Ok, the guilt got to me and i just finished a 45 minute workout on the drainer3x8 at what must have been ZOne 5, but i won't know that unitl i do my FTP test next week! off to vermont & the slopes!!!
@Mike: I'm a for-reals noob. Have only spent 1 workout there. I haven't thought ahead to video entertainment. Curious to see/hear about other setups. An idea is to bring the laptop down and watch some Hulu whilst paining, perhaps. I think I enjoyed getting to rest my head (looking down) on the trainer last time-- should probably train my neck muscles to look ahead.
@Greg C: Dangit! I didn't mean to accessorize my accessories!
... I'm a for-reals noob. Have only spent 1 workout there. I haven't thought ahead to video entertainment. Curious to see/hear about other setups. An idea is to bring the laptop down and watch some Hulu whilst paining, perhaps. I think I enjoyed getting to rest my head (looking down) on the trainer last time-- should probably train my neck muscles to look ahead.
Matt: here's a link to our Pain Cave/Power Penthouse thread, where all will be revealed. If you're not already signed up for the Jan OS group (See "Groups", above under Community), you may have to do that to access that forum.
T minus 3 (4?) days until OS start! Forgot to intro myself on my first post to the thread so here goes:
30-something slowpo' hooked on the IM.
IMAZ 2009, 2010
Next IM probably IMSG 2012 (injuries & changes in course terrian have me playing it safe this season with just HIMs, but chosen to prep for IMSG)
Been in the EN haus since August 2010. Goals: keep myself healthy and happy so I can keep doing IMs til I get can get to Kona from the 80+ yr age group.
Pics of my "pain cave" should follow soon. More like a pain "mesa", as I live on the 2nd floor and am a spoiled southern californian.
How many people in the Jan OS are still on HR on the bike? Power is in the long term plan, but just can't drop the $$ all at once yet. Plus am on the hunt for a road bike.
And it's great to see you, Al! Loved the meaning of life bit too - I think I am with you on the DNA perspective.
I don't want to waste everyone's time with a dumb question, but are you all starting on sat or mon? I just assume (you know what that means!) mon because its the start of a new week. Just wondering because I hope to be on the same page as everyone else for the most part to compare notes. Thanks.
@Julia - I'm with you on Jan OS using HR. The cash outlay is already high since I had to acquire everything from zero so I'm planning to use HR with the goal of finishing IMCDA this year. If I end up liking triathlons as much as I think I will, I plan to make the investment in training with Power during the next OS.
@Al, as I scroll down thru emails and forums I came across your post on your surgery recovery... glad to hear that you are well. I'm sure you're happy to see 2010 in the rear view mirror! Good luck to you in your recovery.
@Al: grazi for the link, sir! I was starting to wonder if there was a separate thread...
@GregC: It's a good thing I didn't pan out much wider on the accessories. The car in front is a Miata. I keep thinking I need to man it up -- maybe with some trucknutz. Or maybe I just need to pull the unicorn sticker off of it.
As a EN noobie - thanks for starting this thread John - it helps to put some substance behind the names we will see all winter long.....
* PETE Joachim / 42 / Single no kids / Joined EN 11/2010
* Basking Ride, NJ - 30 minutes west of NYC (originally from Philly & a big Philly sports fan).
* Retirement consultant in small 4 person office, but right next to a nice Lifetime Fitness gym !
* Started doing tris in 2007. No real background in any of the 3 sports as I was a football, baseball, basketball guy in school and into golf/tennis post school. So good with hand-eye coordination sports - not so much this swim/bike/run thing - this I have to really work at and I'm equally mediocre in all 3 !
* Lots of sprints, half dozen HIM, love the OLY distance. Did first Full at B2B last November. Doing IMLP 2011 (goal = the best my body/mind can do that day).
* Just bought new tri bike w/SRM last fall - so I'll be going thru the PM learning curve this year as well....
* Going thru renovations in condo this winter so pain cave will be in "where ever I can put my trainer" mode till I can re-claim my basement from all the crap down there. But getting some good ideas from this group.
Looking forward to my first EN OS - but will spend the first week in Key West, FL - ha!
WOW! Lots going on this week! Very cool. Keep it up.
And here is my PSA:
So we don't confuse the new folks, let's try and keep our chatter focused on the EN way of doing things. I know some of us are more advanced, but we need to "stay the course" and just keep focused on the workouts that are scheduled. Build the mojo, etc. I know a few of us will need to move some days around based on life, and that is cool.
I am sure if RandP thought another way was better for the majority of us, they would have adjusted the OS plans accordingly.
@ Julia - I've posted my pain cave pics on the JOS thread. I'm would say that I'm still on HR on the bike, but the truth is I rarely use my HR monitor and rely mostly on RPE. I've never bothered with a bike HR test, but I'll probably do it Monday for the gee-whiz factor. My road bike is going to be raced on March 5 in the first ever USAT sanctioned, draft-legal age group triathlon. Woo-hoo, it's gonna hurt!
@John&PSA: I agree. That's why I pay RnP $$ every month. So they can do the thinking for me & I just have to do the work. With time left over to harass you guys.
@AT - Nothing towards you my friend. Though it does look that way. My bad.
Maybe it is me, but I have noticed some other forum threads going off topic a bit (kinda blowing off the EN way) recently and wanted to make sure someone said something here so when we start next week there isn't any SlowTwitch-esque useless chatter going on. Just focus on The Plan and the EN way and git 'r dun! Don't want to have Coach Rich kicking anyone in JOS in the nutz. Plenty of great WSM's to keep us all in line and focused and Coach Rich at bay
This is a hell of a group and I am looking forward to seeing everyone's results as we progress.
And welcome to the new folks. My name is John Stark and I am an "enabler."
Hi all! Looking forward to joining you in the Jan sufferfest…. errr… OS. In the meantime I've been entertaining myself with the EN Holiday Run Challenge. Unlike some of the actual ultra-types in that group, I'm just trying to minimize the egg nog and cookie damage. :-)
Restarting again after Nov OS attempt interrupted due to work and travel. It looks like this will be a fun group: not many places you can find relationship AND power training advice… ;-) Not to mention all the hockey love! I still play in a men's 18+ league (I'm 45) although lately it's been half time with tri training.
@Al, Great to hear that things are going well! Let the harassment commence.
So after signing up for the Nov OS, life got in the way and I never got "on the program", but a few extra months off have been good for the body and mind and I'm excited to start the Jan OS with all of you. Here's a little about me...
Fred Gilbert
Long Beach, CA
Been with EN since the beginning
35 years old
Married with 2 kids. Wife's a marathoner, daughter is 3yrs and son 9wks.
Run market vertical sales organization and also oversee marketing for a global shipping and logistics company (it's a new role which requires a lot of international travel. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance serious jet lag with EN style workouts in foreign countries )
Been doing triathlons for 7yrs. 2 IMs and more HIMs than I can count. Love the longer distances.
2011 is pretty much wide open right now. Depending on my travel schedule and the family I hope to get in a few Olympics and a couple of HIMs (Wildflower and/or Vineman). Also hope to do a couple of hilly centuries in addition to just keeping up with Coach Rich on epic weekend rides.
Looking forward to kicking it off with a bike test on Monday!
Life got in the way of my Pre-OS scheduled 3 x 5's yesterday. Woke up this morning, 34 degrees, streets dry and sunny. Layered up, channeled the Halligan, went out and CRUSHED the intervals. Overall 59:16 @ .907 IF.
I progressed easy to hard and felt good. I will run tomorrow and then take Sunday off to rest for the FTP test on Monday. Though they were short intervals, today was a nice juju builder for Monday.
Lastly, I got a ticket for excessive speed:
Actually, I rolled through a red light with almost no cars around one block from my house. DORK! And the cop is a friend of my neighbor and I know him. No breaks for this rule breaker.
Wrapped up 2010 w/ a good week of training and ready to kick off the OS, well, I kinda already did.
After Tuesday's early bird FTT, on Wed, I ran 5 miles at a solid pace, went to PT, then swam 2K w/ my sister. Got back on the drainer yesterday and fatigue caught up to me. I did 1x10, then 2x5 and got off after 45'. I wasn't feelin' the love for an hour of power. Went out today and ran 3.5 at my fastest pace since Aug. I'm crossing my fingers that my right leg, glute, and back issues are on the mend. Just in time for the OS, I hope.
Planning on the 5k test tomorrow. Can't wait to see the results start to roll in.
Beware of Amatuer Night and be safe. Happy New Year.
@Beth - Dash misses you dearly, but he understands... he's looking forward to OS very much!
@Allen, Julia - totally understand the investment... but power will come when it comes. I did HR all of last year and it kicked my arse!
I admit, I'm nervous for my first FTP test - but finally feel like I have a handle on how to download/upload to/from the joule. I think I have the joule configured how I want it...and played around on WKO today adjusting colors and the graph view. I have no idea if I properly "smoothed" the graph but I think so. I did notice the 2 second power reading and changed it to 1... so much information but it's trickling in - now that I finally had the time to sit down with all the manuals/pages I downloaded and printed to fiddle with it. Fingers crossed! Looking forward to continued improvements on the bike... and I definitely need to improve on the run!
I hope everyone has a great night tonight and rests up for monday!
here is my intro:
Ok, the guilt got to me and i just finished a 45 minute workout on the drainer3x8 at what must have been ZOne 5, but i won't know that unitl i do my FTP test next week! off to vermont & the slopes!!!
Happy New Year!!!
@ Becky, that is great advice and excellent points. I guess I was drunk from the PT EN Koolaid.....
. You are so right! Cheers, Greg
I thought about my bike and the drainer today. And am working on a playlist. Maybe tomorrow there will be riding.
I stood down today and did some serious, serious stretching. Like two hours worth. Hips feel amazing. Looking forward to starting to OS in good shape!
@Mike: I'm a for-reals noob. Have only spent 1 workout there. I haven't thought ahead to video entertainment. Curious to see/hear about other setups. An idea is to bring the laptop down and watch some Hulu whilst paining, perhaps. I think I enjoyed getting to rest my head (looking down) on the trainer last time-- should probably train my neck muscles to look ahead.
@Greg C: Dangit! I didn't mean to accessorize my accessories!
Matt: here's a link to our Pain Cave/Power Penthouse thread, where all will be revealed. If you're not already signed up for the Jan OS group (See "Groups", above under Community), you may have to do that to access that forum.
OOPS! Forgot to link the link
T minus 3 (4?) days until OS start! Forgot to intro myself on my first post to the thread so here goes:
30-something slowpo' hooked on the IM.
IMAZ 2009, 2010
Next IM probably IMSG 2012 (injuries & changes in course terrian have me playing it safe this season with just HIMs, but chosen to prep for IMSG)
Been in the EN haus since August 2010. Goals: keep myself healthy and happy so I can keep doing IMs til I get can get to Kona from the 80+ yr age group.
Pics of my "pain cave" should follow soon. More like a pain "mesa", as I live on the 2nd floor and am a spoiled southern californian.
How many people in the Jan OS are still on HR on the bike? Power is in the long term plan, but just can't drop the $$ all at once yet. Plus am on the hunt for a road bike.
And it's great to see you, Al! Loved the meaning of life bit too - I think I am with you on the DNA perspective.
I don't want to waste everyone's time with a dumb question, but are you all starting on sat or mon? I just assume (you know what that means!) mon because its the start of a new week. Just wondering because I hope to be on the same page as everyone else for the most part to compare notes. Thanks.
@ Dan F, Most of the JOS folks are starting Monday if I recall correctly based on feedback thus far. Cheers, Greg
@ Matt, that was hoooolarious! My 15 year old daughter would love the fact you accessorize your accessories!!!!!!!!
Thanks Greg. I figured. I've been out of the loop for the most part this holiday season, its been a bit crazy at home.
@Al - Glad to hear your surgery went well.
@Al, as I scroll down thru emails and forums I came across your post on your surgery recovery... glad to hear that you are well. I'm sure you're happy to see 2010 in the rear view mirror! Good luck to you in your recovery.
@GregC: It's a good thing I didn't pan out much wider on the accessories. The car in front is a Miata. I keep thinking I need to man it up -- maybe with some trucknutz. Or maybe I just need to pull the unicorn sticker off of it.
As a EN noobie - thanks for starting this thread John - it helps to put some substance behind the names we will see all winter long.....
* PETE Joachim / 42 / Single no kids / Joined EN 11/2010
* Basking Ride, NJ - 30 minutes west of NYC (originally from Philly & a big Philly sports fan).
* Retirement consultant in small 4 person office, but right next to a nice Lifetime Fitness gym !
* Started doing tris in 2007. No real background in any of the 3 sports as I was a football, baseball, basketball guy in school and into golf/tennis post school. So good with hand-eye coordination sports - not so much this swim/bike/run thing - this I have to really work at and I'm equally mediocre in all 3 !
* Lots of sprints, half dozen HIM, love the OLY distance. Did first Full at B2B last November. Doing IMLP 2011 (goal = the best my body/mind can do that day).
* Just bought new tri bike w/SRM last fall - so I'll be going thru the PM learning curve this year as well....
* Going thru renovations in condo this winter so pain cave will be in "where ever I can put my trainer" mode till I can re-claim my basement from all the crap down there. But getting some good ideas from this group.
Looking forward to my first EN OS - but will spend the first week in Key West, FL - ha!
WOW! Lots going on this week! Very cool. Keep it up.
And here is my PSA:
So we don't confuse the new folks, let's try and keep our chatter focused on the EN way of doing things. I know some of us are more advanced, but we need to "stay the course" and just keep focused on the workouts that are scheduled. Build the mojo, etc. I know a few of us will need to move some days around based on life, and that is cool.
I am sure if RandP thought another way was better for the majority of us, they would have adjusted the OS plans accordingly.
Just my .02.
@John and Al, I think I got the message.
@AT - Nothing towards you my friend. Though it does look that way.
My bad.
Maybe it is me, but I have noticed some other forum threads going off topic a bit (kinda blowing off the EN way) recently and wanted to make sure someone said something here so when we start next week there isn't any SlowTwitch-esque useless chatter going on. Just focus on The Plan and the EN way and git 'r dun! Don't want to have Coach Rich kicking anyone in JOS in the nutz.
Plenty of great WSM's to keep us all in line and focused and Coach Rich at bay
This is a hell of a group and I am looking forward to seeing everyone's results as we progress.
And welcome to the new folks. My name is John Stark and I am an "enabler."
4 days until JOS starts!
@Mike, thanks. Will do. It is the only fair way.
Restarting again after Nov OS attempt interrupted due to work and travel. It looks like this will be a fun group: not many places you can find relationship AND power training advice… ;-) Not to mention all the hockey love! I still play in a men's 18+ league (I'm 45) although lately it's been half time with tri training.
@Al, Great to hear that things are going well! Let the harassment commence.
Happy New Year everyone!
So after signing up for the Nov OS, life got in the way and I never got "on the program", but a few extra months off have been good for the body and mind and I'm excited to start the Jan OS with all of you. Here's a little about me...
Looking forward to kicking it off with a bike test on Monday!
Life got in the way of my Pre-OS scheduled 3 x 5's yesterday. Woke up this morning, 34 degrees, streets dry and sunny. Layered up, channeled the Halligan, went out and CRUSHED the intervals. Overall 59:16 @ .907 IF.
Lap 1:
Lap 3:
Lap 5:
I progressed easy to hard and felt good. I will run tomorrow and then take Sunday off to rest for the FTP test on Monday. Though they were short intervals, today was a nice juju builder for Monday.
Lastly, I got a ticket for excessive speed:
Actually, I rolled through a red light with almost no cars around one block from my house. DORK! And the cop is a friend of my neighbor and I know him. No breaks for this rule breaker.
Wrapped up 2010 w/ a good week of training and ready to kick off the OS, well, I kinda already did.
After Tuesday's early bird FTT, on Wed, I ran 5 miles at a solid pace, went to PT, then swam 2K w/ my sister. Got back on the drainer yesterday and fatigue caught up to me. I did 1x10, then 2x5 and got off after 45'. I wasn't feelin' the love for an hour of power. Went out today and ran 3.5 at my fastest pace since Aug. I'm crossing my fingers that my right leg, glute, and back issues are on the mend. Just in time for the OS, I hope.
Planning on the 5k test tomorrow. Can't wait to see the results start to roll in.
Beware of Amatuer Night and be safe. Happy New Year.
@Beth - Dash misses you dearly, but he understands... he's looking forward to OS very much!
@Allen, Julia - totally understand the investment... but power will come when it comes. I did HR all of last year and it kicked my arse!
I admit, I'm nervous for my first FTP test - but finally feel like I have a handle on how to download/upload to/from the joule. I think I have the joule configured how I want it...and played around on WKO today adjusting colors and the graph view. I have no idea if I properly "smoothed" the graph but I think so. I did notice the 2 second power reading and changed it to 1... so much information but it's trickling in - now that I finally had the time to sit down with all the manuals/pages I downloaded and printed to fiddle with it. Fingers crossed! Looking forward to continued improvements on the bike... and I definitely need to improve on the run!
I hope everyone has a great night tonight and rests up for monday!