Thanks for the link!! I've actually been doing what I think is the "post IM transition plan" from someplace else in the haus, but this is good info for this week since I am done with the transition plan by now.
Hey all -- I'm a bit of a latecomer to the thread but didn't want to miss out on the action
Matt Shover -- San Antonio, TX. 33 -- will turn 34 in February. Ran a lot in the Air Force -- 10 years ago, biked a lot in high school, and swam a lot in the kiddie pool -- when I was 3. I'm pretty terrible at all 3 disciplines-- but I think swimming is the worst. Swam my first sprint tri (500m) with my head above water the whole time in just under 20 minutes. With lessons, have gotten down around 12 minutes (and have gotten my head in the water). Running, biking also need much help. Did a 4 mile fun run for Thanksgiving and got passed by a 9 year old Dora the Explorer lookalike. Not cool.
3 sprints, total up to this point -- 2 in Texas and one in Seattle. Work in IT doing mostly Linux geekery and have been neglecting fitness (excepting some weights for the 'glamour muscles') for over a decade and am around 225lbs at 6'2". I've noticed computer geeks seem to come in 2 types: those who eat in front of the keyboard on those who don't. Have recently switched to snacking paleo-style in front of the keyboard. I have an inner 5 year old who has been in a car phase for the last 28 years and have done lots of autocross, road courses, and shifter karts.
Got to EN through a series of escalating bets with a high school friend turned triathlon nemesis. He's beat me by a couple of minutes on the last 2 sprints and I decided I needed an edge -- so I signed up for EN a few days ago after much research so I can clean his clock at Escape from Alcatraz this July
Hoping to get down to 185-190 by IMAZ. Goal: finish.
@All - 6 days to OS start! Are the cave's ready? Mentally ramping yourself up? Time to start getting into The Game.
Last night I looked at the Pre-OS schedule for this week and said, "only 3 x 5's tomorrow?! WOOHOO!" But this morning I was humbled yet again and relearned that no intervals are easy.
Spent the 12' WU at a really easy spin as my 8 year old son was asking me a ton of questions about this and that while I was warming up.
Good work John! Just to let you know man, I made it out of the house today and ran. out for about 35 minutes in the snow and felt pretty good. I think I am done with this cold. I went ice climbing sunday and felt good so I decided to get out and run. I'm pretty pumped. Now that you guys have been kicking ass pre OS, I'll have my work cut out for me in January. Keep up the good work everyone. Oh, and Beth, I bought the yak traks yesterday and used them today, AWESOME! Thank you!
M 30, and aging as we speak. currently Chicago, IL, but moving to Boston sometime in the July 2011. GF x 3 yrs, but i think i better get my act together sometime soon, before she gives me the boot
Freshman year in EN - a lot of the faces in this gp have brought me up to speed in the haus. Also freshman yr in IM, finished IMooo in 2010, with the most unstructured training schedule (before joining the team). since then, it's the been the mowst unstructured sctructured training schedule you can imagine
I am signed up for one race this year so far Vineman 70.3, and I'm hoping it will be the last race in a series (which was a bet between and longtime childhood friend, which started me doing tris in 09 in the first place). I'm still undecided on IMLouisville, mostly becuase I will be starting a fellowship in Boston in August, so might not look too good taking off as soon as I start, especially that it's gonna be football season then.
Goal for this year - crush my best friend at Vineman, so i can concentrate on IM next year; up my speed running, and definitely LOSE some weight (i think that's gonna be the hardest of them all) maybe buy a tri bike too.
@ John: My Sherpa is pimping my pain cave as we speak! He's lowering flat screen to a level that doesn't crimp our necks in the aero position. We're also adding a white board so we can throw down our stats like hockey players tossing our gloves. Nothing motivates the Sherpa more than the potential for being beaten by a girl.
Note to self: deposit more SAUs as soon as I get home from work.
We'll need to do another pain cave pics thread when we're all up and running.
Dan---Where is there ice climbing in Oneonta? More importantly, why didn't I know about this when I was a resident in Cooperstown?
Hasan---Nice to have you back! An IM in KY in Aug...that's hot. Tarzan hot. I say come play with the Chicas at Timberman instead!
In order to be as cool as Bill McKinney and Noodle, I took skate skiing lessons. The US Olympic Biathlon team isn't banging down my doors yet, but the Bambi-on-Ice faceplanting has come to a halt. All running here has been on either snowshoes or screw shoes (3/8" sheet metal screws drilled into the soles of my running shoes). All riding has been fat tires on snow. I better go find my Joule and figure out how to use WKO+ again...
A prior coworker (moved to Boston last Spring) is in town. He called me up and wanted to run. We used to run a lot together, a little competition, where he was always chasing my heels. Well, yesterday we did a 10 mile loop around town. Certainly my longest run in three months. Got is done, but boy was he pushing the pace a little outside my comfort zone on the back 5 where I just drafted 2-3 ft behind his heels. Good run all-in-all, but I sense I could certainly use some good tempo duration runs other than the 40-60min run workouts consisting of short duration speed intervals sessions I have been doing over the last few months.
In response to John's comment .... "Are the caves ready" How about the JOS group posting pics of their pain caves? Let's see where everyone will be hanging out over the next several months.
@ Kitboo - all i needed was a new seed planted into my evil mind..... now I have to write those peeps in Boston to c if ui can get out of work that weekend..... very tempting..... LIKE VERY
I cracked when I read my signature. my current FTP is more like 200 now, and weight is about 190lb. I'm hoping to have made some on the run though. we'll know more next week, when i get back from my drink-fest 5 day week-end.....
Hasan is in the JOS HAUS?! Now it will for sure be a party!
One of my greatest IM memories is hanging with you, Ambrose, Penny and Coach Dick on the IMAZ run course last month cheering people on. I still laugh at that dude from Team Mexico who stopped and asked Dave for a drink of his beer and proceeded to chug the whole bottle. And then went on to finish the race! Classic, classic moment!
And you need to lose weight? You are killing me my skinny ass friend.
Rock on, brotha! Looking forward to suffering with you.
@Hasan I think Jenn just called you a girl! Jewelry my man, why earn those SAU's if you can buy them! Don't worry about being low man on FTP I have you covered on that, only time I have touched the bike in months was to put it on the trainer last week. I may have trouble cracking 150 and even then may have to puke to get there!
@John, nice job there, there are no easy FTP intervals, 5-6min ones are the most deceptive ones. Used to do 8x6min(2min) when I focused on sprint and olympic distance races, with those only, I took myself down to 60min 40k TT in 2008. It was never easy.
Today, Q1, 5x800m(400m) I-pace, came out at 5:59, 5:55, 5:56, 5:58, 5:59. It was tough, last VO2max workout was two weeks ago. I can tell that top end speed goes away quick. I am also noticing that absence of R-pace running is not making things easier for me.
I began to like R-pace work and it was helping me a lot. May have to bring it back in.
@ Stark - Let's just say I really pack my weight pretty well. Despite the fact I'm the thinnest I've EVER been, i'm still a decent 190 lbs, and it's gotta go down. I mean, if I really intend on breaking 520 HIM, or 1200 IM, i don't think I can do it with this weight.... as far as that afternoon, I still remember it. YOU WERE/ARE a RIOT!!!!! and that guy from ironmex was hilarious.... not sure what state he was in at that point.... actually I left that evening to bank on SAUs (been doing a good job at that) Stark, get ready to suffer, especiallky when I drop you when you ride with us in Cali this summer.... @ Jenn - I could almost swear that when i pop that question megan's gonna think she's dreaming (which is why I'm even considering doing it in her sleep, and dressing up as an alien; she'll wake up the following morning, and have this vague recount of an UNBELIEVABLE dream.....)
Hi all, another late-comer to this thread. Here's my info:
-- Gig Harbor, WA -- 39 years old -- New EN member as of last week -- New to triathlons, was in top shape during 17-year hockey career, then spent the last 20 years sitting on my ass in front of a computer, ready to get back in shape -- Married 20 years this Saturday, no kids, just a fat cat -- Management consultant and author -- Goal: Finish the IMCDA
Resetting my OS to start on 1/3/11 with the rest of the JOS group. Looking forward to training together.
Hi all, another late-comer to this thread. Here's my info:
-- Gig Harbor, WA -- 39 years old -- New EN member as of last week -- New to triathlons, was in top shape during 17-year hockey career, then spent the last 20 years sitting on my ass in front of a computer, ready to get back in shape -- Married 20 years this Saturday, no kids, just a fat cat -- Management consultant and author -- Goal: Finish the IMCDA
Resetting my OS to start on 1/3/11 with the rest of the JOS group. Looking forward to training together
Allen! YAY! I feel so not-alone now!
1 - Fellow PNW'er! 2 - Fellow zero kids (three) fat cat owner! 3 - Fellow hockey player! Still play? I do once or twice a week in the GSHL. Don't tell R'n'P. 4 - Fellow ex-not-so-fit-er. (Have lost 80 LBS...)
Good idea about pain cave pics. For me its a work in progress for next month or 2 as I'll be going thru some condo renovations this winter - but it will force me to create a nice new pain cave in basement. Will show pics once done....
First run test Thurs or Friday ....1st week of JOS = Key West Fl --- ha 70 degrees - yes - out of the snow for a week....
(which is why I'm even considering doing it in her sleep, and dressing up as an alien; she'll wake up the following morning, and have this vague recount of an UNBELIEVABLE dream.....)
That is probably one of the funniest things I've heard in a while. Love it!
In other news, I had the harsh realization today that motivating yourself to get on the bike after work sucks! Morning rides from here on out!
Virginia - Thanks for the support; let's hope she thinks it's that funny good luck with the morning rides!!!! I envy all of you peeps who can do that; I have to wake up yesterday to make it to work in decent time....
sent the garmin in today, should get a replacement within a week. anybody got any opinions on testing monday the run, and wednesday the bike? would that be ok? glad to be back on board....
@ Allen E ... Hey, where in Gig Harbor?! I live just down the hill (north) of the Goodman/Harbor Heights schools about a mile from the Uptown complex (Jamba Juice is my lifeline now as I'm trying to GAIN weight).
If you're not a member of South Sound Triathletes, we ride every Saturday morning (except Christmas!) at 9 AM down out of Dupont into Ft. Lewis. Closed roads on the base, riding with other triathletes, not roadies.
@Jenn: Cool, I wondered if there would be any other hockey players. I played my final years in the BCJHL and USHL. Once the scholarship didn't happen I decided it was time to hang up the skates and start a new chapter. I tried a few men's leagues but it wasn't the same with no checking, my favorite part of the game. Plus, what I enjoyed the most was the intensity and striving for a goal. Without that, hockey wasn't fun anymore. So now in looking for a new sport and a big goal, the Ironman seemed like a great fit. Congrats on the 80 lbs. That's a great accomplishment. I'm 6'2" and 208 lbs so I probably only have about 20 lbs to shed but mostly I just feel like a slug sitting around all day. I'm looking forward to being in shape again.
@Al: I'm just a few minutes away, off Hallstrom Dr north east of the harbor. We moved here last January and love it. Much better than the traffic on the east side. Thanks for letting me know about the South Sound Triathletes. It sounds like a good group to ride with. My bike is on order and should arrive sometime in January so for now I'm stuck with the stationary at the YMCA.
I could almost swear that when i pop that question megan's gonna think she's dreaming (which is why I'm even considering doing it in her sleep, and dressing up as an alien; she'll wake up the following morning, and have this vague recount of an UNBELIEVABLE dream.....)
HA! Now that's all too familiar. Joe and I dated for 8 years before he popped the question. It got really old every holiday having to fend off friends and family who wanted to know if I thought this would be "the day". So I made him promise that if aliens ever invaded his body and forced him to ask me to marry him, that he would never do it on a holiday, birthday, or anniversary of any type. That way I could always easily answer the question "no- he'll never ask me on a holiday". When he did pop the question I actually thought he was joking!
Anyway, many years later, and I'm with Jenn & Allen= happily married, no kids, just spoiled cats (2)
One of the first things I said after I woke up and was told my nine lower front teeth were missing (among other things), "Wow, I always wanted to be a hockey player!" I think it was the drugs talking, though.
Tomorrow I take the first step to getting them replaced - 3-4 hours of bone grafting surgery. I wonder what I'll say when I come out of THAT anesthesia?
@ pain cave pics thread: will there be a contest for worst cave? My cave is my garage with no TV or motivational stuff, just a boom box and garage stuff............I really need to upgrade and do something about that.
Thanks for the link!! I've actually been doing what I think is the "post IM transition plan" from someplace else in the haus, but this is good info for this week since I am done with the transition plan by now.
hm- that last post was supposed to be @ Tom...
Matt Shover -- San Antonio, TX. 33 -- will turn 34 in February. Ran a lot in the Air Force -- 10 years ago, biked a lot in high school, and swam a lot in the kiddie pool -- when I was 3. I'm pretty terrible at all 3 disciplines-- but I think swimming is the worst. Swam my first sprint tri (500m) with my head above water the whole time in just under 20 minutes. With lessons, have gotten down around 12 minutes (and have gotten my head in the water). Running, biking also need much help. Did a 4 mile fun run for Thanksgiving and got passed by a 9 year old Dora the Explorer lookalike. Not cool.
3 sprints, total up to this point -- 2 in Texas and one in Seattle. Work in IT doing mostly Linux geekery and have been neglecting fitness (excepting some weights for the 'glamour muscles') for over a decade and am around 225lbs at 6'2". I've noticed computer geeks seem to come in 2 types: those who eat in front of the keyboard on those who don't. Have recently switched to snacking paleo-style in front of the keyboard. I have an inner 5 year old who has been in a car phase for the last 28 years and have done lots of autocross, road courses, and shifter karts.
Got to EN through a series of escalating bets with a high school friend turned triathlon nemesis. He's beat me by a couple of minutes on the last 2 sprints and I decided I needed an edge -- so I signed up for EN a few days ago after much research so I can clean his clock at Escape from Alcatraz this July
Hoping to get down to 185-190 by IMAZ. Goal: finish.
@Matt - Welcome to the Team and JOS!
@All - 6 days to OS start! Are the cave's ready? Mentally ramping yourself up? Time to start getting into The Game.
Last night I looked at the Pre-OS schedule for this week and said, "only 3 x 5's tomorrow?! WOOHOO!" But this morning I was humbled yet again and relearned that no intervals are easy.
Spent the 12' WU at a really easy spin as my 8 year old son was asking me a ton of questions about this and that while I was warming up.
#1 @1.009 IF
#2 @1.009 IF
#3 @ 1.009 IF
Overall 40 minutes at .837.
Good work John! Just to let you know man, I made it out of the house today and ran. out for about 35 minutes in the snow and felt pretty good. I think I am done with this cold. I went ice climbing sunday and felt good so I decided to get out and run. I'm pretty pumped. Now that you guys have been kicking ass pre OS, I'll have my work cut out for me in January. Keep up the good work everyone. Oh, and Beth, I bought the yak traks yesterday and used them today, AWESOME! Thank you!
always late to crash a party:
Hasan Baydoun
M 30, and aging as we speak. currently Chicago, IL, but moving to Boston sometime in the July 2011. GF x 3 yrs, but i think i better get my act together sometime soon, before she gives me the boot
Freshman year in EN - a lot of the faces in this gp have brought me up to speed in the haus. Also freshman yr in IM, finished IMooo in 2010, with the most unstructured training schedule (before joining the team). since then, it's the been the mowst unstructured sctructured training schedule you can imagine
I am signed up for one race this year so far Vineman 70.3, and I'm hoping it will be the last race in a series (which was a bet between and longtime childhood friend, which started me doing tris in 09 in the first place). I'm still undecided on IMLouisville, mostly becuase I will be starting a fellowship in Boston in August, so might not look too good taking off as soon as I start, especially that it's gonna be football season then.
Goal for this year - crush my best friend at Vineman, so i can concentrate on IM next year; up my speed running, and definitely LOSE some weight (i think that's gonna be the hardest of them all) maybe buy a tri bike too.
looking forward to the OS
@ John: My Sherpa is pimping my pain cave as we speak! He's lowering flat screen to a level that doesn't crimp our necks in the aero position. We're also adding a white board so we can throw down our stats like hockey players tossing our gloves. Nothing motivates the Sherpa more than the potential for being beaten by a girl.
Note to self: deposit more SAUs as soon as I get home from work.
We'll need to do another pain cave pics thread when we're all up and running.
@ ;Hasan. One word: Tiffany.
Dan---Where is there ice climbing in Oneonta? More importantly, why didn't I know about this when I was a resident in Cooperstown?
Hasan---Nice to have you back! An IM in KY in Aug...that's hot. Tarzan hot. I say come play with the Chicas at Timberman instead!
In order to be as cool as Bill McKinney and Noodle, I took skate skiing lessons. The US Olympic Biathlon team isn't banging down my doors yet, but the Bambi-on-Ice faceplanting has come to a halt. All running here has been on either snowshoes or screw shoes (3/8" sheet metal screws drilled into the soles of my running shoes). All riding has been fat tires on snow. I better go find my Joule and figure out how to use WKO+ again...
In response to John's comment .... "Are the caves ready" How about the JOS group posting pics of their pain caves? Let's see where everyone will be hanging out over the next several months.
Great idea David. I'll start a new thread in the JOS folder just for those pics!
@Jenn - what does that mean?
@ Kitboo - all i needed was a new seed planted into my evil mind..... now I have to write those peeps in Boston to c if ui can get out of work that weekend..... very tempting..... LIKE VERY
I cracked when I read my signature. my current FTP is more like 200 now, and weight is about 190lb. I'm hoping to have made some on the run though. we'll know more next week, when i get back from my drink-fest 5 day week-end.....
Hasan is in the JOS HAUS?! Now it will for sure be a party!
One of my greatest IM memories is hanging with you, Ambrose, Penny and Coach Dick on the IMAZ run course last month cheering people on. I still laugh at that dude from Team Mexico who stopped and asked Dave for a drink of his beer and proceeded to chug the whole bottle.
And then went on to finish the race! Classic, classic moment!
And you need to lose weight? You are killing me my skinny ass friend.
Rock on, brotha! Looking forward to suffering with you.
@ ;Hasan: In regard to your girlfriend of three years and you needing to make a move...
1 - Go here:
2 - Bring your credit card.
3 - Thank me later.
@Dan, good to hear you are outside and running.
@John, nice job there, there are no easy FTP intervals, 5-6min ones are the most deceptive ones. Used to do 8x6min(2min) when I focused on sprint and olympic distance races, with those only, I took myself down to 60min 40k TT in 2008. It was never easy.
Today, Q1, 5x800m(400m) I-pace, came out at 5:59, 5:55, 5:56, 5:58, 5:59. It was tough, last VO2max workout was two weeks ago. I can tell that top end speed goes away quick. I am also noticing that absence of R-pace running is not making things easier for me.
I began to like R-pace work and it was helping me a lot. May have to bring it back in.
as far as that afternoon, I still remember it. YOU WERE/ARE a RIOT!!!!! and that guy from ironmex was hilarious.... not sure what state he was in at that point.... actually I left that evening to bank on SAUs (been doing a good job at that)
Stark, get ready to suffer, especiallky when I drop you when you ride with us in Cali this summer....
@ Jenn - I could almost swear that when i pop that question megan's gonna think she's dreaming (which is why I'm even considering doing it in her sleep, and dressing up as an alien; she'll wake up the following morning, and have this vague recount of an UNBELIEVABLE dream.....)
-- Gig Harbor, WA
-- 39 years old
-- New EN member as of last week
-- New to triathlons, was in top shape during 17-year hockey career, then spent the last 20 years sitting on my ass in front of a computer, ready to get back in shape
-- Married 20 years this Saturday, no kids, just a fat cat
-- Management consultant and author
-- Goal: Finish the IMCDA
Resetting my OS to start on 1/3/11 with the rest of the JOS group. Looking forward to training together.
Allen! YAY! I feel so not-alone now!
1 - Fellow PNW'er!
2 - Fellow zero kids (three) fat cat owner!
3 - Fellow hockey player! Still play? I do once or twice a week in the GSHL. Don't tell R'n'P.
4 - Fellow ex-not-so-fit-er. (Have lost 80 LBS...)
First run test Thurs or Friday ....1st week of JOS = Key West Fl --- ha 70 degrees - yes - out of the snow for a week....
That is probably one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.
Love it!
In other news, I had the harsh realization today that motivating yourself to get on the bike after work sucks! Morning rides from here on out!
good luck with the morning rides!!!! I envy all of you peeps who can do that; I have to wake up yesterday to make it to work in decent time....
sent the garmin in today, should get a replacement within a week. anybody got any opinions on testing monday the run, and wednesday the bike? would that be ok?
glad to be back on board....
@ Allen E ... Hey, where in Gig Harbor?! I live just down the hill (north) of the Goodman/Harbor Heights schools about a mile from the Uptown complex (Jamba Juice is my lifeline now as I'm trying to GAIN weight).
If you're not a member of South Sound Triathletes, we ride every Saturday morning (except Christmas!) at 9 AM down out of Dupont into Ft. Lewis. Closed roads on the base, riding with other triathletes, not roadies.
Welcome aboard.
@Al: I'm just a few minutes away, off Hallstrom Dr north east of the harbor. We moved here last January and love it. Much better than the traffic on the east side. Thanks for letting me know about the South Sound Triathletes. It sounds like a good group to ride with. My bike is on order and should arrive sometime in January so for now I'm stuck with the stationary at the YMCA.
HA! Now that's all too familiar. Joe and I dated for 8 years before he popped the question. It got really old every holiday having to fend off friends and family who wanted to know if I thought this would be "the day". So I made him promise that if aliens ever invaded his body and forced him to ask me to marry him, that he would never do it on a holiday, birthday, or anniversary of any type. That way I could always easily answer the question "no- he'll never ask me on a holiday". When he did pop the question I actually thought he was joking!
Anyway, many years later, and I'm with Jenn & Allen= happily married, no kids, just spoiled cats (2)
PS- digging the Hockey love around here :-)
One of the first things I said after I woke up and was told my nine lower front teeth were missing (among other things), "Wow, I always wanted to be a hockey player!" I think it was the drugs talking, though.
Tomorrow I take the first step to getting them replaced - 3-4 hours of bone grafting surgery. I wonder what I'll say when I come out of THAT anesthesia?
AL- Good Luck with the surgery tomorrow! Last night my patient said in PACU- "That's good stuff!" So I hope you get some " good stuff" tomorrow
I had pretty much the same conversation with my wife a few weeks ago when I told her I wanted to train for the IMCDA:
@ Jenn, welcome to the team and Jan OS haus of pain! We are happy to have you!
@ pain cave pics thread: will there be a contest for worst cave? My cave is my garage with no TV or motivational stuff, just a boom box and garage stuff............I really need to upgrade and do something about that.