Got the 3x8 done this morning, feeling frisky on the first 2, but man did I pay for it on the third. Hung in there as I started to fade, knowing it wasn't a test, so i just wanted to get some work done, but I ended up in a heap on my handlebars, seeing spots and pretty sure I was about to vomit as the clock ticked 8:00 on the last one. Haven't had that sensation in a good long while.
So, I decided that I should prioritize filling the prescription for my inhaler and see if that helps at all... Fingers crossed!
@John, nice and relatively even work there. I suspect the body will get accustomed to holding that power level very well.
Day 4 complete in Carlsbad, rain, rain and more rain, tomorrow wind+thunderstorms. It is really making me strain. I have been running on 101 so far with one Q on Sunday, need track tomorrow, but not sure with thunderstorms. Swam once, outdoor pool, bunch of IM work, no cycling, may have to hit 24hr fitness for a stationary bike and going to 3x10min. Will see, I will keep running as long as no TS, want to do some quality work, but weather just wont let up.
Back ( unexpected) and routine physical stuff today has interrupted my Pre OS plan...weeks 1 and 2 good, week 3 looks like a wash other than some ez running... You know you're certifiable when you stress over missing Pre OS workouts !!!!! The SECOND tests should show some nice bumps !
Thanks for the reminder on the inhaler Mike! I really should get around to that.
You folks out west are really getting slammed with the rain! It might be colder here than I'd like, but we can at least still bundle up!
As for me, I turned an ankle running on the trails earlier in the week and pulled a calf muscle (again, grrrrr). It felt OK at the time and I finished out my run. But yesterday I went for a run and the old calf pull/strain was back. It's in the gastroc, right in the middle, pretty much right behind the knee. I spent most of last night limping around the house.
I know what I have to do (and I'm not happy about it). I'm taking a hard stand down from all running for the next two weeks strait. I'm hoping by doing the RICE thing and staying off it I can rehab my way back in time for JOS, but we'll see.
I am in Jan OS too. Doing the pre OS thing while getting the most of this winter by snowboarding my brains out !
Nathalie Bruneau 42 Married to Scott ( a rider and cross fan and my soigneur : ) 3 IM's, 2 Half, lots of running races and favorite trail races. Some snowshoe races sprinkle in too ! 2011-IMFL and lots of running races, including my fav Muddy Sneaker trail race, maybe a half. Considering pushing Jan OS to Feb to fit my schedule better( and getting the most of the my tax job starting in Feb when snowboarding will go back on the back burner..and A race is in Nov) but will be part of Jan OS and following along.
@ Nemo - Sorry to hear about that! I'm beginning to worry you might get PTSD from this - to many times, and every little twinge feels like another tear there.
I'm sputtering thru my Pre-OS. The only consistency I've got is weight training, where I've met my goals. Yesterday, tho, I only went 15 minutes on the trainer before dropping out due to??? dehydration. Or maybe it was the alternate location in the garage while my power penthouse was being carpeted, with the rest of the house. Last week, we went through painting the inside walls, and I started the fall off the wagon. Then, next week, it's surgery on my jaw! I just hope to be in some consistent OS mode by March 1, looking at things realistically.
Hmmmmm... we DO have a lot of WSMs. Maybe a play on WSM? Like Wicked Speed Mojo? Note my licence plate below. Maybe I was destined to be surrounded by WSMs in the January OS!
Wow - I totally missed this thread and apologize for jumping in late. Here's my intro:
-- EN member since Aug 2009 -- 54 in 2011 so racing at the wrong end of the 50-54 group -- Married with 4 kids - 3 sons out of the house (30, 23 & 20) and a 12 yr old daughter at home -- Retired Air Force Colonel and currently Business Manager for a segment of a large defense contractor. -- Life long competitive runner with 2 triathlons for fun in 1980, then return to triathlons in 2006. -- 3 IMs under my belt (IMFL 2008, IMCDA 2010 and IMAZ 2010)
For 2011 I've already registered for a sprint duathlon in Feb, an age group draft legal sprint tri in Mar, a sprint tri in Apr, St Anthony's 5150 in May and my A race at Ironman Regensburg (Germany). Regensburg will be more of a destination IM for me, but I'll still be trying to KQ. If that doesn't pan out, then I'm going to Myrtle Beach in Oct for the USAT Halfmax Nat'l Championship. Then I'm thinking of closing my season with the new Clearwater 5150 in Nov. I'll fill in the rest of my season with some road races, a couple of open water swim races, and an aquaterra event.
I've already started some high intensity work this month. I did drop swimming for December but will start back in January since my first tri is March 5th. Looking forward to busting my ack with you guys over the next few months.
Way behind on this thread. Have to subscribe to this one. I think I'm not seeing it when scanning the "not reads" as my eyes glaze over.
@Neems--you and I have had more comebacks than Cher. You know what to do, and you'll be good to go. Again.
I'm hanging in there doing my thing. Tues was 2 x 15 on the bike and this morning was 3 x 10. I pick things at random that sound "appealing," and that's what I do. FTP coming in at about 165-168. A real test will tell. That's not so bad for me at the start of the OS.
Running has been as I feel too--usually 4-5x/week. On the 'mill on Wed, I ran 1 x 2 miles at TP, then 1 x 1 mile. Otherwise, the rest of my running is EZ pace with some strides or hills. I have not gone over 7 miles as my "long run," nor do I want to at the moment. Most of the time, I run 3 miles for frequency, 4-10K for a regular workout, and sometimes take it out longer if I feel like it.
Swimming 2x/week with my master's group, which I love. The coach is totally cool with me doing drills, and not going kamikaze (like that's possible ) with the fast stuff. Works out well for me. Know you you go in phases? Right now, swimming is what I am enjoying the most of all.
Cool names being tossed about for JOS. I'm good with anything.
Have lost 2.5 lbs. Yippee!
All my boys will be home today, and I am so looking forward to the brother mayhem that always ensues.
Holly cow, no rain this morning in Socal. Carlsbad High School track, calm 50F, 4x1mi(1min)T-pace, came down as 6:18, 6:18, 6:25, 6:25, remebered the overachieving thread and pulled back, target was 6:32. Felt good, pretty track for sure.
@Linda - Been wondering where you were. Good work being rogue.
@AT - Nice work reigning yourself in. Glad you got a nice day in.
40 degrees and sunny this morning and went out for the 2 x 10's. Decided to head up our local mountain, Mt. Diablo. Climbed to about 2,500 feet and then turned back. Got considerably colder as I climbed into the trees.
1:34 ride @ .872 overall. First interval @ .991. Second @ .964
Way to keep your head Alek! You're hammering well. John, well done. I wish I was there with you dudes today kicking ass. I'll think I'll hit the pavement (or snow) tomorrow during the kids' nap, I'm not a 100%, but enough is enough and I feel good enough to jog, then hit the rollers sometime over the weekend. I hope everyone has a great holiday, too bad we couldn't all have a huge party at some conference center, we could all wear our uniforms, bring in some computrainers, and do some intervals while pounding beers on the rest interval and do a round robin tournament! Anyway, all be safe and enjoy family and friends....
Day one of my very special OS - the one where I see what I can reconstruct from the pieces I have left. I put my clunker touring bike on the CT, and did a 15 minute warm-up, 5 minutes as hard as I could go, rode easy for 10', then went 20 minutes to exhaustion. I started the OS last year @ 190 watts, after standing down for 4 weeks following IM AZ. This year, I had a 3 month break from peak fitness, and expected to be @ 90% of last year's start. I hit that exactly: NP of 184 watts, with a VI of 1.00 (!), take 95%, that's 174.8, which is 92% of 190. Success! Also, my HR peaked out at 153, which I also haven't seen (or felt) for three months. It's rare for me to say this, but today, I was satisfied with my performance.
As we say, that's the good news; now I have to work that hard five days a week through April. I'll be back online Sunday with a report from my 5K test. The oracle predicts: 22:33 (last year's Jan 1st number was 20:12)
Oh, and I got good news in the pool as well: my warm up 300 yards was at a consistent 15 strokes/length (used to do 14-15), despite my incredible shrinking left arm and right hand.
I'm trying to find where i sign up for the jan os plan. I just see outseason plan as a training plan and an end date. Is everyone choosing that and going 20 weeks out as an end date or is there a secret button somewhere?
@Todd. You got it. Pick the flavor of OS you want (beg, int , adv) and the end date you want (usually 20 weeks out unless you are dropping into a race prep plan early. Even then, you would probably set your end date 20 weeks out and then switch your plan accordingly once you hit your "exit" week. Hope that helps/makes sense.
Todd, I think you've got it right. I haven't changed my plan yet, but that sounds right. I don't think the boys created an official Jan OS yet for us to 'join'.
@Dan, glad to have you back up in action. Not much left to start the action.
Today, after AM track and 6mi, PM easy 4mi E-pace with my wife, post sunset thorough Carlsbad. It was a beauty.
New KK road machine should be delivered at the door at home, Cinqo is back from factory calibration, Edge 500 should be back from Garmin. I will be picking up the bike when I get back. The bike shop offered to cut the excess steerer tube off, that is it. No way of coming back up anymore. For the last year, I have been riding with 15.5cm drop. It feels comfy and powerful.
Got tired of unstable Fluid 2 power curve and pulled the trigger on KK road machine, will also get the big flywheel. Will see how it compares.
Did my second bike workout in the Haus today...pre-OS is no joke! My legs are spent...though luckily not as bad as they were on Tuesday. Little behind on pre-OS as I spent 2 weeks sick but with a little modification should be good to go for JOS. I must say though, these workouts have me a little scurred for JOS. This is a completely different method of training than I'm used to but I'm kind of excited too.
It was also my first two rides with power. Haven't d/l'd the info to the comp yet but once that happens I'm sure I'll be highly confused. One thing I did notice is that my cadence was kind of all over the place. Has anyone had any issues with PM cadence not being consistent?
Did my first power measured work this morning. Couldn't muster the courage to watch so I duct taped over the watts and looked at cadence and hr and time only. Sing along with me everybody!
All I want for xmas is my ft back, my ft back, my ft back.....
So, I decided that I should prioritize filling the prescription for my inhaler and see if that helps at all... Fingers crossed!
@John, nice and relatively even work there. I suspect the body will get accustomed to holding that power level very well.
Day 4 complete in Carlsbad, rain, rain and more rain, tomorrow wind+thunderstorms. It is really making me strain. I have been running on 101 so far with one Q on Sunday, need track tomorrow, but not sure with thunderstorms. Swam once, outdoor pool, bunch of IM work, no cycling, may have to hit 24hr fitness for a stationary bike and going to 3x10min. Will see, I will keep running as long as no TS, want to do some quality work, but weather just wont let up.
You know you're certifiable when you stress over missing Pre OS workouts !!!!!
The SECOND tests should show some nice bumps !
You folks out west are really getting slammed with the rain! It might be colder here than I'd like, but we can at least still bundle up!
As for me, I turned an ankle running on the trails earlier in the week and pulled a calf muscle (again, grrrrr). It felt OK at the time and I finished out my run. But yesterday I went for a run and the old calf pull/strain was back. It's in the gastroc, right in the middle, pretty much right behind the knee. I spent most of last night limping around the house.
I know what I have to do (and I'm not happy about it). I'm taking a hard stand down from all running for the next two weeks strait. I'm hoping by doing the RICE thing and staying off it I can rehab my way back in time for JOS, but we'll see.
Nathalie Bruneau
42 Married to Scott ( a rider and cross fan and my soigneur : )
3 IM's, 2 Half, lots of running races and favorite trail races. Some snowshoe races sprinkle in too !
2011-IMFL and lots of running races, including my fav Muddy Sneaker trail race, maybe a half.
Considering pushing Jan OS to Feb to fit my schedule better( and getting the most of the my tax job starting in Feb when snowboarding will go back on the back burner..and A race is in Nov) but will be part of Jan OS and following along.
Looks like an awesome group !
@ Nemo - Sorry to hear about that! I'm beginning to worry you might get PTSD from this - to many times, and every little twinge feels like another tear there.
I'm sputtering thru my Pre-OS. The only consistency I've got is weight training, where I've met my goals. Yesterday, tho, I only went 15 minutes on the trainer before dropping out due to??? dehydration. Or maybe it was the alternate location in the garage while my power penthouse was being carpeted, with the rest of the house. Last week, we went through painting the inside walls, and I started the fall off the wagon. Then, next week, it's surgery on my jaw! I just hope to be in some consistent OS mode by March 1, looking at things realistically.
How bout the "misfits"? kinda like the island of misfit toys... although that's Christmas and we're Jan...
welcome back, Nathalie! I hope you enjoyed your post-IMFL break!
@Nemo - NNNOOooooooooo. So sorry to hear that. RICE and be ready to rock when you are ready.
@Al - Good mojo coming your way for your surgery. I expect to see you in the trenches with us on February 1st! Not March 1st!
@Micheal and Mike - I feel your pain. The last minutes of the 3rd interval yesterday were tough also for me. Glad I am not alone.
@The Halligan - When do your 12 x 12's start? That is the EN version of In-N-Outs Animal Style Double-Double burger, right?
@AT - Bummer about the rain. And you are going to get slammed, again. Also, it is Pacific Coast Highway or highway 1. Not 101.
Went and did my 50' Z2 run today. Rain actually stopped, streets dried up a bit and the sun briefly came out. Nice to get outside.
Hmmmmm... we DO have a lot of WSMs. Maybe a play on WSM? Like Wicked Speed Mojo? Note my licence plate below. Maybe I was destined to be surrounded by WSMs in the January OS!
@Jen - me likey too.
Couple of things off the top of my head:
January OS - Wicked. Smart. Mojo.
January OS - Wild. Shredded. Magic.
January OS - Want. Some. More!
January OS - We Shell Mortals
Come on gang, let's get creative.
@AT - Ya know I was just yanking your chain, right?
@John, I know, no worries. I took it the wright way.
-- EN member since Aug 2009
-- 54 in 2011 so racing at the wrong end of the 50-54 group
-- Married with 4 kids - 3 sons out of the house (30, 23 & 20) and a 12 yr old daughter at home
-- Retired Air Force Colonel and currently Business Manager for a segment of a large defense contractor.
-- Life long competitive runner with 2 triathlons for fun in 1980, then return to triathlons in 2006.
-- 3 IMs under my belt (IMFL 2008, IMCDA 2010 and IMAZ 2010)
For 2011 I've already registered for a sprint duathlon in Feb, an age group draft legal sprint tri in Mar, a sprint tri in Apr, St Anthony's 5150 in May and my A race at Ironman Regensburg (Germany). Regensburg will be more of a destination IM for me, but I'll still be trying to KQ. If that doesn't pan out, then I'm going to Myrtle Beach in Oct for the USAT Halfmax Nat'l Championship. Then I'm thinking of closing my season with the new Clearwater 5150 in Nov. I'll fill in the rest of my season with some road races, a couple of open water swim races, and an aquaterra event.
I've already started some high intensity work this month. I did drop swimming for December but will start back in January since my first tri is March 5th. Looking forward to busting my ack with you guys over the next few months.
Way behind on this thread. Have to subscribe to this one. I think I'm not seeing it when scanning the "not reads" as my eyes glaze over.
@Neems--you and I have had more comebacks than Cher. You know what to do, and you'll be good to go. Again.
I'm hanging in there doing my thing. Tues was 2 x 15 on the bike and this morning was 3 x 10. I pick things at random that sound "appealing," and that's what I do. FTP coming in at about 165-168. A real test will tell. That's not so bad for me at the start of the OS.
Running has been as I feel too--usually 4-5x/week. On the 'mill on Wed, I ran 1 x 2 miles at TP, then 1 x 1 mile. Otherwise, the rest of my running is EZ pace with some strides or hills. I have not gone over 7 miles as my "long run," nor do I want to at the moment. Most of the time, I run 3 miles for frequency, 4-10K for a regular workout, and sometimes take it out longer if I feel like it.
Swimming 2x/week with my master's group, which I love. The coach is totally cool with me doing drills, and not going kamikaze (like that's possible
) with the fast stuff. Works out well for me. Know you you go in phases? Right now, swimming is what I am enjoying the most of all.
Cool names being tossed about for JOS. I'm good with anything.
Have lost 2.5 lbs. Yippee!
All my boys will be home today, and I am so looking forward to the brother mayhem that always ensues.
@Linda - Been wondering where you were. Good work being rogue.
@AT - Nice work reigning yourself in. Glad you got a nice day in.
40 degrees and sunny this morning and went out for the 2 x 10's. Decided to head up our local mountain, Mt. Diablo. Climbed to about 2,500 feet and then turned back. Got considerably colder as I climbed into the trees.
1:34 ride @ .872 overall. First interval @ .991. Second @ .964
A little view from the mountain for y'all:
Way to keep your head Alek! You're hammering well. John, well done. I wish I was there with you dudes today kicking ass. I'll think I'll hit the pavement (or snow) tomorrow during the kids' nap, I'm not a 100%, but enough is enough and I feel good enough to jog, then hit the rollers sometime over the weekend. I hope everyone has a great holiday, too bad we couldn't all have a huge party at some conference center, we could all wear our uniforms, bring in some computrainers, and do some intervals while pounding beers on the rest interval and do a round robin tournament! Anyway, all be safe and enjoy family and friends....
Day one of my very special OS - the one where I see what I can reconstruct from the pieces I have left. I put my clunker touring bike on the CT, and did a 15 minute warm-up, 5 minutes as hard as I could go, rode easy for 10', then went 20 minutes to exhaustion. I started the OS last year @ 190 watts, after standing down for 4 weeks following IM AZ. This year, I had a 3 month break from peak fitness, and expected to be @ 90% of last year's start. I hit that exactly: NP of 184 watts, with a VI of 1.00 (!), take 95%, that's 174.8, which is 92% of 190. Success! Also, my HR peaked out at 153, which I also haven't seen (or felt) for three months. It's rare for me to say this, but today, I was satisfied with my performance.
As we say, that's the good news; now I have to work that hard five days a week through April. I'll be back online Sunday with a report from my 5K test. The oracle predicts: 22:33 (last year's Jan 1st number was 20:12)
Oh, and I got good news in the pool as well: my warm up 300 yards was at a consistent 15 strokes/length (used to do 14-15), despite my incredible shrinking left arm and right hand.
Todd, I think you've got it right. I haven't changed my plan yet, but that sounds right. I don't think the boys created an official Jan OS yet for us to 'join'.
@John, like the video, very pretty.
@Dan, glad to have you back up in action. Not much left to start the action.
Today, after AM track and 6mi, PM easy 4mi E-pace with my wife, post sunset thorough Carlsbad. It was a beauty.
New KK road machine should be delivered at the door at home, Cinqo is back from factory calibration, Edge 500 should be back from Garmin. I will be picking up the bike when I get back. The bike shop offered to cut the excess steerer tube off, that is it. No way of coming back up anymore. For the last year, I have been riding with 15.5cm drop. It feels comfy and powerful.
Got tired of unstable Fluid 2 power curve and pulled the trigger on KK road machine, will also get the big flywheel. Will see how it compares.
It was also my first two rides with power. Haven't d/l'd the info to the comp yet but once that happens I'm sure I'll be highly confused. One thing I did notice is that my cadence was kind of all over the place. Has anyone had any issues with PM cadence not being consistent?
Sing along with me everybody!
All I want for xmas is my ft back, my ft back, my ft back.....