Welcome Myrna! So nice to have another Chica on board! Here is your official invitation to join us in the Womans forum anytime! Check out the "What it Takes" thread and just jump on into the conversation.
whereabouts in Norcal are you located? Bunch of us all around the Bay area. I live in the East Bay (Danville) with 7 or 8 other EN members fairly close. I know there are a couple of South Bay folks too.
Hi everyone my name is Rich Pross and I am from a small town called Audubon, Iowa. I have been doing Tri's and road races since 2003. All I have ever done for Tri's is sprints and olymics. Road races have been 5k to half marathons.
This will be my first year doing a Half Ironman and it will be in Branson, Missouri in September. I can't wait!! I will also be doing the HyVee Olympic Triathlon in June. That is Tri is a Blast!
I'm really looking forward to being part of the EN Team and for all the Great Support. Thanks in Advance!
Welcome! I'm relatively new too (Oct '09), but already feeling "at home" here. I spent a few years in Iowa for undergrad (Pella) and Grad school (Iowa City), as well as a summer working at a camp in Okoboji, but now I'm in Madison WI. Back in the day I used to race in the Iowa Games triathon. My first tri ever was in Okoboji back in 1992!
Are you originally from Audubon? I'm thinking I know someone from undergrad who was from there, but can't recall who that is at the moment.
Fitting I should follow up Rich as I am also in Iowa, I'm also in what I would consider a small town, although I don't think it counts as small by Iowa standards. My name is Trevor Garson and I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa as of the last 2.5 years, but am born and raised in Indialantic Fl.
I started my journey from a sedentary Computer Engineering student to athlete in 2007 when I ran my first race ever, the WDW half marathon. After a healthy reality check, I've slowly picked up my fitness until I did my first Tri last year starting with sprints and working my way up through Olympics, a Half-Iron and recently my first marathon (WDW Marathon).
For this season, my early season motivator is Ironman 70.3 Kansas in June but without a doubt my A race is Ironman Wisconsin, my first Iron, and I consider several years in the making. I'll also be working in some local Iowa races in the middle to keep things interesting.
I'm hoping to have a great season this year and I hope EN will go a long ways to making that a reality. Looking forward to not only training hard, but hopefully much smarter than I had in the past without guidance. But I'm also looking forward to having fun, if anyone is thinking about doing RAGBRAI this year I hope to see you out there.
Originally I'm from Atlantic which is 30 miles south of Audubon, but I know alot of people around here 'Cause my wife teaches here in Audubon.
This EN sure seems to have it all together from what I've been reading in here. I'm currently finishing my 3rd week of the OS plan. So far lots of fun!!
Oooh that's a tough one. I really want to do Hyvee, I did last year as my first Olympic and really liked it. It really is a very well put together race. However, it is one week after Ironman 70.3 Kansas. I'm not sure if would be the best idea for me to race again, but perhaps I could do it just for fun. That or maybe one of the coaches or more experienced people around here could tell me how good/bad of an idea doing an olympic 1 week after a Half is.
I usually try to make my way to most of the Heart of America series races around in Iowa and a few of the Flatland series, so I'm sure we'll bump into eachother eventually if not at Hyvee.
Atlantic, let's see, I used to date a guy who lived in atlantic for a little while, Tim Larsen, still coaches bball somewhere in the area. Also knew two sisters in college (late 1980's, early 1990's) from Atlantic, Tiffin & Jade Huebner. Didn't know them very well, just had some mutual friends.
Trevor - Welcome! So you must have been around during the crazy floods in CR a couple of years back, right? We have friends who lived in IC along the river, and their house ended up being a total loss. Very sad. I was amazed by the pics of UI campus and of cedar rapids. Crazy.
Hey everyone! So great to finally be a part of EN! I'm Mike from Vancouver, WA (no, this isn't where the Winter Olympics are--dang it!).
This might make coach Patrick and coach Rich cringe, but... I have only done two triathlons in my life; both last year. My first was a sprint distance, the second was an olympic... So guess what my 3rd triathlon will be? Yes, a Half-Ironman in Oceanside March 27. Then, just to keep things rolling along, my 4th triathlon will be Ironman Coeur d'Alene in June! What a progression!
I should also point out that the sport of triathlons has been a huge motivator for me to embark on a healthier lifestyle and I have lost over 130 pounds in the past 2 years! So these accomplishments will be huge!
Looking forward to the journey and then accomplishing these amazing goals!
Wow Mike! Welcome :-) and 130 lbs is awesome. You really are on a roll with those races. Last weekend I saw /listened to a news show about your town and how crazy it has been with the Vancouver, BC Olympics getting confused with your town. LOL.
Welcome new Iowa crew!
Watch out Trevor. We have a HUGE EN Chicka contingency converging on IMMooo. And as you will read around here eventually, Coach Rich will be wearing a pink speedo and afro wig in support of the ladies!!! Hope to meet you at training camp.
My name is Myrna, i just joined few days ago. My goal is IM Louisville, this will be my second triathlon and my 2nd Ironman. The biggest challenge for me is training on my own far away in a hot humid and windy country called Bahrain. I look forward to being part of the EN family and to your support. All the best in your training! Myrna
Hi Myrna - Bahrain now must be a breeze, I went there with my folks in 1973!! Remember we had to buy fresh water every week from a depot - went to an ex-RAF (Royal Air force) school called St.Christophers - I was 6 or 7 though! One hot & humid place! Fond memories though.
Hi! Wow... apparently I've been sleeping the last few months. Well, that and still finding my way around the house! I joined EN in December and through Jan OS, injured athletes, and the women's thread I've "met" so many fabulous folks here already I feel at home! But, I wanted to officially introduce myself to the house in the appropriate forum and say hello to folks whose paths I haven't crossed yet.
First off, I was born and grew up in Ohio and been in the DC area since September 2000. Hmm... now for the fun stuff, my story in a nutshell: My first 10 miler was the Army 10 miler in the fall of 2006, in March, 2007, I did my first half mary with a few folks training for Rock 'n' Roll San Diego. I kept running with them and when we were logging 18 miles I decided to run the marathon with them. I did it (May or June 07) loved it, and ran 4 more (Marine Corps, Country Music, Chicago, Miami) in the next 19 months - knocking off 29 minutes from my time (but still 31 from a BQ).
I'd always wanted to do a tri and figured I'd do one of those before doing a marathon (heck, a marathon was never on my "list")... in the summer of 2008 I checked that off the list... because of a boy. That spring I dated a guy who wanted to do one in Iowa with his friends. He ended up not being able to make it to Iowa in June and signed up for Northeast, (in MD in Aug) instead. I asked him if I could do it, too (not wanting to steal his thunder) and there you have it. We broke up, but trained together anyway... that was an interesting summer. .. but I digress... To warm up for our first OLY we signed up for a local sprint - about a month before NE. That went off without a hitch, well, not exactly. Despite being a decent swimmer (swim team as a kid) I had a panic attack in the water... but I managed to finish the swim in what seemed like a year and get the race done. I'm happy to say I didn't have any problems at Northeast the next month.
Like I did with marathons, I loved tris and went all in. I scheduled a pretty good first full season for myself last summer - starting off with the hills of Columbia in May, Eagleman (my first HIM) in June, Culpepper sprint in early August, back to Northeast to gauge my improvement later in August, and Nations in September... rounding out the season with the Nike Women's marathon in October. All was going well, I was improving (5:50 at the HIM) and having fun... until my 2 flat tires at Northeast. Bummer... then, a few weeks later at a group training ride I hit a storm drain I didn't see, went flying off my bike landing on my shoulder and face. I didn't break anything (my bike or my face), but I sprained my ACJ. I scratched Nations and my marathon... not being able to swing my arm makes running tough. That accident is what lit a fire in my belly to sign up for my first IM (it was not not on my list, but it had never been a goal either)... so I bought the EN outseason and IM plans at the recommendation of a friend (Suzanne Kinsky) and got a plane ticket to Panama City to volunteer and sign up for IMFL!
I was finally able to get back into the groove of jogging by late October... and started the OS plan on my own in mid November when I got back sufficiently fired up from IMFL 2009. I officially joined the team in December and here I am. Since then I started OS over in the January group (which rocks)... and then started over again after an unexpected trip to the ER turned into a week in the hospital. Quite an ordeal... my cat bit me (long story) and not only did my hand get infected, but the flexor tendon that works my middle finger was shredded and I needed surgery to clean and irrigate the wound and repair the tendon... Nearly 4 months later I still don't have normal use of the hand, but I can ride the drainer like a demon, I can run again (started that up the first week of February, when my hand stopped throbbing) and a few weeks ago I got into the pool for the first time since August... and I'm happy to report I can swim 2000 (in sets of 500) without my hand wearing out.
So, my schedule for this season is scaled down quite a bit from last year - with only a few key races to focus on. I recently scratched a half mary due to some aches and pains (probably ramping up too fast)... and I scratched my first tri, Columbia, in May because the deadline to withdraw came up and I can't be sure I'll have my hand by then (it's a technical course, so I'll need it). So, I'm going to do the Eagleman HIM tango once more in June. I'm "shopping" for something fun in July, possibly the Colonial in Fredericksburg. August will be Timberman HIM before I step it up for IMFL race prep!
I'm excited. I'm enjoying the house and the team... and really looking forward to learning more and seeing what this baby (my body) can do!
Still reading? LoL It's nice to meet you all! Thanks for your advice and support!
Hello everyone. Glenn Cook from Decatur GA. In my third year of doing triathlons with GCT next weekend and IMCdA and IM Timberman coming up. I just aged up to 55-59 group. I completed my first IM last year with IMAZ (13:10) and looking forward to improving myself if not my times. I am a Captain with Delta Air Lines flying international routes out of Atlanta (have to work really hard on staying on a training schedule) and have a small (very small) solo law practice (in fact it is so small, I am looking for a change of direction with it). I look forward to EN input and meeting many of you.
Welcome, Glenn. Look forward to seeing you in CDA in *EIGHT* weeks. If you haven't already done so, select "Groups" under "Community "above, and join the IM CDA group; check out the forum group within "Training and Racing Groups". In there, you'll find a link to the official spreadsheet, if you haven't already signed up there (different than joining the group.)
New member here, just got in off the waiting list! Wahoo. Living in SoCal for about a yaer now out form New Hampshire. My season already moving along, what a difference from New Engalnd, did an off road tri in April and have a couple of Oly's coming up. Also doing a bike race back in NH, Crank the Kanc! 1st big goal race of the season is out in Lubbock, TX, Buffalo Springs 70.3. Don't know what to expect never, never been inthis kinda shape at this timeof the ear before. Anyways Hi All
Welcome Bob! Sorry to hear you left the NE, the weather has been spectacular this year . Curse you for moving and actually being able to workout, outside, with the sun, oh, and race!!!! Hope you enjoy all EN has to offer, I'm a new member too and love it here. Make sure you check out the forums and ask all the questions you want, very, very nice people here looking to help out. Good luck buddy.
Hey Bob~ Being from Texas I know a bit about Lubbock. The course is tough, but depending on weather tough can turn to brutal. Think heat blast. Train for hills and heat as much as you can so it won't be a surprise! Go get 'em!
New in the haus as well....looking forward to finding my way around! Signed up for IMFL(my first). Yikes!
Welcom Lynda! We've got several EN Chicas going to Florida. Many of them first timers too. Be sure to join us in the Womans Forum to say hi and get to know folks.
welcome all around! I'm new myself (started up in December) and am absolutely overwhelmed by how helpful and supportive this group is!
@Glenn - I'll be at Timberman myself! Looking forward to meeting you - at that point it will be my 3rd HIM and I will just be starting serious IM prep mode. I'll keep an eye out for you... haven't heard of anyone else doing it, but I'm sure there will be other EN'ers out there.
@Lynda - welcome aboard! I'm doing IMFL as well - it will be my first IM! There's a thread started (check the forums) so you can "sign in" as it were... I suspect as we start training that will get much more active. Oh, and Nemo already mentioned it - there's also a wonderful women's thread going - which is how I've "met" so many folks so quickly (in addition to the OS thread), so I'd definitely recommend stopping in to say hello, the EN Chicas are such an amazing group of women!
@Bob - hello! jealous you're in SoCal... winter on the east coast (I guess I'm technically a midAtlantic'er) was a bit much for me this year... but growing up in Ohio, it was really nothing... weather is finally turning and I can get off the drainer and dreadmill!
@Nemo,@Kristen,@Becky Hi! I'm still trying to find my way around(and not skip workouts b/c I'm playing around on the computer!) I'll take a look at the others forums and introduce myself. I appreciate the warm welcome! I'm from San Antonio. You know, I was thinking about doing Longhorn, but was a little worried that it may be too close to IMFL...that's the reason I decided on Prairieman. I did Longhorn last year and really liked the venue, my result not so much as I got sick on the run and spent lots of time in the portajohn's or walking. It was really hot that day! I'm going to Florida this weekend to run in the KEYS 100(6 person relay)....gotta get used to this humidity. It's already in the 90's here with humidity to match! Seems like it's going to be a long summer! Have a great weekend!
Glad to be part of the EN. After my last marathon blow up at IM St George, I decided to get fast at IM because it looks like it's more fun than the death march at the end. Next up looks like Silverman!
Posted By Craig Livingston on 14 May 2010 10:17 AM
Hey All~
Glad to be part of the EN. After my last marathon blow up at IM St George, I decided to get fast at IM because it looks like it's more fun than the death march at the end. Next up looks like Silverman!
My name is Steve, from Baton Rouge, LA. Been doing the tri thing for a couple of years. As I have turned 40 this year looking to do my first 140.6. Going to head to FL for the Great Floridian. Finally got off the waiting list and now a member. Have been pysch'd to get started on the plan.
Started last week and wouldn't you know life just seems to get in the way. Have had a crazy week here at the office and missed my workout yesterday. Not liking that. Looking forward to getting into the routine. Been lurking around the other forums and reading everything I can get my hands on.
Already have training buds ask my I am not at the the weekly runs and bikes, that we usually do.
Hope to meet some of the EN folks at races and while traveling. I will be in College Station area next weekend. Anyone live out that way?
@ Craig - Damn! IMSG followed by Silverman full in one year? That's nuts man. Heard about IMSG and I did the half at Silverman last year. Tough courses. You live in Vegas?
whereabouts in Norcal are you located? Bunch of us all around the Bay area. I live in the East Bay (Danville) with 7 or 8 other EN members fairly close. I know there are a couple of South Bay folks too.
Hi everyone my name is Rich Pross and I am from a small town called Audubon, Iowa. I have been doing Tri's and road races since 2003. All I have ever done for Tri's is sprints and olymics. Road races have been 5k to half marathons.
This will be my first year doing a Half Ironman and it will be in Branson, Missouri in September. I can't wait!! I will also be doing the HyVee Olympic Triathlon in June. That is Tri is a Blast!
I'm really looking forward to being part of the EN Team and for all the Great Support. Thanks in Advance!
Welcome! I'm relatively new too (Oct '09), but already feeling "at home" here. I spent a few years in Iowa for undergrad (Pella) and Grad school (Iowa City), as well as a summer working at a camp in Okoboji, but now I'm in Madison WI. Back in the day I used to race in the Iowa Games triathon. My first tri ever was in Okoboji back in 1992!
Are you originally from Audubon? I'm thinking I know someone from undergrad who was from there, but can't recall who that is at the moment.
Hope you have a great season!
Fitting I should follow up Rich as I am also in Iowa, I'm also in what I would consider a small town, although I don't think it counts as small by Iowa standards. My name is Trevor Garson and I live in Cedar Rapids Iowa as of the last 2.5 years, but am born and raised in Indialantic Fl.
I started my journey from a sedentary Computer Engineering student to athlete in 2007 when I ran my first race ever, the WDW half marathon. After a healthy reality check, I've slowly picked up my fitness until I did my first Tri last year starting with sprints and working my way up through Olympics, a Half-Iron and recently my first marathon (WDW Marathon).
For this season, my early season motivator is Ironman 70.3 Kansas in June but without a doubt my A race is Ironman Wisconsin, my first Iron, and I consider several years in the making. I'll also be working in some local Iowa races in the middle to keep things interesting.
I'm hoping to have a great season this year and I hope EN will go a long ways to making that a reality. Looking forward to not only training hard, but hopefully much smarter than I had in the past without guidance. But I'm also looking forward to having fun, if anyone is thinking about doing RAGBRAI this year I hope to see you out there.
Originally I'm from Atlantic which is 30 miles south of Audubon, but I know alot of people around here 'Cause my wife teaches here in Audubon.
This EN sure seems to have it all together from what I've been reading in here. I'm currently finishing my 3rd week of the OS plan. So far lots of fun!!
Welcome aboard!!
More people in here from Iowa than I thought there would be. Trevor if you plan on doing the HyVee Tri let me know and maybe we can hook-up.
Oooh that's a tough one. I really want to do Hyvee, I did last year as my first Olympic and really liked it. It really is a very well put together race. However, it is one week after Ironman 70.3 Kansas. I'm not sure if would be the best idea for me to race again, but perhaps I could do it just for fun. That or maybe one of the coaches or more experienced people around here could tell me how good/bad of an idea doing an olympic 1 week after a Half is.
I usually try to make my way to most of the Heart of America series races around in Iowa and a few of the Flatland series, so I'm sure we'll bump into eachother eventually if not at Hyvee.
Trevor - Welcome! So you must have been around during the crazy floods in CR a couple of years back, right? We have friends who lived in IC along the river, and their house ended up being a total loss. Very sad. I was amazed by the pics of UI campus and of cedar rapids. Crazy.
This might make coach Patrick and coach Rich cringe, but... I have only done two triathlons in my life; both last year. My first was a sprint distance, the second was an olympic... So guess what my 3rd triathlon will be? Yes, a Half-Ironman in Oceanside March 27. Then, just to keep things rolling along, my 4th triathlon will be Ironman Coeur d'Alene in June! What a progression!
I should also point out that the sport of triathlons has been a huge motivator for me to embark on a healthier lifestyle and I have lost over 130 pounds in the past 2 years! So these accomplishments will be huge!
Looking forward to the journey and then accomplishing these amazing goals!
Welcome new Iowa crew!
Watch out Trevor. We have a HUGE EN Chicka contingency converging on IMMooo. And as you will read around here eventually, Coach Rich will be wearing a pink speedo and afro wig in support of the ladies!!! Hope to meet you at training camp.
Enjoy EN!
Mike - Welcome aboard fellow Pac N'wester. Impressive success on lifestyle change - sky's the limit now for your fitness.
Hi Myrna - Bahrain now must be a breeze, I went there with my folks in 1973!! Remember we had to buy fresh water every week from a depot - went to an ex-RAF (Royal Air force) school called St.Christophers - I was 6 or 7 though! One hot & humid place! Fond memories though.
Belated welcomes to the Team!
Hi! Wow... apparently I've been sleeping the last few months. Well, that and still finding my way around the house! I joined EN in December and through Jan OS, injured athletes, and the women's thread I've "met" so many fabulous folks here already I feel at home! But, I wanted to officially introduce myself to the house in the appropriate forum and say hello to folks whose paths I haven't crossed yet.
First off, I was born and grew up in Ohio and been in the DC area since September 2000. Hmm... now for the fun stuff, my story in a nutshell: My first 10 miler was the Army 10 miler in the fall of 2006, in March, 2007, I did my first half mary with a few folks training for Rock 'n' Roll San Diego. I kept running with them and when we were logging 18 miles I decided to run the marathon with them. I did it (May or June 07) loved it, and ran 4 more (Marine Corps, Country Music, Chicago, Miami) in the next 19 months - knocking off 29 minutes from my time (but still 31 from a BQ).
I'd always wanted to do a tri and figured I'd do one of those before doing a marathon (heck, a marathon was never on my "list")... in the summer of 2008 I checked that off the list... because of a boy. That spring I dated a guy who wanted to do one in Iowa with his friends. He ended up not being able to make it to Iowa in June and signed up for Northeast, (in MD in Aug) instead. I asked him if I could do it, too (not wanting to steal his thunder) and there you have it. We broke up, but trained together anyway... that was an interesting summer. .. but I digress... To warm up for our first OLY we signed up for a local sprint - about a month before NE. That went off without a hitch, well, not exactly. Despite being a decent swimmer (swim team as a kid) I had a panic attack in the water... but I managed to finish the swim in what seemed like a year and get the race done. I'm happy to say I didn't have any problems at Northeast the next month.
Like I did with marathons, I loved tris and went all in. I scheduled a pretty good first full season for myself last summer - starting off with the hills of Columbia in May, Eagleman (my first HIM) in June, Culpepper sprint in early August, back to Northeast to gauge my improvement later in August, and Nations in September... rounding out the season with the Nike Women's marathon in October. All was going well, I was improving (5:50 at the HIM) and having fun... until my 2 flat tires at Northeast. Bummer... then, a few weeks later at a group training ride I hit a storm drain I didn't see, went flying off my bike landing on my shoulder and face. I didn't break anything (my bike or my face), but I sprained my ACJ. I scratched Nations and my marathon... not being able to swing my arm makes running tough. That accident is what lit a fire in my belly to sign up for my first IM (it was not not on my list, but it had never been a goal either)... so I bought the EN outseason and IM plans at the recommendation of a friend (Suzanne Kinsky) and got a plane ticket to Panama City to volunteer and sign up for IMFL!
I was finally able to get back into the groove of jogging by late October... and started the OS plan on my own in mid November when I got back sufficiently fired up from IMFL 2009. I officially joined the team in December and here I am. Since then I started OS over in the January group (which rocks)... and then started over again after an unexpected trip to the ER turned into a week in the hospital. Quite an ordeal... my cat bit me (long story) and not only did my hand get infected, but the flexor tendon that works my middle finger was shredded and I needed surgery to clean and irrigate the wound and repair the tendon... Nearly 4 months later I still don't have normal use of the hand, but I can ride the drainer like a demon, I can run again (started that up the first week of February, when my hand stopped throbbing) and a few weeks ago I got into the pool for the first time since August... and I'm happy to report I can swim 2000 (in sets of 500) without my hand wearing out.
So, my schedule for this season is scaled down quite a bit from last year - with only a few key races to focus on. I recently scratched a half mary due to some aches and pains (probably ramping up too fast)... and I scratched my first tri, Columbia, in May because the deadline to withdraw came up and I can't be sure I'll have my hand by then (it's a technical course, so I'll need it). So, I'm going to do the Eagleman HIM tango once more in June. I'm "shopping" for something fun in July, possibly the Colonial in Fredericksburg. August will be Timberman HIM before I step it up for IMFL race prep!
I'm excited. I'm enjoying the house and the team... and really looking forward to learning more and seeing what this baby (my body) can do!
Still reading? LoL It's nice to meet you all! Thanks for your advice and support!
Welcome, Glenn. Look forward to seeing you in CDA in *EIGHT* weeks. If you haven't already done so, select "Groups" under "Community "above, and join the IM CDA group; check out the forum group within "Training and Racing Groups". In there, you'll find a link to the official spreadsheet, if you haven't already signed up there (different than joining the group.)
New member here, just got in off the waiting list! Wahoo. Living in SoCal for about a yaer now out form New Hampshire. My season already moving along, what a difference from New Engalnd, did an off road tri in April and have a couple of Oly's coming up. Also doing a bike race back in NH, Crank the Kanc! 1st big goal race of the season is out in Lubbock, TX, Buffalo Springs 70.3. Don't know what to expect never, never been inthis kinda shape at this timeof the ear before. Anyways Hi All
Bob Seaman
Welcome Bob! Sorry to hear you left the NE, the weather has been spectacular this year
. Curse you for moving and actually being able to workout, outside, with the sun, oh, and race!!!! Hope you enjoy all EN has to offer, I'm a new member too and love it here. Make sure you check out the forums and ask all the questions you want, very, very nice people here looking to help out. Good luck buddy.
Being from Texas I know a bit about Lubbock. The course is tough, but depending on weather tough can turn to brutal. Think heat blast. Train for hills and heat as much as you can so it won't be a surprise! Go get 'em!
New in the haus as well....looking forward to finding my way around! Signed up for IMFL(my first). Yikes!
welcome all around! I'm new myself (started up in December) and am absolutely overwhelmed by how helpful and supportive this group is!
@Glenn - I'll be at Timberman myself! Looking forward to meeting you - at that point it will be my 3rd HIM and I will just be starting serious IM prep mode. I'll keep an eye out for you... haven't heard of anyone else doing it, but I'm sure there will be other EN'ers out there.
@Lynda - welcome aboard! I'm doing IMFL as well - it will be my first IM! There's a thread started (check the forums) so you can "sign in" as it were... I suspect as we start training that will get much more active. Oh, and Nemo already mentioned it - there's also a wonderful women's thread going - which is how I've "met" so many folks so quickly (in addition to the OS thread), so I'd definitely recommend stopping in to say hello, the EN Chicas are such an amazing group of women!
@Bob - hello! jealous you're in SoCal... winter on the east coast (I guess I'm technically a midAtlantic'er) was a bit much for me this year... but growing up in Ohio, it was really nothing... weather is finally turning and I can get off the drainer and dreadmill!
@Nemo,@Kristen,@Becky Hi!
I'm still trying to find my way around(and not skip workouts b/c I'm playing around on the computer!) I'll take a look at the others forums and introduce myself. I appreciate the warm welcome! I'm from San Antonio. You know, I was thinking about doing Longhorn, but was a little worried that it may be too close to IMFL...that's the reason I decided on Prairieman. I did Longhorn last year and really liked the venue, my result not so much as I got sick on the run and spent lots of time in the portajohn's or walking. It was really hot that day! I'm going to Florida this weekend to run in the KEYS 100(6 person relay)....gotta get used to this humidity. It's already in the 90's here with humidity to match! Seems like it's going to be a long summer! Have a great weekend!
Glad to be part of the EN. After my last marathon blow up at IM St George, I decided to get fast at IM because it looks like it's more fun than the death march at the end. Next up looks like Silverman!
Looking forward to the training experience.
Craig Livingston
Cheers and good mojo to you!
New member here,
My name is Steve, from Baton Rouge, LA. Been doing the tri thing for a couple of years. As I have turned 40 this year looking to do my first 140.6. Going to head to FL for the Great Floridian. Finally got off the waiting list and now a member. Have been pysch'd to get started on the plan.
Started last week and wouldn't you know life just seems to get in the way. Have had a crazy week here at the office and missed my workout yesterday. Not liking that. Looking forward to getting into the routine. Been lurking around the other forums and reading everything I can get my hands on.
Already have training buds ask my I am not at the the weekly runs and bikes, that we usually do.
Hope to meet some of the EN folks at races and while traveling. I will be in College Station area next weekend. Anyone live out that way?