Those QT2 bastards are just stealing my awesome ideas!!!!!
What surprises me the most about your bike file is that your heart rate never really comes down. I understand that it's high after the swim in the first transition, but is not normal that it stays so high. Granted, there was a lot different about this season than your previous seasons but the fact that your bike heart rate was so high and your run heart rate was so low suggests that there were some serious baseline issues.
Of course, your heart rate monitor could be the culprit. It's definitely worthwhile trying a different strap or seeing if you can buy an older version of the strap that used to work see if that makes a difference. Or maybe let her friend borrow your strap now, and see how that strap performance compares to their normal strap performance. Bottom line is that outside of your swim you really didn't have your race. You did the race, but not your race.
Looking for the next year, you always have lots of friction on the life side. The most important thing you can do is establish a good baseline of fitness, through frequency, but you can then build off of for next year when you're ready. Rather than setting big workout or time expectations now in a way that interferes with your regular life, I strongly suggest you have some kind of a basic week that allows you to train, get fit, establish a good rhythm, and bending forward. If you haven't already, I suggest you check out the run durability program… It's simple, easy, and very very effective.
Hi Coach P...giant post coming. You've been warned! FYI...I'm in HIM int plan week 14
1) Leaving Sunday for Truscott Camp in Colorado. Four days riding (M-TH) Swim Friday if I can find a pool, RAGNAR Trail Relay with 3 legs (F-S) Fly home 6-5. I have an oly race 6-12. Thoughts for race week were to swim M, T and at venue S. Run for time T (not threshold unless feeling spectacular...doubtful!) Ride as scheduled W. Long run TH...split run for time? F swim and transition practice. S short s/b/r at venue. S-race. Look ok? Any adjustments? 2) got an invite to ride Michigan Mountain Mayhem ride in northern MI 6/18. My host is riding the 105 route...7500 ft of gain.. I think it would be fun and could help in prep for Muncie 7/9. I have your blessing? 3) in an effort to regain some fitness and durability (VS last year when I tried to cram it in post IMCHOO camp before the race) I'd like to work in some longer rides. So MMM on 6/18, then Muncie 70.3 7/9. Post Muncie, I'd like to do some 5 hour or 100 mile rides. I have the ability to ride on Fridays as well as Saturday and Sunday, or to switch stuff around if need be to get extra time in. I was thinking most weekends getting a 5 hour ride in. I have a Gran Fondo I could throw in there for mixing it up late July too. I would NOT ride 5 hours the weekend after Muncie. I have family in town. Your thoughts? I will be good about recovery, and rest. Promise. My goal is to nail my run workouts AND add this volume on the bike. Tricky I know.
I feel like the stronger I am on the bike the more it will help me on the run if I can maintain my running. I am slower on the run and ok with that if I can build durability and be steady. I just will NOT be walking the back half of the marathon this year!
I am slower on the bike too and am NOT ok with this. This is my jam, and it is a lot less jammy than I'd like! HOWEVER, I won't let my ego slam me into a wall. This is my rebuild year! So, thoughts, cautions, wisdom. Lay it on me!
So great to hear from you. I only hope you are bringing a man skirt to CO. Just saying.
Honestly, after that week in CO I don’t think any real training is required. I’d like to see you recover for two days (swim only is ok), but Wed would be a spin to make sure TT bike is happy and Thursday can be the long run. Friday aerobic ride for time (replaces Sat), no run. Sat is your swim day…then race. Then back on plan.
The 6/18 mayhem ride is great (totally down with spaced out long rides) as long as you promise to eat well and pace smart. Always want a good last hour. If you go that long, I’d consider Sunday an OFF day or swim only.
I love the friday five hour rides…but if you want to go that route there’s some rejiggering. First, commit to five hours but keep it mostly race-like and steady, not hard. I usually ride long on Friday, then do a back up ride on Saturday that’s more intense A LA the ABP stuff. So I do my long run on Sunday, but a decent long one usually 10 miles on Thursday…so long but not so long it kills my friday.
On the weekends you want to go bigger…you keep Friday and back that up with Saturday longer. Instead of 5 / 3 you do 5 / 5. Make sense?
Remind me to tell you how I had to explain to my wife where that skirt came from…
No man skirt in CO! That's a BRC tradition! Jeremy, Al and Scott may meet the skirt next May at camp. Oh, I will remind you of how you explained to Mara. EeeeK!
So for the long-ish run on Thursday can you give me a time reference...10 miles is pretty darn long for a plodder like me. I was thinking about 1:15 ish and assuming trp effort. Sound about right? The other good thing is I can ows longish with my group before those long rides as well at my park. Should be good to help with fueling etc.
Congrats on getting back on the bike! Be a good doobie patient! And patient with yourself!
Transferred my oly race registration to Handsome John (he will race the sprint post HANU 70.3) and will be a loudmouth cheerleader instead.
*Hoping* to get cleared to ride outdoors early next week. I will ride the trainer long tomorrow (yeah I sucks, but I did do both my IMAZ RR's on a trainer) and get some time in the saddle at least. If I feel ok I will brick off too.
Still counting my blessings that it wasn't worse, especially after the tragedy in my college town of Kalamazoo this week. Just makes me sick to think about!
PS...the Molly Dooker was delish! Only had a lil glass as I'm not supposed to imbibe, but post Ragnar hike/run I could not resist!
All clear to ride out doors, but of course it is raining and I'll be stuck on the trainer again today! Grrr!
I was to bike test today and do the RR run tomorrow. I did not run long last week. Just felt off still. I'll run long tomorrow as scheduled, just not as a rr. My run fitness has diminished over the 2 weeks since my accident. :-/ I still need to test outdoors, so I'll save that for aa dry day.
So, where from here? I have the 100 mile hilly ride on Saturday and I hope to ride another day over the weekend as well. Muncie is SOON. 4 weeks. So what to do? I think keeping to the longer rides (4.5-5 hours) on Fridays moving forward is still smart, but how do I structure those long runs Thurs/Sunday? You run 10 on Thursday, but that is a LONG run for this gal. So, I was thinking 1:15 run Thursday and scheduled long run Sunday. 1:15 is a 7.5-8 miler for me depending on terrain.
I really am tired of not moving forward, but realize how darn lucky I was. Just want to make the very best of my training and racing for the rest of this season, hopefully DRAMA FREE from now on!!!!
So as usually, looking for your wisdom Patrick. I mean, the Dooker shows you are a very wise man!!! ;0
so glad to hear you are back on track. And appreciate your perspective as well. I think you should be able to follow the bike workouts just understanding that you will need lots of fuel and plenty of patience. Your bike fitness should be pretty much back where you were by the time Muncie comes around. Of course, you still have to race with your head ( I am talking about strategy, not actually using your head which we honestly need to protect to the utmost).
In terms of the run I agree. I like the idea of a split long run as Thursday Sunday. That doesn't mean your Sunday would have no right however, I would suggest that you ride 60 to 90 minutes before that run once you are back on track.
Oh, and I mentioned the nutrition stuff right? When your body is behind from the fitness perspective you simply cannot slack off on the calories. You have been warned!
Good luck!
~ Coach P
Ps - I think if you really wanted to be safe you would do the run with your bike helmet on. Just saying.
Got it. I will ride as well as run on Sunday. I am happy to report that my runs went very well last week and the rides were good too. I think the hiking I did at altitude plus the rest was a good combo.
I have been tracking nutrition on the bike/run and used GOFAR by infinite for almost the entire ride Saturday only giving in to the lure of pringles and a couple strawberries late in the was hot and I made it past 3 sag stops before cracking! Overall it was a decent ride with 6500 ft of elevation in 6.5 hours moving time. Felt like a biker again so really good for the mental side of things as well as my legs.
I'll keep tabs on my am HR, body niggles and be super awesome on nutrition and recovery. Next up Muncie! Going into the race with no expectations other than a very competitive training day. I will train hard the next couple weeks and make my race plan closer to the race. And cross all my body parts on race morning.
I can't wait to track you on race day. Please take a minute and schedule a call with me for after that race so that we have a chance to connect in person and make sure you are all dialed in with the next phase. My schedule is online here: -- Please remember to include your phone number.
Update: 1:15 and 1:22 x3 runs a week has been going well. Today was my first 1:30 run. Sadly, I am not doing anything flashy, but I am very consistent thus far. It's been super hot of late so I am taking more walk breaks than I'd like, but averaging 10:15's with the breaks. Not fancy, but hopefully steady come race day.
I had some stomach distress issues last week...I won't go into details, but lets just say it limited me a bit on a few swims, and a couple bikes. I had hoped to ride friday/sat 5 hour in 3:50/5:20. Decent climbing. Stupid hot and humid. Bagged both of the shorty bricks. Overall, plan is doable.
Camp is next week. Should I try and run longer this Sunday vs the 1:30? The scheduled long run is 2 hours.
I am planning on a climbing 5 hour ride friday/short brick , saturday possible swim, 4-5 hours bike, short brick , Sunday ez spin then long run for the weekend.
Bump! Rode 100 yesterday post 3000y swim w/ 3950ft of elevation and in 5:40 no brick. Just needed mentally to get another hundred in my legs. Riding 4ish today and WILL brick post. Still curious about tomorrows run...thoughts?
90' run it is. Man, I so deserve the bump. I have no idea how I missed your thread after Lake Placid and I'm so sorry. I have been back in here several times crazy. Clearly getting old here.
The run is coming around me need to be cautious not to overload you on the run especially with camp week approaching. I want back to back good rides there!
Most importantly, we have to figure out a way to keep you cool. I would plan on arm coolers for race day as well as anything else you think this can help you keep the temperatures down. If you recall, I always have an extra water bottle with me on my frame for Kona just like important myself if I get hot. That might be a nice thing for you to consider just keep you safe.
The more steady your core body temperature the better your overall race will be.
So, just a little brag...I met Desiree Linden Sunday at our local metro park!!!! Lots of the Hanson Runners train there. Fraser Stud Dan Stubleski was chatting up her triathlete husband Ryan post run and I! I crashed their conversation! She is my marathon crush! The best bit is I had forgotten my bike shoes and just finished riding in my new super speedy transition shoes: Hoka Cliftons! Oh so embarrassing. BUT...i had a KICK ASS long run. Watching pure perfection fly by is pretty motivating! Well, that and our saturday ride was rained out and we only got 1:10 in. HA.
As for the run, I did 90' Sunday avg 9:30's with walk breaks. It was 78-80 and humid. Pretty pleased with that pace! Yesterday I did the scheduled 45' run with z5. Um, wow. Haven't done any speedwork in a while, but it was pretty fun to go a bit faster.
Should I just follow the schedule for IM INT from here on out regarding runs, or do you have other ideas for me?
I think that run is beast mode for you. You can't ask for much more that that on race day. Now note your "happy" HR from that run for your mental arsenal for the race.
I think if the speedwork is ok, then you are good to follow the INT plan right in.... Let me know if you think otherwise!
Camp Update: Friday was a shit show of flats, split tire, Handsome John and a first time IM hopeful in our group crashing (both are ok, but John got some major road rash!) and many regrouping stops. Frick! We were out there over 8:45! Ride time for 108 was about 6:30. Barton hill is a bitch. Mini Snake Mtn is what I felt like. Had to ski it to get up. The good news is the brick was pretty good. Only went 40' as it took so long to get back to the hotel. Saturday went better, but we only did the loops and skipped the crappy admin miles. John did one loop and the rest of us did both. Much better flow getting in 83 miles in 5 hours riding time. Brick was again too fast and a good one for 30'. I chose not to swim due to admin time, and I have a lake in my back yard I can swim long in anytime. Ran the run course from the Helix, got lost a bit, finally found the course again and the big hill. Got 13 miles in 2:15 at 10:21's. Pretty happy with how the legs felt overall. Planning on riding the hill park from now till just before race rehearsal.
I'm torn about the plan running. I still plan to do long friday rides after swimming, riding saturday, and I kind of like the spinning then running long on Sunday. Gah! What do you think will have me best prepared for the rigors of the day???
And can I just say you are magical? There were 10 of us in our MI group and herding cats is HARD! OMG! SO HARD! And I wasn't even the ringleader lol!
Trish, love the epic camp report. You know I love my camps...but even I have to admit that you can't "herd" John, you can only hope to contain him. HAHAAHAHAHHAAAAA
As for your performance, that's some solid running with those bike miles in your legs. I am very, very pleased with that. I don't think you have much to worry the past, we did split long runs on Thurs and then Sunday after your want to go back to something like that?
I think I need the longer runs...haven't run past 13 or 2:15 this season. So with Thursday at the big 3 hour run, my major concern is not being ready to be on my feet that long. BUT i think I need the run. I am planning on running early (not in the middle of the day in horrible heat and humidity like last thursday or yesterday...such a dork!) and to run the three hours, but pull the plug early if I have any major niggles. Seem reasonable?
Oh, and I still haven't received my racesaver bag. I think I had my old address in paypal till recently. Crap! You may have received it back by now. Any way you can follow up on that for me? Crappity crap!
Trish, I agree in both the power and the cost of such a run. Let's do 3 hour but have you strategically insert some walk breaks. Every 2 miles you walk 2 / drink / refuel...and carry one...don't stop the watch'll be 1/2 a mile when you are all done....but you'll need the breaks to run well for the whole run (given how much of a leap it is).
Please tell me you have a good hydration and cooling plan.
Ps - bags resent to you was the old address, sorry about that!
I already walk every mile (just enough to drink early on, a little longer when I salt/ eat too) because I always walk aid stations and I'm a good do-be and follow EN directions to practice nutrition etc as on race day.
So I will walk every mile(usually 30" or less), and take a little longer walk on the even miles from the beginning to keep it steady as long as I can into the run. I have a heart rate range I want to stay in, and I will walk to hit that range.
I have been running with a camelbak and taking gu's every three miles, salt at 4,8,12. Water in the camelbak. I will be racing last years one piece speed suit, and have not used armcoolers with it, but I do have them. I also will be bringing a cooling towel with me for my neck that I've used a couple times, plus have my racesaver bag, so I think I'm as good as I can be prepared for the heat. No please order last years weather and we will be all good!!!
Sounds good. I like the cooling plan. Remember that depending on the humidity the cooling towel and or arm coolers may prove to stifling. Only you will be able to tell, but don't be afraid to ditch them if they aren't actually keeping you cool. I find that they are beneficial right out of transition, but once the run is underway, say by mile six, they begin to lose their value.
Success! Walked a bit longer on the evens and ended up with 10:37's/17 miles. Legs were not snappy (just like race day) and I feel like if I don't screw up on the bike I should be able to run aid to aid! #winning! Thanks as always for the great advice Patrick.
In an effort to stay married and keep my sponsor happy, I will have 3 trips out of the frozen tundra that is Michigan during the January OS. Looking for a little guidance on how to make the most of the missed days.
Jan. 20-24 Friday- bike. Can run and possibly swim. Naples FL to sponge off my sister. January 31-February8-9. Tuesday post bike- Driving to Clearwater for a few days, then Clermont for a couple days, then home. Very probable bringing a bike to offset booze and Superbowl challenges with hubbies boozy friends and family. Can run, no idea if water is warm enough to swim this time of year. Wetsuit will be with me. March 1-7 or 8? Weds-Weds Temecula CA. Visisting hubbies drinking relatives in sunny Cali. Have PT1 pedals and may rent/mooch bike and bring them along.
So, what to do, when? I am trying to get sh*t straight in my head and in Training Peaks so I don't let myself off the hook when things get weird! Thanks for your always awesome schedule juju skills!
Week 2 is done as planned thru Wed...then Sat bike on Thursday. Friday travel. Saturday short run of 30 to 45' @ TRP, Sunday long run as planned.
Week 4 is tough...I say you do long bike on Tuesday before you depart (so its in the bank)...then any riding when down there can be short and sweet hard work / FTP stuff within an hour and done. Frequent short runs, but I'd have you run long on Say Tuesday / Sunday (pre-bowl to prepare for Calorie Madness.
Week 8 to CA isn't bad... Here I suggest that you modify your week so that we test before you go. This is kind to give you a nice"mid OutSeason® break".So why get the bike test done first, then a rest day and then run test before you are free to travel. Bring the pedals with you for fun, but I'll be okay with you renting a mountain bike and just getting some fun time exploring versus having you race around on a road bike.
Worst-case scenario you just stay consistent with some short frequent runs and we have you come back you got the old zones to target over your final OutSeason® push.
Works for me! Its all loaded up in TP. I don't bounce so well, so have never mountain biked. I have some friends that tri and live about an hour away and would love to ride a bit in SUN with them if the opportunity arises. Thanks for your input...much appreciated.
What surprises me the most about your bike file is that your heart rate never really comes down. I understand that it's high after the swim in the first transition, but is not normal that it stays so high. Granted, there was a lot different about this season than your previous seasons but the fact that your bike heart rate was so high and your run heart rate was so low suggests that there were some serious baseline issues.
Of course, your heart rate monitor could be the culprit. It's definitely worthwhile trying a different strap or seeing if you can buy an older version of the strap that used to work see if that makes a difference. Or maybe let her friend borrow your strap now, and see how that strap performance compares to their normal strap performance. Bottom line is that outside of your swim you really didn't have your race. You did the race, but not your race.
Looking for the next year, you always have lots of friction on the life side. The most important thing you can do is establish a good baseline of fitness, through frequency, but you can then build off of for next year when you're ready. Rather than setting big workout or time expectations now in a way that interferes with your regular life, I strongly suggest you have some kind of a basic week that allows you to train, get fit, establish a good rhythm, and bending forward. If you haven't already, I suggest you check out the run durability program… It's simple, easy, and very very effective.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick
1) Leaving Sunday for Truscott Camp in Colorado. Four days riding (M-TH) Swim Friday if I can find a pool, RAGNAR Trail Relay with 3 legs (F-S) Fly home 6-5. I have an oly race 6-12. Thoughts for race week were to swim M, T and at venue S. Run for time T (not threshold unless feeling spectacular...doubtful!) Ride as scheduled W. Long run TH...split run for time? F swim and transition practice. S short s/b/r at venue. S-race. Look ok? Any adjustments?
2) got an invite to ride Michigan Mountain Mayhem ride in northern MI 6/18. My host is riding the 105 route...7500 ft of gain.. I think it would be fun and could help in prep for Muncie 7/9. I have your blessing?
3) in an effort to regain some fitness and durability (VS last year when I tried to cram it in post IMCHOO camp before the race) I'd like to work in some longer rides. So MMM on 6/18, then Muncie 70.3 7/9. Post Muncie, I'd like to do some 5 hour or 100 mile rides. I have the ability to ride on Fridays as well as Saturday and Sunday, or to switch stuff around if need be to get extra time in. I was thinking most weekends getting a 5 hour ride in. I have a Gran Fondo I could throw in there for mixing it up late July too. I would NOT ride 5 hours the weekend after Muncie. I have family in town. Your thoughts? I will be good about recovery, and rest. Promise. My goal is to nail my run workouts AND add this volume on the bike. Tricky I know.
I feel like the stronger I am on the bike the more it will help me on the run if I can maintain my running. I am slower on the run and ok with that if I can build durability and be steady. I just will NOT be walking the back half of the marathon this year!
I am slower on the bike too and am NOT ok with this. This is my jam, and it is a lot less jammy than I'd like! HOWEVER, I won't let my ego slam me into a wall. This is my rebuild year! So, thoughts, cautions, wisdom. Lay it on me!
So great to hear from you. I only hope you are bringing a man skirt to CO. Just saying.
Honestly, after that week in CO I don’t think any real training is required. I’d like to see you recover for two days (swim only is ok), but Wed would be a spin to make sure TT bike is happy and Thursday can be the long run. Friday aerobic ride for time (replaces Sat), no run. Sat is your swim day…then race. Then back on plan.
The 6/18 mayhem ride is great (totally down with spaced out long rides) as long as you promise to eat well and pace smart. Always want a good last hour.
I love the friday five hour rides…but if you want to go that route there’s some rejiggering. First, commit to five hours but keep it mostly race-like and steady, not hard. I usually ride long on Friday, then do a back up ride on Saturday that’s more intense A LA the ABP stuff. So I do my long run on Sunday, but a decent long one usually 10 miles on Thursday…so long but not so long it kills my friday.
On the weekends you want to go bigger…you keep Friday and back that up with Saturday longer. Instead of 5 / 3 you do 5 / 5. Make sense?
Remind me to tell you how I had to explain to my wife where that skirt came from…
So for the long-ish run on Thursday can you give me a time reference...10 miles is pretty darn long for a plodder like me. I was thinking about 1:15 ish and assuming trp effort. Sound about right? The other good thing is I can ows longish with my group before those long rides as well at my park. Should be good to help with fueling etc.
Congrats on getting back on the bike! Be a good doobie patient! And patient with yourself!
Looking forward to helping you get your mojo back...for now be safe!
~ Coach P
Transferred my oly race registration to Handsome John (he will race the sprint post HANU 70.3) and will be a loudmouth cheerleader instead.
*Hoping* to get cleared to ride outdoors early next week. I will ride the trainer long tomorrow (yeah I sucks, but I did do both my IMAZ RR's on a trainer) and get some time in the saddle at least. If I feel ok I will brick off too.
Still counting my blessings that it wasn't worse, especially after the tragedy in my college town of Kalamazoo this week. Just makes me sick to think about!
PS...the Molly Dooker was delish! Only had a lil glass as I'm not supposed to imbibe, but post Ragnar hike/run I could not resist!
I was to bike test today and do the RR run tomorrow. I did not run long last week. Just felt off still. I'll run long tomorrow as scheduled, just not as a rr. My run fitness has diminished over the 2 weeks since my accident. :-/ I still need to test outdoors, so I'll save that for aa dry day.
So, where from here? I have the 100 mile hilly ride on Saturday and I hope to ride another day over the weekend as well. Muncie is SOON. 4 weeks. So what to do? I think keeping to the longer rides (4.5-5 hours) on Fridays moving forward is still smart, but how do I structure those long runs Thurs/Sunday? You run 10 on Thursday, but that is a LONG run for this gal. So, I was thinking 1:15 run Thursday and scheduled long run Sunday. 1:15 is a 7.5-8 miler for me depending on terrain.
I really am tired of not moving forward, but realize how darn lucky I was. Just want to make the very best of my training and racing for the rest of this season, hopefully DRAMA FREE from now on!!!!
So as usually, looking for your wisdom Patrick. I mean, the Dooker shows you are a very wise man!!! ;0
so glad to hear you are back on track. And appreciate your perspective as well. I think you should be able to follow the bike workouts just understanding that you will need lots of fuel and plenty of patience. Your bike fitness should be pretty much back where you were by the time Muncie comes around. Of course, you still have to race with your head ( I am talking about strategy, not actually using your head which we honestly need to protect to the utmost).
In terms of the run I agree. I like the idea of a split long run as Thursday Sunday. That doesn't mean your Sunday would have no right however, I would suggest that you ride 60 to 90 minutes before that run once you are back on track.
Oh, and I mentioned the nutrition stuff right? When your body is behind from the fitness perspective you simply cannot slack off on the calories. You have been warned!
Good luck!
~ Coach P
Ps - I think if you really wanted to be safe you would do the run with your bike helmet on. Just saying.
I have been tracking nutrition on the bike/run and used GOFAR by infinite for almost the entire ride Saturday only giving in to the lure of pringles and a couple strawberries late in the was hot and I made it past 3 sag stops before cracking!
I'll keep tabs on my am HR, body niggles and be super awesome on nutrition and recovery. Next up Muncie! Going into the race with no expectations other than a very competitive training day. I will train hard the next couple weeks and make my race plan closer to the race. And cross all my body parts on race morning.
I had some stomach distress issues last week...I won't go into details, but lets just say it limited me a bit on a few swims, and a couple bikes. I had hoped to ride friday/sat 5 hour in 3:50/5:20. Decent climbing. Stupid hot and humid. Bagged both of the shorty bricks. Overall, plan is doable.
Camp is next week. Should I try and run longer this Sunday vs the 1:30? The scheduled long run is 2 hours.
I am planning on a climbing 5 hour ride friday/short brick , saturday possible swim, 4-5 hours bike, short brick , Sunday ez spin then long run for the weekend.
The run is coming around me need to be cautious not to overload you on the run especially with camp week approaching. I want back to back good rides there!
Most importantly, we have to figure out a way to keep you cool. I would plan on arm coolers for race day as well as anything else you think this can help you keep the temperatures down. If you recall, I always have an extra water bottle with me on my frame for Kona just like important myself if I get hot. That might be a nice thing for you to consider just keep you safe.
The more steady your core body temperature the better your overall race will be.
Should I just follow the schedule for IM INT from here on out regarding runs, or do you have other ideas for me?
I think that run is beast mode for you. You can't ask for much more that that on race day. Now note your "happy" HR from that run for your mental arsenal for the race.
I think if the speedwork is ok, then you are good to follow the INT plan right in.... Let me know if you think otherwise!
~ Coach P
I'm torn about the plan running. I still plan to do long friday rides after swimming, riding saturday, and I kind of like the spinning then running long on Sunday. Gah! What do you think will have me best prepared for the rigors of the day???
And can I just say you are magical? There were 10 of us in our MI group and herding cats is HARD! OMG! SO HARD! And I wasn't even the ringleader lol!
As for your performance, that's some solid running with those bike miles in your legs. I am very, very pleased with that. I don't think you have much to worry the past, we did split long runs on Thurs and then Sunday after your want to go back to something like that?
Oh, and I still haven't received my racesaver bag. I think I had my old address in paypal till recently. Crap! You may have received it back by now. Any way you can follow up on that for me? Crappity crap!
Please tell me you have a good hydration and cooling plan.
Ps - bags resent to you was the old address, sorry about that!
So I will walk every mile(usually 30" or less), and take a little longer walk on the even miles from the beginning to keep it steady as long as I can into the run. I have a heart rate range I want to stay in, and I will walk to hit that range.
I have been running with a camelbak and taking gu's every three miles, salt at 4,8,12. Water in the camelbak. I will be racing last years one piece speed suit, and have not used armcoolers with it, but I do have them. I also will be bringing a cooling towel with me for my neck that I've used a couple times, plus have my racesaver bag, so I think I'm as good as I can be prepared for the heat. No please order last years weather and we will be all good!!!
Kudos to you on your dedication and patience!
~ Coach P
In an effort to stay married and keep my sponsor happy, I will have 3 trips out of the frozen tundra that is Michigan during the January OS. Looking for a little guidance on how to make the most of the missed days.
Jan. 20-24 Friday- bike. Can run and possibly swim. Naples FL to sponge off my sister.
January 31-February8-9. Tuesday post bike- Driving to Clearwater for a few days, then Clermont for a couple days, then home. Very probable bringing a bike to offset booze and Superbowl challenges with hubbies boozy friends and family. Can run, no idea if water is warm enough to swim this time of year. Wetsuit will be with me.
March 1-7 or 8? Weds-Weds Temecula CA. Visisting hubbies drinking relatives in sunny Cali. Have PT1 pedals and may rent/mooch bike and bring them along.
So, what to do, when? I am trying to get sh*t straight in my head and in Training Peaks so I don't let myself off the hook when things get weird! Thanks for your always awesome schedule juju skills!
Challenge accepted!!!
Here's what I see:
So my modifications for you are as follows:
Week 2 is done as planned thru Wed...then Sat bike on Thursday. Friday travel. Saturday short run of 30 to 45' @ TRP, Sunday long run as planned.
Week 4 is tough...I say you do long bike on Tuesday before you depart (so its in the bank)...then any riding when down there can be short and sweet hard work / FTP stuff within an hour and done. Frequent short runs, but I'd have you run long on Say Tuesday / Sunday (pre-bowl to prepare for Calorie Madness.
Week 8 to CA isn't bad... Here I suggest that you modify your week so that we test before you go. This is kind to give you a nice"mid OutSeason® break".So why get the bike test done first, then a rest day and then run test before you are free to travel. Bring the pedals with you for fun, but I'll be okay with you renting a mountain bike and just getting some fun time exploring versus having you race around on a road bike.
Worst-case scenario you just stay consistent with some short frequent runs and we have you come back you got the old zones to target over your final OutSeason® push.
Let me know what you think!
~ Patrick