Thanks ladies! Yeah for sons, M that are willing to take pics of their moms dripping with sweat and smelling, well not real purty Yep the pain shot, real to form. That was the mild pic I can look kind of intense when working hard....DH says I always look intense when I am working out. He did say I said, am I really that intense???? YES was the answer without an eyelash blinking! Go figure...anyone else intense around here??? I'm with u Nemo, love this thread! Now Kate, your turn
Hi Girls, can someone tell me how to go to my profile and change what it will automatically say after my thread. For example all of you chicas going to Cowgirl 2010 have the cute sig, but also all your vdot scores, etc. I found it once but for the life of me can't find it again. I would love to add the Cowgirl logo if I am "allowed", don't want to step into a place I don't belong, I figured out how to download that little logo , but not how to insert it if it is (cool), if not, meaning not the right time to add it to my profile, no feelings hurt. Can't wait to meet all of you. If you need help with ANYTHING related to that event let me also know. I loved the pics of the cave with the poster, it is great to see what everyone looks like, but do admit I can't click on the pics if inserted only in the text, just when they are actually attached to the posting (if that makes sense). SOME REALLY GREAT NEWS, THAT I KNOW I WILL POST ON MEDICAL BUT THOUGHT YOU WOULD ALSO BE HAPPY, NO BLOOD CLOTS, I AM OFF COUMIDIN SO NO HOLDS BAR,. My Key race is only 9 weeks so I am really nervous , trying to train the EN way but still of course have the whole running issue. Back to Cowgirl Mojo, cant wait
As for using the Cowgirl Logo- I think it actually might be a little confusing if you used it 'cause it would indicate to folks that you are planning to race at IMWI. Maybe we need an Cowgirl Sherpa signature!! Beth- can you maybe create another GIF for us with the EN Chicka logo but have the words say "Cowgirl Sherpa"??
Oh- and congrats on the good news! So glad you'll be able to continue forward with your training and racing!
I have this IMWI fantasy that involves special edition spectator t-shirts that say "I'm with her." And have the four-keys girl. Hmm. Maybe that can be worked into an official cowgirl sherpa logo. . ..
Handband project -- rolling around in my head. There will be protoype. Stay tuned.
I have this IMWI fantasy that involves special edition spectator t-shirts that say "I'm with her." And have the four-keys girl. Hmm. Maybe that can be worked into an official cowgirl sherpa logo. . ..
Handband project -- rolling around in my head. There will be protoype. Stay tuned.
I have that same fantasy! And a Race Week T-Shirt for the EN Chicka's with the four keys cowgirl logo for the rest of us too!
Another mojo boosting idea. I got the swimsuit below at IMFL (I know, totally over paid ). The Ironman logo on it is just a transfer decal pressed on. It got me thinking...we should all get the same suit, design a decal, press it on, and have a "team suit" wherever we are in the country. Putting that suit on every workout would continue our connection and motivation, knowing that chickas across the land are getting the work done too.
Maybe Cowgirl and EN logos with "EN Chicka In Training. Ironman Wisconsin 2010." We can put it on the front, or on the butt.
I'm happy to come up with the price and do the ordering. I just have NO design skillz at all. (Calling Beth to the courtesy phone....)
Before we ask Beth, what do y'all think? I mean we have to wear a bathing suit anyway. Heck, I'll even break my no-clothes-for-a-year pledge!
Make it pink (or at least incorporate some pink) so it matches Coach R's speedo and you've got a deal. Pretty sure pulling that suit on will remind me that I gotta make the most of my workout so I can be there to see Coach R in his speedo glory!.
I'd wear the suit for sure! Like Linda said we need to wear them anyway and they might as wellreminds us of all the cool chickas out there! I like the camo Beth or the plain black with IM logo. Not a pink person, but I would go along if that is what everyone wants
Leigh, 130 Mohawk, Maumelle, AR 72113 for the poster, I don't have a pain cave per se but will snag Heather as well to get a pic of us outside holding the poster!
Hey all great chica's, I kind of got this "problem," going with Nemo wanting to know if it was too soon to "join" with the cute logo, she reminded me since I wasn't doing the IM there (hopefully mine will be in HI after my 1/2 in NIINE WEEKS OUCH!!! So I love the idea and finding the way to separate the REAL CHICAs to the Cowgirls who want to go but are not doing the race. Whatever that is I am all for it. I would l love to volunteer to "handle" them once we are that stage.
I am leaving Friday for my first big Tri Camp in Tucson, I wasn't in good enough shape for the Calif 2010 so found another. 6 days 7 nights and I am really nervous, don't know anyone and am having nightmares seriously!! But i digress. I am gone from this ''friday til next Friday, then 4 days off and my son and I are going to Kona (Farimont Orchid Hawaii 70.3) I found a couple EN members (thanks again to Nemo) who will also be doing the race. I have my racing shirt so would love any other paraphranaila (sp) I could get my hands on, Don't lnow when suiits , hats or anything would be really by I sue would like to take charge of something should someone need some help, Looks like we have some bees.
So I will check out the video and try to spice my name up a bit and keep you all posted in on how a non EN camp goes....kind of nervous that I won't be fast enough, getting a lesson on changing a flat the night before it starts and have all my gear (at least I hope so), can't wait to get somethhig snazzi=y to put out there. Thanks again for all your help. Let me know $$, sizes, etc. and dates to get it together. If you need somone to talke tham and get them decaled perhaps I could help you all out , Ok, that's it for this gal yawn!
I like both of Linda's ideas, but others can cut off the IMWI 2010 if they are doing something else and still want to represent.
Great idea Michele! I didn't quite catch on at first that these would be decals we would apply to our own suits. So something generic like "EN Chicka in Training" on the top row that any of the ladies could use would be a great win-win.
I know trying to please everyon has it's place, but I did put this in the Cowgirl mojo thread. This is likely a once in a lifetime coming together for all of us, and for this time, I would like it to be for the WI crew. If it can be slit and used by others, great. But overall, I think 17 or 20--or who knows how many women all racing together--can get a pass to do things specific and special just for us. At least that's my opinion. But if it gets too complicated, we can just bag it. No big.
Just so you know, Linda Patch is right in my book, you guys have been together a long time and are all doing the WI so no feelings hurt on my end or anyone that hasn't been around for the long haul (I hope)
I'm getting very excited to be EN Chicka Sherpa/Cheerleader Extraordinaire. Go Team!!!!

Thanks ladies! Yeah for sons, M that are willing to take pics of their moms dripping with sweat and smelling, well not real purty
Yep the pain shot, real to form. That was the mild pic
I can look kind of intense when working hard....DH says I always look intense when I am working out. He did say I said, am I really that intense???? YES was the answer without an eyelash blinking! Go figure...anyone else intense around here???
I'm with u Nemo, love this thread! Now Kate, your turn 
Hey M- I need your addy so I can pass the poster along.
pics coming.
Love the pain cave pics! That's how the EN ladies get it done!
Hm. Ladies, do we need yellow headbands with red stars a la Wonder Woman? I'm feeling a little crafty.
Those pix are great! How freakin', every-superlative-you-can-think-of cool are the women here?????
Hi Girls, can someone tell me how to go to my profile and change what it will automatically say after my thread. For example all of you chicas going to Cowgirl 2010 have the cute sig, but also all your vdot scores, etc. I found it once but for the life of me can't find it again. I would love to add the Cowgirl logo if I am "allowed", don't want to step into a place I don't belong, I figured out how to download that little logo , but not how to insert it if it is (cool), if not, meaning not the right time to add it to my profile, no feelings hurt. Can't wait to meet all of you. If you need help with ANYTHING related to that event let me also know. I loved the pics of the cave with the poster, it is great to see what everyone looks like, but do admit I can't click on the pics if inserted only in the text, just when they are actually attached to the posting (if that makes sense). SOME REALLY GREAT NEWS, THAT I KNOW I WILL POST ON MEDICAL BUT THOUGHT YOU WOULD ALSO BE HAPPY, NO BLOOD CLOTS, I AM OFF COUMIDIN SO NO HOLDS BAR,. My Key race is only 9 weeks so I am really nervous , trying to train the EN way but still of course have the whole running issue. Back to Cowgirl Mojo, cant wait
Linda- check out this nice tutorial that Beth put together for us all on how to pimp your signature:
As for using the Cowgirl Logo- I think it actually might be a little confusing if you used it 'cause it would indicate to folks that you are planning to race at IMWI. Maybe we need an Cowgirl Sherpa signature!! Beth- can you maybe create another GIF for us with the EN Chicka logo but have the words say "Cowgirl Sherpa"??
Oh- and congrats on the good news! So glad you'll be able to continue forward with your training and racing!
I have this IMWI fantasy that involves special edition spectator t-shirts that say "I'm with her." And have the four-keys girl. Hmm. Maybe that can be worked into an official cowgirl sherpa logo. . ..
Handband project -- rolling around in my head. There will be protoype. Stay tuned.
Hey All,
Another mojo boosting idea. I got the swimsuit below at IMFL (I know, totally over paid
). The Ironman logo on it is just a transfer decal pressed on. It got me thinking...we should all get the same suit, design a decal, press it on, and have a "team suit" wherever we are in the country. Putting that suit on every workout would continue our connection and motivation, knowing that chickas across the land are getting the work done too.
Maybe Cowgirl and EN logos with "EN Chicka In Training. Ironman Wisconsin 2010." We can put it on the front, or on the butt.
I'm happy to come up with the price and do the ordering. I just have NO design skillz at all. (Calling Beth to the courtesy phone....
Before we ask Beth, what do y'all think? I mean we have to wear a bathing suit anyway. Heck, I'll even break my no-clothes-for-a-year pledge!
Since I am swimming again, I am in!!
I love the swimsuit idea! I'd have way more fun getting it done in the pool thinking about my team doing the same thing.
I'll totally go pink. or camo. (I have this one in black.)
I'd wear the suit for sure! Like Linda said we need to wear them anyway and they might as well reminds us of all the cool chickas out there! I like the camo Beth or the plain black with IM logo. Not a pink person, but I would go along if that is what everyone wants
Endurance Nation Chicka In Training
Ironman Wisconsin 2010
Endurance Nation Cowgirl
Ironman Wisconsin 2010
Or something like that? We apply to our own suits. Who can design it up? I'll order transfer decals.
Feel free to suggest other lingo.
I'm all over design duty.
I heart Beth!
I like both of Linda's ideas, but others can cut off the IMWI 2010 if they are doing something else and still want to represent.
Hey all great chica's, I kind of got this "problem," going with Nemo wanting to know if it was too soon to "join" with the cute logo, she reminded me since I wasn't doing the IM there (hopefully mine will be in HI after my 1/2 in NIINE WEEKS OUCH!!! So I love the idea and finding the way to separate the REAL CHICAs to the Cowgirls who want to go but are not doing the race. Whatever that is I am all for it. I would l love to volunteer to "handle" them once we are that stage.
I am leaving Friday for my first big Tri Camp in Tucson, I wasn't in good enough shape for the Calif 2010 so found another. 6 days 7 nights and I am really nervous, don't know anyone and am having nightmares seriously!! But i digress. I am gone from this ''friday til next Friday, then 4 days off and my son and I are going to Kona (Farimont Orchid Hawaii 70.3) I found a couple EN members (thanks again to Nemo) who will also be doing the race. I have my racing shirt so would love any other paraphranaila (sp) I could get my hands on, Don't lnow when suiits , hats or anything would be really by I sue would like to take charge of something should someone need some help, Looks like we have some bees.
So I will check out the video and try to spice my name up a bit and keep you all posted in on how a non EN camp goes....kind of nervous that I won't be fast enough, getting a lesson on changing a flat the night before it starts and have all my gear (at least I hope so), can't wait to get somethhig snazzi=y to put out there. Thanks again for all your help. Let me know $$, sizes, etc. and dates to get it together. If you need somone to talke tham and get them decaled perhaps I could help you all out , Ok, that's it for this gal
Great idea Michele! I didn't quite catch on at first that these would be decals we would apply to our own suits. So something generic like "EN Chicka in Training" on the top row that any of the ladies could use would be a great win-win.
I know trying to please everyon has it's place, but I did put this in the Cowgirl mojo thread. This is likely a once in a lifetime coming together for all of us, and for this time, I would like it to be for the WI crew. If it can be slit and used by others, great. But overall, I think 17 or 20--or who knows how many women all racing together--can get a pass to do things specific and special just for us. At least that's my opinion. But if it gets too complicated, we can just bag it. No big.
Just so you know, Linda Patch is right in my book, you guys have been together a long time and are all doing the WI so no feelings hurt on my end or anyone that hasn't been around for the long haul (I hope)