Reid and Chad provided great customer service support yesterday - thanks SO much gentlemen.So far - love the program!
So, if I am understanding this correctly, I should be starting the warm up and at the 13 minute mark, I activate TR. Perhaps this is a silly question - is there a way to get data on the TR screen (wattage, cadence, HR, etc...) w/out the timer and wattage/HR lines moving?
I did the OSINT WK4 4 x (6 x 30/30) tonight and the intervals weren't "working". Not a big deal but I definitely missed the count down for each interval and the "recap" at the end of each....
More a plea than a question: could you please, at your earliest convenience, add computer-graphics virtual courses with riders to chase down, and especially a pace rider who is doing whatever workout I have selected? Similar to Computrainer or the Expresso bikes at my health club (except that I don't need or want the computer-controlled resistance). I have a Powertap with a Joule head so I can already see my NP for each interval in real time; what I struggle with is hitting my targets when all I'm doing is chasing numbers on a screen, and it turns out that chasing lines on a Trainer Road graph isn't any better for me. But if you made it possible for me to have to keep up with a pace rider on a course to hit my targets, it would make all the difference in the world. Based on my experience with the Expresso bikes, it would hold my attention enough that I wouldn't need to watch TV and could instead focus purely on the workout, which would result in a much better workout. I would happily pay $40/month for such functionality if it existed. Please?
This is on our long term road map. Right now, there are some law suits going on around virtual courses. Cycleops just got sued because of their new software. We're going to wait and see what comes out of all of this before we dive into this area.
I have been using TR for almost all of my workouts and love it, love it, love it!
This morning when I did my OSADV W6 - 2 x 20' the little yellow line wan't there in real-time as I was doing my workout. I did notice if I clicked the pause button that the line up until that point in time would appear, but it still wasn't real time. So several times throughout the workout, I double-clicked the pause button to pause, then play right away again, so I could see what I had done up to that point int he workout... Any suggestions on what I should do? I didn't have time this morning to check if it was that specific workout or if it was a glitch in my system, but I thought you may have seen that before. I vaguely remember someone else somewhere mentioning the line didn't show up until they saved one of their workouts but I couldn't find that to see if there was already an easy fix.
I have been using TR for almost all of my workouts and love it, love it, love it!
This morning when I did my OSADV W6 - 2 x 20' the little yellow line wan't there in real-time as I was doing my workout. I did notice if I clicked the pause button that the line up until that point in time would appear, but it still wasn't real time. So several times throughout the workout, I double-clicked the pause button to pause, then play right away again, so I could see what I had done up to that point int he workout... Any suggestions on what I should do? I didn't have time this morning to check if it was that specific workout or if it was a glitch in my system, but I thought you may have seen that before. I vaguely remember someone else somewhere mentioning the line didn't show up until they saved one of their workouts but I couldn't find that to see if there was already an easy fix.
Try updating to the latest beta. You're on 1.3.17 right now, 1.4.0 beta has a fix for that. A window should pop up when you open up TR.
If that doesn't happen, you can get it directly at
Still trying to figure out why my computer doesn't seem to acknowlege that TR is running my CT, and my computer goes to sleep. Is there a setting that I need to change? I'm currently running 1.4.0 and I did a workaround by changing the interval when my computer goes to sleep, but I was just curious about this.
@Nate: Thanks. I'll do that. @Tom: Thanks, but it is remaining paired when it happens. Basically, I'm pedaling along, TR is running, CT is running, and then the computer goes to sleep
Well, I heard from Reid. Right now, the only fix is resetting the interval when the computer goes to sleep. TR depends on an ANT+ stick to keep the computer awake. Reid mentioned that he is working on a fix for this.
If your VO2 is higher than 120% of FTP, is there anyway to override the target's in TR based on FTP so your actual VO2 numbers are the target for those WKOs?
I just completed my FTP test (ride 230311) and it only saved 15 minutes of the workout. Half of the VO2 test and none of the FTP test. I ended it early, not completing the entire cool down, but clicked the save button in the middle of the screen. I hope that you can recover/find it and save. Would rather not re-test.
Also, if there is something I did wrong, please let me know so I don't repeat mistake.
If your VO2 is higher than 120% of FTP, is there anyway to override the target's in TR based on FTP so your actual VO2 numbers are the target for those WKOs?
No . I the workout is defined for you to hit 120% of FTP there's no way to change just that part. You could move the entire workout up, but that wouldn't be the same thing.
If your VO2 is higher than 120% of FTP, is there anyway to override the target's in TR based on FTP so your actual VO2 numbers are the target for those WKOs?
No . I the workout is defined for you to hit 120% of FTP there's no way to change just that part. You could move the entire workout up, but that wouldn't be the same thing.
Hey Jason, that's a bug in our production code. we have a fix in our beta and we can recover that ride. E-mail us at and we'll get it fixed for you!
If your VO2 is higher than 120% of FTP, is there anyway to override the target's in TR based on FTP so your actual VO2 numbers are the target for those WKOs?
Hey, Kim, I was going to make a wiki entry on creating/modifying TR workouts, but the web site blew up, and page creation has still not been added. So this is what I plan to put in there:
Say you want to modify an existing Trainer Road workout or even create your own unique one. TR has a "Workout Creator" which makes this easy for anyone to do.
Step One: Download ( and install) the Beta Version of the TR software.
Step Two: Open TR, and click on the "Custom" button (on the right, just below "Info").
Step Three: Click on "Create Custom Workout" (just below the Custom button). This will open another program called "WorkoutCreator". You can either create a new workout, or modify an existing TR workout. To make a new one, select the "Custom" button, and then click on "Create Custom Workout" just below that. To modify an existing workout, click on TrainerRoad, and select (or search for) the workout you want to adjust.
[When the wiki is fully operational, I'll go into more detail on the following stuff, but for now ...]
You can click on any blue colored interval. Up top on the right, you'll see places where you can adjust the length ("duration") of an interval, and boxes to adjust the intensity of the interval ("Start FTP" and "End FTP). IMPORTANT: The numbers in the start and end FTP boxes represent % of FTP, NOT absolute watts. So to change an interval from 120% of FTP to 135%, you would just changes those numbers to 135, not the watts you are shooting for.
You can add notes to an interval (on the right), you can add new interval templates (on the bottom), you can write a summary (on the left). You can delete an intevral by selecting it and hitting the delete key, Don't forget to click "Publish" lower right, so the wko will appear in your "Custom" list.
Step Four: Click "Publish" to save the workout in the TR cloud. Only you will be able to see this new workout you created. And once you create it, you can modify it in the future. EG, you might want to change the warm up, or change the length of intervals, for a standard FTP or VO2 workout you do each week. Then close the WorkoutCreator window. [I usually close the TR window as well.]
Step Five: Use the workout. Re-open TrainerRoad. As before, select "Custom" button. Your new workout should appear below, just click on it and use it as you would any TR workout.
IMPORTANT: The numbers in the start and end FTP boxes represent % of FTP, NOT absolute watts.
THanks Al! This is helpful. I tried creating my own workout and that little piece of info had me stumped for a while since I was trying to use absolute watts instead of %FTP.
Do you happen to know how to get the workout to "countdown" the intervals? For some reason when I created my own workout I didn't get that countdown part to work (and man, I've really come to like that bit!)
@ Nemo ... Nope. And, program still seems to be a bit buggy. Like, random bits of deleted intervals remain behind, sort of like junk DNA accumulating. Intervals will randomly exchange time with an adjacent one. The appearance (but not the underlying FTP% of intervals will change. Etc. But it works, pretty much. Remember, it's still Beta.
@ Nemo ... Nope. And, program still seems to be a bit buggy. Like, random bits of deleted intervals remain behind, sort of like junk DNA accumulating. Intervals will randomly exchange time with an adjacent one. The appearance (but not the underlying FTP% of intervals will change. Etc. But it works, pretty much. Remember, it's still Beta.
Yah, it does kind of suck right now. We have an update coming out very soon. I'm just finishing up some "Snippets" work in it then we'll release. Should be much better.
For the interval level you had to have a rest level below like 60% FTP for the interval count down to work. That is fixed in the next version.
@Nate - I was playing around with the workout creator this afternoon. Question -- why is it that you have to have a minimum of 10seconds between intervals? I was trying to make a "standard EN warmup". As part of the 12 minute session, I want to 'intervalize' the last 1minute of it so I can capture AVG HR for that interval. Is the 10 second spacing something that can be addressed in the next revision?
With respect to the next update, would it be possible to:
-- show targets as a Range, rather than a Single Value. By that I mean have a shaded area of 95-100% of FTP at the top of the bar.
The reasoning for this is that we are shooting for a range of 95-100% during our FTP intervals. By having a single line, you find yourself trying to stay above it...and then you end up "overachieving on the interval." If the range were depicted, and yes I know this is purely a psychological trick but we are dealing with a visual medium here, then the temptation to overachieve would be significantly reduced.
So, if I am understanding this correctly, I should be starting the warm up and at the 13 minute mark, I activate TR. Perhaps this is a silly question - is there a way to get data on the TR screen (wattage, cadence, HR, etc...) w/out the timer and wattage/HR lines moving?
I'm not sure what you're talking about with the warm up, you can get the data on screen opening the workout but not starting it.
You will have to turn on "Don't use cadence to pause/play workouts" so that the workout doesn't start automatically. That's under the profile tab.
Here's a link with some more info:
Scott and Kim:
Can you send me the specific workout ID? It is the 4 digit coded in the Description area in between the brackets. Like this: [XXXX]
I will take a look.
Here is the code from my workout tonight 2163
Hope that helps
This is on our long term road map. Right now, there are some law suits going on around virtual courses. Cycleops just got sued because of their new software. We're going to wait and see what comes out of all of this before we dive into this area.
This morning when I did my OSADV W6 - 2 x 20' the little yellow line wan't there in real-time as I was doing my workout. I did notice if I clicked the pause button that the line up until that point in time would appear, but it still wasn't real time. So several times throughout the workout, I double-clicked the pause button to pause, then play right away again, so I could see what I had done up to that point int he workout... Any suggestions on what I should do? I didn't have time this morning to check if it was that specific workout or if it was a glitch in my system, but I thought you may have seen that before. I vaguely remember someone else somewhere mentioning the line didn't show up until they saved one of their workouts but I couldn't find that to see if there was already an easy fix.
Try updating to the latest beta. You're on 1.3.17 right now, 1.4.0 beta has a fix for that. A window should pop up when you open up TR.
If that doesn't happen, you can get it directly at
Still trying to figure out why my computer doesn't seem to acknowlege that TR is running my CT, and my computer goes to sleep. Is there a setting that I need to change? I'm currently running 1.4.0 and I did a workaround by changing the interval when my computer goes to sleep, but I was just curious about this.
Could you send this in to Ask for it to be assigned to Reid. He handles the CT side.
I don't think he's aware of this problem, so we'd be keen to fix this.
Once in a while TR seems to lose my CT. A really quick fix it to un-pair it and then pair it again. Have you tried that?
Loving TR!
@Tom: Thanks, but it is remaining paired when it happens. Basically, I'm pedaling along, TR is running, CT is running, and then the computer goes to sleep
Ah, could you contact the EN admin for this? They are the ones that make all of the EN workouts.
Thanks to TR for their quick reply.
Also, if there is something I did wrong, please let me know so I don't repeat mistake.
. I the workout is defined for you to hit 120% of FTP there's no way to change just that part. You could move the entire workout up, but that wouldn't be the same thing.
Hey, Kim, I was going to make a wiki entry on creating/modifying TR workouts, but the web site blew up, and page creation has still not been added. So this is what I plan to put in there:
Say you want to modify an existing Trainer Road workout or even create your own unique one. TR has a "Workout Creator" which makes this easy for anyone to do.
Step One: Download ( and install) the Beta Version of the TR software.
Step Two: Open TR, and click on the "Custom" button (on the right, just below "Info").
Step Three: Click on "Create Custom Workout" (just below the Custom button). This will open another program called "WorkoutCreator". You can either create a new workout, or modify an existing TR workout. To make a new one, select the "Custom" button, and then click on "Create Custom Workout" just below that. To modify an existing workout, click on TrainerRoad, and select (or search for) the workout you want to adjust.
[When the wiki is fully operational, I'll go into more detail on the following stuff, but for now ...]
You can click on any blue colored interval. Up top on the right, you'll see places where you can adjust the length ("duration") of an interval, and boxes to adjust the intensity of the interval ("Start FTP" and "End FTP). IMPORTANT: The numbers in the start and end FTP boxes represent % of FTP, NOT absolute watts. So to change an interval from 120% of FTP to 135%, you would just changes those numbers to 135, not the watts you are shooting for.
You can add notes to an interval (on the right), you can add new interval templates (on the bottom), you can write a summary (on the left). You can delete an intevral by selecting it and hitting the delete key, Don't forget to click "Publish" lower right, so the wko will appear in your "Custom" list.
Step Four: Click "Publish" to save the workout in the TR cloud. Only you will be able to see this new workout you created. And once you create it, you can modify it in the future. EG, you might want to change the warm up, or change the length of intervals, for a standard FTP or VO2 workout you do each week. Then close the WorkoutCreator window. [I usually close the TR window as well.]
Step Five: Use the workout. Re-open TrainerRoad. As before, select "Custom" button. Your new workout should appear below, just click on it and use it as you would any TR workout.
THanks Al! This is helpful. I tried creating my own workout and that little piece of info had me stumped for a while since I was trying to use absolute watts instead of %FTP.
Do you happen to know how to get the workout to "countdown" the intervals? For some reason when I created my own workout I didn't get that countdown part to work (and man, I've really come to like that bit!)
Yah, it does kind of suck right now. We have an update coming out very soon. I'm just finishing up some "Snippets" work in it then we'll release. Should be much better.
For the interval level you had to have a rest level below like 60% FTP for the interval count down to work. That is fixed in the next version.
With respect to the next update, would it be possible to:
-- show targets as a Range, rather than a Single Value. By that I mean have a shaded area of 95-100% of FTP at the top of the bar.
The reasoning for this is that we are shooting for a range of 95-100% during our FTP intervals. By having a single line, you find yourself trying to stay above it...and then you end up "overachieving on the interval." If the range were depicted, and yes I know this is purely a psychological trick but we are dealing with a visual medium here, then the temptation to overachieve would be significantly reduced.