Anybody else doing a race this weekend as a sub for the vdot test? I'm heading out for the Freezer 5 tomorrow. First running race in a long time. Fingers crossed!
Good luck Mike...doing the 2x20 with several friends supposed to be in low 60's around noon ! Not expecting a great test, but it will be something to build on.
I did the First Night 5K in place of my vdot test last night. Managed 22:40 even though I wasn't feeling great (vdot 43). So I'm happy with that since it's about where I was when I did the Austin HIM in October despite the extra holiday pounds. My hope is that's just "temporary" weight... and that some good OS bike sessions can take care of 'em.
Good luck to Mike and everyone else racing today.
Before I forget, here's my intro: Age 45, year 2 in EN, wonderful wife and 3 terrific kids (13, 8, 5) Did two HIM's last year (Galveston in 5:58 and Austin in 5:46) FTP in 250-ish range and vdot around 43 A race is an early one (IMTX in May) - my first IM! - so I'll be exiting OS a bit early to do a 12 week prep (per RnP) Goal is to get to race weight (175-180) by my birthday (April 25) Execute race like an EN ninja Hope to increase FTP and vdot 5-10% before race but more importantly have fun and stay injury-free!
From the Dashboard: JAN OS - Bike Test #1 done. 22mph avg / 14.67miles / LTHR 176. No PM yet so I don't know watts, etc. Can't wait to see my progress on the next bike test - especially when I am at least 15lbs lighter. Happy New Years!
Noobie question: Now where do I go to find my bike HR zones based on the numbers??
Nice job Greg! William: those are some huge numbers! Congratulations to you both on successful tests. Can't say I'm "looking forward" to mine but am excited to get started. Good luck to all.
Got my race done today. 5 miles of rolling hills, none too steep, but very little flat. Good crowd of about 200 or so, including 3 buddies from my local tri team. I wasn't very confident in my fitness or my pacing of a 5 miler, so I decided to keep it just a hair under-cooked for the first 3, then push hard for the last 2. I executed the plan well, passed 15--20 people in the last 2 miles, and finished in 34:20. Not too sure about using the. Result for my Vdot, since the course definitely slowed me down, but it's a start.
Oh, yeah, and i did the race in a sleeveless shirt, it was so warm out today. Pics to come later!
Mike, great work. Was that time at least in the ballpark for you? Do you know about what you averaged for the last 2 miles, I assume a negative split? Not bad for this time of year! Well done man.
Greg, Mike and William - AWESOME work! Way to kick things off.
I am already feeling intimidated. Gonna harness that energy!
I got my 60' run in on a pseudo-hilly route (see below) and added the 15' half marathon hack for a total of 75'. 42 degrees, foggy with visibility to ~ 100 yards and at the end a breeze started. Brrrrr. Z3 for a couple of sections, but mostly Z1/Z2 LRP. Avg 9:14's with 700 feet of climbing. Most on the back end.
@MikeG congrats on your race result! I'm loving the mojo from this thread!
Earlier this week I decided to do a half mary the first week of February (need race on calendar to get a$$ in gear!), so wanted to get in a long run today prior to the OS kicking off. 10miles @ 7:43 pace w/4 x 1mi @ sub-6:30. I haven't done miles at that click for over 3mos! Legs are definitely feeling it (so I've got 'em kicked up while watching the Rose Bowl)!
I have never done this before in EN, but I wanna formally apologize for my post below about staying the course and staying on EN message. Been questioning myself about it today and I feel like I was out of line and I think I stifled some folks mojo. I know there are a few of us in here working through injury, regrouping our plans to fit life, have our own tweaks, etc. and everyone should feel free to post what they will.
I am but one member of the "team." It isn't the John Stark show.
Again, I apologize for any mojo crushing I may have done.
@Dan, i was where i thought I might be able to be on the very few flats. The course was always a little up or a little down, and overall i was pleased with what i was able to do. In my best run form from last year, I think I'd take about 2+ minutes off that time, possibly more, but it's not about being as fast as possible in January, it's about being as fast as possible at my target races this year. A good place to start.
@John, i hear what you're saying, and appreciate your empathy. I have to tell you that i had no negative reaction to your post whatsoever, and thought it was a timely reminder that a lot of the folks who are talking about various modifications to the plan are experienced vets, and that the best way to get that experience is to go through the plan. Please don't reign in your leadership spirit, its something many of us around here thrive on!
After I read @Greg's comments I had to delete the big post I wrote about my favorite subject. . .knitting. Does anyone know if there's an Endurance Knitting group I can join?!? I think I am here by mistake. . .
John--no need to apologize! I was 100% behind what you said b/c if the team does not train with cohesion, or understand the EN way with somewhat of "one mind" then we might as well be Slowtwitch. There's tremendous power and motivation in everyone being on the same page and basically doing the same thing day in and day out. It would be a shame for for the new members, and the vets for that matter, if they did not experience what is one of ENs most gratifying experiences.
That's why I was concrened about my rogue OS. I truly, truly didn't want to impart a "go your own way" message--it can be detrimental. Then again, as this team grows and evolves, people will need to veer off the straight and narrow for bunches of reasons--injury, changing interests, off years, etc. With each year that passes, folding everyone into the big tent is more of a challenge with the issue of cohesion. I, for sure, don't have the answers about how to do that. The answer for me will be to chime in where my training syncs, help guide in places and keep people on the same pafe where I can be helpful. I am one of the biggest whip crackers around here for "trusting the plans," and there's good reasons to push and remind folks of that POV.
The only thing you should be apologizing for is too much enthusiasm.
No offense taken here, my friend, even though I did both the FT and Vdot tests this past week. Now that I think about it, you must have been talkin' about me.
i don't want to introduce a discordant note, but I have sensed a little Slowtwitchiness creeping in. To wit: profanity.
Halligan, Nemo, RnP, et al will confirm that I truly am a proud, card carrying cavemen, who can "eff this" with the best of them. I'm no sensitive new age male and I'll kick the crap out of anyone who accuses me of being one. But recently a I've read a few words here that might be okay in a dude only setting but which may well be offensive in mixed company. And I like mixed company. (We need brains and perspective here.) That is all. Let's have some fun. Peace.
(No, David. I have not tested yet. Just put me down for a 250.)
Great stuff Mike. I'll pray some day that I'll be there. Used to be able to just go out for a few weeks and bam, I was there. Those days are over man! Keep it up. Looking forward to seeing your progress in the OS.
@John: huh? I obviously missed the "offensive" post.
@Chris M: Thanks for the courtesy reminder. I'll try to do better :-)
As for me. Went out for a test run today and found about 10 min in that things with my calf/hammy/well, left leg in general just were not right. Turned around and came home. I think it's safe to say I won't be working on any vDot stuff for a few weeks. I seem to be OK on the bike though. Bring on the FTP Test! (Did the enthusiasm of doing the test there sound convincing to you? Yeah, I didn't think so either. I'm still working on improving my attitude about the tests!)
@John - x2 what Linda said... I think the EN system works well (after a year of drinking the kool-aid) and was not at all offended by your message about staying on course (although I think I missed the "offending" posts that prompted your concern). Of course many of us do have to modify to fit life, injury, etc... but those are temporary modifications due to necessity - not questioning or trying to change the system at the core. That's a key difference, IMHO. In any event, don't stress about it any longer.
heck, I was worried about my power post... hoping not to ruffle any feathers. I think if we are all respectful of each other and supportive of each other... none of us should have to worry about what we say here.
In any event. Hopped on the scale today and it was frightful... sigh... I am so very glad the holidays are over! I have one more party to contend with (my own) then I can put a deadbolt on my fridge and freezer. Oh, and I'm gonna start a cleanse/clean eating program the day after my party (next Sunday).
So, is everyone kicking butt tomorrow morning, or night? Depending on if the baby wakes up early or not decides my fate. I would much rather get up early than wait, but if I set the alarm and wake the wife and the baby in the process, I may not have an OS.... good luck everyone, looking forward to sharing war stories with you.
Joining the party, you guys have been so active I doubt I will find the time to read all of the back posts.
Thank you John for leading out the Jan OS.
• Geoff Sage • Las Vegas, NV • 51, married 29 years in Feb, two sons 25 & 23 • CFO & Treasurer for Central Christian Church, largest non-denominational church in the state • EN member since May 2010 • IM CDA 2006 14:37; IMSG 2010 15:45; ~ 15 HIM 2005-2010 PR 5:58 • 2011 schedule: Jan OS for 8 weeks; 12 week IM plan; IMTX 5/21; recovery 3 weeks; 8 weeks OS; 1 week transition; 12 week IM plan; IMFL 11/5 • Trek road bike and Javelin TT bike, been training with Power and Pace since I joined EN.
I did the Silverman Half on Nov 7th and have been just taking it pretty easy since. Just treadmill and rollers. Tomorrow will be my first day outside on my bike since the HIM. I am looking forward to being fully engaged in EN throughout 2011; up until now I have been on the fringe.
@Mike and William - Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to see/hear the results. Rock it!
@Stark, love the pick, bummer about the ticket. Only you would think to take a photo when being pulled over!
@everyone else... Is it wrong that I could put an olive in the puddle of sweat and have another martini????? Arghh, rough morning!
Happy New year everyone! See ya in the OS on Monday.
I did the First Night 5K in place of my vdot test last night. Managed 22:40 even though I wasn't feeling great (vdot 43). So I'm happy with that since it's about where I was when I did the Austin HIM in October despite the extra holiday pounds. My hope is that's just "temporary" weight... and that some good OS bike sessions can take care of 'em.
Good luck to Mike and everyone else racing today.
Before I forget, here's my intro:
Age 45, year 2 in EN, wonderful wife and 3 terrific kids (13, 8, 5)
Did two HIM's last year (Galveston in 5:58 and Austin in 5:46)
FTP in 250-ish range and vdot around 43
A race is an early one (IMTX in May) - my first IM! - so I'll be exiting OS a bit early to do a 12 week prep (per RnP)
Goal is to get to race weight (175-180) by my birthday (April 25)
Execute race like an EN ninja
Hope to increase FTP and vdot 5-10% before race but more importantly have fun and stay injury-free!
I have to sign up for the OS Jan Plan.
What end date do we pick?
@Linda - May 22nd.
happy New Year.
Wow, well done William. Great numbers.
Noobie question: Now where do I go to find my bike HR zones based on the numbers??
Thanks for the help!
William, that is awesome! way to go! Dave Halligan has some competition maybe!!!
Happy New Year! What a way to start! Cheers, Greg
@ Greg P. Nice work! Try following this link to the data tool and plug your results in. It should give you zones (I think).
Otherwise, search in training
William: those are some huge numbers!
Congratulations to you both on successful tests. Can't say I'm "looking forward" to mine but am excited to get started. Good luck to all.
Oh, yeah, and i did the race in a sleeveless shirt, it was so warm out today. Pics to come later!
Mike, great work. Was that time at least in the ballpark for you? Do you know about what you averaged for the last 2 miles, I assume a negative split? Not bad for this time of year! Well done man.
Greg, Mike and William - AWESOME work! Way to kick things off.
I am already feeling intimidated. Gonna harness that energy!
I got my 60' run in on a pseudo-hilly route (see below) and added the 15' half marathon hack for a total of 75'. 42 degrees, foggy with visibility to ~ 100 yards and at the end a breeze started. Brrrrr. Z3 for a couple of sections, but mostly Z1/Z2 LRP. Avg 9:14's with 700 feet of climbing. Most on the back end.
That's it! Pre-OS is done! Glad I did it.
See everyone in the JOS threads starting Monday.
T-2 days to launch!
@MikeG congrats on your race result! I'm loving the mojo from this thread!
Earlier this week I decided to do a half mary the first week of February (need race on calendar to get a$$ in gear!), so wanted to get in a long run today prior to the OS kicking off. 10miles @ 7:43 pace w/4 x 1mi @ sub-6:30. I haven't done miles at that click for over 3mos! Legs are definitely feeling it (so I've got 'em kicked up while watching the Rose Bowl)!
Cheers to everyone for a great 2011!
Hi All:
I have never done this before in EN, but I wanna formally apologize for my post below about staying the course and staying on EN message. Been questioning myself about it today and I feel like I was out of line and I think I stifled some folks mojo. I know there are a few of us in here working through injury, regrouping our plans to fit life, have our own tweaks, etc. and everyone should feel free to post what they will.
I am but one member of the "team." It isn't the John Stark show.
Again, I apologize for any mojo crushing I may have done.
Nuff sed.
Rock on everyone! And Happy New Year!
No worries John...........mojo will rule and we get what you mean. We wont talk about knitting, crochet or cricket! Just JOS EN style! Cheers, Greg
@John, i hear what you're saying, and appreciate your empathy. I have to tell you that i had no negative reaction to your post whatsoever, and thought it was a timely reminder that a lot of the folks who are talking about various modifications to the plan are experienced vets, and that the best way to get that experience is to go through the plan. Please don't reign in your leadership spirit, its something many of us around here thrive on!
After I read @Greg's comments I had to delete the big post I wrote about my favorite subject. . .knitting. Does anyone know if there's an Endurance Knitting group I can join?!? I think I am here by mistake. . .
John--no need to apologize! I was 100% behind what you said b/c if the team does not train with cohesion, or understand the EN way with somewhat of "one mind" then we might as well be Slowtwitch. There's tremendous power and motivation in everyone being on the same page and basically doing the same thing day in and day out. It would be a shame for for the new members, and the vets for that matter, if they did not experience what is one of ENs most gratifying experiences.
That's why I was concrened about my rogue OS. I truly, truly didn't want to impart a "go your own way" message--it can be detrimental. Then again, as this team grows and evolves, people will need to veer off the straight and narrow for bunches of reasons--injury, changing interests, off years, etc. With each year that passes, folding everyone into the big tent is more of a challenge with the issue of cohesion. I, for sure, don't have the answers about how to do that. The answer for me will be to chime in where my training syncs, help guide in places and keep people on the same pafe where I can be helpful. I am one of the biggest whip crackers around here for "trusting the plans," and there's good reasons to push and remind folks of that POV.
The only thing you should be apologizing for is too much enthusiasm.
No offense taken here, my friend, even though I did both the FT and Vdot tests this past week. Now that I think about it, you must have been talkin' about me.
Good luck testing!
Halligan, Nemo, RnP, et al will confirm that I truly am a proud, card carrying cavemen, who can "eff this" with the best of them. I'm no sensitive new age male and I'll kick the crap out of anyone who accuses me of being one.
(No, David. I have not tested yet. Just put me down for a 250.)
Great stuff Mike. I'll pray some day that I'll be there. Used to be able to just go out for a few weeks and bam, I was there. Those days are over man! Keep it up. Looking forward to seeing your progress in the OS.
@Chris M: Thanks for the courtesy reminder. I'll try to do better :-)
As for me. Went out for a test run today and found about 10 min in that things with my calf/hammy/well, left leg in general just were not right. Turned around and came home. I think it's safe to say I won't be working on any vDot stuff for a few weeks. I seem to be OK on the bike though. Bring on the FTP Test! (Did the enthusiasm of doing the test there sound convincing to you? Yeah, I didn't think so either. I'm still working on improving my attitude about the tests!)
@John - x2 what Linda said... I think the EN system works well (after a year of drinking the kool-aid) and was not at all offended by your message about staying on course (although I think I missed the "offending" posts that prompted your concern). Of course many of us do have to modify to fit life, injury, etc... but those are temporary modifications due to necessity - not questioning or trying to change the system at the core. That's a key difference, IMHO. In any event, don't stress about it any longer.
heck, I was worried about my power post... hoping not to ruffle any feathers. I think if we are all respectful of each other and supportive of each other... none of us should have to worry about what we say here.
In any event. Hopped on the scale today and it was frightful... sigh... I am so very glad the holidays are over! I have one more party to contend with (my own) then I can put a deadbolt on my fridge and freezer. Oh, and I'm gonna start a cleanse/clean eating program the day after my party (next Sunday).
So, is everyone kicking butt tomorrow morning, or night? Depending on if the baby wakes up early or not decides my fate. I would much rather get up early than wait, but if I set the alarm and wake the wife and the baby in the process, I may not have an OS.... good luck everyone, looking forward to sharing war stories with you.
Thank you John for leading out the Jan OS.
• Geoff Sage
• Las Vegas, NV
• 51, married 29 years in Feb, two sons 25 & 23
• CFO & Treasurer for Central Christian Church, largest non-denominational church in the state
• EN member since May 2010
• IM CDA 2006 14:37; IMSG 2010 15:45; ~ 15 HIM 2005-2010 PR 5:58
• 2011 schedule: Jan OS for 8 weeks; 12 week IM plan; IMTX 5/21; recovery 3 weeks; 8 weeks OS; 1 week transition; 12 week IM plan; IMFL 11/5
• Trek road bike and Javelin TT bike, been training with Power and Pace since I joined EN.
I did the Silverman Half on Nov 7th and have been just taking it pretty easy since. Just treadmill and rollers. Tomorrow will be my first day outside on my bike since the HIM. I am looking forward to being fully engaged in EN throughout 2011; up until now I have been on the fringe.