Rode for 3 hours today. Had fun. Gas station attendant knows me with tribike. When I rode up on road bike he just kept staring at me through the window, kind of scowling. Took off helmet, went in and bought my usual stuff. Then he smiled. Crack me up. He's a tough old guy, but has been kind to me as I stop there every weekend that I ride through that area, and I buy something, rarely using the BR. Guess most cyclists just use the BR and leave without spending some money. Actually first time I ever stopped there, they just held out the BR key to me. I was so confused. I try not to use gas station BR, if you know what I mean.
So yesterday was an "almost got killed by a car" ride. 3 miles from home, end of ride, coming to a very short but bad road section. Looked back, signaled moving left, took center lane and just as I am through the area, squealing of brakes behind me. I just closed my eyes and held my breath. Either driver wasn't paying attention (possible) or didn't see me until last minute (probable- elderly man). Pulled up next to me and he AND his wife yelling at me and driving/pushing me off the road. But they got stuck at the light. So I rolled up next to them and said, loudly though the now closed window, that I had signaled and I had a right to ride in the road if the road conditions on the shoulder were not safe. The response? Gave me the finger! To which I replied, "Very constructive conversation. You should read up on the rules of the road as related to bicycles".
But as I said to Max- doesn't matter if I was right if I am dead. Gotta continue to be aware.
Geez, Michelle, I'm so glad you weren't hurt! That's just scary. There have been way too many crashes and accidents in the Haus!
Becky, good RR! You're going to be so ready for Florida!
Gina, that Ab Ripper is HARD. I have a love/hate relationship with all the P90 DVDs.
Kit, that mountain biking sounds like fun!
Had a 12 mile run with my sister this morning, and talking with her made thet time fly by. Then, my parents are in town, and we all went to the much-anticipated Cowboys-Texans game. Sadly, my beloved Texans sucked big time today. We all had a great time at the game, though.
@Becky, sounds like a successful confidence booster race rehearsal is in the books!!!
@Beth, sounds like you are have girly girl fun!! Shelby and I are putting together a 5K fundraiser for our Habitat 500 ride. Take the train to Minneapolis and we'll come fetchya. :>) We are doing it in conjunction with a Chili Challenge event so we are calling it, "It's Chili....let's run!" Hopefully it will be chilly outside so the shirts make sense. A friend of mine has a daughter who is pretty artistic. She is making our design of a bowl of chili running .
@Kitima, I was laughing when I saw the statement about how quickly you reacquire the skill of looking ahead. I wondered if there was a little incident that reminded you.
@ Gina, be prepared to have very sore abs tomorrow. I can't do them all. I just have to quit and restart at about 5 points during the video...We are gonna have rock hard abs!!! I hate it......but I love it.....
@Michelle, VERYYYY scary stuff!!! What the heck is wrong with people???? Mean people suck!!!
Michele- that's sooooo scary! And what is it with people who nearly kill you and then immediately want to yell and blame it on you!? But you are right- and I tell Joe the same thing too all the time- doesn't matter who is right if I'm dead.
Please stay alert and safe out there folks. I can't take another "XXXXX in an accident" email!
A while back (while I was at Moo Camp I think actually) Joe picked up an old sail boat from a friend of a friend. It needed a bunch of work and the guy was selling his house and just needed to unload it. Anyway- Joe has been working on it (including fabricating a completely new rudder - he's amazing) and it was finally ready to go in the water today. So we took the sailboat on it's maiden voyage today. What a hoot!
I'm hauling sails and raising/lowering the center board upon commands and feeling like I'm gonna get tossed off the boat! Of course we picked a somewhat gusty day to do this (not smart) with storms on the horizon (really not smart). Anyway, just as we almost have the boat under some control, POP- off goes the trolling motor! Now a motor isn't generally super important for a sailboat, except that to get the boat in and out of the water we put it in at the boat ramp and had to motor down the canals before reaching the sound! So we sail back to our inlet and when we reach the canals we pull out canoe paddles and basically paddle the boat back to shore.
It was quite amusing- but Joe was really bummed about the motor. He's hoping to find it with the help of our neighbor (and his fish finder) tomorrow.
OK- so anyway, the best part of the story was what happen before we even got into the water. We drove the boat over to the boat ramp and I jumped out of the car to help guide Joe backing the boat into the water. When I get out I look up at the boat and for the first time see what he has decided to name her. Just so sweet- ya gotta love this guy!
Whirlwind trip to VT to see Ryan and his GF. Wonderful visit. First of all, I could just eat Gus up! An 11-wk/old Golden is ridiculous, they’re so cute! He was picture perfect all day—getting stuck in the long grass and bunny hopping through it. Cali got him to go in the water for the first time—nothing like peer pressure. Then he was constantly sitting so pretty trying to wheedle a treat. Too much! He and Cali romped like old friends until they dropped! Pix below.
Every time I go up there, I am amazed at how hard my son works and what he’s trying to do. He’s the Director of the Work Program at Spring Lake Ranch—a therapeutic work community for adults with mental illness and addiction. The Ranch is the step between institution and group home. These people are fragile—esp. when they first arrive. You see some of the residents with that 1,000-yard-stare as they walk by, tanked up on meds.
The setting is idyllic. He’s on 600 acres of pristine VT countryside with a huge spring fed lake. Part of his responsibilities—and why he wanted the job—is managing the farm and livestock. He wanted hands-on work for a few years to support his long-term goal of working in food safety/sustainability. So in addition to dealing with the resident work crews, he is slowly turning the pasture land into a sustainable model—ala Polyfield Farm in Omnivore’s Dilemma. It’s fascinating how he rotates the livestock through the pastures. When the cows and sheep move to new pasture, in come the chickens in to clean it all up. The chickens, with their insect/grub eating and scratching at the earth (and in the poop), together with the sun, sanitize the land allowing good, clean forage to grow. Back go the sheep and cows, the cycle goes on, and the land thrives. His pastures are starting to look beautiful.
I just worry about how much he works, and toll on him. The romance of living on the land is tempered by the relentless, backbreaking labor, and endless hours with virtually no time off. A lot of that he put upon himself b/c of his goals above. Add to that work crews of people he manages with mental illness—and all the work they do has to be integrated with their therapy and worked out with the shrinks. It’s a LOT. I tried to tell him he still wants to be going strong at 40, not a burned out shell.
I know this rambled on, but I thought it was interesting to share. Also, the animals—you just fall in love with them. Cow #26 was just a love—she would nuzzle right up, with those big brown innocent eyes. The sheep were my favorite—so friendly and gentle. They did this little stomping thing at Gus and Cali, which was just funny. Anyway, great weekend. I miss seeing my boy.
Michele - so scary! It seems that no matter how careful YOU are anymore there's someone out there who's not. I once got hit by a woman and I told her she needed to look both ways. She said she didn't need driving lessons... I said "clearly you do!"
Linda and Nemo - I LOVE your stories! What a great "read" as I'm winding down my weekend!
@Michele--it is getting worse around here every year. As the population ages, and people think it's OK to hate cyclists even more I really worry. Glad you're OK.
@Nemo--Joe is just the sweetest. Warms the heart to see that! Sorry about the motor, tho.
Nemo, He is lovable. He seemed to me to have such a gentle spirit. Enjoyed meeting him!
Linda, great story!!! What a wonderful, fulfilling job! You should be proud!
Another near miss. Coming home from the store just now on my Breezer bike I was coming to an intersection and saw this elderly gentleman approaching in his truck. It seemed very likely that he would not stop. Sure enough, he did a roll through without even looking left. If I hadn't been watching I would have been nailed. Again....what is wrong with these people!!! He just gave me the index finger wave when he saw me like he was thanking me for not hitting him or something.
Husbands new favorite line. I say, "Hey...wanna go swimming with me in the morning?" Husband (no longer does races) "'s outseason. I don't have to swim in outseason..."
Been busy this past week! My presentation went well Thursday
Michele C- so glad you are safe! Scary stuff!!!! As far as DNP, want to buy a house first ( already have PM). The big deterent will be the GRE. Just don't want it bad enough now ( or ever) to take GRE. The person whose research I am interested in at U. of New England, mentioned it is to asses writing skills. I think seeing samples of my writing, ie Thesis, or other papers would demonstrate that better than GRE, IMO
Nemo- Love the boat! Love that Joe named her Nemo, so sweet! Hope you find the engine
Linda- Hope the soreness goes away soon! Your trip to VT and meeting Gus sounds great. Your son's work is fascinating!
Gina- good luck with the inital soreness of P90X. My last workout with my trainer Shawn, was sore for 3 days! Since I can't always work with him, will be mixing it up with P90 & TRX, Hot Yoga
So I have been thinking a lot about next season, what race when to start OS etc. One of the things I wanted to do in January was do my Avalon 50 mile run (I know, against EN protocol, but it is a fun with my fitness thing and I miss my ultras!) Anyway, I pretty much decided today, no 50 miler this year in January. It is for the best. Right now, no way I can run( Back to pool running this week). My tendonitis is settling down, but really want to nip this, get it settled one and for all. I want to take the rest of fall, and get everything settled and worked out before I start OS. Will do Timberman as my A race, and olympics and sprints for fun. It will be a January OS for me, with a pre-OS before, mostly focusing on stretching, rolling and massage. I want to be active for a long time, so really need to oil the squaeky wheels
Have a great week everyone! On nights this week ( lately, dreaming of a normal schedule)
I had a great ride yesterday. Supported ride through city of Boston, 50 miles. Actually ran into Amiee out there too. For the most part very well put together, over 6,000 riders all together. They had pros race later in the day, cool to see that, but I could not imagine riding in a big group that close going that fast.
Go up early this AM (well 6, but early since I stopped training full time) did my pushups and got out Leigh's core routine. I always feel better when I do something in the AM, but hard to drag the butt out of bed!
I'm picking up extra work, trying to bank some favor with everyone, boss, savings account etc. It's going to be busy around here in the next few weeks. Getting back to running training for now also before the Nov OS. I have Disney 1/2 Mary in Jan.
@ Tracy-congrats on the presentation. On the education front, I have been considering getting my DPT. Trying to get the job to pay for it though. Sorry to hear about the running issues, best to get it taken care of and then go after it.
@ Michele-glad to hear that you are alright. Way too many crashes out there.
@ Gina-go luck with the P90X and the soreness...
@ Nemo-so cute about the boat. Hope you find the motor.
Gotta scoot, sorry for the ladies I forgot. Gonna be late to work now!
@Carly- yah! More chickas at Disney. We'll have to all plan to meet up (since don't think I'll wear the EN singlet in Jan brrrrr)
@Nemo- Joe gets bonus SA points! Very sweet and couldn't be for a more deserving gal!
@Michele- stay safe gal! Determined our crash thing is ended already! No more owies!
@Linda- so..... P3??? You had a super busy weekend gal and Gus is too adorable for words. So inspiring to read about what your son is doing. Maybe there's still hope for mine!
@Gina- gonna get my routine/schedule down this week- will share. Quads sore today from trail run.... seems hill work has been neglected in my IM runs!
@M- envious of all the great century rides. I may have to take a weekend trip to AK!
To all other chickas- hope you had the great weather we had here. Cool in the am and warm in the afternoon. Got a short ride in yesterday and BOY were my quads sore. Not a pretty ride but followed by a incredible breakfast with .... real bacon!!! Biggest part of getting me moving again... food! Tasting way too good again!
@Nemo - what a crazy day... but how wonderful about the boat!
@Linda - your son is amazing, you definitely did something right! And that puppy... those pictures... my heart just melted. Someday I'll have a dog!
@Michele - grr... mean people just stink. Glad you're okay! Grr...
@Tracy - congrats on the presentation! Good luck with the half-full, glad you're doing a relay!
@Sheryl - ha ha ha ha... that's great. Swimming is one thing Dan and I do together regularly... not sure how he'd take that. But I suspect I will go swim with him on Sundays when this is all said and done... but darn will it be nice to just go and do whatever and be done in less than an hour!
My rest day was great... still exhausted. Rainy this morning so I stayed in bed for an extra hour. Will run tonight and see if I make up the swim or not... Thanks for the input wrt my RR. Very good advice re: hydration (Michele), meds (Tracy), and pacing (Nemo).
@Carly & Kris- jealous of you guys doing the Goofy Challenge. Those medals are great! But I'll be happy if I can safely do just 13.1 miles in November without injury.
@Tracy- I can't tell you how happy that decision NOT to do the 50 in Jan makes me. The absolute best thing you can do for your revenge tour in 2012 is to get yourself super healthy in 2011. I know it's a hard decision- but it's the right one!
@Linda- you've got the coolest kids! I'd love to visit your sons "farm" some day. But yeah- farming life is really hard work- I hope he is pacing himself.
@Sheryl- your hubby's response is too funny! The only way I get Joe to "swim" with me is to swim in the ocean while he surfs.
I am rip sh*#! Let me start by saying that I begin conversations about teacher issues with high schoolers with a less than open mind, at first siding with the teachers. Teenagers are always trying to work the flim flam. But today...
Casey's English teacher is long-known to be baaaad. I told him to keep his nose clean, and just be MYOB. Today it seems she moved his seat for talking. More power to her. Seems he was sitting in class with an upset countenance after being moved--totally annoying, but he was being quiet. She didn't like "his look," so she called him out of class. Fine.
In the hallway, however, she says to Casey that he has "anger issues," and that he is "probably having some problems at home, AND he can't bring those family problems into the classroom!!!!"WTF? How dare she make those assumptions? How dare she conjecture about our relationship with Casey--about which she knows absolutely nothing? What kind of teacher foists this on a student in the middle of class? Where the hell does that come from?
I have had kids at the HS since 1999. Never, but never have had anything even remotely like this--you can't repay most of the teachers. But this? You gotta know an email like you cannot believe--tempered but hot as hell--went to her and others. I want to go in tomorrow and deal with this.
Rant over.
Oh yeah, and the kid with "anger issues" just came from taking his Best Buddy for ice cream, before he goes tonight to volunteer at the chorus for mentally-challenged adults. Oh, swim practice in the middle too. Yeah, a real troubled kid.
Linda - Ridiculous! And, um, how did a teacher suddenly become psychiatrist? Yeah. Go get her!
Nemo - Joe = awesome.
Michelle - Ride safely!
Everyone else -- I'm reading and love you all!
Me - Work = insane. The fellows are announced at midnight, so this has been a crazy week! But I love it and am inspired by all our newly-minted "geniuses".
I also made the master to-do list. I like to have "wife night" once a week and do all sorts of life org/house/bike cleaning stuff. Um, Ironman got a little in the way of wife night. I think this week has to be wife week!
I did take home this amazing photography from a silent auction last weekend for about a quarter of what it would cost to frame it. Bargain hunter and art collector are happy.
Ok Linda- reading this, I can picture you storming in only to have the teacher go... ahhhh so the anger issues run in the family :-) You have my sympathies on this one. I am enormously relieved to say I am sooo happy not to have to deal with teachers anymore (no offense to teachers, my mom is one). We just had numerous issues with daughter on a particular teacher who somehow thought it was up to her singlehandedly to "save" my daughter. From what... we never really knew.
Of course the Marianne approach may work better... cookies, lemonade and sit down and ask her if she's having a bad week.....sounds like the teacher may be having some issues....
Kris- ya took the words right out of my mouth! Gotta say, when I read stuff like that, I feel so relieved that we don't have kids. I'd be afraid of what Joe or I would do in the heat of the moment with stuff like that.
HA! Thanks for the clue in on not seeming like the angry mamma! So funny and so true that it could come off that way. I love to run all kinds of stuff by you smart, unbelievable women. I think the marianne lovely, southern velvet hammer approach could certainly be the way to go! The email was fine. I was serious, but not totally off the wall--after I re-wrote it a second time that is.
Quick little update for those not on FB. It seems I have to say goodbye to Fiona. When I first got her a little over a year ago, I noticed what looked like a seam in the seat post clamp (which is molded into the frame). Seemed a little odd but since she was new I assumed it was supposed to be that way. Fast forward to IMWI and I'm at Machinery Row to get the headset tightened up when the Mechanic gives me a horrific look and says- uh, do you know there's a crack in your frame? I was like "I thought that's supposed to be there" and he shows me that in addition to the crack I thought was a seam (which it wasn't) there is also another small crack forming next to it. He says he saw a bike the day before in the same situation and Felt told them it would have to be replaced through warranty. The Machinery Row guys want to drill a hole in the seat post and put in a pin to be sure my seat doesn't drop during the ride- but I wouldn't let them do it. I'd ridden Fiona for months without ever having the seat drop even a smidge- I wasn't worried about it dropping in 112 more miles and somehow what they proposed sounded just too scary.
Soooooo- They fixed the headset and gave me the bike with instructions to call Felt when I got home. I swore Joe to secrecy on the whole thing- I just didn't want to be worried about it and I also didn't want anyone else to be worried. Anyway- after several calls with Felt and the closest LBS that carries Felts (2 hours away), I got the word today that Felt has processed the warranty and the new frame will be here in a little over a month. Good news- I get a brand new 2011 frame- bad news- I've gotta say goodbye to my beloved Fiona and start fussing with getting my fit right all over again. Hopefully the replacement will be a match made in heaven :-)
You know we would have all been on your case about the frame. Man, that is no course to fool around on. An accident on one of those downhills--I don't even want to think about it. This falls into the "all's well that ends well" category! Nice news that the new bike is coming your way. Would I have ridden the frame? You know it. Would have been the best idea? Um, no. Glad you didn't have to do the curbside bawl too.
Nemo, so glad that you rode Fiona without incident! But glad that Felt is honoring the warranty! Linda, so sorry that you had to deal with a stupid comment from a teacher. Some people do say insanely stupid things...Hope you get all straightened out with her! Michele, glad you didn't have further problems with those insane drivers! What idiots! Sorry I haven't commented on everyone. Haven't been on here too much in the past few days. Hope everyone is well! I'm trying to keep the piehole shut until after the Chicago Marathon, but it is tough! This cooler weather increases my appetite like crazy! Still hoping some of you will consider signing up for IMFL 2011! I'll be sitting on the computer the day after FL, waiting to get in, online! Beaches, sun, surf, end of season hurrah...just sayin'!!!
@ Tracy - Congrats for getting your presentation done! Graduate school is hard. I was finishing mine one week before our oldest daughter graduated from high school. I was writing my final big paper and putting together a graduation party. The upside was that I volunteered for the lay off at our company and was done about 4 weeks before all of this so it was easier than it would be for you working and my degree was probably way easier than your field. Good luck with that decision and process!.
@Barbara...I have to admit it (Kathy already knows my dark secret). I'm terrified of sharks. Unbelievably, irrationally afraid of sharks. Over the top terrified of sharks which is why I probably could never do Florida. Maybe I can work on that, but I have for years and the only thing that I'm probably more afraid of than sharks is flying. I do fly on occasion but no more than I absolutely have to and if possible, I down a few drinks before I get on.
Dang...forgot about the call.....was sauteing spinach with garlic and wondering if I saute it in a cast iron skillet, does the iron stay in the spinach???
Nemo: Just utterly precious that Joe named that boat after you! You picked a good man.
Linda: Ryan's job and life---Wow! I can see why he's so dedicated to it. I do here ya about burning's hard to see it when you're so young. I thought I would work until someone pried my arthritic 100 year old hands from the OR table---had no idea about real disappointment and heartache. Wouldn't wish it on anyone! I hope Ryan all the fulfillment and joy that he deserves. And Casey's teacher: Puh-leez! When did classroom discipline bleed into arm chair family psychology? Good for you for nipping that behaviour in the bud.
Michele: So so glad to hear you are safe! There are alot of unsafe, distracted, careless drivers out there. I don't know else to prevent our road cycling demise besides wearing neon yellow/hi vis clothes (better Fred than dead!) and lighting myself up with blinking red lights.
Tracy: Rest up that foot of yours---there are bigger fish to fry!
Beth: I saw that photo (from FB). Love it! What is up with how $$$$ framing is?
Nemo: Cracked carbon frame already?! What is up with that?! I'm glad you're getting a replacement. Makes me REALLY not want a carbon mtb or 'cross frame now. I've always been suspicious of its durability.
I've had a really lovely weekend. Rode mtb everyday Fri through Mon! Also went to watch a 'cross race and am now inspired to race in 2 weeks. Kev and I practiced dismounts/remounts today---no gyn disasters. Hahaha! We also did steep uphill "sprints"---I have zero anaerobic capacity! A 'cross compact on the front and a 12-27 cassette---I was still having to unclip halfway up and run up. Kev was pushing 900+ watts to get up these hills. My 'cross bike brakes really SUCK---compared to my hydraulic disc brakes on my mtb. I can grab a handful of both front and back brakes and still be rolling pretty fast---I've been told that's TRADITION, that's the way 'cross brakes are supposed to be. Whatever. So I rode today pretty much without real brakes. After 15 minutes all fears of crashing disappeared. I don't need no stinkin' brakes! It was alot of fun trying to chase down Kev on dirt. It's been a long time since I've ridden dirt on a fully rigid bike. Add $hit for brakes and it was a really a barrel of fun flying around corners and bombing descents.
Wow! Busy 24 hours. No way I can get it all, but I'll try...
Linda- Gorgeous puppy pics. Hard work, but yeah, easy burn out. Crazy teachers, my sister is sort of like that teacher of Casey's- 'nuff said.
Sheryl- Sharks ain't evil and again, with 2500+ of your closest firnds around, they would high tail it away. I scuba dive and see smaller sharks regularly. The few larger ones I have seen just cruise on by. That said, on occasion that knowledge doesn't stop me from "seeing" or "imagining" a large shark getting me as I swim in the land locked lake near home.
Nemo- That is just absolutely adorable. Sorry about Fiona. Did Joe find the motor?
Sheesh! Linda that sucks about the teacher. Wonder what she does with the REALLY troubled kids?
So glad you had no girly issues with the CX mounts and dismounts, Kitima! I am in awe of any of you that try that stuff. I am looking forward to going to watch some CX racing this weekend, love to ride my CX bike on dirt during my commutes, but can't imagine racing!
Tracy, you made the right decision on the foot. I'm relieved, but I know how badly you wanted to do that run. Just think about the joy of pain free racing later next will all be worth it.
The updated profile pic is AWESOME, Becky! Rock star!
Kris - I somehow missed that you were signed up for Canada. Cool! That's a heck of a trip from Kentucky! But hopefully it will be a good relief from the heat and humidity. Are you underway with your Disney Challenge training?
Love the art Beth. Good find!
Sheryl - hilarious convo between you and your DH about the swimming!
OK - gotta head toward bed. I'm kind of absent from here of late because I'm really trying to get some traction at work where previous attempts have failed. So trying to keep the ol' nose to the grindstone...for a couple of days anyway. :0 Need to get a haircut this week though and staring to realize that I'm vacillating between short hair and long hair, stupid stuff really, which is needlessly taking up my head space. One more day to figure that one out. It is still ridiculously hot here! Not like fall in the least, which makes me even more peeved about the darkness in the AM interfering with my pre-OS attempts at a run routine (I have so not been perfect on that one). Boo! We made yummy pesto tonight with the last of our basil for the year. Now we both have garlic breath. Ain't marriage great!? Started filling in my chalkboard it the basement with my 2011 is no longer a total blank slate which is relieving.
Oh, and I think I found that one of the keys to happiness is finding a race to sign up for and on which you can say and really mean "I just want to finish." Ever thought about how liberating that phrase is?? After so many seasons of time goals and related concern and worry I'd forgotten how awesome that is and how much possibility lies in that very phrase.
With that random and out of nowhere musing I bid you all good night. zzz
Did P90 AB Ripper today for first time-
HAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO where to go but up!!
@Gina- Did I not say???!!!
Rode for 3 hours today. Had fun. Gas station attendant knows me with tribike. When I rode up on road bike he just kept staring at me through the window, kind of scowling. Took off helmet, went in and bought my usual stuff. Then he smiled. Crack me up. He's a tough old guy, but has been kind to me as I stop there every weekend that I ride through that area, and I buy something, rarely using the BR. Guess most cyclists just use the BR and leave without spending some money. Actually first time I ever stopped there, they just held out the BR key to me. I was so confused. I try not to use gas station BR, if you know what I mean.
So yesterday was an "almost got killed by a car" ride. 3 miles from home, end of ride, coming to a very short but bad road section. Looked back, signaled moving left, took center lane and just as I am through the area, squealing of brakes behind me. I just closed my eyes and held my breath. Either driver wasn't paying attention (possible) or didn't see me until last minute (probable- elderly man). Pulled up next to me and he AND his wife yelling at me and driving/pushing me off the road. But they got stuck at the light. So I rolled up next to them and said, loudly though the now closed window, that I had signaled and I had a right to ride in the road if the road conditions on the shoulder were not safe. The response? Gave me the finger! To which I replied, "Very constructive conversation. You should read up on the rules of the road as related to bicycles".
But as I said to Max- doesn't matter if I was right if I am dead. Gotta continue to be aware.
Becky, good RR! You're going to be so ready for Florida!
Gina, that Ab Ripper is HARD. I have a love/hate relationship with all the P90 DVDs.
Kit, that mountain biking sounds like fun!
Had a 12 mile run with my sister this morning, and talking with her made thet time fly by. Then, my parents are in town, and we all went to the much-anticipated Cowboys-Texans game. Sadly, my beloved Texans sucked big time today. We all had a great time at the game, though.
Have a great rest of the day, Ladies!
@Beth, sounds like you are have girly girl fun!! Shelby and I are putting together a 5K fundraiser for our Habitat 500 ride. Take the train to Minneapolis and we'll come fetchya. :>) We are doing it in conjunction with a Chili Challenge event so we are calling it, "It's Chili....let's run!" Hopefully it will be chilly outside so the shirts make sense. A friend of mine has a daughter who is pretty artistic. She is making our design of a bowl of chili running .
@Kitima, I was laughing when I saw the statement about how quickly you reacquire the skill of looking ahead. I wondered if there was a little incident that reminded you.
@ Gina, be prepared to have very sore abs tomorrow. I can't do them all. I just have to quit and restart at about 5 points during the video...We are gonna have rock hard abs!!! I hate it......but I love it.....
@Michelle, VERYYYY scary stuff!!! What the heck is wrong with people???? Mean people suck!!!
Michele- that's sooooo scary! And what is it with people who nearly kill you and then immediately want to yell and blame it on you!? But you are right- and I tell Joe the same thing too all the time- doesn't matter who is right if I'm dead.
Please stay alert and safe out there folks. I can't take another "XXXXX in an accident" email!
A while back (while I was at Moo Camp I think actually) Joe picked up an old sail boat from a friend of a friend. It needed a bunch of work and the guy was selling his house and just needed to unload it. Anyway- Joe has been working on it (including fabricating a completely new rudder - he's amazing) and it was finally ready to go in the water today. So we took the sailboat on it's maiden voyage today. What a hoot!
I'm hauling sails and raising/lowering the center board upon commands and feeling like I'm gonna get tossed off the boat! Of course we picked a somewhat gusty day to do this (not smart) with storms on the horizon (really not smart). Anyway, just as we almost have the boat under some control, POP- off goes the trolling motor!
Now a motor isn't generally super important for a sailboat, except that to get the boat in and out of the water we put it in at the boat ramp and had to motor down the canals before reaching the sound! So we sail back to our inlet and when we reach the canals we pull out canoe paddles and basically paddle the boat back to shore.
It was quite amusing- but Joe was really bummed about the motor. He's hoping to find it with the help of our neighbor (and his fish finder) tomorrow.
OK- so anyway, the best part of the story was what happen before we even got into the water. We drove the boat over to the boat ramp and I jumped out of the car to help guide Joe backing the boat into the water. When I get out I look up at the boat and for the first time see what he has decided to name her. Just so sweet- ya gotta love this guy!
Hi All!
Whirlwind trip to VT to see Ryan and his GF. Wonderful visit. First of all, I could just eat Gus up! An 11-wk/old Golden is ridiculous, they’re so cute! He was picture perfect all day—getting stuck in the long grass and bunny hopping through it. Cali got him to go in the water for the first time—nothing like peer pressure.
Then he was constantly sitting so pretty trying to wheedle a treat. Too much! He and Cali romped like old friends until they dropped! Pix below.
Every time I go up there, I am amazed at how hard my son works and what he’s trying to do. He’s the Director of the Work Program at Spring Lake Ranch—a therapeutic work community for adults with mental illness and addiction. The Ranch is the step between institution and group home. These people are fragile—esp. when they first arrive. You see some of the residents with that 1,000-yard-stare as they walk by, tanked up on meds.
The setting is idyllic. He’s on 600 acres of pristine VT countryside with a huge spring fed lake. Part of his responsibilities—and why he wanted the job—is managing the farm and livestock. He wanted hands-on work for a few years to support his long-term goal of working in food safety/sustainability. So in addition to dealing with the resident work crews, he is slowly turning the pasture land into a sustainable model—ala Polyfield Farm in Omnivore’s Dilemma. It’s fascinating how he rotates the livestock through the pastures. When the cows and sheep move to new pasture, in come the chickens in to clean it all up. The chickens, with their insect/grub eating and scratching at the earth (and in the poop), together with the sun, sanitize the land allowing good, clean forage to grow. Back go the sheep and cows, the cycle goes on, and the land thrives. His pastures are starting to look beautiful.
I just worry about how much he works, and toll on him. The romance of living on the land is tempered by the relentless, backbreaking labor, and endless hours with virtually no time off. A lot of that he put upon himself b/c of his goals above. Add to that work crews of people he manages with mental illness—and all the work they do has to be integrated with their therapy and worked out with the shrinks. It’s a LOT. I tried to tell him he still wants to be going strong at 40, not a burned out shell.
I know this rambled on, but I thought it was interesting to share. Also, the animals—you just fall in love with them. Cow #26 was just a love—she would nuzzle right up, with those big brown innocent eyes. The sheep were my favorite—so friendly and gentle. They did this little stomping thing at Gus and Cali, which was just funny. Anyway, great weekend. I miss seeing my boy.
Linda and Nemo - I LOVE your stories! What a great "read" as I'm winding down my weekend!
@Michele--it is getting worse around here every year. As the population ages, and people think it's OK to hate cyclists even more I really worry. Glad you're OK.
@Nemo--Joe is just the sweetest. Warms the heart to see that! Sorry about the motor, tho.
Linda, great story!!! What a wonderful, fulfilling job! You should be proud!
Another near miss. Coming home from the store just now on my Breezer bike I was coming to an intersection and saw this elderly gentleman approaching in his truck. It seemed very likely that he would not stop. Sure enough, he did a roll through without even looking left. If I hadn't been watching I would have been nailed. Again....what is wrong with these people!!! He just gave me the index finger wave when he saw me like he was thanking me for not hitting him or something.
Hi Everyone-
Been busy this past week! My presentation went well Thursday
Michele C- so glad you are safe! Scary stuff!!!! As far as DNP, want to buy a house first ( already have PM). The big deterent will be the GRE. Just don't want it bad enough now ( or ever) to take GRE. The person whose research I am interested in at U. of New England, mentioned it is to asses writing skills. I think seeing samples of my writing, ie Thesis, or other papers would demonstrate that better than GRE, IMO
Nemo- Love the boat! Love that Joe named her Nemo, so sweet! Hope you find the engine
Linda- Hope the soreness goes away soon! Your trip to VT and meeting Gus sounds great. Your son's work is fascinating!
Gina- good luck with the inital soreness of P90X. My last workout with my trainer Shawn, was sore for 3 days! Since I can't always work with him, will be mixing it up with P90 & TRX, Hot Yoga
So I have been thinking a lot about next season, what race when to start OS etc. One of the things I wanted to do in January was do my Avalon 50 mile run (I know, against EN protocol, but it is a fun with my fitness thing and I miss my ultras!) Anyway, I pretty much decided today, no 50 miler this year in January
. It is for the best. Right now, no way I can run( Back to pool running this week
). My tendonitis is settling down, but really want to nip this, get it settled one and for all. I want to take the rest of fall, and get everything settled and worked out before I start OS. Will do Timberman as my A race, and olympics and sprints for fun. It will be a January OS for me, with a pre-OS before, mostly focusing on stretching, rolling and massage. I want to be active for a long time, so really need to oil the squaeky wheels
Have a great week everyone! On nights this week ( lately, dreaming of a normal schedule)
I had a great ride yesterday. Supported ride through city of Boston, 50 miles. Actually ran into Amiee out there too. For the most part very well put together, over 6,000 riders all together. They had pros race later in the day, cool to see that, but I could not imagine riding in a big group that close going that fast.
Go up early this AM (well 6, but early since I stopped training full time) did my pushups and got out Leigh's core routine. I always feel better when I do something in the AM, but hard to drag the butt out of bed!
I'm picking up extra work, trying to bank some favor with everyone, boss, savings account etc. It's going to be busy around here in the next few weeks. Getting back to running training for now also before the Nov OS. I have Disney 1/2 Mary in Jan.
@ Tracy-congrats on the presentation. On the education front, I have been considering getting my DPT. Trying to get the job to pay for it though. Sorry to hear about the running issues, best to get it taken care of and then go after it.
@ Michele-glad to hear that you are alright. Way too many crashes out there.
@ Gina-go luck with the P90X and the soreness...
@ Nemo-so cute about the boat. Hope you find the motor.
Gotta scoot, sorry for the ladies I forgot. Gonna be late to work now!
@Nemo- Joe gets bonus SA points! Very sweet and couldn't be for a more deserving gal!
@Michele- stay safe gal! Determined our crash thing is ended already! No more owies!
@Linda- so..... P3??? You had a super busy weekend gal and Gus is too adorable for words. So inspiring to read about what your son is doing. Maybe there's still hope for mine!
@Gina- gonna get my routine/schedule down this week- will share. Quads sore today from trail run.... seems hill work has been neglected in my IM runs!
@M- envious of all the great century rides. I may have to take a weekend trip to AK!
To all other chickas- hope you had the great weather we had here. Cool in the am and warm in the afternoon. Got a short ride in yesterday and BOY were my quads sore. Not a pretty ride but followed by a incredible breakfast with .... real bacon!!! Biggest part of getting me moving again... food! Tasting way too good again!
@Sheryl- YES! Def on the BC and as long as daughter is over 18, she can too!
@Nemo - what a crazy day... but how wonderful about the boat!
@Linda - your son is amazing, you definitely did something right!
And that puppy... those pictures... my heart just melted. Someday I'll have a dog!
@Michele - grr... mean people just stink. Glad you're okay! Grr...
@Tracy - congrats on the presentation! Good luck with the half-full, glad you're doing a relay!
@Sheryl - ha ha ha ha... that's great. Swimming is one thing Dan and I do together regularly... not sure how he'd take that. But I suspect I will go swim with him on Sundays when this is all said and done... but darn will it be nice to just go and do whatever and be done in less than an hour!
My rest day was great... still exhausted. Rainy this morning so I stayed in bed for an extra hour. Will run tonight and see if I make up the swim or not... Thanks for the input wrt my RR. Very good advice re: hydration (Michele), meds (Tracy), and pacing (Nemo).
@Tracy- I can't tell you how happy that decision NOT to do the 50 in Jan makes me. The absolute best thing you can do for your revenge tour in 2012 is to get yourself super healthy in 2011. I know it's a hard decision- but it's the right one!
@Linda- you've got the coolest kids! I'd love to visit your sons "farm" some day. But yeah- farming life is really hard work- I hope he is pacing himself.
@Sheryl- your hubby's response is too funny! The only way I get Joe to "swim" with me is to swim in the ocean while he surfs.
I am rip sh*#! Let me start by saying that I begin conversations about teacher issues with high schoolers with a less than open mind, at first siding with the teachers. Teenagers are always trying to work the flim flam.
But today...
Casey's English teacher is long-known to be baaaad. I told him to keep his nose clean, and just be MYOB. Today it seems she moved his seat for talking. More power to her. Seems he was sitting in class with an upset countenance after being moved--totally annoying, but he was being quiet. She didn't like "his look," so she called him out of class. Fine.
In the hallway, however, she says to Casey that he has "anger issues," and that he is "probably having some problems at home, AND he can't bring those family problems into the classroom!!!!" WTF? How dare she make those assumptions? How dare she conjecture about our relationship with Casey--about which she knows absolutely nothing? What kind of teacher foists this on a student in the middle of class? Where the hell does that come from?
I have had kids at the HS since 1999. Never, but never have had anything even remotely like this--you can't repay most of the teachers. But this? You gotta know an email like you cannot believe--tempered but hot as hell--went to her and others. I want to go in tomorrow and deal with this.
Rant over.
Oh yeah, and the kid with "anger issues" just came from taking his Best Buddy for ice cream, before he goes tonight to volunteer at the chorus for mentally-challenged adults. Oh, swim practice in the middle too. Yeah, a real troubled kid.
Linda - Ridiculous! And, um, how did a teacher suddenly become psychiatrist? Yeah. Go get her!
Nemo - Joe = awesome.
Michelle - Ride safely!
Everyone else -- I'm reading and love you all!
Me - Work = insane. The fellows are announced at midnight, so this has been a crazy week! But I love it and am inspired by all our newly-minted "geniuses".
I also made the master to-do list. I like to have "wife night" once a week and do all sorts of life org/house/bike cleaning stuff. Um, Ironman got a little in the way of wife night. I think this week has to be wife week!
I did take home this amazing photography from a silent auction last weekend for about a quarter of what it would cost to frame it. Bargain hunter and art collector are happy.
Of course the Marianne approach may work better... cookies, lemonade and sit down and ask her if she's having a bad week.....sounds like the teacher may be having some issues....
HA! Thanks for the clue in on not seeming like the angry mamma! So funny and so true that it could come off that way. I love to run all kinds of stuff by you smart, unbelievable women. I think the marianne lovely, southern velvet hammer approach could certainly be the way to go! The email was fine. I was serious, but not totally off the wall--after I re-wrote it a second time that is.
Soooooo- They fixed the headset and gave me the bike with instructions to call Felt when I got home. I swore Joe to secrecy on the whole thing- I just didn't want to be worried about it and I also didn't want anyone else to be worried. Anyway- after several calls with Felt and the closest LBS that carries Felts (2 hours away), I got the word today that Felt has processed the warranty and the new frame will be here in a little over a month. Good news- I get a brand new 2011 frame- bad news- I've gotta say goodbye to my beloved Fiona and start fussing with getting my fit right all over again. Hopefully the replacement will be a match made in heaven :-)
You know we would have all been on your case about the frame. Man, that is no course to fool around on. An accident on one of those downhills--I don't even want to think about it. This falls into the "all's well that ends well" category! Nice news that the new bike is coming your way. Would I have ridden the frame? You know it. Would have been the best idea? Um, no. Glad you didn't have to do the curbside bawl too.
Linda, so sorry that you had to deal with a stupid comment from a teacher. Some people do say insanely stupid things...Hope you get all straightened out with her!
Michele, glad you didn't have further problems with those insane drivers! What idiots!
Sorry I haven't commented on everyone. Haven't been on here too much in the past few days. Hope everyone is well! I'm trying to keep the piehole shut until after the Chicago Marathon, but it is tough! This cooler weather increases my appetite like crazy!
Still hoping some of you will consider signing up for IMFL 2011! I'll be sitting on the computer the day after FL, waiting to get in, online! Beaches, sun, surf, end of season hurrah...just sayin'!!!
@Barbara...I have to admit it (Kathy already knows my dark secret). I'm terrified of sharks. Unbelievably, irrationally afraid of sharks. Over the top terrified of sharks which is why I probably could never do Florida. Maybe I can work on that, but I have for years and the only thing that I'm probably more afraid of than sharks is flying. I do fly on occasion but no more than I absolutely have to and if possible, I down a few drinks before I get on.
Dang...forgot about the call.....was sauteing spinach with garlic and wondering if I saute it in a cast iron skillet, does the iron stay in the spinach???
Linda: Ryan's job and life---Wow! I can see why he's so dedicated to it. I do here ya about burning's hard to see it when you're so young. I thought I would work until someone pried my arthritic 100 year old hands from the OR table---had no idea about real disappointment and heartache. Wouldn't wish it on anyone! I hope Ryan all the fulfillment and joy that he deserves.
And Casey's teacher: Puh-leez! When did classroom discipline bleed into arm chair family psychology? Good for you for nipping that behaviour in the bud.
Michele: So so glad to hear you are safe! There are alot of unsafe, distracted, careless drivers out there. I don't know else to prevent our road cycling demise besides wearing neon yellow/hi vis clothes (better Fred than dead!) and lighting myself up with blinking red lights.
Tracy: Rest up that foot of yours---there are bigger fish to fry!
Beth: I saw that photo (from FB). Love it! What is up with how $$$$ framing is?
Nemo: Cracked carbon frame already?! What is up with that?! I'm glad you're getting a replacement. Makes me REALLY not want a carbon mtb or 'cross frame now. I've always been suspicious of its durability.
I've had a really lovely weekend. Rode mtb everyday Fri through Mon! Also went to watch a 'cross race and am now inspired to race in 2 weeks. Kev and I practiced dismounts/remounts today---no gyn disasters. Hahaha! We also did steep uphill "sprints"---I have zero anaerobic capacity! A 'cross compact on the front and a 12-27 cassette---I was still having to unclip halfway up and run up. Kev was pushing 900+ watts to get up these hills.
My 'cross bike brakes really SUCK---compared to my hydraulic disc brakes on my mtb. I can grab a handful of both front and back brakes and still be rolling pretty fast---I've been told that's TRADITION, that's the way 'cross brakes are supposed to be. Whatever. So I rode today pretty much without real brakes. After 15 minutes all fears of crashing disappeared. I don't need no stinkin' brakes! It was alot of fun trying to chase down Kev on dirt. It's been a long time since I've ridden dirt on a fully rigid bike. Add $hit for brakes and it was a really a barrel of fun flying around corners and bombing descents.
Linda- Gorgeous puppy pics. Hard work, but yeah, easy burn out. Crazy teachers, my sister is sort of like that teacher of Casey's- 'nuff said.
Sheryl- Sharks ain't evil and again, with 2500+ of your closest firnds around, they would high tail it away. I scuba dive and see smaller sharks regularly. The few larger ones I have seen just cruise on by. That said, on occasion that knowledge doesn't stop me from "seeing" or "imagining" a large shark getting me as I swim in the land locked lake near home.
Nemo- That is just absolutely adorable. Sorry about Fiona. Did Joe find the motor?
Kitima- Sounds like loads of fun.
Beth- You need an Ironman rest break from work!
So glad you had no girly issues with the CX mounts and dismounts, Kitima! I am in awe of any of you that try that stuff. I am looking forward to going to watch some CX racing this weekend, love to ride my CX bike on dirt during my commutes, but can't imagine racing!
Tracy, you made the right decision on the foot. I'm relieved, but I know how badly you wanted to do that run. Just think about the joy of pain free racing later next will all be worth it.
The updated profile pic is AWESOME, Becky! Rock star!
Kris - I somehow missed that you were signed up for Canada. Cool! That's a heck of a trip from Kentucky! But hopefully it will be a good relief from the heat and humidity. Are you underway with your Disney Challenge training?
Love the art Beth. Good find!
Sheryl - hilarious convo between you and your DH about the swimming!
OK - gotta head toward bed. I'm kind of absent from here of late because I'm really trying to get some traction at work where previous attempts have failed. So trying to keep the ol' nose to the grindstone...for a couple of days anyway. :0 Need to get a haircut this week though and staring to realize that I'm vacillating between short hair and long hair, stupid stuff really, which is needlessly taking up my head space. One more day to figure that one out. It is still ridiculously hot here! Not like fall in the least, which makes me even more peeved about the darkness in the AM interfering with my pre-OS attempts at a run routine (I have so not been perfect on that one). Boo! We made yummy pesto tonight with the last of our basil for the year. Now we both have garlic breath. Ain't marriage great!?
Oh, and I think I found that one of the keys to happiness is finding a race to sign up for and on which you can say and really mean "I just want to finish." Ever thought about how liberating that phrase is?? After so many seasons of time goals and related concern and worry I'd forgotten how awesome that is and how much possibility lies in that very phrase.
With that random and out of nowhere musing I bid you all good night. zzz