In my last IM run training cycle, I found exactly the same thing re pace. Often, my 1' on/ 30-45"--whoops, that's 10'on/30-45" off -- was as fast or faster than slogging through the whole long run. (We never run longer than 2:30 here. ) I'm thinking I'd like to try the 5'/30" approach and see what happens--once the runs get up there that is. If that approach can keep me strong and steadier through the whole race, then that's the key. Also, someone here (can't remember who) made the point that the walk portion should be done mindfully with the purpose of covering ground, not taking a rest. I thought that was a helpful distrinction, and I used that thought on the roads.
I recall several podcasts and discussions last year where R&P advocated strategically using walk breaks (walk with purpose). Rather than a set time break, they just say to use the aid stations as your walk break.
At IMoo- there is one sorta significant hill (we'll see it at camp- I'll make sure of it!) It's short- but it is a hill and there's a waterstop right at the bottom before you enter the hill. I made the strategic decision in 2008 to run through that aid station just grabbing what I needed and then walked that hill.
PS- In 2008 on the first loop, R&P rode by me on their bikes while I was on that hill so I had to run up that first time! Thankfully this hill is around a turn just beyond the "Mile 18" spot where R&P will be- so we'll be out of sight this time!
Agree with the walk with purpose. It's one of the fastest walks I've done.
The just waiting til aid stations walk doesn't work for me as I function much better with the 5 min/30 second runs. Also if you are running slower than a 9 minute mile you could be running for a while before you hit aid station. The other thing I find is that you have a lot going on mentally at the aid station trying to dogdge people and grab everything, so the other 30 second walk is a mental break as well. As noted in my previous post, some miles I modified and just walked at the aid station, but I know for me I will definitely stick to starting with the 5 minute/30 sec walk plan.
Hi Ladies! I realized that the little letter I included with your posters didn't have the list of CowGirls- and that info (who you send to next) is in the old 3.0 forums. So I'm posting it back here so it's easier for us to find! I've updated this to include Pam as well.
Poster 1
Gina & Su
Poster 2
I'll continue to update this post if we get new CowGirls along the way so that we stay on track. Right now I think the Posters are in the loving hands of Michele and Kitma?
Oh- and while I'm at it, I might as well bring over my pic from the 3.0 thread as well. Here is me with my poster at the start of the journey! Dang I look pregnant in this picture!! Let's hope I get that fixed before Moo!!!
Yes, I have one of the posters. Pain Cave pics are on the way as soon as I clean the clutter in it.
Pam: I tried the 5/30 run thing this week. Must say I like it alot better than 10/1. 1minute seems too long...or more like long enough to start liking that walking too much.
You can now sign up for Janus Charity Challenge for IMWI. FYI. We had talked about in the past 3.0 forum about supporting your local children's hospital.. can't quite remember the thread but Steve Cramer posted it? Nemo, you know? anyways, the Janus Charity Challenge takes a bit of admin time getting the address, 5013C, tax id #, POC and etc but after that the online donation site is nice. I will do Janus and if we all decided on hospitals, then I will pick out mine here Children's Hospital in LR. if not then I have another one in my mind. Basically you pick out any charity with 5013C and no maximum is required to raise.... when you get to race site you receive a singlet, recognition at he Award ceremony and at CDA I actually got a closer transition spot. forgot to mention this other day before a morning run.. but I was thinking wouldn't it be cool if the 13+ of us Chickas picked out X and we all raised money for it.. and X could be the local hospital that Steve had made reference to that way your X hospital has meaning for you (cuz like me, some of my kids have been in there!) but we as a group have joined forces.... that was my idea and nope haven't gotten together with my hospital yet. I did all of mine over the phone with other two IM/charities and then entered online info and then with that website emailed friends asking them for donations and also I donated myself and everybody got tax donations too. I think this has rambled a bit, but y'all get the message!!
I like the idea of supporting the Janus charity challenge, but I would like to suggest that we raise money for organizations that are personally meaningful to each of us. For me for example, it's local cancer organizations (which work with our local hospitals.)
We come from all over with different personal experiences that have shaped the causes important to us. Additionally, if we picked just one cause that would mean only one person could enter Janus Challenge because Janus provides matching donations for the largest fund raisers. So if each of us entered raising money for same organization, the total amount collected for the organization would NOT be counted. (We've raised money and won matching donations from Janus for several IM WI challenges by entering just one individual in the Janus Challenge even though there was a group of us behind that person doing the fund raising and directing people to that athletes Janus page.)
I love the idea of doing good by racing and having as many EN Chicas as possible do the Janus Challenge but would recommend we impact as many organizations as possible instead of just one. not a list of charities per se.... as you pick your favorite one. yep don't have a problem with everybody picking their own. one year I did American Cancer Society and so did Heather and the other year an Open Arms shelter for foster kids, so one was a national org and the other one was a local. anyways, January is a good month for "admin" and wanted to let the gals know that Janus is up for WI! m
admin stuff. Like maybe I should finally get my hotel for IMMoo. I just need to make a list on paper. I seem to be ignoring the one I carry around in my head.
Absolutely- I want to do the Janus Charity Challenge this time around. I'm still trying to pick my charity. I want something that has a local impact but a global appeal. I've got a few ideas- but need to do some more due diligence in the new year. The groups I'm looking into have been pretty busy at this time of year.
Finally! Some Cowgirl poster pics in my pain cave...
The pain cave: The DH brought up disc wheel so I can be inspired to be worthy to ride it. By the fit of my tri-top, you can see I've been more inspired to eat holiday food instead!
I'm in the middle of an interval here in the aerobars. The dog is aero as well...
Kitboo- your hubby cracks me up with the angle of his shots! Love the aero doggie too! Oh, and I'm so glad to see that someone else hangs their head staring at the PM during an interval on the trainer as well! I'm always thinking "dear God it's a good thing I'm not riding outside or I'd run into something!"
Kit- love the pics. How did he get above you like that? Stairs?
I am the same, I tend to stare at the PM. I keep the interval time at the bottom and cover it with a towel during anthing longer than 12 minutes. To get through 15 or 20 minutes I peek at the time periodocally and only allow myself to look at Ave watts at specific time intervals, usually 3 or 4 minutes.
Max loves to scare me- whether I am in the shower, on the computer, whatever. I get immersed and he will sneak in quietly to give me a heart attack. That happpens even in the morning when I am doing intervals and expect him, but my head is buried. At least he learned not to try and have any conversation with me during an interval. I usually pant out how much longer it is before he can talk to me and get an intelligent response!
Kit- love the pics. How did he get above you like that? Stairs?
He stood on the file cabinet that's behind the bikes. I had my fancy shmancy camera out (gotta practice taking pics before my trip to Argentina) so he thought he'd try it out. Pretty good for a first try and given the low lighting.
My eyes are locked onto the PM during my the poster mostly motivated me to get on the bike.
OK ladies I just received the poster from Kitboo! This is just what I need to kick start my OS training. I have to admit motivation has been a real problem. I hope everyone is having a great week. The weather is getting better in Northern Virginia, temps above freezing for the first time in a month...maybe I will get my motivation back!
Hey many of you have said you wanna come to IMWI either to spectate or volunteer and I know the rest of us competing, would love to have you join this thread in the women's forum!! We need all of you to help us meet our goals and although 8 months away... sometimes it takes a bunch of vacation prep to get away.. Also consider the WI camp in mid July that most of us are shooting for. Right now our excitement is high for the Ironman, fo sho' but pretty high to meet everybody!! I was thinking of this today...penpals finally reunion at the Ironman!! maybe you have frequent flier tickets? or whatever, just would love to see you. Please note that the EN dinner is always on the Thursday night, one of the best time to link up with many of us.... and then on Saturday, some of us might have our "game face" on and some of us still socializing!!! so if you live close enough but can't make the race, come to the dinner. I know a long time away.. but just a thought for your 2010 calendar!! EIGHT MONTHS AWAY! hee hee. uh huh, right now I am cycling about 20 miles without fatigue, running about 6 without feeling the effect and swimming for about 45' with breaks!! LOL... ha ha ha ha ha love it.
I hope to come up to volunteer and meet all of you! I am sending out resume's currently though, for a Principal job. If I get hired somewhere, and get my own building, I may not be able to get away. I'd love to come to the camp in July, but it is the same weekend as Muncie Endurathon. My tri partner and I were planning on doing Muncie. Maybe I could talk her into a weekend in WI? She isn't an EN person, could she come? If it is for EN only, I understand, but if she still wants to do Muncie, I will stick with my committment to her. I did look on WI website, and they won't have volunteer sign up until fall! Guess I have to play all by ear for now. It depends on my job situation anyway. Hope there will be rooms somewhere!
Barbara- SO's are always welcome! Hope you can both make it to camp or the race.
So I am sending the poster on to Leigh. Just thought I would post pics of me with it in the pain cave. My after workout and after cleanup pics.
My corner of the basement with me just finishing up-
All white me- OK - just washed out from the flash
Here I am all cleaned up
Just a thought- we took a close up pic of the poster and put it on photo paper. So I have a mini version to replace the poster, keep up the mojo, for the rest of the training.
Thanks for posting the pictures Michele, so fun to see what people actually look like and see the pain cave! I noticed a bottle of I think alchohol on the table next to your bike....just wondering do you use that to clean your tire? It made me smile because I always have a handy dandy bottle of alcohol ready to clean the tire before getting on. Seems to help with less noise and a smoother ride.
@Kathy- Never heard of cleaning the tire to make it quieter. That would be an excellent idea and will give it a try. But that bottle is for my white board. Although the marker it came with says it is a dry erase, it's not. So I have to clean it with alcohol when changing anything.
@Kit- why thank you. Going on that diet with Max helped me drop a few pounds and I can really tell the difference. Not too much trouble keeping them off as long as I stick to the changes we made. Of course who wouldn't like to lose a few more?
I was having a pretty good hair day (about 2 weeks ago). It is now in the overgrown wild mess stage and I am lazy about making hair appts. But gonna try to get a pedi today after my run.
gorgeous pics, post workout and post clean up!!!! you look mahvelous!!! I love your hair, such body and curl and shine!! why do you need a haircut!!?? looks great in that pic! and yes you do look like a model right out of Tri magazine!! good idea on taking little pic of poster
Love the close up where we can see sigs of the EN Chicas who had the poster before you. Great idea to make a picture/copy of it to keep the mojo going too.
Michele- I LOVE your new haircut- that short do looks great on you!
In my last IM run training cycle, I found exactly the same thing re pace. Often, my 1' on/ 30-45"--whoops, that's 10'on/30-45" off
-- was as fast or faster than slogging through the whole long run. (We never run longer than 2:30 here. ) I'm thinking I'd like to try the 5'/30" approach and see what happens--once the runs get up there that is. If that approach can keep me strong and steadier through the whole race, then that's the key. Also, someone here (can't remember who) made the point that the walk portion should be done mindfully with the purpose of covering ground, not taking a rest. I thought that was a helpful distrinction, and I used that thought on the roads.
At IMoo- there is one sorta significant hill (we'll see it at camp- I'll make sure of it!) It's short- but it is a hill and there's a waterstop right at the bottom before you enter the hill. I made the strategic decision in 2008 to run through that aid station just grabbing what I needed and then walked that hill.
PS- In 2008 on the first loop, R&P rode by me on their bikes while I was on that hill so I had to run up that first time! Thankfully this hill is around a turn just beyond the "Mile 18" spot where R&P will be- so we'll be out of sight this time!
Agree with the walk with purpose. It's one of the fastest walks I've done.
The just waiting til aid stations walk doesn't work for me as I function much better with the 5 min/30 second runs. Also if you are running slower than a 9 minute mile you could be running for a while before you hit aid station. The other thing I find is that you have a lot going on mentally at the aid station trying to dogdge people and grab everything, so the other 30 second walk is a mental break as well. As noted in my previous post, some miles I modified and just walked at the aid station, but I know for me I will definitely stick to starting with the 5 minute/30 sec walk plan.
Oh...I definitely walk observatory hill.
Hi Ladies! I realized that the little letter I included with your posters didn't have the list of CowGirls- and that info (who you send to next) is in the old 3.0 forums. So I'm posting it back here so it's easier for us to find! I've updated this to include Pam as well.
Poster 1
Gina & Su
Poster 2
I'll continue to update this post if we get new CowGirls along the way so that we stay on track. Right now I think the Posters are in the loving hands of Michele and Kitma?
Oh- and while I'm at it, I might as well bring over my pic from the 3.0 thread as well. Here is me with my poster at the start of the journey! Dang I look pregnant in this picture!! Let's hope I get that fixed before Moo!!!
Yes, I have one of the posters. Pain Cave pics are on the way as soon as I clean the clutter in it.
Pam: I tried the 5/30 run thing this week. Must say I like it alot better than 10/1. 1minute seems too long...or more like long enough to start liking that walking too much.
Yes, poster #2 is on my wall. I was looking at it this morning during my rest breaks for the 100 push-ups challenge. Very motivating.
You can now sign up for Janus Charity Challenge for IMWI. FYI. We had talked about in the past 3.0 forum about supporting your local children's hospital.. can't quite remember the thread but Steve Cramer posted it? Nemo, you know? anyways, the Janus Charity Challenge takes a bit of admin time getting the address, 5013C, tax id #, POC and etc but after that the online donation site is nice. I will do Janus and if we all decided on hospitals, then I will pick out mine here Children's Hospital in LR. if not then I have another one in my mind. Basically you pick out any charity with 5013C and no maximum is required to raise.... when you get to race site you receive a singlet, recognition at he Award ceremony and at CDA I actually got a closer transition spot. forgot to mention this other day before a morning run.. but I was thinking wouldn't it be cool if the 13+ of us Chickas picked out X and we all raised money for it.. and X could be the local hospital that Steve had made reference to that way your X hospital has meaning for you (cuz like me, some of my kids have been in there!) but we as a group have joined forces.... that was my idea and nope haven't gotten together with my hospital yet. I did all of mine over the phone with other two IM/charities and then entered online info and then with that website emailed friends asking them for donations and also I donated myself and everybody got tax donations too. I think this has rambled a bit, but y'all get the message!!
I like the idea of supporting the Janus charity challenge, but I would like to suggest that we raise money for organizations that are personally meaningful to each of us. For me for example, it's local cancer organizations (which work with our local hospitals.)
We come from all over with different personal experiences that have shaped the causes important to us. Additionally, if we picked just one cause that would mean only one person could enter Janus Challenge because Janus provides matching donations for the largest fund raisers. So if each of us entered raising money for same organization, the total amount collected for the organization would NOT be counted. (We've raised money and won matching donations from Janus for several IM WI challenges by entering just one individual in the Janus Challenge even though there was a group of us behind that person doing the fund raising and directing people to that athletes Janus page.)
I love the idea of doing good by racing and having as many EN Chicas as possible do the Janus Challenge but would recommend we impact as many organizations as possible instead of just one.
Happy New Year.
I like the idea very much.
Is there a list of eligible charities? Is there a website to read the info? not a list of charities per se.... as you pick your favorite one. yep don't have a problem with everybody picking their own. one year I did American Cancer Society and so did Heather and the other year an Open Arms shelter for foster kids, so one was a national org and the other one was a local. anyways, January is a good month for "admin" and wanted to let the gals know that Janus is up for WI! m
Absolutely- I want to do the Janus Charity Challenge this time around. I'm still trying to pick my charity. I want something that has a local impact but a global appeal. I've got a few ideas- but need to do some more due diligence in the new year. The groups I'm looking into have been pretty busy at this time of year.
Finally! Some Cowgirl poster pics in my pain cave...
The pain cave: The DH brought up disc wheel so I can be inspired to be worthy to ride it. By the fit of my tri-top, you can see I've been more inspired to eat holiday food instead!
I'm in the middle of an interval here in the aerobars. The dog is aero as well...
Did someone say, "On your left!" ?
Kit- love the pics. How did he get above you like that? Stairs?
I am the same, I tend to stare at the PM. I keep the interval time at the bottom and cover it with a towel during anthing longer than 12 minutes. To get through 15 or 20 minutes I peek at the time periodocally and only allow myself to look at Ave watts at specific time intervals, usually 3 or 4 minutes.
Max loves to scare me- whether I am in the shower, on the computer, whatever. I get immersed and he will sneak in quietly to give me a heart attack. That happpens even in the morning when I am doing intervals and expect him, but my head is buried. At least he learned not to try and have any conversation with me during an interval. I usually pant out how much longer it is before he can talk to me and get an intelligent response!
Great pics Kit. Love the aero-pup!!
Great pics Kit! You are smiling, so you must be having fun
Are you doing a workout or modeling ?
or both!!
Barbara- SO's are always welcome! Hope you can both make it to camp or the race.
So I am sending the poster on to Leigh. Just thought I would post pics of me with it in the pain cave. My after workout and after cleanup pics.
My corner of the basement with me just finishing up-
All white me- OK - just washed out from the flash
Here I am all cleaned up
Just a thought- we took a close up pic of the poster and put it on photo paper. So I have a mini version to replace the poster, keep up the mojo, for the rest of the training.
I am very psyched about we are doing here!
Thanks for posting the pictures Michele, so fun to see what people actually look like and see the pain cave! I noticed a bottle of I think alchohol on the table next to your bike....just wondering do you use that to clean your tire? It made me smile because I always have a handy dandy bottle of alcohol ready to clean the tire before getting on. Seems to help with less noise and a smoother ride.
Nice pics, Michele! You're looking very svelte and trim, chica!!
@Kathy- Never heard of cleaning the tire to make it quieter. That would be an excellent idea and will give it a try. But that bottle is for my white board. Although the marker it came with says it is a dry erase, it's not. So I have to clean it with alcohol when changing anything.
@Kit- why thank you. Going on that diet with Max helped me drop a few pounds and I can really tell the difference. Not too much trouble keeping them off as long as I stick to the changes we made. Of course who wouldn't like to lose a few more?
I was having a pretty good hair day (about 2 weeks ago). It is now in the overgrown wild mess stage and I am lazy about making hair appts. But gonna try to get a pedi today after my run.
Michele- I LOVE your new haircut- that short do looks great on you!
Love this thread! still cracking up about the aero dog!
Everyone looks great! fun to see the pain caves as well.
Great pics Michele!! How about those abs???!! Like your idea of taking a photo of the poster.