First merry Christmas to everyone! Now, everybody out, off that couch and away from the dinner table, enough eating, back to work. Vacation is over. Where are those brutal FTP workout reports, Daniels is crying, no Q workout reports, swimming not to mention. We may float better after eating.
Hope everyone is having a good holiday. Yesterday was another nice day in SoCal, 10mi E-pace along the beach in 1:16min, enjoying the view. Now, that is over, on the airplane back to Kansas City, back to my Argon18, new KK road machine.....pain cave baby.
Tomorrow AM heading to the pool with two boys, my 11 year old son and our friend's 14 year old. I will have my tail handed to me during a 4700m fly, bk and IM workout. They are both DII and close to DI swimmers in their respective AG. The old man will have to suffer to keep up, than PM FTP 3x10min. The work is cut out. May need EMS at the pool tomorrow.
Ok, back to food people. It is so quite. Anybody home?
Hello, anybody home? I guess not. I will talk anyway. Opened my KK pain cave machine. Put it together, no bike to place in it till tomorrow. I am very impressed compared to my Fluid 2, at least on the initial subjective feel basis. Two things made me search further for a better trainer:
The wheel locking tube was making the contact with the top of my RD when wheel locked in position on my E112.
The resistance curve was not stable by any means and has no road feel as it is claimed. Power jump at 3-5min mark and than it keeps going up so 30-40min into the workout same cadence same gear, I am 40W over the initial reading. Had the unit replaced ones, that was it. It goes now to my young son, he will not be able to tell. He will think he is getting tired.
There's a brand-new Forum just for JOS, lurking at the bottom of the Training and Racing Groups section. But you'll have to "join" the JOS to see it and participate. Go to "Groups" under "Community" up there in the menu bar to sign up and be ready for the New Year's Day celebration.
Greg an Al are here. My gang is waking up. Al, already done, joined the JOS group earlier today.
@Greg, thanks. It sure looks more solid than Fluid 2 by touch and feel, will see if tomorrow how it spins. Just debating whether to hurt myself sooner rather than later with the FTP test. Just got back from vacation with no bike in 8 days.
@Al, how is it going for you, feeling stronger and stronger.
@AT - Channeling your enthusiasm tonight. 2 x 12's on the drainer. I am calling tonight the Christmas Day Evening Massacre!
@Paul - Ya, for those that don't know me that photo says a lot. I like to have fun. My wife used it for our Christmas cards this year.
So my son woke us up at 5:00 AM to open presents. 5:00 AM! DAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN! But I love it! Did the family thing until mid-morning and then was going to go get my 2 x 12's done outside before the rain came. Went outside to feel if I needed to layer and at that moment the rain came. So we decided to go to the in-laws early and I ate ALL DAY!
Got home tonight about 7:30 and loaded my iPod with some L.A. Sunset Strip Whiskey A Go Go early 80's heavy metal memories. Krokus, Tesla, L.A. Guns, etc. Those were the days when I had long hair parted down the middle and feathered out. DOH! Needed some energy to get my going.
12' warm up and then hit it. I gave myself permission to to go to the low side to the 95/100% Z5 range. Felt good and I was channeling Dave Ambrose with the Krokus song, "Long Stick Goes Boom" came on. Finished in a heap of sweat and panting.
Recovery time and I was starting to feel the Sees candy, cheese cake, turkey, stuffing, chips, etc, all wanting to come up. Not good.
Started the second 12 and at 1:49 into it I stopped, got off the bike and said "I'm done." Stood there for 10 seconds and then hopped back on and decided to just finish out the 12. Started at .879 and spent the next 10' digging myself out of the hole slowly and finished tattered, bloody and on the garage floor.
1st 12' = .986
2nd 12' = .965
Overall = 42:35 @ .876
OK, AT! There ya have it. Thanks for the motivation. I think.
@John, you rock. Did you load by chance Five Man Acoustical Jam, that was my favorite. What a way to finish the holiday. My kids used to do the same, wake up at 5AM and scream down for the tree. Now, it is a little more restrained event, we pulled into garage, or I should say as we were pulling in they assumed the starting position, I barely stopped and they were out and into the house.........Fun to watch.
Belated Christamas and Season's greetings to all. I jumped on the trainer after all early am festivities and dinner prep.
2x12's were good in that I tried to ease into the 1st and go a little harder in the second. Mission accomplished. I did the ABP stuff for about 13', took a little break, had 6' left to make an hour so I did a little FTP plus for 6 minutes.
NIce solid hour of power, followed by good food and family time.
Starting my first OS ever tomorrow!!! SO excited! Yet... also a little scared. I am definitely "rested" after IMAZ. (read - I am feeling really pretty out of shape).
@Julia welcome to the January OS. I was in your position last year. Got out of IMAZ and didn't do much. I joined EN in December and joined the JOS. My $.02 on this is waiting a week and aligning your OS with the rest of the JOS crew is priceless. Having testing and workouts at the same time as everyone else is nice motivation and you know what everyone else is working on that week.
Either way, welcome and if you're like me you'll really enjoy your winter under the OS. It is hard work, but way easier on mind and spirit than "traditional" plans.
Great to see that you are still being an animal on the bike! I don't start OS until Jan 2!. I have taken completely off since IMAZ and have gotten fat and out of shape! Did you get my email last week? I hope you and the family are well. Cheers, Greg
Great Xmas day running yesterday with my DH and Cali, our dog. She was all decked out--see below. She ran 4 with Keith, and I kept going. Then she topped it off with a good 15' of tennis ball wind sprints. That dog can go and go. I watch her, and there is something to learn. She doesn't give a what if she blows up! She LOVES to run, and does it for the sheer joy. Too much? She just takes a rest and starts again. When she's done, she done. Lie down and eat some snow, and try again tomorrow.
Ran another solid 5 today since a blizzard is heading our way, and I'll have plenty of days to ride/run inside. It was snowing lightly when we went out, and quite breezy.
My "tattered, bloody and on the garage floor" bike interval are Halligan's "NIce solid hour of power." UGH! Gonna be a l o n g OS!
Good work, Dave! Seriously.
@Julia - where in Newport do you live? I grew up in OC, my mom lives in Huntington Beach and I used to live in Dana Point and Laguna Beach. And I second what Tom said about the OS start date.
@All - I see there are no threads in the January OS section yet. I do appreciate the "Stark Industries" stuff and "Stark Raving Mads," but I will now step back and let others more capable run the OS show. I am just along for the ride now and will do my best to keep up.
Got up and hit the dreadmill this morning. 3 x 6's at Z4 plus extra Z2 time per the half marry wiki hack. ~ 42 minutes. Intervals felt good and glad it is over. Day off tomorrow.
Ok, all of you are making me feel even fatter, lazier and like a total slug! I have done almost nothing since IMAZ. . I have swam a couple of times and started running this week. Only about 3.6 miles each time just getting my "sea" legs or should I say "run" legs back on. I am loading my OS plan into training peaks along with nurtition plan so I can get started on Jan 2. Its gonna hurt............... And if the OS is not a big enough kick in the family jewels, the FTP test on the bike will certainly bring the Haus of Pain on me!!!!!
@ John - I am by the back bay. To me, it's fantastic and wonderful. I fear cars. I'll ride on PCH but only to get me to the Santa Ana river trail, where I spend lots of time.
@ John & Tom - as for the start date... I am going to be hard pressed to get 8 weeks of OS in before I start getting ready for Wildflower. If I start tomorrow I can get in 7 weeks. If I wait another week it's only 6... More thoughts....?
Nice workout this afternoon, added a medium distance run to my trainer FTP work as one of my friends wanted to put a run in as well and needed company. Did not plan on 2hr workout, but I got one.
Bike 2x10min(3min)@FTP, turned out .99IF and 1.02IF, total 45min, than 10mi@E-pace in 1:18, nice conversational pace for sure as we chatted entire time. Total just over 2hrs. Weekly run mileage total at 45mi, one Q workout though.
KK Road Machine is so much better and smoother than my Fluid2. Loved it. If anyone is on the fence between the two, there is no doubt.
If anyone here can help, that would be great, trying to engage Fluid2 resistance unit with my son's 650cc wheel, no luck, anybody knows the trick?Thanks. Been searching the web and forums but no luck.
Happy belated Christmas... haven't been in front of a computer for a few days... since I'm traveling I did 2 of the bike workouts before I left and saved both runs for now... Fri I hit the gym to lift and I ran yesterday (the 50' Z2 and again this morning... I forgot what I was supposed to so I improvised and did last Sundays (3x5 Z4). So points for Team Chicas! I've been eating and drinking and making merry here in Portland and Tacoma... looking very forward to getting home and getting back into some sort of a normal routine... I've let myself have a bit too much fun since IMFL. Hopefully the snow isn't too bad and I won't be gym bound for runs... ugh... but for the bonus points, I'll try to get at least a few outside this week for the challenge!
@Nemo _ I must have missed your post about the calf... oh no! That really stinks! @Linda - can Cali be on the EN Chicas team for the holiday run challenge? I would think all those intervals chasing the tennis ball would add up to lots of extra points! @Al - thanks for the heads up, I'll sign up now...
anyway... gotta finish laundry and pack - flight out tomorrow at 6am! Ugh! It's highly likely I won't be running every day this week. Boo!
@ John - I am by the back bay. To me, it's fantastic and wonderful. I fear cars. I'll ride on PCH but only to get me to the Santa Ana river trail, where I spend lots of time.
***Nice. I love hammering up PCH to Seal Beach and then back down to the Laguna city limits at Irvine Cove. But I agree, there is A LOT of traffic on PCH. When I am down I usually go out at dawn to avoid it.
@ John & Tom - as for the start date... I am going to be hard pressed to get 8 weeks of OS in before I start getting ready for Wildflower. If I start tomorrow I can get in 7 weeks. If I wait another week it's only 6... More thoughts....?
*** You are an Iron Diva. I don't think one week is going to make or break you. It is 'only a HIM."
And being on being on the same page as everyone else my even help. But it is obviously your call.
OKOKOK!!! I will start OS next week along with everyone else. If it were up to me and free will I would be all stubborn and start tomorrow, but fate has intervened by giving me 17 seperate spots that are bleeding out air in my back tire. Note to self - avoid riding the day after it rains, esp if it's been raining for a week straight. If that's what it takes to get to me listen, so be it.
Starting my first OS ever tomorrow!!! SO excited! Yet... also a little scared. I am definitely "rested" after IMAZ. (read - I am feeling really pretty out of shape).
Also... if "rested" means you haven't been doing anything (that is how I went in last year), a week of doing some work to get the joints moving again isn't bad either. You'll still be riding some fitness from IMAZ, but jumping into the OS workouts cold can be a little taxing on the body too. There is some Pre-OS guidance in the wiki:
Just to get used to how the workouts are written and get the legs moving before you do your testing would be a decent way to spend your week.
How do I join the January OS forum? The link for that group is not active for me and the icon for the folder has a symbol that seems to indicate I'm not allowed to view it (sort of like a "wrong way" street sign).
R'nP have loaded up my January OS plan to start on 1/3/11, so not sure what else I might have to do to "register".
Sorry, I am very new to EN, this is probably not such a difficult thing...
Hi all:
Just wanted to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
2011 = AWESOME!
John, Cheryl and Nolan Stark
First merry Christmas to everyone! Now, everybody out, off that couch and away from the dinner table, enough eating, back to work. Vacation is over. Where are those brutal FTP workout reports, Daniels is crying, no Q workout reports, swimming not to mention. We may float better after eating.
Hope everyone is having a good holiday. Yesterday was another nice day in SoCal, 10mi E-pace along the beach in 1:16min, enjoying the view. Now, that is over, on the airplane back to Kansas City, back to my Argon18, new KK road machine.....pain cave baby.
Tomorrow AM heading to the pool with two boys, my 11 year old son and our friend's 14 year old. I will have my tail handed to me during a 4700m fly, bk and IM workout. They are both DII and close to DI swimmers in their respective AG. The old man will have to suffer to keep up, than PM FTP 3x10min. The work is cut out. May need EMS at the pool tomorrow.
Ok, back to food people. It is so quite. Anybody home?
Hello, anybody home? I guess not. I will talk anyway. Opened my KK pain cave machine. Put it together, no bike to place in it till tomorrow. I am very impressed compared to my Fluid 2, at least on the initial subjective feel basis. Two things made me search further for a better trainer:
The wheel locking tube was making the contact with the top of my RD when wheel locked in position on my E112.
The resistance curve was not stable by any means and has no road feel as it is claimed. Power jump at 3-5min mark and than it keeps going up so 30-40min into the workout same cadence same gear, I am 40W over the initial reading. Had the unit replaced ones, that was it. It goes now to my young son, he will not be able to tell. He will think he is getting tired.
Now, the big flywheel is on the way. Will see.
I think you will love the KK. One of the best purchases I have made in cycling. Merry Christmas.
There's a brand-new Forum just for JOS, lurking at the bottom of the Training and Racing Groups section. But you'll have to "join" the JOS to see it and participate. Go to "Groups" under "Community" up there in the menu bar to sign up and be ready for the New Year's Day celebration.
Greg an Al are here. My gang is waking up. Al, already done, joined the JOS group earlier today.
@Greg, thanks. It sure looks more solid than Fluid 2 by touch and feel, will see if tomorrow how it spins. Just debating whether to hurt myself sooner rather than later with the FTP test. Just got back from vacation with no bike in 8 days.
@Al, how is it going for you, feeling stronger and stronger.
@AT - Channeling your enthusiasm tonight. 2 x 12's on the drainer. I am calling tonight the Christmas Day Evening Massacre!
@Paul - Ya, for those that don't know me that photo says a lot. I like to have fun. My wife used it for our Christmas cards this year.
So my son woke us up at 5:00 AM to open presents. 5:00 AM! DAAAAAMMMMMNNNNN! But I love it!
Did the family thing until mid-morning and then was going to go get my 2 x 12's done outside before the rain came. Went outside to feel if I needed to layer and at that moment the rain came. So we decided to go to the in-laws early and I ate ALL DAY!
Got home tonight about 7:30 and loaded my iPod with some L.A. Sunset Strip Whiskey A Go Go early 80's heavy metal memories. Krokus, Tesla, L.A. Guns, etc. Those were the days when I had long hair parted down the middle and feathered out. DOH! Needed some energy to get my going.
12' warm up and then hit it. I gave myself permission to to go to the low side to the 95/100% Z5 range. Felt good and I was channeling Dave Ambrose with the Krokus song, "Long Stick Goes Boom" came on.
Finished in a heap of sweat and panting.
Recovery time and I was starting to feel the Sees candy, cheese cake, turkey, stuffing, chips, etc, all wanting to come up. Not good.
Started the second 12 and at 1:49 into it I stopped, got off the bike and said "I'm done." Stood there for 10 seconds and then hopped back on and decided to just finish out the 12. Started at .879 and spent the next 10' digging myself out of the hole slowly and finished tattered, bloody and on the garage floor.
1st 12' = .986
2nd 12' = .965
Overall = 42:35 @ .876
OK, AT! There ya have it. Thanks for the motivation. I think.
Who's next!?
Wow John. You're an animal, way to kill it on Christmas. Wish I had your motivation!
BTW, we've got 2-3 " snow down here in SC and snowing have any yet ?
@John, you rock. Did you load by chance Five Man Acoustical Jam, that was my favorite. What a way to finish the holiday. My kids used to do the same, wake up at 5AM and scream down for the tree. Now, it is a little more restrained event, we pulled into garage, or I should say as we were pulling in they assumed the starting position, I barely stopped and they were out and into the house.........Fun to watch.
Hey gang,
Belated Christamas and Season's greetings to all. I jumped on the trainer after all early am festivities and dinner prep.
2x12's were good in that I tried to ease into the 1st and go a little harder in the second. Mission accomplished. I did the ABP stuff for about 13', took a little break, had 6' left to make an hour so I did a little FTP plus for 6 minutes.
NIce solid hour of power, followed by good food and family time.
Looking forward to officially kicking off the OS.
Starting my first OS ever tomorrow!!! SO excited! Yet... also a little scared. I am definitely "rested" after IMAZ. (read - I am feeling really pretty out of shape).
Either way, welcome and if you're like me you'll really enjoy your winter under the OS. It is hard work, but way easier on mind and spirit than "traditional" plans.
@ Dave H,
Great to see that you are still being an animal on the bike! I don't start OS until Jan 2!. I have taken completely off since IMAZ and have gotten fat and out of shape! Did you get my email last week? I hope you and the family are well. Cheers, Greg
Great Xmas day running yesterday with my DH and Cali, our dog. She was all decked out--see below.
She ran 4 with Keith, and I kept going. Then she topped it off with a good 15' of tennis ball wind sprints. That dog can go and go. I watch her, and there is something to learn. She doesn't give a what if she blows up! She LOVES to run, and does it for the sheer joy. Too much? She just takes a rest and starts again. When she's done, she done. Lie down and eat some snow, and try again tomorrow. 
Ran another solid 5 today since a blizzard is heading our way, and I'll have plenty of days to ride/run inside. It was snowing lightly when we went out, and quite breezy.
My "tattered, bloody and on the garage floor" bike interval are Halligan's "NIce solid hour of power." UGH! Gonna be a l o n g OS!
Good work, Dave! Seriously.
@Julia - where in Newport do you live? I grew up in OC, my mom lives in Huntington Beach and I used to live in Dana Point and Laguna Beach. And I second what Tom said about the OS start date.
@Linda - Great pic and good work.
@All - I see there are no threads in the January OS section yet. I do appreciate the "Stark Industries" stuff and "Stark Raving Mads," but I will now step back and let others more capable run the OS show. I am just along for the ride now and will do my best to keep up.
Got up and hit the dreadmill this morning. 3 x 6's at Z4 plus extra Z2 time per the half marry wiki hack. ~ 42 minutes. Intervals felt good and glad it is over. Day off tomorrow.
Ok, all of you are making me feel even fatter, lazier and like a total slug! I have done almost nothing since IMAZ.
. I have swam a couple of times and started running this week. Only about 3.6 miles each time just getting my "sea" legs or should I say "run" legs back on. I am loading my OS plan into training peaks along with nurtition plan so I can get started on Jan 2. Its gonna hurt..............
. And if the OS is not a big enough kick in the family jewels, the FTP test on the bike will certainly bring the Haus of Pain on me!!!!! 
@ John - I am by the back bay. To me, it's fantastic and wonderful. I fear cars.
I'll ride on PCH but only to get me to the Santa Ana river trail, where I spend lots of time.
@ John & Tom - as for the start date... I am going to be hard pressed to get 8 weeks of OS in before I start getting ready for Wildflower. If I start tomorrow I can get in 7 weeks. If I wait another week it's only 6... More thoughts....?
Solid advice we can carry through the entire JOS!
Nice workout this afternoon, added a medium distance run to my trainer FTP work as one of my friends wanted to put a run in as well and needed company. Did not plan on 2hr workout, but I got one.
Bike 2x10min(3min)@FTP, turned out .99IF and 1.02IF, total 45min, than 10mi@E-pace in 1:18, nice conversational pace for sure as we chatted entire time. Total just over 2hrs. Weekly run mileage total at 45mi, one Q workout though.
KK Road Machine is so much better and smoother than my Fluid2. Loved it. If anyone is on the fence between the two, there is no doubt.
If anyone here can help, that would be great, trying to engage Fluid2 resistance unit with my son's 650cc wheel, no luck, anybody knows the trick?Thanks. Been searching the web and forums but no luck.
since I'm traveling I did 2 of the bike workouts before I left and saved both runs for now... Fri I hit the gym to lift and I ran yesterday (the 50' Z2 and again this morning... I forgot what I was supposed to so I improvised and did last Sundays (3x5 Z4). So points for Team Chicas!
I've been eating and drinking and making merry here in Portland and Tacoma... looking very forward to getting home and getting back into some sort of a normal routine... I've let myself have a bit too much fun since IMFL. Hopefully the snow isn't too bad and I won't be gym bound for runs... ugh... but for the bonus points, I'll try to get at least a few outside this week for the challenge!
@Nemo _ I must have missed your post about the calf... oh no! That really stinks!
@Linda - can Cali be on the EN Chicas team for the holiday run challenge? I would think all those intervals chasing the tennis ball would add up to lots of extra points!
@Al - thanks for the heads up, I'll sign up now...
anyway... gotta finish laundry and pack - flight out tomorrow at 6am! Ugh! It's highly likely I won't be running every day this week. Boo!
@ John, Tom, & the gods in general:
OKOKOK!!! I will start OS next week along with everyone else. If it were up to me and free will I would be all stubborn and start tomorrow, but fate has intervened by giving me 17 seperate spots that are bleeding out air in my back tire.
Note to self - avoid riding the day after it rains, esp if it's been raining for a week straight. If that's what it takes to get to me listen, so be it. 
Also... if "rested" means you haven't been doing anything (that is how I went in last year), a week of doing some work to get the joints moving again isn't bad either. You'll still be riding some fitness from IMAZ, but jumping into the OS workouts cold can be a little taxing on the body too. There is some Pre-OS guidance in the wiki:
Just to get used to how the workouts are written and get the legs moving before you do your testing would be a decent way to spend your week.
How do I join the January OS forum? The link for that group is not active for me and the icon for the folder has a symbol that seems to indicate I'm not allowed to view it (sort of like a "wrong way" street sign).
R'nP have loaded up my January OS plan to start on 1/3/11, so not sure what else I might have to do to "register".
Sorry, I am very new to EN, this is probably not such a difficult thing...
Welcome to the team. Here is the link:
If it does work, go to Community>Groups>January OS 2011 and then look on the right side, you will see a word "suscribe" in dark grey.