My A race is Mt. Tremblant. I'm racing a half as my OS final run test, riding with you and the gang in NC, and I have Team USA qualifier half IM on June 8. While that race isn't my A, I'd like to qualify for Team USA again, so I want to do well.
Not to sound like a crazy A type (totally applicable btw) but I am bummed that my run (which I'd NEVER had so much confidence in going into IMAZ, and had an amazing race) is not bouncing back as well or as quickly as my bike. As an intelligent adult, I know I have deeper experience in biking and that I've not done the same level of work as last year this OS. But my crazy inner tri girl is panicking a little, and is greedy... I want that run back!!!
So, I have maintained my th paces of 8:20, added my myrtles and drills back into the mix, and want to add more mileage, (short, ez runs after thursday bike) if it won't screw me up in the long run. (no pun intended!!!)
PS...I have a really bad cheerleader image in my in a glam cheer skirt...
Trish, thanks for the update! I want to mention one more thing -- run fitness does not make a great triathlon performance. You have two out of the three in a great place...a large part of running race day performance is chalked up to how well you ride the bike as well as you confidence in your run ability. IIRC, you had a really really smart bike last year as part of your run...let's keep that in mind here!
It's not just the run. It's not just the run.
Running off the Thursday bike up to 30 minutes is okay...frequency is your friend...don't push the times yet...they will come...ideally we'll have you fit enough to push yourself post BlueRidge in the 4 weeks pre race.
ps the only thing worse than me in a cheerleader outfit is me in a pink speedo. No joke.
LOLOL! You could always use the pink speedo as your "tap" pants for under the cheerleading skirt! Now I've got to look around here...I'm sure there is photographic proof of you in the pink speedo somewhere in the haus!
Hi Coach P...after a hiccup last week on the bike (just tuesday, and dead power tap thursday which resulted in a 45' z2+ ride by hr) I'm back in the groove this week.
Except for this weekend.
I'm doing a TT of 13+ miles tomorrow on a computrainer at my LBS (figure that should equal about my 40' of FTP scheduled for Saturday) hoping to stretch it out to 2 hours afterwards as I'm in the last heat. AND I'm running a half marathon (my longest runs this os have been 2 10 milers) as a my wo Sunday practicing fueling and pacing.
Should I reduce the 50' tempo run since that would put me less than 24 hours between workouts, or get it done. I'm leaning towards get it done since the half is mostly about practice, social time and cookies at the finish.
I think this call is most easily made after you see how big the crater is that you think for yourself in the time trial. :-)
I'm all for you getting it done right now, it's early in the year and we want a little bit of volume… I just don't want you to go out on Sunday and try and rip it up and put yourself in a place from which you can't recover. So either check in with me on Saturday or drop that run if you crush yourself on the bike and just focus on the race. Good luck with both!
Update: Threw down on the indoor bike TT, got a total of 2 hours ride time (44:46 at 98% avg ftp...ow) and got the tempo brick done. Surprisingly it wasn't as evil as anticipated. Not easy, but not wretched as it had been the first couple weeks.
So, this am I figured I'd warm up a few miles and decide how to run the half mary. I decided to forgo the z5 stuff and even the 2x1 th miles I thought I'd do (4th night of sore throat and crappy sleep) and just negative split the run hoping to run tempo for the last 5k. BUT, at about mile 5 I came up on a teammate (and good friend) who I knew was trying to break 2 hours. She was not on pace, so I checked in with her. She was feeling rough, and I decided to run the rest with her and do what I could to help. She was grateful for me running with her... there was a long potty break, 2 walk breaks and a stretch break and no where near a pr for her. Some days ya got it, and some days ya don't. Glad I was there for her ands I did NOT dig a hole for myself by running the much slower pace. Early to bed tonight!
Looking ahead to my next training plan and have a few questions. I'm dropping into the HIM INT plan with 8 weeks out till race day 6/8. It's a test week, so I went back one week per the wiki guidance. BUT...Boone Bike Camp falls on the Race Rehearsal week. Rich has me dropping into the IM INT plan about 2 weeks before the race.
So, do I repeat the RR week when camp is over or just keep flowing with the plan. Also, I am driving on Tuesday and wondered if I should change up Monday and Tuesday of the plan (swim, swim run) or leave them as is.
Thanks for the input! (and ps...I'ma a wee bit scared of the hills!!!! EEEEEK!)
oops...pulled up the wrong week and am NOT in a testing week in the INT HIM plan, so no worries about shifting workouts around due to test week....BUT...I was sick again last week (gut issues this time grrrrrrr) and did NO biking, which means I didn't power test at the end of the OS. I ran a half mary yesterday for my run test and didn't do great. Wasn't "feeling" it, but held up ok till my itb began to bark loud and clear at my right knee. So, while I reviewed the wiki for pacing a half, and executed ok till about 9.5 it went downhill (and up hill darn it!) from there with a couple walk breaks in the last 5k which pissed me off, but couldn't be avoided. I managed to set the goal of sub 9 for mile 13 and believe it or not I was pleased I could hit it. Even though I was no where near my PR last year on this course, my positives are I dressed properly (not overdressed!) fueled ok, and still managed 3rd AG. Thank goodness all the fast chicks are tapering for Boston!
And btw...I am so ready to let go of the out season that was sucky!!!
So yeah, I'm sore in the quads, my lateral knee pain is still there and I'm not sure what to do with the powertest. Should I sub it for Tuesdays run (to give myself an extra day off from running, just do it in place of the wednesday vo2 ride, or wait a week and see if I can test outside. Your wisdom appreciated.
Let's wait a week as you need to recover from the race, even though you didn't know the whole thing still got a lot of work. Besides testing outside is just more relevant to what you're going to be doing moving forward. Would really like to hear what your self-care plan is for the next five days to make sure that your knee and tibia really shape up right.
Sunday I swam super easy and drilled in the warm short pool at my gym and did restorative yoga. Yesterday I dropped into the INT HIM plan and did the swim wo...2900m. Which was SUPER challenging since I really haven't been swimming. OY!
Today, I swim 3200 and will run on the tm for time, not intensity to see whats what. I will pull the plug if it isn't going well. if it doesn't go well, I will spin z2/3 at home
Tomorrow I will do the bike vo2 work, and have a massage scheduled.
Thursday I will run, hopefully with the intervals as written.
Daily I am foam rolling, some stretches aimed at my sore spots and the walt reynolds exercises that target the itb. If I'm still hurting while running, I will get ART later this week. Unfortunately, my provider is not in my new insurance plan this year. Sucks big time. But I'll pay if I can get some resolution with rest, stretch and massage.
Trish - writing to you after my 60 minute session with the foam roller and other massage items, I totally feel your pain. But it's the work we have to do to keep this thing moving on. There's nothing else I can think of for you to do other than to be patient and let the fitness come to you. We can do this!
Race rehearsal weekend is here with Sunday off. BUT...due to bike camp and traveling (I'm driving either Tuesday or Wednesday to Boone) I'll have a day off already. How should I structure Sunday, Monday, Tuesday? Move Monday and Tuesday back a day? Swim once and get a long run in? Swim twice and long run? Help please and thank you!
Just follow the plan! Plenty of hard work coming your way… Nothing wrong with showing up rested. :-) For the days that you're traveling even a 30 to 40 minute run is fine.
Raced Grand Rapids (and finally met Kori...we live like...30' from each other lol!) and had a very good day. 30" shy of my HIM pr and a tiny run pr...I'll take it! So, with an eye to recovery, what should this week look like? I'm in IM INT. Week 11 rolling to IMMT. Big day is scheduled for Saturday. I know the goal is to get the long run done. Thursday I swam super easy for 30' yesterday, but my legs are a little more ouchie than today. My blister (oh yeah...gotta love wet feet!) is receded, but I don't think I want to run today yet. Was thinking to move today (Tuesday's stuff) to tomorrow and do tomorrows ride as a spin to flush out the legs and get the time in the saddle.
Also, I had a bit of belly bloat. Not enough to derail my race, but noticed it for sure. And post race I had what I have dubbed "IRONMAN BABY"...I look about 4 months preggers and am very bloated. NOT FUN. It is quite intense post IM and lasts a couple days, and was unpleasant post HIM. Ever had to deal with that with other athletes? Any advice you could share?
I had a blast out there, met Bruce Thompson, cheered/got cheered by Paul Hough and Ian from bike camp... Great stuff!
Trish -- nice work on the race and way to be such an active Teammate. Gives me warm fuzzies. just keep it light and easy until the Thursday run. See if you can heal that blister -- tell me you wore socks!!!!!!!
As for the belly, when did you first notice it and what did you eat/drink? Sounds like you had too many calories and not enough salt / fluids to move it...
Yes, I wore socks! I even had 2 toms powder in them! It rained on the bike and I may have gotten them wet again cooling off on the run. The blister is mostly gone now.
Uh, I think I was around 40 oz of perform, 25-30 ish oz of gatorade endurance on the bike. Bike split was a 2:45. I started drinking at 10' as my heart rate had settled already. I took in 180 c of cliff blocks with about 100 mg of sodium per hour on the bike. I took 2 salt tabs in the morning with breakfast, but none on the bike and run. It wasn't really warm till loop two of the run.
I felt a little off running in loop two. Like I said, not enough to do triage, but burpy, bloated? I planned to take my gu's at 4, 7 and 10, and wasn't too excited to take the last one, because I was off a bit, but knowing I needed it. I drank gatorade at each aid except when taking the gus. Then I took water.
One more rained the first part of the bike and was 66 when I started the run. Not exactly hot. I didn't need to pee at all during the race. I didn't pee for a long time after the race either. Thats a little weird for me. Usually I need to go in transition as I haven't mastered going on the bike. I was drinking earlier than I usually do too. Huh.
Trish - so you took in 70oz across 3 hours or a bottle an hour. That sound like what you train with? Also what was total sodium per hour? Our target is 1,000mg across all sources...
Not peeing is not good. Fluids not moving in your should have to pee at least 1x on an HIM bike -- in Quassy I peeled at mile 15....
Assuming Gatorade endurance has about the same sodium as perform I took in about 700mg per hour, which is what I've been doing in training as the temps have been moderate. Drinking has been about the same due to temps as well.
The not peeing was weird for me....usually I'm in a bit of pain and REALLY need to go by transition.
I will add the salt tabs back into rotation and try and increase my fluid (IMMT is next...will need the extra salt and hydration for sure!) moving forward. Anything else???
TM - I think G2 has a little less sodium, so add for sure. 1 salt stick pill an hour should work. You should plan on a bit more in the first hour as you have to compensate for the fluid lost in the swim...and practice that too!!!!
OK...I usually drink LESS in the first hour due to settling the hr down post swim/transition. I will focus on drinking a bit more and making sure I take the salt tabs at the top of the hour.
During my big day last friday I peed like a champ lol! I really focused on getting in 40oz in 1.5 hours as I did last year for IM training...drinking more calories and eating less of them. I also had the salt tabs at 1.5 hours and 2.5 hours. The run went well. Only difference I noticed was I took my planned mile 3 gel at 2 as I felt hungry. The run went well (I overcooked my pace not the return trip, need to be more disciplined) too.
Also, I know this is more of a macro question, but I'ma gonna ask ya anyways.
I have been thinking of a marathon in early December. IMMT is 8/17. My thoughts are this: 2 full weeks off of running and perhaps everything post race. Start a marathon (run only ) plan with 14 weeks to race day on 9/1. The only reason I want to run a mary is to Boston Qualify. I ran a 4:03:59 in 2010 and a 4:25 in 2012 while doing tri training and running 3 days a week within that training. (bad coaching...don't get me started! But it's why I'm in the haus, so there's the sunshine in that!)
A BQ time for me is 4:00 and of course I'd have to run a 3:55 or better to actually get into the race. IF I am physically ok post IM (no injuries etc) do you think I could build up to a BQ marathon time in 14 weeks off of the IM volume and frequency? I am thinking of the California International as it is a flat course.
My crazy thinking on this is I could take the rest of December off of structured training, then be mentally ready for Jan OS. Plus, my college kid is coming home in September and I need a stress valve! I know its a loaded question, but am interested in your thoughts. Thx!
Trish Macro - I think that's totally doable. The biggest limiter of course will be the health of your legs. We have some balanced training plans include some swimming and cycling I recommend those versus a run only program. So while I agree with it now, we won't really know how you feel about it until you start training for it.
Hiya Coach! SUPER EXCITED to go to IMMT Camp! YAY! BUT...can't do the RR swim as scheduled as we will be road tripping from the D. My plan is to swim today and do our regular OWS of 2.14 in Lake Erie tomorrow evening. Only snafu is if the boat is still in the shop for repair.
I will be doing the bike and run Wednesday too. So possibly no RR swim. Bringing the wetsuit to check out the venue.
My A race is Mt. Tremblant. I'm racing a half as my OS final run test, riding with you and the gang in NC, and I have Team USA qualifier half IM on June 8. While that race isn't my A, I'd like to qualify for Team USA again, so I want to do well.
Not to sound like a crazy A type (totally applicable btw) but I am bummed that my run (which I'd NEVER had so much confidence in going into IMAZ, and had an amazing race) is not bouncing back as well or as quickly as my bike. As an intelligent adult, I know I have deeper experience in biking and that I've not done the same level of work as last year this OS. But my crazy inner tri girl is panicking a little, and is greedy... I want that run back!!!
So, I have maintained my th paces of 8:20, added my myrtles and drills back into the mix, and want to add more mileage, (short, ez runs after thursday bike) if it won't screw me up in the long run. (no pun intended!!!)
PS...I have a really bad cheerleader image in my in a glam cheer skirt...
It's not just the run. It's not just the run.
Running off the Thursday bike up to 30 minutes is okay...frequency is your friend...don't push the times yet...they will come...ideally we'll have you fit enough to push yourself post BlueRidge in the 4 weeks pre race.
ps the only thing worse than me in a cheerleader outfit is me in a pink speedo. No joke.
Except for this weekend.
I'm doing a TT of 13+ miles tomorrow on a computrainer at my LBS (figure that should equal about my 40' of FTP scheduled for Saturday) hoping to stretch it out to 2 hours afterwards as I'm in the last heat. AND I'm running a half marathon (my longest runs this os have been 2 10 milers) as a my wo Sunday practicing fueling and pacing.
Should I reduce the 50' tempo run since that would put me less than 24 hours between workouts, or get it done. I'm leaning towards get it done since the half is mostly about practice, social time and cookies at the finish.
What do you think???
I'm all for you getting it done right now, it's early in the year and we want a little bit of volume… I just don't want you to go out on Sunday and try and rip it up and put yourself in a place from which you can't recover. So either check in with me on Saturday or drop that run if you crush yourself on the bike and just focus on the race. Good luck with both!
So, this am I figured I'd warm up a few miles and decide how to run the half mary. I decided to forgo the z5 stuff and even the 2x1 th miles I thought I'd do (4th night of sore throat and crappy sleep) and just negative split the run hoping to run tempo for the last 5k. BUT, at about mile 5 I came up on a teammate (and good friend) who I knew was trying to break 2 hours. She was not on pace, so I checked in with her. She was feeling rough, and I decided to run the rest with her and do what I could to help. She was grateful for me running with her... there was a long potty break, 2 walk breaks and a stretch break and no where near a pr for her. Some days ya got it, and some days ya don't. Glad I was there for her ands I did NOT dig a hole for myself by running the much slower pace. Early to bed tonight!
Looking ahead to my next training plan and have a few questions. I'm dropping into the HIM INT plan with 8 weeks out till race day 6/8. It's a test week, so I went back one week per the wiki guidance. BUT...Boone Bike Camp falls on the Race Rehearsal week. Rich has me dropping into the IM INT plan about 2 weeks before the race.
So, do I repeat the RR week when camp is over or just keep flowing with the plan. Also, I am driving on Tuesday and wondered if I should change up Monday and Tuesday of the plan (swim, swim run) or leave them as is.
Thanks for the input! (and ps...I'ma a wee bit scared of the hills!!!! EEEEEK!)
Excited to see you at camp!
oops...pulled up the wrong week and am NOT in a testing week in the INT HIM plan, so no worries about shifting workouts around due to test week....BUT...I was sick again last week (gut issues this time grrrrrrr) and did NO biking, which means I didn't power test at the end of the OS. I ran a half mary yesterday for my run test and didn't do great. Wasn't "feeling" it, but held up ok till my itb began to bark loud and clear at my right knee. So, while I reviewed the wiki for pacing a half, and executed ok till about 9.5 it went downhill (and up hill darn it!) from there with a couple walk breaks in the last 5k which pissed me off, but couldn't be avoided. I managed to set the goal of sub 9 for mile 13 and believe it or not I was pleased I could hit it. Even though I was no where near my PR last year on this course, my positives are I dressed properly (not overdressed!) fueled ok, and still managed 3rd AG. Thank goodness all the fast chicks are tapering for Boston!
And btw...I am so ready to let go of the out season that was sucky!!!
So yeah, I'm sore in the quads, my lateral knee pain is still there and I'm not sure what to do with the powertest. Should I sub it for Tuesdays run (to give myself an extra day off from running, just do it in place of the wednesday vo2 ride, or wait a week and see if I can test outside. Your wisdom appreciated.
Today, I swim 3200 and will run on the tm for time, not intensity to see whats what. I will pull the plug if it isn't going well. if it doesn't go well, I will spin z2/3 at home
Tomorrow I will do the bike vo2 work, and have a massage scheduled.
Thursday I will run, hopefully with the intervals as written.
Daily I am foam rolling, some stretches aimed at my sore spots and the walt reynolds exercises that target the itb. If I'm still hurting while running, I will get ART later this week. Unfortunately, my provider is not in my new insurance plan this year. Sucks big time. But I'll pay if I can get some resolution with rest, stretch and massage.
Race rehearsal weekend is here with Sunday off. BUT...due to bike camp and traveling (I'm driving either Tuesday or Wednesday to Boone) I'll have a day off already. How should I structure Sunday, Monday, Tuesday? Move Monday and Tuesday back a day? Swim once and get a long run in? Swim twice and long run? Help please and thank you!
Raced Grand Rapids (and finally met Kori...we live like...30' from each other lol!) and had a very good day. 30" shy of my HIM pr and a tiny run pr...I'll take it!
Also, I had a bit of belly bloat. Not enough to derail my race, but noticed it for sure. And post race I had what I have dubbed "IRONMAN BABY"...I look about 4 months preggers and am very bloated. NOT FUN. It is quite intense post IM and lasts a couple days, and was unpleasant post HIM. Ever had to deal with that with other athletes? Any advice you could share?
I had a blast out there, met Bruce Thompson, cheered/got cheered by Paul Hough and Ian from bike camp... Great stuff!
As for the belly, when did you first notice it and what did you eat/drink? Sounds like you had too many calories and not enough salt / fluids to move it...
Uh, I think I was around 40 oz of perform, 25-30 ish oz of gatorade endurance on the bike. Bike split was a 2:45. I started drinking at 10' as my heart rate had settled already. I took in 180 c of cliff blocks with about 100 mg of sodium per hour on the bike. I took 2 salt tabs in the morning with breakfast, but none on the bike and run. It wasn't really warm till loop two of the run.
I felt a little off running in loop two. Like I said, not enough to do triage, but burpy, bloated? I planned to take my gu's at 4, 7 and 10, and wasn't too excited to take the last one, because I was off a bit, but knowing I needed it. I drank gatorade at each aid except when taking the gus. Then I took water.
One more rained the first part of the bike and was 66 when I started the run. Not exactly hot. I didn't need to pee at all during the race. I didn't pee for a long time after the race either. Thats a little weird for me. Usually I need to go in transition as I haven't mastered going on the bike. I was drinking earlier than I usually do too. Huh.
Not peeing is not good. Fluids not moving in your should have to pee at least 1x on an HIM bike -- in Quassy I peeled at mile 15....
The not peeing was weird for me....usually I'm in a bit of pain and REALLY need to go by transition.
I will add the salt tabs back into rotation and try and increase my fluid (IMMT is next...will need the extra salt and hydration for sure!) moving forward. Anything else???
During my big day last friday I peed like a champ lol! I really focused on getting in 40oz in 1.5 hours as I did last year for IM training...drinking more calories and eating less of them. I also had the salt tabs at 1.5 hours and 2.5 hours. The run went well. Only difference I noticed was I took my planned mile 3 gel at 2 as I felt hungry. The run went well (I overcooked my pace not the return trip, need to be more disciplined) too.
I have been thinking of a marathon in early December. IMMT is 8/17. My thoughts are this: 2 full weeks off of running and perhaps everything post race. Start a marathon (run only ) plan with 14 weeks to race day on 9/1. The only reason I want to run a mary is to Boston Qualify. I ran a 4:03:59 in 2010 and a 4:25 in 2012 while doing tri training and running 3 days a week within that training. (bad coaching...don't get me started! But it's why I'm in the haus, so there's the sunshine in that!)
A BQ time for me is 4:00 and of course I'd have to run a 3:55 or better to actually get into the race. IF I am physically ok post IM (no injuries etc) do you think I could build up to a BQ marathon time in 14 weeks off of the IM volume and frequency? I am thinking of the California International as it is a flat course.
My crazy thinking on this is I could take the rest of December off of structured training, then be mentally ready for Jan OS. Plus, my college kid is coming home in September and I need a stress valve!
I will be doing the bike and run Wednesday too. So possibly no RR swim. Bringing the wetsuit to check out the venue.
Did I mention I'm excited!?!