I'm still walking around on cloud nine a bit, starting to come back to earth - boo! Thank you all so much for your wishes, and FB posts and for following me during the race!
Very special thanks to Beth S. for fed-exing me the chica visor! Wore it all race and crossed the finish line with it!
Thanks again to Barb for the "permanant" EN tri-top loaner. So great to meet you in person! A super tough race, but you gave it your all and did not give up!
Awesome to meet Amy and Yasko - we were all so close together at the finish, it was really cool!
@Kris - you (and Paul!) were an amazing cheerleader and source of calming information - thank you!!
The EN training and race prep was so important for my race - it can't be overstated. So great to have Patrick and the other EN folks at the race! Damn, I'm getting a little misty-eyed..
Sooooo excited for the IMOO chicas! Absolutely can not wait to follow all of you! Enjoy this final week, though it is a challenging one! You ladies have done all the work, and you are READY!
Nemo - so glad you are safe and don't need to worry about your house or getting to IMoo!!
My bikes have no names either, hmmm. I recently bought a new TT bike that I am absolutely in love with, it deserves a name!
Old black car was the Midnight Special and the old minvan was the Silver Bullet. Kids loved the 'bullet. Bought a new black minivan (listen, that thing can haul four bikes INSIDE plus wetsuits, toolbox, pumps, gatorade jugs and I don't need a ladder to get anything in or out, oh it also seats three lovely children comfortably....) and it was promptly christened the "Batmobile" we even have decals.....
Haven't noticed the bloating, but couldn't sleep a wink a Tuesday night, heart and mind racing, literally, pretty feverish as well. As a result of that plus busy day at work yesterday, slept like a rock last night. Whew. Temps dropping in Chicago-land to areas that are downright cold. Swam outside today and it was 60 with a strong winds, water was still warm but that air was mighty chilly! My point in mentioning this is that Sunday is a scheduled rest day, overnight low predicted at 49, absolute heavenly sleeping weather, plan to sleep as late as possible that morning (kids please be nice!).
Sheryl -- I'm nesting, too. I've actually banned myself from hanging art and curtains until after Ironman. I am tempted to call my friend, Jen's, favorite handyman, Mensch with a Wrench, to have it done. Having an attractive man about the house fixing things? Life could be worse.
Aimee - So glad you had a race! Enjoy the cloud! Enjoy the cloud! And so happy to hook a chica up with a visor.
Last night, I took a break from triathlon land and had a tiny dinner party. Kitima, you will be pleased to know I had fantastic results in making a salmon version of the delicious flank steak with harissa, radishes, and mint we had a Harvest.
I'm soo going to hide in the green room and nap over lunch today.
I am also in the no name for bike and car club. Tried a name for my tri bike, but just never felt the love. ( gone back and forth between CiCi and Attie, but nah)
Down another couple pounds today, just about 20lbs down, 40 more to go, but happy heading in right direction. Even better, my body is changing. I think next week will go to a smaller scrub size, mine kept falling down the other day. It is risky when I remove my lead apron, the velcro unties my scub bottoms
NEED CREATIVE IDEAS- yes, typical Tracy Fashion, leave wedding gift shopping til last minute. I am sooooo not a shopper. Gift purchasing not a strength. Going up to Rhode island tomorrow am for a wedding, one of my anesthesia school classmates. This is elena's 2nd marriage. She and her new husband both from Russia. Elena already has some stuff from previous marriage like crystal, etc. They lie to have a good time, entertain. They moved into a house in may, I saw it briefly, but it was before they moved in and don't remember the colors of the house. Any fun, cool wedding gift ideas out there. Elena is 40, Max is a little younger i think. Hitting mall later today Any thoughts, ideas?
Michele C and Kathy- how are you feeling
Aimee- congrats on a great race, so happy for you- enjoy all the feelings- pretty special
Beth-you always make me smile, would love a chica cooking camp.
Barb- how are you doing?
Nemo- glad you are safe, and able to go back home
Kris have you recovered for your sherpa day/weekend?
Tracy- Yeah! on the weight loss and feeling better. I am terrible at shopping so I can not help. I think my former BFF has never forgiven me because I didn't get an awesome gift. Thanks for asking. I am better today. After major sleeping Wed and Thurs nights, and yesterday sitting in my office, between patient's, trying to decide if I should cry or nap because I was sooooo tired, I woke up feeling great.
Since Earl is coming to town, I decided to make up yesterday's run and skip today's scheduled swim. Can I just say- taper is good to me. I was FLYING! Faster than my paces, but I made myself stick to the time limits and not over do it. Earl is not bad here, barely raining and no wind. I could swim after work, but I think that would be overkill considering I am getting over this cold. Probably bike indoors tomorrow and swim in the afternoon if the water isn't too cold, depends on how much rain falls overnight.
Tracy - 1. Are they registered anywhere? If so, I'd get something off of that. If no registry, find them something fun they can do together? Gift certificate for a cooking class? dance lessons? ice cream? other fun, date night thing?
NEED CREATIVE IDEAS- yes, typical Tracy Fashion, leave wedding gift shopping til last minute. I am sooooo not a shopper. Gift purchasing not a strength. Going up to Rhode island tomorrow am for a wedding, one of my anesthesia school classmates. This is elena's 2nd marriage. She and her new husband both from Russia. Elena already has some stuff from previous marriage like crystal, etc. They lie to have a good time, entertain. They moved into a house in may, I saw it briefly, but it was before they moved in and don't remember the colors of the house. Any fun, cool wedding gift ideas out there. Elena is 40, Max is a little younger i think. Hitting mall later today Any thoughts, ideas?
How about.... bottle of wine, nice set of 4 glasses and one of those Entertainment books that has coupons for local restaurants, entertainment etc? Throw it all in nice basket with a bow and some fuffie pretties stuff and viola!
Thank God for 3 days weekends before a race! Just now starting to get head above water and have lots of errands, packing, lists and general organization this week. I don't know what I have done if I had to ship my bike!
Tracy!!! I am in the same boat as you. I have a wedding tomorrow and have to get a wedding card right after work today. I will search online through their registry and hope there is something nice left. I have to figure out what I am going to wear that will hide my hideous tan lines and blistered feet then pack an overnight bag. I haven't even finished unpacking from Canada yet! At least I'll be able to drink wine and eat cake without worrying about it now.
Aimee, glad you're still in your high. Mine came crashing down as soon as I headed back to work. oh well, life goes on.
Nemo, I hope everything is ok. We're still waiting for Earl up here tonight.
Tracy...I too have 40 to go. Had hoped to have it off by this 3rd IM attempt but not to be so I do with what I have. Let's get this done together!!!! I get ya on the pants falling down. I don't really think it's safe to wear any of my walking shorts. They are gonna fall off. I went down a size on jeans too which is nice. Keep me accountable...k??? We are gonna be HOT by IM Tejas!!!! I'm shooting for about a lb a week so that it stays off and the skin goes down at the same time!
I guess in yesterday's bonky Target shopping trip, I left my purse on the buggy! can't find it, sick about it.. 2 CCs and a driver's license plus my USAT card, with the holiday, leaves me with one day (tues) to get my stuff. so here I sit, ready to finish shoppin for my packing and no money, no cash, no purse and all family members are gone. I found the teeny key USAT card in my car but will print out temporary, will get new driver's license, and have CC mailed to hotel to check in! another reason why I dislike tapers, my mind is so on the race, that I am not paying attention, clearly. hot, unloading cases of water and sodas into my car and I guess I parked the buggy with my purse... funding somebody else's Labor Day weekend... ugh. just had to tell DH I can't find it and of course he has same CCs and travels on Tues...I have never lost my whole purse before. now off to the pool store to test the water and hope they take just a check, we are customers.... I have sorted out my car from top to bottom, in mid 80s sun, and no wallet. can't think where it is and I have already called Target. meanwhile, I have not packed like I said I would and haven't showered from being back from bike ride!! deep breath, deep, will go take a rinse off and go get pool checked, my new found job apparently is "pool girl" and get that taken care of, then come home and pack and make a list of things to be purchased for when I get some moulah! I mean like I have 2 bucks, so hey I can go vacuum out my car also on my list! and then well, Tues hit up the driver's license place ......
bike ride this morning was great fun, though 8 girls and about a dozen guys mostly on tri bikes or who do tris.. where have they all been this whole summer??? anyways, a familiar route and 59 degs and I ddn't wear any arm warmers to test out my coolness for Madison. feet froze but warmed up over an hour into the ride. and my power was up too from IM pace, so this could require some socks! it felt like Fall or the beginning of it and I didn't even sweat!! but now the walk afterwards in the upper 60's and full sun felt warmish. and I remembered how singlets chafe me under my arms... so must put on chafing stuff. well I gotta scoot. very annoyed at myself for this waste of my time! I have the whole house to myself and I am searching for my purse! grrr m
So.....ran in the EN jersey this morning....yeah....let's just say Hooter's could use these jersey's!!! In spite of needing to weight about 40 lbs less....it does fit and as long as I don't see people rolling on the ground laughing and pointing, I will most likely wear it on the run unless the men's XXL that Rich sent seems a better choice. My running partners didn't make fun of me and my 18 year old fashion guru daughter said it looked fine.
Sorry bout the purse Marianne. That is a shame. Maybe someone will turn it in???? Hope????
Oh Marianne- that's such an aweful feeling! Getting all those cards canceled and getting new ones, right before a big trip- ugh!!! So sorry!
Gals on FB know already my dilemma. FedEx lost the shipping slip to my bike and delivered the bike back here to Nags Head today (that GOD I have my own luggage tag and address stickers all over that thing). I ran out to the driver and said "No- that doesn't get shipped here- it is supposed to be in Madison!" I had a copy of the shipping label (kept a copy for my records) and gave it to him and had him put Fiona back on the truck. I'm kicking myself for that move- I should have kept her and either flown with her or arranged overnight shipping myself. I called FedEx immediately and of course they don't have a record of the attempted delivery to my house (not updated yet) and the shipping depots are all closed until Tuesday (holiday weekend- oh joy) and so they apparently can't even confirm for me that they will be able to expedite the shipment and get it there NT Thursday. It was supposed to be delivered Tues or Wed. I've escalated the issue (that first person I spoke with was useless) and she is going to track it over the weekend. I'm frankly just hoping she is there by Friday so I can put her together and take her for a test ride before the race.
There's nothing else I can do right now but wait. I won't lie, I'm feeling very frustrated and just when I thought I could relax and breath after Earl, my stress level is back up there again. I'm just trying to remind myself that this really isn't the end of the world. I'm still healthy, there is still a good chance she will get there in time (in the nick of time, but in time) and this is all just a game in the end. We've had a lot worse things happen to folks here this year- so I really need to take it all in perspective. Just trying to breath!!!!
oh my goodness Nemo, you and the bike, this reminds me of you and the passport last year. now my purse is up and gone, no cash in there but still, the frustration. yes I will run in the EN singlet/sport top too, okay I am gonna go pack and see what is what. feel like consuming large pan of brownies. actually or going running neither of which do I need!! got pool chemicals so that should be looking good tomorrow, 86 here! aarrgh. I could spit, good thing I am by myself. oh, and trying to decide. DH gone on tues/WED so if I leave as wanted at 5 a.m. then I don t get youngest ones off to school, and rely on teenage sons to ensure they get up get dressed and get on bus. hmmm... this gets me where a Mom should be gotten, if I braid Grace's hair the night before then it sorta looks okay, then lay out clothes and etc then call Daniel while on the road (probably at Memphis by then) and make sure they are up and at em and if they miss bus then big bro could take them.... or I just stay here and routine as normal and I leave here later and then get in all of our traffic. ... spitting one more time, now! m
{{{Neems and Marianne}}}}--that's awful, stressful stuff. There has been a lot of stress swirling about this race. One thing or another--large and small. They all add up. We'll wipe the slate clean by next Sunday. Nemo, you're bike will get there--FedEx will overnight it for sure. M, I pray you find your purse.
Took today off in order to visit fully with my oldest son who came from VT for two days. I don't see him nearly enough, and I miss him. He works like a demon and has outrageous hours. We had a liesurely bfast, and took a long hike with Cali. He's getting a dog in two weeks, a 10-week Golden. He and his GF are naming him Gus. It's a like new member of the fam! Fraught with peril buying a dog with a GF, but they seem to be in it for the forever haul.
I have to jump on the CT for a spin tomorrow, since roadie is on there, and I don't have my PT or Keith's. It won't be longer than an hour. That will be enough for me. I'm still tired, and I want to start banking that rest.
I have not packed my normal clothes for Madison yet, and it is making me nutz. I have to get a suitcase packed tomorrow. So much to do, so little time...
Oh Marianne! Oh Nemo! Not the stress that you need right now.
Marianne- I wouldn't be surprised if the purse was snagged from the cart while your back was turned loading the groceries into the car. I saw it on the news and I am sure it happens fairly regularly. It may not have been that you forgot it, but that it was gone and you didn't notice until you needed it. So annoying! Why does crime still surprise me?
Nemo- So lucky that you were home. I have a lot of faith in FedEx. I bet if you keep calling them, reminding them this is because of their mistake losing the paper, I am sure Fiona will get to Madison by Thursday. No reason she shouldn't be there. Hang in. Perhaps Jim Hansen will let you borrow his bike for a training ride?
Drove to NY yesterday. As soon as I arrived, I went for a run to shake off 3 hours of driving and get moving. My li'l sister had a BBQ. She raised between 1/3 and 1/2 of the money for my charity challenge. Lots of folks came to the BBQ including some I hadn't seen for many years. Really had a great time. Stayed up way too late, but at least I didn't eat too much bad stuff. I was sitting in the corner of the yard and couldn't get out easily. Kept food out of my mouth. Got up this morning and then drove 3 hours back home. I went straight to the lake and did the swim, then just laid out in the sun for a while.
Sushi for lunch and I am trying to get motivated to start packing. Nap? Pack? You make the call...
I've been so engrossed in reading all of your packing stories, that I forgot that I need to give a bit of thought to what I'm bringing for my sherpa/cheering trip. Gotta get on that. I can't believe I'll be seeing all of you in person in just a few days. Please don't hesitate to use me for anything on race morning or the day before. Errands, pep talks, massages, an objective eye on the gear bags, or something as simple as zipping up the wetsuit before you head in to the water.
I've been totally down for the count yesterday and today after my stupid MTB crash. Uggh! It is so crazy how painful it is. When I want to get up after sitting on the couch or napping on the bed I can barely put weight on the leg. It gets better as the blood flows around, but sheesh, it KILLS until that time. Stupid crash too...on a flat section of trail, coming down a slight descent, nothing hard about it...how I clipped the tree that took me down I will never know....DH keeps saying it's a lack of skills. BS! I rode all the hard crap all day and didn't fall or complain once. Whatever.
Hey Olivia- I remember Penny put together a "Sherpa's Report" last year in the EN 3.0 forum with a list of suggested packing items. You might want to find that thread!
Marianne- I wouldn't be surprised if the purse was snagged from the cart while your back was turned loading the groceries into the car. *** yes I think this is what happened. I was feeling bonky and knew I shoulda eaten some candy!!! anyways, holiday weekend and nice Target and yep I was loading in sodas and waters on a sunny hot day and normally put my purse in my car first off. why not that day...oh yeah the buggy was rolling. yep it was stolen and the thiefs immed went to gas stations and filled up frequently so cc company shut it down immed. I only have 2 CCs and 1 debit card and 1 ck book and 1 Driver's license in there plus insurance card, not a handbag either and the purse was falling apart. beside the point but no value. no cash either but coupons!!! lol well hubby uses same CC but his former banking life and our excellent credit and years of service and they are mailing me an AM EX to my hotel and the other one will be mailed ASAP too. now to the bank tomorrow. and DL office. me and hubby share accts. and he has to travel so that is tricky about shutting stuff down!
but I was unable to shop the whole weekend so today nice advantage in that I can't go to the grocery store!!!! ha. wow what a chore killer that is. so we are eating what we have. smile. my youngest two kids were gone to the lake and actually I felt like I was at the beach as I have gone outside and back inside from my pool to chores inside. totally chilled. not hungry, sleepy and like a vegetable. now they are home and actually it was too quiet around here without them. like deafeningly quiet. yuck. anyways. back to normal life of mom stuff.
I think I am packed. and Cindi and David to ride in my car. and goodness I have loads of stuff. I mean shorts to trousers to gear to going out stuff. y'all are gonna love Cindi so if you find sherpa list let me know. I sent her the spectator guide and our route for bike ride on Thurs morning. This is my first triathlon of the season!!! with various injuries and family stuff this is it!!!
and as I reflect on each of the EN chicas and their races, feel like we have quite a history here. first off with Utah and all the way to KY. m
Barb, sorry you can't make it but we understand. Olivia, sorry about the mtb wreck and I am sure it was not mt biking skills!! Michele very cool about your sister.
Super excited for all of the IMOO Ladies! I know you will have amazing days, simply being together and if the pink speedos aren't motivation enough I will be tracking for sure. Miss the energy of an IM race day.
@ Olivia, I would second Nemo's recommendation for looking up the sherpa thread, I remember reading it and thinking it very helpful.
@ Linda, Marianne and other ladies with children, I am impressed with all that you manage on a daily basis and still complete this traning. Amazed.
I had a great long weekend. Sprint tri on Sunday (really had a lot of fun) and 90 min ride today (also a lot of fun). Beautiful weather. Also did some shopping this AM, bought a new wireless mouse for very old computer. So much easier to use, should have done that years ago. No clothes though Still feel like trying to settle into the apt, it will never feel like home I don't think. Just not ideal, only 9 months left of the lease. Looking for that second job to make enough to buy a place in 9 months. Oh boy.
yum. I like Indian food too. but now I am staying boring here. totally boring. Beth I am mechanically in ept, very. its a wonder they have let me stay in EN for so long!!!! lol. "stoopid easy" for Rich means "terribly difficult" for me!!
it is raining here no wonder I had good sleep, I love sleeping to good rain. my plants will be happy. I leave tomorrow!!! so much to do today so better go. MY FIFTH IRONMAN!!!! ha ha ha ha. and I still feel like a noob. smile.
Well ladies sounds like we are all stressed about race week. I've been sick for almost 2 weeks now. Strated out with a terrible cold that progressed to a sinus infection. Initially I kept trying to work out but the wheels eventually came off. I haven't worked out in three days. On day 3 of antibiotics and finally starting to feel human again. I can't remember the last time I took 3 days off in a row but any sort of exertion,like walking around the house and I would break into a sweat. I can't believe I will be doing an IM in a couple of days. I have faith I'll be healthy by race day and things will come together.
@Linda I hope you get all the "kids" off to college safely. Glad you are joining us at MOO.
@Marianne- wow sorry about your purse getting snagged. Happy you are getting it all worked out.
@Nemo-OMG about your bike. Crazy!!!!! I feel confident your bike will arrive in time to join us at the big dance.
To all the ladies, I hope you are having a great day. MOO chicas very excited about the chance to see all of you!
Kate- Glad ur starting to feel better. Not to worry about missing the workouts. I feel like they are more for getting rid of the excess energy I have. They have not been hard at all. Get well and let's have fun Sunday!!
Linda- I second the "You moms are amazing".
I have not packed ANYTHING. Can you say PROCRASTINATION? I have a massage after work and then I will stay up as late as needed to get it all done.
Kate- I'm so glad you are feeling better. Totally agree with Michele- you aren't missing anything with the workouts. I ran this morning orimarily to de-stress myself.
Beth- sooooo many of us with wheel covers- we've got your back!
Bike update: I swear God sends little messengers to keep me in a peaceful state of mind. Over the weekend our neighbors tood us out on an afternoon boat ride on the sound. It was a beautiful evening to be on the water and just so relaxing. Unexpectedly we came upon a pod of porpoise (about 25-30) swimming right next to the boat (all I could do not to jump in with them). Now I've actually laughed at the tour boats I see taking folks out "dolphin watching" because I was convinced they never came into the sound. But there they were! I told Tommy (my neighbor) that the boat ride and dolphins were a good omen for my race and getting my bike to Madison.
Fast forward to today. I got a cup of coffee, headed down to my office, and dialed FedEx just hoping it would all work out. I get to the "advocacy group" that has been helping me and the woman puts me on hold for a moment so she can call the depot to check on the box (which, by the way, hand't seem to move since Saturday). While on hold I look out my window and see a porpoise just 5-10 feet off my dock!! Amazing! I wanted a picture, wanted to call Joe to tell him to look, but I didn't dare hang up with the FedEx folks. Again, I took it as a sign things were gonna be OK and just stayed calm.
Turns out the Bike is still in Hertford, NC (about 1.5 hours away) and they were waiting for the manager to come in to figure out what to do next. The customer advocacy woman agreed with me that waiting wasn't an option. The FedEx ground folks don't have a way to transfer the package to FedEx Air (don't ask my why- that just doesn't make sense- whatever). So Joe is going to Hertford to pick up the bike and will be bringing it to the FedEx Air office in Manteo (next town/island over) to be shipped overnight for arrival in Madison by 3:00pm tomorrow. FedEx will be crediting me back for both the failed shipment and the air shipment.
Sooooooo- I have little dolphin socks that I bought from the LBS a few weeks ago. I think I might have to trade my cow socks for dolphin socks during the race this year :-)
wow... catching up after a weekend out of town and my heart is in my throat for everything that's happened.
@Marianne- I'm so sorry to hear about your purse, what rotten luck, and what rotten people to steal your purse. Glad to read it seems like you've got things squared away and not too much damage was done.
@Nemo - I'm so happy to read that your bike will be in Madison. Wow, I can't imagine the panic and anxiety...
@Olivia - how are you feeling? What happened? Are you okay? Rest and heal up!
@Kate - gasp.... a sinus infection? I hope you're on the mend, sounds like it's getting a bit better. I want you to have a great day in WI! Take care of yourself!
Hang in there ladies... just a few more days to go. I am very excited to be meeting you. I'll try to find that sherpa report and see what I need to know and be prepared for. x2 on what Olivia said, let me know what you'll need help with on Saturday and Sunday and I will do it!
After a weekend on the beach my weight is a bit up, but i'm okay with it - I was far far far from paleo.... but, I did manage to get in all my workouts last week and this week is test week... Got an email from Todd at TTBike and my bike arrived either Fri night or Sat morning and he was going to put it together this weekend... so, if all goes well, he'll ship it to me tonight. I will admit I'm totally nervous about having it shipped... after watching the youtube videos of what can happen to boxes with bikes...
here's the link to Penny's sherpa report. In the archived race reports thread (if you search "sherpa report," or maybe just "sherpa" I don't remember what I searched) there was another one with do's and don'ts, too...
Becky- I'm sure Todd will be certain to get that bike to you in pristine condition. He wouldn't be very successful if he had shipping problems.
Nemo- Dolphins- so beautiful. And yes- a GREAT omen! I don't have cow socks, but a cow jersey that I may wear over my singlet depending upon weather. Socks will be pink on the bike. Changing socks at T2 would let you wear both- cows and dolphins. Joe is seriously banking SAUs this week!
I am so jittery. So worried that anything I eat will make me ill. I am crazy! Threw away last nights leftovers because they didn't taste right the first time. Keep me sane ladies!
Hi chicas!!
I'm still walking around on cloud nine a bit, starting to come back to earth - boo! Thank you all so much for your wishes, and FB posts and for following me during the race!
Very special thanks to Beth S. for fed-exing me the chica visor! Wore it all race and crossed the finish line with it!
Thanks again to Barb for the "permanant" EN tri-top loaner. So great to meet you in person! A super tough race, but you gave it your all and did not give up!
Awesome to meet Amy and Yasko - we were all so close together at the finish, it was really cool!
@Kris - you (and Paul!) were an amazing cheerleader and source of calming information - thank you!!
The EN training and race prep was so important for my race - it can't be overstated. So great to have Patrick and the other EN folks at the race! Damn, I'm getting a little misty-eyed..
Sooooo excited for the IMOO chicas! Absolutely can not wait to follow all of you! Enjoy this final week, though it is a challenging one! You ladies have done all the work, and you are READY!
Nemo - so glad you are safe and don't need to worry about your house or getting to IMoo!!
My bikes have no names either, hmmm. I recently bought a new TT bike that I am absolutely in love with, it deserves a name!
Old black car was the Midnight Special and the old minvan was the Silver Bullet. Kids loved the 'bullet. Bought a new black minivan (listen, that thing can haul four bikes INSIDE plus wetsuits, toolbox, pumps, gatorade jugs and I don't need a ladder to get anything in or out, oh it also seats three lovely children comfortably....) and it was promptly christened the "Batmobile" we even have decals.....
Haven't noticed the bloating, but couldn't sleep a wink a Tuesday night, heart and mind racing, literally, pretty feverish as well. As a result of that plus busy day at work yesterday, slept like a rock last night. Whew. Temps dropping in Chicago-land to areas that are downright cold. Swam outside today and it was 60 with a strong winds, water was still warm but that air was mighty chilly! My point in mentioning this is that Sunday is a scheduled rest day, overnight low predicted at 49, absolute heavenly sleeping weather, plan to sleep as late as possible that morning (kids please be nice!).
Sheryl -- I'm nesting, too. I've actually banned myself from hanging art and curtains until after Ironman. I am tempted to call my friend, Jen's, favorite handyman, Mensch with a Wrench, to have it done. Having an attractive man about the house fixing things? Life could be worse.
Aimee - So glad you had a race! Enjoy the cloud! Enjoy the cloud! And so happy to hook a chica up with a visor.
Last night, I took a break from triathlon land and had a tiny dinner party. Kitima, you will be pleased to know I had fantastic results in making a salmon version of the delicious flank steak with harissa, radishes, and mint we had a Harvest.
I'm soo going to hide in the green room and nap over lunch today.
I am also in the no name for bike and car club. Tried a name for my tri bike, but just never felt the love. ( gone back and forth between CiCi and Attie, but nah)
Down another couple pounds today, just about 20lbs down, 40 more to go, but happy heading in right direction. Even better, my body is changing
. I think next week will go to a smaller scrub size, mine kept falling down the other day. It is risky when I remove my lead apron, the velcro unties my scub bottoms
NEED CREATIVE IDEAS- yes, typical Tracy Fashion, leave wedding gift shopping til last minute. I am sooooo not a shopper. Gift purchasing not a strength. Going up to Rhode island tomorrow am for a wedding, one of my anesthesia school classmates. This is elena's 2nd marriage. She and her new husband both from Russia. Elena already has some stuff from previous marriage like crystal, etc. They lie to have a good time, entertain. They moved into a house in may, I saw it briefly, but it was before they moved in and don't remember the colors of the house. Any fun, cool wedding gift ideas out there. Elena is 40, Max is a little younger i think. Hitting mall later today Any thoughts, ideas?
Michele C and Kathy- how are you feeling
Aimee- congrats on a great race, so happy for you- enjoy all the feelings- pretty special
Beth-you always make me smile, would love a chica cooking camp.
Barb- how are you doing?
Nemo- glad you are safe, and able to go back home
Kris have you recovered for your sherpa day/weekend?
Gotta scoot, tons to do today!
Since Earl is coming to town, I decided to make up yesterday's run and skip today's scheduled swim. Can I just say- taper is good to me. I was FLYING! Faster than my paces, but I made myself stick to the time limits and not over do it. Earl is not bad here, barely raining and no wind. I could swim after work, but I think that would be overkill considering I am getting over this cold. Probably bike indoors tomorrow and swim in the afternoon if the water isn't too cold, depends on how much rain falls overnight.
Nemo- So glad all is well. Are you heading home?
Beth- Dinner party?! Tres chic! Hope it was fun.
Tracy - 1. Are they registered anywhere? If so, I'd get something off of that. If no registry, find them something fun they can do together? Gift certificate for a cooking class? dance lessons? ice cream? other fun, date night thing?
Aimee, glad you're still in your high. Mine came crashing down as soon as I headed back to work.
Nemo, I hope everything is ok. We're still waiting for Earl up here tonight.
Enjoy your taper all you Moo Chicas!
Tracy...I too have 40 to go. Had hoped to have it off by this 3rd IM attempt but not to be so I do with what I have. Let's get this done together!!!! I get ya on the pants falling down. I don't really think it's safe to wear any of my walking shorts. They are gonna fall off. I went down a size on jeans too which is nice. Keep me accountable...k??? We are gonna be HOT by IM Tejas!!!! I'm shooting for about a lb a week so that it stays off and the skin goes down at the same time!
I guess in yesterday's bonky Target shopping trip, I left my purse on the buggy! can't find it, sick about it.. 2 CCs and a driver's license plus my USAT card, with the holiday, leaves me with one day (tues) to get my stuff. so here I sit, ready to finish shoppin for my packing and no money, no cash, no purse and all family members are gone. I found the teeny key USAT card in my car but will print out temporary, will get new driver's license, and have CC mailed to hotel to check in! another reason why I dislike tapers, my mind is so on the race, that I am not paying attention, clearly. hot, unloading cases of water and sodas into my car and I guess I parked the buggy with my purse... funding somebody else's Labor Day weekend... ugh. just had to tell DH I can't find it and of course he has same CCs and travels on Tues...I have never lost my whole purse before.
now off to the pool store to test the water and hope they take just a check, we are customers.... I have sorted out my car from top to bottom, in mid 80s sun, and no wallet. can't think where it is and I have already called Target.
meanwhile, I have not packed like I said I would and haven't showered from being back from bike ride!! deep breath, deep, will go take a rinse off and go get pool checked, my new found job apparently is "pool girl"
and get that taken care of, then come home and pack and make a list of things to be purchased for when I get some moulah! I mean like I have 2 bucks, so hey I can go vacuum out my car also on my list!
and then well, Tues hit up the driver's license place ......
bike ride this morning was great fun, though 8 girls and about a dozen guys mostly on tri bikes or who do tris.. where have they all been this whole summer??? anyways, a familiar route and 59 degs and I ddn't wear any arm warmers to test out my coolness for Madison. feet froze but warmed up over an hour into the ride. and my power was up too from IM pace, so this could require some socks!
it felt like Fall or the beginning of it and I didn't even sweat!! but now the walk afterwards in the upper 60's and full sun felt warmish. and I remembered how singlets chafe me under my arms... so must put on chafing stuff. well I gotta scoot. very annoyed at myself for this waste of my time! I have the whole house to myself and I am searching for my purse! grrr m
Sorry bout the purse Marianne. That is a shame. Maybe someone will turn it in???? Hope????
Gals on FB know already my dilemma. FedEx lost the shipping slip to my bike and delivered the bike back here to Nags Head today (that GOD I have my own luggage tag and address stickers all over that thing). I ran out to the driver and said "No- that doesn't get shipped here- it is supposed to be in Madison!" I had a copy of the shipping label (kept a copy for my records) and gave it to him and had him put Fiona back on the truck. I'm kicking myself for that move- I should have kept her and either flown with her or arranged overnight shipping myself. I called FedEx immediately and of course they don't have a record of the attempted delivery to my house (not updated yet) and the shipping depots are all closed until Tuesday (holiday weekend- oh joy) and so they apparently can't even confirm for me that they will be able to expedite the shipment and get it there NT Thursday. It was supposed to be delivered Tues or Wed. I've escalated the issue (that first person I spoke with was useless) and she is going to track it over the weekend. I'm frankly just hoping she is there by Friday so I can put her together and take her for a test ride before the race.
There's nothing else I can do right now but wait. I won't lie, I'm feeling very frustrated and just when I thought I could relax and breath after Earl, my stress level is back up there again. I'm just trying to remind myself that this really isn't the end of the world. I'm still healthy, there is still a good chance she will get there in time (in the nick of time, but in time) and this is all just a game in the end. We've had a lot worse things happen to folks here this year- so I really need to take it all in perspective. Just trying to breath!!!!
{{{Neems and Marianne}}}}--that's awful, stressful stuff. There has been a lot of stress swirling about this race. One thing or another--large and small. They all add up. We'll wipe the slate clean by next Sunday. Nemo, you're bike will get there--FedEx will overnight it for sure. M, I pray you find your purse.
Took today off in order to visit fully with my oldest son who came from VT for two days. I don't see him nearly enough, and I miss him. He works like a demon and has outrageous hours. We had a liesurely bfast, and took a long hike with Cali. He's getting a dog in two weeks, a 10-week Golden. He and his GF are naming him Gus.
It's a like new member of the fam! Fraught with peril buying a dog with a GF, but they seem to be in it for the forever haul.
I have to jump on the CT for a spin tomorrow, since roadie is on there, and I don't have my PT or Keith's. It won't be longer than an hour. That will be enough for me. I'm still tired, and I want to start banking that rest.
I have not packed my normal clothes for Madison yet, and it is making me nutz. I have to get a suitcase packed tomorrow. So much to do, so little time...
Nice long weekend to everyone!
Oh Marianne! Oh Nemo! Not the stress that you need right now.
Marianne- I wouldn't be surprised if the purse was snagged from the cart while your back was turned loading the groceries into the car. I saw it on the news and I am sure it happens fairly regularly. It may not have been that you forgot it, but that it was gone and you didn't notice until you needed it. So annoying! Why does crime still surprise me?
Nemo- So lucky that you were home. I have a lot of faith in FedEx. I bet if you keep calling them, reminding them this is because of their mistake losing the paper, I am sure Fiona will get to Madison by Thursday. No reason she shouldn't be there. Hang in. Perhaps Jim Hansen will let you borrow his bike for a training ride?
Drove to NY yesterday. As soon as I arrived, I went for a run to shake off 3 hours of driving and get moving. My li'l sister had a BBQ. She raised between 1/3 and 1/2 of the money for my charity challenge. Lots of folks came to the BBQ including some I hadn't seen for many years. Really had a great time. Stayed up way too late, but at least I didn't eat too much bad stuff. I was sitting in the corner of the yard and couldn't get out easily. Kept food out of my mouth. Got up this morning and then drove 3 hours back home. I went straight to the lake and did the swim, then just laid out in the sun for a while.
Sushi for lunch and I am trying to get motivated to start packing. Nap? Pack? You make the call...
I've been totally down for the count yesterday and today after my stupid MTB crash. Uggh! It is so crazy how painful it is. When I want to get up after sitting on the couch or napping on the bed I can barely put weight on the leg. It gets better as the blood flows around, but sheesh, it KILLS until that time. Stupid crash too...on a flat section of trail, coming down a slight descent, nothing hard about it...how I clipped the tree that took me down I will never know....DH keeps saying it's a lack of skills. BS! I rode all the hard crap all day and didn't fall or complain once. Whatever.
yes I think this is what happened. I was feeling bonky and knew I shoulda eaten some candy!!! anyways, holiday weekend and nice Target and yep I was loading in sodas and waters on a sunny hot day and normally put my purse in my car first off. why not that day...oh yeah the buggy was rolling. yep it was stolen and the thiefs immed went to gas stations and filled up frequently so cc company shut it down immed. I only have 2 CCs and 1 debit card and 1 ck book and 1 Driver's license in there plus insurance card, not a handbag either and the purse was falling apart. beside the point but no value. no cash either but coupons!!! lol well hubby uses same CC but his former banking life and our excellent credit and years of service and they are mailing me an AM EX to my hotel and the other one will be mailed ASAP too. now to the bank tomorrow. and DL office. me and hubby share accts. and he has to travel so that is tricky about shutting stuff down!
but I was unable to shop the whole weekend so today nice advantage in that I can't go to the grocery store!!!! ha. wow what a chore killer that is. so we are eating what we have. smile. my youngest two kids were gone to the lake and actually I felt like I was at the beach as I have gone outside and back inside from my pool to chores inside. totally chilled. not hungry, sleepy and like a vegetable. now they are home and actually it was too quiet around here without them. like deafeningly quiet. yuck. anyways. back to normal life of mom stuff.
I think I am packed. and Cindi and David to ride in my car. and goodness I have loads of stuff. I mean shorts to trousers to gear to going out stuff. y'all are gonna love Cindi so if you find sherpa list let me know. I sent her the spectator guide and our route for bike ride on Thurs morning. This is my first triathlon of the season!!! with various injuries and family stuff this is it!!!
and as I reflect on each of the EN chicas and their races, feel like we have quite a history here. first off with Utah and all the way to KY. m
Oh, no, Nemo and Marianne! Hopefully, all these things will sort themselves out. Meanwhile, zen thoughts coming your way.
Olivia -- Do sherpas help mechanicaly inept athletes who have never put on their wheelcovers figure that out? Um, ladies, I need help.
Indian food on order. This is probably the last day of exciting food before I switch over to the all american diet.
Yesterday, I did have a brunch worthy of the southern ladies -- eggs, grits, bacon and fried green tomatoes. Mmm.
Back to packing! I think the rest of the world is having a holiday weekend. . .
Super excited for all of the IMOO Ladies! I know you will have amazing days, simply being together and if the pink speedos aren't motivation enough
I will be tracking for sure. Miss the energy of an IM race day.
@ Olivia, I would second Nemo's recommendation for looking up the sherpa thread, I remember reading it and thinking it very helpful.
@ Linda, Marianne and other ladies with children, I am impressed with all that you manage on a daily basis and still complete this traning. Amazed.
I had a great long weekend. Sprint tri on Sunday (really had a lot of fun) and 90 min ride today (also a lot of fun). Beautiful weather. Also did some shopping this AM, bought a new wireless mouse for very old computer. So much easier to use, should have done that years ago. No clothes though
Still feel like trying to settle into the apt, it will never feel like home I don't think. Just not ideal, only 9 months left of the lease. Looking for that second job to make enough to buy a place in 9 months. Oh boy.
Hugs and good luck wishes to all!
yum. I like Indian food too. but now I am staying boring here. totally boring. Beth I am mechanically in ept, very. its a wonder they have let me stay in EN for so long!!!! lol. "stoopid easy" for Rich means "terribly difficult" for me!!
it is raining here no wonder I had good sleep, I love sleeping to good rain. my plants will be happy. I leave tomorrow!!! so much to do today so better go. MY FIFTH IRONMAN!!!! ha ha ha ha. and I still feel like a noob. smile.
@Linda I hope you get all the "kids" off to college safely. Glad you are joining us at MOO.
@Marianne- wow sorry about your purse getting snagged. Happy you are getting it all worked out.
@Nemo-OMG about your bike. Crazy!!!!! I feel confident your bike will arrive in time to join us at the big dance.
To all the ladies, I hope you are having a great day. MOO chicas very excited about the chance to see all of you!
Linda- I second the "You moms are amazing".
I have not packed ANYTHING. Can you say PROCRASTINATION? I have a massage after work and then I will stay up as late as needed to get it all done.
Leaving tomorrow morning. YIKES!
Beth- sooooo many of us with wheel covers- we've got your back!
Bike update: I swear God sends little messengers to keep me in a peaceful state of mind. Over the weekend our neighbors tood us out on an afternoon boat ride on the sound. It was a beautiful evening to be on the water and just so relaxing. Unexpectedly we came upon a pod of porpoise (about 25-30) swimming right next to the boat (all I could do not to jump in with them). Now I've actually laughed at the tour boats I see taking folks out "dolphin watching" because I was convinced they never came into the sound. But there they were! I told Tommy (my neighbor) that the boat ride and dolphins were a good omen for my race and getting my bike to Madison.
Fast forward to today. I got a cup of coffee, headed down to my office, and dialed FedEx just hoping it would all work out. I get to the "advocacy group" that has been helping me and the woman puts me on hold for a moment so she can call the depot to check on the box (which, by the way, hand't seem to move since Saturday). While on hold I look out my window and see a porpoise just 5-10 feet off my dock!! Amazing! I wanted a picture, wanted to call Joe to tell him to look, but I didn't dare hang up with the FedEx folks. Again, I took it as a sign things were gonna be OK and just stayed calm.
Turns out the Bike is still in Hertford, NC (about 1.5 hours away) and they were waiting for the manager to come in to figure out what to do next. The customer advocacy woman agreed with me that waiting wasn't an option. The FedEx ground folks don't have a way to transfer the package to FedEx Air (don't ask my why- that just doesn't make sense- whatever). So Joe is going to Hertford to pick up the bike and will be bringing it to the FedEx Air office in Manteo (next town/island over) to be shipped overnight for arrival in Madison by 3:00pm tomorrow. FedEx will be crediting me back for both the failed shipment and the air shipment.
Sooooooo- I have little dolphin socks that I bought from the LBS a few weeks ago. I think I might have to trade my cow socks for dolphin socks during the race this year :-)
wow... catching up after a weekend out of town and my heart is in my throat for everything that's happened.
@Marianne- I'm so sorry to hear about your purse, what rotten luck, and what rotten people to steal your purse. Glad to read it seems like you've got things squared away and not too much damage was done.
@Nemo - I'm so happy to read that your bike will be in Madison. Wow, I can't imagine the panic and anxiety...
@Olivia - how are you feeling? What happened? Are you okay? Rest and heal up!
@Kate - gasp.... a sinus infection? I hope you're on the mend, sounds like it's getting a bit better. I want you to have a great day in WI! Take care of yourself!
Hang in there ladies... just a few more days to go. I am very excited to be meeting you. I'll try to find that sherpa report and see what I need to know and be prepared for. x2 on what Olivia said, let me know what you'll need help with on Saturday and Sunday and I will do it!
After a weekend on the beach my weight is a bit up, but i'm okay with it - I was far far far from paleo.... but, I did manage to get in all my workouts last week and this week is test week...
Got an email from Todd at TTBike and my bike arrived either Fri night or Sat morning and he was going to put it together this weekend... so, if all goes well, he'll ship it to me tonight. I will admit I'm totally nervous about having it shipped... after watching the youtube videos of what can happen to boxes with bikes...
here's the link to Penny's sherpa report. In the archived race reports thread (if you search "sherpa report," or maybe just "sherpa" I don't remember what I searched) there was another one with do's and don'ts, too...
Nemo- Dolphins- so beautiful. And yes- a GREAT omen! I don't have cow socks, but a cow jersey that I may wear over my singlet depending upon weather. Socks will be pink on the bike. Changing socks at T2 would let you wear both- cows and dolphins.
Joe is seriously banking SAUs this week!
I am so jittery. So worried that anything I eat will make me ill. I am crazy! Threw away last nights leftovers because they didn't taste right the first time. Keep me sane ladies!