I joke and have started calling it the drainer in da haus... but I do love it... good weather and bad. It's gotten me through 2 surgeries after which I couldn't do anything else but ride a stationary bike... But you make a great point, Linda... it's always a quality workout. The last 2 years my A races have been flat - which means pedaling all the time, no coasting... which made my time on the drainer clutch. not to mention in my neck of the woods getting out for an uninterrupted ride (stop lights, crowded trails, mean drivers) is hard - so sometimes I'd rather just hop on the drainer and knock it out - it's not worth the admin or the time it would take (tacking on to 40-60 minutes of driving time to get to a good place to ride) not to mention I don't always have a partner in crime and i'm still skittish about straying too far from home solo for a 30-60 mile loop in an untrafficked area -- those are great places to train, not great places to be stranded...
I admit to liking the trainer (mostly), and for the reasons cited by Linda. It's very efficient and focused work and you see results. Like weight lifting, you put more opn the bar. And with the right music you can really get lost in it and once you reframe your relationship with the discomfort, it becomes not dreadful but a challenge to see how much more you can "embrace". Every spring as I go back out on the road I say I'm going to keep one day on the trainer. I do through about May. This year maybe more as I'll be bike focused rather than sbr focused. I'm also pleased that the couple of times I've been on it lately (in aero) it has felt good and comfy. So I'll be working the position.
A little behind on joining the party but better late than never lol
¦ In the wonderful weather (20 degrees, which I know is warm for some of you) of Panama City...known by many as home to IMFL ¦ 26 years old, not married but happily with my boyfriend of a year and a half. He is the most supportive guy ever and I guess I rubbed off on him a little because he is now doing marathons with me ¦ I am a runner by trade and didn't start tris until 2008. Just joined EN a month ago, following signing up for my first IM...IMFL '11 ¦ I am an Aerospace Physiology Tech in the Air Force and am working on my Masters Degree so I'm excited to work off some of my stress during the OS ¦ For 2011: Other than IMFL, I'm looking at Augusta 70.3 and probably an assortment of Sprints, Olys, and runs.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by reading through the bios of everyone on this thread but I hope to draw from everyone's experiences to have an awesome season this year. Can't wait to get started.
Easy day today. AM 5mi E-pace, PM 60min Z1 spin on the trainer. So I just as I thought that my swim volume/endurance work was peaking and was going to take the turn for lower, I get this workout handed to me today for this week. I looked it over, thought, oh she just made a mistake, this is two workouts. Nope, I was wrong, it is one, my eyeballs came out. I will let you know Thursday how it all played out. I already swam one at 5400m on Monday. I gotta cry somewhere.
I'm still doing my pre-OS work. Today was 3x8 @ FTP = 222w. I didn't feel all that strong on the bike, but the numbers are telling me good things: 223w, 230w, 229w. After spending most of 2010 not looking at my PM, I did an FTP test in what I thought was going to be the start of a DECOS. Seeing how these numbers look I'm really eager to see how my first FTP test goes. Running might be another story...
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It's currently indoor season for me (mainly for logistical reasons) - except for long runs (currently hypothetical) where I slog outside in the snow.
Happily married (really am, although not sure this is the place to mention it if I wasn't)
3 kids (7yo boy and 5yo boy/girl twins)
2 HIMs and 1 IM (IMC2010).
IT consultant by day.
Road Bike (Felt F75), Tri Bike (Cervelo P2C), Mountain Bike (Rocky Mountain Hammer). Haven't touched one of them since IMC! Been a bit meh towards cycling (and swimming, of course) since the big day, but finally looking forward to changing that. Could be a rude re-introduction.
Have been gradually getting the running mileage back up and have been running easy every other day for a month or two.
EN member since Fall 2009.
2011 is mainly an off year while I rebuild the SAU bank account (all good, but went slightly into overdraft last year). My main triathlon for 2011 is the Great White North HIM in early July. Also planning on a Marathon, possibly two (sub3 or bust!), although I'm still figuring out which one(s).
Also plan to learn how to swim starting in January. While I like "no swimming in the off season" as much as the next guy, I really need to get my act together so I plan to do lessons and really focus on technique.
I'll give you my stats soon, just wanted to let you know I'M IN!!! Plus, I'm still not getting email updates so my checking in is not consistent. I'll be back on tonight to give you the full monty.
49, single, self employed, 2 sons, Dan 18 (awesome) and Mac 16 (awesome), I've been with En since the get go, been racing since '04 mostly 2 halfs a season with IM Roth last year, IMC in 2011.
My goal for the OS besides torturing Halligan is to by May have an ftp of 350 (lofty goal) and a weight of 215 (down 10 from IM weight). I am commtting to run frequency through the OS, but really bike focused. I want to hit the spring crits and road races and steal a podium spot before the youngsters get fit.
I will be doing all the trainer work in aero. Last year I did it on the road bike and never in the drops and I believe it is worth working the specific position. With proper set up I don't think there should be a big power difference. Time will tell.
I went out to the hurt barn and looked at my bike on the trainer today. Baby steps....
Hmmmmm . . . . . need to think about the whole team name thing. Hmmmmm . . . .
@Virginia - If I were you I would be excited about this group and not intimidated. These folks will shave off a couple of years of the IM learning curve for ya. You are in GREAT hands! Welcome!
@Beth - have you done the Q1/Q2 work yet this week?
@Bill - Thanks for the brevet clarification. Loved following your last event on FB. And I still say you should try one of those on a fixy.
Also, can't find it but someone mentioned they will be focusing on run frequency in OS. There are a few of us doing that as well. Hence all my T runs off the bike that are not in the pre-OS schedule. 3/3 for me this week. Will run again tomorrow and we will see about Friday.
I did the week 2 pre-OS bike this morning followed by a T run that was more of a crawl than anything. There was zero energy left in the tank. Should bagged the run. Oh well. This pretty much sums up this morning:
You crack me up man. Its hard because you're trying to video instead of hitting your intervals hard!!!! You're buddy was getting it done though!!! Oh, and I hate you for having the balls to ride inside the garage with the door open instead of actually going outside!!! It hasn't cracked 20 here in 2 days, even my basement is too cold to ride in right now!
¦ Just moved to the Hollywood Hills, where it is really not flat, and the roads are narrow, rough, and winding. Really not sure where I am going to run outside.
¦ 33 years old. 3rd year in triathlon after 10 years of neglecting my health. I swam in college but did basically no regular exercise from 1997 through 2007.
¦ Attorney in private practice.
¦ I currently only have 1 bike, Dyrnwyn (a mythical welsh sword -- yes, I am a huge dork), a 2009 P2. Probably going to buy a mountain bike soon.
¦ EN member since September 2010
¦ Completed two halfs in 2009, with mixed results (dehydration at Vineman and a missed bike turnaroud in September). 1 planned for 2010 -- Austin 70.3
¦ 2011 goals are TBA. Just started planned training again after taking basically 3 months off. I have some ideas on what I want to do, but don't yet know if they are realistic. The January OS block is going to be "interesting."
I'm good with whatever name... like the JOS "code"... but what about an idea for a logo... think coach P mentioned that, too...
enegizer bunny comes to mind, but that strikes me as more for endurance (keeps on going and going and going) ... and we're working on speed is the OS... maybe the roadrunner? speedy gonzalez? or, a turtle with running shoes (from bugs bunny's tortoise and the hare) -- hmm... think all the FB cartoon avatars are getting to me.
I have fallen way way off the running wagon since IMFL... not so good. granted the crazy ass 40 mph winds and frigid windchill isn't helping. I might bag the run tonight and hop on the drainer again in the hopes of tomorrow's weather being better for an outdoor run (since it's my telework day)... if all goes well, I can get Jina to the LBS tomorrow for her power fitting. changing the tires and putting pedals back on is easy. In an ideal world my weekend ride will be staring at random numbers not knowing what they mean.
@Dan, come on now, it is never too cold to ride inside, you gotta come up with a better excuse, stop looking at that bike and back on. You are going to get scolded by the Principal. I ride in the garage, door open, 30F and fan blowing, gotta keep my self "cool" or I will be looking for excuses like, I am not heat acclimated anymore, have to ride at 95%FTP for that reason..........I always play these games with my mind. How are you feeling, getting back to normal?
This AM, 7mi run, Q1 5x800m(400m)I-pace, all on target, 5:59/mi pace. Kept the run nice and in check, nothing out of control like I normally do. PM off from training but on for coaching this evening.
I can sense too much fun with this crowd. Hey, people, no smiling and training, it is supposed to hurt, anyone caught smiling is in trouble. Yeah, everyone is listening, I know.......We are so going to have a blast, we are going to be like a runaway train.
45 years old, married to my wonderful wife Mary for just short of 24 years now with 2 daughers a 21 year old college student pursuing teaching and a 12 year old volleyball and track stud! My OS will definitely get derailed with Sunday volleyball tourneys about every other week.
Manage parts and service department for a local Jeep dealer for the last 22 years.
Started in tri 2 years ago and joined EN in December 2009. As swimmers go a friend of mine that swam D1 tried to help me and after observing my form his comment was that I would have to get better just to drown so I will be in the pool all winter trying to avoid finishiing my 1st IM after the swim!
"A" race IMAZ for my first IM. On the way are a bunch of century rides and the Boulder Tri series.
@Steve - that sums up EN to a tee... "slow" (relatively speaking) and steady wins the race... come mile 18 that hare will be dead on the side of the road while we're still trucking along...
Just getting the hang of this endurance training, I was a middle distance runner in high school/college
Last season was the first season I had where I found a handle on proper training thru EN, using mostly the OS plan until my race in Sept.
I'm focusing on running now (well, when and if I ever get healthy from the flu) with easy miles and have gotten on the bike 3 times to find that my FTP didn't drop as badly as I thought it would
Looking to crack into the 50's for vdot, and somewhere in the 270's for FTP with my weight being down to hopefully 160
Love the short hard stuff of the OS and hope to really crush it until spring.
Need to focus better on getting to bed earlier and starting to eat right again
I'll need everyone's help for training nutrition as I thought I could handle just water most of the time until race day
Looking forward to talking to you all in the forums and maybe meeting some of you at Timberman.
Atkinson, NH (the southern part of the state, not the scary cold north)
36, married to Leigh for 2.5 years or so
2 Cats, 2 very needy very clingy cats...
Computer Geek by day, and well night since I am on call 24/7 x 365. Been at the same company for like 7 years, really have had the same job for 18 years since it is my only marketable skill.
My goal is to continually have more bikes than Kitima. You thought MAD was only for nukes? No way. For whatever reason I have accumulated a collection of track bikes... However bought my first MTB in like 20 years so that I can embarrass myself trying to keep up with Kitima and Kev off road.
En'er since the start
3x IM, with IMAZ this year, bunch of half's etc as well
Main goals this year are to keep the fun in all of this. After chasing the time monkey and just not being able to catch the bugger, going to just get back to the fun part of training. Doesn't mean I am going to slack off, just am not going to get really bummed if I can't hit the intervals each time.
Bunch of odd races this year, running Boston with my 71 year old dad (both qualified last year) with a bunch of mountain stuff. Bike racing in general humbles me since I am terrible at it. Nothing say 'you are not in shape' like getting dropped at the first hill _ever_ race hehehe
Running is really my strength, could probably be an ok cyclist if I could get my body comp in a good place. Terrible swimmer
- Matt Aaronson, Chicago IL (Lakeview), married, 2 daughters (2.5 and 5.5), management consultant - New to EN...this will be my second year in triathlon and my third year active after getting off the couch 70 lb ago and starting to run - Big goal this year is moving up to the HIM distance and finishing Racine. Sub-5:00 is the super-stretch goal (if it is not too hot and the stars align!!) - Other training / racing goals for this summer: I'd love to crack 20:00 in an open 5k (current PB 20:34), and would REALLY love to crack 1:30 in an open half marathon (current PB 1:33:30) - My most important goals, however, are to have fun, not get injured and maintain good balance among the priorities in my life - Tri bike is a 2008 Felt S22 bought on Craigslist for $800...that now has race wheels worth more than the bike and soon to have a quarq powermeter...yikes!! - Road bike is a 2010 Trek Madone 5.1 that I bought retail and hardly ever ride...it looks sweet, though, hanging on the wall in my basement
I look forward to training hard with you all starting in the January OS, hopefully meeting some of the Chicago-based folks in-person, learning a lot from the team, and contributing where I can.
Happy Friday! We have 25+ members of my family rolling into NorCal starting this morning to celebrate an early Christmas this year at mi casa. Was busy running around yesterday getting things ready so no training for me. Was a nice day off. It is supposed to dump rain big time here today so will try and sneak away for a bit today and get a run in at the gym.
Also wanted to congratulate the new WSM's that were announced this week and note that FOUR of them are in January OS!
Al Truscott
Mike Graffeo
Kitima B
Leigh Boyle
Congrats everyone!
Lastly, I am totally stoked! Just got confirmed yesterday as a safety runner at the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run in June! Running from start line in Squaw Valley out to Robinson Flat. 29.7 miles with 7,000 to 8,000 feet of climbing. The first 3.09 miles alone is 3,000 feet of climbing up to about 9,000 feet above sea level. Can't frigging wait!
I have run a bunch of ultra's in my life. This one eludes me. Was training for it a few years back but twisted my ankle on a training run and had to DNS. Maybe in 2013.
Matt A- I'm gonna bet that 1:30 Half Mary is totally in the bag this spring :-) And if that Trek isn't getting much ride- maybe you should donate it to a good home that will love and ride it- my hubby could use a new bike!
John- awesome news about Western States. How totally cool is that!?
I joke and have started calling it the drainer in da haus... but I do love it... good weather and bad. It's gotten me through 2 surgeries after which I couldn't do anything else but ride a stationary bike... But you make a great point, Linda... it's always a quality workout. The last 2 years my A races have been flat - which means pedaling all the time, no coasting... which made my time on the drainer clutch. not to mention in my neck of the woods getting out for an uninterrupted ride (stop lights, crowded trails, mean drivers) is hard - so sometimes I'd rather just hop on the drainer and knock it out - it's not worth the admin or the time it would take (tacking on to 40-60 minutes of driving time to get to a good place to ride) not to mention I don't always have a partner in crime and i'm still skittish about straying too far from home solo for a 30-60 mile loop in an untrafficked area -- those are great places to train, not great places to be stranded...
John is an ENABLER.
¦ In the wonderful weather (20 degrees, which I know is warm for some of you) of Panama City...known by many as home to IMFL
¦ 26 years old, not married but happily with my boyfriend of a year and a half. He is the most supportive guy ever and I guess I rubbed off on him a little because he is now doing marathons with me
¦ I am a runner by trade and didn't start tris until 2008. Just joined EN a month ago, following signing up for my first IM...IMFL '11
¦ I am an Aerospace Physiology Tech in the Air Force and am working on my Masters Degree so I'm excited to work off some of my stress during the OS
¦ For 2011: Other than IMFL, I'm looking at Augusta 70.3 and probably an assortment of Sprints, Olys, and runs.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intimidated by reading through the bios of everyone on this thread but I hope to draw from everyone's experiences to have an awesome season this year. Can't wait to get started.
Easy day today. AM 5mi E-pace, PM 60min Z1 spin on the trainer. So I just as I thought that my swim volume/endurance work was peaking and was going to take the turn for lower, I get this workout handed to me today for this week. I looked it over, thought, oh she just made a mistake, this is two workouts. Nope, I was wrong, it is one, my eyeballs came out. I will let you know Thursday how it all played out. I already swam one at 5400m on Monday. I gotta cry somewhere.
I'll give you my stats soon, just wanted to let you know I'M IN!!! Plus, I'm still not getting email updates so my checking in is not consistent. I'll be back on tonight to give you the full monty.
49, single, self employed, 2 sons, Dan 18 (awesome) and Mac 16 (awesome), I've been with En since the get go, been racing since '04 mostly 2 halfs a season with IM Roth last year, IMC in 2011.
My goal for the OS besides torturing Halligan is to by May have an ftp of 350 (lofty goal) and a weight of 215 (down 10 from IM weight). I am commtting to run frequency through the OS, but really bike focused. I want to hit the spring crits and road races and steal a podium spot before the youngsters get fit.
I will be doing all the trainer work in aero. Last year I did it on the road bike and never in the drops and I believe it is worth working the specific position. With proper set up I don't think there should be a big power difference. Time will tell.
I went out to the hurt barn and looked at my bike on the trainer today. Baby steps....
Team Snowmageddon?
Hmmmmm . . . . . need to think about the whole team name thing. Hmmmmm . . . .
@Virginia - If I were you I would be excited about this group and not intimidated. These folks will shave off a couple of years of the IM learning curve for ya. You are in GREAT hands! Welcome!
@Beth - have you done the Q1/Q2 work yet this week?
@Bill - Thanks for the brevet clarification. Loved following your last event on FB. And I still say you should try one of those on a fixy.
Also, can't find it but someone mentioned they will be focusing on run frequency in OS. There are a few of us doing that as well. Hence all my T runs off the bike that are not in the pre-OS schedule. 3/3 for me this week. Will run again tomorrow and we will see about Friday.
I did the week 2 pre-OS bike this morning followed by a T run that was more of a crawl than anything. There was zero energy left in the tank. Should bagged the run. Oh well. This pretty much sums up this morning:
You crack me up man. Its hard because you're trying to video instead of hitting your intervals hard!!!! You're buddy was getting it done though!!! Oh, and I hate you for having the balls to ride inside the garage with the door open instead of actually going outside!!! It hasn't cracked 20 here in 2 days, even my basement is too cold to ride in right now!
J.O.S.....you think we are the January Out Season group but we're not! We're the January OutSiders!
¦ Michael Byerts, Los Angeles, California.
¦ Just moved to the Hollywood Hills, where it is really not flat, and the roads are narrow, rough, and winding. Really not sure where I am going to run outside.
¦ 33 years old. 3rd year in triathlon after 10 years of neglecting my health. I swam in college but did basically no regular exercise from 1997 through 2007.
¦ Attorney in private practice.
¦ I currently only have 1 bike, Dyrnwyn (a mythical welsh sword -- yes, I am a huge dork), a 2009 P2. Probably going to buy a mountain bike soon.
¦ EN member since September 2010
¦ Completed two halfs in 2009, with mixed results (dehydration at Vineman and a missed bike turnaroud in September). 1 planned for 2010 -- Austin 70.3
¦ 2011 goals are TBA. Just started planned training again after taking basically 3 months off. I have some ideas on what I want to do, but don't yet know if they are realistic. The January OS block is going to be "interesting."
I'm good with whatever name... like the JOS "code"... but what about an idea for a logo... think coach P mentioned that, too...
enegizer bunny comes to mind, but that strikes me as more for endurance (keeps on going and going and going) ... and we're working on speed is the OS... maybe the roadrunner? speedy gonzalez? or, a turtle with running shoes (from bugs bunny's tortoise and the hare) -- hmm... think all the FB cartoon avatars are getting to me.
I have fallen way way off the running wagon since IMFL... not so good. granted the crazy ass 40 mph winds and frigid windchill isn't helping. I might bag the run tonight and hop on the drainer again in the hopes of tomorrow's weather being better for an outdoor run (since it's my telework day)... if all goes well, I can get Jina to the LBS tomorrow for her power fitting. changing the tires and putting pedals back on is easy. In an ideal world my weekend ride will be staring at random numbers not knowing what they mean.
@Dan, come on now, it is never too cold to ride inside, you gotta come up with a better excuse, stop looking at that bike and back on. You are going to get scolded by the Principal. I ride in the garage, door open, 30F and fan blowing, gotta keep my self "cool" or I will be looking for excuses like, I am not heat acclimated anymore, have to ride at 95%FTP for that reason..........I always play these games with my mind. How are you feeling, getting back to normal?
This AM, 7mi run, Q1 5x800m(400m)I-pace, all on target, 5:59/mi pace. Kept the run nice and in check, nothing out of control like I normally do. PM off from training but on for coaching this evening.
I can sense too much fun with this crowd. Hey, people, no smiling and training, it is supposed to hurt, anyone caught smiling is in trouble. Yeah, everyone is listening, I know.......We are so going to have a blast, we are going to be like a runaway train.
@Becky, from one of my blog posts from a couple of days ago...talking about long and slow, vs short and fast
Mike Davis from Colorado Springs, Co
45 years old, married to my wonderful wife Mary for just short of 24 years now with 2 daughers a 21 year old college student pursuing teaching and a 12 year old volleyball and track stud! My OS will definitely get derailed with Sunday volleyball tourneys about every other week.
Manage parts and service department for a local Jeep dealer for the last 22 years.
Started in tri 2 years ago and joined EN in December 2009. As swimmers go a friend of mine that swam D1 tried to help me and after observing my form his comment was that I would have to get better just to drown so I will be in the pool all winter trying to avoid finishiing my 1st IM after the swim!
"A" race IMAZ for my first IM. On the way are a bunch of century rides and the Boulder Tri series.
@Steve - that sums up EN to a tee... "slow" (relatively speaking) and steady wins the race... come mile 18 that hare will be dead on the side of the road while we're still trucking along...
Good luck to everyone and Happy Holidays!!!
Sez the "Moto Stud"...Todd Wells is shaking in his bike shoes now that you're riding dirt.
- New to EN...this will be my second year in triathlon and my third year active after getting off the couch 70 lb ago and starting to run
- Big goal this year is moving up to the HIM distance and finishing Racine. Sub-5:00 is the super-stretch goal (if it is not too hot and the stars align!!)
- Other training / racing goals for this summer: I'd love to crack 20:00 in an open 5k (current PB 20:34), and would REALLY love to crack 1:30 in an open half marathon (current PB 1:33:30)
- My most important goals, however, are to have fun, not get injured and maintain good balance among the priorities in my life
- Tri bike is a 2008 Felt S22 bought on Craigslist for $800...that now has race wheels worth more than the bike and soon to have a quarq powermeter...yikes!!
- Road bike is a 2010 Trek Madone 5.1 that I bought retail and hardly ever ride...it looks sweet, though, hanging on the wall in my basement
I look forward to training hard with you all starting in the January OS, hopefully meeting some of the Chicago-based folks in-person, learning a lot from the team, and contributing where I can.
Happy Friday! We have 25+ members of my family rolling into NorCal starting this morning to celebrate an early Christmas this year at mi casa. Was busy running around yesterday getting things ready so no training for me. Was a nice day off. It is supposed to dump rain big time here today so will try and sneak away for a bit today and get a run in at the gym.
Also wanted to congratulate the new WSM's that were announced this week and note that FOUR of them are in January OS!
Congrats everyone!
Lastly, I am totally stoked! Just got confirmed yesterday as a safety runner at the Western States 100 Mile Endurance Run in June! Running from start line in Squaw Valley out to Robinson Flat. 29.7 miles with 7,000 to 8,000 feet of climbing. The first 3.09 miles alone is 3,000 feet of climbing up to about 9,000 feet above sea level. Can't frigging wait!
I have run a bunch of ultra's in my life. This one eludes me. Was training for it a few years back but twisted my ankle on a training run and had to DNS. Maybe in 2013.
John- awesome news about Western States. How totally cool is that!?