January OS Group Pre-OS Training (or Whatever You Wanna Chat About) Thread for December
Based on last weeks thread we had a couple of us doing Pre-OS, a couple mountain biking, someone doing CX, some still recovering from a recent event, some actually recovering from something and some still on the couch. So thought this might be a fun gathering place to talk about whatever as we walk towards the OS start. A get to know, any new folks can ask questions, etc. Just one thread for the month. Sound good?
I think most of us know each other already, but howz about a quick intro from each of us and then whatever. I will start:
- John Stark
- Danville, CA (45 minutes east of San Francisco)
- 46, married with an awesome 8 year old son
- Stay-at-home-dad (wife is a mucky-muck at Kraft Foods)
- Cub Scout Cubmaster, Special Olympics volunteer/coordinator and general family admin. guy
- EN member since October of '08.
- 2x IM finisher (CdA 2x), a dozen or so HIM's and a bunch of everything else.
- Main goal this year is sub-12 hour IM finish at IMAZ in 2011
- I like long walks on the beach, the color purple and movie popcorn :-)
I did train today. I missed yesterdays scheduled bike cuz I was shelled from a trail race I did on Saturday so I rolled it over to today as I had an opportunity to go outside. Schedule called for 2 x 8's. Soaked up some of the NOS juju and and did a Could vs. Should ride and really pushed hard. Got the set done and added one more to see if I "could" do it. Almost died. Got off and ran 2 miles at Z3 pace.
Special thank to Tom Glynn for making the comment of the morning . . . ."You better not slow down or I am going to ride over you."
- Duration: 8:01
- Work: 119 kJ
- TSS: 14.6 (intensity factor 1.045) FTP + 11 watts
- Norm Power: 246
- VI: 1
- Duration: 8:00
- Work: 118 kJ
- TSS: 14.8 (intensity factor 1.054) FTP + 13 watts
- Norm Power: 248
- VI: 1.01
- Duration: 8:01
- Work: 118 kJ
- TSS: 14.6 (intensity factor 1.045) FTP + 11 watts
- Norm Power: 246
- VI: 1
- Entire workout (162 watts):
- Duration: 1:43:39
- Work: 1234 kJ
- TSS: 143.3 (intensity factor 0.911) <<< <img alt="" src="http://www.endurancenation.us/en_forums/images/smilies/other/pierce.gif" />
- Norm Power: 214
- VI: 1.08
- Distance: 25.514 mi
I love the fact that the Jan OS will be sponsored and led by Stark Industries. They'll be no shortage of enthusiasm for sure. Thanks, John.
My runs are short and devoid of intervals unless you count some strides, and my third trainer session went well yesterday.
My power palace or pain cave depending on your interpretation
yielded some decent results over the weekend. One thing I noticed was it was the first time I could settle in and just enjoy the burn while the sweat was dripping and not have the clock go backwards. It felt good to sit on a number, hold it, and not be hanging on for dear life like I was the first 2 sessions.
Dave Halligan, 41, will turn 42 during the OS. Very happily married with a son (7) and daughter (5).
EN member since inception.
2 IMs both at Lake Placid in 2008 and 2010. I also enjoy road racing, TTs, and cyclocross.
2011 is an open book. I have missed the structured training and interaction with my fellow EN folks, so this is a good start. Looking to get heathly on the run and see how high I can get my w/kg.
- David Ambrose
- Been with EN since Dec 2008
- Joining Jan OS group, but will be tweaking things a little. Experimenting a little.
- Ojai, CA (between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles)
- Age 48, Married, two daughters 12 and 10 [both participate in kids triathlons]
- In business, I am a CFO at a small regional managed care health plan.
- Lots of HIM's; 3 IMs [IMFL 2007, IMFL 2008, IMCDA 2009]
- A Race for 2011 is IM Arizona [joining Mr. Stark representing the "Old Guys Rule" squad]; Goal is to achieve close to a 10Hr IM. Gotta lose 10lbs to assist in that goal
- Before I really drop into IMAZ focus, I will be participating in a 3 event KOM century ride series in the Spring and the Tour of Calif. Alps Death Ride in July. Lots and lots of mega climbing that I hope translates into fast and comfortable flat course racing when I hop back onto my triarthlon bike in July.
- I also love trail running, perhaps a passion for it as it clears the mind.
@Johny, love how you start these.
My name is known, 39 years old for a bit more, than officially turn masters athlete, married to an awesome wife, best buddy and my training partner/adviser, 2 great kids 11 and 8, both swimmers/ triathletes.
With EN since May 2010, chasing the dream of sub 4:30 HIM.
This AM did an EN no no, went swimming for 5400m, 10x200, 8x150, 6x100, 4x75, 2x50, swim/pull/IM. Hoping coaches are not reading this, I may get in trouble. None will tell on me here, right. Just joking. I got a go, setting up the trainer for PM pre OS 2x12(5)@FTP, than off to coach this evening on the team.
My kids swam this weekend at the meet. We had some proud moments. Both of my kids were winning their heats and we walked away with some Division II times and great placing in FLY and BR. Proud dad here. It is official now, I cannot swim "other strokes" with my 11 year old son anymore. He leaves his dad in the dust. Way to go. Hey, but I can still whoop my 8 year old daughter, not for long. We have a swimming ranking system in the house and I just slid a notch. Loving it all the way.
This weekend I ran 5 on Saturday in the nice weather and rode on Sun. The run was with the dog on trails. No idea of pace.
Ride on the Computrainer on Sunday was 2 x 12; and 1 x 15 @ 85%. That felt like enough. Bagged the run b/c is was raining and cold, and that was enough of a reason for me.
@Halligan - not sponsored by Stark Industries, but Kraft Foods... mmm... mac n cheese! Too bad that's not "primal."
I'm Becky Hirselj. 36 now... will be 37 during OS. Not married (current BF of over 1 year, Dan). No kids unless you count my two monsters, I mean cats, Max and Sid.
I've been an EN member for just about a year now... I signed up last December shortly after registering for my first IM.
I've been doing tris for 3 years now (2 full seasons). So far I have 3 HIMs and 1 IM (IMFL, 2010) under my belt. I've registered for Columbia OLY, Eagleman HIM, and IMWI next year. If I can manage it, I'll finish my 2011 season running the Philly marathon.
I'm an attorney by training... a big firm civil litigator in my past life; lowly govt worker (FCC) now - which is why I have time for hobbies. If all goes well, in the next few years I'll be a gym owner and a coach/trainer. Fingers crossed. Desk jobs just aren't for me!
I did most of week 1 pre-OS... missed the Sun run opting for a spin class instead. I've also added some lifting back into my life and plan to keep that up at least once a week through OS... After taking a year of from any upper body work (my 2009 season ended early with a sprained ACJ from a bike crash and I was kept out of the game during the off season because of a severed tendon in my left hand) I discoverd I'm weak. Even for a girl I'm weak. I don't much care for that!
I will be new to power very, very soon... in fact, the quarq should be delivered today and the joule tomorrow... so I'm sure I will be looking to all of you for help. I'd say I lucked in to being with the EN Allstars this OS!
Love it! Let's get the party started
I biked on Saturday and Sunday. Two great one hour workouts with 3x8' intervals @ ;FTP on Sat and a ABP ride netting .88IF on Sunday. Up until about 2 weeks ago I really hadn't done much riding at all and as a result my FTP is much lower than it was at the end of the season. But that's OK, it will come back. OTOH, I've been having lots of fun running again! Did a Half Mary a few weeks ago and just missed my PR by a few seconds. That's a loooooong way back from pool running and I'll take it!
Finally, I give a little fair warning that my workouts might not "match up" with everyone elses. Around here, weather is usually not the factor that pushes me indoors. It's the lack of daylight. So I'm playing around the schedule to put the bike workouts on Sat/Sun and do the runs T/Th. That way I'm only stuck on the trainer once a week. I can run outside in the dark, but biking is just too scary for me. Bought a new headlamp over the weekend, so I'm all set !!
Finally- shhhhhh, don't tell Rich, but I plan on swimming Mon/Fri. Just drill work- I really do need to work on my form.
-Aging up to 40-44 bracket this year (not sure if that qualifies me for "old guy") and looking forward to it.
-Live in "warm and sunny" Denver, CO. Where is our winter????
-Married to an awesome sherpa/photog/all around supporter of my crazy obsession and mother to our 3 daughters (ages, 7, 5-1/2, 5-1/2...all racing Ironkids this year).
-This is my second season with EN and looking forward to major gains.
-2011 'A' races are Boulder 70.3 and IMAZ.
-I sold my company back in April, and took the better part of the summer off. Now I'm back at work helping a start-up as their VP Ops. and feel reinvigorated.
I'm hopefully getting to the end of the recovery road from an a back injury and I CAN'T WAIT to ride and run pain free. I'm starting this week as my week 1 of Pre-OS training. I've been swimming a lot (I know it's bad, but it doesn't hurt the back) and it's been in 1:1 private coaching sessions wholly technique focused.
I plan on hitting the bike in the cave tonight for a little 3x5' intervals (not going to be pretty)!
Looking forward to suffering with all of you!
EN: going into my third year as a dues payer, been following the precepts since 05
Tri history: Since 99, never ran a step before that. I've always been fairly successful and until about 08 was a " generalist" eg 2nd & 2 thirds @ Xterra world's champs, Won AG @ LA tri, usually (always?) podium @ local & regional races. I've trained for 20 IMs, DNS 3 & DNF 2. The last 11 I've finished include 3 fourth pl. One each 3 & 2nd, & 4 wins, 3 @ course record time.
Personal: Physician, married since 75/79 with "kids" 20/27/29
Goals: you'll notice them changing in my sig below as I recover from bike crash in Sept 10. I have on going surgeries and neurological issues to deal with still.
Nickname: (as chosen by the 09 IM CDA group) "The Oracle" you'll have to decide for yourself what THAT means, cuz I sure don't!
Hi Everyone!
50yo, tri'ing since 43...before that, all work and no play. Life is better now.
27 yo daughter w/ 3 yo grand daughter, really cool.
17 yo son and 15 yo daughter, I'm a blessed man....that's it for me. Awesome wife who does horse tri's...that's 3 day events of dressage, show jumping, cross country and roads/tracks. Amazing how similar the "run" training is for horse and me..
IM Canada in 2011 after a good year of HIM's in 2010. 4 total, including WC in Clearwater.
Looking forward to Jan with the rest of you suckers !
33 y/o, married with 2 kids (5 and 3)
I run marketing for a small medical device startup company
Been doing tris for about 4 years, did my first IM in lake placid this year, which I loved.
Last year, i blew myself up spectacularly during the OS by severely under-resting myself, in part because i was not sleeping well. I recently had surgery to fix a deviated septum in the hopes of breathing and sleeping better, so fingers crossed for this OS!
Next year is all about going short and fast, to improve my overall speed. My goal is to qualify for and race at age-group nationals in Burlington VT. Hopefully, I can qualify somewhat early in the season, so i don't have to race like crazy chasing it. Just missed at my only race in September. My plan is to basically be doing the OS all year, but adding swimming starting in April/May.
PM bike trainer, 2x12min(5min)@95%FTP, came out 263W, 266W, kept it down as I want to make sure I can do these long ones. Feeling good, ready to suffer in the cave, well for now until it starts, than I will be moaning and groaning.
All in all a productive day, running is slowly taking the back seat to cycling. Daniels was good to me.
39 (racing 40 in '11)... Yeah! New AG.
I've been doing tri's since about '03. 3 time IM finisher. Lots of other shorter stuff.
Been a member of EN for exactly 1 year now. I started the OS last year and after a (too) big '09 I just didn't have the motivation to do much this year. I'm getting excited to see what '11 brings.
I really don't have too serious of a scheduled planned yet. I put my name in the lottery for Leadville. Depending on whether or not I can get in that I would like to make a run at qualifying for Team USA in Henderson at the end of the summer. Either one would be an epic event!
I have my pain cave configured. Bought a Nused treadmill. New fans.
Since I haven't been doing much on the structured side, and after a couple OS false starts, I'm doing the pre-OS work and trying to line things up to hit the January OS with everyone.
Looking forward to the OS!
Tracy Wood 46
Baltimore, MD- work as a nurse anesthetist (CRNA) at Shock Trauma Center/University of Maryland. Have crazy hours Still trying to figure out what i want to do when I grow up
Single- getting back into dating scene
Been doing tris on and off since 1988, sprints and olympics, then moved up to long course. IMFL 2002, IMCDA 2008, multiple half IM. Ultramarathons-50k, 50 mile(avalon 50 x 4) DNF IMLP 2010- bad resp infection, couldn't hold nutrition down, didn't make bike cut off. Plan revenge for 2012
For 2011, not set plan, possible Timberman. Columbia tri ( olympic in May) Have had a cycle of injury, so don't want to plan anything major until I am completely back. Now just starting running after partial Post tib tendon tear- was in a boot for 5 weeks, so taking things real slow.
Do plan to swim 2x/week more for a social thing
Checking in!
my immediate fitness goals?? get back into a routine. my current mix and mash while fun, results in far more relaxing than actual fitness. oops!
They say misery loves company...
Looking forward to working hard in the January OS.
In as well…_all_ my stuff on blog: www.irondaughterirondad.com
Bill Russell
Martha's Vineyard
Member of EN since November, '08
55 years old
Married to a flaming hot redhead.
Two daughters, two stepdaughters, one granddaughter; I'm riding the estrogen wave!
Been doing triathlons since 1986
8xIM, pr set at last IM@Florida in '09
Currently waving the EN freak flag high at brevets throughout the Northeast.
2011 goals: complete a Super Randonneur Series, garner the R-12 award, and complete Paris-Brest-Paris.
F 29 (but aging up to the tough F30-34 in 2011)
ENer since Sept 2009
Main goal is to complete the entire OS (last season was derailed by a groin pull)
Pre-OS is doing some knee rehab so I'll be ready to go Jan 3!
Looking forward to this group, lots of positive thinking
Jennifer, I will help you complete the OS by doing Sunday runs followed by macaroons.
Jeremy Behler
Cincinnati Ohio
Joined EN this week.
34 years old, moving to the 35-39 AG next year.
Married, 3 kids (6,4, 20 months)
Lead the Finance and Strategic Planning organizations for the Home Care Biz (Swiffer, Febreze, Dawn, Cascade, Mr. Clean, etc) at Procter and Gamble. Co-worker of fellow EN member Scott Liston and wife of EN member Rick Hochstetler
Just got into triathlons last year. Was on cycling team in College. Rode Little 500 (anyone seen Breaking Away???)
Don't partularly like running, but am Type A so had to do a marathon so did the Flying Pig in Cincinnati in '08. Executed horribly and ran 3:45. Ego got the better of me and started training again this fall. Ran the Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis last month and ran a BQ 3:10.
Last year I did 4 Tris. A sprint in May (1:05), an Oly in June (2:24), Steelhead 70.3 in July (4:57), and a long Sprint (if that makes sense....1500M, 18M, 5M) in September (1:38)
2011 Plans - Rev 3 HIM in May (or maybe Triple T Ohio), IMAZ in November. Hoping EN can enable a sub 11hr IMAZ race.
Wow... if 3:45 is executing horribly you're crazy fast (3:45 is what I need to BQ and it'll be tough for me to manage, I fear)! And that is one heckuva tough marathon! It's on my list, BTW... mostly for the medal. I'm from OH (grew up in Dayton) and lived in Clifton for a year before moving to St. Louis to finish law school.
I got my power last night... need to open the boxes, see what I need to do, and get it set up (I suspect a trip to the LBS) as well as download the webinar and whatever software I need. Not to mention I need to put Jina back together. She's still missing her pedals and wearing her Zipps... which won't do for OS! So, pedals need to go on, rear cage must be reinstalled, wheelset must be changed, oh, and so does the cassette (to 11/27, I think, for those darn hills). I'm also going to change the saddle - I need a new one and Todd from TTBikeFit sent an Adamo to try. Wowie am I glad I was way ahead of the holiday shopping curve-I've already shopped, wrapped, shipped, and done cards! Getting this done while happy houring and party hopping this week/weekend will be enough of a challenge without having the other errands to tackle!
WOW! What an awesome group! I count 20 folks so far and I know there are a few more that haven't checked in yet. Very cool.
As for the comments . . . I am NOT the leader, I am more of a facilitator. Kraft Foods does not fuel me, but it does fund me indirectly.
Welcome to the world of power, Becky. The Power and Pace forum rocks for 411 and there is a lot of experienced folks here as well. Steve, EN will help you crush your daughter . . . in a caring and loving way.
And Bill, I have no idea what you are talking about with your brevet, R-12 stuff. Please clarify. And for those that don't know, Bill and I shared a house last year at IM CdA and then Bill taunted me on the run. Was a lot of fun. So there may be some inside jokes happening. "Quack quack."
Gonna be a great OS group.
20 days to OS start (I know you wanted to hear that).
Was rainy this morning so pushed the 2 x 8 bike to tomorrow (supposed to be dry) and did Wednesday run instead. After reading the post of folks back East running in 7 degrees weather, etc. I figure I could man-up and run outside in rain and 51 degrees. Nice run of 5 miles in 45'. Legs felt really good after I get them moving. But they are tired. Gonna jump into Leigh's calf stretching vid in a few minutes. Need to work on the hip flexors as well.
Starkman, you rock!
I've been riding mostly mtb since IMWI and getting my a$$ handed to me at 'cross races. If I HAVE to ride the trainer, I've been using the Sufferfest bike videos which have been alot of fun. Running has been mostly on trails----now on snowshoes and screw shoes all with a headlamp.
Nemo for road riding at night I would recommend a real bike light (for mtb, I wear one on my helmet and have one mounted on the handlebars) with a very bright blinking red light for the rear (I'll use one on the bike, one on the back of my helmet, and one on my jersey pockets). I'm talking light yourself up like a Christmas tree to be seen out there. PM me if you want some reco's on bike lights and where to get them for cheap.
Oh- and I ran with the new cap headlamp this morning on the trails. It was dawn, so I only needed the light for the first 15-20 min.
I think tomorrow I'm actually going to have to hit the trainer :-( 20+mph winds and frozen roads don't make for safe outdoor cycling. Geeeeze, and I just got through sayin the weather didn't normally force me inside. I think I jinxed myself! Grrrrrr
In the spirit of changing the negative to the positive, I hope this little story helps rewrite the dread we so often talk about when getting on the trainer. It's a long winter for many of us, and to dread trainer rides just saps energy better placed in working to get faster.
I had two tri coaches before in the years joining EN who were professional triathletes. Michael McCormack (won IMC x2) and Carole Sharpless (IMFL 2nd place finish). (EN is way better, but that's another story.) Anywho, both live in warm climates. Both separately told me that most pro triathletes ride the trainer 1x/week for intervals year round, and see those sessions as a key component in their cycling training. 80 degress and sunny? Doesn't matter if it's trainer day.
The benefits they both articulated were numerous--you can do a ton of work in a less time; one-legged drills are safer if you do that sort of thing; precise control of power and effort allowing you to repeat workouts consistently and measure improvements. Their main point was always the hard work you could do CONSISTENTLY, and the comparison of apples-to-apples over time.
Disclaimer--I love my Computrainer, but, sure, I'd rather be outside. So just like changing the words "suffering" to something more affirming, another POV about what we're actually doing on the trainer can help change the energy and empower you through these long months.
I have a friend who is doing the 1:1 thing with a pro coach.... likes to call her Pain Cave "The place with the fluffy bunnies" because to her, Pain Cave just sounds too miserable..... and not a place she wants to be.....
[[[[[[ slithering out the back door.... trying to go un-noticed....]]]]]]
I'm going on two week vacation and will only be able to run if I'm lucky ... So I may do a reset and join Jan group. I'll read the vacation Wiki and make a determination after that.