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Akio Yamauchi's Micro Thread



  • Coach Patrick, I understand. I'll take some more break for another one or two weeks, and start swimming hard. I also understand the EN protocol of no swimming for off season, so I will try hard to produce great results before I get into Outseason plan for Kona next year. Thanks!
  • Coach Patrick,

    Long time no see!

    I've been enjoying my downtime since September. Your suggestion was that I should start training in January for IM Hawaii 2004, but It seems it's about time to start something, and I would like to try "the Run Durability Training Plan (1)" before starting January OS" . My schedule for 2004 has not been decided, but I am thinking of racing two events: a local long course race called "Strong Man" (April 20th, Swim 1.9, Bike 97, Run 26) and IM Japan 70.3 (TBD, probably in the end of Jun) except Hawaii. Should I talk about this with Coach Rich since it belongs to the Macro?   But I would like your thoughts about the Run Durability Training Plan.

  • Akio, welcome back!!!! I was just watching video of the Tour of Japan bike race....anyway, yes to the RDP plan, as it's the new DEFAULT start for everyone...set that up and then ping Rich...you have time to Kona...so use it to start setting goals, etc...then we can dial you in! Excited for your 2014!
  • Sorry! 2004 --> 2014
  • Coach Patrick,

    I will ask advice about my 2014 schedule from Coach Rich, and get back here. Anyway I am starting the RDP next week. Excited about challenging a new plan!


  • Coach Patrick,

    I'm now in Week 11 (as of 3/23) of OS plan (Run Focus), but jumping into Week 12 of HIM plan at 3/31 for Ironman Japan 70.3 6/1.  So far I suppose I've been doing the plan safe and sound with no injuries nor accumulation of fatigue.

    I will be starting the HIM plan with 2 weeks (Week 13 and 14) of OS left. Do you have any advice about this case? Can I just finish up the sets of Week 12, or should I make some modification?


  • @Akio, please finish the OS and then we'll transition you!
  • Coach Patrick.

    Got it, but just to make sure. Do you mean by "finish the OS" that I should finish the OS to the 14th week or the 12th week?  I'm supposed to finish the OS at the end of 12th week and change to the HIM by the Road map Coach Rich made for me.


  • Akio, sorry! Yes, please go through week 14...then we can transition you. Worst case, you do the bike/run testing at the START of week 14 (we'd hack that) and then you do the weekend of the proper week of your HIM plan...but the value of the OS itself is too high to ignore!!! image
  • Coach  Patrick,

    Fortunate that I asked you just in case!  I'm happy to go through OS to the end as planned. I love this OS!

    BTW, I couldn't do Tuesday's ride and run (yesterday) because I didn't feel very well. I'm quite fine today and did Vo2 run this morning. In the case like this should I do some complementary/compensatory workout for the workout I missed on another day? Or can I just leave it undone and go on?

    Thanks for your guidance.

  • @Akio -- I suggest that you just move on… Not feeling well yesterday suggests that there's something under the surface. Trying to fit in the workout will only increase the chances of it coming back. Onwards and upwards!
  • Coach Patrick,

    Thanks for your thoughts! I move on and will finish up my OS!


  • Coach Patrick,

    I'm finishing my OS this coming week, and have some questions about the bike and run test.

    1. Can I replace the Tuesday zone 4 ride and the Thursday FTP test? I would like to do the FTP test when my legs are fresh after two recovery days. I'm 51 turning 52 in July. Not confident I'll be able to recover fully after Tuesday ride and Wednesday run. 

    2. In the same sense of Question 1, should/can I skip the Saturday ride or make it easier than in the plan because I'm having a 10k race on Sunday?

    I will follow any advice. Thanks!

  • Akio...YES!! In fact, I suggest...

    Tuesday = easy spin of 45' with 5 x 1' at target FTP.
    Wed = Bike Test
    Thursday = OFF
    Friday = Saturday bike.
    Saturday = 30' short run with some pick ups / strides to stay loose.
    Sunday = RACE!!!
  • Thanks Coach Patrick! BUT your advice was too late because of the time lag between here and there. A pity I did the FTP test on Tuesday (the result was satisfactory) and did some jogging with some pick ups only this morning (Wednesday) .  I should have asked last week. I will do your tapering plan at my next OS!

    Is it OK if I follow your plan after Wednesday (Thursday = OFF ......)?


  • YES!!! That's okay....you are such a stud!
  • Coach Patrick, I haven't know that expression!!! and looked it up in the dictionary LoL

    Well, I have to ask you about the coming HIM plan before it's too late.  I am going to start it at Week 14 next week, but should I just drop into the plan, or need some tweek?  For example, Saturday is Race Rehearsal,  but I feel I don't need to make Sunday off (which is the plan), in fact it seems I should do some bike ride or long run on Sunday. What is your thought?


  • Akio - I hope the definition was a good one, it is a strange phrase. I guess I'm just trying to say that your superduper strong. :-)

    For your first week in the half Ironman plan you are right, I'm not worried about you doing a rehearsal. I almost rather you get in two days of solid riding: first day about three hours second day about 2 1/2.

    Maybe use the drop-down menu to choose a week earlier so you can follow that weekend's workouts.
  • Coach Patrick, I hoped so, too. Anyway, thank you for your suggestion about the weekend ride. I'll copy the week 13's Saturday and Sunday plan for my first week of HIM. 

    However, the HIM plan is by far harder than that of the IM, isn't it?


  • Yes, that's the dirty little secret...and why we consider HIM training a great boost for your IM and not some kind of "I am not tough enough to do an IM so I chose a HIM" -- HIM is where it's at!!!
  • Thanks Coach Patrick. I got it!!!


  • Coach Patrick

    I did the 10k race safely. Actually that was the first 10K in 22 years! It was very hard, by far the hardest mission I've ever had. I read about how to execute 10K in WIKI, but burst around 5k point. After that it was like hell, feeling my heart almost came out of my mouth. I came in @37:55 and the Vdot was almost the same as that I did for 5k a month ago, so I felt a bit relieved. I thought it was much down. Anyway 10K seems really exhausting especially for an old guy of 51 (it's me!).

    Apart from that, I have a question about Wednesday brick work out. If I don't have time for run off the bike, can I do the run later in the day? For example, Bike before breakfast, run after work.  And if so, should I extend the time of run?


  • Akio - nice work! Don't tell the other guys hear that you're a 51-year-old, they'll get mad you're so fast. :-) It's great that your 5k translated up to your 10k – that's a fantastic sign of some really deep fitness.

    As for the Wednesday workouts, splitting them up is totally fine. It's actually a better opportunity for you to put in some quality running when you're a little bit rested. So go for it!
  • Thanks Coach Patrick! I'm glad to hear (see) your words about my 10K. Actually I was very afraid to start the race,  thinking of how hard it would be for me, but it was well worth challenging my fitness. As for splitting up the brick workout, I'll put some strides of 30" in the run.


  • Coach Patrick,

    Sad news. I have to cancel Ironman Japan 70.3 scheduled on 6/1 owing to a family matter. Instead I entered for a local 51.5 (Olympic Distance) race. I will be running a short distance race for the first time in 18 years! So what should I do with the rest of my HIMP? It seems that I don't have to do week 20, which is for taper.  I am scheduled to load up HMP on 6/2, but can I move it up on 5/26 (the taper week of HIMP) or should I make that week a transition week or something? What is your thought?


  • Sorry! " I am scheduled to load up HMP on 6/2" -->> " I am scheduled to load up IM (Ironman) P on 6/2"


  • Sorry about the race but it should be fun!! I suggest you load up the Adv Short Course plan to end on 6/1 then tear it up on race day. Same IMP transition too... :)
  • Coach Patrick,

    Thanks for your suggestion. Actually I was mistaken about the date of the race — it is 6/7 not 6/2, but I don't think it will make any difference, right? I hope I can enjoy my after-18-years short race. After that I'm dropping into my IMP for 7/20.  BTW I recently got to know ITU started to call a short (Olympic) distance a "standard" distance. I thought the standard distance of triathlon is Ironman!


    P.S. I will get in touch with Jason about IM Japan later.

  • Great and thanks!!
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