got to jam in a race on this one! Next trip is all mine, BOONE!
TM, yes to the bike test on Tuesday or Wed, your call as to the day you feel most ready to test! The Half Mary is your benchmark, but yes, consistency is your goal right now not speed....we continue to build! Don't really care about your ride choice, FTP is my personal default go there!
Ps - saw your Instagram picture of poutine...don't even tell me where you got that!
TM, yes to the bike test on Tuesday or Wed, your call as to the day you feel most ready to test! The Half Mary is your benchmark, but yes, consistency is your goal right now not speed....we continue to build! Don't really care about your ride choice, FTP is my personal default go there!
Ps - saw your Instagram picture of poutine...don't even tell me where you got that!
Come to the Motor City and I will Take YOU there! Hello...poutine with pork belly, and an egg on was devine. And the craft beer selection is amazing. Not to mention the craft ice-cream on the menu for desert. So, come on over and to One Eyed Betty's we'll go! Motor City Mafia baby!
Power test = CRUSHED. Switched a couple weeks ago from riding my pt wheel to a kickr, but did adjust my watts up in TR
+22 based on my LBS recommendations and my hr. I'd been riding well and had a craptastic day on Monday so when Tuesday test day came I took it out on the pedals. Bumped up 42 watts on my ftp. I don't know if it was a really bad 1st test, a really frustrating Monday, or the kickr watts being higher than +22 watts above my PT, (most likely some combo of all three) but there you go. New power numbers had me doing the scheduled tempo ride on Wednesday. Today was my first day and man did the 5' 110% suck with the new numbers. Bring it!
I raced the Phoenix Half on Saturday in pretty great weather (60, cloudy, some wind at the end) and put down a 1:56:14 with a 9:24 avg in the first 6.90 miles and 8:18's for the last 10k. I ran it almost 2' faster in 2013 but I was 8 lbs lighter and my vdot was higher, 39.5 back then. Since I've not really done any consistent threshold training this OS even within the RDP I'm pretty pleased. I finished out the 28 day run challenge and am looking forward to some threshold work. Which I will run using the last 10k vdot of 38(up one point from Jan 5k test) from the half. Still got room to go up, but hey...if I actually do some harder repeats I just might!
Next trip is Boone, so I hope to get in all my workouts and finish out the OS strong.
Hi Coach...its on again, off again Marshall reporting.
Long story short, spring and summer has been very sporadic for training. Moving/dealing with contractors that eff deadlines up (I've been in my new house 13 days and contractors are still not done...6 months and counting for kitchen/ bath remodel...ridiculous!) family stresses, etc. means I've not gotten anywhere near where I had hoped to be at this point in the season. I raced Motor City and dropped to the sprint from the oly ONLY to honor Yvette Metz and her husband on zero training that week 6/14. (that was graduation, grad party, pack, move, college orientation week!) and now Muncie is 2 weeks out. Rolled my ankle on my new mtb trail that I hit up because I NEEDED to just run for stress relief and yeah. Murphy's law continues to mess with me. That meant no running till yesterday and race rehearsal #2. It was windy as crap and cold. Bike was slow, but run was fair. Muncie won't be cold, so not a great sim, but got it done.
So, since my training has been very sparse, I think I should repeat a week with a long run and 2 longer bikes and just basically do a short taper next week. Most concerned about run. And swim. And bike. ;p. Trying not to be mad about how much training I've lost to the bullshit of my contractors. Trying. (insert very angry face here!) Focus is on getting back into the groove of training and IMCHOO. I know this will not be the season I'd hoped for, but I think I can put up a respectable race come 9/27 if I get my sh*t together! HELP! Help me get my sh*t together Coach!!!
Trish, life sucks but you've got a pretty damn good life. Your sucky life is insanely awesome to some, I am sure!
That said, yes, mini-taper time. Long run this week...double long ride weekend...monday off...taper week thereafter...remember, great nutrition and pacing is the key not only to a good half, but for setting up CHOO. Lesser folks have raced faster on weaker fitness simply through better execution and nutrition.
IOW, if your fitness is down, just raise your game across the board. You Can Do It!
Sunday, I got a massage and my therapist worked the calves over but good. No issues. Totally chilled in the lake with family.
Today whammo. Went for my run in the Hoka Stinson Lites thinking more support for a hard run, and off I went. Got the 2 x TH in but the road is rolling and when I flexed the foot to climb even small grades....ow. Hopped on the MTB soft flat bit of trail, ow. Hopped on the grass back to the road...ow. Shut it down and walked the half mile home. I am SUPER PISSED and my old self right now. Cathleen suggested I soak in epsom salts and do gentle stretching and downward dog to help. Did that several times. Also threw a bag of frozen veggies on it right when I got home for about 20 minutes. Posted in the med thread too. Any guidance is appreciated.
Did I mention how cheesed I am ????? Grrrrrr!
On the upside, at least your body held out for most of the training!!!!!!
And just you wait're only 10 years behind me whipper snapper! ;-)
Just an update...have had an ART appt, been VERY good and no running (harder than it sounds!) rolling, icing, stretching,light yoga, and I have another ART appt Monday am, and massage Tuesday evening.
The area feels better. No pain to the touch or issues while walking as Monday when it occured. My question is should I do a little running on Monday at the track? If so, pre ART or post. If not, so be it.
Holy One week!!! :-)
I planned on doing my usual January OS with the run durability laid on top with my first half at Muncie 7/11 when all of a sudden poof! There is a half on the IMCHOO course in mid May. I may not be able to attend camp if there is a conflict with my baby heading off to college (tissue please!) so what do you think? Do the half even though it isn't exactly the same course (took out the nasty hill on the run, 22 miles of admin/crap roads of 56) and pretty early season? Or stick with the original plan and hope camp works out?
A few of us from the area are thinking about it. But like your neck of the woods, it could be stupid cold here in MI leading into the race. Thoughts please and thank you!
PS.. doing a modified month 1 of run durability...went to a doc to work on some right side lingering issues, got a new lift for my shoe and jacked up my achilles a we bit (one step forward, one step back!) Just running with out any TH miles or even strides. Just nice and easy.
I think it's going to be pretty miserable for you to get ready for the race in the winter. Instead I encourage you and your friends to think outside of the box to find a nice, warm or place or you can ride for a couple days. That would be more fun, less stressful, and more impactful.
No no no!!! Handsome John is crazy, not me!!!
Bob is officially onboard EN now, and being a very good out season guy.
HJ, well, I think he'll be on board soon. Then he will "hopefully" not sign up for every new race. But he HAS already signed up for IMCHOO and IMFL, so there's that. 
O.K. I will take a powder on the new half and stick to my plan of kicking butt at IMCHOO via OS,Run Durability, and Muncie.
Can I sign up for my post IMMT call? Do I get one even though its November? I'd love to chat about my plan of attack for Choo.
And congrats on a kick arse day at Kona! We had a blast at our EN party drinking wine stalking you!!!
And now my question!
You'd like to see my fourth quarter distances for the last three years yes? I think I can get that (or volume or frequency) from Beginner Triathlete where I log stuff. I'll send it along.
Just followed the regular OS week last week as my legs were pretty trashed (ugh...that never really happened before) after the run test and my sleep has been TOTAL crap. Saturday went well and I ran 9 yesterday as BAA. Took today off instead of swimming per the Run Durability plan, but I am jumping into a class tomorrow to see if I like it. I really wanted to follow the durability plan to the letter, but I think I will ease in as you suggested in our chat in November. I'd like to have at least one run wo with some threshold (I did run with Bob a couple weeks ago 2x1 faster than my current vdot with no issues).
I know my A race is 9/27, but I also know that my awesome sauce year of 2013 was filled with executing the plan....from the beginning of January.
I did yesterday's run as written in the durability plan...45' with 2x1 at threshold. I know you don't want me doing intensity yet, but honestly, my new lower vdot is totally doable. I am being good and only running at my new vdot pace, not pushing it and running faster....yet.
Next week I leave on Friday for florida and SAU's returning Tuesday. So how do I handle missing saturday's bike and possibly tuesdays bike?
Low vDOT intensity is ok as long as you think it's ok...just no pushing yet. Feel free to ask others in the RDP about it...lots of good progress being made out there!
As for next week's travel, I say Sat bike on Thursday, Friday and the following Tuesday off for travel. Short runs as you can in FL to stay current...When you come back we bike Wed/Fri/Sun (bump it all back a day), so you put that long run on Sat for this one weekend...Monday off and then back at it!!!
Hope you are well!!!
One week into the RDB run challenge, and nothing has fallen off! Success!
Question...for runs should I be shooting for grp for most? Still doing the baa run on the long run, or just run by feel aka nothing flashy? Last Sunday I ended up running faster a bit each mile and just focused on form you discussed in the pod cast and smiled because I was outdoors.
So, I have the phoenix half marathon on 2/28 near the end of the run block. I ran 90' last sunday and plan to run 105' this sunday the 15th, and 120' on the next sunday the 22nd. I will keep the total volume the same of course, shooting for 4.5 hours ish of running. Since I haven't really done any consistent threshold work, I am not planning to race hard. My GRP is 9:22's for Choo, and I hope to be faster than that and neg split the run.
Good plan? Any other input for me?
As for the race you can still race it but I'd go by PE and not 3 miles, steady 7, solid last 3 then go back and look at the results (time and HR). Deal?
So follow up questions: Next week is OS wk 8...testing. Since I am running long on Sunday (not off as in plan) bike test Tuesday?
I am assuming no test for run since I am in the run challenge other than put up a good effort on Saturday in the half marathon. Correct?
I am flying out at the crack of dawn Thursday am and WILL be running in the warm AZ sun at some point to get my daily run in (don't even try and talk me out of it!!! The running daily thing has been great...loving it and no issues whatsoever!) so was planning on riding the bike wednesday. But which workout should I do? Thursday's 110% or Saturdays FTP?
I will return home Tuesday (and yes, I will run daily including the travel day!) and won't have access to a bike while gone. This is the last SAU trip this winter. Keeping me married, and I got to jam in a race on this one! Next trip is all mine, BOONE!
Thanks for your input as always Coach!
Ps - saw your Instagram picture of poutine...don't even tell me where you got that!
Power test = CRUSHED. Switched a couple weeks ago from riding my pt wheel to a kickr, but did adjust my watts up in TR
+22 based on my LBS recommendations and my hr. I'd been riding well and had a craptastic day on Monday so when Tuesday test day came I took it out on the pedals. Bumped up 42 watts on my ftp. I don't know if it was a really bad 1st test, a really frustrating Monday, or the kickr watts being higher than +22 watts above my PT, (most likely some combo of all three) but there you go. New power numbers had me doing the scheduled tempo ride on Wednesday. Today was my first day and man did the 5' 110% suck with the new numbers. Bring it!
I raced the Phoenix Half on Saturday in pretty great weather (60, cloudy, some wind at the end) and put down a 1:56:14 with a 9:24 avg in the first 6.90 miles and 8:18's for the last 10k. I ran it almost 2' faster in 2013 but I was 8 lbs lighter and my vdot was higher, 39.5 back then. Since I've not really done any consistent threshold training this OS even within the RDP I'm pretty pleased. I finished out the 28 day run challenge and am looking forward to some threshold work. Which I will run using the last 10k vdot of 38(up one point from Jan 5k test) from the half. Still got room to go up, but hey...if I actually do some harder repeats I just might!
Next trip is Boone, so I hope to get in all my workouts and finish out the OS strong.
And that is the end of my little book.
Long story short, spring and summer has been very sporadic for training. Moving/dealing with contractors that eff deadlines up (I've been in my new house 13 days and contractors are still not done...6 months and counting for kitchen/ bath remodel...ridiculous!) family stresses, etc. means I've not gotten anywhere near where I had hoped to be at this point in the season.
I raced Motor City and dropped to the sprint from the oly ONLY to honor Yvette Metz and her husband on zero training that week 6/14. (that was graduation, grad party, pack, move, college orientation week!) and now Muncie is 2 weeks out. Rolled my ankle on my new mtb trail that I hit up because I NEEDED to just run for stress relief and yeah. Murphy's law continues to mess with me. That meant no running till yesterday and race rehearsal #2. It was windy as crap and cold. Bike was slow, but run was fair. Muncie won't be cold, so not a great sim, but got it done.
So, since my training has been very sparse, I think I should repeat a week with a long run and 2 longer bikes and just basically do a short taper next week. Most concerned about run. And swim. And bike. ;p. Trying not to be mad about how much training I've lost to the bullshit of my contractors. Trying. (insert very angry face here!) Focus is on getting back into the groove of training and IMCHOO. I know this will not be the season I'd hoped for, but I think I can put up a respectable race come 9/27 if I get my sh*t together! HELP! Help me get my sh*t together Coach!!!
That said, yes, mini-taper time. Long run this week...double long ride weekend...monday off...taper week thereafter...remember, great nutrition and pacing is the key not only to a good half, but for setting up CHOO. Lesser folks have raced faster on weaker fitness simply through better execution and nutrition.
IOW, if your fitness is down, just raise your game across the board. You Can Do It!
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick