45 yrs old, CPA, married 21 yrs and have a 9 yr old son
Been doing tris for about 9 yrs (2 IM, 8+HIM). Try to get in at least 1 HIM per year but shooting for Eagleman and B2B HIM so we will see. Ride a Scott Plasma Ltd with Quarq PM.
Been with EN now about 3-4 mos and the EN philosphy works great for me. ROI is huge given my schedule. My son plays 2 sports at a time and I am ususally coaching one of them. Currently playing hockey and basketball. Almost always can find an hour to get in the workout.
Goals for OS are to finish the workouts first!!! Get faster !!!
Little nervous about how the body will handle the workload given I average about 5 or less hrs of sleep per night from Jan - April due to tax season but don't get much more than that anyway!!! We will see how the aging body responds.
Looking forward to starting the OS but a little worried because the transition workouts are killing me!!!
@Joe- I wouldn't sweat anything that is going on right now, workout wise. It's all muscular adaptation right now. Long program ahead.
Congrats to our new WSMs! You can't swing a dead cat in the Jan OS without hitting a WSM.
I'm a wicked slacking member. This morning trudged through the snow to the barn, turned on XM, Fight For Your Right To Party came on, so I had to saddle up. Did 45 mins w intervals. Not pretty.
Xmas shopping now for my nephew. Anybody know if they still make the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip?
.You can't swing a dead cat in the Jan OS without hitting a WSM. ...
I expect to FEEL like a dead cat after the first 10 days of January, what with bone grafting to my jaw and the first real bike workouts since mid Sept.
So I've had a good week of workouts in preparation for the Jan OS (this was my week 1 of pre-OS work). I've done 3 bike, 2 swim, and 1 run and I'm starting to feel pretty good. Leg's are shelled, but mentally I'm feeling good, I'm noticing a difference. My only issue is my apatite...it's off the charts as if I'm in race prep. I'M CONSTANTLY HUNGRY, and eating!!!!
I guess it takes the body a while to adjust!
On a side note, congrats to all the new WSM's. If nothing else, the Jan OS group will be the smartest. Psyched to train with the experts.
yes, congrats to the WSMs! awesome... with so many in JOS I'm sure to learn something even if I try to resist it!
Bike went to the LBS for the power install! Loaded training peaks last night and am downloading the power webinar (even with my new puter and fast internet it might take all day... wowsa, must be a huge file). Slightly nervous bc the LBS admitted not having done many - but every shop I called said essentially the same thing... hopefully bc the quarq is already installed ont he crankset that part will be easy... but I think all the computer programming could be a pain. fingers crossed!
working from home for a second day... gonna hit the gym at lunch (soon) since yesterday was a wash with the various service apts I had scheduled. I really hope to be at an acceptable off season weight by the time OS officially starts... this past week has been all over the map with parties, happy hours, etc... and this weekend won't be any better and next wed I travel... at least the first few days in portland I should be relatively safe staying with the athletic brother... but I still suspect cookies and treats around and I have zero will power. I think I might have to carry listerine in my pocket or take stock in gum (not really a gum chewer) so the tastes will clash...
Yesterday AM 5mi E-pace, PM 4500m swim. Today AM bike trainer 4x6min(2min)@95%ftp, now travel, than PM run in Carlsbad with my wife 5mi E-pace. Cinqo is on it's way to Quarq for calibration, hoping to have it back upon return. Vacation time, Legoland than some swimming with my two swimmers........Fun time in Socal.
I've pulled out all my warm weather biking stuff and am bound and determined to ride this weekend. Should be in the low 30's tomorrow. I wasn't expecting to deal with these colder temps until Feb!
I know what you mean, Nemo... it's crazy here and I really really wanted to run outside... as you said yesterday - without the 30mph winds, 30 degrees is very tolerable (or maybe bc I got so used to the teen windchills 30 felt like a heatwave). In any event, had a nice 45 min run outdoors at lunch. A little slower than I should have been for the MS of work, but part of that was hopping on and off the sidewalks when they were/weren't clear... a bit of obstacle course/plyo in the workout. But it was sunny and felt nice! I am soooooo out of shape! Things are far more jiggly than they should be!
Thursday was an off day and mom, sister-in-law and brother all got into town yesterday so blew off the run and just sat around the roaring fire and chatted all day. So a nice two days off.
Got up and hit the trainer with the purpose of making the 2 x 10's as smooth as possible channeling Linda and her note below. I also took into consideration the overachieving thread Coach Dick posted the other day. Hitting double digits ended up really being more mental than physical. However, I am not saying the 10's were easy.
Followed it up with a 20 minute run with Z1 out and Z3 back.
@John, good job there on keeping it under control. I am all for restraint. The overachieving thread made me think. I have pushed myself over the edge twice in two years, both times with bike sessions or the chain of bike sessions that were pushed harder than I should have. People say that running is the problem most of the time with overtraining, with me it has been bike each time.
OS is coming, just around the corner. This AM, drizzle but pretty, Carlsbad, hghwy 101 along the coast, wife and I, 6mi E-pace of pretty scenery.
Wow. I am in good company here for the Jan OS. Amazing, can't wait to hang with everyone in the forum!
First IM was IMLP 2009. 2nd is this year IMLV. Been with EN since Late 2008. 41, live in CT with my GF Amy...no kiddies
I am a Jazz guitarist and music educator. Will be launching a new online biz this year...kind of ENish type of model but with video guitar lessons.
I have been trying to get geared up for the OS with a couple of runs and bike per week and yes...I have even been SWIMMING!!!!! AHHHH! I know....bad boy. I enjoy the time in the pool so it is more for fun.
Had a great time reading everyone's story and I can't believe we have so many WSM's here....going to be a great year!
Hi guys - I too am Jan OS beginner. However, I am in Key West FL for 1/3 - 1/10 - bumming off parents vaca rental for a week (life is good). Not flying the bike down, but can certainly run and probably get some open water swim in. Question, since I believe OS Wk #1 is testing time, can I go ahead and do run test last week of December so I have a vdot # to work with - so I can at least do the run workouts while in Key West. I assume no problem w/that. I gues I could do bike test last wk of Dec as well. Just don't want to get too late a start on things (I'm anxious)......
By the way, congrats to the WSMs (new and existing) - you are all a great help to the haus.
Total former band geek. Look up the term in the dictionary and you'll see my HS picture (eeeeeeek!). I played whatever the band needed, so that ranged from mallet percussion to base trombone and I was the drum major in my Jr and Sr year. I also marched in Drum & Bugle Corps and played 2 valve baritone. Only thing I never really picked up was string instruments (wish I had learned to play viola). Other than a recent return to ringing hand bells in the church choir, I haven't touched a musical instrument in a looooooong time. I was also in the Choir, singing has generally been more my thing.
I have power! I still don't know how to use it. I had zero time this weekend to hot on the drainer and give it a whirl. I did download all the power stuff and printed the documents so I can listen to the webinars and take notes... have a looooooong flight Wed (to OR direct from DC) so hopefully I can knock some out on the way there and some on the way home.
I hope I can get some working out in while I'm gone. Not sure if my bro can get me and Dan into his gym... but I'm bringing my running shoes and gym stuff just in case...
Not sure how in touch I'll be, so Merry Christmas everyone!
think most of us know each other already, but howz about a quick intro from each of us and then whatever. I will start:
Chuck Grenfell Evanston, WY for now but looking to become part of the CO Sleeper Cell once again 40 and (sorry ladies) marries to a really cool chic and father to two very cool kids (they take after their dad) 6yo girl and 2yo buckaroo Network Engineer by trade, Architect by education Hich School varisty soccer coach, daughters youth soccer coach and families Mr. Fix-it EN member since December "09. IM finisher (IMAZ '10)), a few HIM's and a variety of TTs, road/MTN races Races this year include 70.3 Boise, 70.3 Boulder and maybe 5150 Provo and a few more Olys Main goal this year is to have some fun (non-IM year) and go sub-5:30 at 70.3 distance I like everything except crappy corn snow and asparagus!!!!!
@ Pete - You can join me in testing the week between Christmas and New Year's. My excuse is an oral surgeon will be mucking around in my mouth 12-29 and I'd rather test before than while recovering from that. BUT, the big questio, is, are you ready to test. At a minimum IMO, you should have at least two weeks where you do 5-10 strides after every run, just to make sure you don't blow up your legs during the 5K max effort. Leg muscles respond very quickly to intensity, in the weight room or on the track, but they don't like going from nothing to 100 mph overnight.
thanks for the tip, Al... with the running I plan to do (for the challenge), I'll be sure to add some intervals and some end of the run strides... I FEAR my 5k test as I haven't been pushing it in a while!
Hi all! So glad to see the company I'll be keeping, in the JOS! I've been a member for just over a year now. DNF'd at IMLOU last year, my first IM attempt. Aside from the extreme dehydration, there were a couple of factors outside of my control, that contributed to my downfall...biking in RX bike goggles because a volunteer misplaced my RX glasses...but you can read that in my race report. Despite the DNF, I truly enjoyed IMLOU, meeting my EN teamates and Patrick, and the entire vibe! My big plan for 2011 is to seek revenge this year at IMLOU, with a vengeance! I WILL become an IM!! I've done 2 HIM's, both Steelhead, (and taking way too long) numerous sprints, an oly, and a plan for Muncie 70.3 this year. 13 marathons under my belt, and one Ultra 50K. Since LOU, I did Chicago Marathon, a half Mary, with another one in February, some trail running at the Indiana Dunes, workouts at the Y, yada, yada. Looking forward to getting back into some structured training with the group, and getting back into the EN spirit. I've been kind of doing my own thing, and haven't been on the forums like I used to. Working diligently on body comp, as I'm over the 'legal limit' for what I should be! I'm 52 years young, and can't wait to get going on serious training once again!! Love the EN folks! My bike is a 2009 Specialized Transition Comp Tri bike, named Queen B! She's black with yellow accents, and will be my ride on the trainer this winter. Training with HR once again, as Power still isn't in my monetary reach quite yet. I'm a special education teacher at the high school level. I have a SO, and 2 cats.
Coach P is still looking for us to provide him with a nickname so he can create a logo for our group folder. I'm still loving the JOS "the Outsiders" badboy theme :-)
I have been thinking about the theme. I like The Outsiders, but I would like something with a little more OOMPH! Like a mighty mouse in EN tri top with hand pumped and flying fast. Something we can have as a logo all year on t-shirts or whatever.
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed with creativity so I will leave that up to the group.
Week 3 Pre-OS Tuesday bike intervals complete on the drainer. Focus was on smooth turnover. I tend to push harder on the right leg so really focused on pushing equally with both. First two intervals went fine. Number three was OK until the last 2 minutes where I had to get up out of aero to hold watts a couple of times. But they are done. The Joule is an electronic whip!
Also, what % of IF do y'all like to hold between these intervals for recovery? I know The Halligan shoots for 1.435 IF. But I shoot for around .60 IF. I don't remember any guidance on this in the past. But I haven't looked recently either.
@ AL - Thanks. Yes - I've been getting the body ready. I know its not like a sportscar - it prefers to accerlerate at a mini-van pace....lol. I'll probably test around the 29th or 30th - when your're having fun wtih the surgeon - good luck ....
Uh... maybe I've been around EN too long, but this group does not like like some fringe element within the team. Calling ourselves "Outsiders" is sort of like a career politician running against the folks "inside the beltway." People have always accused me of being too analytic and rational, though, so what do I know?
I've been reading up on Genghis Khan since my wife went to Mongolia this summer. How about the Golden Horde?
John, you know what I try to hold between intervals? I try to hold on for dear life.
I just got done w/ what was supposed to be 3x8' but I was feeling frisky and did the first @ 12', intended to do the 2nd @ 12', but settled for 8' then a 4' both w/ 30' micro breaks on top of the normal rest interval..
I'm either worthless and weak or just gonna start real low this OS, with lots of gains. This taking it easy thing for the past few months to let my body recover from a grueling year does not seem to be paying dividends right now. Then again, I'm on the holiday sweets crazy train and didn't get much sleep last night. Other than that, I don't know why I'm not in peak form.
Joe Hill Raleigh, NC
45 yrs old, CPA, married 21 yrs and have a 9 yr old son
Been doing tris for about 9 yrs (2 IM, 8+HIM). Try to get in at least 1 HIM per year but shooting for Eagleman and B2B HIM so we will see. Ride a Scott Plasma Ltd with Quarq PM.
Been with EN now about 3-4 mos and the EN philosphy works great for me. ROI is huge given my schedule. My son plays 2 sports at a time and I am ususally coaching one of them. Currently playing hockey and basketball. Almost always can find an hour to get in the workout.
Goals for OS are to finish the workouts first!!! Get faster !!!
Little nervous about how the body will handle the workload given I average about 5 or less hrs of sleep per night from Jan - April due to tax season but don't get much more than that anyway!!! We will see how the aging body responds.
Looking forward to starting the OS but a little worried because the transition workouts are killing me!!!
Congrats to our new WSMs! You can't swing a dead cat in the Jan OS without hitting a WSM.
I'm a wicked slacking member. This morning trudged through the snow to the barn, turned on XM, Fight For Your Right To Party came on, so I had to saddle up. Did 45 mins w intervals. Not pretty.
Xmas shopping now for my nephew. Anybody know if they still make the GI Joe with the Kung Fu grip?
I expect to FEEL like a dead cat after the first 10 days of January, what with bone grafting to my jaw and the first real bike workouts since mid Sept.
I guess it takes the body a while to adjust!
On a side note, congrats to all the new WSM's. If nothing else, the Jan OS group will be the smartest. Psyched to train with the experts.
yes, congrats to the WSMs! awesome... with so many in JOS I'm sure to learn something even if I try to resist it!
Bike went to the LBS for the power install! Loaded training peaks last night and am downloading the power webinar (even with my new puter and fast internet it might take all day... wowsa, must be a huge file). Slightly nervous bc the LBS admitted not having done many - but every shop I called said essentially the same thing... hopefully bc the quarq is already installed ont he crankset that part will be easy... but I think all the computer programming could be a pain. fingers crossed!
working from home for a second day... gonna hit the gym at lunch (soon) since yesterday was a wash with the various service apts I had scheduled. I really hope to be at an acceptable off season weight by the time OS officially starts... this past week has been all over the map with parties, happy hours, etc... and this weekend won't be any better and next wed I travel... at least the first few days in portland I should be relatively safe staying with the athletic brother... but I still suspect cookies and treats around and I have zero will power. I think I might have to carry listerine in my pocket or take stock in gum (not really a gum chewer) so the tastes will clash...
I know what you mean, Nemo... it's crazy here and I really really wanted to run outside... as you said yesterday - without the 30mph winds, 30 degrees is very tolerable (or maybe bc I got so used to the teen windchills 30 felt like a heatwave). In any event, had a nice 45 min run outdoors at lunch. A little slower than I should have been for the MS of work, but part of that was hopping on and off the sidewalks when they were/weren't clear... a bit of obstacle course/plyo in the workout. But it was sunny and felt nice! I am soooooo out of shape! Things are far more jiggly than they should be!
@AT - Way to keep the Daniels stuff going!
Thursday was an off day and mom, sister-in-law and brother all got into town yesterday so blew off the run and just sat around the roaring fire and chatted all day. So a nice two days off.
Got up and hit the trainer with the purpose of making the 2 x 10's as smooth as possible channeling Linda and her note below. I also took into consideration the overachieving thread Coach Dick posted the other day. Hitting double digits ended up really being more mental than physical. However, I am not saying the 10's were easy.
Followed it up with a 20 minute run with Z1 out and Z3 back.
@John, good job there on keeping it under control. I am all for restraint. The overachieving thread made me think. I have pushed myself over the edge twice in two years, both times with bike sessions or the chain of bike sessions that were pushed harder than I should have. People say that running is the problem most of the time with overtraining, with me it has been bike each time.
OS is coming, just around the corner. This AM, drizzle but pretty, Carlsbad, hghwy 101 along the coast, wife and I, 6mi E-pace of pretty scenery.
First IM was IMLP 2009. 2nd is this year IMLV. Been with EN since Late 2008.
41, live in CT with my GF Amy...no kiddies
I am a Jazz guitarist and music educator. Will be launching a new online biz this year...kind of ENish type of model but with video guitar lessons.
I have been trying to get geared up for the OS with a couple of runs and bike per week and yes...I have even been SWIMMING!!!!! AHHHH! I know....bad boy. I enjoy the time in the pool so it is more for fun.
Had a great time reading everyone's story and I can't believe we have so many WSM's here....going to be a great year!
YEAH! More Band Geeks!
By the way, congrats to the WSMs (new and existing) - you are all a great help to the haus.
I have power! I still don't know how to use it. I had zero time this weekend to hot on the drainer and give it a whirl. I did download all the power stuff and printed the documents so I can listen to the webinars and take notes... have a looooooong flight Wed (to OR direct from DC) so hopefully I can knock some out on the way there and some on the way home.
I hope I can get some working out in while I'm gone. Not sure if my bro can get me and Dan into his gym... but I'm bringing my running shoes and gym stuff just in case...
Not sure how in touch I'll be, so Merry Christmas everyone!
think most of us know each other already, but howz about a quick intro from each of us and then whatever. I will start:
Chuck Grenfell
Evanston, WY for now but looking to become part of the CO Sleeper Cell once again
40 and (sorry ladies) marries to a really cool chic and father to two very cool kids (they take after their dad) 6yo girl and 2yo buckaroo
Network Engineer by trade, Architect by education
Hich School varisty soccer coach, daughters youth soccer coach and families Mr. Fix-it
EN member since December "09.
IM finisher (IMAZ '10)), a few HIM's and a variety of TTs, road/MTN races
Races this year include 70.3 Boise, 70.3 Boulder and maybe 5150 Provo and a few more Olys
Main goal this year is to have some fun (non-IM year) and go sub-5:30 at 70.3 distance
I like everything except crappy corn snow and asparagus!!!!!
@ Pete - You can join me in testing the week between Christmas and New Year's. My excuse is an oral surgeon will be mucking around in my mouth 12-29 and I'd rather test before than while recovering from that. BUT, the big questio, is, are you ready to test. At a minimum IMO, you should have at least two weeks where you do 5-10 strides after every run, just to make sure you don't blow up your legs during the 5K max effort. Leg muscles respond very quickly to intensity, in the weight room or on the track, but they don't like going from nothing to 100 mph overnight.
My big plan for 2011 is to seek revenge this year at IMLOU, with a vengeance! I WILL become an IM!!
I've done 2 HIM's, both Steelhead, (and taking way too long) numerous sprints, an oly, and a plan for Muncie 70.3 this year. 13 marathons under my belt, and one Ultra 50K.
Since LOU, I did Chicago Marathon, a half Mary, with another one in February, some trail running at the Indiana Dunes, workouts at the Y, yada, yada. Looking forward to getting back into some structured training with the group, and getting back into the EN spirit. I've been kind of doing my own thing, and haven't been on the forums like I used to. Working diligently on body comp, as I'm over the 'legal limit' for what I should be!
My bike is a 2009 Specialized Transition Comp Tri bike, named Queen B! She's black with yellow accents, and will be my ride on the trainer this winter. Training with HR once again, as Power still isn't in my monetary reach quite yet. I'm a special education teacher at the high school level. I have a SO, and 2 cats.
I have been thinking about the theme. I like The Outsiders, but I would like something with a little more OOMPH! Like a mighty mouse in EN tri top with hand pumped and flying fast. Something we can have as a logo all year on t-shirts or whatever.
I am not the sharpest tool in the shed with creativity so I will leave that up to the group.
My .02.
I'm cool with whatever... mighty mouse, road runner (the addition of the EN singlet is great)...
Road Runner works also. Something cool for the sig line.
@Dan - How ya feeling?
Week 3 Pre-OS Tuesday bike intervals complete on the drainer. Focus was on smooth turnover. I tend to push harder on the right leg so really focused on pushing equally with both. First two intervals went fine. Number three was OK until the last 2 minutes where I had to get up out of aero to hold watts a couple of times. But they are done. The Joule is an electronic whip!
Also, what % of IF do y'all like to hold between these intervals for recovery? I know The Halligan shoots for 1.435 IF.
But I shoot for around .60 IF. I don't remember any guidance on this in the past. But I haven't looked recently either. 
Lap 1:
Lap 3:
Lap 5:
Entire workout (183 watts):
@ AL - Thanks. Yes - I've been getting the body ready. I know its not like a sportscar - it prefers to accerlerate at a mini-van pace....lol. I'll probably test around the 29th or 30th - when your're having fun wtih the surgeon - good luck ....
Uh... maybe I've been around EN too long, but this group does not like like some fringe element within the team. Calling ourselves "Outsiders" is sort of like a career politician running against the folks "inside the beltway." People have always accused me of being too analytic and rational, though, so what do I know?
I've been reading up on Genghis Khan since my wife went to Mongolia this summer. How about the Golden Horde?
John, you know what I try to hold between intervals? I try to hold on for dear life.
I just got done w/ what was supposed to be 3x8' but I was feeling frisky and did the first @ 12', intended to do the 2nd @ 12', but settled for 8' then a 4' both w/ 30' micro breaks on top of the normal rest interval..
I'm either worthless and weak or just gonna start real low this OS, with lots of gains. This taking it easy thing for the past few months to let my body recover from a grueling year does not seem to be paying dividends right now. Then again, I'm on the holiday sweets crazy train and didn't get much sleep last night. Other than that, I don't know why I'm not in peak form.