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The Macro Thread: I have big picture, season planning questions for the Coaches -- ARCHIVED



  • @Butch --
    I'll circle back to you by replying via email to your Season Plan. I will need to look at that first.

    @Joanna --
    Just do the distance and ignore the time.

    @Akio --
    Look for a detailed wiki post on this from Patrick and me in the next few days.

    @Dave --
    Yes, that's ok. Not ideal but not a bad idea either.

    @Jonathan --
    Don't run and add 1x bike in place of the runs, for a total of 4x bikes per week until your doctor clears you to run again. When that happens, circle back to us and we can talk about next steps.

    @Martin --
    • Train normally up until the week you leave.
    • Add 1-2 bikes in place of runs the week or so before your trip.
    • During the trip do your best to 3-4x/wk, any length, distance, intensity is right for you. Just run.
    • Circle back to us after the trip to talk about what's next.

    @Jana --
    Sorry to hear about your injuries. Recommend you move over to the Bike Focus plan and just do the rides, not the runs. No need to add any cycling to the plan, as 4x hard rides per week is enough. Get better and we'll pick up this conversation when the doc has cleared you.

    @Jen --
    No need to make any special accommodations for that ride. Regarding your vacation, bonus if you can ride but just as good if you can run 5-6x that week, then just do the bike testing when you get back. You'll want to nail down your bike training zones before you start the IM plan on 4/1

    @Andres --
    No changes required to your Season Plan based on those races and their priorities.

    @Mel --
    What the question? :-) The lap thingy sounds like a cool endurance event but I think the format would get kinda old. Sound like about a 400m swim? With the legs that short it sounds like you spend a ton of time transitioning vs just SBR'ing?

    @Rich --
    Please retake our Season Planning Survey (in the drop down under Training Plan above) so I have your most recent race schedule.

    @Wolf --
    1. Doesn't really matter. If it sounds like fun, do it.
    2. Again, your primary criteria should be if it sounds like fun and you can afford it. That said, HIMs are good because the running requirement is a good accountability tool on your run training and long run, but they are also more expensive and also require travel, etc.
    3. Again, don't over think it. Short answer is "do anything you want" up until that week I indicated. HIM in early to mid September would be good.

    @John --
    Do it after your vacation. It will do more for you the closer it is to your race.
  • Coach Rich, looking for guidance on how to transition from mid OS to IM training plan. I'm in wk9 of JOS Interm. and next week will be the 20 wk mark before IMLP. Any special considerations given I would not complete the 14 week JOS and start the IM 20 wk plan next week? You may have covered this somewhere already. Thanks.
  • Coach Rich -

    You indicated that I should transition to the Get Faster plan on 4/15, from the Out Season plan, to get ready for the Long Course Worlds on 6/3. I want to make sure that I have enough volume in the plan as the distance is 2.5 Mile swim, 75 Mile bike, 18.6 Mile Run, not the typical 70.3/Long Course. There is a climb in the middle of the bike ~ 2,200 ft over 9 miles.
    We discussed either ramping up from the 70.3 plan or ramping down from an intermediate Ironman plan. Based on my mental and physical state, I think it might be best to ramp down from the Ironman plan. I have done two Ironman's in one year, so I know the mental and physical toll it can take - I'm at a good state.

    Let me know if I can upload the IM plan, or if you need to do this based on the site upgrade. Plus I need to know how I should go about ramping down from the IM plan for LC Worlds.

    FYI - I like the simplicity and flow of the new site.

    Patrick James
  • I have the opportunity to run a half-marathon on the 23rd of March right around the corner here.

    When looking at my seasonal plan I would be in the GetFaster week 7 in that particular week so if I checked the plan right I would have a pretty fast 1:30 run workout on sunday (24.3.) and the long bike workout on saturday.

    I'm now thinking about 2 different strategies to get that race somehow fit into my plan ...

    1) Just swap the SAT and SUN workout vice versa but that would for sure badly impact my long bike ride on sunday.

    2) Move the long bike ride to Friday, then have the HM on Saturday and finally do the planned Friday WKO on Sunday. That would give me 2 bike workouts after each other which shouldn't be as bad as a in case 1.

    Do you have another nice approach to that race? It's not that I want to do a new PR there but I don't want to "underperform" it. Speaking about certain times I would say something around 1:27 should be ok (PR is 1:23).
  • Hi coaches ,

    I'm currently in week 9 of the JAN OS plan and I will run a half-marathon on April 30.

    I would like to change plans to perform as best as I can at that race. Should I change to the get faster or to the run focus. And should I include a transition plan?

    Also the race is on a Tuesday, and we only have the choice to make the plans end on a Sunday. So should I make the new plan stop on the Sunday before or after the race?

  • Hi,

    I have been doing the Jan OS plan. Have loaded up the beginner IM plan (as instructed) to end on 30 June for IM Austria. This week is a testing week in the IM plan but I tested last week in the OS plan, have I cocked up my dates? Will carry on doing the OS plan for this week but will add in the swim sets.

  • Hi Guys. I used outseason bike workouts on trainerroad, and it was great having the workouts pre-loaded. Are you going to be putting other plans up on trainerroad? I'm doing a run-focused block now, but will be moving into get faster and then full iron plans, and it would be nice to continue to use trainerroad at least for some of the weekday workouts. Thanks.
  • Thanks, Coach Rich,

    I have read the WIKI page and got the picture!


  • Coaches,

    In my current recovery time, I've had time to think more about season goals. I'm currently only signed up for IMFL, but am strongly considering adding IMLOO. I believe there are 10 weeks between the two and wanted your feedback on how to plan that training time.My first thought was to have about a 4 week block of real training sandwiched between recover nad taper. Any specific thoughts ?

    Thanks !

  • Coach Rich, I am currently on week 12 of my HIM plan that ends May 5. I have been sick for almost 3 weeks, but got back on board this week. I have a "C" race on 3/24, an olympic tri, less than 3 weeks from today. On that week, I am scheduled the following: Mon-swim 60,run 60; Tues swim 60, Wed Bike 60, run 25; Thurs run 110, Fri swim 60, Sat Bike 180, run 60, Sun Off. So I am thinking do everything as planned except skip Saturday and race Sunday since its a C race. IS this right? Or should I scale back?

    Secondly, two weeks later (week 16 of the HIM plan) I have the opportunity to go to the mountains of North Georgia and ride Thursday thru Saturday. Since I live in a pancake flat town and my A race is IM Lake Placid I want to make use of this mountain time. Currently my schedule that week is: Mon swim 60, Tues Bike 75, run 20, Wed run 40, swim 60, Thurs run 60, Fri swim 60, Sat bike 180, Sun Bike 120 run 20. What I thought was swim Mon, Swim and run Tues, travel and run Wed, Bike Thurs, Bike Fri, Bike Sat, rest and travel sun. Question is how much can I bike those days? I have routes of 45 plus miles invovling 3000 ft of climbing (3 gaps). Each peak is about 1000 ft of elevation climb in 4 to 7 miles depending on which I choose. Theres also a huge gap thats 7 miles up and 2500 ft of elevation gain.I have never ridden Placid so I dont know how these compare. Also, I am a whimp with weather so if its bad I guess I will take the trainer.

  • Hi, Coaches,

    I joined EN last fall in anticipation of my first IM, at Lake Placid. I completed a Half IM in Key West in January and started the "Run Focus" plan. I was not too successful with that plan, since I have had injuries - a hip that hasn't healed well since a May 2012 bike crash, then a fractured tailbone. Whenever I did the long runs in the program, I had bad hip pain afterwards and needed to take several days off from running each time. Not good for a "run focus!" This week, I've started the "Get Faster" program. I'm wondering now if this is a good fit, since I didn't do the full workload in "Run Focus." My season plan has me doing 12 weeks of IM training, starting in May. Another question: I am signed up for the LP camp in June, but am contemplating going to the May camp in NC. Is the amount of work there too much for a 60 year old woman? I need hill work for sure. I also wanted some advice on events to do leading up to IMLP, as I only have one OLY tri scheduled, in early June.

  • Coaches,

    I was diagnosed with a stress fracture in my right Heel today. I will be in a walking boot for the next 6 weeks and told that possibly 8 weeks is feasible.  I was cleared to swim and bike as long as i do no standing and pedaling on the bike.  I have Triple T scheduled in May and am not planning on doing this race now.  I was wondering about what schedule changes should be made and adding extra swimming into the mix. My A race is IronMan Lake Tahoe in September.



  • Did some reading on the wiki about season planning so I think that I know what to do. Just wanted to check in. My first IM will be florida this november. I will do some sprints and an Oly but mostly I want to get fast and have fun till about 12 weeks out.

    So from a planning perspective, I am thinking that I will load up the OS in a week or two (my 2012 season just ended about10 days ago with a big marathon breakthrough) and run that till it is time to switch to the IM plan about 12 weeks ahead of the race.

    I have a Big Tri week long vacation planned for early August to Florida to ride and swim in the ocean. I figure that will be the demarcation line between outseason and IM training.

    How does that sound?

  • Dear coaches,


    Could you check my running zones numbers? My 5k is 26:17. I used Jack Daniels chart but HM pace doesn't appear. Is that the same as threshold pace? Thank you!

  • Coaches,

     I am cleared to start training again after my sports hernia surgeries (28 Jan/8 Feb).  I submitted an updated season plan and described what I have been able to accomplish during recovery to give you a guide on my fitness.  My surgeon instructed me to do as much rhythmic non-impact exercise as I could during recovery so I kept up with easy to moderate intensity bike rides on the trainer.  Bike is good to go, running will gradually come up over the next month, and I will hit the pool on Mondays and Fridays starting this week for drills (not a good swimmer so need to get going on technique). 

     Please let me know if you think I should re-load a new season plan, or keep pushing with what you previously sent.


  • Hello Coaches:

    Wrapping up Advanced OS this week.  Went well:  Started Program VO2--191, End: 227, Ftp start: 177 , End 187

    My next plan is the Get Faster Advanced.  Says to Load up on 3/11.1)  Do I take a week off in between these plans or go right to it? And it looks like I'll be starting with Week 3 of the GF plan?

     Is my only sanctioned week off the week before I load up IMan WI plan on 6/17?

    thanks, Sue Crowley


  • @Dave --
    Have a I done a Season Plan for you? I almost never have anyone do all 20wks of the IM plan, preferring them to stay in the OS or do some weeks in the Get Faster plan instead.

    @Patrick --
    Sounds good. You can load up the IM plan yourself, just set it to end on the date of your race. As for dialing down the IM plan, if it were me I'd cap the Saturday long ride at about 3.5hrs and subtract 30-45' from the length of the Sunday ride. I'd then cap the Thurs long run at 2hrs.

    @Stefan --
    Go with option 2 but feel free to adjust the Friday workout downward so that that you have a good race. I wouldn't worry about compromising the quality of your Sunday ride, as a high quality half marathon will be a very high quality run session.

    @Catherine --
    I recommend the Get Faster plan. Set it to end on the Sunday before the race. Then, in Wk 8 of the GF plan, just skip the run test, doing an interval run instead. The half marathon will then serve as your end-of-the-GF plan run test. If it were me, I'd take a transition week after the half marathon, say from Tues - Sun, then get back it the following Monday.

    @Helen --
    Nope, no need to test again. Just substitute interval workouts for those tests.

    @Brian --
    We haven't discussed adding the bike workouts from the other plans to TR. It's a lot of work to get them in there and we expect that very few of our members will be doing their intervals on a trainer once they are able to get outside.

    @Bill --
    • 2-3wks recovery
    • ~5wks training
    • ~2wk taper
    But plenty of time to figure all of that out.

    @Jodi --
    1. I'd rather not have you skip the Saturday ride completely. Dial it down to 2hrs?
    2. In my experience most people can handle several days of back to back 3hr rides. Multiple 4hr days starts to wear on you. It's also best to do your biggest day on Day 1 and then dial things down from there if you need to…but I think you'll need to. Like I said, 3hrs/day is very doable.

    @Kate --
    1. It sounds like no matter what training plan you choose you'll need to turn down the runs to accommodate your injuries. That is, if the plan says to run 1:20 but your hip says something else, listen to your hip vs the plan. This would be true for any plan you would do. So within that context, the Get Faster plan would be the better fit for you.
    2. I believe you reached out to Patrick through our support@ email address. Hopefully he has/will get back to you shortly, as he runs those camps.
    3. Races: anything you want to do is good, up until about the 3rd weekend in June.

    @Matt --
    Sorry about your injuries!
    • Add a 4th bike by repeating, but turning down, the interval session.
    • Add a little volume to the existing bikes, but don't go crazy with that since you're likely still indoors on a trainer.
    • Fine to swim 4x/wk, especially if you can swim on the weekend.

    @Jimmy --
    Sounds good but you should consider moving from the OS plan to the GF plan at some point. The GF is more of a multipart plan and the long bike and long run volumes are higher than the OS plan and would give you a head start on the IM plan…not to mention that months and month of the OS may drive you insane :-)

    @Wilmer --
    To determine HMP:
    • Enter your 5k time into that calculator
    • Somewhere in the calculator / the results it should give you a predicted half marathon time.
    • HMP is then the per mile pace of this predicted half marathon time.

    @Doug --
    I checked your Season Plan and I have you starting the Get Faster plan on 4/22. Sounds like you're doing a good job of building yourself back up, with that plan as a goal. I recommend you stick with that and you're fine to start the GF plan earlier if you feel you're ready for it. If you go that route, then just start the HIM plan the same number of weeks earlier.

    @Sue --
    Nice work! Yep, I recommend you take a transition week, sounds like you've earned it!
  • Coach - I'm entered in the Gulf Coast HIM on May 11. The annual Hurricane Man 2.4 mile swim is on 4 May at St Pete beach. I've done it several times in the past. It's about 400 people, swim out to the first turn buoy, turn left and then swim parallel to the beach for ~2.3 miles until you hit the next turn buoy and head back to the beach. Very basic. IM Sweden is my A race this year, but this is my only opportunity for a full length OWS with others. Is it too close to GCT and/or too early to be of any advantage? r/Paul
  • I have decided to do Ironman Boise 70.3 on June 8th. I am currently in JOS with a half Mary hack and its going very well. Would you rather I stayed in JOS until the middle of April (5 weeks more) or move to the half ironman plan. My A race for the year is IM Tahoe on Sept 22.
  • Hi,

    I did a season planning survey about a week ago, after you told me to do one in the macro thread over a week ago. I have not heard back.  Can you please email over ASAP?


    Thank you,

    Rich Hatch

  • Coaches, I am on week twelve of HIM plan. Can I switch week 13 and week 14? I have to attend a continuing ed class next Sunday out of town and I just dont think I can get a good bike in. If I switch weeks I'm off on that Sunday.  Jodi
  • Alright, I am not sure what happened, but I have fallen off the bandwagon. I entered EN with the NOS. I had a great training session and results. I then loaded up the Bike Focused plan for 6 weeks. Well, this block has not gone well. I have barely trained at all during the last four weeks. I have two weeks left and looking to get back into the swing of things this week. Do I just continue with the 6 week bike focused plan and adjust levels and times based on where I am currently and then continue with the rest of my long season planning? I am not sure how to properly get back on track after falling off the last 4 weeks. Thanks for any help to getting me back to where I was and staying there.
  • I am in week 6 of the get faster plan. It is scheduled to end 3/31, and then I have an unstructured week before beginning the HIM plan. I have a trial the week of 4/8 and will have a very difficult time with any type of structured workout that week. I am inclined to extend the get faster one week and take 4/8 as an unstructured week. I would then begin the HIM a week late.

    I am also scheduled to switch over to the IM plan afew weeks before MT 70.3 in preparation for IMMT.

  • Change in plans due to a new arrival to the fam late summer! Planning rev3 quassy in early June and possibly an IM distance race on last weekend in June. (HITS series in Hague NY). What plan should I load? Thx.
  • I have injured my hand, therefore I cannot ride bike for 3 months, and swim for 1 month.

    I could do static bike, but that is not the same I think, would like your opinion.

    I am think that it would be a good time to focus on my RUN, since I do not need may hand.

    My calendar has changed, I would like to do 

    21k on JUL-28 and SEP-08, 

    Ironman 70.3 Cozumel on SEP-22

    And NYC Marathon on NOV-3

     Is it too much? What are your suggestions? I would like that you recommend to me a trainning plan.


  • Hi Coaches,

    I am coming off of a long standing back injury. I've just recently received "permission" from my physio to start run and bike training again. I had intended on being part of the JOS, but due to the injury could not do any significant training until now (just a bit of easy running).

    My back has started to improve and I now have the green light to restart my training. I want to be careful to make sure I don't re-injure it again, but I want to get started since I'm still hoping I can take part in my "A" Race this year - Mt Tremblant 70.3.

    However I realize this is not a lot of time to get back into shape after an injury. And I don't want to be too agressive and risk re-injuring it again.

    So I expect this really means that Tremblant 70.3 will turn into a B race (just need to get into shape so I can do the race) and I'll pick another A race later in the year when I have more time to get into race shape.

    Since there is only about 3 months left to the race, I'm wondering how much of the OS workout should I do, when should I transition - or should I even do an OS? Keep in mind that I live in Ottawa Canada so outdoor riding is out for probably another month or so (if that makes a difference).

    So basically I need some help on building the season plan, effectively starting now from an untrained condition.

    Some events on the horizon:

    May 18-20: Planned "Big Tri Weekend" at the Mt Tremblant course with Brenda & Steve Ross & the Ottawa crew
    May 26: Ottawa National Capital Half Marathon
    June 23: Tremblant 70.3 Half Ironman
    Aug/Sept: Another 1/2 iron event yet to be determined. I'm taking suggestions. Maybe Muskoka in Sept? I can't do Timberman due to another commitment that weekend.

    So the priorities are:
    1) Get back into race shape enough to participate in Mt Tremblant on June 23
    2) Get in peak condition for a race ~ August

    I've submitted a season planning survey. This just provides a bit of background to come up with that plan.

    Any suggestions you have would be greatly appreciated.

  • Hi Coaches-

    Finished the OS last week. Next is bike or run focus. Leaning towards bike focus 'cause it seems more like the OS, which I really liked. How do you choose between the two? Is it based on limiters? Leaning towards bike just because I don't have much time to swim just yet, and the run has a swim day.
  • @Paul --
    Gopher it, sounds like a great training event!

    @Steve --
    With your fitness base I think you only need about 7-8wks of the HIM plan, post OS, to prepare for Boise. So do that math and that's when you'd make the switch.

    @Rich --
    Thanks for the reminder, I'll do this today.

    @Jodi --
    Yes, that's fine.

    @Aaron --
    I'd rather have you move over to the Get Faster plan, per the season plan I created for you, vs the Bike Focus plan. That said, you may need to make some adjustments to the GF plan for the first couple weeks to account for your fitness?

    @WC --
    Yes, that sounds good. If you can, do your best to maintain your running frequency during that trial week. IE, 4-5x runs of any length and the shorter the run the harder you run.

    @Kevin --
    Please take the Season Planning survey (go to Training Plan above and you'll see it in the drop down) so I can have a better picture of your season and where you're at now.

    @Tito --
    Same deal, please take the survey above so I can plan this out for you.

    @Mike --
    Ok, I'll do your Season Plan today.

    @Chris --
    You should choose the weaker of your two sports so that the focus plan focuses on your limiter sport, not your strength.

  • Coaches,

    Im in the JOS advanced plan. My running hasn't been progressing as planned. I failed the run test week #8. I bailed on the test after 1.5 miles. Took 3 days complete rest after that. Did the FTP bike and VO2 bike, but skipped the weekend ride week#9 for an 8k race. For week#9 run, I did the VO2 monday and an easy pace 11 mile run thursday. Rested friday and saturday in preparation for the 8K yesterday I was going to use as my run test. Pretty much failed that test as well. pre-os Vdot is 44. I finished in 37:31 (vdot 43). Started 7:00, then pretty much 7:30's the rest of the way. I did this same race 2 years ago and had the same time. Last year, same distance, but different course 30 seconds faster.

    On the other hand, my biking is has been progressing really well. I started at about 230 FTP and now about 251w. I weigh 145lbs on a good day. So I think my w/kg is pretty decent, but I should be running faster. I have a half marathon on May 5 (8 weeks) and I really want to do well on this race with a goal to go under 1:40. Did the same race last year and was just under 1:42.

    I am just trying to see where I can focus so I can get the most ROI. Should I ease up on the bike? Lower intensity vs lower volume.

    Please help. Just getting a little frustrated. Thanks!

  • Rich
    Motivation is at an all time low. Thinking of ditching OS instead of forcing it and doing 20 week IM plan for WI. Thoughts?
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